Advita Vedanta

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 Propounded by Adi Shankaracharya

 Advita means monism or non dualism
 Main theme statement is “Aham Brmhasmi”
 Which means the supreme power called Brahma and
all souls are same.
 Whole world is illusion. They call this “Maya”
 The whole world is false which is called as “Mitya”
 Advaita Vedanta claims that the true nature of the
human individual is a non-dual Self.
 There are six means of knowledge, called pramāṇas in
Sanskrit, which are accepted in Advaita Vedanta as
valid. They are
 perception (pratyakṣa),
 inference (anumāna),
 comparison (upamāna),
 postulation (arthāpatti),
 non-cognition (anupalabdhi),
 and verbal testimony (śabda-pramāṇa).
 Nitya
 Shuddha
 Bubbha
 Mukta
 Satya
 Sookshma
 Advitiya
 self is the main component of personality
 Kshetragna is superme and he is witnesser
 Drashta is seer
 Mind is called antahkarana
 4 components of mind are
 Manas: memory
 Buddhi: intellect
 Chitta: pure intelligence.
 Ahamka: identity
 Lokavasana: worldly pleasure
 Dehavasana: bodily interest
 Shastravasana: interested in divine knowledge.
 Jagrat: state of awareness
 Supthi: sleep
 Svapna: dream
 Turiya: pure consciousness
 Motivation is called prayatna
 Factors affecting prayatna
 Raga: compashion
 Kama: desire
 Trushna: 'thirst'
 Sprusha:
 Lobha
 Dvesha
 Krodha
 Irsha
 Asuya
 Droha
 Akshma
 Himsa
 Moha
 Mithyagyana
 Mana
 Pramada
 Bhaya
 Viveka
 Viragya
 Sama
 Dama
 Shradda
 mumukshatvam

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