4th Quarter HEALTH ULAS Week 2
4th Quarter HEALTH ULAS Week 2
4th Quarter HEALTH ULAS Week 2
Third Quarter- Week 2
Learning Activity Sheets (LAS)
Lerma S. Estobo
Union National High School
SDO – Siargao
Jhondel P. Baranggan
Union National High School
Terdie B. Espaldon
Consolacion National High Schoo
Health 10 Quarter 4 – Week 2
Discusses the components and steps in making a personal health career plan (H10PC-
Learning Objectives:
Explains the factors and process in making a personal health career plan.
Key Concepts
(Physical Education & Health 10 TG 243-275/LM, 301-330)
The career planning process has its components: (1) Self-Assessment (2) Career
Exploration, (3) Career Identification, (4) Decision Making and (5) Action Plan. If
you're driven, you can easily go through these steps on your own. You also have the
option of working with a career development counselor who will help facilitate the career
planning process. Whether you go at it on your own or work with a career development
professional, the thought and energy you put into the process will determine how
successful you are.
4. Likes and Dislikes, Needs and Wants. Changes is constant. Everybody changes,
as do our likes and dislikes. Something we loved doing two years ago may now give
us displeasure. Always take time to reflect on the things in your life- not just your
job- that you feel most strongly about. Make a list of your likes and dislikes, needs
and wants. Reflect on your current path and career path. If your job and career fall
under “LIKE” you know that you are still on the right path. Take time to
understand the motives that drive your sense of successful and happiness.
5. Plan your career annually. Schedule a break every year or often if you feel the
career change. Block out all distractions so you have time to focus on your career.
6. Look for transferable skills. Sometimes you’ll get so wrapped up in job titles that
you don’t see any other career possible. This is not good. You should have certain
set of skills. Categorized yourself in terms of these skills sets that become too
focused just on job titles. A job seeker trying to accomplish career planning found
herself stuck because she identified herself as reporter. But right after she looked
at her skills, she saw that she has transferable skills such as writing, editing,
researching and investigating. These skills could be applied to a variety of jobs in
many different careers.
7. Research further career job opportunities. Picturing yourself in the future is an
effective way to plan your career. Where will you be in a year? In five years? There
are key components to develop multiple scenarios. Do not be afraid to look beyond
to other possible careers.
8. Set Career and Job Goals. After developing a road map for your job and career
success, ask yourself this question. Can you be successful in your career without
setting goals? Yes. Truth is, you can even be more successful if you set your goals.
9. Never Stop Learning. Information always lead to power and success. Don’t miss
chances to learn and grow as a person and as a worker. You should go beyond
passive acceptance of training opportunities to finding new ones that will help
enhance or further your career.
10. Review Career and Job Trends. Even if your career is sinking, make sure you
have excellent skills and you should know how to market yourself. With this you
can find a new job. Having information about career trends is vital to long-term
career planning success.
2. Prioritize. It's not enough to list options. You have to prioritize. What are your top
skills? What interests you the most? What's most important to you? Whether it's
intellectually challenging work, family-friendly benefits, the right location or a big
paycheck, it helps to know what matters to you -- and what's a deal-breaker. We
provide skills and values assessments -- set up an appointment with a Career
Advisor to take advantage of this service.
4. Consider Other Factors. You should consider factors beyond personal
preferences. What is the current demand for this field? If the demand is low or
entry is difficult, are you comfortable with risk? What qualifications are required to
enter the field? Will it require additional education or training? How will selecting
this option affect you and others in your life? Gather advice from friends,
colleagues, and family members. Consider potential outcomes and barriers for each
of your final options.
5. Make a Choice. Choose the career paths that are best for you. How many paths
you choose depends upon your situation and comfort level. If you’re early in your
planning, then identifying multiple options may be best. You may want several
paths to increase the number of potential opportunities. Conversely, narrowing to
one or two options may better focus your job search or graduate school
6. Set "SMART" Goals. Now that you’ve identified your career options, develop an
action plan to implement this decision. Identify specific, time-bound goals and
steps to accomplish your plan. Set short-term goals (to be achieved in one year or
less) and long-term goals (to be achieved in one to five years).
Specific -- Identify your goal clearly and specifically.
Measureable -- Include clear criteria to determine progress and
Attainable -- The goal should have a 50 percent or greater chance of
Relevant -- The goal is important and relevant to you.
Time bound -- Commit to a specific timeframe.
7. Create Your Career Action Plan. It’s important to be realistic about expectations
and timelines. Write down specific action steps to take to achieve your goals and
help yourself stay organized. Check them off as you complete them, but feel free to
amend your career action plan as needed. Your goals and priorities may change,
and that's perfectly okay.
8. Meet with a Career Advisor. Our advisors are here to help you make effective
career decisions. Make an appointment on Handshake to talk about your career
options and concerns.
Activity 1. Bio-Poem!
What to do:
1. Imagine your future in your favorite occupation or dream job
2. Make a bio poem on it.
3. Just follow the format given below to make a bio poem.
Stanza 1
Line 1 – Write your first name
Line 2 – Write your favorite occupation/dream job
Line 3 – Who can [Write something important you will do in this occupation]
Line 4 – Who earns [Write the median salary for this occupation]
Line 5 – Who knows how to [Write knowledge necessary for this occupation]
Line 6 – Who values [Write the work value(s) related to the occupation]
Line 7 – Write your last name
A teacher
Who can teach and love children
Who earns 10,000 a month
Who knows variety of skills and has ability to remain calm in a stressful situation
Who values a good workplace, dignity, truthfulness, responsibility and freedom.
Stanza 2
Write your own process on how to reach your favorite occupation or dream job. Include
self-assessment, career identification, decision making and action plan and steps you
follow to achieve your goal (5-7 lines)
What to do:
1. Make your own Career/Future Plan.
2. Follow the format on the sample given below.
Answer Key:
Dr. Debbie Marie B. Versoza, Paolo Luis Apolinario, Regina M. Tresvalles, Francis Nelson
M. Infante, Jose Lorenzo M. Sin, Len Patrick Dominic M. Garces. Health 10 Learner's
Material. Pasig City: Department of Education, 2016.
Jones, K., Shainberg, L., & Byer, C. Health Initiatives in Global (2nd ed.). San Francisco:
Canfield Press, 1975.