Exte C 3600 Shredder: Fe Atures and Benefits Book
Exte C 3600 Shredder: Fe Atures and Benefits Book
Exte C 3600 Shredder: Fe Atures and Benefits Book
Shre d d er
A p pli c a tio ns in c lu d e :
Through the different variations of teeth available in the shredder many different types
of material can be processed. Blade thicknesses can be from 30 – 150 mm, and
variations in the shape of each blade can ensure optimum processing efficiency.
All teeth are produced with extremely tough hardened steel and many treatments
ensure this. They are then machined down to fit perfectly within the shredder, removing
the possibility of jams or wearing of the teeth.
Sp a c io us h o p p e r
Bo gi e
Fe atures and Benefits Book
Welc om e to Sandvik Mining & C onstruction
O n p l a nt t o ol b ox
W a rnin g B e a c o n
Fe atures and Benefits Book
Welc om e to Sandvik Mining & C onstruction
L a n d fill a p p li c a tio n
C o n c r e t e a p p li c a tio n
3600 Shr e d d e r
Tr a nsp ort
3600 Shr e d d e r
W orkin g