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Nama Sekolah : SD Global Madani

Kelas /Semester : III/1 (satu)
Tema/Sub Tema : 3. Keeping Healthy/ 3.2 How can we eat to keep healthy?
Pb./Alokasi Waktu ke : Pb.1/ 4x 30 menit ( 4 JP)
Fokus Pembelajaran : IPA


PEMBELAJARAN Pendahuluan : Salam, doa, dan apersepsi.
 Investigate the type Kegiatan inti :
of diet needed for us
to keep healthy. 2x 30 menit
 Recognise that  Let pupils explore and read up on the types of food we should take more and
some food can be less of, using the healthy eating pyramid on Pupil’s Book p. 67 as a guide.
unhealthy.  Encourage pupils to ask questions about food, such as:
– Which types of food are healthy and unhealthy?
B. KOMPETENSI – Why are some types of food healthy, while some types are not?
DASAR  Allow pupils to make generalisations such as the following:
3.1 Menganalisis what living – It is healthier to take more food like vegetables, fruit and wholegrain food.
things need – It is healthier to take less sugary, fatty and salty food.
4.1 Mengidentifikasi what  Ask them to predict what will happen if they eat too much healthy or unhealthy
living things need food.
C. INDIKATOR  Get pupils to write down their predictions on a piece of paper. Ask them to share
- Siswa mampu their answers with the class.
memahami semua Ask pupils to find out what will happen if their diets are not balanced.
materi tentang what
living things need 2x 30 menit
 Select a few pupils to share their answers about what will happen if their diets
are not balanced.
 Ask pupils to do Worksheet 2 (Activity Book pp. 30–31) to use the healthy eating
pyramid as a guide to decide what types of food to eat more or less of.
 Ask pupils to do Worksheet 3 (Activity Book pp. 32–33) to create a healthy meal
using the healthy eating plate as a guide. Show pupils pictures of examples of
healthy eating plates.
 Let pupils do Worksheet 4 (Activity Book pp. 34–35) to classify food into two
groups based on whether we should eat more or less of it.
Let pupils go through a checklist in Worksheet 5 (Activity Book pp. 36–37) to reflect
on their oral hygiene and to suggest how to improve their oral hygiene.

Guru dan siswa menyimpulkan
Melakukan refleksi/tanya jawab, penugasan dan informasi materi berikutnya
Animals, including 1.Sikap, melalui observasi dan pengamatan
humans, need water and
food to stay alive. 2.Pengetahuan. Uraian, unjuk kerja
Mengerjakan 10 soal
Ceramah, diskusi,
- Youtube
- Buku guru dan
buku siswa
- Worksheet

1. Penilaian Sikap
Bentuk penilaian sikap: observasi dan pengamatan
Instrumen: mencatat hal-hal menonjol (positif atau negatif) yang ditunjukkan siswa dalam sikap disiplin.
N Hari,Tanggal Nama Perilaku yang Butir Tindak Hasil
o Siswa Muncul Sikap Lanjut
1 Lovely
2 Hugo
3 Zahra
4 Hasan
5 Kenzie

2. Penilaian Pengetahuan
Bentuk tes: tes tertulis
Instrumen: soal uraian
Skoring: Jumlah benar x 100 Contoh: 25 x 100= 100
Bobot soal 25
Muatan Teknik Penilaian Bentuk Instumen Soal
IPA Tes tertulis Soal uraian Worksheet 2 (Activity Book pp. 30–31)
Worksheet 3 (Activity Book pp. 32–33)
Worksheet 4 (Activity Book pp. 34–35)
Worksheet 5 (Activity Book pp. 36–37)

Refleksi Guru:

Bandar Lampung, 10 Juli 2020

Kepala SD Global Madani Guru Kelas III

Yeni Marlena, S.Pd. Eka Pransiska, S.Pd.

NPGM 311090387 2 013 NPGM 315121091 2 122

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