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Quarter 1 – Module 3: Contextualized Online
Search and Research Skills

What I Know

Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen letter on
a separate sheet of paper.

C 1. A reliable source is .
a. Biased
b. Trying to sell you something
c. Trusted
d. Google

A 2. To broaden your search on advertising, you will search the term .

a. advertising OR commercial
b. advertising AND commercial
c. advertising BUT commercial
d. advertising NOT commercial
D 3. Which of the following do you not need to include in a citation?
a. author, if available
b. title of the article
c. date of publication
d. call number

A 4. Any information coming from these domain types are usually reliable except
a. .com
b. .org
c. .edu
d. .gov

B 5. What symbol will you use to search for the exact term or phrase?
a. ()
b. ““
c. &
d. –

What’s New

Online Search Activity

Do an online search to answer the given question using any
search engine. Provide the required data below. Write your answers
on a separate sheet of paper.

Question: When do you say that an information contained in web

pages is credible or not?
Search engine used: Microsoft Bing

Keywords: Web, Information, Credible

Number of Search Results: 9,580,000 Results

Sites used to answer question:

1. When do you say that the information contained in web pages credible or
not? - Quora
2. Is My Source Credible? - UMGC Library
3. Know if a News Website or Story is Trustworthy, or if It’s Fake News
Answer to the question:
Finding Credible Information on different web pages when researching
a topic or looking for reliable sources is one of the struggles of internet users.
It is hard for us to evaluate which sites are publishing fake or credible
information. One sign of a trustworthy website is information on the internet
with a specified blogger. The author's willingness to stand by the evidence
delivered is a positive sign that the information is trustworthy. Second, the
date of any research information is important. The website's use of a date
helps users to determine if the content is current enough for their needs. And
last, the writing style of the author should be carefully evaluated. Poor
spelling and grammar are warning signs that the web isn't trustworthy.
Credible websites pay particular attention to the writing style in order to make
the facts conveyed understandably.

What’s More
Create a flowchart on how to evaluate a website. Below is the sample of a flowchart.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
What I Have Learned

Explain each question in not less than three sentences. Provide a

separate sheet of paper for your answers. The following is the rubric
in rating your answer.

1). What is the significance of using keywords when searching for

information on the web?

 Keywords are essential words related to a specific topic that

helps you find good information. It is important because it
supports search engines and then defies the topics covered
in your content. Algorithms provide a complex framework for
evaluating the keywords that users use in their searches as
well as the phrases that are used in a piece of content. This
allows them to align the user with the content that will better
meet their needs. It can be also used successfully in
conjunction with the search engines to provide you with a
free source of targeted traffic to a specific website.

2). How do the tips in conducting online research help you find the
correct query results?
 The tips in conducting online research help me in a way, that
improves my searching style. Before, I simply type the
questions in the search engine, but now I'll be using AND and
+ sign. I also use other tips in conducting online research like
identifying synonyms of the keywords, reviewing the first
pages returned, use wildcards for a broader search, using
quotation marks to find phrases or names, and using several
search engines that help me find the correct query results.

3). What is the role of the website's domain in evaluating website


 The domain of a website provides valuable information about

its credibility. Domain names follow patterns developed by
domain name registries, and you can use those patterns to
deduce information about a website's intent and location.
Websites are grouped by their domain suffix according to the
type of information they provide. The domain suffix can
provide you with a hint about who has created the site or what
their intent is. Some of the examples of domain suffixes are
.com (Commercial site), .edu (Educational
institution), .gov (Government), .org (Traditionally a non-profit
organization), .mil (Military), and .net (Network).
What I Can Do
Explain thoroughly why the website below is not credible as a
source of your data for your research. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

Due to a variety of factors, I consider the website mentioned

above to be untrustworthy. At first sight, I considered the website's
layout to be unappealing and poorly formatted, leading me to doubt
it. Second, I found the article a little bit biased. Reporters write a lot
about politics, and there are plenty of political websites out there.
But many of them are run by groups that have a bias in favor of one
political party or philosophy. A conservative website isn't likely to
report objectively on a liberal politician, and vice versa. I also
conclude that article is classified as fake news. The story said in
the article is revised and changes some parts comparing to what
really Duterte said. I also found out that the website mention above
has a bad reputation and consider a "Rodrigo Duterte Supporters"
website that spewed out lies on social media, aiming to sway public
opinion using propaganda. That's why we need to carefully
evaluate the things that we see on the internet. Social media and
the internet produce a lot of information that sometimes it is hard to
evaluate what is real and fake.

Directions: The column on the left tells what to search for. On the
second column, you will write on the search box what will you type
to achieve the task. Apply the use of symbols and tip you’ve learned.
The first one is done for you. Write your answer on a separate sheet
of paper.

Task Search Engine

Find web pages that have...all these words:
Atlantis continent
Find web pages that have... all these words:
But don’t show pages that have... any of
these unwanted words:
Connecticut Waterbury-Connecticut-CT

Find web pages that have... all these words:

Waterbury Waterbury

This exact wording or phrase:

San Diego “San Diego State University”
State University

Find web pages that have...

the song title of this lyrics:
Mama ‘something’ Mama**not to *my life
‘something’ not to
‘something’ my life

this exact wording or phrase: “Bill 602P”

Bill 602P

“We know he has weapons of

this exact wording or phrase: We know
mass destruction”
he has weapons of mass destruction

this exact wording or phrase:

“ “demonstrating genuine leadership”
genuine leadership
this exact wording or phrase: “Jenny kissed me when
we met”
“Jenny kissed me when we met”

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