ENG - Critical and Strategic Minerals - 02.02

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Investment Opportunities

in Exploration & Production

Strategic and Critical Minerals

State Geologic and Ministry of Environmental

Subsoil Survey of Protection and Natural
Ukraine Resources of Ukraine
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Ukrainian Government announced

the Open Door Policy for foreign investors

Farm-in Concession PSA

Partnerships with Easy way to obtain E&P license for Agreement with the Government for
current license holders up to 20 years through e-auctions up to 50 years with fiscal stability
and international arbitration clauses

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

The Government encourages

new upstream investments

Incentives Project requirements

up to 30% compensation of investments processing and enrichment

tax relief: exemption of income tax for up to 5 years, > € 20 millions of investment

VAT and customs duties for importing new equipment > 80 jobs created

land plots allocation > 30% CAPEX

infrastructure settlement < 5-year project implementation period

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Key messages
Mineral resources base of Ukraine is able to meet the needs of the
national industry and to facilitate its export potential.
Domestic enterprises consume mainly local raw materials for
metallurgy, machine building and construction. Energy resources,
agrochemical raw materials, non-ferrous metals and coking coal are
imported in significant amounts, thus referring them to the critical
minerals category.
Meanwhile, deposits of the so-called metals of a low-carbon future
used in innovation technology are hardly produced. It is important now
to increase their production and create beneficiation and primary
processing capacities, as demand for them is expected to grow rapidly
in the world market.
Available resources and prospects for production of metals of the future
will enable development of new modern industries in the country. This
flags their strategic importance for establishment of Ukraine on the
global stage a in a new role.
The Investment Atlas of Subsoil User contains vacant subsoil fields
with deposits of strategic and critical minerals for their purchase at e-
auctions. 4
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Strategic and Critical Minerals

Li Ті Nі Со Cr Та Nb Ве
Lithium Titanium Nickel Cobalt Chrome Tantalum Niobium Beryllium

Zr Sc Mo Au С Н(х) (х) U
Scandium Molybdenum Gold Hydrocarbons Uranium

The list is not limited to the abovementioned

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

 Ukraine possesses one of the largest lithium deposits in
Europe with proved reserves and contingent resources.
 It is an ultralight metal used for manufacturing of cell
phone batteries, computers and electric cars,
glass and ceramics.
 There are two lithium fields and two explored prospective
areas, as well as a number of promising accumulations.
 Nowadays Lithium is not extracted in Ukraine.
One lithium field is licensed.

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


license license license

 lithium ore;  lithium ore, tantalum ore  lithium ore;

accompanying minerals: accompanying
 exploration & development minerals – oxides of tantalum
tantalum, niobium license niobium, rubidium, cesium
beryllium ores beryllium, tin
 Zaporizhzhia region
 production license  exploration & development
 280 ha license
 Donetsk region
 lithium oxide content –  Kirovohrad region
 40 ha about 1.5%  300 ha
 lithium oxide content –  resources of lithium ore  lithium oxide content –
up to 0.6% (thousand tons): Р – 5139 1.34–1.43%

Open for nomination Open for nomination Is being prepared for e-auction


Lithium ore spots
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Polokhivske field  region Donetsk
 Dobra block

Zaporizhzhia  Shevchenkivske field


 Kruta Balka block

 Licensed blocks об’єкти
 Prepared for e-auction
Підготовлені на еторги
 IsАукціон
being prepared for e-auction

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

 Ukraine is among top ten countries in the world in terms of
proven reserves of titanium ores and provides more than 6%
of their global production.
 27 discoveries and more than 30 prospective areas have been
explored. The main titanium-containing mineral is ilmenite.
 Currently, only placer deposits are being developed, which are
about 10% of all proven reserves. The rest is contained in
indigenous deposits. Objects prepared for auction are placer
 Titanium and its alloys are used in aviation and missile
technology, ship-building, machine building, food, medical
industry and non-ferrous metallurgy.

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


license license
(North-Western – 2) license
 titanium ores, zirconium; accompanying  titanium ore
 titanium ores, zircon
minerals – disten, sillimanite, staurolite  exploration & development
 production license
 exploration & development license
 Zhytomyr region
 Zhytomyr region
 Dnipropetrovsk region, Kirovohrad region
 570 hа  1,860 hа
 3,310 hа
 contingent resources
 content of ТіО2 –
 contingent resources (thousand tons): (million tons): P2 – 17
Disten + sillimanite – 1407, staurolite – 567; 50–70 kg / m 3
zircon-rutile-ilmenite sands – FOUO

Open for nomination Is being prepared for e-auction Is being prepared for e-auction


State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


license license license license

 titanium ores, zirconium  titanium ores, zirconium  titanium ores, zirconium  titanium ores,
 exploration &  exploration &  exploration &
development license development license development license  exploration &
development license
 Sumy region  Sumy region  Sumy region
 62 hа  Kharkiv region
 750 hа  170 hа
 contingent resources  971 hа
 contingent resources  contingent resources
of titanium-zirconium of titanium-zirconium of titanium-zirconium  reserves of titanium-
ores (thousand tons): ores (thousand tons): ore (thousand tons): zirconium ores
zircon – 11 zirconium – 115 zirconium – 59 cat. P2 (thousand tons):
rutile – 15 rutile – 137, conditional rutile – 75, conditional ilmenite – 1,759
conditional ilmenite – 90 Ilmenite – 925 ilmenite – 480 zirconium – 402
Open for nomination Open for nomination Open for nomination Open for nomination


Titanium ore spots
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

17 region

Zhytomyr 19 Bilovodske block
region   11 Kyiv3 
Korchakiv block   Khrapyvshyna block
   10 region
Fedorivske field   5
6 14

 13  Kropyvnian field Kharkiv

 16  Vydyborz’ka block region

 15 Cherkasy  Haydariv block

 12 Dnipro
Kirovohrad region
1. Balka Kruta technogenic field
2. Birzulivske field
7  region 9  8 1 
3. Valky-Gatskivske field Malyshevske field 4
4. Vovchanske field
(North West-2 section)
5. Krasnorichenske field
6. Livoberezhne field
7. Likarivske field
8. Malyshevske field (sections Motronivsko-Annivska, North-West)
9. Malyshevske field (sections West, Central, East)
10. Mezhyrichne field (sections Isakivska, Pivdenna)
11. Mezhyrichne field (sections Bukinska, Emilivska, Osynova, Serednya, Yurska)
12. Nosachivske field
13. Paromivske field
14. Stremyhorod field
15. Tarasivske field
16. Trostyanets field
 Licensed blocks
17. Yurivska block  Prepared for e-auction
18. Avramivska block
 Can be nominated for an auction
19. Pidlisna block
20. Selyshchanska block
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Nickel, cobalt, chromium,

copper, molybdenum
 Ukraine possesses considerable deposits of non-ferrous
metals and imports significant volumes of those for its
own needs.
 Explored fields and prospective areas are complex and mainly
concentrated within the Ukrainian Crystalline Belt.
 The production of these minerals is either not carried out
or is very limited.
 The estimated reserves are (thousand tons):
nickel – 215, cobalt – 8.8, chromium oxide – 453;
prospective resources (thousand tons):
chromium oxide – 3,120, copper – 95.

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


license license license

 nickel, cobalt, iron ores  ores of chromium, nickel,  ores of talc-magnesite,

cobalt nickel, cobalt
 exploration & development
 production license
license  exploration & development
 Kirovohrad region license
 Dnipro region
 42 ha
 250 ha  Dnipro region
 the content of Co –up to
 content of Ni – up to 0.7% 0.043%, Ni – up to 1.05%  127 ha
Fe – up to 36.05%,  chromium ore reserves  content of Ni – up to 0.5%
Co – up to 0.074% (thousand tons) cat. C1 –
1.061; ores of cobalt-nickel-  ore reserves (thousand tons)
 ore reserves (thousand tons): silicate cat. A+B – 4694 cat. C2: talc-magnesite –
Ni – 63, Co – 6, Fe – 3 contingent – 3225 75739, Ni – 73, Co – 4

Auction Open for nomination Open for nomination


State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


license license prospective field

 ores of copper, nickel, cobalt,  molybdenum ore  molybdenum ore

accompanying minerals –
platinum, palladium  exploration & development  exploration & development
license license
 exploration & development
license  Zhytomyr region  Dnipro region
 Zhytomyr region  290 ha  96 ha
 290 ha  content of Mo – up to 2%  content of Mo –
 the density of ultrabasites – 0,023–0,11%
 resources (thousand tons) cat. С2:
avg 3.05 t / m
molybdenum ore– 1,792  resources (thousand tons):
 resources (thousand tons) cat. P3: Мо – 5; cat. Р1 (thousand tons): cat. Р1 – 85,7;
Ni – 151, Cu – 14, Co – 3 ore – 90, Мо – 2.7 cat. Р2 – 78,3

Open for nomination Open for nomination Is being prepared for e-auction


Non-ferrous metal State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


Verbynska block
Zhyrychi   South-Rafalivskyi prospective area
field Volyn
region Rivne
region Zhytomyr
Prutivskyi 
prospective area  Zhelezniaky block

Lypovenkivske field  Kapitanivske field Dnipro
 region  Sukhokhutirska block
Central section

 
Karnaukhivska block
West-Lashchivska block 
Mykolayiv Skhidnoserhiivskyi prospective field

 Licensed blocks об’єкти
 Prepared for e-auction
Підготовлені на еторги
 IsАукціон
being prepared for e-auction

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Tantalum, niobium, beryllium,

zirconium, scandium
 Within the Ukrainian Shield there were discovered complex fields
and prospective areas of rare and rare earth metals.
 Zirconium and scandium are concentrated in placer and indigenous
deposits in significant quantities, however, their extraction
is not carried out.
 Reserves of tantalum pentoxide, niobium, beryllium are registered
within six deposits, production is carried out within Malyshevske
and Vovchanske fields.
 Lipnyazhske, Tashlytske and Novostankuvatske prospective areas
belong to one structure, there are also prospective areas of
beryllium, lithium (Dobra license). Both licences are offered for
exploration and can be considered as one investment project.
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Technogenic field
license (Eastern section) license
 zirconium – rare earth ores;
accompanying minerals –feldspar,  niobium ores, zirconium, feldspar  zirconium ores, titanium ores
sand  production license  exploration & development
 exploration & development license  Donetsk region
 Kharkiv region
 Donetsk region  9 hа
 8 hа
 100 ha  content of ZrO2 – 0,172%, Nb2O5
– 0,095%  resources (thousand tons):
 content ZrO2 – up to 34,24%
Zr – 87, rutile – 124
 reserves ( thousand tons) cat. C1+С2:  feldspar reserves
ilmenite (contingent) – 782
feldspar – 6,685, sand – 12,859; (thousand tons) cat. В+С – 826;
zirconium – r are earth minerals 'for niobium, zirconium –
official use only' Information 'for official use only' Information

Auction Open for nomination Is being prepared for e-auction

Rare earth minerals State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


Yastrebetska block  Perzhanske field


Zolochivska block  Kharkiv


Mostove blosk Kirovohrad region Donetsk
 region
6 region
1  2 7 
3  Vovchanske field 4
Mazurivske Nothern section
Malyshyvske field
5   Mazurivske Eastern section
Zaporizhzhia 
 Azovske field
Novopoltavske field
Starodubivskyi prospective area
1. Lypnyazkyy prospective field 
2. Tashlytsky prospective field
3. Novostankuvatske prospective field
4. Anadolske field
5. Dianivske prospective field  Licensed blocks
6. Zhovtorichenske field  Prepared for e-auction
7. Gurivske prospective field  Can be nominated for an auction
 Auction

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


 Ukraine has a gold ore reserves of 3,000 tons

and may take one of the leading places
in gold mining in Europe.
 Seven fields have been discovered, five concession
licenses have been issued, and production is currently
carried out at Muzhiyivske field.
 New licenses for exploration and development are
open for e-auctions.

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


license license license license

 Dnipro region  Dnipro region  Odesa region  Odesa region

 1,150.44 hа  206,1 hа  668,6 hа  252,2 hа

 29 wells drilled, total depth  285 wells drilled,  25 wells drilled,  177 wells drilled,
7,4 thousand m total depth total depth – total depth –
92,5 thousand m; 8,9 thousand meters 64,5 thousand m, mine
 accompanying mineral –
the mine shaft’s depth – 168m shaft’s depth – 204 m
niobium, avg conent 1,22–  industrial gold content –
2,78 g/t, min. 0,8 g / t;  industrial gold content – 0,1–14,7 g/t  industrial gold content –
niobium – 20–50 g/t avg 7,1 g/t, min. 3,9 g/t avg 3,4 g/t
 contingent resources
 contingent resources  contingent resources (thousand tons):  contigent resources (thousand
(thousand tons): P1 – 16,5, (thousand tons): P1 – 12,5, P2 – 40 tons): P1 – 22, P2 – 19
P2 – 12, P3 – 11 P2 – 15
Sold Open for nomination Open for nomination Open for nomination
December, 2020


Gold ore spots
State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


Zakarpattia Klyntsyvske
Muzhiivske field
Kirovohrad  field region
 Beregivske

field region
Kvasivske  Sauliak field Zhovtovodska   Bobrykyvske
prospective area block Sergiivske field field
Maiskа block
  Kvitkivska field Balka Shyroka 

 Licensed blocks об’єкти
 Prepared for e-auction
Підготовлені на е-торг
 Аукціон 23.12.2020

 Two concession licenses
were sold via e-auctions
 Signing of 8 PSAs
 Re-launch of Yuzivska PSA
 Launch of offshore projects
in the Black Sea Yusivska

 Signing of new PSAs
 Re-launch of Oleska PSA
• New concession licenses prepared
for e-auctions

Black Sea Shelf

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


(ZOLOCHIV block) OLESKA license
 natural gas, condensate;  hydrocarbons  oil,
accompanying minerals – natural gas,
ethane, propane,  exploration & development
license, till 2064 condensate
butanes, helium
 Lviv region,  exploration & development
 production license
Ivano-Frankivsk region license
 Kharkiv
2 region 2
 6,300 km  Sumy region
 14 km
 contingent resources of  310 km
 reserves: unconventional gas – 3 trillion m 3
natural gas – 1128 million m 3  resources (class code 334):
condensate – 251 thousand tons  "Nadra Oleska" LLC natural gas – 3,33 billion m 3
is a license holder

Auction Open for nomination Is being prepared for e-auction



State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


 Ukraine has significant deposits of uranium ores

being one of the top ten countries in the world.
 The balance of uranium reserves in Ukraine accounts
22 deposits, four of which are being developed.
 The information about uranium reserves has limited
access. Access procedure is described in the annexes.

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of


field license with PIDHAITSIVSKA
 uranium ore
 uranium ore  uranium ore
 exploration & development
 production license  production license
 Kirovohrad region  Kirovohrad region
 Mykolaiv region
 12 ha  540 ha
 2,227 ha
 information about uranium  information about uranium
 information about uranium
reserves is designated as reserves is designated as
reserves is designated as
"secret" 'for official use only'
'for official use only'
Is being prepared for e-auction Is being prepared for e-auction  Is being prepared for e-auction


Uranium spots State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Kyrovograd Dnipro
Aprellivske field 3 region region
Dokuchaevske field    4  Syverynske field
 Surska block
Litne field    6
5  2  Novogurivska block
Sadova field  
Partyzanske Mykhailivska field

field  Safonivske block

1. Central field
2. Michurinske field
3. Vatutinske field
4. Novokostyantynivske field
5. Lisne field
 Licensed blocks
6. Khrystoforivske field
 Can be nominated for an e-auction

Licensed fields and open offers
Existing Concession licenses Сoncession licenses offers

Activity Owner Type of activity Terms Activity Region Type of activity

Lithium ores
Polokhivske field Ukrlitiyvydobuvannya production 2017–2037 Shevchenkivske field Donetsk production
Balka Kruta field Zaporizhzhia exploration
Stankuvats’ka field Kirovohrad exploration
Nickel, cobalt, copper chromium
West Lashchiv block VIP-Trade production 2016–2026 Zheleznyaky block Zhytomyr exploration
Zhyrychi field Volynpryrodresurs production 2017–2037 Lypovenkivske field Kirovohrad production
South Rafalivskyi prospective field NorthWest Mining exploration 2016–2021 Karnaukhivska block Dnipro exploration
Prutivskyi prospective field Colormet of Ukraine exploration 2019–2024 Sukhohutirska block Dnipro exploration
Kapitanivske field (Central section) Ferrexpo production 2014–2024
Tantalum, niobium, apatite-rare metal ores
Vovchanske field Demurinsky Mining and Processing Plant exploration* 2002–2031 Mazurivske field (North section) Donetsk exploration
Malyshevske field JSC UMCC production* 2007–2027 Mazurivske tecnogenic field (East s.) Donetsk production
Novopoltavske field Volyn Mining and Chemical Company exploration 2009–2029 Lypnyazkyi prospective field Kirovohrad exploration
Mostove block Taurus Infinity production 2019–2029 Tashlytskyi prospective field Kirovohrad exploration
Novostankuvatske prospective field Kirovohrad exploration
Beryllium, zinс
Perzhanska field Perzhanska Ore Company production 2019–2039 Lypnyazkyi prospective field Kirovohrad exploration
Tashlytskyi prospective field Kirovohrad exploration
Novostankuvatske prospective field Kirovohrad exploration
Zirconium, scandium, rare earth elements
Yastrebetska block CFR Group LLC exploration 2009–2024 Azovske field Donetsk exploration
Anadolske field RM Minings LLC production 2019–2034 Zhovtorichynske field Dnipro exploration
Hurivskyi prospective field Dnipro exploration
Starodubivskyi prospective field Donetsk exploration
Dianivskyi prospective field Donetsk exploration
Zolochivska block Kharkiv exploration
Chervona block Rud Investium exploration 2020–2025 Verbynska block Zhytomyr exploration
Skhidnoserhiivskyi prospective field Dnipro exploration

Titanium: zircon-rutile-ilmenite-apatite placers, scandium
Tarasivske field Rutile-ilmenite company production 2012–2032 Malyshevskefield (North West sections) Dnipro production
Balka Kruta technogenic field Koliorovi metaly production * 2003–2033 Kropyvnian field Zhytomyr production
Vovchanske field Demurinsky Mining and Processing Plant production * 2002–2031 Vydyborz’ka prospective field Zhytomyr exploration
Yurivska block Titanium-apatite group exploration 2019–2024 Fedorivske field Zhytomyr production
Stremyhorodske field Valki Ilmenite production 2004–2032 Korchakiv prospective field Sumy exploration
Livoberezhne field Zhytomyrburrozvidka production 2013–2033 Bilovodskyi prospective field Sumy exploration
Trostyanetske field Zhytomyrburrozvidka production 2004–2034 Haidarivskyi prospective field Kharkiv exploration
Mezhyrichne field (Isakivska, South s.) Joint Mining and Chemical Company production * 2015–2035 Khrapivshchyna prospective field Sumy exploration
Mezhyrichne field (B., E., O., S., Y. s.) Mezhyrichensk MCC production * 2002–2032 Pidlisna block Zhytomyr exploration
Malyshevske field (C., E., W. sections) Joint Mining and Chemical Company production * 2007–2027 Selyshchanska block Zhytomyr exploration
Malyshevske field(M.-A.,N-W sections) Motronivsk MCC production * 2013–2033
Valky-Gatskivske field Valki Ilmenite production * 2001–2031
Byrzulivske field Velta production * 2015–2023
Likarivske field Velta production 2019–2039
Nosachivske field TioFab production 2007–2027
Paromivske field Zhytomyrburrozvidka exploration 2013–2017
Krasnorichynske field Zhytomyrburrozvidka exploration 2013–2017
Avramivska block TsentrUkrGeologiya exploration 2020–2025
Gold ore
Muzhiivske field Karpatska Rudna Company production * 2012–2032 Zhovtovodska block Dnipro exploration
Sauliak field Sauliak production 2010–2030 Balka Shyroka block Dnipro exploration
Serhiivske field Stone processing company of Ukraine production 2010–2030 Kvitkivska block Odesa exploration
Bobrykivske field Donetskyi Kryazh production 2013–2018 Maiska block Odesa exploration
Klyntsivske field Lyra Mine Minerals production 2019–2034
Berehivske field Karpatska Rudna Company exploration 2020–2024
Kvasivske prospective field Western Geological Explorational Company exploration 2019–2022
Central field SkhidGZK production * 1997–2037 Aprelske field Kirovohrad production
Michurynske field SkhidGZK production * 1997–2032 Dokuchaevske field Kirovohrad production
Vatutinske field SkhidGZK production * 2002–2037 Lisne field Kirovohrad production
Novokostyantynivske field SkhidGZK production * 2027–2036 Litnie field Kirovohrad exploration
Mykhailivska block Nuclear Energy Systems Of Ukraine exploration 2018–2021 Partyzanske field Kirovohrad exploration
Novohurivska block Nuclear Energy Systems Of Ukraine exploration 2018–2021 Severynske field Kirovohrad production
Safonivska block Nuclear Energy Systems Of Ukraine exploration 2018–2021 Sadova block Mykolaiv exploration
Surska block Nuclear Energy Systems Of Ukraine exploration 2018–2021 Khrystophorivska block Kirovohrad, Dnipro exploration
Zavallivske field (Zarichna section) Pobuzhzhya’s Development LCC production * 1996–2035 Burtynske field (Horodnyavska section) Khmelnytskyi production
Zavallivske field (South-East section) Zavally Grafit Kombinat production 2019–2039 Burtynske field (Khmelivska section) Khmelnytskyi exploration
Balakhivske field (South section) Ukrainian supply group production 2019–2039 Mlynkivska prospective field Kirovohrad exploration 30
* In production
Mineral resource base of Ukraine
key minerals used by domestic industry

Proved Annual Export/ Proved Annual Export/ Proved 1 Annual Export/

Metallurgy reserves,
1 Mechanical engineering, reserves,
production Fuel and energy complex reserves, production import
production import import
mln tons mln tons USD mln electrical industry mln tons mln tons USD mln mln tons mln tons USD mln
natural gas 680 bln m 3 20,7 bln m 3 -2900
iron ore 18836,5 157,4 +3400 aluminum 6,4 – -220 2
gas of compacted rocks 98 bln m 3 – –
manganese ore 2167 3,9 -210 lead 0,301 – -0,1 3
oil 94 1,7 -6580
coking coal 12096,3 8,5 -260 zinc 0,723 – -0,1 condensate 37 0,8 –
flux limestone 2253,4 4,9 -47 copper – – -0,1 anthracite coal 6089,2 25,5 -2800
dolomite 365,8 0,98 -7 nickel 0,215 293,8 -68 4
uranium (ore) classified 0,6
classified -520
bentonite clays 60,3 0,1 – cobalt 0,0088 – +0,4 peat 644,38 0,6 -3
kaolin (secondary) 78,4 0,45 +54 titanium classified – +154
molding sands 672,5 8,0 0 lithium classified – –
chrome 0,453 – -6 tantalum
classified 0,42 – Proved Annual Export/
fluorite 1,8 – none data niobium Agrochemichal industry reserves, 1 production import
mln tons mln tons USD mln
molybdenum – – -7 beryllium 0,01 – – apatite 71,9 – –
vanadium (ore) 5,5 – -10 zirconium classified 0,42 +22 phosphorite 11,1 – -13
rare ore minerals 1,939 – none data scandium classified 0,032 – magnesite 105 – -50
hafnium 4,9 0,28 none data potassium salts 250 – -50
graphite 13,7 1,5 +1 native sulphur 100 – -27
Proved Annual Export/
Construction industry reserves, 1 production import
mln tons mln tons USD mln
construction sands 298 mln m 3 12,5 mln m3 +4 Notes:
primary koalin 365,5 mln t 1,2 mln t none data 1. Categories A+B+C1 (according to the Ukrainian national classification) Source:
2. Category C2 (according to the Ukrainian national classification) State research and production enterprise
building stone 7898 mln m 3 27,2 mln m3 none data 3. Petroleum products and LPG account for 5.5 and 0.780 million dollars. «State Information Geological Fund of Ukraine»,
State Statistics
facing stone 333,4 mln m 3 0,577 mln t +7 4. 70% of nuclear fuel is made of foreign uranium

Obtaining a Special Permit (License) through E-auction
Application to Initiation of license listed
State Geologic and Local authorities Ministry of environment SGSSU
in the Investment Atlas
Subsoil Survey of
Ukraine (SGSSU) Approval of local Approval for granting Preparation of the auction
minerals special licenses documentation package
Nomination of a license 45 days 15 work days 14 days
proposed by investor

Ministry of

Prozorro.Sales Prozorro.Sales Prozorro.Sales
impact SGSSU
assessment and Auction to reduce the Repeated auction with Auction to increase the
public hearings starting price 50% discount starting price Auction
to start announcement
production 15 days 30 days 50/90 days

Winner: 1. Signs the protocol of auction 5. Pays the fee to the state budget
2. Pays a fee to the exchange operator 6. Concludes an agreement on terms and
3. Concludes a contract of purchase and sale conditions of subsoil use
of a special license 7. Receives a license Cabinet of Ministers Resolution № 993 dated
4. An agreement on compensation of state September 23, 2020
expenses for exploration works is concluded

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Procedure for Granting Access to

Geological Information Designated as "For
Official Use Only"
Step 1
Additionally for foreign investors
 a letter of request shall be sent to the head of SGSSU with a
A letter of request shall be accompanied with copies of
request to be made aware of the geological information
identity documents confirming affiliation to a company
Step 2 operating in the field of subsoil use, indicating the
purpose of being made aware of information
 SGSSU shall make a decision on granting access for making
aware of the geological information designated as "For Official
Use Only"
Step 3 Forbidden!

 a subsoil user gets access to the information for - To transfer data to third parties
making aware in the information repository premises
- To copy information
 a requesting company enters into a non-disclosure
- To remove documents from the information repository
agreement with SGSSU

State Geologic and
Subsoil Survey of

Procedure for Granting Access to Geological

Information Designated as "Secret"
(balance reserves in the country and uranium)

Step 1 Important: the subsoil user's representative shall obtain the

a letter of request shall be sent to the head of SGSSU with a respective level of access – "For Official Use Only", "secret" –
request to be made aware of the geological information provided by the Department of Protection of National Security
Information of the State Security Service upon request of a
Step 2 company.
SGSSU provides access to information on the basis of an Forbidden!
agreed list with the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU)
- To transfer data to third parties
Step 3
- To copy information
the requesting company shall enter into a non-disclosure
agreement with SGSSU - To remove documents from the information repository

For investments opportunities inquires, please contact:

State Geologic and

Subsoil Survey of

Tetiana Temniuk Andrii Pavliv

Advisor for International Cooperation Investment Advisor
investment@geo.gov.ua + 38 (044) 256 78 32
Mykhaylo Kamasa andrii.pavliv@ukraineinvest.gov.ua
Head of International Cooperation

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