Positively Innovative: Instructions For Use and Handling

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Positively Innovative



Instructions for Use and Handling

Foreword  4

1 Characteristics 5

1.1 Characteristics 5

1.2 Flammability 6

1.3 Saturated Vapor Pressure / Temperature Curves 7

1.4 Theoretical Characteristics of Refrigeration Cycle 8

1.5 Chemical Stability 8

1.6 Water Solubility 9

1.7 Desiccants 9

1.8 Effect on Polymeric Materials 10

1.9 Miscibility with Refrigeration Oils 11

2 Safety 11

3 Handling Precautions 12

Appendix 1. P-h Diagram 13

Appendix 2. Thermodynamic Properties (Saturation Table) 14/15


R32 is a chlorine-free, ozone-safe fluorocarbon whose boiling point is -52°C.

R32 is a component of R410A, a blend refrigerant widely used in developed coun-
tries as a main alternative to HCFC-22, an ozone depleting refrigerant. But R410A
has a high Global Warming Potential (hereafter, GWP) of 2088, so a new refrigerant
with lower GWP is needed to mitigate climate change.

R32 has a GWP about one third that of R410A, and it has excellent properties as a
refrigerant. Therefore, the technology has been developed to use it by itself as an
alternative refrigerant to replace R410A.

Especially in the air conditioning sector, it is difficult to select an alternative

refrigerant – although low-GWP substances such as natural refrigerants have been
proposed, various problems have to be solved before they can be put into practical
use. On the other hand, R32 is an almost non-toxic, chemically stable substance and
is readily available because it is a commercially manufactured product. R32 can be
used with extension of existing technology because its pressure is similar to that of
R410A, and it can provide excellent energy efficiency of the equipment.
All these properties make R32 a promising choice for the present.

R32 as a single component refrigerant is attracting attention not only as an alter-

native to R410A in developed countries but also as an alternative to HCFC-22 in
developing countries.

When using R32, however, applicable regulations and standards must be

observed and results of risk assessment must be considered because it has slight
flammability (Class 2L under refrigerant standards ISO/FDIS 817 and ASHRAE 34).

1 Characteristics 1.1 General Characteristics

Product R32 R410A HCFC-22

Component HFC-32 HCFC-22
Chemical formula CH2F2 CHClF2
Composition mass% 100 50/50 100
Molar mass 52.0 72.6 86.5
Boiling point -51.7 -51.4 -40.8
Freezing point -136 - -160
Critical temperature 78.1 72.0 96.2
Critical pressure MPa 5.78 4.95 4.99
Critical density kg/m 3
424 486 515
Density Saturated liquid kg/m 3
961 1059 1191
Density Saturated vapor kg/m 3
47.34 64.87 44.23
Viscosity Saturated liquid mPa·s 0.116 0.121 0.178
Viscosity Normal pressure vapor mPa·s 0.0126 0.0129 0.0128
Isobaric specific heat
kJ/kg·K 1.937 1.711 1.256
Saturated liquid
Isobaric specific heat
kJ/kg·K 0.848 0.818 0.662
Normal pressure vapor
Latent heat of vaporization
kJ/kg 382 275 233
(Boiling Point)
Thermal conductivity
mW/m·K 125 87 87
Saturated liquid
Thermal conductivity
mW/m·K 13 13 11
Normal pressure vapor
Breakdown voltage Normal
kV 2.8 4.8 7.2
pressure vapor
Dielectric constant Saturated
14.27 7.88 6.35
Acceptable concentration limit ppm 1000*2 1000*3 1000*4
Ozone depletion potential ODP CFC11=1 0 0 0.055
Global warming potential GWP *1 CO2=1 675 2088 1810
Solubility of water massppm 3400 1600 1300
Unless otherwise specified, the values in the above table are at 25°C.

Global Warming Potential: Based on IPCC 4th Assessment Report 2007,
integration time horizon 100 years. For blends, figures calculated on its basis.
WEEL-TWA value of AIHA (Workplace Environmental Exposure Level; Time-Weighted Average;
American Industrial Hygiene Association)
Calculated value based on the WEEL-TWA value of AIHA of each component.
TLV-TWA value of ACGIH (Threshold limit value; Association Advancing Occupational and
Environmental Health).

1.2 Flammability
R32 is flammable, but its flammability is extremely low compared with that
of hydrocarbon refrigerants such as propane. Therefore, R32 is positioned as
a slightly flammable refrigerant. When using R32, applicable regulations and stan-
dards must be observed and results of risk assessment must be considered.

Flammability properties and Flammability classification by the applicable laws, regulations and standards

R32 R410A HCFC-22 Ammonia Propane

13.6 15 2.2
(LFL) vol.%
Flammability range (in Air) non non
28.4 28 9.5
(UFL) vol.%
Minimum ignition energy (MIE) mJ 30 ~ 100 - - Not fixed 0.25
Maximum burning velocity (BV) cm/s 6.7 - - 7.2 38.7
Heat of combustion (HOC) kJ/kg 9,400 - - 18,600 45,700
Class 2L Class 1 Class 1 Class 2L Class 3
ASHRAE standard 34 (Slightly (Non- (Non- (Slightly (Highly
flammable) flammable) flammable) flammable) flammable)
Class 2L Class 1 Class 1 Class 2L Class 3
ISO international standard 817 (Slightly (Non- (Non- (Slightly (Highly
flammable) flammable) flammable) flammable) flammable)
Category 1 Category 1 Category 1
GHS (Globally Harmonized
(Extremely (Extremely (Extremely
System of Classification and MPa Not Classified Not Classified
flammable flammable flammable
Labelling of Chemicals)
gas) gas) gas)

(Reference) Classification criteria for flammable gases on the applicable laws, regulations and standards

American Society of Heating, International Organization United Nations (UN)

Refrigerating and for Standardization (ISO)
Organization Air-Conditioning
ASHRAE 34 - 2010 ISO/FDIS 817 2012 GHS
Third Revised Edition 2009
Class 3 Class 3 Category 1;
Highly flammable Highly flammable Extremely flammable gas
LFL 0.10 kg / m3 or LFL 3.5 vol. % or LFL 13 vol. % or
HOC 19,000 kJ / kg HOC 19,000 kJ / kg UFL − LFL 12 %
Class 2 Class 2
Low flammable Low flammable
LFL 0.10 kg / m3 and LFL 3.5 vol. % and
HOC 19,000 kJ / kg HOC 19,000kJ / kg
Classification Category 2;
criteria Flammable gas
Other than those
of Category 1,
Class 2L Class 2L have a flammable range
Slightly flammable Slightly flammable
BV 10 cm / sec BV 10 cm / sec

Class 1 Class 1 Not Classified

Non-flammable Non-flammable No-range of
No flame propagation No flame propagation flammability

1.3 Saturated Vapor Pressure / Temperature Curves
The graph below shows the relationship between temperature and saturated vapor
pressure of R32, in comparison with that of R410A and HCFC-22.
As shown on the graph, R32 has similar vapor pressure to that of R410A.

Saturated Vapor Pressure Curve


Saturated pressure (MPa ∙ G)




-60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Temperature °C

R32 R410A HCFC-22

1.4 Theoretical Characteristics of Refrigeration Cycle
R32 delivers superior performance in both cooling / heating capacity and energy
efficiency – compared with R410A, volumetric capacity of R32 is about 15%
higher and its COP is about 6% higher (therefore, concerning the climate change
issue, it can contribute to reduce the equipment‘s indirect impact on
CO2 emission). But the discharge gas temperature of R32 is about 20°C higher, so
this feature must be taken into consideration in equipment design.

R32 R410A HCFC-22

Evaporator Pressure MPa 0.81 0.80 0.50
Condenser Pressure MPa 3.14 3.07 1.94
Glide in evaporator °C - 0.11 -
Discharge Temperature °C 106 83 88
COP *1
2.75 2.57 2.90
Capacity kJ / m 3
4812 4150 3010
COP *1
3.75 3.57 3.90
Capacity kJ / m 3
6562 5764 4049

Evaporator Temperature 0°C

Condenser Temperature 50°C
Superheat 0K
Subcool 0K
Compressor efficiency 70%
Coefficient of Performance (Index of the energy efficiency).

1.5 Chemical Stability

Substances which affect the chemical stability of HFC refrigerants include refrigerant
oils, coexistent metals, desiccants and contaminating air and moisture. The data
below were observed from sealed tube tests on R32 / polyol ester oil.
Stability of R32 has almost the same tendency as that of R410A.

Sealed Tube Test Result

Test Condition Acid Concentration* HCl, HF

days °C massppm
30 175 1
60 175 4
30 175 2
60 175 3
30 175 9
60 175 35

* Acidic compounds are generated as a result of refrigerant decomposition.

Refrigerant Oil ratio =1/1(weight ratio)

Coexisting metal rods (copper, iron and aluminum)
R32, R410A/Ester Oil, HCFC-22/Mineral Oil

1.6 Water Solubility
Saturated solubility of water to fluorocarbons is generally low, but R32 has
higher solubility of water than existing refrigerants (HCFC, blend HFC refrigerants).


Water Solubility (massppm)


0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Temperature °C

R32 R410A HCFC-22

1.7 Desiccants
Desiccants may be used to remove moisture from the refrigeration system in order
to prevent capillary blockages due to freezing, and also to prevent polyol ester oils
from thermal deterioration. Synthetic zeolite (Molecular Sieve®, etc.) is an effective
desiccant to use for eliminating water from refrigerant. Molecular sieves that have
smaller pore diameters than the size of the refrigerant molecule are preferable so
that they remove only the water selectively. The table shows the molecular sizes of
the various refrigerants and the relative applicability of different molecular sieves.

Molecular sieve* 4A-NRG* XH-9* XH-10*

Pore size (Å) 4 3 3
Refrigerant / Molecular size (Å)
R32 3.3 × ~×
R410A 3.3, 4.2 ×
HCFC-22 3.8 × ~×

* Manufactured by Appropriate Care required × Not appropriate

Union Showa

Note: Molecular size of water is 2.8Å

Desiccant can be a cause of deterioration of the refrigerant, so that care

should be exercised when selecting the desiccant to use.

1.8 Effect on Polymeric Materials
The test results below show the effects of R32 and existing HFCs on polymeric

Plastics or elastomers, even consisting of the same polymeric ingredients, can have
different natures depending on the processing method and the type and amount of
filler, plasticizer, cross-linker, etc. It may also undergo an unexpected change when
existing with refrigerant oil. Therefore, each material must be tested individually to
determine reliability under actual conditions of use.

R32 HFC-125 HFC-134a HFC-143a HFC-152a

Polyvinyl chloride
ABS resin
Acrylic resin

Modified polyphenylene oxide

Phenol resin
Melamine resin
Epoxy resin
Fluororesin PTFE
Fluororesin FEP
Fluororesin PFA
Fluororesin ETFE
Fluororesin PCTFE
Natural rubber
Nitrile rubber
Butyl rubber

Ethylene propylene rubber

Uretane rubber
Chloroproprene rubber
Chlorosulfonated polyethylene
Silicon rubber

-10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Measurement conditions: Immersed in refrigerant at 50°C for 2 weeks.

Measured immediately after taking out.
Change in weight (%)

1.9 Miscibility with Refrigeration Oils
Generally, HFCs are not miscible with mineral refrigerant oils and tend to separate
from these oils.
Synthetic oils such as polyol ester (POE), polyvinyl ether (PVE) and
polyalkylene glycol (PAG) are the recommended types of refrigerant oils to use
for HFC refrigeration systems.

Miscibility with refrigerant oils (low-temperature region)

R32 R410A
Mineral oil Immiscible Immiscible
POE oil for R410A Separate at 20°C Separate at -10°C
PVE oil for R410A Separate at 20°C Separate at -47°C

Compared with R410A, R32 is less miscible with oils, so use of the refrigeration oils
for R410A may lead to inadequate lubrication due to insufficient oil return. Lub-
ricating oil manufacturers have developed lubricating oils for R32 with improved
compatibility. When using R32 as a single refrigerant, please inquire with lubricating
oil manufacturers.

2 Safety R32 has already been registered at TSCA in the United States and REACH for the
import into the EU through Daikin‘s subsidiary in Europe. It was also examined and
passed in Japan under the “Act on the Evaluation of Chemical Substances and
Regulation of Their Manufacture, etc.” In addition, exhaustive toxicity tests under
Program for Alternative Fluorocarbon Toxicity Testing (PAFT) set up by the world‘s
major fluorocarbon manufacturers have been completed. Since no practical problem
was reported from any of the tests, the safety of the substance is considered to be
equal to or better than that of R410A and HCFC-22.


(USA) registration (EU) Reference (Korea) (Workplace
No. (EU) No. in environmental
The Gazette exposure level)
List (Japan)
R32 75-10-5 Listed 01- 200-839- 2-3705 97-3-4 1000 ppm
2119471312- 4

* 8-hrs TWA (Time Weighted Average) by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA)

3 Handling Precautions For details, please refer to MSDS.

(1) Laws and regulations

R32 is a high-pressure liquefied gas. As mentioned in 1-2, R32 is classified as flam-

mable under international standards (but under Japan‘s High Pressure Gas Safety
Act, it is not classified as a flammable gas). To handle R32 safely, please observe
applicable laws and regulations.

(2) Handling of containers

R32 is a high-pressure gas and is kept in high-pressure containers. Although these

containers are of safe design, they may crack when handled roughly, and this can
cause accidents. Be very careful not to drop, hit or roll the containers or to let them
fall over.

(3) Storage

Like all other high-pressure gases, store R32 in a cool, dark and well-ventilated
place. If R32 gas is leaked or discharged into the air, it tends to sink to a lower level
and remain there because R32 gas is heavier than air. If R32 gas accumulates to
high concentrations in some area, symptoms of oxygen deficiency may occur to the
person who gets into the area, or accidental combustion of the gas may result. All
containers for high-pressure gases including R32 have a safety device fitted. If the
storage temperature (when the device is a fusible plug) or pressure (when the device
is a spring safety valve) rises above a certain level, the plug may melt or the safety
valve may work so that the gas escapes.

(4) Precautions about decomposed gas

Keep R32 away from heat or open flame. If R32 is combusted or thermally decom-
posed as a result of exposure to flame or heat source like overheated metal, hazar-
dous gas will be generated.

(5) Health precautions

Like other liquefied high-pressure gases, R32 should be prevented from coming into
direct contact with the skin or eyes and from being inhaled.
Emergency treatment methods are shown below.
• If the gas is inhaled
– Move the person to an airy place to rest in a relaxed position.
– Keep the person warm with a blanket, etc.
– If breathing is weak or has stopped, loosen the clothing, secure a respiratory
airway and give artificial respiration.
– Seek medical assistance when needed.
• If liquefied gas gets into the eye
– Wash the eyes out with water for 15 minutes or more. Try to avoid rubbing
your eyes and blinking.
– When needed, seek medical assistance immediately.
– To prevent such accidents, always wear protective goggles when handling
• If liquefied gas comes into direct contact with the skin
– When liquid R32 evaporates into the air, its temperature drops
– Direct contact with the skin in this state may cause frostbite.
– If a large quantity of evaporating liquid R32 comes into direct contact
with the skin, it will cause frostbite, so seek medical assistance immediately.


9 0 0 4


40 30308 390 00
8 50 0 41 T =

HFC−32 370 42
7 200 0
360 K
6 p−h diagram
5 340
1 00
4 330

Appendix 1, P-h Diagramm

3 320

310 50


1200 kg·m−3


280 20

p / MPa
0.9 273.15

p / MPa
0.8 270






x = 0.9

260 10
·K − 1



·kg −1










s = 0.80 kJ·kg ·K



T = 225 K kg·m
50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700
h / kJ·kg

Appendix 2, Thermodynamic Properties (Saturation Table) Refprop Ver.9.0

Pressure Density Isobaric specific heat Specific Enthalpy Specific Entropy

Temp. kPa kg/m kJ/kgK kJ/kg kJ/kgK
°C Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Latent Liquid Vapor
-60 64.96 1236 1.969 1.576 0.833 101.38 492.11 390.73 0.596 2.429
-59 68.65 1233 2.074 1.577 0.838 102.95 492.64 389.69 0.603 2.423
-58 72.52 1230 2.183 1.578 0.843 104.53 493.17 388.64 0.611 2.417
-57 76.56 1228 2.297 1.579 0.848 106.11 493.70 387.59 0.618 2.411
-56 80.77 1225 2.415 1.581 0.853 107.70 494.22 386.53 0.625 2.405
-55 85.17 1222 2.538 1.582 0.858 109.28 494.74 385.46 0.632 2.399
-54 89.76 1219 2.667 1.584 0.863 110.86 495.26 384.39 0.640 2.394
-53 94.55 1217 2.800 1.585 0.868 112.45 495.77 383.32 0.647 2.388
-52 99.54 1214 2.938 1.586 0.873 114.04 496.27 382.24 0.654 2.382
-51.7 101.3 1213 2.988 1.587 0.875 114.59 496.45 381.86 0.656 2.380
-51 104.7 1211 3.082 1.588 0.878 115.63 496.78 381.15 0.661 2.377

-50 110.1 1208 3.232 1.589 0.883 117.22 497.27 380.06 0.668 2.371
-49 115.8 1206 3.387 1.591 0.889 118.81 497.77 378.96 0.675 2.366
-48 121.6 1203 3.548 1.593 0.894 120.40 498.26 377.85 0.682 2.361
-47 127.7 1200 3.715 1.594 0.900 122.00 498.74 376.74 0.689 2.355
-46 134.0 1197 3.888 1.596 0.905 123.60 499.23 375.63 0.697 2.350
-45 140.6 1194 4.067 1.598 0.911 125.20 499.70 374.50 0.704 2.345
-44 147.4 1192 4.253 1.600 0.917 126.80 500.17 373.38 0.711 2.340
-43 154.5 1189 4.446 1.602 0.922 128.40 500.64 372.24 0.717 2.335
-42 161.9 1186 4.645 1.604 0.928 130.01 501.11 371.10 0.724 2.330
-41 169.5 1183 4.851 1.606 0.934 131.62 501.56 369.95 0.731 2.325

-40 177.4 1180 5.065 1.608 0.940 133.23 502.02 368.79 0.738 2.320
-39 185.6 1177 5.286 1.610 0.946 134.84 502.47 367.63 0.745 2.315
-38 194.1 1174 5.515 1.612 0.952 136.45 502.91 366.46 0.752 2.310
-37 202.9 1172 5.751 1.614 0.958 138.07 503.35 365.28 0.759 2.306
-36 212.0 1169 5.995 1.616 0.965 139.69 503.78 364.10 0.766 2.301
-35 221.4 1166 6.248 1.619 0.971 141.31 504.21 362.90 0.772 2.296
-34 231.1 1163 6.508 1.621 0.977 142.93 504.63 361.70 0.779 2.292
-33 241.2 1160 6.778 1.624 0.984 144.56 505.05 360.50 0.786 2.287
-32 251.6 1157 7.056 1.626 0.990 146.18 505.47 359.28 0.793 2.282
-31 262.3 1154 7.343 1.629 0.997 147.81 505.87 358.06 0.799 2.278

-30 273.4 1151 7.639 1.631 1.004 149.45 506.27 356.83 0.806 2.273
-29 284.9 1148 7.945 1.634 1.010 151.08 506.67 355.59 0.813 2.269
-28 296.7 1145 8.260 1.637 1.017 152.72 507.06 354.34 0.819 2.265
-27 309.0 1142 8.585 1.639 1.024 154.36 507.45 353.08 0.826 2.260
-26 321.6 1139 8.920 1.642 1.031 156.01 507.83 351.82 0.833 2.256
-25 334.6 1136 9.266 1.645 1.038 157.66 508.20 350.54 0.839 2.252
-24 348.0 1133 9.622 1.648 1.045 159.31 508.57 349.26 0.846 2.248
-23 361.8 1130 9.989 1.651 1.052 160.96 508.93 347.97 0.852 2.243
-22 376.0 1127 10.37 1.654 1.060 162.62 509.28 346.66 0.859 2.239
-21 390.7 1124 10.76 1.657 1.067 164.28 509.63 345.35 0.865 2.235

-20 405.8 1121 11.16 1.661 1.075 165.94 509.97 344.03 0.872 2.231
-19 421.3 1117 11.57 1.664 1.082 167.61 510.31 342.70 0.878 2.227
-18 437.3 1114 12.00 1.668 1.090 169.28 510.64 341.36 0.885 2.223
-17 453.7 1111 12.43 1.671 1.098 170.95 510.96 340.01 0.891 2.219
-16 470.7 1108 12.88 1.675 1.106 172.63 511.28 338.65 0.898 2.215
-15 488.1 1105 13.35 1.678 1.114 174.31 511.58 337.28 0.904 2.211
-14 506.0 1102 13.82 1.682 1.122 175.99 511.89 335.90 0.911 2.207
-13 524.4 1098 14.31 1.686 1.130 177.68 512.18 334.50 0.917 2.203
-12 543.3 1095 14.82 1.690 1.139 179.37 512.47 333.10 0.924 2.199
-11 562.7 1092 15.34 1.694 1.147 181.07 512.75 331.68 0.930 2.195

-10 582.6 1089 15.87 1.698 1.156 182.76 513.02 330.25 0.937 2.192
-9 603.1 1085 16.42 1.702 1.165 184.47 513.28 328.82 0.943 2.188
-8 624.1 1082 16.98 1.706 1.174 186.18 513.54 327.37 0.949 2.184
-7 645.7 1079 17.56 1.711 1.183 187.89 513.79 325.90 0.956 2.180
-6 667.9 1076 18.16 1.715 1.192 189.60 514.03 324.43 0.962 2.176
-5 690.6 1072 18.77 1.720 1.201 191.33 514.26 322.94 0.968 2.173
-4 713.9 1069 19.40 1.725 1.211 193.05 514.49 321.44 0.975 2.169
-3 737.8 1066 20.04 1.730 1.221 194.78 514.70 319.92 0.981 2.165
-2 762.3 1062 20.71 1.735 1.231 196.52 514.91 318.40 0.987 2.162
-1 787.4 1059 21.39 1.740 1.241 198.26 515.11 316.85 0.994 2.158

0 813.1 1055 22.09 1.745 1.251 200.00 515.30 315.30 1.000 2.154
Pressure Density Isobaric specific heat Specific Enthalpy Specific Entropy
Temp. kPa kg/m kJ/kgK kJ/kg kJ/kgK
°C Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Liquid Vapor Latent Liquid Vapor
1 839.5 1052 22.81 1.750 1.262 201.75 515.48 313.73 1.006 2.151
2 866.5 1048 23.55 1.756 1.272 203.50 515.65 312.15 1.013 2.147
3 894.1 1045 24.31 1.762 1.283 205.26 515.81 310.55 1.019 2.143
4 922.5 1041 25.09 1.767 1.294 207.03 515.96 308.93 1.025 2.140
5 951.4 1038 25.89 1.773 1.306 208.80 516.11 307.31 1.031 2.136
6 981.1 1034 26.71 1.779 1.317 210.58 516.24 305.66 1.038 2.133
7 1012 1031 27.56 1.786 1.329 212.36 516.36 304.00 1.044 2.129
8 1043 1027 28.43 1.792 1.341 214.15 516.47 302.32 1.050 2.126
9 1074 1023 29.32 1.799 1.354 215.94 516.57 300.63 1.057 2.122
10 1107 1020 30.23 1.806 1.367 217.74 516.66 298.92 1.063 2.118

11 1140 1016 31.17 1.813 1.380 219.55 516.74 297.19 1.069 2.115
12 1174 1012 32.14 1.820 1.393 221.36 516.80 295.44 1.075 2.111
13 1209 1008 33.13 1.827 1.407 223.18 516.86 293.68 1.082 2.108
14 1244 1005 34.15 1.835 1.421 225.01 516.90 291.89 1.088 2.104
15 1281 1001 35.19 1.843 1.435 226.84 516.93 290.09 1.094 2.101
16 1318 997.1 36.26 1.851 1.450 228.68 516.95 288.27 1.100 2.097
17 1356 993.2 37.37 1.859 1.465 230.53 516.96 286.43 1.107 2.094
18 1395 989.3 38.50 1.868 1.481 232.39 516.95 284.57 1.113 2.090
19 1434 985.4 39.66 1.877 1.497 234.25 516.93 282.68 1.119 2.087
20 1475 981.4 40.86 1.886 1.514 236.12 516.90 280.78 1.125 2.083

21 1516 977.4 42.08 1.895 1.531 238.00 516.85 278.85 1.132 2.080
22 1558 973.3 43.34 1.905 1.548 239.89 516.79 276.90 1.138 2.076
23 1601 969.3 44.64 1.915 1.566 241.78 516.71 274.93 1.144 2.072
24 1645 965.2 45.97 1.926 1.585 243.69 516.62 272.93 1.150 2.069
25 1690 961.0 47.34 1.937 1.604 245.60 516.51 270.91 1.157 2.065
26 1735 956.8 48.74 1.948 1.624 247.53 516.39 268.86 1.163 2.062
27 1782 952.6 50.19 1.960 1.645 249.46 516.25 266.79 1.169 2.058
28 1830 948.3 51.68 1.972 1.667 251.40 516.09 264.69 1.175 2.054
29 1878 944.0 53.20 1.984 1.689 253.35 515.92 262.56 1.182 2.051
30 1928 939.6 54.78 1.997 1.712 255.32 515.72 260.41 1.188 2.047

31 1978 935.2 56.39 2.011 1.736 257.29 515.51 258.22 1.194 2.043
32 2029 930.7 58.06 2.025 1.760 259.28 515.29 256.01 1.201 2.040
33 2082 926.2 59.77 2.040 1.786 261.27 515.04 253.77 1.207 2.036
34 2135 921.7 61.53 2.055 1.813 263.28 514.77 251.49 1.213 2.032
35 2190 917.0 63.34 2.071 1.841 265.30 514.48 249.18 1.220 2.028
36 2245 912.4 65.21 2.088 1.870 267.34 514.17 246.83 1.226 2.025
37 2302 907.6 67.14 2.105 1.901 269.38 513.84 244.46 1.233 2.021
38 2360 902.8 69.12 2.124 1.933 271.45 513.49 242.04 1.239 2.017
39 2418 898.0 71.16 2.143 1.966 273.52 513.11 239.59 1.246 2.013
40 2478 893.0 73.27 2.163 2.001 275.61 512.71 237.09 1.252 2.009

41 2539 888.0 75.44 2.184 2.038 277.72 512.28 234.56 1.258 2.005
42 2601 883.0 77.68 2.206 2.077 279.84 511.82 231.99 1.265 2.001
43 2665 877.8 80.00 2.230 2.117 281.98 511.34 229.37 1.272 1.997
44 2729 872.6 82.39 2.255 2.160 284.13 510.83 226.70 1.278 1.993
45 2795 867.3 84.86 2.281 2.206 286.31 510.29 223.99 1.285 1.989
46 2862 861.9 87.41 2.309 2.254 288.50 509.72 221.22 1.291 1.985
47 2930 856.4 90.05 2.338 2.304 290.71 509.12 218.41 1.298 1.980
48 2999 850.8 92.79 2.369 2.358 292.95 508.48 215.54 1.305 1.976
49 3069 845.1 95.62 2.403 2.416 295.21 507.81 212.61 1.312 1.971
50 3141 839.3 98.55 2.439 2.477 297.49 507.10 209.62 1.318 1.967

51 3214 833.3 101.6 2.477 2.543 299.79 506.36 206.57 1.325 1.962
52 3289 827.3 104.7 2.518 2.613 302.12 505.57 203.45 1.332 1.958
53 3364 821.1 108.0 2.562 2.689 304.48 504.74 200.26 1.339 1.953
54 3441 814.8 111.4 2.609 2.771 306.87 503.86 196.99 1.346 1.948
55 3520 808.3 115.0 2.661 2.859 309.29 502.93 193.64 1.353 1.943
56 3600 801.7 118.7 2.717 2.956 311.74 501.95 190.21 1.360 1.938
57 3681 794.9 122.5 2.778 3.060 314.22 500.92 186.69 1.368 1.933
58 3764 787.9 126.6 2.845 3.175 316.75 499.82 183.07 1.375 1.928
59 3848 780.7 130.8 2.919 3.301 319.32 498.67 179.35 1.382 1.922
60 3933 773.3 135.2 3.001 3.441 321.93 497.44 175.51 1.390 1.917

61 4020 765.7 139.9 3.092 3.597 324.59 496.14 171.56 1.397 1.911
62 4109 757.8 144.7 3.193 3.771 327.30 494.76 167.46 1.405 1.905
63 4199 749.6 149.9 3.308 3.967 330.07 493.29 163.23 1.413 1.899
64 4291 741.1 155.3 3.438 4.190 332.90 491.73 158.83 1.421 1.892
65 4384 732.3 161.1 3.588 4.446 335.80 490.05 154.25 1.429 1.885
66 4479 723.0 167.2 3.761 4.743 338.78 488.26 149.48 1.438 1.878
67 4576 713.3 173.8 3.965 5.092 341.85 486.33 144.48 1.446 1.871
68 4675 703.2 180.8 4.207 5.508 345.02 484.25 139.23 1.455 1.863
69 4775 692.4 188.4 4.501 6.013 348.31 481.99 133.68 1.464 1.855
70 4877 680.9 196.7 4.865 6.639 351.73 479.52 127.78 1.474 1.846

Instructions for Use and Handling

Daikin Chemical Europe GmbH

Am Wehrhahn 50
40211 Düsseldorf, Germany
Phone: +49 211-179225-0
Fax: +49 211-179225-39

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