Crystal Engineering of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals

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Crystal Engineering of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals

Sreya Mukherjee
University of South Florida,

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Mukherjee, Sreya, "Crystal Engineering of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals" (2011). Graduate Theses and Dissertations.

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Crystal Engineering of Pharmaceutical Cocrystals


Sreya Mukherjee

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Science
Department of Chemistry
College of Arts and Sciences
University of South Florida

Major Professor: Michael J. Zaworotko, Ph.D.

Abdul Malik, Ph.D.
Mark McLaughlin, Ph.D.
Roland Shytle, Ph.D.

Date of Approval:
July 8, 2011

Keywords: BCS, Solubility, Hydrogen bond, Pentoxifylline,


Copyright © 2011, Sreya Mukherjee


To my parents, husband and brother.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my professor, Dr. Michael Zaworotko for

giving me the opportunity to conduct research under his guidance and supervision. I am

sure that this will help me achieve much more in the future.

I would also like to thank my committee members, Dr. Abdul Malik, Dr. Mark

McLaughlin and Dr. Roland Shytle for their valuable time, feedback, suggestions and


I thank Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida for giving me the

opportunity for this education.

I also thank my parents and family for their support. Without them, this would not be


And last but not the least, huge thanks to my husband, Biplob, without whose constant

love and support this would not be complete.






CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................1

1.1. Crystal Engineering ..........................................................................................1

1.2. Cocrystals ..........................................................................................................3

1.3. Pharmaceutical Cocrystals ................................................................................6

1.4. Cambridge Structural Database ......................................................................10

1.5. Biopharmaceutics Classification System ........................................................11

1.6. References .......................................................................................................12


2.1 .Introduction .....................................................................................................18

2.2. Caffeine Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics ..................................................19

2.3 Caffeine and Alzheimer’s disease ....................................................................19

2.4. Caffeine cocrystals in CSD .............................................................................20

2.5. Experimental Section ......................................................................................21

2.5.1. Synthesis of Cocrystals ....................................................................21

2.5.2. Caffeine·Cyanuric acid monohydrate, CAFCYA. H2O (2:1:1) .......22

2.5.3. Caffeine·Ferulic acid, CAFFER .......................................................23

2.5.4. Caffeine·Syringic acid tetrahydrate, CAFSYR.4H2O (1:1:4) ..........23

2.5.5. Caffeine·Ethyl gallate dihydrate, CAFETG.2H2O (1:1:2) ...............24

2.5.6. Caffeine·Caffeic acid, CAFCFA ......................................................24

2.5.7. Caffeine·Chlorogenic acid, CAFCGA .............................................25

2.5.8. Caffeine·Quercetin methanol solvate, CAFQUE.MeOH (1:1:1) .....25

2.5.9. Caffeine·Salicylic acid, CAFSAL (1:1) ...........................................25

2.5.10. Caffeine·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, CAF1HY (1:1) ....................26

2.5.11. Caffeine·Ellagic acid Monohydrate, CAFELA. H2O (1:1:1) .........26

2.5.12. Caffeine·Gallic acid Hemihydrate, CAFGAL. 0.5H2O (1:1:0.5) .26

2.5.13. Caffeine·Coumaric acid, CAFCOU (2:1) ......................................26

2.5.14. Caffeine·Catechin Hydrate, CAFCAT. ..........................................26

2.5.15. Dissolution studies on Cocrystals. .................................................27

2.6. Results and Discussion ...................................................................................27

2.6.1. Cocrystals of Caffeine......................................................................27

2.6.2. Crystal Structure Discussion: Caffeine Cyanuric acid

monohydrate ..............................................................................................30

2.6.3. Caffeine Syringic acid tetrahydrate .................................................33

2.6.4. Caffeine Chlorogenic acid, Caffeine Catechin Hydrate .................36

2.6.5. Dissolution and Solubility Studies ...................................................36

2.6.6. Caffeine as a drug ............................................................................41

2.6.7. Correlation between Solubility and Melting Point ..........................41

2.6.8. Correlation between solubility of cocrystal former to solubility

of cocrystal .................................................................................................44

2.6.9. Correlation between solubility and crystal structure .......................45

2.6.10. Relationship between Solubility and Crystal packing efficiency ..46

2.6.11. Determination of solubility of Cocrystal former from solubility

of cocrystal .................................................................................................48

2.7. Conclusion ......................................................................................................50

2.8. References .......................................................................................................52


PENTOXIFYLLINE. .........................................................................................................60

3.1. Introduction .....................................................................................................60

3.2. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism .................................................................61

3.3. Pentoxifylline and Autism ..............................................................................61

3.4. Experimental Section ......................................................................................63

3.4.1. Cocrystal synthesis...........................................................................63

3.4.2. Pentoxifylline·Benzoic acid, PENBEN 1:1 .....................................64

3.4.3. Pentoxifylline·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, PEN1HY (1:1) .............65

3.4.4. Pentoxifylline·Salicylic acid, PENSAL (1:1) ..................................66

3.4.5. Pentoxifylline·Gallic acid, PENGAL.H2O (1:1:1)...........................66

3.4.6. Pentoxifylline·Salicylamide, PENSLC (1:1) ...................................67

3.4.7. Pentoxifylline·Coumaric acid, PENCOU ........................................67

3.4.8. Pentoxifylline·Caffeic acid, PENCFA .............................................68

3.4.9. Pentoxifylline·Catechin Hydrate, PENCAT ....................................69

3.4.10. Dissolution studies on cocrystals ...................................................69

3.5. Results and Discussion ...................................................................................70

3.5.1. Cocrystals of Pentoxifylline .............................................................70

3.5.2. Crystal Structure Discussion: Pentoxifylline·Benzoic acid 1:1 .......71

3.5.3. Pentoxifylline·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid 1:1 .................................72

3.5.4. Pentoxifylline·Salicylic acid 1:1 ......................................................73

3.5.5. Pentoxifylline·Gallic acid 1:1:1 .......................................................75

3.5.6. Pentoxifylline·Salicylamide 1:1 .......................................................77

3.5.7. Pentoxifylline·Catechin Hydrate .....................................................78

3.5.8. Pentoxifylline·Coumaric acid, Pentoxifylline·Caffeic acid ...........79

3.5.9. Dissolution and Solubility Studies ...................................................79

3.5.10. Correlation between Solubility and Melting Point ........................82

3.5.11. Relationship between solubility and crystal packing


3.5.12. Correlation between solubility of cocrystal former to solubility

of cocrystal .................................................................................................85

3.5.13. Modification of solubility of Pentoxifylline following

cocrystallization .........................................................................................86

3.6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................87

3.7. References .......................................................................................................88


APPENDICES……………… ...........................................................................................96

APPENDIX A: EXPERIMENTAL DATA ...........................................................97

APPENDIX B: CRYSTALLOGRAPHIC DATA ..............................................123


Table 2.1. Cocrystal formers- carboxylic acids. 29

Table 2.2. Cocrystal formers- polyphenols and flavanoids. 29

Table 2.3. Cocrystal formers- amides. 30

Table 2.4. Melting points of the cocrystal formers and the cocrystals. 42

Table 2.5. Solubility classification of cocrystal formers according to Amidon. 45

Table 2.6. Crystal packing efficiency and solubility of caffeine monohydrate and
crystal forms. 47

Table 2.7. Solubility modification (increase or decrease) of caffeine and other

cocrystal formers in caffeine crystal forms. 49

Table 3.1. Classification of cocrystal formers. 82

Table 3.2. Melting points of the cocrystal formers and the cocrystals. 83

Table 3.3.Crystal packing efficiency and solubility of Pentoxifylline and its

cocrystals. 84

Table 3.4. Solubility modification of Pentoxifylline in its cocrystals. 85

Table B1. Hydrogen bond distances and parameters for the novel cocrystals of
caffeine presented herein. 123

Table B2. Crystallographic data and structure refinement parameters for the
caffeine cocrystals reported herein. 124

Table B3. Crystallographic data and structure refinement parameters for the
Pentoxifylline cocrystals reported herein. 125


Figure 1.1. (a)A Supramolecular homosynthon is formed between identical

functional groups, in this case between two carboxylic acid moieties to form a
dimer. (b) A Supramolecular heterosynthon is formed between complementary
but different functional groups, in this case between a carboxylic acid and amide
moieties. 2

Figure 1.2. The first cocrystal, Quinhydrone was reported in 1844. It is a 1:1 cocrystal
between benzoquinone and hydroquinone (CSD Refcode : QUIDON). 4

Figure 1.3. Hoogsten’s “cocrystal” between1-methyl adenine and 1-methyl thymine

forms a supramolecular heterosynthon (CSD Refcode : MTHMAD). 4

Figure 1.4. (a) The powder dissolution profile of cocrystals of Prozac® measured over
120 minutes shows higher solubility, lower solubility and dissociation for fumaric acid,
benzoic acid and succinic acid cocrystals respectively.(b) Chemical structure of
Prozac®. 8

Figure 1.5. (a) In vivo studies conducted on Tegretol® cocrystal upon dogs showed that
the cocrystal (red) had improved bioavailability as compared to the pure API (blue).
(b) Crystal structure of the Carbamezepine•Saccharin cocrystal. 9

Figure 1.6. The Caffeine Oxalic acid cocrystal (CSD Refcode : GANXUP) that is
sustained by hydrogen bonding between an aromatic nitrogen of caffeine and carboxylic
acid moieties exhibited higher stability to hydration than pure caffeine. 9

Figure 1.7. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System is based on aqueous solubility

and permeability. 11

Figure 2.1. The molecular Structure of Caffeine (CSD Refcode: NIWFEE02).


Figure 2.2.The chemical structures of caffeine and cocrystal formers used in the
study. 23

Figure 2.3. Hydrogen bonding observed in CAFCYA.H2O reveals that the aromatic
nitrogen of caffeine forms a supramolecular heterosynthon with the NH group on
cyanuric acid molecules. Cyanuric acid molecules are connected by water thereby
affording a tape like structure. 32
Figure 2.4. Stacking of CAFCYA.H2O sheets viewed along b-axis. Water molecules
bridge the layers. 32

Figure 2.5. Bilayer sheets of CAFCYA H2O viewed along the c-axis. 33

Figure 2.6. Hydrogen bonding in CAFSYR.4 H2O reveal that carboxylic acid moieties

in syringic acid and aromatic nitrogen atoms of caffeine form a heterosynthon with

water. 34

Figure 2.7. The tetrameric structure formed between water molecules and syringic acid
in CAFSYR.4 H2O. 35

Figure 2.8. Dissolution profiles in water for caffeine and CAFCYA, CAFQUE and

Figure 2.9. Dissolution profiles in water for CAFFER, CAFETG, CAFCOU, CAF1HY
and CAFELA. 38

Figure 2.10. A comparison of the thermodynamic solubility of caffeine and

its cocrystals. 39

Figure 2.11. Solubility of cocrystals shows no relationship with melting point probably
due to the variability of coformers used. 42

Figure 2.12. Solubility of cocrystals shows a high correlation with melting point within
the specific group of cinnamic and hydroxycinnamic acids. 43

Figure 2.13. On correlating cocrystal former solubility and cocrystal solubility no

correlation other than a general decrease is observed in cocrystal solubility. 44

Figure 2.14. On correlating crystal packing efficiency with solubility shows that highest
packing efficiency is achieved by lowest solubility cocrystal and vice versa. 48

Figure 3.1. The molecular structure of Pentoxifylline (CSD Refcode : JAKGEH) 61

Figure 3.2. The chemical structures of Pentoxifylline and cocrystal formers used in
the study. 64

Figure 3.3. The arrangement of Pentoxifylline and benzoic acid molecules in PENBEN
reveals that it is sustained by a supramolecular heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen
and carboxylic acid. 71

Figure 3.4. Herringbone pattern observed between the sheets in PENBEN sustained
by π-π interactions. 72

Figure 3.5. Hydrogen bonding between Pentoxifylline and 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid
reveals that it is sustained by a supramolecular heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen
and carboxylic acid. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is also observed between
hydroxyl and carbonyl group in 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid. 73

Figure 3.6. The stacking of PEN1HY sustained by π-π interactions. 73

Figure 3.7. Hydrogen bonding between Pentoxifylline and Salicylic acid sustained by
supramolecular heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic
acid. 74

Figure 3.8. The arrangement of PENSAL in the crystal lattice. Stacking of the cocrystal
is achieved with the help of π-π interactions. 74

Figure 3.9. Interactions between Pentoxifylline and gallic acid molecules in PENGAL.
H2O reveals supramolecular heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic
acid. 75

Figure 3.10. The tetramer observed between water and gallic acid molecule in PENGAL.
H2O formed between hydroxyl group of the gallic acid molecule and water. 76

Figure 3.11. The tetramer observed between water and Pentoxifylline molecule in
PENGAL.H2O formed between carbonyl group of Pentoxifylline and water. 77

Figure 3.12. The hydrogen bonding between Pentoxifylline and Salicylamide shows
formation of an amide amide dimer(supramolecular homosynthon) as opposed to a
heterosynthon. 77

Figure 3.13. The stacking of PENSLC sustained by π-π interactions. 78

Figure 3.14. Dissolution profiles in water for Pentoxifylline and its cocrystals. 80

Figure 3.15. Dissolution profiles in water for cocrystals PENCOU, PENSAL,

(solubility range 1-10 mg/mL). 81

Figure 3.16. Solubility of cocrystals shows no relationship with melting point probably
due to the variability in coformers used. 83

Figure 3.17. Crystal packing efficiency on correlation with cocrystal solubility shows
no correlation. 85

Figure 3.18. On correlating cocrystal former solubility and cocrystal solubility shows no
correlation other than a general decrease observed in cocrystal solubility 86

Figure A1. DSC thermogram of CAFCYA.H2O. 97

Figure A2. DSC thermogram of CAFCYA anhydrate. 98

Figure A3. FT-IR of CAFCYA.H2O. 98

Figure A4. PXRD Comparison of CAFCYA.H2O. 99

Figure A5. TGA Data of CAFCYA.H2O. 99

Figure A6. DSC thermogram of CAFSYR.4H2O. 100

Figure A7. FT-IR of CAFSYR.4H2O. 100

Figure A8. PXRD Comparison of CAFSYR.4H2O. 101

Figure A9. TGA Data of CAFSYR.4H2O. 101

Figure A10. DSC thermogram of cocrystal of CAFCGA. 102

Figure A11. FT-IR of CAFCGA. 102

Figure A12. PXRD Comparison of CAFCGA. 103

Figure A13. TGA Data of CAFCGA. 103

Figure A14. DSC thermogram of CAFCAT. 104

Figure A15. FT-IR of CAFCAT. 104

Figure A16. PXRD Comparison of CAFCAT. 105

Figure A17. DSC thermogram of PENBEN. 106

Figure A18. FT-IR of PENBEN. 106

Figure A19. TGA Data of PENBEN. 107

Figure A20. PXRD Comparison of PENBEN. 107

Figure A21. DSC thermogram of PEN1HY. 108

Figure A22. FT-IR of PEN1HY. 108

Figure A23. TGA Data of PEN1HY. 109

Figure A24. PXRD Comparison of PEN1HY. 109

Figure A25. DSC thermogram of PENSAL. 110

Figure A26. FT-IR of PENSAL. 110

Figure A27. TGA Data of PENSAL. 111

Figure A28. PXRD Comparison of PENSAL. 111

Figure A29. DSC thermogram of PENGAL.H2O. 112

Figure A30. DSC thermogram of PENGAL anhydrate. 112

Figure A31. PXRD Comparison of PENGAL.H2O. 113

Figure A32. TGA Data of PENGAL.H2O. 113

Figure A33. DSC thermogram of PENSLC. 114

Figure A34. FT-IR of PENSLC. 114

Figure A35. PXRD Comparison of PENSLC. 115

Figure A36. TGA Data of PENSLC. 115

Figure A37. DSC thermogram of PENCOU. 116

Figure A38. FT-IR of PENCOU. 117

Figure A39. PXRD Comparison of PENCOU. 117

Figure A40. TGA Data of PENCOU. 118

Figure A41. DSC thermogram of PENCFA. 119

Figure A42. FT-IR of PENCFA. 119

Figure A43. TGA Data of PENCFA. 120

Figure A44. PXRD Comparison of PENCFA. 120

Figure A45. DSC thermogram of cocrystal of PENCAT. 121

Figure A46. FT-IR of PENCAT. 119

Figure A47. PXRD Comparison of PENCAT. 122

Figure A48. TGA Data of PENCAT. 122


DNA – Deoxyribonucleic acid

API- Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient

CBZ- Carbamezepine.

CSD- Cambridge Structural Database.

BCS- Biopharmaceutics Classification System

GI- Gastrointestinal

AD- Alzheimer’s disease

Aβ- β-Amyloid

DMF- Dimethyl Formamide.

GRAS- Generally Regarded as Safe

EAFUS- Every Added to Food in United States

I.V. –Intravenous


Pharmaceutical cocrystals use principles of crystal engineering for the design of

crystalline forms of drugs and can improve their solubility, bioavailability, stability and

other important properties without changing the efficacy of the drug. Herein reported are

pharmaceutical cocrystals of two API’s, caffeine and Pentoxifylline.

Research has indicated that caffeine has the ability to reverse Aβ plaque deposition in the

brain (believed to be the primary cause of Alzheimer’s pathogenesis) and thus revert

memory and improve cognitive impairment. But owing to the fast absorption rate and

short half life, a controlled release formulation of caffeine would be clinically beneficial.

Thus, novel cocrystals of caffeine are presented with varying solubilities with respect to

caffeine. The pharmaceutical cocrystals of caffeine used herein include: caffeine·cyanuric

acid monohydrate, caffeine·syringic acid tetrahydrate, caffeine·chlorogenic acid and

caffeine·catechin hydrate. Three caffeine cocrystals were prepared in our lab previously

which include caffeine·ferulic acid, caffeine·ethyl gallate dihydrate and caffeine·caffeic

acid. In addition, six caffeine cocrystal forms were reproduced from the literature and

included in the solubility study: caffeine· quercetin, caffeine·salicylic acid, caffeine·1-

hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, caffeine·gallic acid hemihydrate, caffeine·ellagic acid

monohydrate and caffeine· coumaric acid. Dissolution studies were performed in aqueous

media at room temperature. All of the cocrystals decreased the solubility of caffeine with

the highest being a 278 fold decrease in the solubility of caffeine. Analysis of melting

point, crystal packing efficiency and solubility of cocrystal former with solubility was

also done to determine if they influenced the solubility. Presented herein are the results of

the analyses. It was seen that solubility of the cocrystal former had no effect on the

decrease in cocrystal solubility. Moreover melting point and solubility of the cocrystal

could not be correlated probably due to the variability in the cocrystal formers. Crystal

packing efficiency though did not show a high correlation with solubility but it was seen

that highest solubility achieved by pure caffeine achieved the lowest crystal packing

efficiency and vice versa suggesting its role in cocrystal solubility.

Pentoxifylline is contraindicated for its use in autism. But owing to high solubility of the

drug, a less soluble form of the drug would help in decreasing the half life and thereby

help in forming a sustained form of the drug by modifying the inherent solubility of the

API. Here, novel cocrystals of Pentoxifylline are presented with varying solubilities with

respect to the API. The pharmaceutical cocrystals used herein include: pentoxifylline·

benzoic acid, pentoxifylline·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, pentoxifylline·salicylic acid,

pentoxifylline·gallic acid, pentoxifylline. salicylamide, pentoxifylline·coumaric acid,

pentoxifylline·caffeic acid and pentoxifylline·catechin hydrate. Dissolution studies were

also performed in aqueous media at room temperature. All of the cocrystals decreased the

solubility of Pentoxifylline with the highest being a 99 fold decrease in the solubility with

pentoxifylline·coumaric acid. On analyzing melting point, crystal packing efficiency and

relation of solubility of cocrystal former with solubility of cocrystal, as was done in the

case of caffeine, the parameters showed no effect on solubility of the cocrystal.


1.1. Crystal Engineering

Crystal Engineering, a part of organic solid state chemistry was introduced in 1955 by

Pepinsky 1 and established by Schmidt 2 through the topochemical reactions on cinnamic

acid. Though Schmidt and his contemporaries worked on this newly formed field to

discover structures with reference to assembly of molecules and thereby stability in

structures with the help of X-ray crystallography, this field gained prominence from the

1900’s with the advent of metal organics, organometallics 4 and organic solids and since

then the field of crystal engineering has advanced resulting in greater understanding of
1, 2, 3
how to design viable crystalline forms. Gautam Desiraju, a pioneer in the field,

defined crystal engineering as “the understanding of intermolecular interactions in the

context of crystal packing and in the utilization of such understanding in the design of

new solids with desired physical and chemical properties”. 5 Intermolecular forces play a

vital role in crystal engineering and the most important being non covalent interactions

which includes hydrogen bonding, Van der Waals forces, hydrophobic forces,

electrostatic forces and п- п interactions , which further help in crystal packing and self

assembly. 3, 5, 6 Crystal engineering is also based on the principle of understanding motifs

present in a molecule, leading to the formation of “synthons” using non covalent

interactions. The term “synthons” as defined by Corey are “structural units within

molecules which can be formed and/or assembled by known or conceivable synthetic

operations”. Desiraju further utilized this concept to define “supramolecular synthons”

which are defined as “structural units within supermolecules which can be formed and/or
assembled by known or conceivable intermolecular interactions” in the context of a

set of compounds known as “Cocrystals”. Supramolecular synthons are categorized

further into 2 classes (a) supramolecular homosynthons: composed of identical self-

complementary functionalities (b) supramolecular heterosynthons: composed of different

but complementary functionalities. Figure 1.1(a) illustrates a supramolecular

homosynthon, usually formed between similar types of functional groups and in this case

between two carboxylic acid molecules to form a dimer and 1.1(b) illustrates a

supramolecular heterosynthon, usually formed between competing and complementary

functional groups, and in this case between a carboxylic acid and amide.

(a) (b)

Figure 1.1. (a) A supramolecular homosynthon is formed between identical

functional groups, in this case between two carboxylic acid moieties to form a dimer.
(b) A supramolecular heterosynthon is formed between complementary but
different functional groups, in this case between carboxylic acid and amide moieties.

1.2. Cocrystals

8, 9
Cocrystals, a class of compounds for which the principles of crystal engineering are

utilized, have gained a lot of recent attention owing to their amenability to design and
19, 20
their ability to tailor physiochemical properties. They represent a class of

compounds with huge potential and play an important part in chemistry and

pharmaceuticals especially in the field of non linear optics, purification, polymorphism 26,

chiral separation, discovery of persistent synthons 27 and also modifying physicochemical

properties of API’s. 19, 20

As the properties of a compound depends on the arrangement of the atoms in the crystal

structure, designing “crystals with a purpose” and thereby modifying its properties has

resulted in the development of cocrystals. They are a “long known but little studied” set

of compounds which constitute only c.a. 0.5% of the Cambridge Structural Database.

This class of compounds was popularized by Etter. 8(a) The first cocrystal synthesized was

quinhydrone which is a 1:1 cocrystal between benzoquinone and hydroquinone as

illustrated in Figure 1.2 and was made by Wohler in 1844. 10

Figure 1.2. The first cocrystal, Quinhydrone was reported in 1844. It is a 1:1

cocrystal between benzoquinone and hydroquinone (CSD Refcode : QUIDON).

Following this, Hoogsten in 1963 synthesized a complex between 1-methyl thymine and

1-methyl adenine as seen in DNA base pairing and used the term “cocrystal “for the first

time. 11 Figure 1.3 illustrates Hoogsten’s base pairing in the complex.

Figure 1.3. Hoogsten’s “cocrystal” between1-methyl adenine and 1-methyl thymine

forms a supramolecular heterosynthon (CSD Refcode : MTHMAD).

Probably the most prominent biological example of a cocrystal is the base pairing
observed in DNA which shows a strong hydrogen bonding between the purines and


12, 13, 14
Cocrystals have been defined in various ways by various people and have been
15 16
named as “Addition Compounds” (early 1900’s), “Organic Molecular Compounds”
17 18
(1937), “Complexes” (1960’s) or “Heteromolecular Crystals” (2005) from time to

time. Accordingly cocrystals defined in our lab states that they are “a multiple component

crystal in which all components are solid under ambient conditions when in their pure

form. These components or cocrystal formers coexist as a stoichiometric ratio of a target

molecule or ion and a neutral molecular cocrystal former(s)”. This definition
excludes clathrates, solvates and hydrates. As seen from the definition above,

cocrystals contain two or more components which are held together by supramolecular

synthons. In order to achieve that, complementary or similar functional groups in each

molecule capable of forming supramolecular hetero or homosynthons help in the design

of a crystal. Thus the radical in developing a cocrystals lies in the following 1) Choosing

the target molecule 2) Finding the complementary functional groups which is capable of

forming a hydrogen bond. 3) Methods of Preparation. This is known as the

supramolecular synthons approach 24, 25 which in conjunction with analysis of the current
structural data from the Cambridge Structural Database helps in the discovery of


1.3. Pharmaceutical Cocrystals

Crystal form screening of APIs has become an integral part of the pharmaceutical
industry. This is due to the inherent nature of crystalline forms maintaining stability

compared to amorphous forms. Different crystal forms that can be discovered include

salts, 28 hydrates, 29 solvates, and cocrystals. 9

20, 21
Pharmaceutical cocrystals, a highly studied subset of cocrystals, afford new crystal

forms of APIs and can be defined as, “a multiple component crystal in which at least one

component is molecular and a solid at room temperature and forms a supramolecular

synthons with a molecular or ionic API.” 20(a) Over the years pharmaceutical cocrystals

have been studied in the context of improving physicochemical properties including

modifying the solubility of the parent API. 22 Herein reported is a study on the solubility

of caffeine and Pentoxifylline, two molecules amenable to crystal engineering due to

their hydrogen bond acceptors, and discuss the use of cocrystallization to tailor its


Crystalline forms of API are sought as they provide stability and also helps in the

formation of pure products. But these are also subjected to various complications arising
from polymorphism , low aqueous solubility, amorphous nature. The existence of

polymorphism for an API creates lots of problems arising from instability during drug


Crystal engineering has created a paradigm to improve these problems. 20(a) Usually when

a new API comes into discovery, and has limited physical properties, it is converted to a

salt form of the drug based on the ionizable functional groups in it. 28 Salt formation has

been shown to be an effective tool for bettering properties without affecting the

biological activity. But the FDA recognizes some 90 acids and 30 bases for salt formation

and the presence of ionisable group makes it again a limited approach for neutral

molecules.28 Cocrystals have come in to cross the barrier due to the large group of

pharmaceutically accepted compounds which can be used in its design without changing

any properties. Pharmaceutical cocrystals opens door for multiple functional groups

(including weakly or nonionizable) and molecules that possess a broader range of

hydrogen bonding moieties. There are various pharmaceutical cocrystals that have been

made in this context and examples to show how they can improve physicochemical

properties also exist. 22 Other factors which make this such a versatile class of compound

include 1) Intellectual property rights – it is considered to be a new compound, so can be

patented. 2) It has new physical properties 3) It can be designed and does not need

difficult steps for synthesis.

To exemplify this, Fluoxetine Hydrochloride, also known as Prozac® is a good example.

It a popular antidepressant which is used to treat depression and bipolar disorder. The salt

form of the drug was cocrystallized with carboxylic acids like benzoic, succinic and

fumaric acid. On performing powder dissolution studies in water on the API and its

cocrystals for 120 minutes the dissolution profile generated was as seen as in Figure 1.4

(a) below. 22(b)

(a) (b)

Figure 1.4 22(b). (a) The powder dissolution profile of cocrystals of Prozac® measured

over 120 minutes shows higher solubility, lower solubility and dissociation for

fumaric acid, benzoic acid and succinic acid cocrystals respectively.(b) Chemical

structure of Prozac®.

As seen in the profile, the cocrystal with succinic acid is seen to dissociate quickly in

solution, and finally recrystallizing out as the API. The cocrystal with fumaric acid shows

solubility higher than the parent API suggesting higher bioavailability and with benzoic

acid, a decrease in the solubility is observed.

This clearly exemplifies that cocrystals have the capacity to modify the intrinsic

solubility of a molecule/API by either increasing or decreasing the solubility.

To exemplify how pharmaceutical cocrystals can modify bioavailability, a good example

would be that of Carbamezepine (CBZ), popularly known as Tegretol® which has limited

solubility. The cocrystal of CBZ with saccharin is more soluble than the pure API and its

dehydrate form. The bioavailability when tested in vivo on dog plasma showed that the

cocrystal had improved bioavailability as compared to the pure API. Figure 1.5(a)

illustrates the in vivo bioavailability studies performed on CBZ (b) depicts the crystal

structure of the Carbamezepine·Saccharin cocrystal. 21(a)

(a) (b)

Figure 1.5. (a) In vivo studies conducted on Tegretol® cocrystal upon dogs showed

that the cocrystal (red) had improved bioavailability as compared to the pure API

(blue). (b) Crystal structure of the Carbamezepine·Saccharin cocrystal.

Pharmaceutical cocrystals also have shown enhanced stability as for the case of

Caffeine·Oxalic acid cocrystal as illustrated in Figure 1.6, which exhibited higher

stability to moisture as compared to other cocrystals of caffeine and also pure caffeine

itself. 31

Figure 1.6. The Caffeine Oxalic acid cocrystal (CSD Refcode : GANXUP) that is

sustained by hydrogen bonding between an aromatic nitrogen of caffeine and

carboxylic acid moieties exhibited higher stability to hydration than pure caffeine.

Thus as illustrated pharmaceutical cocrystals have wide range of benefits and play a

important role in the field of pharmaceuticals and in the following chapters,

pharmaceutical cocrystals of two API’s caffeine and Pentoxifylline are discussed along

with solubility studies performed on them and finally analysis of melting point, crystal

packing efficiency and solubility of cocrystal former with measured cocrystal solubility

was also done to determine if they influenced the overall solubility. Presented herein are

also the results of the analyses.

1.4. Cambridge Structural Database

Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) as mentioned above is an essential tool in the field

of crystal engineering. Data collected from this software helps in understanding the

supramolecular synthons that could be formed between functional groups. With those

statistics it is easier to understand what complementary functional groups would be

promising for the functional groups in a target molecule and thus the cocrystal formers

can be selected.

The CSD was developed in 1965 in Cambridge University by Kennard. It contains results

of X-ray and neutron diffraction studies of organics, organometallics and complexes of

metals. The database stores bibliographic information, crystallographic data and chemical

connectivity information for each entry which is named as a refcode. 23

The CSD consists of 4 components a) ConQuest: allows searching information and

retrieving it. b) Mercury: helps in visually looking at a structure. c) Vista: provides

numerical analysis and d) PreQuest: helps in database creation.

The CSD has grown over time with a huge number of structures being deposited every

year and as of 2011, the total number of structures in the system has gone up to 562,000.

And thus this has become a versatile tool and a prerequisite before any crystal

engineering experiment.

1.5. Biopharmaceutics Classification System

The Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS) was developed in 1995 by Amidon

and coworkers which correlates in vitro drug dissolution and in vivo drug bioavailability.

For orally delivered drugs, drug dissolution and permeability in the G.I tract are now

understood as mandatory requisites. This formed the basis of the correlation developed.

The BCS system classified drugs into 4 categories, based on aqueous solubility and

permeability as shown in Figure 1.7 below. 32(a)

Figure 1.7. The Biopharmaceutics Classification System is based on aqueous

solubility and permeability.

a) Class I: Represents drugs with high permeability and high solubility.

b) Class II: Represents drugs with high permeability and low solubility.

c) Class III: Represents drugs with low permeability and high solubility.

d) Class IV: Represents drugs with low permeability and low solubility.

Cocrystallization is a very good technique to increase the bulk solubility for drugs with

low solubility which belongs to BCS Class II and IV. As discussed above, for example

with CBZ which has limited solubility and cocrystallization helped to increase the

solubility of the drug.

The FDA guidance of BCS which was brought about in 2000, classifies a substance to be

highly soluble when the highest dosage is soluble in 250 mL or less aqueous media over

pH range of 1-7.5. It classifies a substance to be highly permeable when the extent of

absorption in humans is determined to be > 90% of an administered dose based on mass-

balance or in comparison to an intravenous reference dose. 32(b)

Caffeine and Pentoxifylline the two API investigated here are both BCS class I drugs and

in this case the solubility of the API’s were decreased by cocrystallization.


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2.1. Introduction

Caffeine (1,3,7-trimethyl-1H-purine-2,6(3H,7H)-dione) is a natural alkaloid, methyl
xanthine, found in various plants. It is a bitter white solid, BCS class I API, whose
solubility in water is 22 mg/mL at 25 ⁰C. It is the active ingredient in coffee and tea

and is the most consumed central nervous system stimulant by man. Caffeine is present in
medications for asthma, apnea in newborns, and also some over-the-counter

medications for headaches.

Figure 2.1. The molecular structure of Caffeine (CSD Refcode: NIWFEE02)

2.2. Caffeine Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics

Caffeine is metabolized in the liver with the help of cytochrome P450 oxidase enzymes to

form monomethyl xanthenes, dimethyl xanthenes, monomethyl uric acids, trimethyl and

dimethyl allantoin and also uracil derivatives. The principle dimethyl xanthenes formed

after metabolism are paraxanthine, theophylline and theobromine which are potent

compounds themselves. 17(a)

After consumption it gets absorbed from the gastrointestinal (GI) tract rapidly and almost

completely in humans in around 30 to 45 minutes. 15 The half-life of caffeine has a wide

range (2.7-9.9.hours) primarily due to intra-subject variability. 15, 16 Caffeine has shown to

be effective against various diseases including Type II diabetes 17 and Alzheimer’s. 19

2.3. Caffeine and Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative, incurable disease which usually

affects people of age 65 and up. Current AD drugs can ameliorate the cognitive

deficits to a certain degree to provide relief but not reverse the effects of AD. Deposition

and further aggregation of the protein β-Amyloid (Aβ) in the brain is believed to be the
18, 19, 20(c)
cause of AD pathogenesis . In lieu of that, research to prevent deposition of Aβ,

production or removal of Aβ is being conducted. Decreasing Aβ deposition through

inhibition of or -secretase or promoting the non-amyloidogenic processing of the

amyloid precursor protein (APP) through promotion of -secretase activity are other
arenas of research for the treatment of AD. Direct removal of monomeric Aβ on the

other hand has benefits but can also lead to erroneous consequences since it also has
normal cognitive functions in the brain. Caffeine has been shown to suppress Aβ

deposition by reduction of β-secretase and -secretase, two enzymes responsible for Aβ

production in the brain and thus revert the progression of AD pathogenesis. 20

With caffeine having a rapid absorption rate and variable-to-short half-life, creation of a

sustained dosage form of caffeine for AD patients could aid in dispensing the drug to AD

patients over a considerable time period. The proposal is the eventual use of caffeine
6, 7, 8
cocrystals for this purpose. The existing sustained release formulations of caffeine,
in the form of chewing gums or microparticulate caffeine 22 slow down its dissolution

using formulation changes but do not tailor caffeine’s thermodynamic solubility. Since
9, 10, 11
pharmaceutical cocrystals have been successfully used to modify the solubility of
9, 10
many APIs and caffeine’s therapeutic potential is high, there is sufficient motivation

to clinically develop and study alternate caffeine crystal forms.5

2.4. Caffeine cocrystals in CSD

Caffeine has been well studied and various crystal forms of the drug have been isolated

and published. A more detailed analysis of the structures reported in the CSD showed
27, 28, 29, 30, 49
that caffeine has been cocrystallized with carboxylic acids, polyphenols and
58(a) 58(b)
other APIs like sulfaproxiline and sulfaacetamide. Therefore, using the

supramolecular synthon approach 23, 24, 5 (c) and statistics from CSD, 25 cocrystal synthesis
through crystal engineering was achieved. It is shown here that caffeine can be

cocrystallized with nutraceuticals and pharmaceutically acceptable or approved

compounds. Solubility studies were performed on novel as well as a selected set of

previously reported cocrystals. Further analyses were done on the data collected to study

the impact physicochemical properties and crystal packing had upon solubility.

2.5. Experimental Section

2.5.1 Synthesis of Cocrystals

Caffeine was cocrystallized with four compounds, namely cyanuric acid, syringic acid,

catechin hydrate and chlorogenic acid. The other cocrystal formers used in this study

were 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, quercetin, salicylic acid coumaric acid, ellagic acid,

ferulic acid, gallic acid , ethyl gallate, caffeic acid and the cocrystals were prepared as

previously reported in the literature 27,28,29,30 or prepared previously in our lab. Figure 2.2

shows the chemical structures of caffeine and the cocrystal formers which were used in

this study. They have all been given a 3 lettered refcode which will be used hence forth.

All the cocrystal formers used were either Generally Regarded as Safe compounds
47 48
(GRAS) or included in the Every Added to Food in United States (EAFUS) list.

Cocrystallization with the cocrystal formers mentioned resulted in successful cocrystal

formation of caffeine via multiple synthetic methods such as slow evaporation, solvent
57 28
drop and neat grinding and also slurring techniques . Single crystals suitable for X-

ray diffraction studies were also made for some cocrystals.

2.5.2. Caffeine·Cyanuric acid monohydrate, CAFCYA.H2O (2:1:1)

The cocrystal was made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.038g

(0.000195mmol) of caffeine and 0.013g (0.0001 mmol) cyanuric acid were ground with

50 µL of ethanol for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls and it gave rise to

CAFCYA with approximately 100% conversion. Solvent drop grinding with water and

dimethyl formamide (DMF) also resulted in CAFCYA. (b) Dry grinding: 0.038g

(0.000195mmol) of caffeine and 0.013g (0.0001 mmol) cyanuric acid were ground

without any solvent and also resulted in CAFCYA with approximately 100% conversion.

(c) Slurry: 0.38 g (0.00195 mmol) of caffeine and 0.13 g (0.001 mmol) of cyanuric acid

was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 4 mL of acetonitrile overnight under ambient conditions.

The resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual

solid shows 100% conversion to CAFCYA. The filtrate from the slurry was left for slow

evaporation and afforded block shaped crystals with 60% yield after seven days which

were used for single crystals X ray diffraction.

Caffeine (CAF) Ferulic acid (FER) Coumaric acid (COU) Syringic acid
Gallic acid (GAL) Cyanuric acid Quercetin (QUE) Salicylic acid

Ellagic acid (ELA) 1-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid Ethyl gallate (ETG)
(1HY) OH
Chlorogenic acid Caffeic acid Catechin hydrate

Figure 2.2. The chemical structures of caffeine and cocrystal formers used in the


2.5.3. Caffeine·Ferulic acid, CAFFER

The cocrystal was made via the following method in our lab (a) Slurry: 0.19 g (0.000097

mmol) of caffeine and 0.19g of ferulic acid (0.000097 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm

in 4 mL of methanol overnight under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered

and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid from the experiment gave

100% yield of CAFFER.

2.5.4. Caffeine·Syringic acid tetrahydrate ,CAFSYR.4H2O (1:1:4)

This cocrystal was also made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.038 g

(0.000195mmol) of caffeine and 0.040g (0.0002 mmol) of syringic acid were ground

with 50 µL of ethanol, water and DMF for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls

resulting in CAFSYR with around 100 % yield.(b) Dry grinding: 0.038 g

(0.000195mmol) of caffeine and 0.040g (0.0002 mmol) of syringic acid was ground

without any solvent but resulted in total conversion to CAFSYR. (c) Slurry: 0.19 g

(0.00097 mmol) of caffeine and 0.20g of syringic acid (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca.

125 rpm in 5 mL of water overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was

filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid gave 100%

conversion to CAFSYR. The filtrate from the slurry was left for slow evaporation and

gave rise to needle shaped crystals with 85 % yield after 10 days which was used for

single crystal analysis.

2.5.5. Caffeine·Ethyl gallate dihydrate, CAFETG.2H2O (1:1:2)

This cocrystal was also made via the slurring technique in our lab (a) Slurry: 0.19 g

(0.00097 mmol) of caffeine and 0.20g of ethyl gallate (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca.

125 rpm 3 mL of a 50:50 mixture of ethanol: water, overnight under ambient conditions.

The resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The solid

resulted in total conversion to CAFETG.

2.5.6. Caffeine·Caffeic acid, CAFCFA

This cocrystal was prepared via the following method in our lab. (a) Slurry: 0.19 g

(0.00097 mmol) of caffeine and 0.18 g of caffeic acid (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca.

125 rpm in 5 mL of water overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was

filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid gave 100%

conversion to CAFCFA.

2.5.7. Caffeine·Chlorogenic acid, CAFCGA

0.38 g (0.00097 mmol) of caffeine and 0.354 g of chlorogenic acid (0.001 mmol) was

slurried at ca. 125 rpm in l mL of water overnight, under ambient conditions. The

resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual

solid showed 100% conversion to CAFCGA. Suitable single crystals for X-ray diffraction

studies could not be grown for this cocrystal.

2.5.8. Caffeine·Quercetin methanol solvate, CAFQUE.MeOH (1:1:1)

This cocrystal was prepared by in our lab by taking 0.19 g (0.00097 mmol) of caffeine

and 0.34 g (0.001 mmol) of quercetin was slurried at ca. 125 rpm 5 mL of methanol,

overnight under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was

left for slow evaporation. The solid resulted in 100% cocrystal CAFQUE.

2.5.9. Caffeine·Salicylic acid, CAFSAL (1:1)

The cocrystal was prepared as outlined in the paper by Bucar et al. 27

2.5.10. Caffeine·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, CAF1HY (1:1)

The cocrystal was prepared as outlined in the paper by Bucar et al. 28

2.5.11. Caffeine·Ellagic acid Monohydrate, CAFELA.H2O (1:1:1)

The cocrystal was prepared as outlined in the paper by Clarke et al. 29

2.5.12. Caffeine·Gallic acid Hemihydrate, CAFGAL.0.5H2O (1:1:0.5)

The cocrystal was prepared as outlined in the paper by Clarke et al. 29

2.5.13. Caffeine·Coumaric acid, CAFCOU (2:1)

The cocrystal was prepared as outlined in the paper by Schultheiss et al. 30

2.5.14. Caffeine·Catechin Hydrate, CAFCAT

This cocrystal was prepared by in our lab by taking 0.19 g (0.00097 mmol) of caffeine

and 0.29 g (0.001 mmol) of catechin hydrate was slurried at ca. 125 rpm five ml of ethyl

acetate, overnight under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and the

filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The solid resulted in 100% cocrystal CAFCAT.

Single crystals could not be grown for this cocrystal but the cell parameters and space

group were retrieved.

2.5.15. Dissolution studies on cocrystals

Powder dissolution studies were performed on all cocrystals and pure caffeine. The study

was performed in deionized water at room temperature. All the crystal forms were sieved

to get consistent particle sizes between 53 -75µm as the dissolution rate is affected by

particle size. Supersaturated slurries were stirred with magnetic sir bars at a rate of 125

rpm. Dissolution rate was determined by drawing fixed aliquots with a syringe and

filtering through 0.45µm filters after 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 120, 150, 180,

240, and 2400 minutes. The solutions were analyzed to determine the concentration of

caffeine using HPLC with UV/Vis detection. The experiment was done in triplicate to

allow for statistical analysis. The leftover solid was characterized at the end of the study

identify the solid phase post dissolution.38

2.6. Results And Discussion

2.6.1. Cocrystals of Caffeine

Caffeine has been a molecule of choice in the field of crystal engineering owing to its

capacity to readily form hydrogen bonds with complementary functional groups such as

carboxylic acids, polyphenols and amides and these types supramolecular heterosynthon

formation are exemplified by structures deposited in the CSD.25 A survey of the CSD

(version 5.32, May 2011 update) was carried out using ConQuest (version 1.13) and the

search was limited to organic molecules with determined 3D coordinates determined and

R ≤ 0.075. This survey revealed 44 entries of caffeine including solvates. A caffeine

molecule has three hydrogen bond acceptors including an aromatic nitrogen in the

imidazole ring (Narom) and two carbonyl groups. Carboxylic acids, alcohols, phenols and

amides have hydrogen bond donors which readily participate in hydrogen bonding and

the CSD survey mentioned above contained these types of hydrogen bond donors

interacting with caffeine. On performing a CSD analysis with these acceptor centers in an

earlier study, it has been seen that the Narom···COOH supramolecular heterosynthon has a

98 % occurrence, the Narom···OH has a 78% occurrence incidence and Narom···CONH2 has
a 33% incidence of occurrence; in the absence of competing functional group and

homosynthons. A similar statistical analysis conducted for the carbonyl group determined

that the carbonyl group specific to the structure has lower incidences of bonding with

carboxylic acids, alcohols, phenols and amides.

In the study, caffeine cocrystals with 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid (KIGKIV) , salicylic

acid (XOBCAT) 27, coumaric acid 30

have been included from the literature. Cocrystals

of caffeine with gallic acid, ellagic acid and quercetin were made in our lab and published

earlier 29. It has been remade and used for the purpose of this study.

The statistics concretely shows that the radical for using the three complementary groups

are promising and logical choices for cocrystallization.

The cocrystal formers that were targeted for the study are illustrated in Table 2.1, 2.2 and

2.3 below.

Table 2.1. Cocrystal formers- carboxylic acids

Name M.W M.P pka LD Solubility

Glycolic 76.05 75-80 3.82 1950, oral soluble
acid rat

Salicylic 138 158 2.97 891 , oral 2

acid ,13.4 rat

Benzoic 122.12 122.4 4.21 oral, rat 3.4

acid 1700

Table 2.2. Cocrystal formers – polyphenols and flavanoids

Name pka LD Solubility

Caffeic acid 4.4 721 0.7
Gallic acid 4.5,10 5000 11
Catechin 7.8 3890 1.6
Syringic acid 4.33, 7.5 2000 0.57

Chlorogenic acid 3.34 100 25

Coumaric acid 4.4,9.35 2850 0.8

Ferulic acid 4.8,9.4 3890 0.7

Table 2.3. Cocrystal formers- amides

Name M.W pka Solubility LD M.P

(mg/ml) 50(mg/kg)

Cyanuric 129.07 6.9 2.7 7700 Rat 320-360

acid oral.

Iso 122.12 3.67 191.7 78 rat oral 155-158


Salicylamide 137.136 8.32 soluble 980 , rat oral 140

2.6.2. Crystal Structure Discussion: Caffeine Cyanuric acid monohydrate 2:1:1

Caffeine.Cyanuric acid, CAFCYA crystallizes in the space group P21/n. The asymmetric

unit contains two caffeine molecules, one cyanuric acid and one water molecule. Figure

2.3 demonstrates hydrogen bonding between the molecules which are arranged in tapes,

in one sheet. Each cyanuric acid molecule acts as a donor to two caffeine molecules

through interaction with the imidazole nitrogens, N···N. 2.913(5) Å, 2.953(5) Å, and one

water molecule with an N···O distance of 2.712(4) Å. The water molecule also hydrogen

bonds to a carbonyl of another cyanuric acid molecule with an O···O distance of 2.753(4)

Å thereby connecting the cyanuric acid molecules in a chain. The water molecule which

connects the cyanuric acids, is also seen to participate in hydrogen bonding with one

carbonyl (adjacent to the imidazole ring) of caffeine in the sheet below it with an O···O

distance of 2.791(5) Å as depicted in Figure 2.4. This finally results in the bilayer sheets

supported by π-π interactions, depicted for clarity in two colors and designated as

AABBAABB in Figure 2.5. Data were collected on single crystals of CAFCYA and

CAFSYR on a Bruker-AXS SMART APEX 2 CCD diffractometer with

monochromatized Cu Kα radiation (λ = 1.54178 Å). The diffractometer was connected to

a KRYO-FLEX low temperature device. Data for CAFCYA was collected at 105 K and
CAFSYR at 293 K. Indexing was performed using SMART v5.625 or using APEX
31(b) 32
2008v1-0. Frames were integrated with SaintPlus 7.51 software package.

Absorption corrections were performed by multi-scan method implemented in SADABS.

The structures were solved using SHELXS-97 and refined using SHELXL-97 (Matrix

Non-Linear Least- Squares) contained in SHELXTL v6.10 34 and WinGX v1.70.0135.36, 37

program packages.

A search for cyanuric acid in the CSD revealed 12 cocrystals of the compound. Out of

them, in cyanuric·urea (PANVUV), the NH of cyanuric acid forms a supramolecular

heterosynthon with the amide group of urea, cyanuric acid·phenazine (YIZXID) shows

cyanuric acid molecules forming dimers with each other and the phenazine molecules

stacked by π-π interactions. BADCUR, cocrystal between cyanuric acid and 8-bromo 9-

ethylene adenine is a monohydrate where water bridges the compounds together in the

lattice. Other than these, all the other 9 cocrystals reported, HADCUT, ZIHEE,

MOPYAR, VEDFAM, YIZXAH, VEXQUE and VEXQUK show supramolecular

heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen and NH of cyanuric acid.

Figure 2.3. Hydrogen bonding observed in CAFCYA.H20 reveals that the aromatic

nitrogen of caffeine forms a supramolecular heterosynthon with the NH group on

cyanuric acid molecules. Cyanuric acid molecules are connected by water molecule

thereby affording a tape like structure.

Figure 2.4. Stacking of CAFCYA.H20 sheets viewed along b-axis. Water molecules

bridge the layers.

Figure 2.5. Bilayer sheets of CAFCYA.H20 viewed along the c-axis.

2.6.3. Caffeine ·Syringic acid tetrahydrate 1:1:4

The cocrystal caffeine·syringic acid, CAFSYR crystallizes in Fdd2. Each assymmetric

unit contains one caffeine molecule, one syringic acid molecule and four water

molecules. The interactions between the molecules are shown in Figure 2.6. The carbonyl

moiety in the carboxylic acid in syringic acid engages in hydrogen bonding with one

water molecule at an O···O distance of 2.8(4) Å. This water molecule in turn engages in

hydrogen bonding with two additional water molecules, to form an O···O hydrogen

bonded chain, O···O, 2.7(5) Å, 2.8(6) Å. The hydroxyl moeity of the carboxylic acid on

syringic acid hydrogen bonds to a third water molecule,via O···O interactions at distances

of 2.6 (4) Å which is in turn hydrogen bonds to the aromatic nitrogen of caffeine on one

side through an O···N interaction ,O···N at a distance of 2.8(5) Å and another water

molecule above, OH···O at a distance of 2.9(5) Å. This water engages in hydrogen bond

with the carbonyl group adjacent to the imidazole ring of caffeine , O···O at a distance of

2.6(5) Å. The hydroxy group on syringic acid and one methoxy group bonds with the

fourth water molecule O···O at a distance of 2.8 (4) Å. This water molecule now is found

to bond with the first water molecule and another syringic acid molecule to from a

terameric structure as shown in Figure 2.7. Intramolecular hydrogn bonding is also seen

to occur between the hydroxyl group of syingic acid and methoxy group, O···O at a

distance of 2.7 (4) Å. The water molecule which points downward forms the bridge,O···O

at a distance of 2.8(5) Å.

A CSD analysis of syringic acid shows that there are no reported crystal forms of this

compound, thereby making caffeine·syringic acid the first cocrystal ever reported.

Figure 2.6. Hydrogen bonding in CAFSYR.4H2O reveal that carboxylic acid

moieties and aromatic nitrogen atoms of caffeine form a heterosynthon with water.

Figure 2.7. The tetrameric structure formed between water molecules and syringic

acid in CAFSYR.4H2O.

2.6.4. Caffeine Chlorgenic acid, Caffeine Catechin Hydrate

These cocrystals were prepared via various methods in a 1:1 ratio as mentioned in the

experimental section and characterized via PXRD, TGA, DSC and FT-IR. Efforts to

prepare single crystals however did not yield any results as of yet. For caffeine·catechin

hydrate though the crystal structure was not resolved but the cocrystal was indexed to


A search of chlorogenic acid in the CSD yields 2 salt entries with caffeine, no

cocrystals are reported. In case of catechin hydrate, only the crystal structure of catechin

hydrate (LUXWOR) is reported, no cocrystals of catechin hydrate are reported making

this one with caffeine the first reported cocrystal.

2.6.5. Dissolution and Solubility Studies

Powder dissolution studies were done on I-XII in aqueous media to determine the

dissolution profile for each cocrystal. Caffeine’s dissolution profile was also determined

over twenty-four hours to show the change of caffeine to caffeine monohydrate. For

purposes of clarity, the time point for the 24th hour reading was changed to 480 minutes.

This is made evident after the solubility of the anhydrous material reduces to 22.09

mg/mL which is in agreement with literature reported solubility of caffeine.50






0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (mins)

Figure 2.8. Dissolution profiles in water for caffeine and CAFCYA.H2O,






0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (mins)

Figure 2.9. Dissolution profiles in water for CAFFER, CAFETG.2 H2O, CAFCOU,


The dissolution profiles have been divided into 2 figures for clarity. Figure 2.8 shows the

kinetic solubility profiles of caffeine and caffeine cocrystals CAFCYA.H2O,

CAFQUE.MeOH and CAFSAL with solubility in the range of 3-22 mg/mL. Figure 2.9,

shows the kinetic solubility profiles for cocrystals CAFFER, CAFETG.2H2O,

CAFCOU, CAF1HY and CAFELA.0.5H2O with solubility ranging between 0.1- 2.9

mg/mL. For cocrystals CAFCGA, CAFGAL.0.5H2O, CAFSYR.4H2O and CAFCGA

the profiles generated are similar to those shown above.

From Noyes-Whitney’s 40 initial experiments on dissolution, thermodynamic solubility of

a crystal form is a fixed property upon which the rate of dissolution is dependant. With

the change in thermodynamic solubility of the caffeine in the cocrystals, the dissolution

rate is also modified and the smooth curves exemplify the constant dissolution rates

achieved for the cocrystals. A comparative graph showing the thermodynamic solubility

of each cocrystal and caffeine measured over twenty-four hours has been shown in the

Figure 2.10. The figure demonstrates the wide range of solubility that has been achieved

by different cocrystals.





Figure 2.10. A comparison of the thermodynamic solubility of caffeine and its


From the dissolution study it can be seen that CAFCYA.H2O showed maximum

concentration of ca 12.6 mg /mL till 3 hours and then lowers down to ca 10 mg/mL over

24 hours. CAFQUE.MeOH shows maximum concentration of ca 8.55 mg/ mL by the

end of 24 hours. CAFSAL’s dissolution profile shows a smooth plateau after reaching a

maximum concentration of ca 3.5 mg/ mL. CAFETG.2H2O, CAF1HY, CAFELA.H2O

and CAFCOU also show smooth plateau like profiles with maximum concentration of ca

0.5 mg/ mL ca 0.23 mg/ mL, and ca 0.08 mg/ mL, and ca 1.1 mg/ mL respectively. On

the other hand CAFER shows a profile which shows maximum concentration at ca 3.3

mg/ mL and then reducing to ca 2.85 mg/ mL over 24 hours. The profile suggests that the

crystal form shows signs of forming a hydrate after dissolving in water, which is less
41, 42
soluble than the anhydrous form but has the same powder pattern as seen before the

study possibly implying formation of an isostructural hydrate of the crystal form.

The thermodynamic solubility data of CAFSYR.4H2O was found to be ca 1.17 mg/ mL

The maximum concentrations of CAFCFA, CAFCGA and CAFGAL.0.5H2O were

recorded as follows ca. 0.6 mg/mL, 11.9 mg/mL and 5.7 mg/mL respectively. This

solubility data clearly indicates that a lower solubility crystal form for caffeine can be

achieved at different magnitudes depending on the cocrystal former employed which are

thermodynamically stable over 8 hours. The PXRD and DSC’s of the residual solids were

done after the study at the end of twenty four hours and it was found that the all the

cocrystals were stable till that time period.

2.6.6. Caffeine as a drug

Amidon’s 43 solubility studies tell us that for a drug to be freely soluble and permeable in

the body the ideal solubility of the drug should be greater than or equal to 1 mg/mL. As

seen from the data CAFCYA.H2O, CAFER, CAFSYR.4H2O, CAFCGA,

CAFQUE.MeOH, CAFSAL, CAFGAL.0.5H2O and CAFCOU achieve solubility

above 1 mg/mL showcasing their suitability as drugs. As mentioned before, a slow

release, sustained dosage form of caffeine is desirable for AD. The solubility data of

these crystal forms exhibit a wide range of solubility and showcases their possible utility

for a sustained dosage form of caffeine. Thus crystal engineering affords a wide range of

solubility for an API through cocrystallization and this study clearly shows that the above

mentioned cocrystals of caffeine can be used as suitable alternate forms for oral delivery


2.6.7. Correlation between Solubility and Melting Point

For thermodynamically stable cocrystals this correlation is important. It could help to

know if solubility of an API could be tailored on the basis of melting point. Various
studies have been done but this relation still remains elusive. Attempts to correlate

the log of the solubility and the onset of the melting point of the cocrystal for this dataset

were unsuccessful most probably due to the variability in the cocrystal formers used.
(Shown in Figure 2.11 below). This result is consistent with Bak et al’s recent data.

Table 2.4 below shows the comparison of melting points of cocrystal and cocrystal


M.P. of Cocrystal (⁰C)

Log S

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350



Figure 2.11. Solubility of cocrystals shows no relationship with melting point

probably due to the variability of coformers used.

Table 2.4. Melting points of the cocrystal formers and the cocrystals

COCRYSTAL /COMPOUND M.P. of compound/ cocrystal M.P of CCF (⁰ C)

(⁰ C)

CAF 238

CAFCYA.H2O 228 360(decom)

CAFFER 147 168
CAFSYR.4H2O 180 205
CAFETG.2H2O 145 149
CAFCFA 200 211
CAFCGA 131 210
CAFQUE.MeOH 244 310
CAFSAL 147 158

CAF1HY 190 195

CAFELA.H2O 304 360 (decom)
CAFGAL.0.5H2O 244 268
CAFCOU 178 214
(* Melting points were taken from

On trying to correlate these two parameters between specific classes of compounds, some

correlations were observed. On comparing melting point onsets of cocrystals of caffeine

with cinnamic and hydroxy cinnamic acids 51 (ferulic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid

and chlorogenic acid) a correlation of 85% was observed, as shown in Figure 2.12. It was

seen that with increase in melting point of the cocrystal, a decrease in solubility occurred.

M.P. of Cocrystal(⁰C)
R² = 0.85


Log S



0 50 100 150 200 250


Figure 2.12. Solubility of cocrystals shows a high correlation with melting point

within the specific group of cinnamic and hydroxycinnamic acids.

This study shows that compounds belonging to individual classes do show that solubility

and melting point are related in some ways. To come to a consensus of how different

classes of compounds might vary in solubility and if melting point is a versatile cocrystal

design parameter, more systematic studies like need to be done amongst various classes

of compounds for multicomponent cocrystals.

2.6.8. Correlation between solubility of cocrystal former to solubility of cocrystal

The collected data shows that there has been a decrease in the solubility of caffeine

through cocrystallization as compared to the original API and in this context the above

parameters were correlated to determine any relationship between them as shown in

Figure 2.13 similar to analysis conducted by Nair et al where it was shown that with the

increase in the solubility of the cocrystal former there is an increase in the solubility of
cocrystal. It has been seen that in this case all the cocrystal formers are of solubility

lower than and comparable to caffeine, the cocrystals are thermodynamically stable over

24 hours, and there is a general trend of decrease in caffeine solubility in the cocrystals.

But there is no correlation observed that could help in prediction of solubility.

Log([CCF]/[API]) R² = 0.1975

-4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5






Figure 2.13. On correlating cocrystal former solubility and cocrystal solubility no

correlation other than the general decrease is observed in cocrystal solubility.

2.6.9. Correlation between solubility and crystal structure

All the cocrystals were classified according to their solubility following Amidon’s

solubility classification. No trends could be seen when the study encompassed cocrystal

formers of wide range of solubility as shown in Table 2.5. On then trying to see if the

crystal structures themselves had an impact upon solubility. Amongst all the cocrystals

CAFSAL, CAF1HY and CAFCOU are anhydrous structures, whereas others are

hydrates or solvates. In lieu of that there is no structure specific property observed that

could be distinguishing between the structures. Considering that Narom of caffeine is the

principle hydrogen bond acceptor with phenols and carboxylic acids as compared to the

other bond acceptors in caffeine, it has been seen that the principle synthons noticed

involving the aromatic nitrogen do not render any conclusive result or relationship.

Table 2.5. Solubility classification of cocrystal formers according to Amidon 43

Practically Very slightly Slightly soluble Sparingly

insoluble(<0.1mg/mL) soluble(0.1-1 (1-10mg/mL) soluble(10-
CCF mg/mL) CCF CCF 33mg/mL) CCF

2.6.10. Relationship between Solubility and Crystal packing efficiency

Polymorphic compounds are known to have different crystal packing and that is one

factor that contributes to different physicochemical properties between them. 45 Since it is

known that molecules arrange themselves in different ways, crystal packing efficiency is

an important calculable parameter that could showcase and shed some light on the

observed solubility. With new forms showing different physicochemical properties, it is

envisaged that crystal packing plays a critical role. Crystal packing efficiency was

calculated for the cocrystals of caffeine (using the software Platon 53) and correlated as a

function of solubility. To define the regularities of formation of molecular crystals,

Kitaigorodskii established the principle of close packing which is based on the

understanding of the tendency of molecules to fill available space in the most efficient

way with the greatest number of energetically favorable intermolecular van der Waals

contacts. 46 Crystal packing efficiency helps to calculate the efficiency of the molecules to

pack closely. For organic molecules, efficiency is typically found to be in the range of

65%-77%. The following, Table 2.6, depicts solubility of the cocrystal/compound with
single crystal data and its corresponding packing efficiency. Caffeine monohydrate’s

packing efficiency was determined here as it is the thermodynamically stable form during

dissolution and was thus a more appropriate compound to compare to than anhydrous


Table 2.6. Crystal packing efficiency and solubility of caffeine monohydrate and

crystal forms

Crystal packing
Compound/Cocrystal efficiency(%) Solubility(mg/mL)

Caffeine Monohydrate 65 22.09

CAFCYA.H2O 75 10.01

CAFSYR.4H2O 72 1.17

CAFETG.2H2O 70.1 0.56

CAFQUE.MeOH 72.9 8.55

CAFSAL 73.8 3.5

CAF1HY 71.8 0.23

CAFELA.H2O 75.6 0.08

CAFGAL.0.5H2O 74.9 5.7

As shown in Figure 2.14 below, there is a 41% correlation between crystal packing

efficiency and solubility, which indeed provides the impression that crystal packing

might play a role in the solubility of crystal forms. For example, caffeine monohydrate

has the highest solubility and the lowest packing efficiency whereas CAFELA (X) has

the highest packing efficiency and the lowest solubility, thus the crystal packing can have

a vital effect upon the solubility of the crystal form.

R² = 0.4144




64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78
Packing efficiency(%)

Figure 2.14. On correlating crystal packing efficiency with solubility shows that

highest packing efficiency is achieved by lowest solubility cocrystal and vice versa.

2.6.11. Determination of solubility of cocrystal former from solubility of cocrystal

It is definite that with change in solubility of API or principle cocrystal former in the

cocrystal , there is also a change in the solubility of the other cocrystal former. In our

cocrystals, the cocrystal formers are mostly nutraceuticals. Nutraceuticals 55 are a class of

compounds which benefits human health and is defined as a medicinal or nutritional

component that includes a food, plant or naturally occurring material, which may have

been purified or concentrated, and that is used for the improvement of health by

preventing or treating a disease 55(c). They can be used as pharmaceuticals, dietary

supplements etc. Dietary polyphenols are also considered nutraceuticals. They are the

principle antioxidants in food. 52,55(c).

The cocrystal formers cyanuric acid and 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid too are safe

compounds. And as mentioned before, changes occur in both the formers during

cocrystallization thereby helping in tailoring the solubility of both of the components in

the cocrystal.

The experimental solubility of both caffeine and the cocrystal former’s were compared to

the measured solubility of caffeine and literature values for the other cocrystal formers.

The results are shown in the Table 2.7 below.

Notably, amongst all the cocrystal formers the two least soluble compounds, quercetin 59

and ellagic acid 60 have shown massive increase in solubility, approximately 5000 and 12-

fold, respectively.

Table 2.7. Solubility modification (increase or decrease) of caffeine and other

cocrystal former in caffeine crystal forms

Cocrystal With respect to With respect to caffeine

CCF(Increase(inc) (decrease)
CAFCYA.H2O 1.2 fold(inc) -2 fold

CAFFER -8 fold

CAFSYR.4H2O -0.209 fold(dec) -19 fold

CAFETG.2H2O -0.1428 fold(dec) -39 fold

CAFQUE.MeOH 5354 fold(inc) -3 fold

CAFCFE -33 fold

CAFCGA -2 fold

CAFSAL 1.24 fold(inc) -6 fold

CAF1HY -0.45 fold(dec) -96 fold

CAFELA.H2O 12.8 fold(inc) -278 fold

CAFGAL.0.5H2O -0.45 fold(dec) -4 fold

CAFCOU -0.844 fold(dec) -20 fold

Thereby , formation of cocrystals of API or compounds with the other component or

cocrystal formers can be chosen in such a way during co crystallization such that the

solubility of both the components altered can be beneficial to us.

2.7. Conclusion

In summary, pharmaceutical cocrystals posses the ability to tailor the aqueous solubility

of an API. This statement is exemplified by the case study presented here where the

cocrystals of caffeine lowered the solubility of caffeine, allowing for the potential of a

slow release drug for the treatment of AD. 12 cocrystals of caffeine were studied and

their solubility in water analyzed.

All the crystal forms were tested to determine the aqueous solubility and dissolution

profile. All of them were found to be thermodynamically stable till after twenty-four

hours. The dissolution profiles showed that CAFELA.H2O had achieved the lowest

concentration of 0.08 mg/mL. On looking at the profiles some have achieved solubilities

above 1 mg/mL showcasing their suitability as a drug for AD which will be a slow

release form of caffeine as visible from the smooth plateau’s of their dissolution profiles.

The effects of melting point, solubility of cocrystal former and crystal packing efficiency

upon solubility were also studied. It was seen that, in general, melting point could not be

correlated as a function of solubility probably due to the variability in cocrystal formers,

but when correlated amongst specific class of compounds like the hydroxycinnamic

acids, high correlations amongst these two parameters could be seen, suggesting that

amongst specific classes even multicomponent cocrystals can show this correlation and

can be used to tailor solubility based on the melting point that one would want.

Further studies were performed considering solubility as a function of crystal packing

efficiency. Crystal packing is a important parameter for crystalline compounds. It was

found from the data, that a 41% correlation occurs between solubility and packing

efficiency; with the highest packing efficiency having the lowest solubility and vice

versa. Caffeine monohydrate with the highest solubility had the lowest packing efficiency

and all the cocrystals of varying solubility showed higher packing efficiency. This shows

that this property could be important and will help in future understanding of cocrystal


Influence of supramolecular synthons could not be established as a function of solubility.

In case of relation between the cocrystal former and cocrystal solubility, a general trend

was observed, where coformers used herein with solubility lower than caffeine , an

overall decrease in the solubility of the pure API occurred , but no specific relationship

between them could be established showing that predicting solubility is not a possibility.

It was determined that solubility of the cocrystal formers alters the solubility of the target

API or compound. More specifically, it was shown here that some cocrystal formers can

have a huge impact upon solubility such as Quercetin. Quercetin is an insoluble flavonoid

has shown an approx. 5000 fold increase in solubility as a cocrystal with caffeine. Ellagic

acid another insoluble flavonoid showed a 12 fold increase in its solubility.

Caffeine’s solubility was thus successfully lowered through cocrystallization with

nutraceutical or pharmaceutically acceptable compounds. Predictability of the resultant

solubility through melting point or coformer solubility correlation was not successful but

it was shown that cocrystals with packing efficiencies greater than caffeine hydrate

maintained lower aqueous solubility’s over the time studied.


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3.1. Introduction

Pentoxifylline popularly known as TRENTAL®, a drug sold by Aventis, is a

methylxanthine derivative drug and belongs to the same class like caffeine, theophylline

and theobromine. It is available as tablet, film-coated tablet and sugar-coated tablet

formulations containing dosage of 100, 200 and 400 mg respectively. It is also

administered intravenously.1

It is a white, crystalline powder which has a bitter taste with slight odor, with a reported

solubility of 77mg/mL at 25⁰C in water and pka is reported as 0.28. 2

Pentoxifylline is essentially used for treatment of intermittent claudication, ischemia of

3, 4, 5
heart, Reynolds syndrome, diabetes, cerebrovascular diseases and also uremia. All

these disorders have red blood cell deformity which is improved by the API by increasing

membrane ATP. 3 Pentoxifylline also blocks platelet aggregation, stimulates fibrinolysis

and decreases plasma fibrinolysis levels, thereby showing its effects as a hemorrheologic

drug. 3

Figure 3.1. The molecular structure of Pentoxifylline (CSD Refcode : JAKGEH).

3.2. Pharmacokinetics and Metabolism

Pentoxifylline is absorbed from the GI tract readily but undergoes extensive first pass

metabolism .2 On giving the drug via I.V. route the half life of the drug is 1.63 ± 0.8

hours. In case of oral delivery of the drug, the tmax is around 0.29-0.41 hours with the half

life ranging in between 0.39-0.84 hours.2 Since it undergoes metabolism, the

bioavailability of the sustained release form of the drug is around 20% and 30% for

capsules. 5

Pentoxifylline gets metabolized in the liver and red blood cells and forms 7 metabolites. 5

Excretion of the metabolites occurs via urine. 2

3.3. Pentoxifylline and Autism

Pentoxifylline is a phosphodiesterase inhibitor and has been contraindicated for use in

autism. 6 Autism is a disorder 7 in which there are developmental problems in the central

nervous system and affects children and the signs are visible from the age of 2. Though

there are pharmacological therapies targeting symptoms and behavioral therapies, no

specific treatment for the disease is available yet. Antipsychotic drugs like Risperidone

and Haloperidol are mostly used and Risperidone is shown to be well tolerated and

efficacious in treating behavioral symptoms in patients but not cure the disease. It has

been found that autism is linked not only to hemorrheologic property but also has

inhibitory effects on tumor necrosis factor-α which is a vital cytokine in vivo and in vitro

and is found to be in higher levels in autistic patients than in controls. TNF- α (Tumor

Necrosis factor) affects the neuroendocrine system, causes death of oligodendrocites and

demyelation and is suggested to play a vital role in neurologic disorders like multiple

sclerosis AIDS. Autistic patients have been treated from time to time with Pentoxifylline

and these studies have shown promising results. Pentoxifylline was also studied in a

double blinded placebo test with Risperidone and the results showed that with it, the

symptoms, both immunological and behavioral were reduced within 10 weeks as

compared to that of the placebo. 7

Though there are sustained release forms of the drug 8 and various formulations are made

for sustained dosage of the highly soluble drug, none of them cater to reducing the

solubility of the drug such that the dissolution rate is reduced giving rise to a longer half

life of the drug. Thus, with a drug with such great potential and pharmaceutical cocrystals

actively helping in tailoring solubility of an API, cocrystals of the API were made which

could be used clinically in the future.

9, 10 20
Using the supramolecular synthon approach and statistics from CSD, cocrystal

synthesis through crystal engineering was achieved. It is shown here that Pentoxifylline

can be cocrystallized with nutraceuticals and pharmaceutically acceptable or approved

compounds. Solubility studies were performed on the novel set of cocrystals. Further

analyses were done on the data collected to study the impact physicochemical properties

and crystal packing had upon solubility.

3.4 Experimental Section

3.4.1. Cocrystal synthesis

17, 18
Pentoxifylline was cocrystallized with benzoic acid, salicylic acid, 1- hydroxy-2-

napthoic acid, caffeic acid, coumaric acid, gallic acid, salicylamide and catechin hydrate.

Chemical structures of all the compounds along with the 3 letter refcodes are illustrated

in Figure 3.2. These refcodes will be used to designate cocrystals henceforth. The

cocrystal formers used in this study are broadly carboxylic acids, amides, polyphenols

and flavonoids. Some of the cocrystal formers used have health benefits associated with


Caffeic acid, coumaric acid, gallic acid, salicylic acid and catechin hydrate are
11, 12, 13
nutraceutical compounds with antioxidant properties. Salicylamide, a non

prescription drug is used as an over the counter pill with other API’s like caffeine and

aspirin. It has anti inflammatory, mild analgesic and antipyretic properties. Benzoic acid

and 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid are GRAS (Generally regarded as Safe) listed carboxylic
acids. Cocrystallization with the above mentioned conformers resulted in successful

cocrystal formation with Pentoxifylline via multiple methods such as slow evaporation,

solvent drop grinding 15 and also slurring 16 techniques. Single crystals suitable for X ray

diffraction studies were also made for most of the cocrystals.

Pentoxifylline (PEN) Gallic acid (GAL) Salicylic acid (SAL)


Benzoic acid (BEN) Caffeic acid (CFA) 1-Hydroxy-2-naphthoic acid

Coumaric acid (COU) Catechin hydrate (CAT) Salicylamide (SLC)

Figure 3.2. The chemical structures of Pentoxifylline and cocrystal formers used in

the study.

3.4.2. Pentoxifylline·Benzoic acid, PENBEN (1:1)

This cocrystal was made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001

mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.012g (0.0001 mmol) of benzoic acid were ground with

50µL of ethanol for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls resulting in PENBEN

with 100 % yield. Solvent drop grinding with water and DMF also resulted in PENBEN.

(b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.012 g (0.0001 mmol) of

benzoic acid was ground without any solvent but resulted in total conversion to

PENBEN. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.12 g of benzoic acid

(0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 5 mL of ethanol overnight, under ambient

conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation.

The solid shows 100% conversion to PENBEN. The filtrate from the slurry was left for

slow evaporation and gave rise to tiny needle shaped crystals with 65% yield after 10

days which was used for single crystal analysis.

3.4.3. Pentoxifylline·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, PEN1HY (1:1)

This cocrystal was made via the following methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g

(0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.019g (0.0001 mmol) of 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic

acid were ground with 50 µL of ethanol for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls

resulting in PEN1HY with approximately 100 % yield. Solvent drop grinding with water

and DMF also resulted in PEN1HY. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.019 g (0.0001 mmol) of 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid was ground

without any solvent but resulted in conversion to PEN1HY. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001

mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.12 g (0.001 mmol) of 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid was

slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 4 mL of acetonitrile overnight, under ambient conditions. The

resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation which yielded

single crystals. The residual solid showed 100% conversion to PEN1HY.

3.4.4. Pentoxifylline·Salicylic acid, PENSAL (1:1)

This cocrystal was also made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g

(0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.014g (0.0001 mmol) of salicylic acid were ground

with 50µL of ethanol, water and DMF for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls

resulting in total conversion to PENSAL. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.014 g (0.0001 mmol) of salicylic acid was ground without any

solvent but resulted in total conversion to PENSAL. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of

pentoxifylline and 0.14 g of salicylic acid (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 5

mL of acetonitrile overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered

and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid showed 100% conversion

to PENSAL. The filtrate from the slurry was gave rise to needle shaped crystals after 5

days which was used for single crystal analysis.

3.4.5. Pentoxifylline·Gallic acid monohydrate, PENGAL.H2O (1:1:1)

This cocrystal was made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001

mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.017g (0.0001 mmol) of gallic acid were ground with 50µL

of ethanol, water and DMF for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls resulting in

total conversion to PENGAL. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline

and 0.017 g (0.0001 mmol) of gallic acid was ground without any solvent but resulted in

total conversion to PENGAL. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.17

g of gallic acid (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 7 mL of water overnight,

under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and the filtrate was left for

slow evaporation. The residual solid gave 100% conversion to PENGAL. The filtrate

from the slurry was left for slow evaporation and gave rise to tiny needle shaped crystals

after 10 days which was used for single crystal analysis.

3.4.6. Pentoxifylline·Salicylamide, PENSLC (1:1)

This cocrystal was also made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g

(0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.014g (0.0001 mmol) of salicylamide were ground

with 50µL of ethanol, water and DMF for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls

resulting in PENSLC with 100 % yield. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.014 g (0.0001 mmol) of salicylamide was ground without any

solvent but resulted in total conversion to PENSLC. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.14 g of salicylamide (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 5

mL of water overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and the

filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid gave 100% conversion to

PENSLC. The filtrate from the slurry was left for slow evaporation and gave rise to tiny

needle shaped crystals after a week which was used for single crystal analysis.

3.4.7. Pentoxifylline·Coumaric acid, PENCOU

This cocrystal was made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001

mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.016g (0.0001 mmol) of coumaric acid were ground with

50µL of ethanol, water and DMF for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls resulting

in PENCOU with total conversion. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.016 g (0.0001 mmol) of coumaric acid was ground without any

solvent but resulted in total conversion to PENCOU. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.16 g of coumaric acid (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 5

mL of water overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and the

filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid showed 100% conversion to

PENCOU. The filtrate from the slurry was left for slow evaporation and gave rise to

needle shaped crystals after 6 days which was used for single crystal analysis.

3.4.8. Pentoxifylline·Caffeic acid, PENCFA

This cocrystal was made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001

mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.018g (0.0001 mmol) of caffeic acid were ground with

50µL of ethanol, DMF and water for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls resulting

in PENCFE with approximately 100 % yield. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.018 g (0.0001 mmol) of caffeic acid was ground without any solvent

but resulted in total conversion to PENCFE. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.18 g of caffeic acid (0.001 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm in 5

mL of ethanol overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered and

the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid showed 100% conversion to

PENCFE. The filtrate from the slurry gave rise to needle shaped crystals after 10 days

which was used for single crystal analysis.

3.4.9. Pentoxifylline·Catechin Hydrate, PENCAT

This cocrystal was also made via multiple methods (a) Solvent drop grinding: 0.028 g

(0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline and 0.015g (0.00005 mmol) of catechin hydrate were

ground with 50µL of ethanol for fifteen minutes in a ball mill with two balls resulting in

PENCAT with 100 % yield. (b) Dry grinding: 0.028 g (0.0001 mmol) of Pentoxifylline

and 0.015 g (0.00005 mmol) of catechin hydrate was ground without any solvent but

resulted in total conversion to PENCAT. (c) Slurry: 0.28 g (0.0001 mmol) of

Pentoxifylline and 0.15 g of catechin hydrate (0.0005 mmol) was slurried at ca. 125 rpm

in 5 mL of ethanol overnight, under ambient conditions. The resulting solid was filtered

and the filtrate was left for slow evaporation. The residual solid showed 100% conversion


3.4.10. Dissolution studies on cocrystals

Powder dissolution studies were performed on all cocrystals and pure Pentoxifylline. The

study was performed in deionized water at room temperature. All the crystal forms were

sieved to get consistent particle sizes between 53 -75µm as dissolution rate is affected by

particle size. Supersaturated slurries were stirred with magnetic sir bars at a rate of 125

rpm. Dissolution rate was determined by drawing fixed aliquots with a syringe and

filtering through 0.45µm filters after 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 60, 120, 180, 240, and 2400

minutes. The solutions were analyzed to determine the concentration of Pentoxifylline

using Gas Chromatography and Mass spectrophotometer detector. The experiment was

done in triplicate to allow for statistical analysis. The leftover solid was characterized at

the end of the study identify the solid phase post dissolution. 19

3.5. Results and Discussion

3.5.1. Cocrystals of Pentoxifylline

Pentoxifylline belongs to derived class of methyl xanthenes, as mentioned before and has

the same functional groups as them except for the side chain attachment which contains

an extra carbonyl group. Due to the similar hydrogen bonding moieties present in it, and

owing to the inherent capacity of methyl xanthenes to readily form hydrogen bonds with

complementary functional groups such as carboxylic acids, flavonoids and amides as has

been reported in the CSD for caffeine, aided in understanding supramolecular

heterosynthons that could be formed and thus cocrystals of the API was achieved readily.

A survey of the Cambridge Structural Database (version 5.31, update of May 2011) was

carried out using ConQuest (version 1.12) and limited to organic molecules with

determined 3D-coordinates and R ≤ 0.075. The survey revealed that there is just one

entry for Pentoxifylline, JAKGEH, depicting its crystal structure shown in Figure 3.1.

There are no other reported cocrystals of the API.

A CSD analysis performed on the functional groups of the API has already been shown

in the previous chapter and was used in this case too. The cocrystal formers used in this

case study are depicted in Table 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3.

3.5.2.Crystal Structure Discussion : Pentoxifylline·Benzoic acid 1:1

Pentoxifylline·Benzoic acid, PENBEN crystallizes in the space group P-1. Each

asymmetric unit contains one Pentoxifylline and one benzoic acid molecule. Figure 3.3

depicts the hydrogen bonding between the molecules. The molecules are discretely

arranged in the sheet.

Figure 3.3. The arrangement of Pentoxifylline and benzoic acid molecules in

PENBEN reveals that it is sustained by a supramolecular heterosynthon between

aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic acid.

The aromatic nitrogen in imidazole ring of Pentoxifylline is seen to participate in

hydrogen bonding with the carboxylic acid moiety of benzoic acid with a N···O distance

of 2.751 (3) Å. This is the only synthon observed in this cocrystal. The sheets are stacked

with the help of π-π interactions and follow the herringbone pattern as shown in Figure


Figure 3.4. Herringbone pattern observed between the sheets in PENBEN sustained

by π-π interactions.

3.5.3. Pentoxifylline·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid 1:1

Pentoxifylline·1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, PEN1HY crystallizes in the space group P-1.

Each asymmetric unit contains one molecule each of Pentoxifylline and 1-hydroxy-2-

napthoic acid. The molecules are arranged discretely. Figure 3.5 illustrates the hydrogen

bonding between the two molecules. The aromatic nitrogen is participates in hydrogen

bonding with carboxylic acid moiety, O···N, at a distance of 2.597 Å. Intramolecular

hydrogn bonding is also seen to occur between the hydroxyl group of 1-hydroxy-2-

napthoic acid and carbonyl group, O···O at a distance of 2.521 Å. The stacking of

molecules arranged via π-π interactions are shown in Figure 3.6. A CSD search of 1-

hydroxy-2-napthoic acid cocrystals revealed that there are 3 cocrystals listed out of which

KIGKIV and KIGLIW, cocrystals with caffeine and theophylline respectively show

similar hydrogen bonding between the aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic acid as seen in

PEN1HY. The third cocrystal, between carbamazepine and 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid

(MOXWEC) show hydrogen bonding between carboxylic acid and amide group.

Figure 3.5. Hydrogen bonding between Pentoxifylline and 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic

acid reveals that it is sustained by a supramolecular heterosynthon between

aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic acid. Intramolecular hydrogen bonding is also

observed between hydroxyl and carbonyl group in 1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid.

Figure 3.6. The stacking of PEN1HY sustained by π-π interactions.

3.5.4. Pentoxifylline·Salicylic acid 1:1

Pentoxifylline·Salicylic acid, PENSAL also crystallizes in P-1 space group. The

asymmetric unit contains one molecule each of Pentoxifylline and salicylic acid.

Hydrogen bonding between the molecules can be observed as shown in Figure 3.7.

Figure 3.7. Hydrogen bonding between Pentoxifylline and Salicylic acid sustained

by supramolecular heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic acid.

The molecules are arranged in discrete tapes in the sheet. Aromatic nitrogen of the is seen

to participate in hydrogen bonding with the carboxylic acid moiety of salicylic acid,

O···N at a distance of 2.648(4) Å. Salicylic acid also is involved in intramolecular

hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl group and hydroxyl group , O···O, at a distance

of 2.579(3) Å. Tapes of the molecules arranged and sustained by .π-π interactions as seen

in Figure 3.8. A CSD search of salicylic acid reveals 8 cocrystals sustained by the same

heterosynthon (aromatic nitrogen and carboxylic acid) as seen in case of PENSAL.

Figure 3.8. The arrangement of PENSAL in the crystal lattice. Stacking of the

cocrystal is achieved with the help of π-π interactions.

3.5.5. Pentoxifylline. Gallic acid monohydrate 1:1:1

Pentoxifylline∙Gallic acid, PENGAL.H2O crystallizes in monoclinic space group P21/n.

Each asymmetric unit contains one molecule each of Pentoxifylline, gallic acid and

water. Aromatic nitrogen of Pentoxifylline engages in supramolecular heterosynthon with

the carboxylic acid moiety of gallic acid, O∙∙∙N, at a distance of 2.705(4) Å. The carbonyl

group on the side chain of Pentoxifylline engages in hydrogen bonding with hydroxyl

groups in the meta and para position of gallic acid, O∙∙∙O at distances of 2.785(3) Å and

2.716(3) Å respectively. These interactions are illustrated in Figure 3.9 with the hydroxyl

group in the para position of gallic acid also hydrogen bonds to the carbonyl group

adjacent to the methyl group in the benzene ring in Pentoxifylline, O∙∙∙O at a distance of

2.672(3) Å.

Figure 3.9. Interactions between Pentoxifylline and gallic acid molecules in

PENGAL.H2O reveals supramolecular heterosynthon between aromatic nitrogen

and carboxylic acid.

The hydroxyl group on the ortho position of gallic acid is seen to participate in hydrogen

bonding with the water molecule as can be seen in Figure 3.10 below. The hydrogen

bond distances observed in this tetramer are , O∙∙∙O , 2.668(3) Å and 2.741(3) Å. Another

tetrameric structure formed between water and carbonyl group next to the imidazole ring

of Pentoxifylline is shown in Figure 3.11 below with bond distance of, O∙∙∙O at 2.818(3)


There are 7 cocrystals of gallic acid reported in the CSD. It has been seen that in case of

caffeine·gallic acid hemihydrates cocrystal (MUPNOB) the hydrogen bonding occurs

between the acid and aromatic nitrogen moiety as seen in IV but in case of gallic

acid·theobromine dihydrate cocrystal aromatic nitrogen hydrogen bonds to the water

molecule. Other cocrystals involve bonding between other functional groups and are seen

to form the acid···amide dimer (MUPPAP) or acid···acid dimer (RUWFOF, RUWGUM).

Figure 3.10. The tetramer observed between water and gallic acid molecule in

PENGAL.H2O formed between hydroxyl group of the gallic acid molecule and


Figure 3.11. The tetramer observed between water and Pentoxifylline molecule in

PENGAL. H2O formed between carbonyl group of Pentoxifylline and water.

3.5.6. Pentoxifylline·Salicylamide 1:1

Pentoxifylline.Salicylamide, PENSLC (V) also crystallizes in P-1 space group. Each

asymmetric unit contains one Pentoxifylline and one salicylamide molecule. The

hydrogen bonding observed between the molecules is shown in Figure 3.12. The

molecules are discretely arranged in the sheet.

Figure 3.12. The hydrogen bonding between Pentoxifylline and Salicylamide reveals

the formation of an amide amide dimer(supramolecular homosynthon) as opposed

to a heterosynthon.
In this cocrystal the amide moiety of the salicylamide molecule is seen to participate in a

homosynthon by forming the amide amide dimer with another salicylamide molecule,

N∙∙∙O at a distance of 2.831(2) Å and 2.915(2) Å instead of forming the acid-amide

heterosynthon. Salicylamide also is seen to participate in intramolecular hydrogen

bonding between its carbonyl and hydroxyl group, O∙∙∙O at a distance of 2.538(1) Å.

Figure 3.13 depicts the stacking of each sheet of the cocrystal sustained by π-π


There is just one reported cocrystal of salicylamide in the CSD and also involves

formation of an amide···amide dimer as seen in this case.

3.13. The stacking of PENSLC is sustained by π-π interactions.

3.5.7. Pentoxifylline·Catechin Hydrate

This cocrystal was prepared via various methods in a 1:1 ratio as has been mentioned in

the experimental section and characterized via PXRD. But efforts to prepare single

crystals did not yield any results as of yet. The powder of the cocrystal was used for

crystal data analysis and though the structure has not been solved yet, it has been indexed

to P21.

In case of catechin hydrate, only the crystal structure of catechin hydrate (LUXWOR) is

reported as mentioned before, no cocrystals of catechin hydrate are reported making this

one the second reported cocrystal after the one with caffeine.

3.5.8. Pentoxifylline·Coumaric acid , Pentoxifylline·Caffeic acid

These cocrystals was prepared via various methods in a 1:1 ratio as has been mentioned

in the experimental section and characterized via PXRD. But efforts to prepare single

crystals did not yield any results as of yet.

3.5.9. Dissolution and Solubility Studies

Dissolution studies were performed on the API and all the cocrystals. Following

dissolution studies, the concentration vs. time graph was generated for a time period of 24

hours. For purposes of clarity, the time point for the 24th hour reading was changed to

480 minutes. Pentoxifylline’s solubility was found to be 76 mg/mL which is in agreement

with the literature reported solubility value. 2 The dissolution profiles have been divided

into two figures for clarity. Figure 3.14 illustrates the solubility profiles for Pentoxifylline

and all its cocrystals; Figure 3.15 illustrates the solubility profile for cocrystals in the

solubility range of 1-10 mg/mL.












0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (mins)

3.14 Dissolution profiles in water for 24 hours for Pentoxifylline and its cocrystals.

From the graph it can be seen that PENBEN showed maximum concentration of 8.2 mg

/mL. PEN1HY achieved maximum concentration of 1 mg/mL by the end of 24 hours.

PENSAL’s dissolution profile also shows a smooth plateau in the curve with maximum

concentration at 9 mg/mL. PENGAL shows a maximum concentration of 2.5 mg/mL

also show smooth plateau like profile. PENSLC, PENCOU, PENCFA, and PENCAT

reach concentration of 20 mg/mL, 4.7 mg/mL, 1.25 mg/mL and 0.8 mg/mL respectively

by the end of 24 hours.

This solubility data is critical in pointing that an API with very high solubility can be

manipulated with cocrystallization with novel crystal forms.

The PXRD and DSC’s of the residual solids were done after the study at the end of

twenty four hours and it was found that the all the cocrystals were stable till that the time








0 100 200 300 400 500
Time (mins)

3.15. Dissolution profiles in water for cocrystals PENCOU, PENSAL, PENCFE,

PENGAL.H2O, PENBEN, PEN1HY and PENCAT (solubility range 1-10 mg/mL).

These results show that all the cocrystals, can be used as an alternative form of the API as

the solubility of API in the cocrystals have decreased, and thus using these forms for

sustained release dosage is promising.

3.5.10. Correlation between Solubility and Melting Point

The cocrystal formers used in the study can be classified into the following classes as

shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1. Classification of cocrystal formers

Hydroxycinnamic Carboxylic Phenolic Flavonoid Amide

acid acid acid
Coumaric acid 1-hydroxy-2 Gallic acid Catechin Salicylamide
napthoic acid hydrate
Caffeic acid Benzoic acid Salicylic

As shown with caffeine in the previous chapter, the correlation between solubility and

melting point is a vital analysis in terms of correlating calculable physicochemical

property with solubility for thermodynamically stable cocrystals. Generally higher the

melting point lower is the solubility and vice versa. Here again on correlating log of

solubility (to make the points appear closer) and onset of melting point of cocrystal

illustrated in Figure 3.16, shows that there is no concrete relationship between these two
parameters (22%), which is in consensus with Bak et al’s conclusion and also what

was observed with caffeine’s cocrystals.

2 R² = 0.2155


Log S 1


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
M.P. of Cocrystal (⁰C)

Figure 3.16. Solubility of cocrystals shows no relationship with melting point

probably due to the variability in coformers used.

When looked within specific classes of compounds, in case of caffeine cocrystals a very

high correlation was observed (85 %) with the hydroxycinnamic acids but since the data

set here is smaller, that area was not investigated here as the data would be inconclusive.

Table 3.2 below lists the melting points of the cocrystal and the cocrystal formers in this


Table 3.2. Melting points of the cocrystal formers and the cocrystals

COCRYSTAL /COMPOUND M.P. of compound/ M.P of

cocrystal (⁰ C) CCF (⁰ C)
Pentoxifylline 110
PENBEN 91 121
PEN1HY 124 195
PENSAL 98 158
PENGAL.H2O 188 268
PENSLC 103 140
PENCOU 128 214
PENCFE 150 211
PENCAT 169 214
(* Melting points were taken from

3.5.11. Relationship between solubility and crystal packing efficiency

Crystal packing as discussed previously is a important parameter for crystalline

compounds. The way a molecule packs in a crystal , allows for different properties of

compounds to be expressed. For organic molecules packing efficiency is found to be in

the range of 0.65-0.77. Though a small range, it was seen in the previous chapter that it
can be critical in demonstrating solubility patterns. The software Platon was used to
calculate the Kitaigorodskii packing efficiency. Table 3.3 lists the crystal packing

efficiency and solubility of cocrystals with crystal structures solved. We found that for

caffeine cocrystals, highest solubility was related to the lowest efficiency and vice versa

thereby showing that crystal packing does have a role to play in cocrystal solubility. For

this data set however we explored this arena again and found no correlation (7%) as seen

in Figure 3.17. Thus though, crystal packing efficiency is an important parameter, for this

dataset, a conclusion cannot be made.

Table 3.3. Crystal packing efficiency and solubility of Pentoxifylline and its


Crystal packing efficiency

Compound/Cocrystal (%) Solubility(mg/ml)

Pentoxifylline 70.7 76.1

PENBEN 71.7 8.18

PEN1HY 68.8 1.03

PENSAL 69.9 9.03

PENGAL.H2O 72.1 2.46

PENSLC 71 19.88

80 R² = 0.07






68.5 69 69.5 70 70.5 71 71.5 72 72.5

Crystal packing efficiency (%)

Figure 3.17. Crystal packing efficiency on correlation with cocrystal solubility shows

no correlation.

3.5.12. Correlation between solubility of cocrystal former to solubility of cocrystal

As seen for caffeine, the collected data here also shows that there has been a decrease in

the solubility of the API through cocrystallization and in this context the above

parameters were correlated to determine any relationship between them as shown in

Figure 3.18 It is seen that there is a general trend of decrease in Pentoxifylline solubility

in the cocrystals as seen with caffeine cocrystals. But still there is no correlation observed

that could help in prediction of solubility, thereby suggesting that solubility of cocrystal

former is not directly proportional to cocrystal solubility.

Log([CCF]/[API]) R² = 0.5076
-2.5 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5





Figure 3.18. On correlation cocrystal former solubility and cocrystal solubility no

correlation other than a general decrease is observed in cocrystal solubility.

3.5.13. Modification of solubility of Pentoxifylline following cocrystallization

The experimental solubility of API in its cocrystals was compared to the measured

solubility of the API. The results are shown in the Table 3.4 below.

Table 3.4. Solubility modification of Pentoxifylline in its cocrystals

Cocrystal With respect to Pentoxifylline


PENBEN -9 fold

PEN1HY -74 fold

PENSAL -8 fold

PENGAL.H2O -31 fold

PENSLC -4 fold

PENCOU -99 fold

PENCFE -61 fold

PENCAT -16 fold

As seen from the table, the maximum decrease of solubility of the API is around 99 folds

and is achieved by PENCOU.

3.6. Conclusion

In summary, as shown earlier with caffeine and other examples from the literature,

pharmaceutical cocrystals can modify physicochemical properties of an API. This

statement is exemplified again by the case study presented here where the cocrystals of

Pentoxifylline lowered the solubility of the API, allowing for the potential of a slow

release form of the drug. Eight new cocrystals of were made and their solubility in water

was analyzed.

All of them were found to be thermodynamically stable after twenty-four hours. The

dissolution profiles showed that PENCOU had achieved the lowest concentration of 0.7

mg/mL and PENSLC the highest. The effects of melting point, solubility of cocrystal

former and crystal packing efficiency upon solubility were also investigated as was done

for caffeine cocrystals. It was seen that, in general, melting point could not be correlated

as a function of solubility, and due to the small dataset, correlations amongst specific

class of compounds were not made as that would render inconclusive analysis.

As done previously, solubility as a function of crystal packing efficiency was analyzed

and it was found, that no correlation occurs between solubility and packing efficiency;

This shows that though property could be important and help in future understanding of

cocrystal solubility, at least in this case its role was not evident.

For relation between the cocrystal former and cocrystal solubility, a general trend was

observed, where for coformers used herein with solubility lower than Pentoxifylline ,

gave an overall decrease in the solubility of the pure API with the maximum being a 99

fold decrease but like caffeine cocrystals no specific relationship between them could be


Pentoxifylline’s solubility was thus successfully lowered through cocrystallization with

nutraceutical or pharmaceutically acceptable compounds. Predictability of the resultant

solubility through melting point or coformer solubility correlation or crystal packing

efficiency was not successful.


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Pharmaceutical cocrystals, an emerging class of compounds have the capacity to modify

physicochemical properties of a compound without affecting its biological activity and

in turn afford crystalline compounds. Herein two API’s, caffeine and Pentoxifylline

were targeted as case studies.

Caffeine was targeted for cocrystallization for its possible clinical use for Alzheimer’s

disease. In the case, caffeine was cocrystallized with cyanuric acid, chlorogenic acid,

syringic acid and catechin hydrate using statistics from the CSD. Following synthesis,

dissolution studies were performed on a set of 12 cocrystals which included reported

forms from the literature and the ones which were newly synthesized, for a period of 24

hours in deionized water at room temperature. Particle size was controlled by sieving.

All the cocrystal formers had solubility lower than that of caffeine. Dissolution studies

showed a marked decrease in caffeine solubility in its cocrystals. Powder XRD done at

the end of 24 hours on the leftover solid confirmed that all the cocrystals were

thermodynamically stable. This data is critical in pointing out that solubility can be

decreased using cocrystals. The smooth plateau like curves achieved by the cocrystals

showcase constant dissolution rate and hence potential for a sustained dosage. Future

directions would involve in vivo studies to make this an achievable objective. Various

analyses were also made between cocrystal solubility and melting point, crystal packing

efficiency and cocrystal former solubility.

Pentoxifylline, a drug which contraindicated for use in autism has a low half life. This

drug was targeted for cocrystallization to see if cocrystals can achieve lower solubility

and a dissolution rate such that the half life can be modified to get a sustained dosage

form. The coformers used in the study were benzoic acid, salicylic acid, 1-hydroxy-2-

napthoic acid, gallic acid, coumaric acid, caffeic acid, catechin hydrate and salicylamide.

The dissolution study conditions were similar to that of caffeine and powder XRD done

at the end of the study confirmed stability of the cocrystals. The smooth plateau like

curves achieved by these cocrystals also, showcase constant dissolution rate and hence

potential for a sustained dosage form.

In both the cases, the cocrystals had achieved lower solubility as compared to the

respective API’s and the conformers too were of solubility lower than that of each, thus

cocrystal former solubility was correlated with cocrystal solubility to see if any

correlation exists in this regard. It was seen that no correlation exists between these

parameters in both the cases suggesting that solubility prediction is not possible.

Solubility of cocrystals in both cases was correlated with melting point and it was seen

that no correlation could be established in either case. Thus tailoring solubility by

prediction of melting point before synthesis is still an elusive situation and more studies

would be required to make a conclusion.

Crystal packing efficiency was correlated with solubility of cocrystal and in case of

caffeine cocrystals it was seen that a 41% correlation existed and the highest crystal

packing efficiency was achieved by CAFELA which had the lowest solubility and vice

versa. In case of Pentoxifylline though this correlation did not exist suggesting that

though crystal packing efficiency seems to be an important parameter but a conclusion

in this case cannot be made.

Thus in conclusion, CAFELA.H2O achieved a 278 fold decrease in caffeine solubility

and PENCOU a 99 fold decrease in Pentoxifylline solubility. It is hence understandable

that pharmaceutical cocrystals are versatile and can help modifying properties and

successfully shows the significance of making “crystals with a purpose”.



The experimental data was collected using DSC (TA instrument 2920), FT-IR (Nicolet

Avatar 320 FTIR, solid state), Powder X-ray diffraction (Bruker AXS D8, Cu radiation ),

TGA (STM6000).

1.1. Experimental data for Caffeine·Cyanuric acid monohydrate, CAFCYA.H2O


Data includes DSC thermogram for caffeine∙cyanuric acid monohydrate, DSC

thermogram for caffeine∙cyanuric acid anhydrate got after heating the monohydrate

for 1 day, FT-IR spectrum of the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from

single crystal data) and experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA

data for the cocrystal monohydrate.

Figure A1. DSC thermogram of CAFCYA.H2O

APPENDIX A (Continued)

Figure A2. DSC thermogram of CAFCYA anhydrate.

Figure A3. FT-IR of CAFCYA.H2O.

APPENDIX A (Continued)



relative intensity


CAFCYA_Cal (100K)



0.2 CAFCYA_Expt(298K)


5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2 theta deg

Figure A4. PXRD comparison of CAFCYA.H2O.

Figure A5. TGA Data of CAFCYA.H2O.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.2. Experimental data for Caffeine·Syringic tetrahydrate, CAFSYR.4H2O 1:1:4

Data includes DSC thermogram for caffeine∙syringic acid tetrahydrate, FT-IR

spectrum of the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from single crystal data)

and experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA data for the


Figure A6. DSC thermogram of CAFSYR.4H2O.

Figure A7. FT-IR of CAFSYR.4H2O.

APPENDIX A (Continued)




Relative Intensity






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A8. PXRD comparison of CAFSYR.4H2O.

Figure A9. TGA Data of CAFSYR.4H2O.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.3. Experimental data for Caffeine·Chlorogenic Acid, CAFCGA

Data includes DSC thermogram for caffeine∙chlorogenic acid, FT-IR spectrum of the

cocrystal, comparison between powder patterns of the starting materials and the

cocrystal and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A10. DSC thermogram of CAFCGA .

Figure A11. FT-IR of CAFCGA.

APPENDIX A (Continued)





2.0 Chlorogenic Acid

Relative Intensity

Caffeine 2


1.2 Caffeine 1


Caffeine monohydrate




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A12. PXRD Comparison of CAFCGA.

Figure A13. TGA Data of CAFCGA.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.4. Experimental data for Caffeine·Catechin Hydrate, CAFCAT

Data includes DSC thermogram for caffeine∙catechin hydrate, FT-IR spectrum of the

cocrystal, comparison between powder patterns of the starting materials and the


Figure A14. DSC thermogram of cocrystal of CAFCAT.

Figure A15. FT-IR of CAFCAT.

APPENDIX A (Continued)





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Figure A16. PXRD Comparison of CAFCAT.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.6. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Benzoic acid, PENBEN 1:1

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙benzoic acid, FT-IR spectrum of

the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from single crystal data) and

experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A17. DSC thermogram of PENBEN.

Figure A18. FT-IR of PENBEN.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

Figure A19. TGA Data of PENBEN.



Relative Intensity






0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A20. PXRD Comparison of PENBEN.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.7. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, PEN1HY 1:1

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙1-hydroxy-2-napthoic acid, FT-IR

spectrum of the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from single crystal data)

and experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA data for the


Figure A21. DSC thermogram of PEN1HY.

Figure A22. FT-IR of PEN1HY.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

Figure A23. TGA Data of PEN1HY.




Relative Intensity








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A24. PXRD Comparison of PEN1HY.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.8. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Salicylic acid, PENSAL 1:1

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙salicylic acid, FT-IR spectrum of

the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from single crystal data) and

experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A25. DSC thermogram of PENSAL.

Figure A26. FT-IR of PENSAL.

Figure A27. TGA Data of PENSAL.




1.0 PENSAL(expt)
Relative Intensity




0.2 PENSAL(cal)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A28. PXRD Comparison of PENSAL.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.9. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Gallic acid, PENGAL.H2O 1:1:1

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙gallic acid, DSC of the anhydrate

of the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from single crystal data) and

experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A29. DSC thermogram of PENGAL.H2O.

Figure A30. DSC thermogram of cocrystal anhydrate.

APPENDIX A (Continued)




Relative Intensity








0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A31. PXRD Comparison of PENGAL.H2O.

Figure A32. TGA Data of PENGAL.H2O.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.10. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Salicylamide, PENSLC 1:1

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙salicylamide , FT-IR spectrum of

the cocrystal, comparison between calculated (from single crystal data) and

experimental powder patterns (from bulk sample) and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A33. DSC thermogram of cocrystal of PENSLC.

Figure A34. FT-IR of PENSLC.

APPENDIX A (Continued)





Relative Intensity





0.4 PENSLC(Cal)



0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

2 Theta

Figure A35. PXRD Comparison of PENSLC.

Figure A36. TGA Data of PENSLC.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.11. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Coumaric acid, PENCOU

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙coumaric acid, FT-IR spectrum of

the cocrystal, comparison between powder patterns of the starting materials and the

cocrystal and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A37. DSC Thermogram of PENCOU.

Figure A38. FT-IR of PENCOU.




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Figure A39. PXRD Comparison of PENCOU.

Figure A40. TGA Data of PENCOU.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.12. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Caffeic acid, PENCFA

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙coumaric acid, FT-IR spectrum of

the cocrystal, comparison between powder patterns of the starting materials and the

cocrystal and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A41. DSC Thermogram of PENCFA.

Figure A42. FT-IR of PENCFA.

Figure A43. TGA Data of PENCFA.


Y Axis Title




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
X Axis Title

Figure A44. PXRD comparison of PENCFA.

APPENDIX A (Continued)

1.13. Experimental data for Pentoxifylline∙Catechin hydrate, PENCAT

Data includes DSC thermogram for pentoxifylline∙catechin hydrate, FT-IR spectrum

of the cocrystal, comparison between powder patterns of the starting materials and the

cocrystal and TGA data for the cocrystal.

Figure A45. DSC Thermogram of PENCAT.

Figure A46. FT-IR of PENCAT.

APPENDIX A (Continued)


Y Axis Title




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
X Axis Title

Figure A47. PXRD comparison of PENCAT.

Figure A48. TGA Data of PENCAT.


Table B1. Hydrogen bond distances and parameters for the novel cocrystals of

caffeine presented herein

Compound Hydrogen Bond d (H•••A) /Å D (D∙∙∙A)/Å θ /º

N-H•••N 1.98 2.913(5) 160.5
N-H•••N 2.07 2.953(5) 156
CAFCYA. N-H•••O 1.71 2.712(4)
H2 O
O-H•••O 1.84 2.791(5)
O-H•••O 2.07 2.753(4) 146.9

O-H•••O 2.02 2.8(4) 155.1

O-H•••O 2.21 2.7(4) 114.6
O-H•••O 1.76 2.6(4) 164.8
O-H•••O 2(3) 2.8(6) 148
O-H•••O 2(3) 2.8(4) 155
O-H•••N 1.9(15) 2.8(5) 174
O-H•••O 2(3) 2.9(5) 153
O-H•••O 1.88 2.7(5) 163.6
O-H•••O 1.8(13) 2.6(5) 170
O-H•••O 2(4) 2.8(5) 142

The space group and cell parameters of caffeine∙catechin hydrate were determined but the

crystal structure of could not determined.

APPENDIX B (Continued)

Table B2. Crystallographic data and structure refinement parameters for the
caffeine cocrystals reported herein


Formula C19 H25 N11 O8 C17 H28 N4 O11

MW 535.50 464.43

Crystal system Monoclinic Orthorhombic Orthorhombic

Space group P21/n Fdd2 P212121

a (Å) 9.174(2) 30.278(5) 5.03

b (Å) 12.991(4) 41.759(7) 12.56

c (Å) 19.286(6) 6.7523(12) 34.13

α (deg) 90 90
β (deg) 103.237(13) 90
γ (deg) 90 90
V / A3 2237.5(12) 8537(3)
Dc/g cm-3 1.590 1.445
Z 4 16
2θ range 4.14 to 67.72° 3.61 to 66.80°
3834/ 354 3322 / 313
T /K 105(2) 0.0336
R1 [I>2σ (I)] 0.0756 0.0878
0.1895 1.026
GOF 1.046
Abs coef 1.083 0.923

APPENDIX B (Continued)

Table B3.Crystallographic data and structure refinement parameters for the

Pentoxifylline cocrystals reported herein


Formula C20 H24 N4 O5 C20 H24 N4 O6 C20 H26 N4 O9 C20 H25 N5 O5

MW 400.43 416.43 466.45 415.45

Triclinic Triclinic Monoclinic Triclinic
Space group P-1 P-1 P21/n P-1
a (Å) 13.3080(4) 6.6579(12) 6.728(1) 7.7991(6)
b (Å) 13.3931(4) 8.4161(16) 12.649(2) 11.1913(8)
c (Å) 13.8838(4) 19.325(4) 25.192(3) 12.6449(9)
α (deg) 64.4(2) 83.603(12) 90 69.051(4)
β (deg) 81.171(2) 82.659(12) 96.811(5) 79.322(4)
γ (deg) 60.425(2) 70.944(11) 90 78.760(5)
V / A3 1935.25(11) 1012.3(3) 2128.9(5) 1002.87(13)
Dc/g cm-3 1.374 1.366 1.455 1.376
Z 4 2 4 2
2θ range 3.54 to 65.82° 2.31 to 65.37° 3.53 to 65.95° 3.77 to 65.91°
6383/531 3280/276 3615/311 3338/281
T /K 100(2) 100(2) 100(2) 100(2)
R1 [I>2σ (I)] 0.0588 0.0582 0.0553 0.0368
0.1414 0.1361 0.1345 0.0965
GOF 0.983 1.009 1.034
Abs coef 0.832 0.855 0.985 0.837


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