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Te ar een, eae ey p Sterol 7 ero i 4 BT DMs ac ea - whatever people say” 51504048. | 135! Pere eget ng oN Re) alana Bee ae RTS LTE CUR sauna CUR cagTOTAL Brit goth/metal hand release a retrospective abun MARK LANEGAA He of Seattle’ Sereaming Tres fam OW SPENCER BLUES EXPLOSION Hailing from New York, the new face af blues THE KINKS Quality British pop musos, We look at their eareer DEL AMITRI They’ ‘ILL DU1ON The bass player that kckstarted rock blues ‘STAIRWAY TO HEAVEX The story hehind that song. SLUFFERS GUIDE TO. BLUES Sit on your porch and play the bles like a pro goes solo sncool. They said so themselves, PEAVEY WOLFCANG SPECIAL Eadie Van Halen's ae, in affordable form VAT PITTBULL COMBO Ie a brand new amp and it bites! ton 3c; aul Weller & ————e Pee cot ets ers CLASSIC TRAGK ~ LED ZEPPELIN At long list... ts Staineay Ta Heaven NOVICE ~ MARC KNOPFLER Get into Dire Strats with this column ‘AcoUSTIC ERIC CLAPTON Get unplugged with e's Before You Accuse Me NewS STORES TAB GUIDE ‘SONGSHEET - STEALERS WHEEL Levies 2 Oak Think Reserevir Dogs, Think ea-eutting sen ireem iaeae TV THEME — FON LO CANALS Bonds We Have All The Lime In The World ae Demos CLASSIGAL — GREENSLEEVES aan fon mommis Henry VIII favourite tne, apparently READER ADS PAGE 182. Bish? votons Rigo! ©@ WHAT'S ON THE TG CD? ay‘ALBUM TRACKS SUVER SUN anaes 60s) Bete pp aw (P) 1998 Pohdor Led PAGE 12 PARADISE LOST uz tho guitars youve never heard t herein tack rom thelr test carer retrospective alu. (P1998 Music For Nations PMBE 7 ‘MARK LAREGAN {Last Onn The Wort way He’ the lead singer wih the Sereaming Trees, but also an ‘seconded slo att. Tk ite, P) 1995 Sub Pop Records © 198 Beggars Banc PEI WILLE DIXON Yeu Sok Me wi) The bles clea cred by Led Eade iat "PACE 88 REVIEWS PEAVEY WoLFGANG SPEDIL Eruption - Domo ey ‘The Eide Vin Hale signature toan to demonstrate a bk a Van Halen ode PAGE 78 ‘Kone axe MULT-FX ary Bimey - Dao ez seiap, ceo and fll of smarellocs noses, AGE #1 EPIPHONE CASINO 10 Yeu Wat - Dame 8 Th guitar fxoured by fin The Beatles to Weer, NOE #2 Se ee SS CD Contents Stairway To Heaven in all its glory is a standont track on this month's TG CD. Plus: Willie Dixon, Silver Sun and Clapton. FEATURES: ERE] FF OF THE MONTH Manson ~ Legacy 02) The Chester boys ectum with anew abn, and we feat the nf from ‘hei st singe PAGE 8 PAUL WELLER Peacock Suit fal eo) Peacock Suit backing wack) a Wood -seoesticineo. (05) a Wood sao (oz ld Wood backing for selo (2) ol track fom the rmadem day pop genits and TC tar = ont rom Heat Soul fiom Wild Wood, PME 32 THE KMS, ‘AM Day Ard Of Te ight complet version ez ‘A Day And 04 To Might futrband tacking ack 028) ‘There cat be anjove who doesnt the if from this ong es brothers ines hour reribe tin ull PMBE Ak BLUFFERS GUIDE To BLUES OUTAR ‘iy B20 sues ~bemo a) Double-stap bends fasvsow) (023) Wial ues bend (astslow) (027) Nalin te 1 cord tstow) (02) ‘Busting the V chord (assow) (05) Blues turnaround (s/slon) 02) Minor andimjoe (seus) (027) BE King-sile Bek (astsiow) (022) St string rot bes (asUiow) (021) Cool tumsround Gaston) (09) ‘Moore-tyeogta(tasVlew) (013) Big Bod Blues backing Wack (5) essential blues guitar teks ~ a5 played by TG’ own Rich Bart Become double time ‘TRACKS 5-7 TECHNIQUE TUNING GUIDE You should know this. 2) ‘CLASSIC TRACK: ‘STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN ‘ED ZEPPELIN Stairway To Heaven si) Stairway To Heaven backing (58) The ultimate guitar clase PABE 4 ET Novice: MARK KNOPLFER ‘Kings Of Sway - demo 20) oopier-stye rhythm 039 ifs in rs (3) orice solo 39 ‘ings Of Sway backing wack (207) Stas Tor nics PAGE 108 Acousmie: BEFORE YOU ACCUSE ME — Ee CLAPTON Setoe You hocuse Metall (4) net ph mae 12 SONGSHEEE STUCK INTHE MIDDLE WITH YOU — STEALERS WHEEL Inve aout guar 025) The Reet? Dogs ong, PARES TV THEME: WE HAVE ALL THE TIME 1 THE WORLD — We ave A Te Tne Te Word = ovr sta oy AG ohn Bary. PARE 20 CLASSICAL: OnEENSLEEVES restees-atenal 5) Thats Tvl PARES READER DEMO urea ‘nnanan 2) mone star oa oa 201 ‘acres cane ox 1225725 "We: necro ed Te rms tri | retary ‘exes ee Jr Se ‘sauna tel 3 car mitnnce use Cours Feo Bare ons it ire On a “oy Si el ao, Tee ae emo nos nay ‘sea fap ae sn ‘i mse a rate ean re roo kites et Sn Dt Ststaton ete, hr is, on ay Serta sot mane 10 ase Se Sot ga ‘Sor aera alr eae ‘set c ‘ Srp ak tee ere Fosi, rs sk, ‘Snes TA ‘Sues onan stones ck Caster eas .S8 2778 ‘eer ours seach eon omar ‘eae ors cette 210) ‘Wal Gar eorong amas ssc pra coarser hte Srp 257528 eo eno rz “Sibert prise or 2 re erst ones, agate ‘Gta sa meer tte ot bra elton, sea 0 73 DECEMBER 1998 ISSUE 50‘est of albunn this Autumn, The fst albu, shply 1d U2 The Best Of 1980-1990, will contain 14 tracks, inching Pride (Iu The Nave Of Lowe) and Sunday Bloody Sunday, and ill acoompanie by a separate Besides st, The twornew albuns.wil be released on November dnd, For the ist week, the alban wil be available a limited edition double CD pack — the bonus CD wall euture 15 of Us B-sides from the "0s, The regular edition of the allaim will se the ight of day’ the follwing week. Prior to this release, on 19th October, Island release e Sie Thing. twas e shina Tre abi, but it ‘wasn’ finshed in time. ‘The bund recently returned to the studio with producer Steve Lillywhite to finish it off 2B] On the CD: RIFF OF THE MONTH - MANSUN snitarst Dominic C lth their second album recently released, Mansun have produced a varied selection of wellrfted songs. Legacy vas the first single culled from the new long player, Six: Lead tad supplies infections licks and ifs thronghout ‘sis illustrated by this example, The riff fanly straightforward, 30 take it lowly to start with and build up to speed, 3 Mansun’s aves album, Six i currently in the shops $a Purl have announced more UK tour dat to last month's cover feature the Manie Stroct Preachers in December in support of their new album, This fe My Trush Tall Me Yours ws released on September Lith (see review on page 140) “The dies are as follows: “Thursday 10th Friday 11th Saturday 12 Monday 14 ~ Neweastle Telewest Arena Bournemouth International Centre Manchester Nynex slasgow SEC Tuesday 15 - London Wembley Are Friday 1 Birmingham NEC Saturday 19 - Exeter Westpoint Arena Sunday 20 - Cardiff International Arena Monday 21 - Cardiff Intemafional Arena Special guests on all dates come from fellow Welsh band, and recent chart favourites, Catatonia, The tonris.afollow-up tothe ‘medium-sized venue trek the bane undertook in September eg Prxacn Legacy, sit appears on the Mansun album Si The guitar used was a Fender Stat through IMP-1 recorded crecly toa hard tsk cocorder, ‘Guitars and backing: Fchard ‘nf Barrett DECENMER 1998 18SUE 50af tee nares HENDRIX SUICIDE? Eric Burdon, ex of The Animals, claims that Jimi Hendrix committed suicide. In his recent biography House OF TH poem at the death scene that indicates suicide ising Sun, Burdon says he found a ‘The official inquest into Hendrix death 28 years ago Issued a verdict of accidental asphyxiation due to a Bl icon time of Jn’ death which were largely ignored PAGE AND PLANT WALK ON Jioumy Page and Robert Plant (the men behind this month's Cassie 5 Track!) are st to play a short series of arena shows in the UK in November: The duo, whose last album Walking Into Clarksdale received widespread critical acclaim, play Glasgow SECC on Nevernber 2nd Manchester Nynex on November rd and London Burdon made similar claims atthe Wembley Arena November 5th, WELLER HITS OUT SOON ‘No sooner than he's on the cover of Total Guitar than Paul Weller gets r= ready to release an album of his greatest hits. The material, which will cover his solo carver to date, wil no doubt include inchides material eulled from his phenomenally siccossfal Wild Wood and Stanley ‘Road albums. The tentative release date i scheduled for November. Weller is currently finishing up his teal around the UK and there’ an extensive interview with him on page 20 of this very issue GUNS N’ RECORDING? Guns N° Roses are scheduled to go into a LA studio 10 begin work on their overdue new album. At the controls is producer Youth, whese credits include The Verve's Urban Hymns, Ast Rose has called back keyboardist Dizzy Reed, but contrary to reports, Slush will nt sppear on the album a MH C3 MANSON ‘ROCKS’ | KISS ROCK CITY US shock ck Kiss Manin Manson has | film named after one ben aling about his | oftheir songs: Detroit forthcoming album | Rock Ci. Mechanical Animas. | sory of four teks Its very much a rock | fan trying to gt into abun inthe tation | sold-out Kis show The ofthe albums Ioved a | lm sc in ato "T0s ald, tke Naws OF The | Detest, sal be World by Queen. and Zigey Stordst ‘SOLO BUSHMAN Nigel Pasir, guar with rockers Bush, hs recorded and isplanning to ‘oleae via the Internet. The album, entitled Dodge Tales, ‘which covers many Tmucal aes willbe NEW LENNON EMC is planing to release a single alum containing unheard John Lennon recordings The album Wonsaponatine, be esd on November 3, wil contain highlights fom a fouralbum boxed set, The Jolin Lennon Anthology, TOP 1000 LPs “The Restle come cut eee tee aiming to rank the top 1000 alls of al os vote hy 900,000 members of ee publi “The fab fur land four ofthe ist ive selections Also in the Gees produced by Kiss man JAM VIDEO Seat superstars, Peatl Jam areal st to release a video Single Video Theory oa tbe Weatures Ine Footage of the baad rehearsal It 3 produced by Ceeeters Maguire Creme top ten were Ninaits Neermind and Oasis (Whats The Story) Morning Glory. srallable from the Collecting Dust ste at tpsrenicolleingts ston from October ISSUE 50 DECEMER 1998 i PASSING NOTES Steve Cradocte WHLO?: Guitars, pianist, songwriter and allsound top ‘musician with Brummie R&B sensations Ocean Colour Scone. WEB? Indeed. Paul Welle, ongsterm friend and musial collaborator described the Scene as “English ‘9s R&B”, Noel Gallagher also championed the band in 1996, ensuring huge airplay for their brealthrough single, The Riverboat Song. THAT FAMOUS THEME TUNE?: Yep, The Riverboat Song comes weekly into your home under the guise ofthe theme tune to Chis Evans’ TFL Friday show. GREAT RIFF: Already Riverboat... has become a classie guitar shop nfl, and features inthe top 10 ofthe Total Guitar readers’ poll of Best Guitar Riffs of ll time, BARLY DAYS?: After signing to Phonogram in 1990, the band released a patchy first LP, leaning heavily on haga’ influences like the Stone Roses. The album dll badly, and the band werent happy with the final results. After legal negotiations, they managed to buy themselves ou ofthe deal, leaving them with no label, andl huge debts to pay back. FHEN?: When most people would have given up, Ocean Golour Scene were just getting started. Returning to their homeland of Mosely in Birmingham, and kitting outa studio proved to be the breakthrough. Steve Cradock’ dad, Chris, raised enough money by remorgaging his house, and the songs they recorded! were released as a new album, Mosely Shoals, in 1996. It was « huge success WELLER?: Steve Cradock and bassist Damon Minchella toured and recorded with Paul Welles, musical soulmate ‘with a shared passion for British R&B, He is still a fan ofthe band, anc Cradock talks of his influence on them with reverence. MUSICAL?: Steve plays the cleetrie guitar in OCS, uti just as happy playing piano ~ often busking Detween the two during the course ‘of one song. A self-taught player, he has no time for people who read guitar mags or learn fiom books. He aso hates all rock muse with a passion. 80 WHAT DOES HE LIKE?. Music with soul, Like Weller, cassie [R&B and original Jamaican rege, He likes most things, except rock, realy. EQUIPMENT?: Stove uses a Gold “op reissue Les Paul through heaps of Vintage Marshall amps. No reverb, no effects — his sound comes front his fingers alone LIKELY TO SAY: “Paul Weller, man, He's got soul..." 1 just copped. this really cool minor 9¢h tapped arpeggio from my Stove Vai instructional video...” Ee »ana tothe FP Too Mic, Too Lit, oo Lae. ‘cover ofthe classic Rush ‘une, sifu reduced rom ts ‘ginal 1 -minate prog rock lent to turin p00 ‘song. Singer James Broad ‘approached twit ‘racist ioverance:“L ‘was hnking tat was aout time earned to pay oer people's songs, because fm ‘useless a covers. So stared ‘on Xana although it sounds complicated t's ute eas.) ao ply th lea if to uss ‘Shit ofthe Radio at soundchecks because it sounds ‘pressive and makes the roads tugh* (P1996 Powdor Ltt James Broad — singer/guitar Deseribes himsolf ax the on the planot, and his biggest claim to fame as in WH Smiths, Paul Smith - guitar Pan’ favourite guitar move is scoop digging, holding the guitar up and then dropping it ‘back down. Richard Kane - bass Richard met The Other Two out of Slade when he was nine years old and hhad a Dave Hl hairdo Which his mum used to tong for him, Richard Sayco - drums Claims he's the world's Dest singing drummer because, in his mind, Karen Carpenter and Roger Taylor simply 2 ‘They were responsible for last summer's definitive jangle-pop album ~ but with their second ont this month they're throwing a heavy metal vibe into the mix. TIM TUCKER investigates. their new album, Neo Wace, singerguitaris songwriter Janes Broad has gone back to his rots tore-discover the music he grew up with, While their debut, Siler Sun, prom ted comparisons swith the Beach Boys and Big Star, the latest nostalgia approach has transformed their sound into something heavier, datker, and less easy to in davyn. So who exactly are these formative influences? “Frank Zappe, Quecn, Rush — just heavy metal really.” says Broad, without a hint of ‘embarrassment. “Tve never been one to say Oh T Till love everythin [grew up with, i just that Ive moved on don listen to that any more The resulking sound isa bright and breezy amalgam of power pop melodies and thundering sills, the Wilsonian harmonies stil in there new buried in a pounding essaut of stompin lythns and sweeping guitar parts. So have suddenly hecome u serious guitar-orientated band? aspire to do that kind of amazing guitar thing but in a widly wa” James explains, "t realy pes want toe a fantasti guitarist, but still sound ike 1 don’ know what I'm doing. I used to love people rank Zappa, Dut that was mainly heeause Frank was writing the guitar parts, and it was to do with the songs and the melodies. When a lotof those guys went offon like Stowe Vai whem he played with Fi their own, they completely missed the point, and thought that wal be the sume ‘we just play a many notes as we can, But with Frank it was more ta do with hovw it suited the song, SUN AND MOON Silver Sun, on the other hand, could never he accused of fgnoring the song format as the sixteen Dyeautiflly crafted pop gems on their latest album will testify: They managed this despite the fantasies during the recording of the album, as Jead guitarist Paul Smith explains: “At the studio in Belgjuun, they ha gitar and loa of amps, which was a dream feame true, So when we were getting soine rough sound, me and James would just run in and try fut loads of different guitars and amps just to see what they were like. Te was great..." Drceanen 1998 Issue 50.With a retrospective alhum in the shops, PETE WADESON talks to guitarist Gregor Mackintosh ahout dark, doomy times past, and the alluring possibilities yet to come... ploucst never capturing the British record ‘buying public atention in a massive way Paradive Lost are without doubt one of the UKs most succesfil rock acts, They've sold ‘over a million albums worldwide and achieved th highest ever attendance at Hollands Dynama played to 130,000 metalheads Although no strangers to huge festival dates, festival where they he band's humble origins mean that they are veterans of countless UK and European club tous, playing evennwbere and anywhere. 1's been a long path since then ane T wonder if dhe Tad ew wan to distance themselves fom that? Gr days, our musical roo's, Our aide is sill much the same beewsse in prineipal ‘TUNE IN, TURN ON, COP OUT However, the bane have just signe EMUCirysali ‘ut ringing in his ears? “God, I'm sick of hearing does Greg not hear the words it, We inevitable an] weal felt the time was ri ISSUE 50 DECEMBER 1998, TUNE IN, TURN ON, COP OUT Anyone fisniiar with Paradiso Lasts past musical ‘output eat fll to notice how drastically they’ changed over the years from die-hard goth ddoonasters tothe commercally-edged malnstrean rock band the Are the out oflosing the Hardeore fan base they worked so Ihara to build np? "We did seriously consider that That we were sick and tted of playing the same old stuff, There vas even a point when we considered pliting up. Itwas alter the Draconian Ties album because we'd been tourin A bums, its been a pri st album On ® and samples, Greg s keen to point ont the guitar stil plays.a majar role, even thon he quiekly adds, “I don't miss soloing: Everything that can be done has been. I'm more into getting a sound and working with that” More power to him. 2 In Halifax in 1988 ‘Nick Holmes (vocals), Gregor Mackintosh (load guitar) Aaron Acdy (ehytnm guitar) Stove Edmondson (bass) and Lee Morris (drums), "The band originally signed to hardcore! alternative indie label Posooville Records, The bums on the label ~ Lost Paradise and Goth ‘They're long-time faves 1¢ European festival clreult, High pointe Include Donington and headlining the Dynamo Festival, Holland, TEES ery -tacen rom ‘he album Relation out now ‘on Musi Fr Nations. repo: “On ts track there are alot of guitars which we put ‘through syn effects. lt might ‘sound ike a ot of keyboards butt is actually a guitar. Also ‘we used a presa ram the Boss G5 which we ran apa sample andi ealy cogs sound tke strings We ran the samples against clk rack ana played lve over the op. Of al the songs off the lst alum it took the longest to ecaré" The renowned Swedish tecno pop Producer Sank stamps nis. ‘octro-sampling trademark 00 the tack —a clue to the band's {uture musical direction? (P) Muse For Nations ea‘Last One in The Work token fom Mark Lanegan ihiré slo album, Soaps At Min, ‘out now on Bepgars Banquet. “This tack pial of no ‘uring, melanchoi tracks on Mark's teé abu. may ume suis to fans ot the Screaming Tees. The ‘meee guia ines re corse by both Mark and ‘ike Jonson a resent oto show in he Sia, ark oped for one mar, ene guitar. Aout a8 sipped down as you can et Wonder, (©) Sino ea temas The Winding Sheet (2990) Whiskey For The Holy Ghost (1994) Seraps At Midnight cao98) ‘Taronghout his solo ‘career Mark has enlisted the help of venerated alternative rock ‘musicians to bolster his ‘Sound. Mike Johnson has not been the only ‘member of Dinosaur Jr to make a contribution, ‘Mainman and slacker Jeon J Mascis tiled the ivorfes for the track Wheols, while Seattle scone heavyweight Tad fon the same rong. Never fear, the Screaming Trees are still going strong, Best known as frontman for Seattle grungsters The Screaming ‘Trees, Mark Lanegan has a softer side as singer/guitarist on his own solo project. SIAN LLEWELLYN rings up for a chat. 1DON? For a man who sereams with such Jconvition with his long-time band it comes somewhat a surprise when sich a soft spoken chap answers the telephone. The man in question is Mark Lanegen — lead vocalist with Seattle veterans the Sereaming Trees, But hes more than that... much more, Scraps At Midnight Isis third sola outing, and his third featuring long-time collaborator and friend, erstwhile Dinosaue Jr bassist, Mike Johnson, SINGLE IN SEATTLE His solo style isso markedly different from the Screaming Trees ~ I asked if this is a eonscious thing, designed to get the heavier stuff out of his system? T think so," he says after a pause, “Atleast it was definitely lke that when we started. But that isn't strictly trie either because the Trees have ‘moments of peace and quieter songs, but is just that there aren't as many of them, People don't associate us with slower numbers and ballads, However that’s not the only reason that his solo albums area release, its his creative sie seeking an alternative outlet, which he doesnt always get the chance to express in his ‘day-job’. “What you have to remember is that inthe Screaming ‘Trees we ure our stron songwriters, whereas with solo cord i just me oF maybe one other person. So which does he prefer? “Well I enjay doing both of them,” he ads, “especially if 1 haven't ddone one of them in a while When play toply much guitar ith his band, Mark doesnt get 1 don't consider myself much of a guitarist actually" he adonits with chuekle, “I just use it a a tool for songwriting: ‘The majority of Seraps.. i acoustc-based ~ is that how he always writes? "Its convenience really, an acoustic is portable and it just seems that that the sway T tend to waite with Mike.” Mark Lanegan — quietly spoken, yes, hut heard loul and lear. EE DECEMBER 1998 ISSUE 50°
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
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The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Little Women
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Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
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