Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity: Research Article
Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity: Research Article
Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity: Research Article
Research Article
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Accreditation is now widely used to attest for laboratory competence. Although accreditation was orig-
Received 27 November 2018 inally used to assess products in testing laboratories and still plays an increasingly important role in
Accepted 11 December 2018 international trade, it has been expanded to include laboratories in many social fields, including forensic
science, medicine, and animal quarantine reference. The accreditation process provides basic require-
ments for achieving global recognition for laboratory reports. This paper introduces the concept of
Keywords: accreditation and discusses the origins and development of the accreditation system in Chinese biosafety
laboratories. This study also reveals the important role of this system in national biosafety management
Biosafety laboratories
through an examination of the 14-year development of the Chinese biosafety laboratory accreditation
Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article
under CC BY-NC-ND license (
2588-9338/Ó 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under CC BY-NC-ND license (
P. Zhai et al. / Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity 1 (2019) 86–89 87
in a number of national or provincial-level biosafety projects. With department. The next step is to obtain verification for full compli-
its continuous contribution and the constant flow of scientific out- ance with relevant standards, including GB19489-2004 ‘‘Laborato-
puts, CNAS has experienced significant progress in its technical ries – General requirements for biosafety” and GB50346
capabilities. This has brought increasing credibility to its services. ‘‘Architectural and Technical Code for Biosafety Laboratories.” Enti-
ties seeking accreditation are then required to obtain inspection
and acceptance by the construction department. After completing
3. Operation of the national biosafety laboratory accreditation
the above procedures, biosafety laboratories should establish bio-
safety management systems and begin trial operation according
to the accreditation requirements for biosafety laboratories. Biosaf-
3.1. Biosafety laboratory accreditation requirements
ety laboratories may submit accreditation applications to CNAS
upon self-evaluation and obtaining satisfactory results during the
The Accreditation Criteria for Laboratory Biosafety (CNAS-CL05)
trial period.
is the current document used by CNAS for biosafety laboratory
Considering the high complexity and huge investments
accreditation. It includes relevant terms from GB19489-2008 ‘‘Lab-
involved in constructing (A)BSL-4 laboratories, CNAS may initiate
oratories - General requirements for biosafety”5 and the
accreditation activities as soon as a laboratory design is complete.
It can then perform the accreditation review process according to
Chapter 3 specifies the requirements for laboratory risk assess-
three phases (i.e., design document review, installation and trial
ment in CNAS-CL05. This includes risk identification, analysis, con-
operation review of key protective equipment, and safety manage-
trol, and management, thus requiring laboratories to establish risk
ment system and containment capability confirmation). Accredita-
management procedures. These measures emphasize risk assess-
tion certificates may be issued upon completion of the third phase.
ment as a basis for laboratory management and requires risk con-
trol to be an integral part of laboratory biosafety management.
3.2.2. Acceptance and review
Thus, risk assessment management is laboratory management;
Once an application for laboratory accreditation meets accep-
Chapter 6 provides construction specifications for BSL2-4 biosafety
tance requirements, CNAS will issue an acceptance notice to the
laboratories, including those for floor plans, environmental param-
applicant and organize an accreditation review team.
eters, HVAC, electrical controls, and water supply and drainage sys-
The review process is divided into the document review and on-
tems. Chapter 7 deals with the establishment and operation of the
site inspection stages. Document review refers to a process of ver-
biosafety management system, including organizational, docu-
ification by which the compliance review team assesses the pro-
ment management, personnel management, activity management,
vided application materials through relevant accreditation
housekeeping, internal audit and management review, corrective
criteria. On-site inspection refers to a compliance verification by
actions, waste disposal, and emergency response issues. Chapter
which the review team inspects the floor plan, structure, facilities,
7 also incorporates relevant requirements into ISO/IEC17025 (gen-
equipment, and other hardware. The team will also review the
eral competency requirements for testing and calibration laborato-
safety management system of the applicant laboratory according
ries). Also considering the unique characteristics of biosafety
to relevant accreditation requirements.
laboratories, this offers detailed specifications on laboratory safety
plans, safety inspections, waste disposal, and incident reporting.
3.2.3. Appraisal and certification
CNAS has progressively built on its accreditation specifications
The review team inspects documented corrective actions pro-
and procedures according to identified problems and emerging
vided by the applicant laboratory and then determines whether
demands during its years of involvement in biosafety laboratory
to recommend the laboratory to CNAS for accreditation. The CNAS
accreditation. It offered implementation details for CNAS-CL05 by
Appraisal Committee will evaluate the overall compliance of each
releasing CNAS-CL05-A001 ‘‘Guidance on the Application of Labo-
recommended laboratory within the accreditation requirements
ratory Biosafety Accreditation Criteria: Evaluation of Mobile Labo-
before making its final decision. The CNAS Secretariat issues a
ratories.” It also issued CNAS-CL05-A002 ‘‘Guidance on the
notice of the accreditation decision along with an accreditation
Application of Laboratory Biosafety Accreditation Criteria: Evalua-
certificate for each successful accreditation result. Accreditation
tion of Key Protective Equipments” concerning biosafety devices
is valid for 5 years.
(e.g., biosafety cabinets, autoclaves and animal isolation equip-
ment). CNAS facilitated understanding of relevant accreditation
3.2.4. Surveillance assessment and reassessment
documents by publishing supporting documents such as the
A surveillance assessment is conducted to verify that accredited
Accreditation Guide for ABSL-2 Biosafety Laboratories (CNAS-
laboratories continue to meet requirements throughout the valid-
GL031) for the accreditation of animal biosafety laboratories.
ity period of the accreditation certificate. Accredited (A)BSL-2 and
(A)BSL-3 biosafety laboratories should receive regular surveillance
3.2. Biosafety laboratory accreditation procedures and cycles reviews before 12-month, 30-month, and 48-month periods after
obtaining accreditation. BSL-4 laboratories should receive surveil-
3.2.1. Application lance reviews every 12 months. Surveillance reviews for (A)BSL-3
An applicant for laboratory accreditation should have clear legal and (A)BSL-4 laboratories should be conducted after terminal dis-
status and the ability to assume any corresponding legal responsi- infection of the laboratory. Surveillance reviews do not require
bilities. Such an applicant can be either an independent legal entity application and are often conducted on site.
or an institution authorized by an independent legal entity. Accredited laboratories shall apply for reassessment six months
The Regulations indicate that (A)BSL-2 biosafety laboratories before the accreditation certificate expires. The reassessment pro-
should file necessary documents at the health/veterinary depart- cess employs the same cycle and procedures performed upon ini-
ment of their local municipality prior to application. (A) BSL-3 tial accreditation.
and BSL-4 laboratories should first become listed in the national
biosafety laboratory system development plan. They should then 3.2.5. Changes
clear a construction review conducted by the Ministry of Science Accredited laboratories must notify the CNAS Secretariat in a
and Technology before passing the environmental impact assess- written form if any of the following changes take place during
ment and gaining approval from the environmental protection the validity period of the accreditation certificate:
P. Zhai et al. / Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity 1 (2019) 86–89 89