Certium® VCS: Secure Voice Communications System For Safe Air Traffic Control
Certium® VCS: Secure Voice Communications System For Safe Air Traffic Control
Certium® VCS: Secure Voice Communications System For Safe Air Traffic Control
Product Brochure
Version 07.00
CERTIUM® VCS-4G is the most innovative full IP based VCS on the market, combining rich functionality with
excellent usability for seamless airspace operations. CERTIUM® VCS-4G utilizes all the advantages of IP
technology and provides strong security, innovative resilience and easy administration.
CERTIUM® Reliable software defined radios for air
ANALYSIS traffic control, including the brand-new
R&S®Series5200 featuring an innovative
Ensure regulatory compliance
security-by-design architecture.
with market-leading test and
measurement solutions for
VoIP networks, radios,
navigation, radar and
The quad-redundant, IP based
voice communications system
CERTIUM® VCS-4G integrates Delay-free network encryption,
perfectly with the entire ATC session border controller and
portfolio to ensure safe, secure high availability network components
and efficient operation. ensure the reliability and security
of ATC networks.
Easy-to-use centralized Increases situational awareness
management of VCS and radios by highlighting the communicating
provides real-time view of aircraft on the radar screen.
system and enables smooth
network operation.
70 service centers worldwide
provide customers with support GATEWAYS
close by, 24 hours a day,
Seamless integration of legacy
7 days a week, ensuring smooth
applications into IP infrastructure
operations for many years.
enabling phased migration scenarios.
Completely IP based VCS
► IP technology
► Central management
Part of the CERTIUM® ecosystem ► ED-137 standard
CERTIUM® is an advanced ATC communications suite ► Connectionss
from a single source that surpasses existing safety ► page 4
and efficiency standards. All CERTIUM® products are
seamlessly integrated into single portfolio. Although the Security by design
VCS can be used on its own, users benefit the most by ► Secure VCS for critical infrastructures
combining it with other CERTIUM® products. ► Hardened operating system and software
► Network isolation and secure transport
Combining CERTIUM® VCS-4G with CERTIUM® RADIOS ► page 5
and CERTIUM® GATEWAYS significantly improves system
integration and enables easy centralized monitoring and Exceptional resilience thanks to quad redundancy
management. CERTIUM® NETWORK products are har- ► Uninterruptible system operation
monized and tested within the CERTIUM® environment, ► Device redundancy
which maximizes operational safety and security. ► Control center redundancy
► System redundancy
The monitoring and service capability of ► Network redundancy
CERTIUM® ANALYSIS and CERTIUM® SERVICE make ► Radio site redundancy
operation of the VCS more straightforward and efficient. ► page 6
Rohde & Schwarz CERTIUM® VCS 3
IP technology ED-137 standard
IP technology is used worldwide for state-of-the-art com- The EUROCAE ED-137 standard defines the IP protocols
munications systems due to its flexibility, redundancy and between the VCS, radio and recording system. It ensures
security. Rohde & Schwarz was one of the first manufactur- systems from different manufacturers are compatible
ers to understand the power of this technology and estab- with each other. CERTIUM® VCS-4G supports all versions
lished the fully IP based CERTIUM® VCS-4G on the market. of ED-137 A, B and C. It is fully compatible with both
CERTIUM® RADIOS and the solutions of other manufactur-
The basis for the VCS solution is the IP network. It con- ers. The functionalities and interoperability were extensive-
nects all the components: servers, controller working po- ly tested in various plug tests.
sitions (CWP) and radios. The distributed architecture en-
ables functionalities that improve resilience and security. Connections
CERTIUM® VCS-4G offers a variety of options for connect-
Central management ing to other VCSs and legacy r adios. Other VCSs can be
The VCS central management server (VCMS) provides directly connected via the integrated session border con-
centralized administration for easy configuration and troller or via CERTIUM® GATEWAYS (R&S®GW54xx VCS
management of the entire distributed system. The VCMS gateways). To connect to legacy r adios, Rohde & Schwarz
stores and distributes the configuration of all components also offers several radio gateways. The gateways offer
and receives system status data. Administration is per- many analog and digital interface options.
formed via a secure web interface and does not require
additional tools.
Management server
Monitoring probe
NTP server
Analog radio
Secured IP network
Third party systems Recorder
UHF/VHF VoIP radio
Network encryptor
Monitoring probe
HF VoIP radio
VoIP phone
Strong security for critical infrastructures
Secure VCS for critical infrastructure Network isolation and secure transport
Communications systems of ANSPs are highly sensitive, To minimize denial of service (DoS) attacks, all IP inter-
critical infrastructures. Attacks on them may lead to air- faces are protected by a very restrictive firewall. Only de-
space closure or even cause safety issues. fined communication paths are allowed. This restrictive ap-
proach effectively reduces attack vectors.
Rohde & Schwarz used its extensive experience in devel-
oping systems for critical infrastructures when creating The management interface is critical and must be secured
CERTIUM® VCS-4G systems. The level of security follows accordingly. If misused, it can affect the availability of the
the recommendations of international standards such entire system.
as Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), the
Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) and the CERTIUM® VCS-4G therefore uses secure protocols such
EUROCONTROL VOTE Security Handbook. as https (WebGUI), SNMPv3 (remote control and manage-
ment) and SSL for secure configuration deployment to en-
Hardened operating system and software sure that the information sent cannot be intercepted and
The operating system of the components is designed in misused.
accordance with state-of-the-art software hardening tech-
niques. This result in an intrinsic architecture based on a
two-level approach that prevents cyberattacks as well as
containing them and minimizing their impact. For exam-
ple, a file integrity tool continually monitors file systems
and raises an alarm if it detects any unauthorized changes.
Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & Schwarz CERTIUM® VCS 5
ATC grade resilience for uninterruptible system operation
Uninterruptible system operation Control center redundancy
Safe airspace operations require steady and uninterrupt- Problems within the center itself significantly affect air-
able communications between the pilot and controller space operations. In exceptional cases such as a center
even in case of exceptional events such as natural catas- outage or mass absenteeism, the controllers would not be
trophes. Unique mechanisms in the Rohde & Schwarz VCS able to operate the airspace. Using Rohde & Schwarz vir-
provide outstanding availability even in case of multiple tual center technology, controllers from another center can
outages. This increases the safety and security of airspace immediately take over airspace control by simply having
operations. new roles allocated to them.
System redundancy
Network redundancy
Network redundancy
A network outage can cause significant issues.
Rohde & Schwarz uses proven redundancy protocols. In
case of network issues, the VCS components immediately
switch over to the backup network. Smart routing allows
the controller to use multiple paths to connect to the radio
site. Backups via satellite can also be used for complete
ground network independence.
Rohde & Schwarz
Rohde & SchwarzCERTIUM® VCS 7
Easy operation for the air traffic controller
Intuitive user interface Easy customization
The clear, well-structured user interface simplifies the Air traffic controllers usually demand a customizable user
work of the air traffic controller. The screen on the control- interface to keep the system similar to the one they are
ler working position (CWP) is divided into multiple func- used to operating. The flexibility of CERTIUM® VCS-4G al-
tional areas, making operation intuitive. lows user to easily adapt to it. The size of the buttons, col-
or scheme, fonts, icons and layout are freely definable by
Multiple colors inform the controller about the status of the system administrator.
the radio resources, number of controllers connected
to the same resources, receive signal strength indicator The easy customization of the GUI reduces the necessity
(RSSI) information, and best signal selection (BSS). Within for extensive GUI training for the air traffic controller.
the GUI, the controller can set up e.g. audio management,
get more detailed information on the radio and reconfigure
the frequency.
TRUSTED System engineering
Based on your input, our experts develop a tailored system
Project implementation
The audio signals are processed in up to four external Audioboxes. Specially designed devices can manage up to two
stereo channels each in extremely high quality. The Audioboxes can be connected to headsets or loudspeakers.
R&S®DB5400 VCMS server
The centralized management server enables central configuration of all CERTIUM® VCS and CERTIUM® GATEWAYS
components. It also monitors the status of all devices and radios and provides this information to the controller and
R&S®GW54xx gateways
CERTIUM® GATEWAYS allow easy integration of legacy systems into IP infrastructures. Rohde & Schwarz provides
gateways to connect to other VCSs, radios and telephony systems. There is a huge variety of interfaces and gateways to
meet the needs of every customer.
ISO 9001 ISO 14001
Rohde & Schwarz training