Michael Pillsbury Gordon Chang

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Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.

– Perhaps Fronting for Chinese Globalists [Part I]

What started as an effort to probe available info regarding Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. yielded lots of curious
info as I “followed the rabbit”; I’m displeased with what emerged, as is provided here in segments, for it
seems he was in a position to prevent the widespread USA-component of the Covid-19 pandemic that
his NIAID seems to have funded in Wuhan, China.

Action-items that could appeal to non-Conservatives emerge from this painstakingly documented survey
of his career, interventions that The Donald can make ASAP to convert what is known about the
origins/manifestations of the Covid-19 pandemic into an “overlay” battle-plan; because I purposely have
“shown my homework,” the reader is invited to deduce additional pursuits.

As an internist/medical oncologist/hematologist who has not treated these patients, I have not delved
herein into the medical aspects of the management of this infection, except to note ongoing (politicized)
resistance to using Plaquenil; the goal is to tether Fauci to ongoing events and to note outcome
measures that inescapably emerge.

This information is conveyed in seven-paragraph segments (Introduction, Prodrome, Deceit, Fauci’s

Proclamations, Sports Analogies Abound, Therapeutic/Conspiratorial Controversies, and Vaccination);
tentative Conclusions are then explicitly articulated.

Because I want Trump to be re-elected (if for no other reason than to ensure ongoing opposition to
Beijing), assuredly these suggestions are incomplete due to my ignorance of what animates Fox News
contributors *Michael Pillsbury* and *Gordon Chang*; nevertheless, they are linked IMHO to myriad
issues (including the survival of Eretz Yisrael).

For the reader who wishes to skim, the ‘graph structure is intended to convey a thought and a derivative
concept following a semi-colon; for the reader who wishes to vet, it is replete with hyperlinks.

This has been divided into five sections, each < 1000 words in length; I do not apologize for the “tight”
style, for there’s a tremendous amount of info that has been proverbially left on the pixel “floor.”

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. has emerged as a political lightning rod during the past ½-year, and it’s desirable
to provide perspective as to why I’ve been looking askance at him for ⅓-century; he’s obviously a Dem,
but his world seems to exemplify the all-government Deep State that has developed quietly during the
modern era and that seems to stem from the ominous *Event 201*.

I have not addressed the Covid-19 pandemic (despite having accrued pages of hyperlinks) because the
goal has been to focus upon what has been under-reported/under-scrutinized; it is with that mindset
that news/views of his activities are summarized herein, recognizing that this is necessarily a somewhat
lengthy compilation of primary-data regarding his public mien AND that it seems to parallel the non-
Fauci “Covid-19” narratives that have emerged during recent months.

I’ve never been a “fan,” even before learning of how he adored Hillary (and had given her a
$1200 donation); that Trump talks infrequently with Task Force Members (and Fauci) is an appropriate
endpoint to his wide-ranging/wildly-contradictory assertions (viewed over time) as he “deviated from
his lane” (such as when he advised that people can take risks using hook-up apps like Tinder and Grindr).

Indeed, although scientifically bombarded by friends/colleagues on both sides of the “masks”

controversy, I’ve simply felt that an “either/or” proposition seemed apt (i.e., masks in public if social
distancing couldn’t be maintained) for potential mutual-protection; regardless of whether one would
view acquisition of herd immunity as desirable on a “macro” level, this practical posture would seem
desirable to reduce person-to-person dissemination on a “micro” level.

That The Donald was subject early-on to “simple declarative statements” by both Fauci/Birx and the
Surgeon General that they didn’t matter (as they were quietly trying to preserve them for healthcare
workers) illustrates why he was duped; that Trump now has assumed control over the database within
the White House appears to reflect recognition that it’s necessary for all info to be integrated and
articulated “from the top” (ASAP and ongoing).

{A disclaimer, here, is warranted, for there is an ambient allegation on the “dark web” that the
FDA/CDC/NIH are a component of the Deep State, for the FDA has opposed vaping, the CDC has become
the Breastfeeding Police, and the NIH has fought racism and obesity; I note the pot-shots delivered by
former FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb regarding what Trump has been doing as I recall dismay at how
I had written essays condemning his having condemned *vaping* despite its proven capacity to serve as
a risk-reduction methodology.}

While harboring this mindset, background and updated info are pondered herein; the goal is to
corroborate the wisdom of what Trump has done to “put Fauci into his place” (and to keep him there)
because Indie-voters must become convinced that The Donald has now risen to emulate Odysseus as he
tacked between Scylla (a public health tsunami) and Charybdis (an economic disaster) to save lives while
also protecting livelihoods.
{to be continued}

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. – Perhaps Fronting for Chinese Globalists [Part II]

You have read of the scope of what is to be presented as well as my baseline mindset regarding Dr.
Fauci’s involvement therein; this segues, unfortunately, from providing a historical perspective to
pinpointing a certain deceit in his delivery.


What’s the truth about Fauci? Is he the “Silver Fox” of the NIH or an anti-Trump alarmist? Can he
be trusted or is he simply delusional? Is he a fearmonger or a buffoon? Was his In Style profile a lib-
revelation or was his having teamed up (accompanied by colleagues) with Julia Roberts and
other celebs to promote a global response to Covid-19 a sincere initiative? Was his opening baseball
pitch a reflection of his ability to flatten the curve or did it demonstrate his social distancing prowess? Is
it revelatory that, while he was caught not social distancing and having his mask down
(literally/figuratively) after the failed first pitch, the New York Times attacked Dr. Birx?

As a young physician-observer in the 1980s, I first noticed Fauci when feeling discomfiture when he
had unjustifiably incessantly lobbied for America’s Bob Gallo to win the Nobel Medicine Prize despite
the fact that the HIV had first been discovered by the French; per an unsolicited comment by a
colleague, “Gallo’s behavior in the early years of AIDS was shameful, for my best friend (who worked in
his lab at [the] NIH and was mentioned in Gallo’s book) averred he had sought credit and glory, more
than results.”

Under Obama, he took a more measured approach when H1N1 hit (from April 2009 to April 2010) than
he has currently been espousing, supportive of the same drugs of which he is now skeptical; allegedly,
he had allegedly promulgated the HIV Ponzi scheme that concealed the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

More recently, an FBI investigation had allegedly targeted Fauci because his career had
been dotted with ethics and safety controversies inside the NIH, before Comey had pulled the plug; Dr.
Judy Mikovits had claimed Fauci was a workplace tyrant who had swiped scientific
research, broken federal spending law and rules, covered up tainted vaccines, and doled out lucrative
federal grants to feckless cronies.
Fauci allegedly broke U.S. law and regulations when he continued to fund the Wuhan lab doing “crazy”
Covid-19 research that was banned in the USA in 2014; this may explain why he dismissed the theory
(supported by 17 U.S. spy agencies) that Covid-19 had originated in that Wuhan lab.

As a prelude to the current epidemic, whatever “blame” that exists regarding the lack of preparedness
(recalling how Trump ripped the CDC and blamed Obama for the slow response to Covid-19) must
include Fauci’s NIAID; suddenly, The Donald had to create lotsa testing/reporting/analysis structures
from absolute nothingness.

Wizened/brilliant bureaucrat that he has been to have survived within the NIH, Fauci knows what he’s
doing (just as I feel Mueller’s befuddled testimony was an “act”); awareness of this perception
undoubtedly prompted Shiva Ayyadurai (who, when he ran against Sen. Warren in 2018 as
an independent, had garnered 3.4% of the vote) to have called for his firing and Trump to
have retweeted this suggestion by former congressional candidate DeAnna Lorraine.
Yet, Rush Limbaugh concurs with Trump that Fauci is an untouchable due to his four-decade track-
record, but Rush feels The Donald will NOT empower scientists to render ‘reopening’ decisions; perhaps
recalling the Godfather adage that one must “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer,”
however, Trump has felt free to voice “total” disagreement with Fauci on school reopenings
while downplaying any White House feud with Fauci.


Fauci considered it a “game” to have been asked whether he and his colleagues regretted having *lied*
about the potential utility of masks, downplaying their efficacy to ensure they would be available to
providers; he and the New England Journal of Medicine consider their use to be “symbolic” because “we
don’t know” how less likely people are to transmit Covid-19 when wearing a mask.

Fauci provided *proof* that he can’t be trusted when he destroyed his credibility after claiming New
York had done it “correctly”; by praising the state with the highest death toll that had such an
obvious nursing home scandal, he even validated the Cuomo cover-up that had occurred when New
York admitted it had deliberately undercounted nursing home deaths after quietly changing reporting

After Trump claimed Fauci had “made a lot of mistakes,” the NY Times falsely alleged that Fauci has
been a target of the Far Right because he has corrected Trump; in response, Fauci demanded the media
stop trying to create a rift between himself and Trump.

In thinly veiled responses, however, Fauci has acknowledged decreased TV time, fewer 1:1
interviews (including with CBS), and being blocked from appearing before the sequel of the (treasonous)
Dem House impeachment committee; furthermore, Trump mildly rebuked Navarro for slamming Fauci
(“He Shouldn’t Be Doing That”), as Dems defended Fauci following issuance by the White House of a list
of his (deadly) Covod-19 mistakes.

Fauci has erred, was mistaken, and/or articulated self-contradictions, yielding compilations that
include devastation of the US economy based on a “garbage” model (vide infra) and his *worst* mistake
of delaying herd immunity while destroying the US Economy; through it all, Trump fears another Great
Depression (c/o of Dems).

This undercurrent culminated publicly when a face-to-face confrontation occurred with Sen. Rand Paul,
who accused him of “Fatal Conceit”; he called out Fauci over his ignorance of the economy and climaxed
his accusations against Fauci and “Faustian Warnings” by exclaiming, “I Don’t Think You’re the End-All.”

This exchange was among the six big points that emerged during these hearings, after Chairman Lamar
Alexander had opened them by calling on Trump to wear a mask, certainly not the most pressing issue
before the committee; of greater import, for example, was the need to probe what was being done after
having recognized what both Trump/Fauci had ID’ed as problematic, namely, that the Black community
was getting hit “very, very hard.”

{to be continued}

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. – Perhaps Fronting for Chinese Globalists [Part III]

You have read the set-up and my “issues” with how Fauci has handled these issues; the consternation
he has (unnecessarily) provoked is now explored.

Fauci’s Proclamations

On 1/21/2020, Fauci said Covid-19 was “not a major threat“ to America despite this damning timeline;
thereafter, he squandered the time that could have been gained when Trump closed the border to
China on *1/31/2020*.

On 2/29/2020, he said that there was no need for concern and a lifestyle change wasn’t necessary; as
late as on *3/26/2020*, Fauci wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine that “the overall clinical
consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which
has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%).”
It’s subsequent pronouncements such as that on 4/7/2020 (when he prematurely asserted “We Should
start to see the beginning of a turnaround” beyond that week) that prompted Adm. Brett Giroir to
openly challenge his recommendations; also, under-reported by the media was the fact that thousands
of doctors and scientists have come out against Fauci’s lockdowns (including a Nobel Prize-Winning

Fauci/Birx (“The Scarf”) had used the Imperial College Model (that these impromptu “peer reviewers”
consider to have been a complete fraud) to persuade Trump (through issuance of “buffoonish
projections from clownish investigators”) to lock down and then to crash the entire US Economy.

When he projected 100,000-200,000 deaths, Fauci concurred with the CDC when it projected deaths
would be “much, much lower“ than previously calculated; this placed him more in the line of initial
critics who claimed that those catastrophic mortality rates sold to the public by the WHO and Fauci/Birx
were a huge scam.

It’s obviously worth a separate essay to detail how Fauci bought easily-diagnosed (by Trump et
al) lies c/o the WHO and IHME noting, for example, the latest international study showing the Covid-19
mortality rate to be 0.2% (not 3.4%); yet, it’s Fauci/Birx “modeling” errors that triggered the panic over
ventilators, but anyone challenging Fauci’s claim that institutional racism is afoot risks being labeled a

Such overt politicization has been inevitable, perhaps, but should have been eschewed; instead,
Fauci said he wouldn’t attend a Trump Rally absent a comparable personalized condemnation of the

Sports Analogies Abound

In many respects, Trumpsters welcomed Fauci’s prediction that sports will not happen this year due to
the need to isolate players, noting all the endorsements of “Black Lives Matter” (the organization, if not
the concept) that have surfaced; nevertheless, he noted that baseball’s ability to start with social
distancing would be difficult to emulate by the NFL “unless players are in a bubble.”

More globally, speaking as a true elitist, Fauci warned of “anti-science bias” being a problem in America;
because he feels America is still “knee-deep in the first wave” of Covid-19, he has concluded the country
is headed in the wrong direction (a key electoral indicator) as Trump pledged control ASAP.
Bowing to awareness of the boss’s perspective, Fauci has suggested there is no need for a second
“absolute” lockdown, for staying closed for too long could cause “irreparable damage”; yet, while
accepting “reopening,” Fauci warned lockdown protesters that reopening too quickly will “backfire.”

And adopting the boss’s rhetorical reverberation technique, he first warned “we need to keep our eye
on” a new Chinese virus and then changed his tune, saying a second COVID-19 wave may never occur;
frustration with his aggregated commentaries prompted Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick to lambast Fauci
by concluding, “He has been wrong every time, on every issue.”

Note his overnight transformation, after his Saturday rambling interview with Trump-friendly Jesse
Watters: The ChiComs were “saying first [that Covid-19] was only going from an animal to a human, and
then when there were human to human cases, that it was inefficient …. When it became clear it is not
only is transmitted efficiently from human to human, but that it is very, very contagious .... and carries a
high degree of morbidity and mortality, it became clear we were in for a problem …. Early on we did not
get correct information …. The incorrect information was propagated from the beginning.”

Strange what a weekend nap will yield, for he uttered a faux pas scapegoating Trump to a Trump-
unfriendly Sunday talking-head show, resulting from his careless claim there had been internal
resistance to his warnings (date purposely unspecified); furthermore, he uttered what many would
perceive in any other context as a truism (“lives could have been saved if mitigation had started

Earlier diagnosis intuitively yields a better prognosis, and this concept could easily have been ascribed
to the ChiComs (again, recalling their deceit); that’s why, the next day, knowing he was on thin/melting
ice, his bureaucratic side emerged, prompting him to backtrack “voluntarily” by averring The Donald had
adopted the “formal” recommendation by himself/Scarf (ignoring reference to his prior public
reassurances throughout, vide supra).

{to be continued}

Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. – Perhaps Fronting for Chinese Globalists [Part IV]

If nothing else than for “completeness,” it’s necessary to include “observations accrued along the way”
as this macro-essay was being composed; placing information into context is desirable as long as it
doesn’t undermine what is incontrovertible.

Therapeutic/Conspiratorial Controversies
Trump has famously touted the potential efficacy of Plaquenil, which was *supported* by a study
published by Henry Ford Health Systems (where I spent my three years of internship/residency);
Plaquenil had been attacked by The Lancet in a transparently poor study (that I immediately diagnosed
and others subsequently detected), forcing that august publication to issue a *correction*.

The British article detailed a large observational study that linked use of the anti-malarial drug
hydroxychloroquine with an increased death risk in Covid-19 patients; more than 100 scientists and
medical professionals had issued an open letter listing 10 major concerns about the integrity of
statistical analysis and data integrity in the study.

In this regard, it’s necessary again to “fact-check the fact-checkers after it was claimed that Fauci “has
known since 2005 that chloroquine (a cousin of hydroxychloroquine, Plaquenil) is an effective inhibitor
of coronaviruses (SARS)”; this “conspiracy theory” claim was deemed to be false because, “While some
early research suggests hydroxychloroquine could treat COVID-19 symptoms, other studies have found
no discernible effect.”

This flimsy rationale for a “false” designation is worth pondering when recalling how Fauci pops up in
current/past events related to Covid-19; recall that, as he had been exiting one of Trump’s
“improv” White House briefings, Fauci had signaled approval of ABC’s Jonathan Karl (current rotating
head of the White House Correspondents Association) who had opined that Trump attacks the press for
the “applause” because it’s a “performance.”

Karl had invited a ChiCom reporter (who had asked Trump a “nasty” question) to attend this event;
Trump had smoked-out the fact that her employer, Phoenix Media, may be based in Hong Kong/Cayman
Islands, but it’s is owned in large part by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and by a former CCP
propaganda officer.

So an ABC News reporter and his ChiCom “journalist” attack The Donald with Fauci’s covert approval,
and it then emerges that Remdesivir was first used in the USA in January with the ChiComs (via a Soros-
linked company) mass producing the drug a fortnight hence; the firm Gilead Sciences and Fauci may be
In the middle, noting that Remdesivir costs $9/dose and will be sold at $3,000/treatment.

I don’t know what to believe, except to note that “fear pornographer” Fauci was
allegedly debunked when a “mysterious inflammatory condition” in children was found to be typical
every year in 13/100,000 children in this study; these observations have been widely noted to have
supported the use of anti-inflammatories such as steroids in the adjunct treatment of Covid-19.

Thus far, it has been concluded that Fauci has developed a career-long globalist perspective that seems
to have precluded the ability to plan for a pandemic; recall that Trump had to tool-up centralized
reporting mechanisms of rapidly evolving testing procedures for Americans who incessantly prove that
demand always exceeds supply.

Furthermore, it has been shown that the one concrete move made by The Donald—which Fauci hadn’t
endorsed and the public had ridiculed—was not “racist” when he barred Chinese from traveling to the
USA in January; lotsa back-and-forth, predictions-and-reassurances later, Trump’s actions remain
unassailable (recognizing federalism by honoring states’ rights, in particular).

Since that time, Fauci has attacked The Donald claiming, for example, that it’s a false-narrative to take
comfort in a lower death rate (which directly contradicts his prior “flatten the curve” mantra); these
observations have prompted pieces probing FDA vaccine fraud, Fauci, and bad bioethics.

It is ominous that elitist Gates warned the U.S. could lose her global leadership role under Trump by
claiming that putting America first also means “giving a damn about the rest of the world”; thus, it has
been argued that Trump is locked in an intense power struggle with Gates, who is pushing his vaccines
and that Fauci, being “cautiously optimistic,” had set the stage for mandatory (lucrative)

Meanwhile, lotsa Dems (and ObamaDon’tCare author, Ezekiel Emanuel) claim, “We cannot return to
normal until there’s a vaccine,” even if it takes 12-18 months; this, of course, recalls Samuel Beckett’s
1953 play “Waiting for Godot” portending preordained suspended animation.

Fauci served on the scientific board of Grand Challenges in Global Health; this organization is a public-
private partnership funded by the Gates Foundation, the Foundation of the National Institutes of Health,
the Wellcome Trust and the Canadian Institute of Health Research working to identify "critical scientific
challenges in global health and [to] increase research on diseases that cause millions of deaths in the
developing world."

After having culled-through these primary data, my “verdict” is that Fauci is not a sinister force and,
frankly, that his superficial contradictions mirror those that have allegedly emerged from the lips of The
Donald; whereas Fauci is advocating strictly from the public health perspective (recognizing his prior
prevention failures), Trump is consolidating his input with that of the
economists/psychologists/sociologists who warn of the dangers of obeisance to “science” that is
vulnerable to reasonable challenge.

{to be continued}
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. – Perhaps Fronting for Chinese Globalists [Part V]

All relevant info has been digested and presented as cogently as possible; for “extra credit,” consult a
unique orientation that structures key-concepts in a Covid-19 Roundtable and then contrast this
somewhat offbeat set of opinions with the overtly conspiratorial How They Pulled Off The “Pandemic.” I
find some claims in the former to be problematic and I certainly find some in the latter well-produced
animated “short” to be unabashedly incorrect (e.g., “more people died from the global lockdown than
did from Covid-19”); someday the specific points teased out from these two presentations will be
explored but, for now, it’s simply necessary for The Donald (and y’all, dear readers, for having
persevered through this distillation) to appreciate the urgency of what Fauci seems to represent and
that the Internet is replete with info that varies dramatically in quality.


Although I continue to harbor “doubts” about the extracurricular behaviors of Fauci over the decades
(dating back to HIV), his professional behavior has been responsible; the exception, here, is that he
should have ensured America could withstand a pandemic, particularly noting his having funded the
Wuhan Laboratory (culprit-origin of Covid-19) and having failed to manage the risk of pandemics to
ensure readiness to protect lives/livelihoods across the global/American economy.

As a member of the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board [page 42], he seemingly failed to implement
better position than I to adjudge what happened following the “Event 201” pandemic
exercise conducted on October 18, 2019 would have to explore what did/didn’t occur.

In any case, The Donald should discover what has been happening with these activities that seem to be
obliquely linked to Gates and Soros and to discern their import; he should then strategize/implement his
plan (including, in particular, to Africa) through an N.G.O. other than the China-poisoned W.H.O. (and
recognizing, for example, how the nascent China-Iran Strategic Accord has changed the calculus for

Domestically, he must ensure his daily informational 5:00 p.m. E.D.T. press conferences become must-
see-TV; he must continue to spearhead messaging accompanied by key players, but he must also
“invite” open exploration of issues raised herein (and thereat) regarding “how we got here.”

The subset of players should include Pence’s Task Force, which meshes medical/economic forces; but it
should also involve guests including, for example Bill Gates and his trusted colleagues.
Geopolitically, he must re-nationalize all major (non-toy) manufacturing from China ASAP, even if it must
be offshored to such countries as India and Vietnam; he must ensure Pompeo’s quiet efforts to re-
establish “SEATO” (Southeast Asia Treaty Organization) are formalized ASAP.

Although I hate to admit it after having devoted two dozen (~1500 word) essays to ObamaGate, it is a
higher priority for Trump to marshal all available info/resources in the public sphere c/o (for example)
Stephen K. Bannon ‘s War Room and Dan Bongino’s podcast; steady dosages of prudently delivered info
should help the electorate (outside of the conservative echo-chamber) recognize the true dangers of a
POTUS Biden (notwithstanding the radical-socialists having aided/abetted the Dems-on-Dems pet “civil
war”) who, if nothing else, would not become engaged in this epochal battle.

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