IGuide Answer Guide - SLLC Entrance Exam (2015-2019) - 1
IGuide Answer Guide - SLLC Entrance Exam (2015-2019) - 1
IGuide Answer Guide - SLLC Entrance Exam (2015-2019) - 1
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Lanka'. To receive admission to the Bar,iiia law student must complete law x
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Answer Guide – 2019
1. Language skills
• English:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
Answers - Language Skills - 2019
1) Precausion
2) Survellance
3) Magnifisent
4) C, A, D, B
5) B, D, C, A
6) A, C, B, D
7) Into
8) With
9) In
10) On
11) Of
12) Historical
13) Advise
14) Quiet
15) Affected
16) Goes
17) Missed
18) Had been standing.
19) Realized
21) Had
22) As if
23) Their
24) Wildly
25) Jumping
26) Reason
27) With
28) Known
29) Watching
30) Correct
31) If Prakash had studied hard, he would have passed the exam.
32) Correct
Sentence – The ruling party and the opposition do not see eye to
eye on most things.
Sentence – The foreman hits the nail on the head when he said
that the machine had malfunctioned because of a faulty spark plug.
a) X – Elehara dam was built by King Vasabha and enlarged by King
b) Correct
c) X – Elehara and Yodha ela were built by King Vasabha.
d) X – Its outstanding feature is, for the first seventeen miles the
gradient of the channel was a steady six inches in every mile.
e) Correct
a. The idea is that the ancient Sinhala engineers possessed an
amazing knowledge in irrigational technology to have built up excellent
irrigational creations in Sri Lanka.
b. Because as in the text, construction of a dam across a valley to
accumulate rainwater was not a massive operation and did not involve an
expert knowledge of the major principles of hydraulics.
c. That the instruments were precise for accuracy in work though they
were only primitive contrivances.
d. Rajatarangani, the chronicles of Kashmir mention that King
Jayapida obtained the technical assistance of Sinhala engineers and
workmen to build up tanks and channels in his kingdom.
e. The impression that the ancient irrigational engineering
technologies used by ancient engineers were fully precise and advanced
that even the modern engineering conforms to them.
f. 3 - King Datusena built Kalawewa
4 - King Aggabodhi 1 built Minipe
2 - King Mahasen constructed sixteen tanks.
1 - King Vasabha built eleven tanks and twelve channels.
Answers - General Knowledge – 2019
Question 2: Answer: 3
Extradition in Sri Lanka is governed by the Extradition Law (No. 8 of 1977, as
amended by Act 48 of 1999) and the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act
(No. 25 of 2002) (MACMA).
Question 3: Answer: 4
Question 4: Answer: 2
Question 5: Answer: 2
Criminal Investigation Department (known as CID) is the primary investigative
arm of the Sri Lanka Police and was established in 1870.
Question 6: Answer: 1
Sri Lanka and France both have Premier-presidential systems.
The president chooses the prime minister and cabinet, but only the parliament
may remove them from office with a vote of no confidence. The president does
not have the power to directly dismiss the prime minister or cabinet, but he/she
can dissolve the parliament. Some of the other countries operates under this
system are Egypt, Portugal, Poland etc.
Question 7: Answer: 2
The Chief Justice of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is the head of
the judiciary of Sri Lanka and the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka. Established in
1801, the first Chief Justice was Codrington Edmund Carrington. The 47th and
current Chief Justice is Jayantha Jayasuriya. Sir Edwin Arthur Lewis Wijewardena
was the 28th Chief Justice of Ceylon in 1949. He was the first Ceylonese to be
appointed to the Post.
Question 8: Answer: 3
Question 9: Answer: 2
Question 13: Answer: 2
The flyover bridge built between Bambaranda and Wawurukannala is the
highest and the longest railway flyover bridge in Sri Lanka.
Question 18: Answer: 3
China, USA, India, Russia are the countries with the highest emission of CO 2 in
descending order.
Question 41: Answer: Israel
Language is Hebrew.
Question 46: Answer: Life expectancy, per capita income, Education (Refer
Question 20 of 2015)
Question 49: Answer: Julian Paul Assange
He is an Australian editor, publisher, and activist who founded WikiLeaks in
2006. In January 2018, he was granted Ecuadorian citizenship and had been
staying at the Ecuador Embassy in London, UK. Assange's asylum was withdrawn
following a series of disputes with the Ecuadorian authorities. The police were
invited into the embassy, and he was arrested.
Answers - Intelligence (IQ) - 2019
Question Answer
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49 2
50 3
Answer Guide – 2018
1. Language skills
• English:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
Answers - Language Skills - 2018
1) Legitimate
2) Statute
3) Arbitrator
4) C, A, B, D
5) C, D, A, B
6) B, A, C, D
7) Improper
8) Inaudible
9) Impolite
10) Invention
13) If the parents do not look after their children, they will go astray.
15) All those who came to help in the shramadana campaign were given
a warm welcome.
16) Bright
17) Pretend
18) Lawyer
19) Villain
20) Guilty
26) Of
27) By
28) In
29) On
30) At
31) Studies
33) Is
34) Prevents
35) To be
I. Irrigation schemes and religious monuments are mentioned in the text to
measure the political stability and the development of the country.
II. There are two reasons why Cholas were unable to affect the development
of Science and Technology.
a) Cholas had an unstable existence in Ceylon fighting against the
counterattacks from Sinhalese.
b) Around that time though South Indian civilization had attained
the peak of its glory, it had to contribute a little to what Sinhalese
had already developed during the Anuradhapura period because
Ceylon technology was superior to theirs even by then.
III. Chola and South Indian works of art are compared with Buddhist edifices
of Anuradhapura and the Statue of Tara.
IV. The ease with which the continuity of Anuradhapura traditions was
ensured after a gap of several centuries, proves the existence of an
efficient guild of technicians and artisans. And they promoted the training
of new craftsmen preserving the profession.
V. Because they did not have royal patronage to practice their profession.
Answers - General Knowledge - 2018
Question 1: Answer:1
Annual report of central bank of Sri Lanka 2019→65610 sq.km
Question 2: Answer: 2
According to report 2019 - 4.4%
Question 3: Answer: 1
+44 – UK
+33 – France
+91 – India
+61 – Australia
Question 4: Answer: 4
Crude death rate per 1000 – 6.4%
Crude birth rate per 1000 – 15.1%
Question 5: Answer: 3
Question 6: Answer: 2
Question 7: Answer: 3
Linamarase enzyme in ginger catalyze the conversion of cyanide containing
compounds in manioc into Hydrogen Cyanide that can be lethal to the eater.
Question 8: Answer: 3
Asian Games aka Asiad – A continental multi-sport event
Year Host Number of Top ranked
countries team
1st 1951 New Delhi, 11 Japan
18th 2018 Jakarta- 45 China
19th 2022 Hangzhou,
Question 9: Answer: 2
Shaolin Kung Fu – China
Taekwondo – South Korea
Muay Thai – Thailand
Karate – japan (then Ryukyu Kingdom)
Temple tress (Araliyagaha Mandiraya)- official residence of prime minister of Sri
Visumpaya- official residence of the government of Sri Lanka
Srimathipaya mansion – Prime minister’s office
Queen’s cottage- vacationing and the country residence of the president of Sri
Madiwela housing complex- housing scheme for the use of members of
-Senate and House of Representatives Exercised the legislative
Question 27: Answer: 3
3rd-To enable the President to seek re-election after 4 years from the first term.
5th-To provide for by-election (special election) when a vacancy is not filled by
the party.
7th-Dealing with Commissioners of the High Court and the creation of Kilinochchi
11th-To provide for a Fiscal for the whole Island; also relating to sittings of the
high court and the number of minimum judges at a court of appeal case was
13th - Tamil an official language and English a link Language, and for the
establishment of Provincial Councils
15th-To repeal Article 96A to eliminate zones and to reduce the cut-off point to
16th-To make provision for Sinhala and Tamil to be Languages of Administration
and Legislation
18th-To remove the sentence that mentioned the limit of the re-election of the
President and to propose the appointment of a parliamentary council that
decides the appointment of independent posts like commissioners of election,
human rights, and Supreme Court judges
19th -To annul the 18th Amendment while replacing the defunct 17th
Amendment to establish the Independent Commissions and remove the
Executive Presidential powers and limit the term of office of the President to
five years while the President continue to function as the Head of State, Head of
the Cabinet, and Head of Security Forces
Question 32: Answer: White spot disease (WSD)
Question 41: Answer: Judicature Act no.02 of 1978
Answers - Intelligence (IQ) - 2018
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29 1 or 2
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31 E
32 C
33 A
34 D
35 B
36 4
37 5
38 3
39 4
40 4
41 2
42 16
43 2
44 5
45 18
46 20
47 30
48 90
49 10
50 30
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Answer Guide – 2017
1. Language skills
• English:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
Answers - Language Skills - 2017
1) Secretaries
2) Executive
3) Strategic
7) Was dragged.
8) Complained
12) Of
13) In
14) For
15) For
Sentence – Our chances to win are higher as the evidence is in black and
Sentence – our plan is dead in the water. We must think about another
19) Act
20) An
21) The
22) Complained
23) Release
24) To
25) Court
26) Be
27) Justice
28) Complaint
29) Before
30) Lawyer
31) He asked me when I could submit the report.
32) That book providing a lot of information about business law was
written by our professor.
33) Affidavit
34) Copyright
35) Lease
I. As per the text the law relating to motor traffic requirements such
as wearing helmets when riding motorcycles and that relating to the
requirements of last wills are the laws that have nothing to do with
religious or moral factors.
II. Writer confirms the great authority of the law by explaining the
close connection between law and religion and that law was laid
down by the gods in early societies.
III. Prohibitions against killing and stealing are rules common to law and
religion.in some countries, religion is the law of the land. For
instance, Saudi Arabia is governed by Islamic law. Even in Sri Lanka,
Islamic law is enforced with respect to Muslims simultaneously o the
general law.
Answers - General Knowledge – 2017
Question 1: Answer: 3
Maximum Length is 432 km (Dondra – Point Pedro), maximum width is 224 km
(Sangaman Kanda - Colombo)
Question 2: Answer: 3
According to the CBSL report of 2019, updated crude birth rate in Sri Lanka in
2018 is 15.1
Question 3: Answer: 2
Question 4: Answer: 1
Question 5: Answer: 1
Fedrick North was the 1t British Governor in Ceylon (Refer Q4 of 2015)
Supreme Court was established by the British in 1801 (Refer Q7 of 2019)
Question 6: Answer: 2
Sri Lanka is divided into 22 electoral districts. 21 of the 22 electoral districts were
conterminous with their namesake administrative district. The other electoral
districts are Vanni and Jaffna. Vanni electoral district consists of the
administrative districts of Mannar, Mullaitivu and Vavuniya and Jaffna electoral
district consists of Kilinochchchi and Jaffna. (Refer Q14 of 2019)
Question 7: Answer: 4
You can access the constitution here:
Question 8: Answer: 2
Right to Information Act, No. 12 of 2016
Sri Lanka’s Right to Information (RTI) Act aimed to establish an open
government, citizens’ active participation in governance, and accountability to
the people of the country.
Question 9: Answer: 4
Question 11: Answer: 4
The Moragahakanda Dam officially as Kulasinghe Reservoir, is a large gravity
dam, and the main component of the larger and more complex Moragahakanda
— Kalu Ganga Project, across the Amban River at Elahera, in the Matale District
of Sri Lanka. Construction began in 2007 and was completed in 2018.
Question 19: Answer: 3
Question 37: Answer: Ministry of Skills Development and Vocational
Question 45: Answer: Kingdom of Bhutan
Answers - Intelligence (IQ) - 2017
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79 2
80 3
81 12
82 4 days
83 3 minutes
84 10 minutes
85 3 minutes
86 1350
87 12 noon
88 12 years
89 72 minutes
90 8 hours
91 3
92 1
93 3
94 2
95 2
96 3
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98 5
99 4
100 2
Answer Guide – 2016
1. Language skills
• English:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
Answers - Language Skills - 2016
1) Loiter
2) Feather
3) Lodger/ Badger
7) Live
12) Near
13) Around
14) With
15) In
17) Meaning – It means someone is ill.
Sentence – He is under the weather, so he cannot play today.
18) Meaning – To deal with a situation upon the decisions made at the
very same moment regardless of the plans made earlier.
Sentence – It seems that what is going to happen is unexpected, let us play it by
ear. We are out of options.
19) Road
20) Suddenly
21) Spare
22) Passing
23) Stopped
24) Desperate
25) Looked
26) Surprise
27) Woman
28) Surprised
29) Offered
30) Wheel
31) 3
32) 2
33) Debut
34) Apotheosis
35) Triennial
I. Courts make decisions in public. Anybody can enter the courts and
observe what is going on. But ministers or public institutions in state
do not make decisions in public. Only the person who is affected by
the decision can be present before the public officers to present his
situation upon the decision.
II. In the instance in which the person affected by a certain decision is not
given a fair opportunity to present his or her side of the story, such
decision cannot be taken.
III. Because the writer says that judges normally have a bias for justice
over injustice, right over wrong, good over evil.
V. The court should follow the due process of law to convict a person or
make an order against a person.
Answers - General Knowledge – 2016
Question 1: Answer: 4
Mediation Board Commission
- President appoints a commission of 5 persons.
- 3of them should have been supreme court judge.
- President will appoint a chairman.
- They shall hold office for 3years.
Question 2: Answer: 3
Ex-officio = describes a position someone automatically gains because of
another job or position she already holds.
Question 3: Answer: 2
• Expectation of life at birth – 75.3
• Infant mortality rate per 1000 live births- 8
• Crude birth rate per 1000 persons – 15.1
• Crude death rate per 1000 persons- 6.4
• Population density per square kilometers – 346
Question 4: Answer: 2
Total – 1765597 = 1.7 million families
Kurungale>…. > Mannar
Question 5: Answer: 4
• 1929- child help line
• 1954- hotline for complaints on bribery and corruption
• 1956-to make complaints for those who cannot get services from
government institutes in their own language.
• 1977- hot line for consumer complaints and inquiries
Question 6: Answer:3
Question 7: Answer: 2
Donoughmore Constitution 1931
- General election with adult universal suffrage
Question 8: Answer: 1
• 1978 Constitution guarantees fundamental rights from article 10 to article
• Article 17 declares the right to apply to the supreme court.
• Article 126 (2) provides the one-month time for a person to file an application
of an infringement of right.
Question 9: Answer: 2
Sir Razik Fareed – Politics
Question 18: Answer: 2
Question 27: Answer: 2
Sir Abdhul kalam- wings of fire
This constitution paved the way for Sri Lanka to become a republic.
Question 33: Answer: Kurunegala ; consists 30 divisional Secretariats
Question 47: Answer: Jimmy Carter
Alfred Nobel left his fortune in trust to establish the Nobel Prizes.
The Nobel Prize is awarded to those during the preceding year, shall have
conferred the greatest benefit on mankind: outstanding contribution for
humanity in chemistry, literature, peace, physics and physiology or medicine.
The Nobel Peace Prize 2019 - Abiy Ahmed Ali
Answers - Intelligence (IQ) - 2016
Question Answer
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82 1
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85 1
86 3
87 2
88 1
89 2
90 1
91 4
92 3
93 2
94 2
95 1
96 9
97 1017
98 2 or 5
99 5
100 36
Answer Guide – 2015
1. Language skills
• English:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
• Sinhala:
• Tamil:
Answers - Language Skills - 2015
1) Crockery
2) Practical
3) Expansion
7) Return
8) Has
9) Was arrested.
10) Is crying.
12) With
13) From
14) Over
15) On
19) Birds
20) Day
21) Inside
22) Dark
23) Food
24) Do
25) Reasons
26) Eyes
27) Clearly
28) Because
29) That
30) Light
31) 4
32) 2
33) Launch
34) Jury
35) Astrology
(a) It implies that Ted is a moral personality who does good
things and respects the law.
(b) It is that Ted works very efficiently at work.
(a) That he is allowed free time whenever he chooses, he is
trusted and taken into the confidence of others.
(b) He says he has many famous friends like high ranking officials
of other countries.
(a) Every weekend he goes to the cinema hall and sits in the dark
till the end of the program.
(b) He committed suicide.
(a) Because he died from suicide.
(b) Ted is a good person. But he feels very lonely since he has no
friends. To appease the sadness in his heart he imagines that he is
a very popular man with many friends.
(a) Well known, respected, and admired for past achievements.
(b) Amusing short stories.
(c) Avoid
(a) Ted
(b) Having no friends.
Answers - General Knowledge – 2015
Question 1: Answer: 2
Question 2: Answer: 4
Question 3: Answer: 3
Question 4: Answer: 3
(1798 - 1805) 1t British Governor was Fredrick North under King George III.
(1805 – 1820) Robert Brownrigg was the governor from 1812 to 1820 under
whom the entire island became a British colony.
(1944 – 1948) Henry Monck-Mason Moore was the last governor of British
Ceylon from 1944 to 1948. After the independence he was the governor general
of Ceylon until 1950.
Question 5: Answer: 4
In 1987 the Thirteenth amendment to the Constitution was introduced. It stated
that, “the official language of Sri Lanka is Sinhala” while “Tamil shall also be an
official language,” with English as a “link language.”
Question 6: Answer: 3
Question 7: Answer: 1
First scientific census in Sri Lanka was in 1871.
Since 1871, scientific censuses were conducted, usually in every 10 years with
certain exceptions.
The last Census of Population and Housing was conducted in the year 2012.
Question 8: Answer: 2
• Certiorari: a writ or order by which a higher court reviews a case tried in a
lower court.
• Habeas Corpus: a writ requiring a person under arrest to be brought before
a judge or into court, especially to secure the person's release unless lawful
grounds are shown for their detention.
• Mandamus: a judicial writ issued as a command to an inferior court or
ordering a person to perform a public or statutory duty.
• Quo-warranto - writ or legal action requiring a person to show by what
warrant an office or franchise is held, claimed, or exercised.
Question 9: Answer: 2
The Constitutional Council (CC) is a 10-member constitutional authority in Sri
Lanka tasked with maintaining independent commissions and monitoring its
affairs. The Constitutional Council is aimed at depoliticizing the public service.
The Constitutional Council was first established in 2000 under the 17th
Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka. In 2010 Parliamentary Council was
created under the 18th Amendment, to replace it. In reforms introduced under
the 19th Amendment in 2015 to reinstate a new Constitutional Council.
1931 - Donoughmore Constitution paved the way for the universal suffrage
which led Ceylon to gaining limited self-government and the replacement of the
Legislative Council with the State Council of Ceylon.
1947 - Soulbury constitution came into being with independence in 1948.
1972 - Sirimavo Bandaranayake’s government introduced the first Republican
constitution repealing Soulbury constitution. National State Assembly was
introduced as the legislative body.
1978 - J.R.Jayawardane’s government introduced Sri Lanka’s second republican
Question 13: Answer: 2
Taprobane – Greek
Serendib – Arabian and Persian traders
Ceilo – Dutch and Portugese
Question 20: Answer: 4
The health dimension is assessed by life expectancy at birth, the education
dimension is measured by mean of years of schooling for adults aged 25 years
and more and expected years of schooling for children of school entering age.
The standard of living dimension is measured by gross national income per
1994 United States
1998 France
2002 South Korea & Japan
2006 Germany
2010 South Africa
2014 Brazil
2018 Russia
2022 Qatar
Question 31: Answer: Dudley Senanayake (In 2015)
At present Ranil Wickramasinghe has sworn as the prime minister 5 times.
Name Term of Office Political Party
D.S Senanayake 24th Sep 1947 – 22nd Mar UNP
Dudley Senanayake 26th Mar 1952 – 12th Oct UNP
Sir John Kotelawala 12th Oct 1953 – 12th Apr UNP
S.W.R.D. 12th Apr 1956 – 26th Sep SLFP
Bandaranayake 1959
Wijeyananda 26th Sep 1959 – 20th Mar SLFP
Dahanayake 1960
Dudley Senanayake 21st March 1960 – 21st July UNP
Sirimavo 21st July 1960 – 25th Mar SLFP
Bandaranayake 1965
Dudley Senanayake 25th Mar 1965 – 29th Mar UNP
Sirimao Bandaranayake 29th Mar 1970 – 22nd May SLFP
22nd May 1972 – 23rd Jul
J.R.Jayawardane 23rd Jul 1977 – 4 Feb 19784 UNP
Ranasinghe Premadasa 6th Feb 1978 – 2nd Jan 1989 UNP
D.B.Wijetunga 6th Mar 1989 – 7th May UNP
Ranil Wickramasinghe 7th May 1993 – 19th Aug UNP
Chandrika B. 19th Aug 1994 – 12th Nov SLFP (People’s Alliance)
Kumaratunga 1994
Sirimavo 14th Nov 1994 – 9th Aug SLFP (People’s Alliance)
Bandaranayake 2000
Ratnasiri 10th Aug 2000 – 7th Dec SLFP (People’s Alliance)
Wickremanayake 2001
Ranil Wickramasinghe 9th Dec 2001 – 6th Apr 2004 UNP
Mahinda Rajapaksa 6th Apr 2004 – 19th Nov SLFP (UPFA)
Ratnasiri 19th Nov 2005 – 21st Apr SLFP (UPFA)
Wickremanayake 2010
D. M. Jayaratne 21st Apr 2010 – 9th Jan 2015 SLFP (UPFA)
Ranil Wickramasinghe 9th Jan 2015 – 26th Oct UNP
Mahinda Rajapaksa (de 26th Oct 2018 – 15th Dec
facto) 2018
Ranil Wickramasinghe 16th Dec 2018 – 21st Oct UNP
Mahinda Rajapaksa 21st Nov 2019 – Present SLPP
Appointed as Prime Minister following the death of his father, D. S.
Senanayake. His party won at the general elections held in June 1952, and he
continued in the office without a re-appointment. Dudley Senanayake resigned
in 1953.
Dudley Senanayake's government was defeated after one month. Senanayake
continued to serve as Prime Minister until 21 July 1960.
Sirimavo Bandaranaike declared the country a republic, and its name was
changed from Ceylon to Sri Lanka.
Introduced the Executive Presidency in 1978 and assumed the position of
President of Sri Lanka.
Appointed by President Sirisena, after sudden dismissal of incumbent
Wickremesinghe. Term was challenged by Wickremesinghe and Sri Lanka had
two concurrent Prime ministerial claimants. Failed to conduct a majority support
vote in the house. Subsequently, resigned from office, to pave way for
Question 34: Answer: State Ministry of Internal Security, Home Affairs and
Disaster Management (2020) – Minister Chamal Rajapaksa under the cabinet
ministry of Defense
Question 43: Answer: World Environment Day (June 5th) - The theme for
2020 was "Time for Nature."
Question 45: Answer: Russia
Question 48: Answer: Tokyo, Japan (37 million people – According to the
2018 UN population estimate)
Answers - Intelligence (IQ) – 2015
Question Answer
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