Leadership: Diploma in Disaster Management and Mitigation

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Professor Lalitha Mendis

What is leadership?

A dynamic process in a group

whereby one individual influences
the others to contribute voluntarily
and willingly to the achievement og
the group’s goals in a given
What are the functions of




Take a moment to think back on
your own experiences.

Are there different types of leaders?

What are the characteristics of a

good leader?
Good leaders know themselves.

Clear about their values, priorities, and

preferences and do not let someone else, or
society, define them.

Based on these they can can articulate what they

want, develop standards and make better

How we lead is a reflection of the characteristics

and values that define who we are.

Leadership revolves round what we do and what

we are, the former largely controlled by the
Good leaders know they do not know

The ultimate decision and responsibility

may lie with the leader
it is his/her responsibility to gather
information and trust others' points of
view before developing a plan of action.
Good leaders are open to change.

Change is one of life's most obvious

factors, yet remains one of the most
strongly resisted. Everything in life
and work is continually changing,
and adapting.

Effective leaders recognize the value

of change.
Good leaders are committed and

a lot of people understand what it means

to be a leader, but the difference comes
down to commitment.

True leadership requires you to make

sacrifices, including putting others before
Good leaders go the extra mile.

They are :-
extraordinary encouragers
strong organizers
good persuaders
or charismatic speakers
A good leader has an exemplary

A leader needs to be trusted and be

known to live their life with honestly and

A good leader “walks the talk” and in

doing so earns the right to have
responsibility for others.

True authority is born from respect for the

good character and trustworthiness of the
person who leads.
A good leader is enthusiastic
about their work or cause and
also about their role as leader.

Leaders need to be:-

a source of inspiration
a motivator towards the required
action or cause
S/he needs to be seen to be part of
the team working towards the goal
A good leader is confident.

In order to lead and set direction a leader

needs to appear confident as a person and
in the leadership role.

A leader who conveys confidence towards

the proposed objective inspires the best
effort from team members.
A good leader functions in an orderly
and purposeful manner in a situation
of uncertainty

People look to the leader during times of

uncertainty and unfamiliarity and find
reassurance and security when the leader
portrays confidence and a positive
Good leaders keep a cool head.

Storms, emotions, and crises come

and go and a good leader take these
as part and parcel of the journey and
keeps a cool head.

They are tolerant and remain calm,

composed and steadfast to the main
A good leader thinks analytically.

Not only does a good leader view a

situation as a whole, but is able to
break it down into in to manageable
steps and make progress towards it.
A good leader is committed to

A good leader not only maintains

high standards, but is also proactive
A good leader has a deep
understanding of the subject.

While s/he does not need to know

every detail, s/he has to have to
have a good grasp of the subject.
A good leader is consistent.
Do you agree with the following
Leadership is applicable to all facets of life: It is
not just for people at he top. Everyone can lead
by discovering the power that lies within each
one of us to make a difference and being
prepared to lead when the necessity arises.

Some people are born leaders. They have

characteristics which naturally put them in a
position where they’re looked up to as a leader.

The skills that we see in good leaders can be


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