Investigation On The Effect of Cooling Rate On The Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene Self-Reinforced Composites

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Conference Paper · August 2018


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3 authors, including:

Farzaneh Hassani B.G. Falzon

Queen's University Belfast Queen's University Belfast


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ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Athens, Greece, 24-28th June 2018 1


Farzaneh Hassani 1, a), Peter J. Martin1, b), Brian G. Falzon1, c)
Advanced Composites Research Group, Queen’s University Belfast, UK

Keywords: self-reinforce composites, SRPP, cooling rate, impact, crystallisation


Cooling rate is considered to be one of the most important processing variables which affect the final
properties of self-reinforced composites. The effect is more pronounced when the base material is
semi-crystalline. The current study investigates the effect of this parameter on the final properties of
the self-reinforced polypropylene (SRPP). Bi-component fabrics of SRPP were consolidated at
different cooling rates for this study. The DSC thermograms proved different degrees of crystallinity
in the laminates. As expected more crystalline region were identified in the laminates consolidated
with the lower cooling rate. However, the impact resistance of the same samples were the least due to
less toughness of the matrix and more crystalline structure. Little or no change were observed in the
tensile mechanical properties and the interlayer bonding of the laminates.

1. Introduction

Self-reinforced composites (SRC) are fully recyclable materials due to the same nature of its
constituents. In SRCs, the reinforcement and the matrix are from the same thermoplastic and the
concept of creating these one-polymer composites lies on the different melting points of the two
phases. The first one-polymer composite was introduced by Capiati and Porter [1] in 1975 by
embedding high-density polyethylene filaments in molten low-density polyethylene matrix with a
lower melting point. Further investigations of this kind led to creating self-reinforced composites
based on other thermoplastic polymers such as polypropylene (PP) [2], Polyethylene therphatalate
(PET) [3] and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) [4].

Processing parameters in manufacturing the SRCs can highly affect the final properties of the
composite. Temperature is considered as the most important one. Compaction temperature is the peak
temperature to which the structure is heated for matrix creation and integration. Pressure is the second
parameter which should be accounted for in the processing of SRCs. The effect of processing pressure
on the final mechanical properties of the consolidated laminates has been discussed elsewhere [5].
Compaction time is the third parameter in the processing of SRCs. It is expected that relaxation of the
tie molecules and the oriented fibres occur in longer compaction times followed by a decrease in the
tensile mechanical properties. Work of Swolf [6] confirmed the expected trend with increasing the
compaction time.

Cooling rate is the fourth parameter whose effect is intensified where the material of interest is semi-
crystalline. The effect of cooling rate on the crystal formation and the morphology of different
thermoplastics is well established in the literature [7,8] however to the best knowledge of the author,
there has been no study so far on the effect of this factor on the final properties of the self-reinforced
polypropylene (SRPP). Work of Pejis [9] revealed three distinct regions of crystal formation within the

First A. Author, Second B. Author and Third C. Author

ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Athens, Greece, 24-28th June 2018 2

structure. The oriented fibres, the matrix sphereulites and the transcrystalline region between the fibres
and the matrix which can be also considered as the fibre/matrix bonding in which the last two is
assumed to be changed with the cooling rate during the consolidation process. Hence, the current
paper investigates this factor and tries to develop a guide for tailoring properties based on the final
properties’ requirement criteria.

2. Experimental

2.1. Materials and Manufacturing

Co-extruded bi-component polypropylene fabrics were generously provided by Don and Low
Company. The fabrics have an areal density of 107 g/m2 and came in plain weave with the same warp
and weft tapes with tex of 130. Tapes with a width of 2mm are co-extruded in three-layer structure
with a skin of a lower melting point which enables processing in a wide temperature window without
melting the cores.Collins platen press was used to consolidate the SRPP laminates. 10 layers of fabric
with 0/90 orientation were consolidated at 130°C for 10 minutes under 70bar pressure. The laminates
were remained under pressure at 130°C for 10 minutes before cooling at different cooling rates. Three
cooling rates of 2.5 °C/min, 10°C/min and 40°C/min were used for cooling the samples.

2.2. Tests

The consolidated samples with 5mg nominal weight were characterised in PerkinElmer DSC
instrument. Tensile tests were performed on a Zwick/Roell Z100 tensile machine with a 100 kN load
cell according to ASTM D638. T-peel test was performed according to the standard ASTM D1876. A
thin aluminum film was introduced between the mid-layer fabrics before the consolidation process to
induce unbonded arms. The arms are pulled apart with a cross-head speed of 5mm/min for a distance
of 40 mm. The average peel force is then calculated for the displacement of 10 to 50 mm
displacement. Instrumented falling dart impact test was used to find out the impact energy required to
introduce failure in 50% of the samples with different cooling rates. The tests were completed based
on the standard ASTM D5628-96 for which at least 20 samples were tested on different impact energy
levels until the full penetration is introduced in the sample.

3. Results and Discussion

The first and second heating DSC thermograms of the samples cooled at different cooling rates are
shown in Figure 1. As demonstrated in Figure 1.a, samples cooled at lower cooling rate exhibited a
wider side shoulder on the main melting peak which is attributed to higher crystallinity of the matrix
which is closer to the fibres. Another small extra peak can also be tracked after the first melting peak
neat 120°C which is regarding the less perfect crystal melting of the copolymer. This peak is more
pronounced for the laminates cooled at a the highest cooling rate of 40°C/min. It worth investigating
the second heating rate as demonstrated in Figure 1.b. The second heating temperature scan can
confirm the same trend for all three samples as the samples have been heated above their melting point
once and hence their thermal histories have been cleared and the crystal formation has been induced
during the cooling process.

First A. Author, Second B. Author and Third C. Author

ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Athens, Greece, 24-28th June 2018 3



Figure 1- a. First heating rate DSC thermograms of the consolidated samples at different cooling rates.
b. Second heating rate DSC thermograms of the consolidated samples at different cooling rates.

The results of the tensile mechanical and the T-peel tests are shown in Figure 2. As shown, the
mechanical properties of the laminates didn’t show noticeable change at different cooling rates,
exhibiting that the crystal formation does not affect the mechanical properties and the interlayer
bonding. This is in line with the previous work of Yamada [10] on highly oriented polypropylene
which states that the orientation of the tie molecules between the crystalline structure determine the
modulus of the consolidated samples. Hence, as during SRC processing the core structures are
remained unchanged, the tensile mechanical properties are expected to be in the same range.

Instrumented falling dart impact tests are shown in

Figure 3. As can be seen, samples with the higher cooling rates had the higher impact energy.
Although most of the completed work on self-reinforced polypropylene and their morphology has
been focused on the difference between the alpha and beta crystals [11-13], the findings in the current
work can be compared to those especially to the work of Barany [13] on the impact resistance self-
reinforced composites with iso and random co-polypropylene matrix. Barany has shown that SRPP
with random co-PP matrix has higher impact resistance compared to the i-PP which can be attributed
to the higher toughness of the matrix due to more amorphous regions. In the current work, the higher
amorphous region is attributed to the laminates consolidated as higher cooling rates and the results are
in line with the previous findings of this kind.

First A. Author, Second B. Author and Third C. Author

ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Athens, Greece, 24-28th June 2018 4

Figure 2- Peel strength and modulus of the consolidated samples at different cooling rates.

Figure 3- Impact energy to introduce failure in 50% of the samples solidified at different cooling

3. Conclusions

Self-reinforced polypropylene laminates were consolidated at three different cooling rates and the
effect of cooling rate on the properties of the laminates have been studied. Following are the
conclusions of the study:
 DSC thermal analysis of the samples clearly revealed the different degree of crystallinity at
different cooling rates. Samples consolidated at the lowest cooling rate exhibited the largest
side peak.
 The density of the laminates consolidated at higher cooling rates was 20% less than that of
consolidated at the lower cooling rate.
 Mechanical properties of the samples didn’t show any pronounced difference for different
cooling rates which is the result of un-affected core structure during the consolidation process.
 Impact resistance of the samples processed at higher cooling rates was higher due to the less
degree of crystallinity and hence higher toughness

Based on the current study and due to the fact that cooling rate does not change the mechanical
properties while affecting the impact properties, the higher cooling rate would be more desireable in
SRPP processing.

First A. Author, Second B. Author and Third C. Author

ECCM18 - 18th European Conference on Composite Materials
Athens, Greece, 24-28th June 2018 5

4. Future Work

A morphological study and measuring the degree of crystallinity for samples consolidated at different
cooling rates are the approaches to continue the current investigation. Furthermore, it is of great
importance to study the behaviour of the samples at different impact energy levels for a
comprehensive understanding of the effect of this processing variable.


The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation
programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 721256. Results presented in this
paper reflects only the authors’ views and the Agency is not responsible for any use that may be made
of the information it contains.


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First A. Author, Second B. Author and Third C. Author

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