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Republic of The Philippines: Set - A

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Republic of the Philippines EXAM 1

University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering SET - A
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C.
PROBLEM 1 A group of graduating students rented a bus for their field
Find two consecutive even integers such that the square of trip for P6,000. Ten of the students had to withdraw from
the larger is 44 greater than the square of the smaller the trip and as a result, the share of each of the others was
integer. increased by P20. How many were in the original trip?
a. 10 and 12 c. 8 and 10 a. 40 c. 50
b. 12 and 14 d. 14 and 16 b. 60 d. 70
Two girls, weighing 75 pounds and 90 pounds, The tens digit of a certain two-digit number exceeds the
respectively, sit at the ends of a teeterboard 15 feet long. unit’s digit by four and is less than twice the unit’s digit.
Where should the fulcrum be placed from the lighter girl Find the number.
to balance the board? a. 52 c. 73
a. 7.12 ft c. 8.18 ft b. 95 d. 83
b. 7.63 ft d. 8.91 ft PROBLEM 10
PROBLEM 3 How many liters of water must be added to 70 liters of a
How many gallons of a mixture containing 80% alcohol 30% solution to produce a solution that is 20% salt?
should be added to 5 gallons of a 20% solution to give a a. 45 c. 25
30% solution? b. 55 d. 35
a. 1.25 gal c. 1.50 gal PROBLEM 11
b. 1.75 gal d. 1.00 gal Mikee, Megan and John can mow the lawn in 4, 5 and 7
PROBLEM 4 hours, respectively. What fraction of the yard can they
In a purse there are nickels, dimes and quarters amounting mow in 1 hour if they work together?
to $9.85. There are twice as many dimes as quarters and a. 8/14 c. 3/40
the number of nickels is two more than twice the number b. 3/10 d. 83/140
of dimes. Determine the number of nickels. PROBLEM 12
a. 16 c. 34 One less than thrice a number is equal to six times the
b. 54 d. 62 number decreased by 37. What is the number?
PROBLEM 5 a. 14 c. 11
A man is paid P150 for each day he works and forfeits P50 b. 15 d. 12
for each day he is idle. If at the end of 100 days he nets PROBLEM 13
P10,000, how many days was he idle? What percentage of a mixture of sand, gravel and cement
a. 45 c. 50 containing 30% cement should be replaced by pure cement
b. 25 d. 35 in order to produce a mixture that is 40% cement?
PROBLEM 6 a. 10.67% c. 14.67%
A pipe can fill a tank in 4 hrs if the drain is open. If the b. 12.67% d. 23.67%
pipes run with the drain open for 1 hr and the pipe is then PROBLEM 14
closed, the tank will be emptied in 40 minutes more. How A gold smith needs 120 grams of gold alloy, of 75% pure
long does it take the pipe to fill the tank if the drain is gold. Only two alloys of gold are available, the first being
closed right at the start of filling? 80% pure gold and the other is 60% pure gold. How many
a. 1.6 hrs c. 1.5 hrs grams of 80% pure gold must be used to suit his
b. 1.4 hrs d. 1.7 hrs requirements?
PROBLEM 7 a. 30 c. 60
The intensity of illumination from a source of light varies b. 90 d. 80
inversely as the square of distance from the source. At PROBLEM 15
what distance should a cardboard be place in between two A man sold 100 eggs. Eighty of them were sold at profit
light sources from one light source 10 m away from each 30% while the rest sold at loss of 40%. What is the
other so that the intensity on one face will be 10 times that percentage gain or loss on the whole stock?
of the other? a. 16% c. -28%
a. 1.54 m c. 1.38 m b. 9% d. -12%
b. 4.06 m d. 2.40 m

Republic of the Philippines EXAM 1
University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering SET - A
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C.
Odd bought two cars, one for P700,000.00 and b. 6572 cm BULAGAO d. 3672 cm
the other for P500,000.00. He sold the first car to Bess at a PROBLEM 25
gain 0f 12% and a loss of 20% for the second when he The 4th term of a GP is 343 and the 6 th term is 16,807.
sold it to Jake. What was his total percentage of gain or What is the 8th term?
loss? a. 712,543 c. 823,543
a. -7.01% c. -1.33% b. 941,543 d. 363,543
b. 6.67% d. 2.74%
PROBLEM 17 P36,000.00 is to be divided among A, B and C such that
In a quadratic equation problem, one student made a their shares in the same order form an arithmetic
mistake in copying the coefficient of x and got a root of +3 progression. B’s share is three times that of A. How much
and -2. Another student made a mistake in copying the is B’s share?
constant term and got a root of +3 and +2. Which is one of a. P6,000 c. P18,000
the correct roots? b. P12,000 d. P20,000
a. 3 c. -3
b. 4 d. 6
At what time after 6 pm will the hands of the clock be 75º
PROBLEM 18 apart for the second time?
50 liters of a 40% solution of acid and water is available. a. 6:19.09 c. 6:46.36
What volume of water must be added to the solution to b. 6:45.45 d. 6:18.18
reduce the concentration to 10%?
a. 50 c. 100
A man left his house between 2 and 3 o’ clock. After
b. 150 d. 200
spending between two or three hours outside, he came
PROBLEM 19 home and noticed that the hands of the clock are exactly
11 men can finish the job in 15 days. 5 men were working interchanged as to their positions when he earlier left the
at the start and after 6 days 4 men were added. How many house. What time was it when he left the house?
days will it take to finish the job? a. 2:10.25 c. 2:15.12
a. 20 c. 21 b. 2:20.05 d. 2:26.01
b. 22 d. 23
PROBLEM 20 A pile of boiler pipes contains 2556 pipes in layers so that
Find the ratio of an infinite geometric series if the sum is 2 the top layer contains one pipe and each lower layer has
and the first term is ½. one more pipe than the layer above. How many layers are
a. 1/3 c. 1/2 there in the pile?
b. 3/4 d. 1/4 a. 50 c. 67
PROBLEM 21 b. 71 d. 40
Find the sum of the arithmetic progression 8, 5, 2, …, to PROBLEM 30
12 terms. It is between 4 and 5 o’ clock in 10 minutes, the minute
a. -210 c. -120 hand will be as much after the hour hand as it is now
b. -102 d. -201 behind it. What is the time?
PROBLEM 22 a. 4:15.82 c. 4:16.78
Find the sum of five arithmetic means between 13 and -11. b. 4:15.12 d. 4:16.12
a. 7 c. 5 PROBLEM 31
b. 6 d. 8 An egg dealer sells half an egg more than one-half the
PROBLEM 23 total number of eggs in his possession. He then sells for
The numerical coefficient of the 5th term in the expansion the second time half an egg more than one-half the
of (x + 2y)10. remaining eggs and so on until the seventh time. Find the
a. 5040 c. 210 original number of eggs, if seven eggs remain.
b. 3340 d. 3360 a. 1203 c. 2013
PROBLEM 24 b. 1023 d. 1302
The bob of a pendulum is released, and on the first swing PROBLEM 32
it travels 100 cm. On each subsequent swing, it travels What time between 2 and 3 o’ clock will the angle
0.98 as far as it did on the preceding swing. How far does between the hands of the clock is bisected by the line
it travel before coming to rest? connecting the center of the clock and the 3 o’ clock
a. 4000 cm c. 5000 cm mark?

Republic of the Philippines EXAM 1
University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering SET - A
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C.
a. 2:23.15 c. 2:16.41 What is the velocity of BULAGAO
a car (in miles per hour) if it goes
b. 2:15.13 d. 2:18.46 40 miles in 35 minutes?
PROBLEM 33 a. 56.22 miles/hour c. 79.27 miles/hour
A sets out to walk at the rate of 4 miles per hour. After he b. 68.57 miles/hour d. 89.26 miles/hour
had been walking 2 and ¾ hours, B sets out to overtake PROBLEM 42
him and went 4 and ½ miles the first hour, 4 and ¾ miles A company manufactures its product at a cost of 50 cents
the second hour, 5 miles the third hour, and so on, gaining per item and sells it for 85 cents per item. Daily overhead
¼ mile every hour. In how many hours would B overtake is $600. How many items must be manufactured each day
A? in order for the company to break even?
a. 7 c. 9 a. 1745 c. 2040
b. 8 d. 5 b. 1715 d. 1850
In the expansion of (x1/2 – 3x-3/2)12, find the term free of x. Maria has scores of 96, 86 and 78 on three tests. What
a. 5940 c. 5049 must her average scores on the next two tests be in order
b. 5490 d. 5904 for her to have an average of at least 90?
PROBLEM 35 a. 94 c. 95
If the perimeter of a rectangle is 18 inches and one side is b. 100 d. 90
one inch longer than the other, how long are the sides? PROBLEM 44
a. 2 and 3 c. 4 and 5 What are the dimensions of a rectangle whose length is 4
b. 3 and 4 d. 5 and 6 more than twice the width and whose perimeter is 3 less
PROBLEM 36 than 7 times the width?
Find a number such that 5 more than one-half the number a. 27 by 30 c. 11 by 26
is three times the number. b. 30 by 12 d. 18 by 23
a. 2 c. 5 PROBLEM 45
b. 4 d. 8 A carpenter cuts a board into three pieces of equal length
PROBLEM 37 and then cuts off ¼ of one of the pieces. If the smallest
The price of gasoline increased by 25% between January board he has 1 foot in length, what was the length of the
and March. If the price per gallon in March was $1.15, original board?
what was the price per gallon in January? a. 15 c. 20
a. $0.67 c. $1.04 b. 12 d. 18
b. $0.92 d. $1.46 PROBLEM 46
PROBLEM 38 Janet and Susan together earned $109.50 in a week. Janet
A fast employee can assemble 7 radios in an hour, and worked 7 hrs and Susan worked 9.5 hrs. If each had
another slower employee can only assemble 5 radios per worked three hours more, their combined pay would have
hour. If both employees work together, how long will it been $150. What is the hourly rate for each?
take to assemble 26 radios? a. $8.50 and $9.50 c. $7.50 and $5.50
a. 1 hour and 40 minutes c. 2 hours and 10 minutes b. $12.00 and $5.00 d. $7.50 and $6.00
b. 1 hour and 20 minutes d. 5 hours and 50 minutes PROBLEM 47
PROBLEM 39 Last year Eduardo invested some money at 8% interest
One number is 6 less than 3 times another number and and his wife, Sofia, invested some money at 9% interest.
their sum is 62. Find the numbers. Their total interest on the two investments was $860. This
a. 17 and 45 c. 20 and 40 year they each decided to invest the same amount of
b. 15 and 30 d. 18 and 50 money as last year. Eduardo invested his at 7% and Sofia
invested hers at 6%. If they receive a total of $640 interest,
how much money did each invest?
In a basketball game, the number of points scored by the
a. Eduardo = $4000 and Sofia = $6000
Miners was equal to 20 less than twice their opponent’s
b. Eduardo = $3000 and Sofia = $6000
score. The total number of points scored was 127. What
c. Eduardo = $4000 and Sofia = $4000
was the total score?
d. Eduardo = $5000 and Sofia = $5000
a. 69 c. 50
b. 96 d. 78 PROBLEM 48
Jennifer got a job as an engineer at a starting salary of
$28,000. Miguel got a job as an accountant at a starting
salary of $24,000. Jennifer will receive an annual increase
Republic of the Philippines EXAM 1
University of Eastern Philippines
College of Engineering SET - A
University Town, Northern Samar Engr. JONATHAN C.
of $600 and Miguel’s annual increase will be PROBLEM 50 BULAGAO
$1100. In how many years will their salaries be equal? A restaurant uses 2 pints of milk with 3 pints of cream to
a. 15 c. 10 make coffee creamier. To make a large quantity of the
b. 12 d. 8 mixture, how many pints of cream should be used with 18
PROBLEM 49 pints of milk?
David can paint the living room in 4 hours and Anna can a. 25 c. 27
paint it in 6 hours. How long will it take the two of them b. 26 d. 28
to paint the living room if they work together?
a. 1.5 c. 2.0
b. 2.4 d. 1.8

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