Compulsory Subject ENGLISH (801) : Classes Xi & Xii
Compulsory Subject ENGLISH (801) : Classes Xi & Xii
Compulsory Subject ENGLISH (801) : Classes Xi & Xii
Aims (English Language) • use the English language for the purpose of study
and social and cultural interaction.
To develop the ability to:
• speak and write clearly and to the purpose, using
• derive, infer and critically assess information appropriate grammar, vocabulary and idiom.
through listening.
Aims (Prescribed Texts)
• express oneself by speaking individually, or in a
• To enjoy and appreciate literature through a
critical study of selected literary works.
• read with comprehension, drawing information
• Through the study of literature:
directly or by inference from the text, through an
understanding of grammar and structure, − approach an understanding of humanity.
vocabulary and idiom. − develop an interest in the thought and culture
• employ a variety of skills in writing within a of the peoples of the world.
framework using argument or imagination or − develop the power of expression and a sense
summarizing. of aesthetic values.
There will be two papers in English Language:
Paper I: Theory (3 hours): 80 Marks
Paper II: Project Work: 20 Marks
PAPER I: THEORY - 80 Marks
Question One: …10 Marks
Question Three:
A composition on one of a number of subjects.
… 20 Marks Short-answer questions to test grammar, structure and
usage. ...15 Marks
Question Two:
(a) Directed writing (article writing, book review, Question Four:
film review, review of cultural programme,
speech writing, report writing, personal profile, Comprehension. …20 Marks
and statement of purpose) based on suggested
points. …15 Marks
(b) Proposal Writing based on a given situation. The NOTE: It is recommended that in Paper 1, about
proposal should include (i) An Introduction 45 minutes should be spent on Question one,
55 minutes on Question two, 30 minutes on
(ii) Objectives (iii) List of measures to be taken.
A concluding statement is desirable. Question three and 50 minutes on Question four.
Question One (b) Candidates will be required to write a proposal
Candidates will be required to select one composition based on a given situation. The proposal should
topic from a choice of six. The choice will normally include an introduction, objectives and a list of
include narrative, descriptive, reflective, measures to be taken. A concluding statement is
argumentative, discursive topics and short story. desirable. The candidates will also be marked on
linguistic ability.
The required length of the composition is 400 – 450
words. Question Three
All the items in this question are compulsory and
The main criteria by which the compositions will be
their number and type / pattern may vary from year to
marked are as follows:
year. They will consist of short-answer, open
(a) The quality of the language employed, the range completion items or any other type, which will test
and appropriateness of vocabulary and sentence the candidates’ knowledge of the essentials of
structure, syntax, the correctness of grammatical functional English grammar and structure. Only two
constructions, punctuation and spelling. or three types will be included in any one
(b) The degree to which candidates have been examination.
successful in organising the content of the Question Four
composition as a whole and in individual
A passage of about 500 words will be provided.
Questions based on the passage will be as follows:
Question Two • Questions that test the candidates’ knowledge of
There are two parts in this question and both parts are vocabulary and ability to understand the content
compulsory. and infer information and meanings from the
(a) The piece of directed writing will be based on the
• A question that elicits the main ideas of all or
information and ideas provided. The required
part of the passage.
length will be about 300 words. The range of
In this part of the question, the candidate will be
subjects may include article writing, book
required to frame a summary (keeping to a word
review, film review, review of cultural
limit), in a coherent manner. Marks will be
programme, speech writing, report writing,
awarded for expression and the candidate’s
personal profile and statement of purpose.
ability to summarise clearly in complete
Skills such as selecting, amplifying, describing, sentences. Marks will be deducted for linguistic
presenting reasoned arguments, re-arranging and errors.
re-stating may be involved. The candidates’
ability in the above skills, including format, will It is recommended that this part be done in the
be taken into account as well as their ability to grid form.
handle language appropriately in the context of Use of abbreviations will not be accepted.
the given situation.
All questions are compulsory.
In addition to the syllabus prescribed above for Classes XI and XII, candidates are also required to be assessed
in Project Work.
Project Work in Class XI consists of assessment of Some of the themes which may be addressed are:
candidates in Listening and Speaking Skills which 1. Narrating an experience
are to be assessed internally, by the School, during 2. Giving directions or instructions on how to make
English course work and shown in the student’s or operate something
report and school record. 3. Providing a description
Candidates are to be assessed in two projects, one on 4. Giving a report
Listening Skills and one on Speaking Skills. 5. Expressing an opinion or a theme-based
Details of assignments for Project Work on Listening conversation
and Speaking Skills are given below:
Internal Evaluation by the Teacher (20 Marks):
Listening Skills
Assessment Description Marks
An unseen passage of about 500 words is to be read Criteria
aloud, twice, the first time at normal reading speed
Listening Response to questions 10
(about 110 words a minute) and the next time at a
Skills (Aural) based on listening
slower speed. The passage may be taken from any
novel, newspaper, magazine article, journal and so on comprehension
but not from an ICSE or ISC textbook. Students Speaking - Content 2
may make brief notes during the readings followed Skills (Oral) - Fluency 2
by answering objective type questions based on the - Vocabulary 2
passage, on the paper provided. - Sentence structure 2
Speaking Skills - Confidence 2
Students are to be assessed through an
individual presentation of about three minutes
followed by a discussion with the
subject teacher, for another two or three minutes.
There will be two papers in Literature in English:
Paper I: Theory (3 hours): 80 Marks
Paper II: Project Work: 20 Marks
PAPER I: THEORY – 80 Marks
Candidates will be required to answer five questions 4. The Chinese Statue – Jeffrey Archer
as follows:
5. A Gorilla in the Guest Room - Gerald
One textual question (compulsory) on the Durrell
Shakespeare play together with four other questions
on the three texts. III. Reverie: A Collection of ISC Poems (Evergreen
Publications (India) Ltd, New Delhi)
Question 1 compulsory.... 20 Marks, four other
questions, each carrying 15 Marks. 1. The Dolphins – Carol Ann Duffy
(Note: Candidates are reminded that infringement of 2. The Gift of India – Sarojini Naidu
the rubric will certainly invite penalty during the 3. John Brown – Bob Dylan
marking of answer scripts.)
The textual question, which will be set on the 4. Desiderata - Max Ehrmann
Shakespeare play, will contain three short passages 5. The Spider and the Fly – Mary Botham
and candidates will be required to answer questions Howitt
set on two of the passages. These Questions may
require candidates to explain words and phrases, to Syllabus to be covered in Class XII for the
rewrite passages in modern English, or to relate an ISC Examination - Literature in English
extract to the work as a whole. (English Paper – 2)*
The rest of the questions on the Shakespeare play and
on the other prescribed texts will be set on the I. Drama: The Tempest: William Shakespeare
episodes, the plot or plots, themes or ideas, (Complete drama)
characters, relationship and other prominent literary II. Echoes: A Collection of ISC Short Stories
qualities of the texts prescribed. (Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd, New Delhi).
1. Salvatore – W. Somerset Maugham
The Class XI Examination is to be conducted on the 2. Fritz – Satyajit Ray
portion of this syllabus that is to be covered during 3. Quality – John Galsworthy
the academic year.
4. To Build a Fire – Jack London
The Class XII - ISC Examination paper will be set on
5. The Story of an Hour – Kate Chopin
the entire syllabus prescribed for the subject.
6. The Chinese Statue – Jeffrey Archer
Syllabus to be covered in Class XI
7. A Gorilla in the Guest Room – Gerald
I. Drama: The Tempest: William Shakespeare Durrell
(Class XI: Act 1, Act 2, Act 3) 8. The Singing Lesson – Katherine Mansfield
II. Echoes: A Collection of ISC Short Stories 9. The Sound Machine – Roald Dahl
(Evergreen Publications (India) Ltd, New Delhi).
10. B. Wordsworth – V.S. Naipaul
1. Salvatore – W. Somerset Maugham
2. Fritz – Satyajit Ray
3. Quality – John Galsworthy
III. Reverie: A Collection of ISC Poems (Evergreen 8. Dover Beach – Matthew Arnold
Publications (India) Ltd, New Delhi) 9. The Spider and the Fly – Mary Botham
1. The Darkling Thrush – Thomas Hardy Howitt
2. Birches – Robert Frost 10. We are the Music Makers – Arthur William
3. The Dolphins – Carol Ann Duffy Edgar O’Shaughnessy
4. The Gift of India – Sarojini Naidu *For the ISC Examination, the complete syllabus
covered in Classes XI and XII will be examined
5. Crossing the Bar – Alfred, Lord Tennyson for Literature in English (English Paper – 2).
6. John Brown – Bob Dylan
7. Desiderata - Max Ehrmann For list of Prescribed Textbooks, see Appendix I.
List of suggested assignments for Project Work: 6. Identifying with a character in the chosen text
1. Analysis of a theme from any short story/ poem and presenting his/her personal perspective.
in the prescribed texts. 7. Imagining an alternate outcome or ending or
2. Analysis of a character from the drama or any extension of the chosen text and its impact on the
short story/poem in the prescribed texts. plot/setting/characters/mood and tone.
3. Background – historical, cultural, literary context 8. Comparing and contrasting two
and relevance of the writer/poet chosen. characters/themes from different short
stories/poems of the prescribed texts.
4. Summary / paraphrase of the chosen text.
5. Appreciation of literary qualities of the chosen
Note: No Question Paper for Project Work will be set by the Council.