The Effects of Learning Vocabulary On English Speaking Anxiety Among Hcmute Non-English Majored Students
The Effects of Learning Vocabulary On English Speaking Anxiety Among Hcmute Non-English Majored Students
The Effects of Learning Vocabulary On English Speaking Anxiety Among Hcmute Non-English Majored Students
Summited by
Nguyen Vu Minh Hai
Supervised by
Nguyen Dinh Thu, Ph.D
My best regards,
Nguyen Vu Minh Hai
1. INTRODUCTION..........................................................................................................................1
1.1. Contexts, problems, objective and research questions.........................................................1
1.2. Significance of the study.........................................................................................................2
2. LITERATURE REVIEW..................................................................................................................3
2.1. Students’ background knowledge.............................................................................................3
2.3. Learning vocabulary..............................................................................................................3
2.4. The importance of speaking skill...........................................................................................3
2.5. Speaking-in-class anxiety among students............................................................................4
3. METHODOLOGY.........................................................................................................................5
3.1. Research design......................................................................................................................5
3.2. Participants and sampling:....................................................................................................5
3.3. Instrument:.............................................................................................................................5
3.4. Procedure................................................................................................................................5
4. FINDING AND DISCUSSION......................................................................................................7
4.1. Description of sample.............................................................................................................7
4.2. Finding for the research question..........................................................................................7
5. CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................12
1.1. Contexts, problems, objective and research questions
Language anxiety had often been reported to affect language learners negatively.
The influence of language anxiety could interfere students’ progress in mastering
importance language skills leading to affecting their motivation in taking the class
(Hidayati, 2018). Anxiety is defined as distress or uneasiness of mind caused by fear of
danger or misfortune. General anxiety is the excessive and exaggerated worry about
everyday things. Today, the professional interested in the development of students’
speaking proficiency is considerable. This concerns with oral competence, however,
may be intensifying high levels of foreign language anxiety experienced by some
. The purpose of this study is to identify and investigate the role of learning
vocabulary towards public speaking-in-class anxiety among non-English majored
students in HCMUTE. Based on those objectives, the research questions were
2. How important is vocabulary repertoire when making a public speaking-
1.2. Significance of the study
2.1. Students’ background knowledge
A lot of students might not concentrate on learning English during middle school
and high school so they couldn't have chances of knowing English profoundly. In fact,
some students have even skipped English at school in the past. And now in the present,
English becomes a second language in every country that require students to have good
skills especially speaking skills, then it is quite hard for university students to improve
speaking skills immediately. Therefore, speaking becomes a fear for students in
universities who are not majored in English.
The intervening aspect and the example itself (perpetual and moderate output
flux) make the learning process a complicated comprehension of speaking ability.
Good communication skills are now considered to be the most essential at all levels.
People usually evaluate someone’s speaking ability through their performance in front
of a crowd and whether that person can persuade them. Therefore, speaking skill
becomes a must-have skill for the one who wants to gain success.
3.1. Research design
The design of this study is quantitative. An online questionnaire via Google form
as a measuring instrument is conducted for the study. The participants are required to
answer all the item in the questionnaire honestly, giving their own perception about
their attitude towards speaking in English class, respond the main source that makes
them feel nervous while speaking and making speech, and last but not least whether
having good vocabulary repertoire can help them improve their speaking skill in
English class.
The participants of the research will be pick up randomly from other faculties in
HCMUTE that are not majored in English, totally 30 students are required to respond
the questionnaire via Google form sent by Facebook or link on Google Drive.
3.3. Instrument:
This research was conducted by using the quantitative approach included a close-
ended and Likert-scale questionnaire that were distributed to thirty students who are
not studying in FFL (Faculty of Foreign Language) in HCMUTE via Facebook or
Google Drive link. The questionnaire included:
The questionnaire was made with the assistance of Google Forms platform, the
was delivered to 30 non-English majored students in HCMUTE from age 18 – 22 years
old. Students are required to answer the questions honestly that the researcher can get
reliable responses for the results. Then it was analyzed and transformed into bar chart
and tables with assistance of Google Forms platform and Microsoft Excel. The last
step is to explain the result in Finding and Discussion part.
4.1. Description of sample
The data were collected from students who are not majored in English in
HCMUTE. Students are obliged to take General English course during academic years.
Therefore, speaking in class in a common activity that students have to take part in.
Generally, non-English majored do not have much positive attitudes about speaking
English in class and most of them do not have strategy for learning vocabulary
academically, That leads to limited vocabulary and lack of confident while speaking in
front of class.
Voluteer to speak Feel embarrassed Feel free to speak Practice in front of Afraid of making
and uncomfortable friends mistake
Following the next five questions asking about the effect of learning vocabulary
on speaking skill, a frequencies statics table shows the numbers of students’ perception
about the relationship between learning vocabulary and speaking skill.
56.7% on 100% students suppose that they cannot choose suitable words
to express their ideas while they are speaking, 33.3% have “strongly agree”
responses and the other (10%) choose “neutral”.
10% 10%
When asking about time to speak, the most answers show that it takes
time for students to think and speak what they want to, only 20% of the
participant doesn’t have difficulties in speaking time.
Feeling depressed
A large number of students assume that they all feel depressed when they
cannot express their idea due to having not enough words to speak, five (in total
30) students have neutral attitude although the rest of the students either choose
“Agree” or “Strongly agree”.
Most students assume that limited vocabulary is the major factor of fear
of speaking-in-class with total percentage of 76.7. None of the participants
disagree with the statement.
Fear of speaking can be improved by enriching vocabulary
The number of students who agree (or strongly agree) that enriching
vocabulary can have them improve speaking skill is nearly the same (76.7%).
To summarize five of the above questions, it is clear that vocabulary plays
an important role in speaking. Gaining enough vocabulary can make it easier for
students to express their ideas when they need to talk in front of the classroom
and can also minimize the feeling of anxiety during the period they speak. In
fact, students wouldn't have to spend too much time brainstorming a word they
can use, enriching vocabulary to have a wide vocabulary range would help the
understanding of students so they can speak with confidence in front of people.
15. I often pay attention to the meanings of words that you meet 10 16.7 26.7 36.6 10
somewhere (advertising poster, magazine, newspaper,
television, movies..).
The final group of five questions is to find out students' attitude towards
self-study vocabulary. A high percentage of students assume that vocabulary
contributes significantly to their point of view of speaking in front of the
classroom (50%). A medium number of students, however, have a neutral view
when they ask for time to study vocabulary to enrich their repertoire (53.3%) and
even 20% of students do not learn vocabulary by themselves. Additionally, to
develop their own vocabulary range, students do not spend time identifying and
reading additional sources relevant to their lessons. It looks like students don't
build incentives and don't have a strong analytical research plan so they're afraid
to talk to people, their speaking skills are still at the average range.
We can see that vocabulary plays the most vital role in speaking-in-class anxiety
on the basis of the aforementioned statistical facts from non-English high school
students obtained from HCMUTE. Students can strengthen their oral skills by having a
good vocabulary range and also enhance their attitude and behavior towards talking in
front of people. When students can speak fluently and express the ideas smoothly, they
would feel better, reduce pressure when they become the focus of attentions ad they
have to speak in front of people.
Students do understand the causes of the experience of fear and anxiety emotions
as they have to suffer from the feeling at least once when they engage in the
university's General English class; however, they do not have a technique or approach
to boost certain emotions of anxiety. Students are required to aware that learning for
expand vocabulary repertoire is not only support to enhance oral proficiencies, but also
help them enhance four skills that needed to master a second language as English. As a
result, teachers need to inspire and motivate students to pursue vocabulary
development and improve the four skills needed to learn a second language.
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Attitude towards speaking in front class Yes No
4. Do you often try to speak English in front of friends (who are familiar
with you) ?
5. Are you afraid of making mistakes while speaking English?
11. I think that learning vocabulary is the most important part that
helps I improve attitudes towards speaking in front of people.
12. I often self-study new words with an aim to enrich your
vocabulary repertoire.
13. I often looking into dictionary or ask your friends for the
meaning of vocabulary that you do not know.
14. I often read further materials with aim to learn more
15. I often pay attention to the meanings of words that you meet
somewhere (advertising poster, magazine, newspaper,
television, movies..).