Lab02 Create Windows Ec2 and RDP

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## Lab02 create a windows ec2 and login with rdp

- Login to AWS console

- From the top Navigation Bar/menu Click Services
- Select ec2 service
- Click on Launch Instance
- Choose Windows 2016 AMI
- Choose EC2 Instance Type of t2.micro
- Configure Instance
- There are many parameters we can configure but for this lab, we will leave
them default.
- Click "Next:Add Storage" leave it default
- Click "Next: Add Tags" and Tag Instance
- Configure Security Group
- Click Review and Launch Instance
- Create a Key Pair, download it , check the I Acknowledge box and Launch

Your instance will now launch.

- Click Connect
- Decrypt Password by supplying the key pair
- Use Microsoft Remote desktop to login. If you download RDP file from the EC2
instance, it's going to be easier to Connect
- Congratultions EC2 Windows instance should ask you username and password which
you can type and login to the instance.

## Cleanup
Terminate the EC2 instance after the lab

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