Space Warp Propulsion Part 2 Alien Repro

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The document discusses the Alien Reproduction Vehicle (ARV), a alleged secret aircraft that has extraordinary capabilities such as accelerating from ground level to 80,000 feet in 2.5 seconds. It was reportedly developed by Lockheed Martin and demonstrated to witnesses.

The ARV is an alleged secret aircraft with advanced propulsion capabilities far beyond conventional planes. It is sometimes called a 'flux liner' and operates using electrogravitic propulsion and a space-time bubble or field that it generates.

The ARV was reportedly demonstrated to witnesses at the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks facility in Palmdale, California, indicating it was developed by Lockheed Martin Advanced Development (Skunk Works).


Alien Reproduction Vehicle

The Alien Reproduction Vehicle

the alien reproduction vehicle (ARV) or “flux liner” operates based on the latest revelations
by Mark McCandlish. McCandlish, who is a professional, aerospace illustrator, has spent the
last three decades developing a detailed engineering drawing of the ARV, which his friend
Brad Sorensen saw demonstrated in 1988. Based upon descriptions provided by Sorensen,
an unnamed artist produced the ARV .

Who Built The ARV?

In his 1991 book, Behold A Pale Horse,4 William “Bill” Cooper reported that the ARV was
“built by Northrop, McDonald [sic] Douglas, and General Electric.” Brad Sorensen originally
reported that he saw three ARVs inside the “Big Hangar” at Norton Air Force Base in 1988.
But according to Timothy Good:
“In later tellings, he [Sorensen] added a twist: that in fact the demonstration did not occur at
Norton [Air Force Base]. Rather, a group was escorted aboard an Air Force passenger jet
and flown fifty miles northwest to Palmdale. They arrived at the Lockheed Martin
Skunkworks [sic] facility at the west end of the complex, and it was here that the entire
exhibit was held. It appears that Sorensen was originally trying to withhold certain pieces of
the story.”
As a result, the logical conclusion is that all three of the flying discs were designed and
developed by Lockheed Martin Advanced Development, known as the Skunk Works, in
Palmdale, California. According to Sorensen, they were all of the same design, only in
different diameters—24, 60 and 120–130 feet. The illustration above is clearly the ARV with
a 24-foot diameter at the base. It seems likely that a company such as General Electric was
one of the subcontractors.

Crew Compartment

The crew compartment is constructed not as a hemisphere, as one might have expected, but
as a sphere. Presumably, the spherical design is used as the most basic and efficient form
of pressure containment. The ARV has a crew of three (not four as originally reported). The
three ejection seats are mounted, facing outward, against a central column that runs from
the top of the compartment into the propulsion and equipment space below. Access and
egress are made though a submarine-style hatch as shown. There are no windows. Views to
the exterior are made through a set of seven television cameras mounted strategically on the
exterior of the crew compartment and operate in a manner similar to the gun-slaving system
on an Apache helicopter.

How does that work? According to McCandlish:

“If [the pilot] wants to look behind him, he can pick a view in that direction, and the cameras
slew in pairs. [The pilot] has a little screen in front of his helmet, and it gives him an alternate
view. He [also] has a little set of glasses that he wears — in fact, you can actually buy a 3-D
viewing system for your video camera now that does the same thing — so when he looks
around, he has a perfect 3-D view of the outside, but no windows. Well, it’s probably
because the voltages that we’re talking about [being] used in this system were probably
something between, say, half a million and a million volts of electricity.”
Below the circular floor of the crew compartment is a ninefoot diameter flywheel. Normally, a
flywheel would regulate the speed and uniformity of motion of a vehicle, but here it has two
purposes: it functions as a mass stabilizer and as a unipolar, electrical generator.

Directional Control

“Electrogravitic Propulsion,” at the base of the ARV is an approximately 24-foot diameter,

round capacitor. The capacitor is constructed in 48 separate, individual and equal sections,
shaped like pizza sections. Each section has eight plates. Using the Biefeld-Brown Effect,
the plates are stacked sequentially from the bottom: negative, positive, negative, positive,
negative, positive, negative, positive, with a positive plate on the top. When this set of plates
is activated with electrical power, it moves in the direction of the positive plates.
For example, if you wish to move vertically, you would send power to all capacitor sections.
Since the ARV moves in the direction of the positive plates and all plates are then powered,
the ARV would move vertically upward. If you wish to move in the northwest direction, you
would only power the plates on the northwest side of the ARV.

The Control System

Now, whether you are in a planetary atmosphere or in space you have to have very fine
control over the direction in which you are traveling (particularly if you are doing fasterthan-
light travel!). So, you need to be able to finely allocate electrical power to only those sections
of the capacitor that will send you in the desired direction. Here’s McCandlish’s description:
“Now, when Brad described the control system, he said that on one side [of the pilot’s seat]
there was this big high-voltage potentiometer — it’s like a rheostat, a big controller. It allows
you to put progressively more electricity through the system as you push the lever. On the
other side of the control system, there was a sort of a metallic bar that came up like a stork’s
neck, and right at the very tip of it was a sort of metallic-looking ball, almost like it was
magnetically attached to it. . . It was literally on a sea of energy.

The Tesla Coil

Where does the electrical energy come from?

The Tesla primary coil (see diagram) is located at the waist or beltline of the ARV and
encircles the ARV. It consists of square copper tubing, sixteen layers deep, with a triangular
cross-section. “Start-up” electricity is from two 24-volt, marine-type batteries (not shown).
According to McCandlish:
“[Then] you step up that electricity through the secondary coil , which is on the [central]
column in the middle, and you get this extremely high voltage. You can selectively put the
voltage on any of these 48 capacitor sections.
The Tesla secondary coil (see diagram) is in the center of the primary coil and surrounds the
central column.

The Central Column

The central column contains two cylinders—a main cylinder and an inner cylinder. Both of
these cylinders contain mercury vapor in a partial vacuum. Inside the main cylinder, there is
a second, inner cylinder with an unusually-contoured shape (described below). During
operation, the entire column of mercury vapor is subjected to a very high voltage from the
secondary Tesla coil. There is an anode at the base of the column (see diagram) where the
high voltage, electron stream from the coil is discharged. The inner cylinder rotates so as to
create a violent vortex of mercury vapor within that cylinder. The upper end of the interior
cylinder acts as a venturi for this purpose and also as a cathode. The mercury vapor goes
down the inner cylinder and up through the gap between the inner cylinder and the inner wall
of the main cylinder. There are no voids within the column.
What causes the cylinders to rotate? Mercury placed in a magnetic field and then subjected
to an electrical current will naturally rotate. This causes the inner cylinder to rotate on a set
of bearings. The inner cylinder is connected to a pair of planetary gear drives that drive the
outer cylinder in the opposite direction to achieve counter-rotation. The rotating inner
cylinder also drives the flywheel/unipolar generator.

The Distortion of Space-Time

As the ARV passes through the ZPE, the ZPE is drawn into the system interacting with the
mercury vapor vortex under high voltage. As the ZPE is absorbed, the ARV, under these
conditions, prevents the ZPE from interacting with the atomic structure of the vehicle. At the
atomic level, this lessened ZPE absorption reduces the mass of the of the entire ARV. This
sequence causes the ARV to become mass-reduced (i.e., with lesser mass). As the ARV
increases in velocity, it encounters increasing amounts of ZPE, thereby further reducing the
ARV’s mass. Concurrently, the ZPE provides additional power to the capacitor section. This
dual combination of effects, this very elaborate, electrochemical “exotic dance,” distorts
space-time and creates a space-time “bubble” around the ARV. As McCandlish says, “In
effect, the faster you go, the easier it becomes to go up to and exceed the speed of light.”

So why use mercury vapor? Mercury is a superconductor. So, mercury vapor conducts
electricity without any resistance. According to McCandlish, “it produces all kinds of ionic
effects. These little molecules of mercury become charged in unusual ways, and if you fire a
tremendous amount of electricity through mercury vapor that’s in a partial vacuum, there is
something unusual that happens in that process.”15 The end result is that space-time in
the immediate region of the ARV is distorted and a space-time bubble is created.


The following is extracted from Timothy Good’s Earth: An Alien Enterprise:

“Nearby, a [three-star] general was addressing a group of people, referring to the craft and
citing various attributes, including an extravagant claim that they could perform at “light
speed or better,” [Richard] Dolan learned from McCandlish. “It had extraordinary
acceleration and maneuverability, able to move from a ground-level hovering position to
80,000 feet within 2.5 seconds. . . . Sorensen noted that the [ARV] looked ‘ancient’ and as
though it had been used extensively.”

Cross Talk With Mark McCandlish

TLK: What material composes the main and inner cylinders?

MM: “Two counter-rotating, fused Quartz cylinders. The upper end of the inner cylinder acts
as a kind of venturi and cathode discharge port for the high voltage from the Tesla Coil
section. The internal cylinder contours resemble an ancient Greek shipping bottle called an
Amphora. The shape creates a self-stabilizing “smoke ring” formation of high-energy
Mercury ions that in turn create their own electromagnetic field. The timing of this event is
critical so that the field lines of the Tesla Coils, (primary and secondaries) coincide with the
formation of this traveling ring of Mercury ions. This creates the non-destructive
electromagnetic pinching effect. At the same time, the capacitor array and the coils are in a
kind of reflective resonance like a [oscillating] circuit, which has certain properties that might
appear as “free energy” but are in fact benefiting from what amounts to a “virtual plasma” in
the core. All the benefits of a true plasma but without the destructive heat. Probably the
means by which Zero Point Energy is drawn into the system.”

TLK: How far from the ARV’s exterior does the [space-time] “bubble” extend?
MM: “The radius increases in proportion to the power level that the propulsion system is
operating at. At high power, mainly after dark, within the atmosphere, it appears as a brilliant
bluish-white sphere. At low or the lowest power level, say in a hover above the ground, it is
nearly conformal to the shape of the craft itself. The color of the field changes with power
output as well, starting out as a magenta, then red, orange, yellow-orange, yellow, yellow-
white, white and then a bluish white or white with a bluish corona. Ionization trains are
usually just white and grow in length with the velocity of the craft.”

TLK: How is space-time controlled once the “bubble” is created?

MM: “The [allocation] of voltage to the capacitor [sections] within the array help to change
the topology of the field and essentially steer the craft.”

Additional ARV Features and Video

Years after the cutaway drawing was first published in 1991, new features have come to
light. More recently, the updated drawings have shown a series of air tanks radiating
outwardly and horizontally from the center column of the ARV. Additionally, there is a folding,
remote manipulator arm (similar to the space shuttle RMA, but much smaller) and an exterior
panel that, when opened, would allow the arm to extend and grasp objects in space (such as
a component of a satellite, for example). And, there are apparently rails at the back of each
crew seat for ejection in the event of an emergency. McCandlish has noted that the entire
ARV when, viewed from the exterior, is uniformly gray in color.

There’s a full-length video on that has an extended narrative by McCandlish,

Michel Schratt and others. The video shows examples of the evolution of the ARV drawing
over the decades. The video is somewhat dated, so many of the details in this article are not
presented in the video.

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