(Catalog - Microturbine) ABB 22-30 M624
(Catalog - Microturbine) ABB 22-30 M624
(Catalog - Microturbine) ABB 22-30 M624
speeding the shift
to distributed
heat and power
Anders Malmquist, Ola Aglén, Edgar Keller, Marco Suter, Jari Wickström
1 2 3 4 5 6
s part of its business strategy, ABB
Distributed Power Generation in
1998 set up a 50/50 joint venture with 11
sor may be necessary, depending on the ■ Electrical generator Design and operation
natural gas pressure. The ABB MT100 is ■ Electrical system In the microturbine, a turbine wheel
designed for indoor installation and ■ Exhaust-gas heat-exchanger drives a compressor wheel mounted on
takes air from an outside intake. Its main ■ Supervision and control system the same shaft 3 . The compressor feeds
parts are: The technical data of the CHP unit are process air into the combustion chamber,
■ Gas turbine engine and recuperator given in Table 1. where fuel is added and continuous
combustion takes place.
The hot gas stream is expanded in the
Table 1: ABB MT100 CHP unit - main characteristics turbine, causing a large part of the thermal
Property Data energy to be converted into mechanical
Dimensions energy, which drives the compressor and
Width 840 mm the load. In conventional power plants
Height 1900 mm the load is either a two-pole or four-pole
Length 2900 mm generator, driven via a gearbox. The
Weight 2000 kg generator speed is fixed, since it is syn-
Noise level 70 dB (A) at 1 meter chronized with the frequency of an
Performance1) electric network. In the ABB MT100
Net electrical output 100 kW microturbine the high-speed generator is
Net electrical efficiency 30% coupled directly to the turbine shaft and
Net thermal output (hot water) 167 kW a static frequency converter adjusts the
Net total efficiency 80% speed electronically.
Volumetric exhaust gas emissions (15% O2 and 100% load) The remaining thermal energy can be
NOx <15 ppm v dissipated through the stack, but such a
CO <15 ppm v gas turbine will suffer from poor efficiency
UHC <10 ppm v unless several compressor and turbine
Ambient inlet stages are added. The ABB MT100 over-
Air temperature – 25°C to +40°C comes this problem with a recuperator,
Air inlet humidity 0-100% which recovers the exhaust heat and uses
Gas pressure min/max 6/9.5 bar (a) it to preheat the compressed air before it
Wobbe index 43–55 MJ/m3 enters the combustion chamber. Less fuel
Mass flow, at 100 kW load (39 MJ/kg) 31 Nm3/hour is therefore required to reach the desired
Surrounding air operating temperature. Another heat-
Temperature 0°C to +40°C exchanger, after the recuperator, heats the
Surrounding humidity 0–80% water in the external circuit.
Exhaust-gas flow 0.79 kg/s Gas turbine emissions are very low as
Exhaust-gas temperature 55° C the continuous combustion can be care-
Water inlet temperature 50° C fully controlled. The external combustion
Water outlet temperature 70° C
chamber can also be optimized for low
Based on ISO conditions and taking into account power consumption and losses emissions.
for all auxiliaries, including the gas compressor.
Gas turbines often feature what is
High-speed generator
The electric power is generated by an
HISEM 110/70 high-speed permanent
magnet synchronous generator, which is
integrated with the microturbine 5 .
The rotor is suspended by one bearing
on each side of the permanent magnet
rotor; there are no additional bearings on
the turbine shaft. The output frequency
of the generator is high, being up to
2.3 kHz. The generator – acting as an
electric starter for the gas turbine – also
6 Cutaway view of the HISEM 110/70 generator starts the CHP unit.
keep the distance between the bearings stiffness and the largest magnet thickness Frequency converter
short. Water-cooling is used to keep the that can be retained by a reasonably thin The factors that provided the biggest
temperature low in the winding. This bandage. Using the rotor radius as a basis, challenge to the designers of the
feature, plus the vacuum pressure the stator core radius and the axial length frequency converter were the high input
impregnation and extra insulation, are determined in an iterative process. frequency of 2300 Hz and the product
ensures a long lifetime for the winding. The discrete nature of the stator winding, cost target. The microturbine converter is
The rotor 7 consists of a magnetic with its very limited number of turns, is a derived from the ACS 600 converter
steel body with surface-mounted key constraint. platform, while the grid-side functions
permanent magnets. A carbon-fiber It is important to make sure that the were available in the ACA 635 Inverter
bandage holds the magnets firmly in rotor never reaches a temperature that Supply Module. However, extensive
place, even at 70,000 rev/min. As the would de-magnetize the magnet. This is application programming was needed to
operating conditions differ considerably ensured both by reducing the rotor losses implement the interface and control
from those for conventional machines, and providing efficient cooling in the air- functions required for the microturbine
ordinary analytical programs are not gap. Two factors, air friction and application.
enough for the electrical machine design. asynchronous mmf waves in the air-gap, The generator input stage, including
One hugely influential factor is the high are the main cause of temperature rise in the start-up converter, is based on
fundamental frequency of 2.3 kHz at the rotor. The latter is mainly due to hardware from the ACS 600, but a new
70,000 rev/min, which makes the harmonics in the stator current. Because control board had to be developed to
parameters of conventional design the high speed causes high friction losses regulate the speed of the turbine and
programs – parameters empirically and the carbon-fiber bandage acts as a control starting. In the start mode, the
determined over years of conventional thermal insulator, the rotor is more rectifier is used as an inverter to
machine design – invalid. A design sensitive to current harmonics than the accelerate the turbine to 30,000 rev/min,
strategy was therefore chosen that rotor in a conventional machine. A the speed from which the turbine starts to
combines analytical calculations with current harmonics limit was therefore produce net power for further
finite element analysis. defined which is based on the acceptable acceleration to the operating range of
The rotor radius is selected according rotor losses. 50,000 to 70,000 rev/min. The start-up
to mechanical design criteria, and is a converter acts as a rectifier and supplies
trade-off between an optimum bending electric power to the DC bus, from where
System analysis
Table 2: Maintenance intervals
In a typical microturbine application it is
likely that the grid topology will not be Type Interval (h) Outage (h)
known, so that controlling the system Inspection 6,000 24
stability can be a challenging task. In Overhaul 30,000 48
cases where distributed power
Marco Suter
ABB Corporate Research Ltd
CH 5405 Baden-Dättwil
small number of moving parts, challenging one. To be successful in this marco.suter@ch.abb.com
maintenance can be limited to the work market, a standard unit is required that is Jari Wickström
shown in Table 3. affordable, reliable and environmentally ABB Distributed Power
benign. The ABB MT100 microturbine Thurgauerstrasse 54
CH 8050 Zürich
Outlook meets these requirements with Switzerland
The potential market for distributed subsystems that have been derived from jari.wickstroem@ch.abb.com
power resources is a large and vanguard ABB technologies. Combined
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