TSF Emergency Responce Plan 2020

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Christmas Creek TSF

Emergency Response Plan

Christmas Creek Emergency Services

Christmas Creek TSF Emergency Response Plan Page 2 of 24
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CC TSF Emergency Response Plan CC-10067-PL-EM-0001

Revision Number 2

Status IFU - Issued for Use

Author Richard Crawford


Checked Ryan Zan


Approved Christopher Mill


Confidentiality Fortescue Staff & Contractors Publish on Extranet


Revision History (to be completed for each version retained by Document Control)

Author Checker Approver Status Issued Date

Richard Crawford Karina Evans Richard Kerrison 0 IFU

Debbie Barrett Richard Crawford Richard Kerrison 1 IFU 24/04/2018

Richard Crawford Ryan Zan Christopher Mill 2 IFU 08/03/2020

1. INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose............................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Aim and Objectives............................................................................................5
1.3 Scope................................................................................................................... 5
1.4 Legislative Context.............................................................................................5
1.5 Legislative Obligations.......................................................................................6
1.6 Supporting Documents......................................................................................8
1.7 Responsibilities..................................................................................................8

2. PLAN............................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Preparedness Strategies....................................................................................9
2.1.1 Training and Information.........................................................................9
2.1.2 Procedures, Plans and Quick Cards.....................................................10
2.1.3 Evacuations..........................................................................................10
2.1.4 Traffic Management..............................................................................11
2.1.5 Radio Communications.........................................................................11
2.1.6 Pre-Start Information (PSI) Meetings....................................................11
2.2 Response Strategies........................................................................................11
2.2.1 Trigger Action Response Plan...............................................................11
2.2.2 First Response......................................................................................12
2.2.3 Emergency Response...........................................................................13
2.2.4 Incident Management Team Activation.................................................13
2.2.5 Accounting For Personnel.....................................................................14
2.2.6 Incident Action Plan (IAP).....................................................................15
2.2.7 Mutual Aid.............................................................................................16
2.2.8 Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS).....................................................16
2.3 Recovery Strategies.........................................................................................16
2.3.1 Demarcation..........................................................................................16
2.3.2 Termination...........................................................................................16
2.3.3 Authority to Enter Incident Area............................................................17
2.3.4 Chaplain Service and Employee Support..............................................17

3. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................................ 17
4. MONITORING AND REVIEW........................................................................................17

5. DOCUMENTATION AND RECORDS MANAGEMENT.................................................18

6. REFERENCES............................................................................................................... 18


Appendix A TSF – Tailings Storage Failure Incident Plan Quick Card

Appendix B Map of proposed exclusion zone and road blocks
Appendix C Hazard Plan July 2017
Appendix D Emergency Contact Details
Appendix E Primary Muster Point (Flinders S17 to S19)

1.1 Purpose

This Emergency Response Plan (‘the Plan’) has been developed as a guide for the effective
response and management in the event of an emergency incident at the Christmas Creek
Tailings Storage Facility (TSF). Specifically, the Plan details the risks and strategies for
preparedness, response and recovery from a Dam Wall Failure (DWF) at the Christmas Creek
TSF whereby persons may be affected by potential engulfment and/or entrapment as a result of
the wall failure. This Plan should be read in conjunction with the Christmas Creek Emergency
Response Plan CC-PL-EM-0001.

1.2 Aim and Objectives

The aim of the Christmas Creek TSF Emergency Response Plan is to detail the management
arrangements for preparation and response to a Dam Wall Failure at the Christmas Creek TSF
and its surrounds, particularly where people may be affected.

The objectives of this plan are:

 Ensure the safety of all personnel during and after a DWF

 Minimise impact on environment, property and cultural areas
 Limit any disruptions to business
 Ensure Emergency Response dedicated personnel are trained in the principles to
respond, search and effectively manage any injured persons as a result of a DWF
 Detail the arrangements for the control, coordination and response by Christmas Creek
Emergency Services at a DWF
 Allocation of responsibilities to key personnel

1.3 Scope

This Plan shall apply to all employees and contractors working within the Christmas Creek Mine
Operations and within the Christmas Creek mining leases, including those areas under the
operations of contractors, sub-contractors and suppliers.

1.4 Legislative Context

The following Legislation provides the broad framework for which this procedure must operate
and with which it needs to comply.

Table 1: Legislation
Act / Regulation / Standards

Emergency Management Act 2005 (WA)

Emergency Management Regulations 2006 (WA)

Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 (WA)

Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995 (WA)

Mining Act 1978 (WA)

Mining Regulations 1981 (WA)

1.5 Legislative Obligations

The hazard rating system applicable to Tailing Storage Facilities (TSFs) in Western Australia in
accordance with the Tailings Storage Facilities in Western Australia (2013) Code of Practice
and Guidelines on the Safe Design and Operating Standards for Tailings Storage (1999)
publication is derived considering the potential adverse impacts or damage from:

 Embankment or structural failure; and

 Controlled or uncontrolled release of tailings / water, or seepage.

There is currently one active tailings storage facility(TSF) and four non-active TSF at the
Christmas Creek Mine. Three of the non active TSF have fully reached their capacity.
Below is a summary of all the tailings storage facility with their hazard classification;

Table 2: Tailings Storage Facilities at Christmas Creek

TSF Status DMP Category ANCOLD dam

Flinders In-pit TSF Active Category 3; low Very low
S12 hazard rating
Flinders S17 to S19 Active Category 3; low low
hazard rating
Windich 8-9 Above Non-active and full Category 1 Significant
Windich 10-13 Non-active and full Category 1 Significant
Vasse TSF Non-active and full Category 1 Significant

The ‘very low’ and “low” dam failure consequence rating in the table above for Flinders In-
pit TSF and Flinders S12 respectively indicates a ‘minor’ impact to the business with
population at risk is less than 1 if the TSF’s were to fail. There is no risk of tailings
release as a result of failure of the containment structure.

All the facilities in the atbel above with the ‘significant’ dam failure category will have
medium financial impact to the business as well the potential for one or more lives
being lost if the dam fails on a sunny day.
The hazard rating also defines the minimum mandatory performance the Department of Mines
and Petroleum (DMP) expect to be established in terms of operation, surveillance, monitoring,
maintenance, incident reporting and emergency response.

Regulations relevant to emergency planning at mine sites are detailed in Part 4 – General
safety requirements, Division 3 – Emergency Preparation of the Mines Safety and Inspection
Regulations 1995.

The Emergency Management Act 2005 and Emergency Management Regulations 2006 define
the powers delegated by the Western Australian State Government to relevant authorities for
the purposes of emergency management during an emergency situation or State of Emergency.
In particular it defines the requirements for Emergency Management Committees at Local, State
and District level and outlines Western Australian Emergency Management arrangements and
organisation and operational boundaries.

An emergency is defined as an event, actual or imminent, which endangers or threatens to

endanger life, property or the environment which requires coordination of a number of
significant emergency management activities.

To ensure that the management of emergencies has been prepared for Fortescue, as the
Principal Employer, and the Registered Manager must ensure that a plan for dealing with
emergencies at Christmas Creek is prepared, updated and revised in accordance with
Regulation 4.30 of the Mines Safety and Inspection Regulations 1995 (WA).

All identified hazards must be assessed:

 For probability and consideration given to potential severity

 With regard to prevention; and
 With regard to emergency management

The Emergency Plan must consider means by which any such emergency may be prevented or
dealt with by including:

 The provision of appropriate facilities and equipment and effective alarm systems;
 The testing of alarm systems;
 The development of procedures to deal with emergencies;
 The training of employees in emergency procedures;
 The training of employees in mine rescue and other relevant emergency response
functions; and
 The review of facilities, equipment and procedures.

The Emergency Plan must:

 Detail the method for identifying and accounting for the number of persons on site at all
 Ensure the existence of a system to control the movement and the accounting of site
 Allocates responsibilities to key personnel;
 Details the procedures to be followed and the duties of key personnel in the case of
each of the identified possible emergencies;
 Provide for the training of personnel to manage emergencies; and
 Be communicated to all personnel.

1.6 Supporting Documents

Table 3: Supporting Documents

Document Number Document

CC-PL-EM-0001 Christmas Creek Emergency Response Plan
CC-PL-EM-0003 Christmas Creek Emergency Response Risk Management Plan
CC-10067-PL-EM-0002 TSF Dam Wall Failure Incident Plan Quick Card
CC-QC-EM-0008 Christmas Creek Hazardous Materials Incident Response Plan Quick Card
100-PR-SA-0071 Missing Person Procedure
100-PR-SA-0049 Traffic Management
100-CK-EM-0001 Incident Management Team Roles and Responsibilities
100-ST-SA-0079 HSES Management Standards
100-PR-SA-0011_18 Incident Event Management
45-MP-EM-0001.001 Map for FMG Emergency Response Pilbara

1.7 Responsibilities

Table 4: Responsibilities

Role/Department Primary Function

Registered Mine Manager/Senior Site Ultimately responsible for the development and successful
Official implementation of this Plan. This function is delegated to the HSES
Ensure adequate resources are available to support the Plan.
HSES Manager The successful implementation and communication of this
Emergency Response Plan.
Emergency Services Supervisor Coordinate Response to any emergency incident within the
Christmas Creek TSF as Incident Controller/On Scene
Review of this Emergency Response Plan.
Ensure that all Emergency Response personnel are competently
trained in emergency response techniques to render assistance at
an emergency incident within the Christmas Creek TSF.
Emergency Services Department Provide preparation, response and recovery activities in response
to any incident within the Christmas Creek TSF.
Remain vigilant and ready to respond.
Emergency Response Team Provide reactive support as part of the emergency response to any
incident within the Christmas Creek TSF where required.
Area Managers, Superintendents and Ensure employees in their control are trained and able to respond
Supervisors and communicate in an emergency event.
Quarry Manager Ensure compliance to the Mines Safety and Inspection Act
WA1994 (the ‘Act’), the Mines Safety and Inspection
Regulations WA 1995 (the ‘Regulations’), and related Codes of
Practice and Guidelines in relation to Tailings Storage Facility
safety obligations as well as safety and wellbeing of personnel
working within Christmas Creek TSF area which is within active
mining area of Christmas Creek mining operations
Mine Control Provide logistical support, where needed, as part of the emergency
response to any incident within the Christmas Creek TSF


2.1 Preparedness Strategies

2.1.1 Training and Information

Training and development is provided to Christmas Creek Emergency Service personnel with
regard to emergency response. This is provided in the form of nationally accredited training,
inductions, information sessions and notices with practical training given through the practice of

Nationally Accredited Training is provided to Emergency Services Officers and Emergency

Response Team volunteers in the following disciplines:

Emergency Services Officers:

 Firefighting (Structural and Bushfire)

 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
 Road Crash Rescue / Vehicle Extrication
 Vertical Rescue
 Confined Space Rescue
 Hazardous Material (HazMat) Response
 Confined Space Rescue
 Land Search and Rescue
 Cert IV – Pre-Hospital Care (Ambulance)

Emergency Response Team Volunteers:

 Firefighting (Structural)
 Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
 Road Crash Rescue / Vehicle Extrication
 Vertical Rescue
 Confined Space Rescue
 Hazardous Material (HazMat) Response
 Confined Space Rescue
 Cert II – Emergency Medical Service First Response

Multiple levels of preparedness strategy training and response scenario exercises are required
to develop and maintain the systematic approach for all emergency incidents within Christmas

Effective Public Safety Training package delivery, planned training days and reviews from
scenarios and incident debriefs ensures continual development is maintained for all emergency
service personnel.

2.1.2 Procedures, Plans and Quick Cards

Christmas Creek Emergency Services employs the use of various documents to assist with any
response to an emergency incident within the Christmas Creek TSF. These include but are not
limited to, The Christmas Creek Emergency Response Plan CC-PL-EM-0001.

2.1.3 Evacuations

Each specific work area and/or Village and Camp under the responsibility of the relevant Area
Manager shall:

 Communicate the area specific evacuation process to all persons who enter that area of
 Identify designated assembly areas and evacuation routes, including alternatives; where
 Sign-post areas and routes and communicate their location to all personnel who work in
that area;
 Prominently display work area-specific evacuation maps in each work area in accordance
with Australian Standard AS 3745:2010 Planning for emergencies in fatalities;
 Keep designated access ways for emergency vehicles clear and serviceable at all times;
 Initiate the area specific evacuation process in the event of an emergency requiring
evacuation; and
 Appoint Area Wardens; request and arrange training via Emergency Services and the
Training Department.

These requirements will be monitored for compliance and effectiveness through inspections,
annual emergency drills, post drill evaluations and assignment of any actions arising from such
activities shall be recorded and tracked using the Business Management System (BMS).

2.1.4 Traffic Management

Fortescue Christmas Creek incorporates a Traffic Management Plan which has been developed
to manage risks and communicate information regarding control measures and includes;

 Desired flow of pedestrian and vehicle movements

 Expected frequency of interaction of mobile plant, vehicles and pedestrians
 Traffic controls for each expected interaction, including illustrations of the layout of
barriers, walkways, signs and general arrangements to warn and guide traffic around,
past or through a work site or temporary hazard
 Roles and responsibilities of persons in the workplace for traffic management
 Instructions or procedures associated with the control of traffic, including in an
 Identification of signage and exclusion zone requirements.

2.1.5 Radio Communications

Christmas Creek maintains a process to adhere to legislation which defines the use of radio
communications for both operational and emergency use for all personnel that works within the
Christmas Creek mining lease. The site designated Emergency Channel is 66b. In the event of
an emergency incident, Mine Control can active the designated emergency tone across all
working channels in accordance with the Emergency Services Department.

2.1.6 Pre-Start Information (PSI) Meetings

It is a Fortescue and Christmas Creek site wide requirement that all personnel, both employees
and contractors attend a designated pre-start information meeting prior to the commencement
of their shift each day or night. The purpose of this meeting is to account for personnel that have
presented for their shift, communicate relevant health and safety information and brief on the
shift ahead. As Fortescue has a zero tolerance for persons presenting for work affected by
alcohol and other drugs, all personnel are breathalysed at the pre-start information meeting with
the results documented.

2.2 Response Strategies

2.2.1 Trigger Action Response Plan

The Christmas Creek TSF is managed in accordance with the various Operations Management
Manual. The manual contains a Trigger Action Response Plan (TARP) for identified and
potential threats. The intent of the TARP is to prevent small manageable issues from escalating,
ensuring that the appropriate level of response occurs and if necessary, the issue is escalated
so that appropriate emergency response can be taken to ensure the safety of all personnel
(refer to Table 5: TARP).

Table 5: TARP

Incident Level Descriptor/Examples Action Reporting and Escalation

Level 1 1. Can be resolved through 1. Inform Manager- 1. Enter Hazard into BMS (note
(routine) local response within a Chichester Water Incident Level)
short period i.e. hours to Management
days, or can be left as is 2. Report in daily diary or daily
2. Does not require specific 2. Inform Quarry Manager report
risk management plan to
prevent escalation. 3. Inform site Geotech 3. If potentially repeatable or
3. Examples are: Engineer ongoing, escalate to Level 2
and develop risk
 minor seepage/damp; 4. Inform Tailings Engineer management plan.
 minor embankment (Perth) and/or Design
slough. Consultant as decided
by site Geotech
5. Resolve and report

Level 2 1. Require additional 1. Inform Manager- 1. Enter Hazard into BMS

(extended) resources and action to Chichester Water (Note Incident Level)
resolve over a period of Management
weeks to months. 2. Report against risk
2. Requires a risk 2. Inform Quarry Manager management and/or
management plan to 3. Inform site Geotech reduction targets (as
prevent repeat or Engineer identified in risk
escalation. 4. Inform Tailings Engineer management plan) - to all
3. Examples are: (Perth) and/or Design stakeholders.
 seepage with 3. If risk management
5. Identify risk control
observable flow measures do not appear to
 moderate embankment be succeeding and risk is
6. Develop risk
movement, distress trending towards potentially
management plan with
scheduled risk catastrophic failure, escalate
management actions to Level 3 and issue specific
7. Implement risk action emergency response plan.
Level 3 Potential catastrophic dam 1. Inform all relevant 1. Manage and report as per
(major/complex failure requiring emergency personnel as required by CCK EMP
) response team to develop CB Emergency
and implement detailed plan Response Plan
to ensure all personnel are
kept safe, and to prepare for
the probable impacts of the
failure to the business and
the environment.

2.2.2 First Response

Fortescue Christmas Creek, through its induction process and site based programs, provides
training and development of its workforce in first response procedures and incident
management. This training incorporates reporting procedures, emergency procedures, first aid
training and fire extinguisher training which enables action prior to the arrival of Emergency

2.2.3 Emergency Response

Christmas Creek Emergency Services will respond to any incident at the Christmas Creek TSF
in accordance with the TSF Dam Wall Failure Incident Plan Quick Card (CC-10067-PL-EM-
0002) A request will also be made to all Emergency Response Team (ERT) volunteers to
respond from their work areas as required.

On arrival at the scene of any Dam Wall Failure at the Christmas Creek TSF, Christmas Creek
Emergency Services will consider and initiate the following actions where required:
 Liaise with the area supervisor to ascertain the size and complexity of the spill, if any
persons may have been directly affected and obtain any local knowledge that may assist
response activities.
 Conduct a scene size-up of the incident by physically traversing the area around the tailings
spill where possible.
 Brief the responding Emergency Response Team members of the incident and delegate
roles and responsibilities.
 Establish an exclusion zone around the incident scene with green cones and danger tape
and road blocks where required.
 Establish Forward Command Post (FCP) and liaise with Incident Management Team –
Operations Officer.

2.2.4 Incident Management Team Activation

With particular regard to a Dam Wall Failure (DWF) at the Christmas Creek TSF, depending on
the size of any tailings spill, persons that have or may have potentially been affected, impact to
the surrounding environment and the disruption to operations will determine if the site Incident
Management Team (IMT) is to be activated.

Fortescue has implemented the Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System

(AIIMS) as a management tool to effectively and efficiently control all incidents and
emergencies whilst providing a safe working environment for those involved in the management
of an incident.

This enables seamless integration of activities and resources of multiple agencies when applied
to the resolution of any emergency situation under this Plan and allows Fortescue to be
compatible with State emergency management arrangements.

Emergencies occurring at Christmas Creek Mine under this Plan shall be managed in
accordance with the AIIMS and shall be based on the following five fundamental principles:

 Flexibility - adaptable to accommodate changes that occur as the emergency incident

evolves. This is important both during escalation and resolution of the emergency
 Management by Objectives - objectives are set, in consultation with Incident
Management Team (IMT) members to determine the required outcomes of the incident.
 Functional Management - areas are grouped according to the type of activities they
carry out.
 Span of Control – set at a supervisory ratio no greater than 5:1.
 Unity of Command - each individual should report to only one Supervisor.

The IMT will function in accordance with AIIMS Functional Management Roles (refer to Table 5:
Functional Management Roles) and shall be responsible for the processes, decisions and
actions taken to resolve an emergency incident and support recovery.
Table 5: Functional Management Roles

Functional Management Role Description

Incident Control The management of all activities necessary for the resolution of the
emergency incident. An Incident Controller must be appointed for every
incident and is responsible and accountable for all the functions of
incident management.
Planning The development of objectives, strategies and plans for the resolution of an
incident based on the outcomes of collection and analysis of information.
Operations The tasking and application of resources to achieve resolution of an
Logistics The acquisition and provision of human and physical resources, facilities,
services and materials to support achievement of incident objectives.
Public Information Provision of warnings, information, and advice to personnel, and liaison
with media and affected groups.

2.2.5 Accounting For Personnel

In the event that persons are feared missing in relation to the DWF / Tailings Spill, ALL
operations must cease immediately within the active mining area. Area supervisors will be
delegated the task of mustering all employees within their span of control to conduct a roll call.
Emergency response protocols for accounting for personnel will be followed:

Table 6: Accounting for Personnel Method

Record Method Source

Pre-Start Information Meeting Attendance Sheet Individual Work Areas
Pre-Start Breathalyser Record Sheet Individual Work Areas
Visitor’s Induction Security Gatehouse
Village Evacuation List Printed and available in Village Administration
Travel and Accommodation List SAMs Travel System

The details of any person/s unaccounted for must be relayed to the Incident Management
Team/Incident Controller immediately and an investigation into their last known whereabouts is
to be conducted in accordance with Missing Person Procedure (100-PR-SA-0071).

2.2.6 Incident Action Plan (IAP)

Should there be concern that any unaccounted person/s may be feared missing in relation to
the Dam Wall Failure, the Incident Management Team in consultation with the On-Scene
Commander/Emergency Services Team will develop an Incident Action Plan (IAP). The IAP
should include SMART Objectives that are:

Time framed

The IAP should include the following requirements as a minimum:

 A detailed plan to conduct a systematic grid search of the tailing spill area by ERT
 Procedure to be followed should missing persons be located
 Mobile machinery available to assist with the search
 Medical supplies that are available on scene
 Communications to be used at the incident scene

A separate IAP may be developed for the provision of spill containment, hazard control,
business continuity and the like.

2.2.7 Mutual Aid

Anytime a response that requires further resources in relation to an emergency incident,

Fortescue mutual aid partners within the vicinity of Christmas Creek will be notified and a
request from the Registered Mine Manager/Senior Site Official will be submitted to that mutual
aid partner for assistance. Alternatively, Fortescue may provide the required assistance to
mutual aid agreement partners for emergency incidents. All notifications of support prior to
response are to be approved by the Registered Mine Manager/Senior Site Official.

2.2.8 Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)

The Royal Flying Doctors Service provides emergency medical evacuations for critically injured
or ill patients. As a result of an emergency incident which requires urgent transport of an injured
person, contact will be made and an understanding gained as to the availability of a flight.

2.3 Recovery Strategies

2.3.1 Demarcation

Christmas Creek Emergency Services will demarcate the incident scene with green cones and
danger tape until the area is deemed safe by the Incident Controller and be communicated to all
relevant personnel. Any person that requires entry into the area must report to the incident
control point/Forward Command Post and obtain permission from the On-Scene Commander
prior to entry.

2.3.2 Termination

Termination is used at an incident scene to render the scene safe after all tasks have been
completed to make it safe for other personnel to enter. This process also includes;

 Final checks of the surroundings

 Welfare check of all personnel involved in the incident
 Removal of debris
 Termination of operations and logistical support
 Clean up and equipment servicing
 Reports
 Operational De-brief
 Critical Incident Stress De-brief

2.3.3 Authority to Enter Incident Area

Personnel not directly involved with the incident that require entry during or after the incident
must gain the approval of the Incident Controller / On-Scene Commander. Where the incident
has been handed over to an appointed person/s to secure the area for further investigation,
approval must be gained by the Registered Mine Manager/Senior Site Official.

2.3.4 Chaplain Service and Employee Support

A Chaplaincy Service is available at Christmas Creek to provide counselling and support to

Emergency Service and workplace personnel during and after an emergency event.

Other support is provided by the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which provides
confidential counselling and psychology services.


Table 6: Definition of Terms/Acronyms

Word/Term Definition
AIIMS Australasian Inter-service Incident Management System
DWF Dam Wall Failure of the Brampton TSF
ERT Emergency Response Team
ESO Emergency Service Officer
ESS Emergency Services Supervisor

Fortescue Fortescue Metals Group Limited all subsidiaries and employees.

HSES Health, Safety and Emergency Services Superintendent

IAP Incident Action Plan

Incident Controller The person that is responsible for the overall management of the
incident response and control of the Incident Management Team.

Mine Control The onsite operations for the management of Heavy Vehicle movement
through the mining operations.

On-Scene Commander The person designated to co-ordinate rescue efforts at an emergency

incident site.

RFDS Royal Flying Doctor Services

TSF Tailings Storage Facility


Table 7: Programmes and Schedules

Monitor (Audit) and Review Frequency Responsibility

Plan Review As required Christmas Creek Emergency

Services Supervisor


This Procedure and all supporting documents shall be maintained as controlled documents in
Fortescue’s Document Management System and in accordance with Fortescue Document
Control Procedure.

The Christmas Creek Emergency Services Supervisor is responsible for all records as
described above are forwarded to Fortescue Document Control Department for retention and
archive in accordance with the Fortescue Records Retention Manual.


Australasian Fire and Emergency Services Authorities Council (AFAC). (2011). Australasian
Inter-Service Incident Management System (AIIMS) Revised Edition 2011. Melbourne:
AFAC Limited
Mines Safety and Inspections Act 1984
Mines Safety and Inspections Regulations 1995
Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984
Occupational Heallth and Safety Regulations 1996
Emergency Management Act 2005
Emergency Contact Details

Appendix A
Appendix B; Dam Break Zone of Influence (non-active)

Windich 8-9 and 10-13 TSF dam break zone of influence (non-active)
Vasse TSF dam break zone of influence (non-active)

Appendix D
Name Position Contact Number
Jay Natesan CC General Manager 0428 933 912
Dean Cackett CC Safety Manager 0448 878 214
David Peut Safety Superintendent 0484 844 355
Katelin Whyte Safety Superintendent 0456 864 848
Richard Crawford Emergency Services Supervisor 0419 948 853
Adam Davies Emergency Services Supervisor 0427 191 116
Paul Ricketts Manager – Chichester Water Management 0439 439 623
Environmental Environmental Officer 0437 236 262

Appendix E

Flinders TSF & Muster Point Location (active)

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