Topic 4 - Communication Networks: Easy Questions

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A point-to-point link in a remote backbone connected by remote bridges acts as
Answer: B

Connecting devices are divided into

A. five different categories
B. four different categories
C. three different categories
D. seven different categories
Answer: A

Bridge must therefore discard any frames too large for its
A. Data
B. Connection
C. Bridge
D. System
Answer: D

Each LAN type has its own strategy in sending of

A. Bits
B. Bytes
C. Data
D. Frames
Answer: A

Each LAN type has its own frame

A. System
B. Links
C. Data
D. Format
Answer: D

Device that operates below physical layer of OSI model is

A. active hub
B. passive hub
C. bridge
D. repeater
Answer: B
Wireless LANs implement security measures in the
A. System Layers
B. Data Link Layers
C. Sub Layers
D. Multi Layers
Answer: B

When frame is forwarded, decision must specify the

A. Data
B. signals
C. Port
D. bridge
Answer: C

Reconfiguration of stations in transparent bridges are unnecessary, if bridge has added or deleted
A. Data
B. Frames
C. Signals
D. System
Answer: D

Stations are configured as

A. manual
B. semiautomatic
C. automatic
D. All of them
Answer: D

VLANs provides
A. time-efficiency and security
B. reduce network traffic
C. both a and b
D. None
Answer: C

VLANs create
A. broadcast domains
B. limited domains
C. metropolitan area domains
D. None
Answer: A

No protocol at data link layer allows fragmentation and reassembly of

A. System
B. Frames
C. Data
D. bridge
Answer: B
Active hub is actually a
A. multipart network
B. multipart repeater
C. multipart router
D. multipart hub
Answer: B

In transparent bridges, redundancy of bridges can create loops in system which is very
A. Easy
B. Undesirable
C. Difficult
D. Long
Answer: B

Repeaters are only regenerate strength of signals, it does not

A. amplify signals
B. extend time
C. regenerate data
D. connect segments
Answer: A

Connecting device which operates at physical and data link layer is called
A. repeater
B. bridge
C. router
D. gateway
Answer: B

Bridges are also repeaters and

A. Regenerator
B. Preprocessor
C. Reposted
D. Redesigned
Answer: A

A transparent bridge's duties include

A. filtering frames
B. forwarding
C. blocking
D. All of them
Answer: D

Repeater is a
A. amplifier
B. generator
C. modifier
D. regenerator
Answer: D
In transparent bridges, systems administrator would manually enter each table entry during
A. Data Setup
B. Bridge Setup
C. Frame Setup
D. Link Setup
Answer: B

There is no filtering capability in

A. hubs
B. bridges
C. gateways
D. repeaters
Answer: D

Data of bridge frames must be fragmented into several frames, then incoming frame's size is too
A. Short
B. Long
C. Large
D. Small
Answer: C

A system equipped with transparent bridges must meet

A. Three Criteria
B. Two Criteria
C. One Criteria
D. None of given
Answer: A

Bridge must buffer frame to compensate for this

A. Loss
B. Difference
C. Shortage
D. System
Answer: B

A repeater connects segments of same

A. Wide area network
B. Wireless Network
C. Local area network
D. Metropolitan Network
Answer: C

A repeater only connects segments of a

A. connector
Answer: B
A bridge has a table that maps addresses to
A. Frames
B. Signals
C. Data
D. Port
Answer: D

In transparent bridge, stations are completely unaware of existence of

A. Ports
B. Frames
C. Bridge
D. Signals
Answer: C

A repeater is a device that operates only in the

A. physical layer
B. data link layer
C. application layer
D. presentation layer
Answer: A

In a bus backbone, topology of backbone is a

A. bus
B. star
C. mesh
D. ring
Answer: A

In source routing, a sending station defines bridges that frame must

A. Linked
B. Visit
C. Repeat
D. Connect
Answer: B

Passive Hubs are actually a

A. simple switch
B. gateway
C. connector
D. router
Answer: C

A repeater receives a signal and before it becomes too weak or corrupted, regenerates original
A. bit pattern
B. signals
C. segments
D. frames
Answer: A
Bridge can operate on both layers those are
A. physical and data link layer
B. physical and sessional layer
C. application and data link layer
D. physical and presentation layer
Answer: A

Connecting device that is used to connect wires coming from different branches are called
A. bridges
B. active hubs
C. repeaters
D. passive hubs
Answer: D

In transparent bridges, when station A sends a frame to station D then there is no entry in
A. Frames
B. Data
C. Bridge
D. Signals
Answer: C

In cellular telephony, for forward and reverse communication, system uses two separate
A. Analog Frames
B. Analog Systems
C. Analog Data
D. Analog Channels
Answer: D

In cellular telephony, a service provider must be able to locate and track a

A. Signals
B. Stations
C. Data
D. Caller
Answer: D

Satellite Networks can divide planet into

A. Nodes
B. Slots
C. Cells
D. Codes
Answer: C

Satellite Networks can divide planet into

A. Nodes
B. Slots
C. Cells
D. Codes
Answer: A
GSM stands for
A. Global System for Mobile
B. Global Situation for Mobile
C. Global Signal for Mobile
D. Global Station for Mobile
Answer: A

In cellular telephony, Interim Standard 95 (IS-95) forward transmission, output of long code
generator is fed to a
A. Connector
B. Protector
C. Director
D. Decimator
Answer: D

Area which is divided into small region of cells is called

A. Cellular Service
B. Cellular Data
C. Cellular Signals
D. Cellular Stations
Answer: A

Global star system is similar to the

A. Iridium System
B. meridian System
C. Network System
D. Gateway System
Answer: A

Mobile Switching Center (MSC) seeks a new cell that can better accommodate communication, if
strength of signals are
A. Strong
B. Low
C. Diminishes
D. High
Answer: C

Satellites can provide transmission capability to and from any location on

A. Moon
B. Earth
C. Mars
D. Jupiter
Answer: B
A satellite can also communicate with an Earth station through a
A. User Mobile Link
B. Gateway Link
C. Satellite Link
D. Station Link
Answer: B

In cellular telephony, size of cell is not fixed, increased or decreased depending on population of
A. Signals
B. Area
C. Data
D. Stations
Answer: B

S band has bandwidth of

A. 55 MHz
B. 60 MHz
C. 65 MHz
D. 70 MHz
Answer: D



Large collection of structured data and can be used in different applications is called
A. database management
B. management system
C. database
D. data storage system
Answer: B

On color screen, two bits are needed for

A. two colors
B. four colors
C. eight colors
D. twelve colors
Answer: B

In flowchart, invert trapezoid is used to show the

A. on-line storage symbol
B. manual operations
C. communication link
D. show annotations
Answer: B
'megabytes' of computer storage capacity consists of
A. one million
B. two million
C. three million
D. four million
Answer: B

Symbol used in flowchart such as rectangle with horizontal lines on two sides is used for
A. defined statement
B. predefined process
C. error fix
D. variables defined
Answer: B

Programs used to control system performance are classified as

A. experimental programs
B. system programs
C. specialized program
D. organized programs
Answer: B

Worked total sum recorded by adding group of records is classified as

A. hash total
B. slash total
C. control total
D. grand total
Answer: B

A diagram which is used to show logic elements and their interconnections is said to be
A. circuit diagram
B. system diagram
C. logic diagram
D. gate diagram
Answer: B

In wide area network, computing power is provided with help of

A. mainframe computers
B. micro computers
C. geographical computers
D. terminal computers
Answer: B

Data communication system and database management system is also considered as

A. DB ⁄ DC
B. MS ⁄ DC system
C. BM ⁄ CS system
D. all of above
Answer: B

Information stored in information repository can be accessed by

A. client servers
B. host computers
C. security managers
D. database administrators
Answer: B

Module of database management system which controls access to database stored on disk is
considered as
A. schema data manager
B. disk data manager
C. host data manager
D. stored data manager
Answer: B

Form of data model which focuses concepts in same way as data stored in computer system is
classified as
A. low level data models
B. high level data models
C. dynamic data models
D. medium level data models
Answer: B

In categories of data modeling, low level data models are also called
A. conceptual data models
B. physical data models
C. triggered data models
D. logical data models
Answer: B

Concepts of data models that are only useful to computer specialists rather than end users of
programs are classified as
A. triggered data models
B. logical data models
C. conceptual data models
D. physical data models
Answer: B

In database management system, term which is used to represent real world concept or object is
classified as
A. entity
B. attribute
C. relationship
D. abstraction
Answer: B
Database system which supports majority of concurrent users is classified as
A. multiuser system
B. multi-function system
C. multi transaction system
D. client and disk server system

Objects in DBMS belongs to same structure and behaves in same way are considered as
A. same class objects
B. different structure objects
C. behavioral structure objects
D. classical structure objects
Answer: B

Type of legacy data model in which data is represented as record types and limited one to many
relationships is called
A. network relational models
B. legacy network model
C. hierarchy models
D. network model
Answer: B

DBMS in which systems involved are coupled together while having local autonomy is classified as
A. single usage DBMS
B. non-classical DBMS
C. classical DBMS
D. federated DBMS
Answer: B

First field in primary index having same data type as in ordering field is considered as
A. indexed key
B. ternary key
C. secondary key
D. primary key
Answer: B

Database system which supports majority of concurrent users is classified as

A. multiuser system
B. multi-function system
C. multi transaction system
D. client and disk server system
Answer: B

Objects in DBMS belongs to same structure and behaves in same way are considered as
A. same class objects
B. different structure objects
C. behavioral structure objects
D. classical structure objects
Answer: B
DBMS in which systems involved are coupled together while having local autonomy is classified as
A. single usage DBMS
B. non-classical DBMS
C. classical DBMS
D. federated DBMS
Answer: B

In three-tier architecture, intermediate layer between database and client servers is classified as
A. functional server
B. transaction server
C. application server
D. disk server
Answer: B

Architecture of database in which characteristics such as program insulations, multiple user support
and use of catalogs are achieved is classified as
A. multiple-schema architecture
B. single-schema architecture
C. two-schema architecture
D. three-schema architecture
Answer: B

Process of converting requests into results between three-schema architecture internal, external
and conceptual levels is called
A. mapping
B. pitching
C. transforming
D. dependence
Answer: B

Database management architecture in which there is middle level between database server and
client server is classified as
A. three-tier architecture
B. two-tier architecture
C. single-tier architecture
D. three way DBMS module
Answer: B

Database system which supports majority of concurrent users is classified as

A. multiuser system
B. multi-function system
C. multi transaction system
D. client and disk server system
Answer: B

Objects in DBMS belongs to same structure and behaves in same way are considered as
A. same class objects
B. different structure objects
C. behavioral structure objects
D. classical structure objects
Answer: B
The methodology to conduct a --------- is remarkably similar to the problem-solving method
A. Risk analysis
B. Feasibility study
C. Financial analysis
D. None of the above
Answer: B

A Gantt chart indicates:

A. elapsed time of different activities on project.
B. activities occurring in parallel.
C. the sequence of activities.
D. overall elapsed time on project.
Answer: B

Gantt chart are used for ________

A. forecasting sales
B. production schedule
C. scheduling and routing
D. linear programming
Answer: B

Which of the following is not a main element of the project management process?
A. Schedule.
B. Plan.
C. Estimation.
D. Systems design.
Answer: B

Which of the following functions of the project manager is the most difficult and important function?
A. planning
B. organizing
C. directing
D. controlling
Answer: B

With respect to PERT and CPM, slack

A. is a task or subproject that must be completed.
B. is the latest time an activity can be started without delaying the entire project.
C. is the amount of time a task may be delayed without changing the overall project completion
D. marks the start or completion of a task.
Answer: B

Which of the following is especially useful for monitoring project progress against plan?
A. Network diagrams.
B. Capacity loading graphs.
C. Gantt charts.
D. Flow diagrams.
Answer: B

Which of the following is not a reason to reduce project completion time?

A. Eliminate project critical path.
B. Release resources for other projects.
C. Reduce new product development time to market.
D. Gain incentives for early completion.
Answer: B

PERT analysis is based on
A. optimistic time
B. pessimistic time
C. most likely time
D. all of the above
Answer: B

In PERT chart
A. all activities should be numbered
B. only important activities should be numbered
C. only critical activities are numbered
D. no activity is numbered
Answer: B

To identify the financial benefits and costs associated with the development project is the
purpose of:
A. economic feasibility
B. technical feasibility
C. operational feasibility
D. schedule feasibility
Answer: B

Which of the following is a basic assumption of PERT?

A. No activity in the network must be repeated.
B. Activity completion times are known with certainty.
C. There is only one complete route from the start of a project to the end of a project.
D. Only critical path activities in the network must be performed.
Answer: B

PERT analysis computes the variance of the total project completion time as
A. the sum of the variances of all activities in the project.
B. the sum of the variances of all activities on the critical path.
C. the sum of the variances of all activities not on the critical path.
D. the variance of the final activity of the project.
Answer: B

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