Setting Goals For Success: Week No. 16

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Name: Marife M. Plaza

Course/Year: BSEDEN 1-1


Instruction: Examine your goals by writing down your short and long-
term goals. Identify the possible barriers and ways to achieve your

 To have/maintain a passing  To finished a four year

grade this school year. course and to graduate with
 To have a salary increase in flying colors.
my part time job.  To travel around the places I
 To buy the things that I always wanted to go to.
planned to buy for my  To have a stable job with
drawing skills improvement. higher salary.
 To lessen the stress and  To supply my self and also
tension that I’m feeling. my family all our needs in life

 No matter how hard I’d tried to lessen my stress and tension, I always see
myself feeling the same way after all.
 The curriculum and the way of learning was too difficult for me to dive in.
 Even though I want to achieve improving my skills, difficulties in time
management makes it all hard for me.

 Continue pushing myself to strive harder no matter how difficult the situation
 Think of what my goals are, in order to be more motivated.
 I’ll always remind myself that all those hardships will push me to a better me.
 Never ever stop striving. Always keep moving forward not minding the
failures thus be more open for lots of possibilities maybe good or bad.

pg. 1 WEEK NO. 16




Explain the question below, before you begin writing read the passage
carefully and compose your thoughts. Your essay should be as well
organized and as carefully written as you can make it.

1. Why does self-efficacy matter?

Self-efficacy was the beliefs of one individual about their capabilities

and abilities to be productive. It means it gives us the guts to do such task
and let us accomplished and reach it. And for more dipper claims
according to Bandura, 1994, we can definitely define self-efficacy as one’s
belief that we as an individual has the capability to achieve one goal or
any outcome. It matters because, it helps us to be motivated in everything
we do. Our eagerness to achieve our goals will lead us to be ready on what
will be the difficulties that we will be facing. Moreover because of that we
tend to expand all our goals in life as we exert more effort towards
achieving each and every one of it. Having higher self-efficacy will makes
us tough and ever ready as we enjoy all the challenges even though we are
so sure that achieving those goals will be somehow resulting to failure,
hardships, difficulties and many more. But of self-efficacy we are assuring
ourselves that we can achieve all our goals with a positive outcome.

2. Explain the four theoretical constructs of self-efficacy.

First in the four theoretical constructs of self-efficacy is Mastery

experiences. Wherein a success of one individual has a greater effect
about how they think and see about their selves. As they achieve their
goals, they gained lots of confidence and eagerness to achieve similar
goals once again. And on vice-versa as they failed on achieving one tasks,
they tend to lose confidence that led them to always feel self-doubt.
Because of that, the most important qualities to accept all the failures
that will come across the process and to achieve success is resiliency.
With that they will know how to accept failure in a positive way. Through
self-mastery people succeed after overcoming all the difficulties that they
have encountered. Second is various experiences, where in it says there
that one of the best factor to attain self-efficacy is by observing how
others achieve and gained all their life goals and achievements. As we
watch and learn from their experiences, we tend to do move just like the
way how they did it. But in connection with that as we watched their
success it makes us become more motivated but as we see them fail, we
pg. 2 WEEK NO. 16


feel more threatened which can cause bigger effect in building self-
efficacy. Third is social persuasion, wherein as people were verbally
persuaded, they tend to move eagerly for they can achieve one goal or to
master such task. Coaching is one of the major variables that makes one
individual to reach and aim for their goals. And lastly emotional and
Physical Experiences, the state of our physical and mental health
influence self-efficacy into extent. As we feel tension, anxiety and
experiencing negative thinking makes us vulnerable. And in vice versa as
we feel secured, loved, positive, and happy we feel so great that makes
and helps us be stronger and more productive. What shape our self-
efficacy is what our heart and mind perceived.

3. How can you apply Dweck’s Theory of Mindset in your everyday life?

Dweck’s theory of mindset says that people hold for the nature and
causes of their intelligence. I will apply it in my everyday life, in a way that
I will always remind myself to stop being negative thus be more on
thinking positively. I will always look on the bright side of everything I do,
did and done. As I strive harder on achieving my goals in life, I’ll be more
positively thinker rather that the opposite one. I will not take failure as the
ending for achieving what I want to, thus I take those as an eye opener for
me to be more focus and to give my all, in order to achieve it all. No matter
how hard the situation is I definitely choose to be more positive that I was.
I’m not gonna brag and think about all the failures that I have encountered
yet I will keep on moving just to help myself to gain those achievements.
Focus is the most important thing that I will prioritized more as I move
towards my goals.

pg. 3 WEEK NO. 16



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