Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines
PHP QMS 19 930014
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
Teaching standards and Demonstrate knowledge and Provide technical assistance Engage school personnel Exhibit best practice in
pedagogies understanding of teaching to teaching standards and such as MTs, HTs, and DHs in providing technical
standards and pedagogies pedagogies within and providing technical assistance to teachers for
Mam Beth within and across learning across learning areas to assistance to teachers on them to develop exemplary
Gina Galit areas to provide technical improve their teaching teaching standards and practices consistent with
Hanna Villegas assistance to teachers to practice. pedagogies within and teaching standards and
improve their teaching across learning areas to pedagogies within and
practice. improve their teaching across learning areas.
Memo sharing standards Notes on COTs or on Memo assigning MTs, Certificate of
and pedagogies POC with teachers HTs, and SHs to group of Recognition from
MOVs Needs assessment result Minutes of LAC/FGD teachers for TA provision higher Office
based on monitoring Report on coaching Minutes of Performance Division/District Memo
Legal and philosophical session Review recognizing best
basis Supervisory Plan Notice of Meeting and practices
Data as basis for conduct its Output Copy of
LAC/FGD published/unpublished
LAC/FGD Plan materials sharing
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
Teachers Performance Demonstrate understanding Use validated feedback Collaborate with school Exhibit exemplary skills in
Feedback of the use of feedback obtained from learners, personnel in effectively using effectively using validated
obtained from learners, parents and other validated feedback obtained feedback obtained from
Mam Mace parents and stakeholders to stakeholders to help from learners, parents and learners, parents and other
Mam Lorie help teachers improve their teachers improve their other stakeholders to help stakeholders to help
Mam Sha performance performance teachers improve their teachers improve their
performance performance
Feedback Mechanism Analysis/Evaluation School Completion and
on performance of of gathered Memorandum Evaluation Report
MOVs teachers feedback on regarding on the Intervention
Process Flow of performance of Intervention Activities
Feedback Gathering teachers Activities to be implemented
regarding Plan of Actions implemented (with regarding
performance of based on MTs, HTs, DHs and improvement of
teachers Analysis/Evaluation Key Teachers) performance of
of Feedback Minutes of Meeting teachers
with Attendance
Narrative & Pictorial
Learner achievement Set achievable and Utilize learning Engage the wider Mentor fellow
and other performance challenging learning outcomes in school community in School Heads in
indicator outcomes to support developing data- developing data- sustaining learner
learner achievement based interventions based interventions achievement and
Mam Sarah and the attainment of to maintain learner to sustain learner in attaining other
Mam Rio other performance achievement and achievement and performance
Mam Sol indicators attain other attain other indicators to
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
Certificate of innovation of
Assessment process
Learning Demonstrate understanding of Manage a learner-friendly, Engage the wider school Empower the wider school
Environment managing of a learner- inclusive and healthy community in maintaining a community promoting and
friendly, inclusive and healthy environment. learner-friendly, inclusive and sustaining a learner-friendly,
Mam Eve learning environment. healthy learning environment. inclusive and healthy
Jed Gumban learning environment.
Janine Diaz
Memo indicating the Memo indicating the Memo indicating the Certificate of
activities to be activities to be activities to be partnership with the
MOVs conducted in conducted in conducted in external
managing a learner managing a learner managing a learner stakeholders,
friendly and healthy friendly and healthy friendly and healthy MOA/MOU in terms
learning environment learning environment, learning environment, of school
E.g. observance of safe/health Accomplishment report vis – Certificate of improvement;
protocols, provision of safety vis School Development plan partnership with the Narrative /pictorial
measures/materials among external stakeholders, documentation of
the teachers /learners Accomplishment report vis – a the school personnel
vis School Development plan and community
engagement to the
school’s sustainable
development; plan
of activities,
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
Learning Demonstrating knowledge Implement learner discipline Ensure that the learner discipline Lead concerted efforts
Discipline and understanding of the policies that are developed policies developed with among stakeholders to
existing national and local collaboratively with stakeholders are integrated into develop and implement
Mam Mercy policies related to learner stakeholders including various school processes and are effective learner discipline
Jonalyn Cabuan discipline parents, school personnel applied consistently at all times, by policies to support student
Ellen Burgos and the community all school personnel at all levels growth and whole school
Notice of Meeting Memo on activities Records/document Copy of
with the information conducted like s showing child School Child
MOVs that Child Protection orientation, forum protection policies Protection
Policy will be one of etc. related to child are integrated in Policy
the agenda protection to school processes Child
Minutes of learners, parents and Protection
meeting/s stakeholders COT with notations Committee
Pictures Narrative report relative to child Minutes of
Pictures rights and child Meetings
Compilation of Intake protection Records of
Sheets/Conference with Solved Child
Parents Protection
or 0 number
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website:
DepEd Bldg., Cabrera Road, Brgy. Dolores Taytay, Rizal 1920 * Contact Numbers: SDS 571-4284 / ASDS 650-2615 / CID 650-2610 /
ADMIN 650-2639 / FINANCE 650-2612 / SUPPLY 695-3877 / SGOD 7061720
email: Facebook: DepEd Rizal Website: