VIA Character Strengths Matter 0421 Final

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Want to see character strengths in action? Try the reflection questions below, on your own or with
others, to explore how character strengths are a part of all human experiences.

1. Character strengths are capacities for thinking, feeling and behaving. They are positive
personality traits that can be improved and developed.
How do life changes (e.g. marriage, having a child, experiencing trauma) impact someone’s character strengths?

2. Character strengths are dimensional and expressed in degrees across a wide continuum.
Are certain strengths being overused or underused?

3. Character is plural. Character strengths are not expressed in isolation, but in combinations
or constellations.
Which character strengths are interacting to enable or hinder the expression of other strengths?

4. All 24 character strengths matter and they are universal to every person.
How does an experience call upon the expression of different (possibly lesser used) character strengths?

5. Character strengths are the driving force for other types of strengths, such as talents, skills,
interests, values and resources.
How do character strengths contribute to achieving goals and pursuing hobbies?

6. Character is being and doing. Character strengths reflect identity, self-understanding and
uniqueness and are expressed in behaviors and actions.
How do character strengths play a role in personal authenticity and/or striving to do good in the world?

To learn more about character strengths and how to use them to make positive life changes, visit For coaches,
managers, consultants, leaders and educators, discover how to use strengths to empower others:

Reference: Niemiec, R. M., & Pearce, R. (2021). The practice of character strengths: Unifying definitions, principles, and exploration of what’s soaring,
emerging, and ripe with potential in science and in practice. Frontiers in Psychology. DOI: 11:590220. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.590220 | © 2021 VIA Institute on Character · All Rights Reserved.

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