Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks
To our honorable guest speakers, to the dean of College of Nursing, Dr. Carina Joane
V. Barroso, to our College Chairperson Mr. Zenas B. Paloma, to our Level Coordinator
Ms. Mariz Rochelle C. Sedon, to the faculty members, staffs, students. Good afternoon
Indeed, this activity would not be successful without your presence. On behalf of the
seminar holders and facilitators, I like to thank you all for taking part in our seminar
entitled “Infection Control Management: Saving Lives: Protecting People”
The seminar was formally upon the seminar’s goals and objectives. The speaker was
introduced and later on followed by the discussion and demonstration f the seminar
topic by the resource speakers.
To sum it up, I hope that everyone has learned something from this seminar. Again,
thank you very much to every one of you, especially to our guest speakers for sharing
their time, experiences, expert knowledge, and insights regarding our topic.
As WHO said, No country, no healthcare facility, even within the most advanced and
sophisticated healthcare systems, can claim to be free of the problem of healthcare-
associated infections.
Let’s not be tangled in the labyrinth of infection and practice infection control
management. A pleasant day to everyone.