NCP Increased Icp
NCP Increased Icp
NCP Increased Icp
Subjective Ineffective cerebral tissue Short term: Monitor vital signs After 2 hours of nursing
perfusion related to After 2 hours of nursing interventions, the patient
“Nahihilo ako at lagging increased intracranial interventions, the patient Rationale: To prevent demonstrated stable vital
nasusuka” as verbalized pressure as evidenced by will demonstrate stable further complications signs and minimized signs
by the client. vomiting and altered level vital signs and absence of increased intracranial
of consciousness. signs of increased Elevate the head of the pressure.
intracranial pressure. bed 15- 30 degrees.
Objective: Goal met
(+) Vomiting Long term: Rationale: To reduce
(+) Lethargy After 3 days of nursing blood flow to the brain Long term:
(+) Altered level of interventions, the patient with the use of gravity. After 3 days of nursing
consciousness. will have improved LOC interventions, the patient
(+) Fever- 37.7* C Instruct patients to dangle improved his LOC.
O2 Sat- 90 legs while seated on the
BP: 150/90 side of the bed after Goal met
PR: 58 waking up and before
RR: 17 standing up.
Rationale: To check if
there are further
complications of
increased ICP.
Administer medications
for management of
increased ICP and
administer diuretics as per
doctor’s order