Case Study Sales and Distribution MGT

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Case study 1:

Malcolm Shakesheff is at a crossroads in the development of his business. Three years ago, he
left his job as a successful sales representative to develop his own company, Shakesheff Web
Design, which has grown beyond his wildest expectations. The company was an extension of
what was initially Malcolm’s hobby in terms of a practical skill he possessed in designing simple
internet websites for friends and family. The company’s success is principally down to Malcolm
who has single -handedly performed the sales function whilst his wife, Penny, has managed the
business. Malcolm has received backing from the bank that means doubling the size of his
business. In particular, Malcolm now needs to employ three new salespeople who will be based
in London, Birmingham and Edinburgh respectively to provide countrywide coverage. Although
he has always been successful in selling and indeed his new company’s growth is down to his
personal selling skills coupled with his knowledge of IT and web design, he has never before had
to manage a sales force, and certainly not for his own company. Within the next three months,
however, Malcolm has to decide what sort of persons he needs and then recruit and select them.
He must then train and manage them. Quite simply, despite his extensive experience as a
salesperson, he is concerned about where to start. He recognizes the importance of getting this
right, as the whole future of his company will depend on the qualities and management of his
own salesforce.
(a) Advise Malcolm regarding what you feel should be the key elements in recruiting the new
sales force.
(b) How Malcolm should train and manage his new sales force.
(c) Discuss the methods through which Malcolm can compensate his sales force.
(d) Is Malcolm thinking in the right direction that the future of the company depends on the
management of its sales force.

Case study 2:
India tour to study the Sales & Distribution system. He is currently in Delhi and is faced with
some problems. Delhi is an important market for Ras Beverages but the sales for the region has
been on a constant decline since the last 2 years. The market has four sales representatives with
each one handling different sub -markets and stockist. All four of them were reporting to one
Territory Sales Manager. From the market visit, Subir found discrepancies in allocation of
selling effort; demotivated sales force, conflict with stockists over division of territory and
improper market coverage. If you were Aryaman Singh, what would be your recommendation
and solution in the form of Sales & Distribution Strategy for Ras Beverages Delhi Market?

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