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Fatal - deadly Habit - custom

Wet - damp Old - ancient

Watch - look Get - obtain

Quiet - silent Funny - humorous

Raise - elevate Hurt - harm


Accuse s/o of Compare with

Allow for Consent to

Argue with/about Excuse s/o for

Believe in Hope for

Borrow sth from s/o Laugh at

Comment on Mistake s/o for

Congratulate on Prepare for

Decide on Provide s/o with

Hear of/about Run for

Joke about Succeed in

Long for Thank s/o for

Praise s/o for Warn s/o about

Protest about Agree with

Rely on Apply for

Smile at Ask for

Talk to s/o about sth Blame s/o for

Wait for Care for

Add to Complain about

Apologise for Consiste of

Arrest s/o for Face up to

Belong to Insist on

Call for Lend sth to s/oo

Object to Choose between

Depend on Concentrate on

Punish s/o for Deal with

Save s/o from Dream about

Suffer from Forgive s/o for

Think of/about Interfere with/in

Worry about Listen to

Aim at/for Pay for

Approve of Sentence s/o to

Attend to Stand for

Boast about Volunteer to

s/o: alguien.

Sth: algo.


I'm going to talk about my hobbies. Among my hobbies are taking photos, especially portraits
and landscapes. Reading about psychology, crime novel, novel based on real events, realism
novel, poetry.

Hiking, going to the cinema, listening to music and search for new musical groups. In summer,
futhermore, I go swimming. I like to cook desserts and go bowling too. I think that having
hobbies and time to yourself is very important because this helps to keep a good mental
health. So get moving!

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