Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities Application Guide
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities Application Guide
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities Application Guide
Application Guide
Nova Scotia Nominee Program
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Thank you for choosing Nova Scotia
Read this guide carefully to find out how you can apply to the Nova
Scotia Nominee Program (NSNP) through the Nova Scotia Labour Market
Priorities stream.
This stream aims to fill the needs of our changing labour market. Therefore,
what we are looking for in applicants changes as the needs of our labour
market change. You must meet the needs of the current labour market at
the time of your application. These are posted on the Nova Scotia Office of
Immigration (NSOI) website.
Before you can apply to this stream, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship
Canada (IRCC) must accept you into their Express Entry intake system. We
send letters of interest to Express Entry applicants who meet our province’s
current priorities. You must have such a letter of interest BEFORE you can
apply to this stream.
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Is the Nova Scotia Labour Market
Priorities stream right for you?
This stream is only for people who meet specific labour market needs as
set out on our website. Applicants must also have a Letter of Interest from
us (NSOI) AND be registered in IRCC’s Express Entry online system. Read
the following 2 columns carefully to see if this stream is right for you.
The Nova Scotia Labour Market Do NOT apply to the Nova Scotia
Priorities stream may be right Labour Market Priorities stream if
for you IF you meet ALL of the even ONE of the statements below
criteria listed below applies to you
• You have a valid Express Entry • You are currently living in a country in
profile number. which you are NOT legally allowed to
• You stated in your Express Entry live.
profile that you are interested in • You have received a nomination
moving to Nova Scotia. through the NSNP within the last
• You received a Letter of Interest 12 months.
from us (NSOI). • You have applied to immigrate
• You meet the criteria in place at to Canada on compassionate or
the time you received the Letter humanitarian grounds or to claim
of Interest. refugee status.
• You meet the work experience • You have applied for refugee status in
requirements for the Express Canada and been refused.
Entry stream for which you have • You have received a removal order
qualified. from IRCC or the Canada Border
• During your work experience, Services Agency (CBSA)
you did at least 51% of the main
duties set out in the National
Occupational Classification
(NOC) for your job.
• You have proof of your
immigration status in the country
where you are currently living.
• You can show that you will be able
to support yourself and your family.
• You intend to live in Nova Scotia.
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What you need to know
BEFORE you apply
You must pay all the required Government of Canada immigration fees
when you submit your file to IRCC. For current fees, see the fee list on the
IRCC website.
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There is no application fee for the NSNP, but there may be costs related to
your application. For example,
• translation costs if your required documents are in neither English
nor French
• fees charged by a representative should you choose to hire one
• fees for English or French language testing if this is required
Unpaid representatives
As the name suggests, unpaid representatives do NOT charge for their
services. Your representative could be a family member, a friend, or
someone else.
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Paid representatives
Paid representatives charge a fee for their services. If you are using a
paid immigration representative, they must be authorized. Authorized
representatives must be one of the following:
• An immigration consultant who is a member in good standing with
the Immigration Consultants of Canada Regulatory Council (ICCRC).
Visit the ICCRC website.
• A lawyer or paralegal who is a member in good standing of a
Canadian law society, barristers’ society, or barreau, or a law
student under the supervision of a recognized lawyer. Visit the
Federation of Law Societies of Canada website for links to law
societies across Canada.
• A notary public who is a member in good standing of the Chambre
des notaires du Québec or a law student under their supervision.
Visit the Chambre website.
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Responsibilities of NSOI Responsibilities of IRCC
• assess nominee • assess work permits
applications (if applicable)
• issue letters of support • assess permanent
for work permits resident applications
(if applicable) • issue permits and visas
• issue nomination
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We may withdraw your nomination
We may withdraw your nomination at any time before you receive a
permanent resident visa and before you arrive in Canada for any of these
• You no longer meet the eligibility requirements for the Nova Scotia
Labour Market Priorities stream.
• The Government of Canada has advised us that some information
in your application for permanent residency is false.
• IRCC finds that you, your spouse or common-law partner, or
someone immigrating with you is not allowed to immigrate to
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Gather the documents you need
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities • Nova Scotia Nominee Program (1 December 2020) 10
Documents related to your application to the
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities stream
• a copy of the Letter of Interest we sent you
• documents showing that you meet the criteria for the draw you
have been invited to apply to. These documents change depending
on the draw. They are posted on our website.
Note: When we need to fill a specific need in our labour market, we create
a “draw.” Draws are issued for specific dates and for specific categories of
workers or professionals.
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Documents about you and your family
You, and everyone immigrating with you, must have a valid passport. The
expiry date of all passports should be at least 2 years from the date of your
application. Do NOT include the original passports in your application.
Instead, include copies of pages that show these things:
• the passport number
• the date of issue and expiry
• the photo of the passport holder
• the name of the passport holder as well as their date and place of
• any changes to the passport holder’s name, date of birth, or other
identifying information
• any changes to the passport’s expiry date
• any visas or visits to Canada
Important! If you are in Canada on a work permit, your work permit must be
valid when you submit your application.
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Documents related to your move to Nova Scotia
You may provide one or both of the following:
• banking statements from the past 3 months showing all account
balances and transaction history
• statements from your investment portfolio showing fixed deposits
and the terms for withdrawing funds before the investment matures
This may include transferable funds in your name or your spouse’s name.
Important! Do NOT include real estate or personal items such as jewelry,
furniture, and vehicles.
You can find the requirements regarding the settlement funds for your
family size, and the form in which funds will be accepted on IRCC’s
These requirements may be reduced if you are already living in Nova Scotia
or have arranged employment. In all cases, you must provide proof of your
financial resources in your own name. Officers assess this reduction on a
case-by-case basis.
We will refuse your application if it appears likely that your family income
will be below Statistics Canada’s Low Income Cut-Off (LICO). We calculate
the LICO requirement based on your family size whether they are coming to
Canada with you or not. Your family income includes these things:
• the income you will earn in Nova Scotia
• your spouse’s income even if they are not coming to Nova Scotia
with you
To find out if your income will be above or below LICO, compare your family
income to the minimum incomes listed in Table 1 of the Federal Income
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The application process
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If we decide to refuse your application
We will refuse your application if you do NOT meet the criteria for the
Nova Scotia Labour Market Priorities stream. We will NOT refuse you
right away. Instead, we will email you or your representative a letter
explaining our concerns or requesting further information. You have
10 business days to submit new information for us to consider. After
10 business days we will re-assess your application, including the new
information. We will then make our final decision and email it to you or
your representative.
We may extend this 10-day time limit in rare circumstances if you
request it. For example, we may extend it if you were in hospital or had
a death in the family.
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7. Tell us when you become a permanent resident
Contact us within 30 days of your arrival in Nova Scotia. Send us these
• a copy of the Confirmation of Permanent Residence
• a copy of your passport
• your Nova Scotia contact information including
- your current address
- your phone number
- your email address
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Document checklist
Check your documents against the list below. Be sure that you have all
the documents we have requested in this guide. We may ask you for more
information if we need it.
NSNP Forms
Work Experience
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Settlement Funds
Immigration Status
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