NCP H Mole
NCP H Mole
NCP H Mole
Subjective: Acute Pain After 4 hours of - Assess the - Knowing the Goal Met. After 4
“masakittalaga related to disease nursing level of pain, level of pain hours of nursing
tong process as intervention, the location and that is felt so intervention, the
nararamdamanko evidenced by client will report scale of pain, it can help client reports that
” as verbalized non-verbal cues that pain is perceived determine pain is relieved
by the patient. such as (+) relieved and client. appropriate and controlled.
guarding and controlled. interventions.
facial grimace.
- Changes in
- Observation vital signs,
Objective: of vital signs especially
- Guarding every 8 hours. temperature
behavior, and pulse rate
protecting is one
body part indication of
- (+) facial increased pain
grimace experienced
- (+) irritability by the client.
Vital Signs taken - Instruct client
as follows: to perform - Relaxation
BP=130/80 relaxation techniques
T=36.9 techniques can make the
P=88 client feel
R=24 comfortable
and a little
distraction to
divert the
attention of
clients to pain
so that they
can help
- Provide a children
comfortable reduce the
position. pain.
- a comfortable
position to
- Collaboration avoid an
of analgesic emphasis on
medication. the area of
injury pain.
- Analgesic
drugs block
the pain
receptors so
that the pain
cannot be
Assessment Diagnosis Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation