Headlong Origins Pack Example
Headlong Origins Pack Example
Headlong Origins Pack Example
Headlong is a touring theatre company with a big imagina=on. We bring innova=ve new
work and re-imagined classics to audiences across the country. We are looking for Directors
with proven direc=ng experience, who would significantly benefit from this scheme at this
stage in their career.
• A bursary of £5,000 to support your prac=ce, and use however you see fit. This could
be anything from childcare to paid research =me.
• Budget for theatre =ckets, travel and accommoda=on to see shows across the UK.
• A fixed term posi=on as an Associate Ar=st at Headlong, providing access to
Headlong as a company. This could include aNending team mee=ngs, immersion into
our ar=s=c planning, using our office space, and engaging with our rehearsal
processes where appropriate.
• Mentorship from the Ar=s=c Director and Associate Ar=s=c Director at Headlong, and
other employees where appropriate.
• Networking opportuni=es and industry introduc=ons.
• Opportuni=es to be considered for employment as either an Assistant or Associate
Director at Headlong.
• The opportunity to pitch a development process on an idea for Headlong.
• The opportunity at the end of this scheme to pitch a produc=on as a Director for
Headlong to produce.
This scheme is open to any professional Director who is over 18 and has at least two years
professional direc=ng experience. The Director must have directed at least two professional
produc=ons, this can include fringe shows (with runs of no less than three weeks), and/or
substan=al community theatre work. This scheme is for directors who are not currently
ready to direct mid-scale touring work but would be at the end of their =me on Headlong
At Headlong, we believe that having a team from a wide range of backgrounds makes for a
more dynamic company. We are interested in suppor=ng ar=sts who might have less access
to the profession due to barriers such as class, disability, gender, geography or ethnicity.
We welcome applica=ons in any format, as we want to hear from you in whatever way feels
most appropriate for you and your work. This could be by a wriNen leNer or statement (up to
two sides of A4), a visual porXolio of your work, a short video or audio recording (up to five
minutes in length), or any other format that you feel works best.
● Tell us about a piece of work you have made that most excited you as an ar=st.
● What specifically would you gain from being part of Headlong Origins?
● What project or idea would you want to develop for Headlong as part of this
Applica@ons must include your CV, including full contact informa@on and references.
Please also a7ach a completed equal opportuni@es monitoring form (below).
You can email your applica=on to jobs@headlong.co.uk with “Headlong Origins” in the
subject line. If your applica=on file is too large for email, you can also use WeTransfer
Headlong Origins
Headlong Theatre
17 Risborough Street
Applica=ons close on Monday 10th June at 5pm. Interviews are likely to be held in the week
commencing Monday 1st July.
If you would like any of this informa=on in a different format please contact us
by email on info@headlong.co.uk.
You do not need to answer every question if you don’t want to, and anything you do tell us is
1. Gender (this is inclusive of all genders such as male, female, trans and non-binary identities)
I would describe myself as_____________________________________________________
2. Age
⬜ 0 - 19 ⬜ 20 - 34 ⬜ 35 – 49 ⬜ 50 - 64
⬜ 65+ ⬜ Not known ⬜ Prefer not to say
3. How would you describe your ethnic background? (you can tick more than one)
White Mixed Black / Black British
⬜ British ⬜ White & Black Caribbean ⬜ African
⬜ Irish ⬜ White & Black African ⬜ Caribbean
⬜ Gypsy / Irish Traveller ⬜ White & Asian ⬜ Any other Black
⬜ Any other White ⬜ Any other mixed background
background background
4. Sexual orientation
I would describe myself as________________________________________________
6. Socio-economic status (this is often defined as working class, middle class, upper class but
please don’t feel limited by these definitions)
Which socio-economic group do you perceive you belong to at this stage in your life?