Module 2 (STS and The Human Condition)
Module 2 (STS and The Human Condition)
Module 2 (STS and The Human Condition)
August 2020
Weeks 7-11
COURSE NAME : Science, Technology, and Society
I. Course Overview:
This course pack is specifically produced for the course GE- STS (Science, Technology, and Society)
intended for you, a student of SDSSU ______ campus enrolled in the Bachelor of ______________
program. This is the first module for the prelim period. Brief introduction to Science, Technology and
Society are some of the essentials included in this course pack. Considering the description of the
course, this course pack tries to incorporate discussions on the importance of studying Science,
Technology, and Society.
I. Academic Integrity
Academic honesty is required of all students. Plagiarism--to take and pass off as one’s
own work, the work or ideas of another--is a form of academic dishonesty. Penalties may be
assigned for any form of academic dishonesty” (See Student Handbook/College Manual).
Sanctions for breaches in academic integrity may include receiving a grade of a “Failed” on a
test or assignment. In addition, the Director of Student Affairs may impose further
administrative sanctions.
II. Introduction
The topics included in this lesson discuss the science, technology, and society’s state
nowadays giving emphasis on human condition.
Blakemore and Greenfield (1987; as cited in Bernaldez, 2001), recognized that the
possession of intellectual distinguishes a human being from another creature. This intellect
supports self-consciousness and awareness sufficient for the achievement of human
function, the discovery of truth, and the development of mankind.
Heidegger used the term “ dasein” which means “ being there” focuses on the “modes
of existence” or the who” of Dasein”. The modes of existence” is fundamentally
established by two things:
1. Dasein exists in a world and
2. Dasein has a self that it defines as it exists in such a world.
It would be beneficial if different views will be taken into accounts to understand it well. The
following are the selected philosophers’ point of views:
A. On Aristotle’s Viewpoint
Aristotle’s teachings suggest that each man’s life has a purpose and that the function of
one’s life is to attain that purpose. Aristotle believed that human beings have a natural
desire and capacity to know and understand the truth, to pursue moral excellence, and
to instantiate their ideas in the world through action.
Furthermore, these actions are geared towards one’s proper and desired end-
flourishing, happiness, or eudemonia.
What is Eudaimonia?
B. On Epicurus Viewpoint
Epicurus was a Greek philosopher who contradicted the
metaphysical philosophers.
He believed that balance and temperance were what
created space for happiness.
His view is not more of how happiness can be defined
but more on a theory about the real source to
experience it.
Furthermore, it agrees with the ethical doctrine which
claims pleasure is the norm of morality- hedonism but
reiterates the intelligent choice and practical wisdom to
measure against pain to attain well- being.
C. On Nietzsche’s Viewpoint
Ariola, M. (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc. Room 215
ICP Building, Cabildo St., Intramuros Manila. pp 61-63.
Bautista, D et al(2018) Science, Technology and Society MaxCor Publishing House Inc.132 Kalayaan Avenue, Diliman
Quezon Cty pp. 75-79.
Serafica, J., (2018). Science, Technology, and Society. Rex Book Store, Inc. (RBSI), 856 Nicanor Reyes Sr. St.,
Sampaloc Manila. pp 50-61.
Hickel, J. (2015). “Forget ‘Developing’ Rich Countries, It’s Time to ‘De-develop’ Rich Countries.” Accessed July 22,
2020. development-professionals-network/2015/sep/23/developing-poor-