Cronasia Foundation College, Inc.: Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City
Cronasia Foundation College, Inc.: Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City
Cronasia Foundation College, Inc.: Pioneer Avenue, General Santos City
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This demanded state intervention and the concept of welfare signifies wide sense
of socio-economic development came into existence . In India, after independence with
the advancement of Planning Commissions’ work, a number of voluntary organizations
were come into existence. The applications of management into voluntary organizations
are became demand and necessary. The administrative theories were not new to
Organizational Functions in connection to social scientists; they developed a number of
theories to suit the Social Welfare Organizational work. Previously these theories were
considered as the back bone of “Public Administration”.
Skidmore have more emphasised about “Social Work Administration” that “in
action of staff members who utilise social processes to transform in social policies of
agencies into the delivery of social service. Thus, social work administration is a
cooperative and coordinated endeavor involving all members of an organization, each
of whom contributes in varied manners to the processes of goal formulation, planning,
implementation, change and evaluation.
Social planning is a process for planning social services programs, services, and
policies. Government agencies engage in large-scale development, research, and
planning to address social problems. For example, the Social Security program during
the Great Depression and the antipoverty programs of the 1960s were developed by
government planners relying on research, previous theories, and model programs
initiated by local, state, and foreign governments. However, nonprofit agencies, local
planning councils, and community groups also plan services and programs to address
community needs. The term “social planning” is used generically to describe the
planning of social services or efforts to improve the quality of life in communities. Social
planning is also referred to as “neighborhood planning” if it takes place in community
settings. Planning education is typically offered in graduate programs in urban planning,
public health, and social work, but the emphasis on the types and venues appropriate
for planning differ by discipline.
Most social workers are likely to engage in social planning at the agency level
when they design a new program to address client needs or write a funding proposal.
Although many social workers are involved to some degree in agency-level planning,
social planning is generally considered a subfield, separate and distinct from practice
with individuals, groups, and families. Rothman 1979 and Rothman 1996 identify social
planning as one of three primary models of community organization in addition to social
action and community development. Rothman describes the primary goal of social
planning as problem solving. Social planners gather the facts about community
problems, analyze data, and make logical decisions about which of the available
planning options are the most feasible or effective. Much of the social work literature on
this topic describes social planning techniques and their application to various forms of
community and administrative practice. For example, Weil 2005describes how planning
takes place in communities and the skills necessary to facilitate the planning
process. Meenaghan, et al. 2004 describes how applied research techniques such as
needs assessment and program evaluation are used to guide social planning and social
policy analysis Checkoway 1995 examines how social planning methods are applied in
urban areas. Austin and Solomon 2000 describes techniques used to plan programs
and service delivery systems.
While the modern concept of sustainable development is derived mostly from the
1987 Brundtland Report, it is also rooted in earlier ideas about sustainable forest
management and twentieth century environmental concerns. As the concept developed,
it has shifted to focus more on economic development, social development and
environmental protection for future generations. It has been suggested that "the term
'sustainability' should be viewed as humanity's target goal of human-ecosystem
equilibrium (homeostasis), while 'sustainable development' refers to the holistic
approach and temporal processes that lead us to the end point of sustainability". [1] The
modern economies are endeavouring to reconcile ambitious economic development
and obligations of preserving the natural resources and ecosystem, the two are
traditionally seen as of conflicting nature. Instead of holding climate change
commitments and other sustainability measures as a drug to economic development,
turning and leveraging them into market opportunities will do greater good. The
economic development brought by such organized principles and practices in
an economy is called Managed Sustainable Development (MSD).
A rights-based approach: