Aerodynamic Tunnel, 300 X 300 MM: Engineering and Technical Teaching Equipment
Aerodynamic Tunnel, 300 X 300 MM: Engineering and Technical Teaching Equipment
Aerodynamic Tunnel, 300 X 300 MM: Engineering and Technical Teaching Equipment
Engineering and Technical
Teaching Equipment
ISO 9001: Quality Management (for European Union Certificate Certificates ISO 14001 and ECO- “Worlddidac Quality Charter”
Design, Manufacturing, Commercialization (total safety) Management and Audit Scheme and Platinum Member of
and After-sales service) (environmental management) Worlddidac
Aerodynamics is the part of fluid mechanics that studies the motion of gases and the forces or reactions to which the bodies they interact
with are subjected. Aerodynamics is not only important by itself but also as a complement to aeronautics. According to Mach number, or
relative speed of a movable object with respect to air, these studies are divided into subsonic and supersonic aerodynamics, depending on
whether that number is higher or lower than one.
Knowing the aerodynamics principles is useful for many activities, from the take-off and piloting of an airplane to driving a car or kicking
a ball. Every time we move or throw an object, there are many physical principles acting, but we do not notice them.
A wind tunnel is a place widely used to determine the action of wind on different types of bodies. The model under study remains
motionless, whereas air moves to generate the desired flow.
The Aerodynamic Tunnel, 300 x 300 mm, “TA300/300“, is a wind tunnel designed to study subsonic aerodynamics in a tunnel in open
circuit and with incompressible subsonic flow. Air is drawn by a variable speed fan located
at the discharge end of the tunnel. Several models and accessories are available, allowing a
comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics.
The unit includes several tunnel sections. In the same order in which the flow crosses them, they
are: lips, haven section, contraction, working area, diffuser and fan.
Lips and a haven section are incorporated at the tunnel inlet to reduce the pressure drop and
the interferences in the flow. An 9.5:1 contraction ratio and a perfectly studied contour curve of
the contraction ensures well developed airflow through the working area.
The working area is located after the contraction. It is a constant section tract, where the
models to be tested are assembled, and the dimensions of the transverse section is bigger than TA300/300 detail
the models. It is made of PMMA to allow to observe the models. This section includes a Pitot static tube in the top side to study the static
pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure.
A diffuser is included at the tunnel outlet to avoid the generation of turbulences, which can generate damages in the current quality at the
working area.
An axial-flow fan, located at the discharge end of the tunnel, provides a more uniform velocity profile at the working area. An electronic
console contains the controller for the axial fan.
There are sixty different appropriate tappings for the pressure takings (along the tunnel and in the different models). The unit includes a
twenty tube water manometer to measure the static pressure.
The models are mounted on a circular hatch, and they are coupled to the working area to seal the opening. They are secured by knobs
on the side wall of the working area.
Bench-top wind tunnel in open circuit and with incompressible subsonic flow.
Anodized aluminum frame and panels made of painted steel.
Main metallic elements made of stainless steel.
Diagram in the front panel with distribution of the elements similar to the real one.
Inlet section with lips, a haven section and a 9.5:1 contraction ratio.
Transparent working area of 300 x 300 mm and length of 600 mm to assemble and test the different models.
The working area includes a Pitot static tube mounted in the top side.
Outlet section with diffuser that allows to avoid the generation of turbulences, which can generate damages the current quality in the
working area.
Variable speed axial-flow fan:
Air velocity in the working area: 0 – 34 m/s.
Power: 1.5 kW.
An electronic console contains the controller for the axial fan.
Sixty different pressure tappings (along the tunnel and in the models).
Water multi-manometer:
Anodized aluminum structure.
30º inclination approx.
Twenty manometric tubes. Tubes inner diameter: 8 mm, to avoid bubbles.
Water tank for filling.
Drain valve.
Millimeter precision rules.
Several models and accessories are available, allowing a comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics. All these models include several
pressure tappings.
Manuals: This unit is supplied with the following manuals: Required Services, Assembly and Installation, Starting-up, Safety, Maintenance
& Practices Manuals.
Additional recommended
Additional recommended elements: (Not included) elements
- TA1/300. Sphere Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA2/300. Drag Model of Hemisphere Convex to Airflow (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA3/300. Circular Plate Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA4/300. Ring Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA5/300. Square Plate Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA6/300. Cylinder Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA7/300. Streamlined Shape Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA8/300. Paraboloid Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR). TA300/F16. F-16 Airplane
- TA9/300. Drag Model of Hemisphere Concave to Airflow (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA10/300. Wing with Flaps Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA11/300. Flag Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA12/300. Wing Model with NACA 0015 Profile (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA13/300. Wing Model with NACA 54118 Profile (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA14/300. Wing Model with NACA 4415 Profile (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA15/300. Dimpled Sphere Drag Model (requires the model TA300/300-TAR).
- TA16/300. Set for Alternative Models Projects.
- TA17/300. Pitot Tube.
- TA18/300. Wake Survey Rake.
- TA19/300. Pressure Distribution in a Wing Model with NACA 0015 Profile.
- TA20/300. Pressure Distribution in a Wing Model with NACA 54118 Profile. TA1/300. Sphere Drag Model
- TA21/300. Pressure Distribution in a Wing Model with NACA 4415 Profile.
- TA22/300. Pressure Distribution in a Cylinder.
- TA23/300. Bernoulli Apparatus Model (requires the model TA17/300).
- TA24/300. Spring-mounted Wing Model.
- TA25/300. Car Model.
- TA26/300. Prandtl Tube.
- TA300/A320. AIRBUS A-320 Airplane Model.
- TA300/A380. AIRBUS A-380 Airplane Model.
- TA300/B737. BOING 737 Airplane Model.
APIV. Accessory for Particle
- TA300/BBA36. BEECH BONANZA A-36 Airplane Model. Image Velocimetry (PIV)
- TA300/BBV35. BEECH BONANZA V-35 Airplane Model.
- TA300/F16. F-16 Airplane Model.
- TA300/MP. Accesory for Models Positioning (requires at least an airplane model).
- TA300/300-TAR. Force Measurement Console and Sensors, range: 0- 2.5 kg (requires at least
one resistance model).
- TA300/300-BLE. Model to Study the Boundary Layer in a Flat Plate (requires the model
- TA300/300-SGI. Smoke Generator.
- TA300/MB. Manometers Board. 24 Manometric Tubes of 250 mm length.
- TA300/SC. Storage Cabinet.
- TA300/YP. Yaw Probe.
- APIV. Accessory for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV).
Additional recommended element: (Not included)
TA1/300. Sphere Drag Model TA2/300. Drag Model of TA3/300. Circular Plate TA5/300. Square Plate
Hemisphere Convex to Airflow Drag Model Drag Model
TA6/300. Cylinder Drag Model TA7/300. Streamlined TA9/300. Drag Model of TA10/300. Wing with
Shape Drag Model Hemisphere Concave to Airflow Flaps Drag Model
TA12/300. Wing Model TA13/300. Wing Model TA15/300. Dimpled Sphere TA17/300. Pitot Tube
with NACA 0015 Profile with NACA 54118 Profile Drag Model
TA18/300. Wake Survey Rake TA23/300. Bernoulli TA24/300. Spring-mounted TA25/300. Car Model
Apparatus Model Wing Model
1.- Comprehensive study of subsonic aerodynamics and airflow 10.-Measurement of drag forces and lift forces in different models:
- Sphere Drag Model (TA1/300).
2.- Study of flow visualization.
- Drag Model of Hemisphere Convex to Airflow (TA2/300).
3.- Study of static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure
- Circular Plate Drag Model (TA3/300).
using a Pitot’ tube.
- Ring Drag Model (TA4/300).
4.- Study of velocity measurement using a Pitot tube.
- Square Plate Drag Model (TA5/300).
5.- Flux in a nozzle: Determination of the characteristics of the
pressures field in a nozzle. - Cylinder Drag Model (TA6/300).
6.- Flux in a nozzle: Observation of the local characteristics, - Streamlined Shape Drag Model (TA7/300).
depending on whether the walls have a curvature or not, as well
as what happens at the inlet and outlet areas of the contraction. - Paraboloid Drag Model (TA8/300).
Additional practical possibilities to be done with the additional - Flag Drag Model (TA11/300).
recommended elements: (Not included) - Wing Model with NACA 0015 Profile (TA12/300).
8.- Display of flows around different drag models: - Wing Model with NACA 54118 Profile (TA13/300).
- Sphere Drag Model (TA1/300). - Wing Model with NACA 4415 Profile (TA14/300).
- Drag Model of Hemisphere Convex to Airflow (TA2/300). - Dimpled Sphere Drag Model (TA15/300).
- Circular Plate Drag Model (TA3/300). 11.-Study of pressure and flow distribution around a model:
- Ring Drag Model (TA4/300). - Pressure Distribution in a Wing Model with NACA 0015
- Square Plate Drag Model (TA5/300). Profile (TA19/300).
- Cylinder Drag Model (TA6/300). - Pressure Distribution in a Wing Model with NACA 54118
Profile (TA20/300).
- Streamlined Shape Drag Model (TA7/300).
- Pressure Distribution in a Wing Model with NACA 4415
- Paraboloid Drag Model (TA8/300). Profile (TA21/300).
- Drag Model of Hemisphere Concave to Airflow (TA9/300). - Pressure Distribution in a Cylinder (TA22/300).
- Wing with Flaps Drag Model (TA10/300). 12.-Study of effect of changing in Bernoulli Apparatus Model
(TA23/300) the cross section and application of the Bernoulli
- Flag Drag Model (TA11/300).
- Wing Model with NACA 0015 Profile (TA12/300).
13.-Investigation into the influence of models shape in the drag forces
- Wing Model with NACA 54118 Profile (TA13/300). (Force Measurement Console and Sensors, range: 0 – 2.5 kg
(requires at least one resistance model) (TA300/300-TAR)).
- Wing Model with NACA 4415 Profile (TA14/300).
14.-Study of static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure
- Dimpled Sphere Drag Model (TA15/300).
using a Pitot tube (TA17/300).
9.- Determination of the drag coefficient and the lift coefficient in
15.-Study od Boundary Layer in a Flat Plate (TA300/300-BLE).
different models:
16.-Demonstration of flow patterns around different objects with the
- Sphere Drag Model (TA1/300).
Smoke Generator (TA300/300-SG1).
- Drag Model of Hemisphere Convex to Airflow (TA2/300).
17.-Study of static pressure, dynamic pressure and total pressure
- Circular Plate Drag Model (TA3/300). with the Wake Survey Rake (TA18/300).
- Ring Drag Model (TA4/300). 18.-Study of fluter (TA24/300).
- Square Plate Drag Model (TA5/300). 19.-Study of the Accessory for Particle Image Velocimetry (APIV).
- Cylinder Drag Model (TA6/300).
- Streamlined Shape Drag Model (TA7/300).
- Paraboloid Drag Model (TA8/300).
- Drag Model of Hemisphere Concave to Airflow (TA9/300).
- Wing with Flaps Drag Model (TA10/300).
- Flag Drag Model (TA11/300).
- Wing Model with NACA 0015 Profile (TA12/300).
- Wing Model with NACA 54118 Profile (TA13/300).
- Wing Model with NACA 4415 Profile (TA14/300).
- Dimpled Sphere Drag Model (TA15/300).
Instructor Software
Innovative features:
• User Data Base Management.
• Administration and assignment of Workgroup, Task and
Training sessions.
• Creation and Integration of Practical Exercises and Multimedia
• Custom Design of Evaluation Methods.
• Creation and assignment of Formulas & Equations.
• Equation System Solver Engine. ECM-SOF. EDIBON Classroom Manager (Instructor Software)
Application Main Screen
• Updatable Contents.
• Report generation, User Progression Monitoring and Statistics.
ETTE. EDIBON Training Test & Exam Program Package - Main Screen with
Numeric Result Question
Student Software
Innovative features:
• Student Log-In & Self-Registration.
• Existing Tasks checking & Monitoring.
• Default contents & scheduled tasks available to be used from
the first session.
• Practical Exercises accomplishment by following the Manual
provided by EDIBON.
• Evaluation Methods to prove your knowledge and progression.
ESL-SOF. EDIBON Student LabSoft (Student Software)
• Test self-correction. Application Main Screen
• Calculations computing and plotting.
• Equation System Solver Engine.
• User Monitoring Learning & Printable Reports.
• Multimedia-Supported auxiliary resources.
For more information see ICAI catalogue. Click on the following link:
ERS. EDIBON Results & Statistics Program Package - Question Explanation ECAL. EDIBON Calculations Program Package Main Screen
* Specifications subject to change without previous notice, due to the convenience of improvement of the product.
Edition: ED01/20
Date: July/2020