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Grammar Book Key

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Grammar Book Exercises

Il presente Unit 3 – Usi particolari di be

Unit 1 – Be; there is, there are Ex 1
Ex 1 1 b 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a 6 b 7 a 8 b 9 b 10 a
11 a 12 b
1 is/’s 2 are/’re 3 are/’re 4 are/’re 5 am/’m
6 is/’s 7 is/’s Ex 2
Ex 2 1 He isn’t afraid 2 They’re right. 3 They are hungry
4 It isn’t cold. 5 It’s hot.
1 aren’t – are/’re 2 isn’t – is/’s 3 isn’t – is/’s
4 isn’t – is/’s 5 aren’t – are/’re Ex 3
Ex 3 1 is – ’re – ’s 2 ’s – ’s 3 are – ’m 4 ’m – ’s
5 are – are 6 ’s – Is 7 ’m – ’s 8 ’re – ’s
1 Is Peter married? 2 Are you tired? 3 How old is
Julie? 4 Am I wrong? 5 Is the bank open? 6 Is it Ex 4
late? 7 Are we in room 6? 8 Why are you angry? 1 he isn’t well 2 it’s cold 3 he’s thirsty 4 he isn’t
9 Where are they? 10 Is there a toilet? 11 Is Beth thirsty 5 Is he hungry 6 he’s sleepy 7 She’s a vet.
nice? 12 Are there any eggs? Ex 5
Ex 4 1 I’m in a hurry. I’m late for school. 2 A: How are
1 Where are you from? We are/’re Australian. 2 Are you? B: I’m fine/well, thank you. 3 A: How much is
you from Sydney? No, we aren’t. We are/’re from this CD? B: It’s 30 euros. 4 A: I’m thirsty. B: There’s
Melbourne. 3 Is Melbourne a big city? It is/’s quite a bottle of cola in the fridge. 5 A: How old is your
big. 4 Are you on holiday here? Yes, we are. 5 What car? B: It’s ten years old.
are your names? I am/’m Joe and he is/’s Bill. 6 Are
you students? No, we aren’t. Unit 4 – Present continuous (azione in corso,
periodo circoscritto)
Ex 5
1 There aren’t 2 There isn’t 3 There is/’s 4 There Ex 1
are 5 There aren’t 6 There isn’t 1 is talking 2 is doing 3 are watching 4 is using
5 ’m waiting – are staying 6 is stopping
Unit 2 – Have got Ex 2
Ex 1 1 isn’t cooking – ’s looking 2 isn’t reading – ’s
1 have got/’ve got 2 have got 3 have got/’ve got phoning 3 ’m not watching – ’m listening 4 isn’t
4 has got/’s got 5 have got/’ve got 6 have got running – ’s lying
7 has got/’s got 8 have got Ex 3
Ex 2 1 is the killer doing 2 ’s following 3 are they going
1 hasn’t got 2 haven’t got 3 hasn’t got 4 haven’t 4 ’re driving 5 is Martin doing 6 ’s getting 7 Is
got 5 hasn’t got 6 hasn’t got 7 hasn’t got the murderer getting 8 isn’t 9 ’s waiting 10 ’s
8 haven’t got 9 hasn’t got watching
Ex 3 Ex 4
1 Has she got green eyes? No, she hasn’t. 2 Has 1 ’re enjoying 2 ’m learning 3 ’m sitting 4 ’m
she got a brother? Yes, she has. 3 Has her brother waiting 5 ’re doing 6 Is Jill doing 7 isn’t 8 ’s
got a black Volvo? No, he hasn’t. 4 Have her parents writing
got a shop in the centre? Yes, they have. 5 Have her
parents got a Mercedes? No, they haven’t. 6 Have Unit 5 – Esercizi di riepilogo (1-4)
you got a photo of her? No, I haven’t. Ex 1
Ex 4 1 There is 2 there is 3 There is 4 there are
1 has got/’s got 2 hasn’t got – has got/’s got 3 has 5 there are 6 There is 7 Is there
got/’s got 4 hasn’t got – hasn’t got – has got/’s got Ex 2
5 has got/’s got 6 has got/’s got – hasn’t got 1 there is 2 are 3 ’m not 4 is Holton Street
Ex 5 5 isn’t 6 ’s 7 are my black jeans 8 ’re 9 aren’t
1 hasn’t got 2 have got 3 hasn’t got 4 has got/’s 10 ’s 11 Are you 12 ’m not 13 ’m 14 are you
got 5 have got/’ve got 15 ’m 16 ’s

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Ex 3 Ex 2
1 Are you thirsty? 2 How old is Steve? 3 How much 1 Do your parents work? Yes, they do. 2 Where do
is this? 4 What’s his job? 5 I’m cold. 6 I’m sleepy. you go to school? 3 What do you do in your free
Ex 4 time? 4 What type of music do you listen to? 5 Do
1 haven’t 2 ’ve got 3 has it got 4 ’s got you like rap music? Yes, I do. 6 Do you ever go to
5 camera 6 Has it got 7 No, it hasn’t 8 Has it got concerts? No, I don’t. 7 Do you have a boyfriend?
9 Yes, it has 10 ’ve got 11 haven’t got 12 ’ve got Yes, I do. 8 What does he do?
Ex 5 Ex 3
1 I’m not doing anything. 2 I’m waiting for Nick. 1 do the other people in your family get up? 2 do
3 Is he working? 4 he’s playing basketball. 5 His you eat for breakfast? 3 Do you go to work or school
team is/are playing in the finals. 6 They’re playing by car? 4 do you do after work or school? 5 Do you
against Guildford. 7 I’m phoning to invite you and watch the TV in the evening? 6 do you go to bed?
Nick to dinner. 8 Are you going to that cookery Ex 4
course again this year? 9 I’m doing Latin American 1 What does he do on the day before a match?
dancing now 10 I’m not making much progress. 2 Does he play any other sports? 3 What does he
Ex 6 eat before a match? 4 Does he want to play football
1 has got 2 is 3 is 4 has got 5 are building all his life? 5 How does he spend his free time?
6 are 7 are going up 8 are 6 How much does he earn?
Ex 5
Unit 6 – Present simple: forme affermativa 1 do you write text messages to? 2 do you make
e negativa this cake with? 3 do you come from? 4 do you use
Ex 1 this tool for? 5 do you go to school with? 6 do you
1 live 2 works 3 teaches 4 does 5 plays 6 go work for?
7 go
Unit 8 – Have; usi particolari di have
Ex 2
Ex 1
1 goes 2 flies 3 stays 4 likes 5 spends 6 sees
– takes 7 plays 8 scores 9 washes 10 watches 1 have 2 have – have 3 have 4 has 5 have
Le frasi in cui have non significa avere sono: 2, 3, 5
Ex 3
1 Mr Rye doesn’t work. He reads all day. 2 The Ex 2
boys don’t go to school. They study at home. 3 Mrs 1 doesn’t have – has 2 don’t have – have
Rye doesn’t cook. Her husband cooks. 4 They don’t 3 doesn’t have – has 4 doesn’t have – has 5 don’t
watch the TV. They play cards. 5 Mr Rye doesn’t eat have – have
meat. He only eats fish. 6 The boys don’t do a sport. Ex 3
They hate all sports. 1 Do your parents have a holiday 2 Does your
Ex 4 mother have 3 Do you have 4 Does your father
1 Sue doesn’t always wear jeans. 2 I go to have breakfast 5 Do you have wine 6 Does your
gymnastics twice a week. 3 Lily often listens to father have
music. 4 I don’t usually eat fish. 5 Richard chats Ex 4
on the internet every evening. 6 Daisy never goes to 1 Non è possibile 2 We haven’t got a dog. 3 Has
bed early. Janet got a brother? 4 I’ve got a headache. 5 Non
Ex 5 è possibile 6 The hotel hasn’t got a restaurant.
1 has 2 don’t go 3 speak 4 drive 5 doesn’t often 7 Have you got Jane’s address? 8 Non è possibile
rain 6 doesn’t fly 7 build 8 don’t walk 9 sleeps Ex 5
1 Do you have a rest after lunch? 2 Does Sally have
Unit 7 – Present simple: forma interrogativa guitar lessons? 3 When do you have a holiday in
e risposte brevi the summer? 4 Do you have a sandwich for lunch?
Ex 1 5 At work I don’t have a break in the morning.
1 Do – do 2 Do – do 3 Does – doesn’t 4 Does 6 Tony has blue eyes. 7 I have tea for breakfast.
– does 5 Do – do 6 Do – don’t

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Grammar Book Exercises

Unit 9 – Esercizi di riepilogo (6-8) Ex 4

Ex 1 1 A: What are you doing? B: I’m writing an email to
1 do I get 2 do I catch 3 Does the 52 bus stop Janet. 2 A: It’s snowing. B: Are you joking?
4 Does the British Gallery stay 5 does the ticket cost 3 A: Do you play tennis? B: I don’t like tennis.
6 Do the guides speak 4 A: I don’t understand this exercise. B: Which one
are you doing? 5 It often snows here in (the) winter.
Ex 2 6 I always get up at half past seven. 7 A: What are
1 goes 2 leaves 3 stops 4 it doesn’t – closes you drinking? B: Tea. Do you want some?
5 costs 6 they don’t – speak
Ex 3 Unit 11 – Imperativo
1 doesn’t get 2 don’t have 3 doesn’t stop 4 don’t Ex 1
go 5 doesn’t drive – doesn’t want 1 Don’t forget 2 Don’t eat 3 Turn 4 Make 5 Tidy
Ex 4 6 Don’t stay 7 Go
1 She sometimes eats out. 2 She doesn’t often eat Ex 2
pizza. 3 She watches the TV every day. 4 She often 1 Wash 2 Don’t park 3 Brush 4 Buy 5 Don’t use
goes to the cinema. 5 She doesn’t often play cards. 6 Read
Ex 5 Ex 3
1 go 2 Does it cost much? 3 doesn’t cost 4 Do 1 let’s not take 2 Let’s organise 3 let’s not cook
you go every day? 5 go 6 What do you do there? 4 Let’s order 5 Let’s invite 6 let’s have 7 let’s not
7 do 8 does 9 use 10 don’t use finish 8 Let’s start
Ex 6 Ex 4
1 do they have 2 has 3 have 4 often eat 5 don’t 1 Don’t bring 2 wear 3 Tell 4 catch 5 get off
usually eat 6 prefer 7 go 8 tells 9 usually open 6 Walk
10 don’t close 11 stay 12 stay 13 don’t stay
Ex 5
14 do the shops close 15 have
1 Buy 2 Sit down 3 Don’t do – do 4 Go – turn
Ex 7 5 Let’s watch 6 Let’s go 7 Open 8 Let’s not open
1 A: What time do you usually get up? B: I get up at
seven (o’clock). 2 A: Where does Clare live? B: She Unit 12 – Esercizi di riepilogo (4-11)
lives near the centre. 3 I don’t like cheese. I never Ex 1
eat it. 4 Silvia doesn’t work for an English company. 1 A: Do you usually watch the TV a lot? B: No, I don’t
She works for an American company. 5 It doesn’t watch it much. 2 A: Do you like sport? B: I don’t do
snow here in the winter but it’s cold. 6 We usually go any sports. 3 A: Is it raining there at the moment?
to the sea in the summer but I prefer the mountains. B: It isn’t raining 4 A: Does Sarah speak Italian very
7 We always have dinner at eight (o’clock). 8 Do you well? B: No, she doesn’t speak it very well 5 A: Is
usually have a shower or a bath? she sleeping? B: No, she isn’t sleeping.
Unit 10 – Contrasto (1): present simple/present Ex 2
continuous; verbi di stato 1 Don’t drink 2 Drink 3 Don’t go 4 Stay 5 wear
Ex 1 6 Don’t wear 7 don’t stay 8 use
1 works 2 are you eating 3 is examining 4 goes Ex 3
5 speak 6 is dying – needs 7 are you reading 1 Do you have 2 is having 3 is having 4 have
Ex 2 – don’t have
1 works – is doing 2 helps – is helping 3 sleeps Ex 4
– is preparing 4 go – are waiting 5 wears – is 1 ride 2 keep 3 are entering 4 are driving
wearing 5 goes 6 are coming 7 lives 8 goes 9 are
Ex 3 changing 10 change
1 are you looking for – need 2 seem – don’t Ex 5
understand 3 are you wearing – have 4 Do you 1 ’m playing 2 switch 3 Do 4 have 5 know
recognize – Do you mean 6 always gives 7 doesn’t give 8 don’t want
Verbi da sottolineare: need, seem, not understand, 9 want 10 ’s raining 11 Do
have, recognize, mean

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Ex 6 Unit 15 – Contrasto (2): present simple/present

1 Give me that pen, please. This pen doesn’t write. continuous; verbi di stato
2 Look. It’s snowing. 3 Do you like my jeans? They’re Ex 1
new. 4 Don’t shout. I’m listening to the news. 1 ’s teaching 2 are learning 3 jog 4 ’s raining
5 A: What are you doing? B: I’m reading Harry Potter. 5 speak 6 are learning 7 is giving 8 leaves
6 A: It’s raining. B: The children are playing in the
garden. Call them. 7 A: Where do you work? Ex 2
B: I work for an American company. 8 A: Let’s go to 1 flows 2 don’t often take 3 is doing 4 offers
the cinema. B: Good idea. Let’s invite Dave. 5 is falling 6 is staying – are coming 7 starts – ’m
meeting 8 stay
Unit 13 – Present simple: altri usi Ex 3
Ex 1 1 have 2 are you looking 3 Do you think 4 ’s
1 save 2 wins 3 visits 4 sails 5 cause having 5 Are you seeing 6 ’m thinking 7 Do you
6 crashes see
Ex 2 Ex 4
1 lands 2 do I get 3 don’t want 4 leaves 5 pass 1 does your father do 2 do you want 3 do you
6 don’t need 7 does the first coach to Cardiff leave need 4 does your train leave 5 ’m using 6 don’t
8 arrives remember
Ex 3
Unit 16 – Esercizi di riepilogo (13-15)
1 goes 2 asks 3 says 4 replies 5 says 6 comes
7 tells 8 thanks 9 orders 10 shouts 11 answers Ex 1
12 laughs 13 don’t think 14 don’t have 1 don’t recognize 2 collect 3 specialize 4 is
15 pauses 16 replies 17 walks 18 sits 19 asks getting 5 mean 6 mean 7 use 8 is emerging
20 Does your dog bite 21 says 22 bites 23 cries 9 are taking
24 answers Ex 2
Ex 4 1 What do you collect? 2 Do you have an
1 digest 2 pumps 3 creates 4 creates 5 expell MP3 player? 3 Do you have a camera phone? 4 Do
you keep a blog page?
Unit 14 – Present continuous: altri usi Ex 3
Ex 1 1 provides 2 Follow 3 leave 4 go 5 takes
1 are becoming 2 is talking 3 is turning into 4 are 6 costs
getting 5 is nearing 6 is losing 7 is putting on Ex 4
8 is getting 1 are looking 2 offers 3 doesn’t have 4 goes
Ex 2 5 costs 6 get
1 You aren’t studying. 2 I’m chatting to my friends Ex 5
on the internet. 3 You are always chatting on the 1 employs 2 visit 3 is now carrying out 4 is falling
internet. 4 he is always chatting on the phone too. 5 has 6 prefer 7 offers
5 Where are you going? 6 I’m going to get ready.
7 I’m meeting Steve at half past nine. 8 We’re going Ex 6
out for a pizza. 9 You are always spending money. 1 transmit 2 transmits 3 means 4 reaches
5 need 6 burn 7 sends 8 react 9 remove
Ex 3 10 transmits 11 becomes 12 indicates 13 is
1 is finding 2 is working 3 is living 4 are sharing sending
5 is applying
Ex 7
Ex 4 1 Listen 2 know 3 Don’t interrupt 4 Are you
1 are spending 2 aren’t taking 3 are taking 4 is listening 5 says 6 replies 7 Don’t worry 8 Do
falling 5 are using 6 are closing 9 Close
Ex 8
1 ’re playing 2 do you play 3 have 4 has 5 takes
6 puts 7 has 8 is getting 9 don’t understand
10 Don’t worry 11 Watch 12 ’re playing

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 9 Ex 8
1 are changing 2 are beginning 3 shows 4 spend 1 Turn the light on 2 look for 3 Turn the volume
(se è un’abitudine)/spending (se è una tendenza) up 4 Look at 5 Look it up 6 Look after 7 Turn
5 account 6 is growing the lights off
Ex 10
Unit 17 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2)
1 are falling 2 is 3 buy 4 are increasing 5 are
doing 6 are going 7 don’t know 8 are doing Ex 1
1 c 2 a 3 b 4 d
Ex 11
II) exhausting/relaxing III) boring/exciting IV) stressful/
1 am 2 ’m studying 3 ’m not sleeping 4 is it 5 is
stress-free V) unhealthy/healthy
it 6 hate 7 ’m finding 8 don’t remember 9 Don’t
worry 10 Has your brother got 11 ’s/is 12 is going Ex 2
13 are staying 14 are leaving 1 is becoming 2 are always going 3 spend 4 want
5 stress-free 6 don’t want 7 sedentary 8 healthy
Ex 12
9 ’m looking
1 A: What time does the show start tomorrow? B: It
starts at eight thirty. 2 A: What are you looking for? Ex 3
What do you need? B: I need a plaster. 3 Sean is 1 high-rise building 2 industrial estate 3 business
studying economics at university. He hopes to find/he park 4 e-commerce 5 supershop 6 shopping
will find a good job afterwards. 4 A: What are you centre 7 3D film 8 giant screen cinemas
cooking? B: Spaghetti. Do you like pasta? 5 I’m 9 interactive museum
fed up with Anne. She is always borrowing my things Ex 4
without asking. 6 The newspapers say/are saying the 1 shop 2 are opening 3 supershops 4 e-commerce
price of houses is going up/is increasing/is rising. 5 is becoming 6 offer (abitudinalmente)/are offering
(tendenza) 7 home delivery 8 order 9 delivers
Unit 17 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
Ex 5
Ex 1 1 capable of 2 crowded with 3 excited about
1 grandmother 2 mother 3 father 4 aunt 5 uncle 4 different from 5 married to 6 tired of 7 afraid
6 brother 7 sister of 8 worried about 9 shocked by/at 10 keen on
Ex 2 11 hopeless at 12 happy with 13 nervous about
1 wife 2 nephew 3 son 4 daughter 5 grandson 14 angry about 15 disappointed with 16 good at
6 granddaughter 7 niece 8 cousin
Ex 3
1 has got 2 brother 3 sister 4 is 5 doesn’t live Il passato
6 lives 7 works 8 father 9 comes 10 speak Unit 19 – Past simple di be
11 grandmother 12 isn’t 13 ’s/is 14 doesn’t
speak 15 tries 16 sees 17 grandparents Ex 1
1 was 2 were 3 was 4 was 5 was – were
Ex 4 6 were – was
1 switch the alarm off 2 get up 3 have a wash
4 brush his hair 5 get dressed 6 leave the house Ex 2
7 catch the bus/train 8 get home 1 wasn’t 2 weren’t 3 wasn’t 4 weren’t 5 weren’t
6 wasn’t
Ex 5
1 clean 2 have 3 do 4/5/6 see/chat to/text 7 go Ex 3
8 play 1 Were you late for the appointment? Yes, I was./Yes,
we were. 2 Was the weather nice? No, it wasn’t.
Ex 6 3 Was I horrible to Sally yesterday? Yes, you were.
1 ’s chatting 2 ’s doing 3 ’s playing 4 ’s washing 4 Were you and Sue in the same class? Yes, we were.
5 ’m cleaning 5 Were the children tired after the trip? Yes, they
Ex 7 were. 6 Were you born in London? No, I wasn’t./No,
1 cercare (cose o persone) 2 prendersi cura we weren’t.
3 cercare (sul dizionario) 4 accendere 5 spegnere Ex 4
6 alzare (il volume) 7 abbassare (il volume) 1 wasn’t full 2 weren’t expensive 3 was terrible

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4 were worried 5 wasn’t interesting 6 weren’t any 3 was your holiday – was – were 4 weren’t – was
eggs 5 was 6 Were there – was
Ex 3
Unit 20 – Past simple: forma affermativa
Across: 1 slept 5 found 6 ate 8 left 10 took
dei verbi regolari e irregolari 11 had
Ex 1 Down: 2 taught 3 did 4 gave 5 felt 7 won 9 fed
1 played 2 watched 3 visited 4 invited
Ex 4
5 repaired 6 waited
1 slept 2 taught 3 won 4 gave 5 did 6 found
Ex 2 – took/gave 7 felt – had 8 ate/had
1 ate 2 went 3 spent 4 saw 5 came 6 had
Ex 5
Ex 3 1 produced 2 became 3 committed 4 was
1 began – stopped 2 wanted – did 3 learnt/learned 5 was 6 was 7 started 8 sent 9 dismissed
– swam 4 had – rode 5 became 10 decided 11 started 12 concentrated
Ex 4 13 painted 14 discovered 15 admired 16 did
1 got 2 was 3 left 4 ran 5 missed 6 was 17 went 18 lived 19 met 20 found 21 liked
7 had 8 found 9 took 10 did 11 made 22 left 23 created 24 changed 25 grew 26 died
12 burnt/burned 13 was 14 laughed Ex 6
1 I stayed at home in June. 2 Then I went to Croatia
Unit 21 – Past simple: forme interrogativa,
in July. 3 Who did you go with? 4 I went with my
negativa e risposte brevi friend Matteo and his family. 5 How long were you
Ex 1 there? 6 Two weeks. We were on the island of Pag.
1 Where did you and Chris go? 2 Did you stay in a 7 Did you stay in a hotel? 8 No, we didn’t. We rented
hotel? 3 Did the hotel organise trips? 4 What did a house there. 9 Did you visit many places? 10 We
you do in the evenings? 5 Did the children like the visited the island but we didn’t visit any other places.
food? 6 When did you come back?
Ex 2 Unit 23 – Used to
1 John didn’t go to the sea. 2 Anita and Dave didn’t Ex 1
play tennis. 3 A lot of people didn’t go out all day. 1 used to have 2 used to lend 3 used to worry
4 Zoey didn’t take the children to the park. 5 I didn’t 4 used to drive 5 used to invite 6 used to be
cut the grass. 6 Nick didn’t take the dog for a long Ex 2
walk. 1 didn’t use to have 2 didn’t use to see 3 didn’t
Ex 3 use to play 4 didn’t use to go 5 didn’t use to do
1 did you see? 2 did she buy 3 did you arrive? 6 didn’t use to stay
4 did he leave? 5 did you break 6 did they finish Ex 3
Ex 4 1 Did you use to sleep with the light on? – I didn’t
1 didn’t buy 2 didn’t give 3 didn’t win 4 didn’t go 2 Did you use to have a lot of toys? – I did 3 Did
5 didn’t say 6 didn’t invite grandma use to put you to bed early? – she did
Ex 5 4 Did she use to read you a story? – she didn’t
5 Did you use to watch Dragonball? – I didn’t 6 Did
1 Did Peter finish – he didn’t 2 Did Mrs Trent send
grandpa use to take you fishing? – he didn’t
– she did 3 Did the technician repair – he did
4 Did the sales representatives give you – they didn’t Ex 4
5 Did you cancel – I didn’t 6 Did you and Fiona tidy 1 non è possibile 2 We used to eat out 3 non è
– we did possibile 4 There used to be a bank here 5 Erica
used to live in Brighton 6 non è possibile
Unit 22 – Esercizi di riepilogo (19-21) Ex 5
Ex 1 1 I used to work for a small company. Now I work for
1 were you 2 was your brother 3 was your a big company. 2 Nigel used to be vegetarian. Now
grandmother 4 were the tickets 5 were your keys he eats meat. 3 My brother used to wear glasses.
Ex 2 Now he has contact lenses. 4 I didn’t use to like
1 weren’t – I wasn’t – was 2 Were they – they were

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Grammar Book Exercises

vegetables when I was small. 5 Simon used to go Ex 3

out every evening when he was twenty (years old). 1 Mobile phones didn’t use to exist. 2 People
used to send telegrams. 3 People didn’t use to
Unit 24 – Past continuous communicate via the internet. 4 People used to do
Ex 1 their shopping in small shops. 5 People didn’t use to
1 were driving 2 was going 3 were sleeping do their shopping in hypermarkets. 6 People didn’t
4 was watching 5 were waiting 6 were playing use to watch DVDs.
7 were coming 8 was reading Ex 4
Ex 2 1 I was having dinner with a friend. 2 Where were
1 weren’t doing – were watching 2 wasn’t cleaning you having dinner? 3 No, we weren’t. We were
– was chatting 3 wasn’t cooking – was talking having dinner at my friend’s house. 4 We were
4 weren’t helping – were arguing 5 wasn’t guarding celebrating. 5 What were you celebrating? 6 We
– was lying 6 wasn’t ironing – was phoning were celebrating his birthday. 7 we were singing
Ex 3 Happy birthday
1 were you talking – was talking 2 was the thief Ex 5
doing – was running 3 Was he carrying anything? 1 found 2 looked 3 was watching 4 were reading
– he was 4 was he wearing? – was wearing 5 Was 5 were taking 6 opened 7 read 8 was 9 began
anyone waiting for him? – was waiting 10 was 11 stopped 12 put 13 left 14 wanted
Ex 4 15 was walking 16 stopped 17 got 18 came
1 were you watching 2 weren’t studying 3 were 19 didn’t look 20 jumped 21 was passing 22 said
you laughing 4 was living 5 were barking 23 came
6 wasn’t waiting Ex 6
1 Was Paul waiting for you when you arrived?
Unit 25 – Contrasto: past simple/past 2 When I phoned, Andrew answered. Helen was
continuous sleeping. 3 It was seven (o’clock). Tony ate, then
Ex 1 began to study. He was alone at home. 4 Simon
1 were having 2 ended 3 was raining 4 was wasn’t listening when the teacher asked him a
working 5 won question. 5 Bryan went out on Saturday evening/
Ex 2 night and came back home late. 6 We didn’t play
1 got 2 answered 3 was shining 4 stopped tennis because it was raining. 7 I didn’t read the
5 was sleeping newspaper yesterday and so I didn’t know about the
Ex 3
1 were singing 2 stopped 3 was living 4 was Unit 27 – Past perfect simple
washing 5 took 6 was standing Ex 1
Ex 4 1 had eaten 2 hadn’t bought 3 hadn’t ironed
1 heard – went 2 was chatting – stole 3 phoned 4 had taken 5 had already left 6 hadn’t done
– invited 4 was – was cooking 5 was reading – Ex 2
opened – told 6 went – was 7 got – were waiting 1 had always wanted 2 had already given 3 had
Unit 26 – Esercizi di riepilogo (19-25) delivered 4 had written 5 had happened 6 had
already finished – hadn’t found 7 had decided
Ex 1
1 rang 2 got up 3 had 4 put 5 drove 6 wasn’t Ex 3
7 arrived 8 decided 9 didn’t take 10 came 1 arrived – had cooked 2 had had – was
11 told 12 thought 3 answered – had downloaded 4 had forgotten
– wasn’t – had bought – cheered up 5 had decided
Ex 2 – got 6 had already seen – didn’t come 7 realized
1 Did you watch – I did – was – played 2 Did – had left 8 had taken – was
you have – I didn’t – spent 3 did you do – went
– enjoyed 4 did Heather get – was – came 5 did
you leave – didn’t know – was 6 did Jenny think
– didn’t think

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Unit 28 – Past perfect continuous; contrasto: Ex 8

past perfect simple/past perfect continuous 1 was looking 2 had been jogging 3 had fallen
Ex 1 4 was standing 5 had 6 had found 7 had stopped
1 had been doing 2 had been ironing 3 had been Ex 9
trying 4 had been waiting 5 had been listening 1 It was six o’clock. It had been a long day. I had been
6 had been making travelling since eight in the morning and I still hadn’t
Ex 2 arrived. 2 The guests arrived early but fortunately/
Azioni concluse prima di un’altra azione avvenuta luckily I had already finished cooking. 3 When I got up,
nel passato: 1 had forgotten 2 had left 3 hadn’t Mike had already left. 4 When I went out, the taxi was
tidied 4 had burnt 5 had bought waiting. 5 We lived in London three years ago, then we
moved here. 6 I had never seen my father so angry. He
Azioni che non si sono concluse, ma sono
was shouting. 7 We had decided to go away at Easter
continuate quando un’altra azione è avvenuta:
but in the end we stayed at home. 8 Christian had
1 had been making 2 had been living 3 had been
been playing the piano for three years when he decided
standing 4 had been saving 5 had been travelling
to play the drums. 9 I was sleeping when my train
Ex 3 arrived at the station and so I didn’t get off.
1 had been looking 2 had known 3 had left 4 had
you used 5 had been studying 6 had always loved Unit 30 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
Ex 1
Unit 29 – Esercizi di riepilogo (19-28) 1 basketball 2 swimming 3 guitar 4 skiing
Ex 1 5 snowboarding 6 ballet 7 gymnastics 8 judo
1 had been making 2 was waiting 3 had been 9 cards 10 electronic games 11 text message
waiting 4 had been living 12 party 13 barbecue 14 rollerblading
Ex 2 Ex 2
1 didn’t go 2 weren’t watching 3 finished – put 1 play 2 send 3 go 4 have 5 do
4 had been living 5 had Peter been 6 had you been Ex 3
living 7 had been waiting 8 had been cooking
1 had a pizza 2 didn’t stay 3 went swimming
Ex 3 4 did gymnastics 5 played volleyball 6 got up
1 had received – A – had received 2 Had the 7 went jogging 8 had a barbecue
manager already told – D – had 3 hadn’t given – Ex 4
B – had already started
Risposte aperte
Ex 4
Ex 5
1 arrived 2 hadn’t booked 3 was 4 hadn’t slept
Risposte aperte
5 had taken on 6 argued 7 hadn’t asked 8 had
booked 9 went 10 had finished Ex 6
Ex 5 1 didn’t 2 went 3 was/were 4 was 5 rained
6 got 7 did you do 8 went 9 was 10 stayed
1 had been complaining 2 had been driving 3 had
11 watched 12 went
been asking 4 had been raining 5 hadn’t been
travelling 6 hadn’t been expecting 7 had been Ex 7
operating 1 said 2 had 3 came 4 wasn’t doing 5 was using
Ex 6 6 Playstation 7 was listening 8 music 9 did you do
10 went 11 skiing 12 wasn’t 13 broke 14 was
1 had been painting 2 had had 3 had left 4 had
skiing 15 did he do 16 wanted 17 snowboarding
been raining 5 had been studying 6 had you
18 was snowboarding 19 crashed
applied for 7 hadn’t remembered 8 had been
watching Ex 8
Ex 7 1 esplodere 2 spegnersi 3 esaminare
accuratamente 4 affondare 5 attaccare
1 did she go 2 did she do 3 did she spend
4 left 5 was sleeping 6 got 7 drove 8 found Ex 9
9 was 10 talked 11 had drowned 12 had killed 1 went off 2 went through 3 went down 4 go off
13 believed 14 found 15 had been living 5 went out

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Grammar Book Exercises

Unit 30 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) hasn’t. 3 A: Have you ordered the cake? B: Yes, I
have. 4 A: Have we invited Mary to the party?
Ex 1
B: No, we haven’t. 5 A: Have you told Peter about
1 hang-gliding 2 mountaineering 3 caving the party? B: Yes, I have. 6 A: Has he said if he can
4 parachuting 5 scuba diving come? B: No, he hasn’t. 7 A: Have Andy and Helen
Ex 2 arrived? B: No, they haven’t.
1 had been 2 had enjoyed 3 had never done Ex 6
4 felt 5 had 6 decided 7 rock climbing 8 had 1 f – ’ve lost 2 a – have eaten 3 b – haven’t
imagined 9 caving 10 had been 11 scuba diving studied 4 d – ’ve left 5 e – ’s grown
12 enjoyed
Ex 3 Unit 33 – Present perfect simple con always,
2 e 3 d 4 f 5 a 6 b often, ever, never…; gone e been
Ex 4 Ex 1
1 sailor – marinaio 2 explorer – esploratore 1 ever been to Spain? 2 have never met 3 ’ve read
3 scuba diver – subacqueo 4 leader – capo/leader it twice 4 has rained recently/has recently rained
Ex 5 5 It’s the first time we’ve 6 has already left 7 ’ve
1 explored 2 crossed 3 had ever crossed 4 leader always been 8 hasn’t rained lately 9 you ever met
5 traveller 6 had gone 7 died 8 sent/had sent her 10 have phoned twice 11 ’s often been
9 was staying Ex 2
Ex 6 1 gone 2 been 3 been 4 been 5 been 6 gone
1 believed in 2 spoke to 3 complained to – about Ex 3
4 congratulated John on 5 didn’t approve of 1 A: Has your wife ever climbed B: has never asked
6 succeeded in 7 waited for 8 listened to 2 A: Have you ever been B: have never felt
9 laughed at 10 didn’t apply for 11 didn’t depend 3 A: Have you ever seen B: have never seen
on 12 cared about 13 looked at 14 looked for 4 A: Has your son ever tried B: has never wanted
15 asked the teacher about 5 A: Have you ever met B: have never met
Ex 4
1 three times 2 ever 3 so far 4 It’s the first time
Dal passato al presente 5 gone 6 been
Unit 32 – Present perfect simple Unit 34 – Present perfect simple con already,
Ex 1 just, still e yet
1 I’ve phoned Val. 2 We haven’t eaten. 3 It’s rained. Ex 1
4 Ann hasn’t come. 5 They’ve arrived. 6 She’s paid
1 Have you decided where to have the sales
the bill.
conference yet? 2 Have you and Terry read my
Ex 2 report yet? 3 Has Angela contacted the press yet?
1 Has the plane landed? 2 Have they phoned? 4 Have we ordered a new computer yet? 5 Has Dave
3 Have you washed it? 4 Has the post arrived? Fox had a meeting with Philip Ley yet? 6 Have we
5 Has she met him before? 6 Has the film started? received the orders for our new product yet?
Ex 3 Ex 2
1 have moved – have bought 2 has decided – has 1 No, we haven’t decided yet. 2 I have already read
told 3 have passed – has offered 4 have booked it but Terry hasn’t read it yet. 3 Yes, she has already
– have paid 5 has had – has broken phoned them. 4 Yes, it has already arrived. 5 No,
Ex 4 he hasn’t seen him yet. 6 Yes, we have already
1 ’ve visited – haven’t seen 2 ’ve had – haven’t received a lot of orders.
had 3 ’ve worked – haven’t appeared 4 ’ve met Ex 3
– haven’t stayed 5 ’ve bought – haven’t finished 1 still haven’t had 2 still hasn’t shaved 3 still
Ex 5 haven’t made 4 still haven’t got 5 still hasn’t
1 A: Have you bought the drinks? B: Yes, I have. arrived
2 A: Has mum made the sandwiches? B: No, she

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Ex 4 6 still hasn’t ordered 7 ’ve/have already ordered

1 e – has just left 2 f – has just stopped 3 a – have 8 haven’t spoken to the photographer yet
just had 4 b – have just got 5 c – have just ironed Ex 4
Ex 5 1 f – ’ve/have made 2 a – ’ve/have just had 3 b
1 John! You still haven’t finished your homework and – ’s/has broken 4 c – have drunk 5 d – ’ve/have
it’s late. 2 I have just arrived. I’m tired. 3 I have eaten
already bought the milk. 4 Has Sue already gone to Ex 5
bed? It’s only nine o’clock! 5 Giovanni still hasn’t 1 Has anyone taken – took 2 Has Terry been – has
finished university and he’s already thirty years old. – ’s/has been 3 Did you watch – did – didn’t see
– went 4 ’s/has ordered – ’s/has ordered
Unit 35 – Contrasto: present perfect simple/
Ex 6
past simple
1 made 2 has worked 3 has spent 4 studied
Ex 1 5 has never spent 6 has read 7 has always wanted
1 ’s rained 2 wasn’t 3 has just ended 4 Have you
Ex 7
lived 5 have bought 6 bought 7 saw 8 Did Dante
live 1 ’ve/have passed – did you get – didn’t get 2 ’s/
has left – resigned – did he do – wasn’t 3 Have you
Ex 2 heard – saw – Did you see 4 won – did you do
1 ’ve/have travelled – went 2 ’ve/have been – went
3 ’ve/have spent – taught 4 ’ve/have worked – Unit 37 – Present perfect simple e past simple
worked 5 ’ve/have written – wrote 6 ’ve/have con how long, for e since
bought – learnt Ex 1
Ex 3 1 since 2 since 3 for 4 for 5 since 6 since
1 haven’t had 2 was – was 3 ’s/has taken 4 took 7 for 8 since 9 since 10 since 11 for 12 since
– was 5 ’ve/have booked – found 6 ’s/has arrived 13 since
Ex 4 Ex 2
1 Have you ever eaten – did you think 2 Have you 1 ’s/has studied – for 2 haven’t seen – since
had – did you have 3 Has Amanda left – did she 3 ’s/has wanted – since 4 haven’t been – since
leave 4 Have you booked – Was it 5 Have you 5 haven’t been – for 6 ’ve/have had – for 7 hasn’t
ever been – did you go 6 Has Tim cut – did he do rained – for 8 hasn’t eaten – since 9 ’ve/have
7 Have you done – Did you have known – for
Ex 5 Ex 3
1 Have you seen – saw – had 2 Have you met – 1 How long has Tom played – He has played the
met 3 Have you heard – has broken – did he do – guitar for 2 How long has Tom been – He has been
broke 4 have already seen – have never seen in a rock band since 3 How long have Anita and Tom
5 have bought – did you get – Did you pay been – They’ve/have been engaged since 4 How
long has Anita known – She’s/has known Tom for
Unit 36 – Esercizi di riepilogo (32-35) 5 How long have they lived – They’ve/have lived in
Ex 1 Cardiff since 6 How long has Anita worked – She’s/
Across: 3 dreamt 6 hidden 7 felt 8 chosen has worked in a shop since
9 swum 10 known Ex 4
Down: 1 left 2 eaten 3 driven 4 forgotten 1 He lived in London for ten years. He has lived in
5 spoken 6 come Dublin for seven years. 2 Mike had a motorbike
Ex 2 for a year. He has had a car since 2001. 3 He
1 ’ve/have been 2 ’ve/have visited 3 ’ve/have seen worked in a factory for two years. He has been a
4 ’ve/have been 5 Have you been 6 ’s/has taken sales representative since 1999. 4 He was a local
7 haven’t visited 8 Have you and your husband seen councillor for five years. He has been mayor for six
Ex 3 months. 5 He wore glasses for a long time. He has
1 haven’t chosen my shoes yet 2 ’s/has already worn contact lenses since February.
booked 3 still hasn’t booked 4 have already Ex 5
organised 5 haven’t sent the invitations yet 1 We’ve/have lived here for three years. 2 I have

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Grammar Book Exercises

known Barbara for a long time. 3 Carol has had 2 haven’t been tidying – ’ve/have been lying
a headache since yesterday. 4 I haven’t seen the 3 hasn’t been looking after – ’s/has been reading
news for days. 5 Here it hasn’t snowed since 2002. 4 haven’t been working – ’ve/have been chatting
6 Harry has played tennis since he was a boy/since 5 hasn’t been cleaning – ’s/has been chatting
he was small. 7 I have studied French for six 6 hasn’t been preparing – ’s/has been washing
months. 8 How long have you played football? Ex 2
Unit 38 – Esercizi di riepilogo (32-37) 1 have been jumping 2 ’s/has been shopping
3 have been drinking 4 have been writing 5 has
Ex 1 been using 6 ’ve/have been eating
1 wanted 2 washed 3 haven’t worn 4 saw 5 told
Ex 3
6 invited 7 Have you ever been
1 I have been working here since 2005. 2 You
Ex 2 have been using the Playstation for hours. 3 My
1 ’ve/have been 2 arrived 3 ’ve/have taken 4 took neighbour’s/has been playing the drums since three
5 went 6 was 7 haven’t really spoken 8 studied o’clock. 4 The wedding guests have been eating
9 lived 10 have you seen 11 Have you been for three hours. 5 The company’s/has been making
Ex 3 furniture since 1870.
1 I’ve/have bought clothes and CDs in the last few
months 2 I bought a mobile phone last month Unit 40 – Contrasto: present perfect
3 Was it easy to order the things? 4 I didn’t have any continuous/present perfect simple
problems when I ordered them. 5 My dad paid on Ex 1
the internet by credit card. 6 I’ve/have never bought 1 have had 2 has stopped 3 ’ve been studying/’ve
anything on eBay before 7 now I’ve/have found studied 4 have known 5 has eaten 6 have been
some jeans that I want to buy 8 I have just made an reading 7 have read 8 ’ve studied
offer 9 the auction hasn’t closed yet 10 How much Ex 2
have you offered so far? 1 has Tony been doing – ’s/has been using – ’s/has
Ex 4 been looking for – ’s/has found 2 ’ve/have bought –
Risposte aperte ’ve/have been answering – haven’t had 3 have you
Ex 5 been phoning – ’s/has been – ’ve/have been ringing
1 ’s/has stopped 2 ’ve/have tried 3 ’ve/have 4 Have you been crying? – ’ve/have been cutting
threatened 4 haven’t given 5 told 6 haven’t Ex 3
worked 7 haven’t spoken 8 have seen 1 ’s/has ironed (attenzione sul risultato) 2 ’s/has
Ex 6 been ironing (azione ancora in corso) 3 ’s/has eaten
1 ✓ 2 you were 3 ✓ 4 Have you already asked (attenzione sul risultato) 4 ’ve/have done/have been
5 Have you ever tried doing (azione conclusa recentemente) 5 have been
(verbo di stato)
Ex 7
1 I saw Paul yesterday. He was in Ireland last month. Unit 41 – Esercizi di riepilogo (32-40)
2 A: Have you seen my glasses? B: They were on Ex 1
the table in the kitchen. 3 I’ve/have played tennis
1 since he moved to Brighton 2 before that 3 in my
for years. I learnt when I was at school. 4 A: Have
teens 4 when I was eighteen 5 since then 6 still
you ever been to America? B: Yes, I have. I visited
7 last month 8 yet 9 This year
New York in 2004. A: Did you like it? 5 I’ve/have
bought all the Christmas presents but I haven’t found Ex 2
a present for Judy yet. 6 A: What time did you arrive Nel passato (del tutto trascorso): Frasi 1, 4, 6, 7
yesterday? B: At three o’clock because the plane was Nel passato (che ha una relazione con il
late. 7 A: Have you ever eaten in that restaurant? presente): Frasi: 2, 3, 5, 8, 9
B: Yes, I have. I’ve been there twice. 8 I’ve/have lived 1 got 2 ’ve/have bought 3 haven’t bought
here since 2006. Before I lived in the city. 4 closed 5 ’ve/have shaved 6 cut – didn’t cry
7 saw – wasn’t 8 haven’t seen 9 ’s/has stopped
Unit 39 – Present perfect continuous Ex 3
Ex 1 1 Has it revolutionised 2 have most people continued
1 hasn’t been studying – ’s/has been using

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3 became 4 predicted 5 has grown 6 have tried Ex 5

7 have failed 8 tried 9 went 1 ’ve/have never stayed 2 ’ve/have always gone
Ex 4 3 ’ve/have always stayed 4 ’ve/have booked
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b Ex 6
Ex 5 1 ’ve never seen 2 haven’t visited 3 ’s snorkelled
1 have sacked 2 did they do 3 has been stealing 4 ’ve done 5 ’ve eaten
4 knew 5 saw 6 told 7 asked 8 tapped Ex 7
9 discovered 10 opened 11 has been transferring 1 science 2 chemistry 3 literature 4 biology
12 have never worked 5 geography 6 maths 7 information technology
Ex 6 8 physical education 9 French 10 philosophy
1 Have you ever done 2 Have you ever crossed Ex 8
3 Have you always wanted 4 has been organising 1 pass 2 fail 3 do 4 make 5 play 6 get 7 do
5 have always been able 6 have been 7 have 8 sign 9 study 10 attend
booked 8 have been coming
Ex 9
Ex 7 1 played 2 ’ve signed – studied 3 Have you done
1 have been taking 2 have been able 3 cost – have 4 made 5 sat
4 has produced 5 have also discovered 6 have
Ex 10
collected 7 have become 8 have discovered
1 Date of birth 2 Nationality 3 Marital status
Ex 8 4 Education 5 Qualifications 6 Skills 7 Work
1 have you been doing 2 ’ve/have been studying experience 8 Interests 9 References
3 thought 4 left 5 signed 6 have you taken 7 ’ve
Ex 11
been studying 8 haven’t gone 9 have opened
10 ’ve/have meant 1 did you attend 2 got 3 studied 4 have you
worked 5 ’ve/have worked
Ex 9
1 It has been snowing since this morning. It started at Unit 42 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2)
six. 2 I haven’t been to the cinema for years. 3 It’s/ Ex 1
has stopped raining. We can go out. 4 Look. I’ve 1 musical 2 Science-fiction 3 Comedies
made this cake. Do you want a piece? 5 You’ve/have 4 Animated 5 Horror 6 Love stories
got dirty hands. Have you been painting? 6 I have
Ex 2
been coughing for days. I must go to the doctor’s.
7 I have been waiting for you all morning! 8 I bought 1 film director 2 cameramen 3 critics 4 star
a new pair of shoes yesterday. 9 How long have you 5 actors 6 extras 7 script writer 8 stuntman
known Andy? 10 How long have you studied/have 9 make-up artist
you been studying Russian? Ex 3
1 review 2 play a role 3 make someone up
Unit 42 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1) 4 extra 5 stuntman 6 plot
Ex 1 Ex 4
1 stay 2 go 3 leave 4 book 5 pack 6 travel 1 has been filming 2 has put 3 shot 4 actors
7 tour 8 go 9 take 10 sunbathe 5 cast 6 has been sleeping 7 plot 8 characters
Ex 2 9 effects
Risposte aperte Ex 5
Ex 3 1 poliziesco 2 racconto 3 poesia (= genere
2 check-in 3 go through passport control 4 board letterario) 4 biografia 5 poesia (= componimento in
the plane 5 fasten your seat belt 6 take off versi) 6 rivista 7 giornalino a fumetti 8 romanzo
Ex 4 9 direttore (di giornale) 10 editore
People: taxi driver, museum attendant, tourist, travel Ex 6
representative, air hostess 1 characters 2 plot 3 science fiction 4 poem
Accommodation: campsite, hotel, guest house, bed 5 editor – newspaper 6 publisher 7 short stories
and breakfast 8 comics 9 journal

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 7 3 ’s/is having – ’s/is teaching 4 ’s/is playing – aren’t

1 haven’t 2 ’s/has written 3 ’ve/have made 4 saw playing – ’re playing 5 aren’t staying – ’re visiting
5 ’ve/have been reading 6 haven’t finished yet Ex 5
Ex 8 1 starts 2 does our train get 3 gets 4 starts
1 frame 2 sculpture 3 artist 4 self-portrait 5 starts 6 does the show finish 7 finishes
5 brush 6 still life 7 landscape 8 leaves 9 doesn’t arrive
Ex 9 Unit 46 – Future simple con will
1 take off 2 take up 3 taken to 4 take over Ex 1
1 ’ll be 2 won’t get 3 won’t rain 4 ’ll stay 5 ’ll
Il futuro see 6 won’t get
Ex 2
Unit 44 – Be going to 1 Will you get me the thermometer, please? 2 Will
Ex 1 you turn the light on, please? 3 Will you give me
1 is going to invite 2 are going to come 3 are going that book on the table, please? 4 Will you phone
to contact 4 are going to organise 5 are going to the office to say I’m ill, please? 5 Will you buy some
prepare 6 is going to play 7 is going to take 8 are aspirin for me, please? 6 Will you feed the dog,
going to give please?
Ex 2 Ex 3
1 ’m not going to answer 2 ’m going to write – ’m 1 I’ll call the doctor if you want. 2 I’ll open the blinds
going to tell 3 ’m not going to take – ’m going to for you. 3 I’ll buy you some magazines to read.
post 4 ’m not going to apologise 5 ’m not going to 4 I’ll phone the office for you immediately. 5 I’ll get
go 6 ’m going to go you another pillow. 6 I’ll make you something to eat
Ex 3 if you want.
1 He is going to blow the candles out. 2 They are Ex 4
going to sing. 3 They are going to ski down the 1 I’ll have 2 I’ll read 3 I’ll phone 4 I’ll take 5 I’ll
mountain. 4 She is going to put the car in the put 6 I’ll take
garage. 5 She is going to dive into the water. Ex 5
Ex 4 0 ’ll get 1 ’ll make 2 will win – ’ll beat 3 will you
1 ’s going to snow – P 2 ’re going to burn – P 3 ’s do – ’ll probably work 4 ’ll go 5 won’t come – ’ll
going to wash – I 4 ’s going to be – P 5 are going come 6 Will you give – ’ll write
to go – I 6 ’m going to watch – I
Unit 47 – Contrasto: be going to, present
Unit 45 – Present continuous e present simple continuous, will
con valore di futuro Ex 1
Ex 1 1 ’s coming 2 ’ll answer 3 ’re having 4 ’s going to
1 is starting 2 finishes – are leaving 3 are moving start 5 ’s meeting 6 ’ll go 7 ’m going to find 8 ’ll
4 is Simon coming 5 does the train leave have
Ex 2 Ex 2
1 How are you travelling there? 2 Where are you 1 will be 2 is having 3 ’re going to be 4 ’ll sit
flying from? 3 How long are you staying? 4 Who 5 will like 6 is going to buy 7 ’m taking 8 is going
are you going with? 5 Are you staying in a hotel or a to fly 9 is flying 10 Will we ever solve
guest house? 6 When are you leaving? Ex 3
Ex 3 1 ’ll start – ’m not going to eat 2 are you going to
1 We’re flying. 2 We’re flying from Gatwick airport. invite – ’ll give 3 ’re going to close – ’ll come 4 ’m
3 We’re staying three weeks. 4 I’m going with some not going to buy (decisione presa in precedenza)/
friends from university. 5 No, we’re renting a house. won’t buy (decisione presa al momento) – ’ll lend
6 We’re leaving on 5th July. Ex 4
Ex 4 1 will live 2 ’s going to rain 3 will win 4 ’ll be
1 isn’t having – ’s meeting 2 aren’t going – ’re going 5 aren’t going to catch 6 will study (dopo I think)

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Unit 48 – Esercizi di riepilogo (44-47) 3 may/might want 4 may not/might not have
5 may/might do 6 may not/might not do
Ex 1
1 does the English course begin – starts 2 are you Ex 2
meeting – ’s coming 3 does our plane arrive 4 ’m 1 might be 2 might not be 3 Might she know
going 5 ’s giving 6 opens 7 ’m leaving – ’m 4 might 5 might find
taking 8 leaves Ex 3
Ex 2 1 might come 2 ’ll be 3 is having 4 ’re going
1 ’s going to get up 2 ’s going 3 ’s going to wear 5 might go 6 may win
4 ’s coming – ’s staying 5 ’s meeting 6 ’re having Ex 4
Ex 3 1 ’s having dinner with Terry. 2 may invite Carol for
1 is getting 2 ’re having 3 ’ll have to 4 ’ll help lunch. 3 may play tennis with Carol. 4 ’s going
5 ’ll look 6 won’t be 7 ’ll bring 8 ’m going to the cinema with Dave. 5 is catching the train
to London. 6 ’s meeting Janet Greaves for work.
Ex 4
7 may see some friends after work. 8 may stay the
1 ’m not going to go 2 ’ll send 3 ’m going to get night in London.
4 ’m going to join 5 ’ll go 6 ’s going to see
Ex 5 Unit 51 – Esercizi di riepilogo (44-50)
1 ’ll be 2 ’re playing 3 starts 4 ’ll probably get Ex 1
5 is coming 6 ’ll have 7 ’ll bring 8 are going to 1 am – will resolve 2 am – won’t be 3 have – will
provide build 4 is – will go 5 won’t stay – have 6 is – will
Ex 6 open 7 offers – will always be 8 vote – won’t
1 I’m not going to argue with Gill. 2 Quick! The disappoint
train is going to leave. 3 I think Thomas won’t pass Ex 2
the exam./I don’t think Thomas will pass the exam. 1 ’ll phone 2 land 3 leaves 4 ’ll probably catch
4 I’m hungry. I’ll eat now. 5 The play starts at eight. 5 gets 6 miss 7 ’ll catch 8 ’ll be 9 am 10 are
6 Carl is starting his new job on 2nd June. going 11 ’ll send
Ex 7 Ex 3
Frasi libere Espressioni da cancellare: 1 ’m going to wear 2 may
be 3 may wear 4 may dye 5 may do 6 is going
Unit 49 – Present simple dopo when, before, to come
after, until, if…
Ex 4
Ex 1 1 will be 2 ’re going 3 might go 4 won’t be 5 ’m
1 find 2 have 3 buy 4 sees 5 am 6 is going 6 ’ll put
Ex 2 Ex 5
1 finish 2 pass 3 will wait 4 book 5 ’ll work 1 will be 2 ’ll lose 3 won’t believe 4 ’ll feel 5 will
6 get 7 finish 8 get 9 are 10 keep be 6 is giving 7 will love 8 Will we have 9 will
Ex 3 reach 10 are meeting 11 will find
1 ’ll have 2 land 3 have 4 want 5 ’ll go 6 ’ll
visit 7 visit 8 need Unit 52 – Future continuous
Ex 4 Ex 1
Verbi da cancellare: 1 will leave – tell 2 don’t see 1 will be 2 be waiting 3 will you be 4 working
– will go 3 is – will serve 4 will finish – read 5 be arriving 6 Will it be raining 7 be sleeping 8 be
5 will want – lend 6 phones – will land 7 will finish Ex 2
– come 8 won’t go – come 9 will arrive – have 1 will be making for 2 will be playing 3 will be
10 don’t get – will take showing 4 will be waiting 5 will be visiting 6 will
only be staying
Unit 50 – May e might
Ex 3
Ex 1 1 will be staying 2 won’t be riding 3 will be driving
1 may/might give 2 may not/might not understand 4 will be using 5 won’t be walking 6 won’t be going

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 4 Unit 55 – Esercizi di riepilogo (44-54)

1 Will you be eating in the hotel tonight? 2 Will you Ex 1
be using our gym while you are here? 3 Will you be 1 will still be looking for 2 won’t be looking for
needing the services of our chauffeur? 4 Will you 3 will be working 4 will be earning 5 will you be
be having breakfast in your room tomorrow? 5 What doing 6 won’t be earning
time will you be leaving tomorrow? 6 Will you be
paying in cash or by credit card? Ex 2
1 are discussing (✓) – will be discussing (✓) 2 will
Unit 53 – Future perfect be (✓) – will be being ( ✗ ) 3 is speaking (✓) – will
Ex 1 be speaking (✓) 4 is giving (✓) – will be giving (✓)
1 Will 2 will have 3 have corrected 4 Will you 5 will enjoy (✓) – will be enjoying ( ✗ ) 6 will
have 5 will have 6 have moved have (✓) – will be having ( ✗ ) 7 will have (✓) –
will be having (✓)
Ex 2
1 will have ordered the furniture for the office 2 will Ex 3
have completed the work on the new office 3 will 1 will have finished 2 will have decorated 3 won’t
have decorated the office 4 will have delivered the have arrived 4 will have put 5 will have had
office furniture 5 will have packed the office things Ex 4
6 will have moved to the new office 1 will be playing 2 will be playing 3 will have had
Ex 3 4 will be playing 5 will have finished 6 will be
1 won’t have prepared 2 won’t have finished travelling 7 won’t have played 8 will have played
3 won’t have spoken 4 won’t have got 5 won’t Ex 5
have found 6 won’t have eaten Frasi libere
Ex 4 Ex 6
1 won’t have finished – rings 2 Will you have got 1 ’ll be having 2 won’t be – will be using 3 ’ll be
– meet 3 find – will have started 4 will have earnt – ’ll be living 4 will have been 5 will be sleeping
– is 5 won’t have done – is 6 won’t have prepared 6 will be 7 won’t have read
– arrive 7 votes – will have already voted 8 arrive Ex 7
– will have left 1 will be 2 ’re having 3 is coming 4 is doing
5 ’m going to make 6 are you having 7 is coming
Unit 54 – Future in the past
8 ’ll have finished 9 doesn’t start 10 will only take
Ex 1 11 will understand 12 will probably have already
1 was going to play 2 would miss 3 was coming gone
4 would wear 5 was having 6 wasn’t going to go
Ex 8
out 7 was going to be
1 when – as soon as 2 This time tomorrow –
Ex 2 Tomorrow – In two days’ time 3 in six weeks’ time –
1 was going to meet 2 were going to tidy 3 was next week 4 by tomorrow – until tomorrow 5 This
going to go 4 was going to have 5 was going to time tomorrow – By tomorrow 6 If
wash 6 were going to hire
Ex 9
Ex 3 1 would wear 2 was going to be 3 was catching
1 would be 2 wouldn’t be able 3 would ask 4 was going 5 would hide 6 wouldn’t mind 7 was
4 would have to 5 would criticise 6 would feel going to do
Ex 4 Ex 10
1 was flying 2 was going 3 were having 4 was 1 will be 2 will have overtaken 3 will many schools
meeting 5 were playing in Europe be teaching 4 will be starting 5 won’t
Ex 5 find 6 want 7 will be
1 was flying 2 would have 3 were going to be
4 were going to buy 5 were coming 6 would be Unit 56 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
Ex 1
1 There’s fog./It’s foggy. 2 It’s sunny./The sun is
shining. 3 It’s hot. 4 It’s raining. 5 It’s windy./The

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wind is blowing. 6 There’s snow./It’s snowing. 7 It’s Costruzioni verbali

Unit 58 – Infinito presente e passato;
Ex 2
forma in -ing
1 ’s still snowing 2 is shining 3 is very foggy 4 is
always windy 5 is icy Ex 1
Ex 3 1 to clean/not to clean – to clean 2 to disturb/not to
disturb – not to disturb 3 to buy/not to buy – not to
1 ’ll/will rain 2 Will it rain 3 ’ll/will be 4 ’ll/will rain
buy 4 to have/not to have – to have
5 Will it be 6 ’ll/will be 7 ’ll/will be
Ex 2
Ex 4
1 to have met/not to have met – to have met 2 to
1 go 2 see 3 read 4 listen to 5 surf
have offended/not to have offended – to have
Ex 5 offended 3 to have received/not to have received
Risposte aperte – not to have received
Ex 6 Ex 3
1 fan 2 singer 3 guitarist 4 drummer 5 audience 1 driving 2 stopping 3 playing 4 dying 5 trying
6 actor 7 actress 8 stage 9 photographer 6 being 7 beginning 8 going
10 film star 11 journalist Ex 4
Ex 7 1 meeting 2 playing 3 attracting 4 hearing
1 band 2 singer 3 concert 4 ’m going 5 play Ex 5
6 actors 7 fan 8 is taking
1 Walking 2 Remembering 3 Not remembering
Ex 8 4 Investing
1 get through to 2 get up 3 get back 4 get away Ex 6
5 get on with
1 to help 2 to become 3 to see 4 not to get
Unit 56 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) Unit 59 – Verbi ausiliari, risposte brevi,
Ex 1 echo questions
1 monitor 2 screen 3 mouse 4 scanner 5 CD
Ex 1
ROM drive 6 keyboard 7 printer 8 cursor 9 disk
drive 1 Has – he has – hasn’t/has not 2 Is – she is
– isn’t/is not 3 Can – I can’t – can’t 4 Does – she
Ex 2 doesn’t/she does not – doesn’t/does not 5 Did – I
1 is coming 2 keyboard 3 mouse 4 screen 5 ’ll did – didn’t/did not 6 Do – I don’t/I do not – don’t/
look do not 7 Will – it won’t/it will not – won’t/will not
Ex 3 8 Have – they have – haven’t/have not
1 log in 2 download your mail 3 read your mail Ex 2
4 write the email 5 send the email 6 log off 1 Are there? 2 Has he? 3 Have you? 4 Did he?
Ex 4 5 Does he? 6 Could they? 7 Will she? 8 Don’t
2 mobile phone 3 vaccinations 4 microwave you? 9 Isn’t he/she? 10 Don’t they? 11 Won’t
5 closed circuit TV cameras 6 credit card there? 12 Didn’t he?
7 satellites 8 cloning Ex 3
Ex 5 1 is – Is he? – is he – isn’t 2 ’ll – Will you? – will
1 will be asking 2 will have found out 3 will have you – will 3 gave – Did they? – did they – didn’t
grown up 4 will have already left 4 love – Do you? – do you – I do 5 ’ll – Will you?
Ex 6 – will you – won’t
1 to 2 for 3 with 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 in 8 of Unit 60 – So do I/Neither do I, I think so,
9 on 10 for 11 between 12 to I hope so
Ex 7 Ex 1
1 for looking 2 between flying 3 for making 4 for 1 am 2 have 3 will 4 do 5 did 6 do
Ex 2
1 have 2 can 3 did 4 do

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 3 Ex 3
1 can Peter 2 is Peter 3 do we 4 does her sister 1 cooking/to cook – making/to make – to try
5 did I 6 will I 2 cycling – to go 3 spending – to come
Ex 4 Ex 4
1 do I 2 did we 3 am I 4 could we 5 are you 1 to stay – to find 2 causing – to believe – to speak
6 has Eddy 3 to live/living – to look/looking 4 to tell – to miss/
Ex 5 missing
1 So did I. 2 Neither/Nor did I. 3 So will I. Unit 63 – Verbo + complemento + infinito
4 Neither/Nor am I. 5 So do I. 6 So am I.
7 Neither/Nor will I. Ex 1
1 Rick and Fiona to move the desks 2 Julia to prepare
Ex 6
the plastic cups and plates 3 everything to be ready
1 suppose so 2 think so 3 guess so 4 ’m afraid 4 all the class to welcome the guests 5 Sarah and
so 5 hope not 6 ’m afraid not 7 don’t expect so Martin to pour the drinks 6 Samir to serve the food
8 don’t think so
Ex 2
Unit 61 – Esercizi di riepilogo (58-60) 1 him to finish 2 her to phone 3 you to bring
Ex 1 4 him/her not to interrupt 5 them to be
1 not to like – to get 2 to make 3 not to get 4 to Ex 3
find 1 The doctor convinced his patient to start the
Ex 2 treatment. 2 I always encourage my students to
1 not to have phoned 2 not to have invited 3 to participate in the school activities. 3 We have
have lost 4 to have written 5 to have seen invited Mary to come on holiday with us. 4 Sophie
is teaching Tom to send an email. 5 Tom is going
Ex 3 to ask his friends to give him a hand. 6 I’ve already
1 Visiting 2 Not knowing 3 Not getting 4 Attending warned you to drive carefully.
5 Learning 6 Getting
Ex 4
Ex 4 1 prefer her 2 us to wait 3 suggested that we
1 they do – Do they? 2 it has – Is there? 3 you order/ordered 4 wants the concert to start 5 Paul
can’t – Haven’t they? 4 I did – Will you? suggested 6 you not to come
Ex 5 Ex 5
1 Neither/Nor do 2 Neither/Nor are 3 So is 4 So 1 him 2 to book 3 him to spend 4 to stay 5 us
have 5 So can 6 So did 7 So was 8 Neither/Nor 6 that they rent 7 me to drive
will 9 So does 10 Neither/Nor am
Ex 6 Unit 64 – Esercizi di riepilogo (62-63)
1 hope so 2 don’t think so 3 guess not 4 expect Ex 1
so 5 think so 6 don’t expect so I verbi corretti sono: 1 visiting 2 spending 3 to
Ex 7 spend 4 looking/to look 5 to have 6 to tell
1 So am I 2 to concentrate 3 Is it? 4 I do 7 being
5 Neither do I 6 Are you? 7 Has he? 8 hope not Ex 2
9 Yes, I am 10 have lost 1 to meet – meeting 2 taking – to take 3 smoking
– to smoke 4 to play – playing 5 being – to be
Unit 62 – Verbo + to o -ing (1)
Ex 3
Ex 1 1 to read 2 playing 3 to play 4 to walk 5 walking
1 to show – visiting 2 to speak – telling 3 to leave 6 speaking 7 to speak
– missing 4 to drive – parking
Ex 4
Ex 2 1-A 1-B 2-C 3-B 4-C 4-D
1 to do 2 cutting/to cut 3 working 4 to have 5 to
drink 6 to show 7 cutting 8 answering 9 to go Ex 5
1 Tom to lend 2 Ann to go out 3 Mary to be
4 John not to call

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Ex 6 Ex 4
1 to touch 2 asked 3 to help 4 advised 5 to look 1 Stop making noise. I’m trying to sleep. 2 They’re
6 need 7 to send 8 consider 9 buying 10 afford trying to repair the engine. 3 A: I don’t know Joy’s
11 to buy 12 teach 13 to find 14 persuade number. B: Have you tried looking in my diary/
15 to stop 16 sending telephone book? 4 Don’t stop to think: hit the ball
Ex 7 at once. 5 I remember seeing your glasses on the
1 I hope to finish this job/work by six. 2 The man shelf in the living room. 6 Yesterday (it) was Lianne’s
denies taking the money. 3 I suggest having birthday. Luckily I remembered to call her. 7 Don’t
breakfast at nine. 4 People started to laugh/laughing. forget to reserve/book a table at the restaurant for
5 My cat loves sleeping/to sleep on the sofa. 6 I like tonight. 8 I’ll never forget winning the first prize.
to add a little milk to my tea. 7 Would you like to 9 Would you like/Do you want to stop smoking?
listen to some music? 8 They want me to help them. Try using this new drug. 10 Louis didn’t know the
9 I’d like you to come to the party. 10 His friends address, so he stopped to ask for directions.
persuaded him to leave. Unit 67 – Be used to, get used to
Unit 65 – Question tags Ex 1
Ex 1 1 ’s used to speaking 2 aren’t used to staying up
1 haven’t they? 2 isn’t it? 3 can’t he? 4 haven’t 3 ’s used to sleeping 4 ’m not used to eating 5 ’m
you? 5 won’t they? 6 aren’t they? 7 aren’t I? used to working 6 aren’t used to playing
Ex 2 Ex 2
1 don’t you? 2 doesn’t she? 3 doesn’t he? 1 used to wear jeans. Now I’m getting used to
4 didn’t you? 5 don’t they? 6 didn’t they? wearing a suit. 2 used to have long hair. Now he’s
7 don’t I? getting used to having short hair. 3 used to get to
school late every morning. Now she’s getting used
Ex 3 to arriving on time. 4 use to have much money to
1 is it? 2 has she? 3 do they? 4 should he? spend. Now we’re getting used to having more money.
5 did they? 6 was it? 7 have you? 8 does it?
9 do we? Ex 3
1 wasn’t used to – got used to 2 aren’t used to –
Ex 4 get used to 3 are getting used to
1 isn’t it? 2 haven’t they? 3 is there? 4 hasn’t
it? 5 don’t they? 6 do you? 7 don’t you? 8 didn’t Ex 4
you? 9 did you? 10 couldn’t we? 1 driving – live 2 like – living 3 be – facing
Ex 5 Ex 5
1 do 2 were 3 can 4 would 1 got used to 2 used to 3 get used to 4 used to
5 got used to 6 used to be
Ex 6
1 is there? 2 won’t they? 3 didn’t it? 4 can they? Unit 68 – Make, let, get + complemento +
5 was it? 6 did they? 7 weren’t they? verbo; be made/allowed to
Unit 66 – Verbo + to o -ing (2) Ex 1
1 let 2 made 3 make 4 let
Ex 1
1 looking 2 to repair 3 to listen/listening 4 seeing Ex 2
5 to admire 6 looking 7 to wake – to sleep/ 1 make you leave 2 let you take – make you turn
sleeping 8 to sign 3 let visitors take – let them use 4 make your
children pay 5 let elderly people go in – make them
Ex 2
1 sending 2 to buy 3 to talk 4 buying 5 to send
6 listening 7 to listen Ex 3
1 got her friends to paint 2 get her car to start – got
Ex 3
her neighbour to give 3 get her sister to cook 4 get
1 to turn 2 looking 3 playing 4 to get 5 to have everyone to do – get her to give
6 seeing 7 to give 8 visiting
Ex 4
1 are allowed to play 2 ’m not allowed to use 3 are

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Grammar Book Exercises

made to vacate 4 will be made to pay 5 was Ex 5b

allowed to see 1 a museum of local culture being built 2 old villages
Ex 5 being restored 3 children being educated 4 new
1 It’s a difficult question. Let me think. 2 Don’t make farming methods being introduced
me repeat everything twice. 3 My parents make me Ex 6
stay at home in the evening/at night. 4 Mum, Eric 1 being played 2 played 3 being cooked
won’t let me play! 5 These paintings make me think
Ex 7
of Van Gogh.
1 to learn 2 me to go 3 watching 4 going/that we
Unit 69 – Verbi di percezione go 5 to think 6 to working 7 made to fill 8 us
Ex 1 ask 9 disappearing
1 heard him order 2 saw him sit down 3 saw the Ex 8
suspect dial 4 heard him say 1 So does my brother. 2 Did you? 3 isn’t there?
Ex 2 4 Haven’t you?
1 melting 2 reading 3 crawling 4 talking Ex 9
5 standing 1 Seeing is believing. 2 live 3 to be 4 to repent
Ex 3 5 lie
1 playing 2 beat 3 touching 4 burning 5 burst Ex 10
Ex 4 1 made 2 to talk 3 to give 4 doing 5 to do 6 to
live 7 weren’t 8 writing 9 writing 10 talking
1 name called 2 Summertime played 3 the boat
11 smile 12 to write 13 inventing 14 to create
rocked 4 their crops ruined
15 to being 16 didn’t 17 to have spent 18 to
Ex 5 come 19 to publish 20 was 21 publishing 22 to
1 was seen buying 2 was heard speaking 3 was find 23 neither 24 asking 25 don’t think so
seen sitting 26 to explore 27 to write/writing 28 Have 29 to
reveal 30 let 31 calling
Unit 70 – Esercizi di riepilogo (58-69)
Ex 1 Unit 71 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
1 receiving 2 are they 3 buying 4 can you 5 to Ex 1
learn 6 studying 7 didn’t they 8 to see 9 weren’t 1 sad 2 angry 3 nervous 4 surprised
they 10 to tell 11 won’t you 12 to pay 13 asking 5 tired 6 happy 7 excited 8 bored 9 worried
14 does it 10 frightened
Ex 2 Ex 2
1 making 2 sleep 3 getting up 4 sleeping 5 light 1 surprised – to find 2 tired – falling 3 nervous
6 to start 7 cooking 8 cooking 9 doing 10 climb – to relax 4 taking – angry 5 sad – to leave
11 swim 12 rest 13 to come 6 happy – to announce 7 to go – frightened 8 So –
Ex 3a bored 9 me to find – to go – confused 10 worried
1 do 2 sing 3 writing 4 blowing – that he has
Ex 3b Ex 3
A to erase (3) B go out (1) C leave (0) D sing (2) 1 agree 2 disagree 3 warn 4 think 5 prefer
E to open (4) 6 suggest
Ex 4 Ex 4
1 was made to hand over my mobile 2 was allowed 1 Do 2 think 3 wants 4 are 5 suggest
to keep my watch 3 wasn’t allowed to talk 4 will be 6 warned 7 disagree 8 prefer
allowed to go free 5 was never allowed to see Ex 5
6 I was made to look at a lot of identification photos 1 thank you/thanks 2 excuse me 3 sorry 4 hi, I’m
Ex 5a Luca 5 hello, this is Luca 6 hello/hi 7 goodbye/
1 the forest destroyed 2 a lot of wild animals killed bye
3 the villages abandoned 4 the people forced

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Ex 6 Ex 5
1 Excuse me – walking – Thank you/Thanks. 2 this 1 Does she work 2 Do you drink 3 Can you speak
is – to speak – sorry 3 I’m – Hello/Hi 4 playing – 4 Must we do 5 Do you do 6 Shall I make 7 Will
Goodbye/Bye you help 8 Does Mike like
Ex 7
Unit 74 – Can, can’t e be able to: capacità
1 bored 2 frightened 3 tired
e possibilità
Ex 8
Ex 1
1 tired 2 used 3 dressed 4 lost 5 wet
1 can ski – can’t snowboard 2 can come – can’t
Unit 71 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) come 3 can sing – can’t dance 4 can do – can’t
understand 5 can cook – can’t cook
Ex 1
1 to recruit 2 career 3 skills 4 to graduate Ex 2
1 can work 2 can learn – can’t do – maths
Ex 2
teacher 3 can do – can write – scientist 4 can call
1 to find 2 doing 3 work experience 4 to find – electrician 5 can see – can give – doctor 6 can’t
5 recruiting/to recruit 6 career 7 to start 8 doing make – can ask – dressmaker
9 to putting 10 skills 11 to work
Ex 3
Ex 3
1 Can I live on the Moon? 2 Can ordinary people go
1 working conditions 2 sick leave 3 employer to the Moon? 3 Can dad ask to be an astronaut?
4 unemployment benefit 5 redundant 6 pension 4 Can astronauts breathe when they’re in their
7 go on strike 8 trade union spaceships? 5 Can astronauts see the Earth from
Ex 4 their spaceship?
1 made 2 employers 3 wages 4 allowed Ex 4
5 trade 6 strike 7 leave 8 pension 9 working 1 you can’t – will be able to live 2 they can’t – will
10 redundant 11 unemployment 12 improve be able to travel 3 he can 4 they can 5 they can
Ex 5 Ex 5
1 doing 2 made 3 doing 4 making 5 do 1 could run – can’t run 2 couldn’t speak – can speak
6 made 7 make 8 do 9 do 10 make 3 can use – couldn’t use 4 couldn’t ski – can ski
Ex 6
1 made 2 do 3 getting – made – got 4 got – Unit 75 – Can, could, may, will, would:
made 5 doing – make 6 doing – make – gets permessi e richieste
Ex 1
1 Can I – you can/sure 2 Could I/May I – you can’t
Verbi modali 3 Can I – you can’t 4 Can I – Sorry 5 Could I/May I
Unit 73 – Introduzione ai verbi modali – of course/certainly
Ex 1 Ex 2
1 Proposta 2 Obbligo 3 Critica 4 Offerta 1 Can I have/Could I have three stamps 2 Can I
5 Permesso 6 Offerta 7 Consiglio 8 Supposizione have/Could I have the menu 3 Can I have/Could I
9 Proibizione 10 Richiesta have that magazine 4 Can I have/Could I have £50
Ex 2 Ex 3
1 Formale: May 2 Formale: Would 3 Informale: Will 1 Could you/Would you – of course/certainly 2 Can
4 Formale: May you/Will you – Sorry 3 Can you/Will you – OK/sure
4 Could you/Would you – of course/certainly 5 Can
Ex 3 you/Will you – sure/OK
1 stops 2 lives 3 can 4 may 5 must 6 gets
7 likes 8 should 9 closes 10 might Ex 4
1 Can you lend 2 Could you explain 3 May I look
Ex 4 4 Could you make 5 Can I have/May I have 6 Can
1 X 2 X 3 to 4 X 5 to 6 to 7 X 8 X I use 7 Can you iron 8 Could you direct 9 Can
I have 10 Could you clean 11 May I sit/Can I sit
12 Can you give

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Grammar Book Exercises

Unit 76 – Shall I?, I’ll…, Do you want?, Shall we go on Saturday or on Sunday? 4 A: What
Would you like?: offerte e inviti shall we do this evening? B: I don’t know. Shall we go
to that new restaurant in the centre? 5 A: Shall we
Ex 1 get a cake for tonight? B: Yes, OK. Which/What shall
1 I’ll take 2 I’ll get 3 Shall I meet 4 I’ll answer we get? 6 A: What about going away next weekend?
5 Shall I help 6 Shall I ask 7 I’ll cook B: I’d rather not. I haven’t got much money.
Ex 2
1 I’ll cook 2 Shall I lay – please 3 I’ll make Unit 78 – Esercizi di riepilogo (74-77)
4 Shall I organize – Thank 5 I’ll lend 6 Shall I come Ex 1
– Thank you 1 Yes, you can 2 Will you give me 3 Shall I come
Ex 3 4 No, thanks. 5 Can I have 6 Could you change
1 Do you want to listen – please 2 Would you like 7 I’m sorry but I can’t. 8 Shall I go 9 Can you wait
some tea? – thank you 3 Would you like to visit – I’d Ex 2
love 4 Do you want to come – please 5 Do you 1 can 2 Shall 3 Yes, please. 4 Can 5 can 6 Do
want some pizza? – please you want to 7 I’d love to. 8 Shall 9 Thank you very
Ex 4 much 10 Could 11 Yes, of course
1 Would you like to come for a coffee? 2 Do you Ex 3
want to play cards? 3 Would you like my umbrella? 1 you can’t 2 Can I use 3 you can 4 Will you help
4 Do you want a piece? 5 Do you want a lift? 5 ’ll show 6 could you give 7 ’ll get 8 Would you
6 Would you like to spend it with us? like
Unit 77 – Why don’t we…?, What about…?, Ex 4
Let’s…, Shall we…?, I’d rather : proposte 1 Could I 2 Can you 3 Could I 4 Could you
5 Can I 6 Can I
Ex 1
Ex 5
1 Why don’t we – rather not 2 What about – OK
3 What about – a good idea 4 Why don’t we – ’d 1 ’d rather not. 2 What about 3 Yes, OK. 4 ’ll
rather not/don’t think that’s a good idea 5 Why don’t 5 Shall I 6 can
we – OK 6 What about – ’d rather not/don’t think Ex 6
that’s a good idea 1 Would you turn – can’t sleep 2 May I use
Ex 2 3 Would you like 4 Can I have 5 What about eating
1 What about 2 Shall we 3 shall we 4 What about Ex 7
5 Shall we A Frase 1  B Frase 0  C Frase 3  D Frase 5 
Ex 3 E Frase 4  F Frase 2
1 Let’s go out for a meal then. 2 Let’s go to a Unit 79 – Must/mustn’t: obbligo/necessità
Chinese restaurant. 3 I’d rather not. 4 I’d rather e proibizione
go to an Indian restaurant. 5 Let’s go to a Spanish
restaurant. 6 Let’s ask them to make paella. 7 I’d Ex 1
rather leave the menu open. 8 Let’s invite Carl. 1 must 2 mustn’t 3 mustn’t 4 must 5 must
9 I’d rather not. 6 mustn’t 7 mustn’t 8 must
Ex 4 Ex 2
1 Why don’t we watch – I’d rather not. – I’d rather 1 Students mustn’t smoke at school. 2 Students
watch 2 Why don’t we play – I’d rather not. – I’d must be punctual for school. 3 Students mustn’t
rather play 3 Why don’t we go – I’d rather not. – I’d wear normal shoes in the gym. 4 Students must
rather go 4 Why don’t we ask – I’d rather not. – I’d wear gym shoes. 5 Students mustn’t leave rubbish
rather ask in the classrooms. 6 Students mustn’t use mobile
phones during the lessons. 7 Students must pay
Ex 5
attention during the lessons. 8 Students must
1 A: What about going to the swimming pool? respect the school rules.
B: That’s a good idea. Let’s invite Clare to come with
us. 2 A: Let’s give Beth a book for her birthday. Ex 3
B: I’d rather not. I’d rather give her a CD. 3 A: Why 1 must we be 2 must we wait 3 Must we check in
don’t we go to the cinema this weekend? B: Yes, OK.

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4 must we take 5 Must we speak 6 must we take 5 should travel/ought to travel 6 should visit/ought to
7 Must we go 8 Must we go visit 7 shouldn’t get 8 should get/ought to get
Ex 3
Unit 80 – Have to/don’t have to: obbligo
1 Should I wear – ’d better not wear – ’d better buy
e necessità 2 Should I get – ’d better not worry – ’d better decide
Ex 1 3 Should I take – ’d better not take – ’d better take
1 don’t have to know – have to know 2 have to 4 Should I dye – ’d better not dye – ’d better dye
understand – don’t have to understand 3 don’t
have to have – have to speak 4 don’t have to spend Unit 83 – Can, must, may, might, could:
– have to have 5 have to understand – don’t have to supposizioni (1)
know 6 don’t have to be – have to try Ex 1
Ex 2 1 must be 2 must be 3 could be 4 may not rain
1 What do I have to read for history? 2 Do we have Ex 2
to do anything for French? 3 When do we have to 1 must be 2 can’t live 3 can’t be 4 can’t be
give Mr Fox our homework? 4 What do I have to 5 must love 6 must be
study for biology? 5 How much do we have to pay
for the school trip? 6 Do we have to write an essay Ex 3
for English? 1 could/may/might have 2 may not/might not be
3 may not/might not like 4 may/might/could play
Ex 3 5 may/might/could invite 6 may/might/could be
1 have to read 2 don’t have to 3 have to give 7 may not/might not speak 8 may not/might not be
4 have to study – don’t have to study 5 have to pay able to
– don’t have to – have to 6 have to write
Ex 4
Unit 81 – Must/have to e mustn’t/don’t have 1 must be 2 can’t be 3 must be 4 can’t have
to: obbligo/necessità e proibizione 5 might like 6 can’t be
Ex 1 Ex 5
1 E 2 H 3 G 4 D 5 B 6 F 7 A 1 You must be tired after the journey. 2 It can’t be
Ex 2 easy to speak Chinese. 3 Carol must be at home.
Her car is here at home. 4 Your book could/may/
Teachers: 1 must attend 2 must do 3 must be
might be in your bedroom. 5 I might not/may not
4 must come
arrive early tonight. 6 That restaurant could/may/
Francesco: 1 have to go 2 have to do 3 have to go might be expensive.
4 have to visit
Ex 3 Unit 84 – Esercizi di riepilogo (79-83)
1 mustn’t 2 don’t have to 3 mustn’t 4 don’t have Ex 1
to 5 mustn’t 6 doesn’t have to 7 mustn’t 1 must dilute 2 must show 3 must tell 4 mustn’t
Ex 4 do 5 mustn’t talk
1 mustn’t eat 2 don’t have to get 3 mustn’t Ex 2
drive 4 doesn’t have to work 5 don’t have to have 1 mustn’t 2 don’t have to 3 mustn’t 4 don’t have
6 mustn’t believe to 5 must 6 don’t have to 7 must 8 mustn’t
9 must 10 don’t have to 11 mustn’t
Unit 82 – Should, ought to e had better :
consigli e critiche Ex 3
1 had to 2 has had to 3 must 4 to have to
Ex 1 5 must
1 should cook/ought to cook 2 shouldn’t work
3 should buy/ought to buy 4 should take/ought to Ex 4
take 5 shouldn’t go 6 should write/ought to write 1 must 2 Should 3 should 4 shouldn’t 5 should
6 should 7 mustn’t 8 mustn’t
Ex 2
1 shouldn’t stay 2 should stay/ought to stay Ex 5
3 should eat/ought to eat 4 shouldn’t travel 1 ’d better try 2 shouldn’t play 3 ’d better not tell
4 shouldn’t tell 5 ’d better go

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 6 Ex 3
1 You mustn’t arrive late. It’s an important meeting. 1 didn’t need to go 2 needn’t have got 3 didn’t
2 You don’t have to do the exercise. It isn’t necessary. need to look 4 needn’t have bought 5 needn’t have
3 That man can’t be John. He’s away on holiday. washed 6 didn’t need to finish
4 You shouldn’t wash that blouse in the washing
machine. 5 You’d better phone the restaurant. It Unit 87 – Can, must, should, ought to, may,
could/may/might be closed. 6 May/Might Gill not might, could: supposizioni (2) e altri usi
know Carol’s address? Ex 1
1 can’t be having 2 must be staying 3 could be
Unit 85 – Could, be able to, managed to: checking 4 might be trying 5 could be playing
capacità e possibilità al passato
Ex 2
Ex 1 1 must have had 2 must have put 3 might have left
1 could use – couldn’t use 2 could dance – couldn’t 4 can’t have done 5 could have seen 6 could have
do 3 could cook – couldn’t make 4 could ride taken 7 can’t have happened
– couldn’t drive 5 could speak – couldn’t speak
6 could play – couldn’t play Ex 3
1 should/ought to/could/might have sent 2 should/
Ex 2 ought to have insisted 3 shouldn’t have forced
1 were able to push 2 weren’t able to phone/couldn’t 4 shouldn’t have listened – should/ought to have
phone 3 managed to 4 couldn’t get/didn’t manage continued 5 might/could have become – could/might
to get 5 were able to phone 6 couldn’t repair/wasn’t have earned
able to repair
Ex 3 Unit 88 – Esercizi di riepilogo (73-87)
1 Were you able to do – couldn’t do/wasn’t able to Ex 1
do 2 could ski 3 didn’t manage to solve 4 Could Primo gruppo: B 3  C 1 – Secondo gruppo: A 3 
you speak 5 were able to have 6 Did you manage B 2  C 1
to change Ex 2
Ex 4 1 didn’t need to worry 2 was able to follow 3 was
1 My grandfather could speak three languages. 2 I unable to find/couldn’t find 4 was able to measure
wasn’t able to repair/couldn’t repair my MP3 player 5 affect 6 must have been
yesterday. 3 After some/several hours Jeff managed Ex 3
to start the car. 4 Could you play the piano when 1 mustn’t 2 didn’t need to 3 had to 4 don’t need
you were a boy? 5 Were you able to speak/Did you 5 needn’t have 6 needn’t 7 must 8 have to
manage to speak to Sally yesterday? 6 The thieves
tried everything but they didn’t manage to open the Ex 4
safe. 7 Joel couldn’t swim but he learnt at school. 1 can’t have gone 2 managed to get 3 did she
manage to do 4 must have queued 5 didn’t need
Unit 86 – Need, needn’t, didn’t need to to queue
e needn’t have: mancanza di necessità Ex 5
Ex 1 1 ii) 2 i) 3 i) 4 i) 5 ii) 6 i) 7 ii) 8 i)
1 Does she need to do 2 doesn’t need to do/needn’t Ex 6
do 3 Does she need 4 doesn’t need 5 Does 1 You shouldn’t eat all that chocolate. 2 You don’t
she need to buy 6 doesn’t need to buy/needn’t have to prepare me anything for lunch. It’s not
buy 7 does she need to bring 8 needs 9 Do I necessary. I’ll eat at school. 3 You mustn’t park
need to enroll 10 don’t need to enroll/needn’t enroll here. It’s private. 4 You should have done exercise
11 need to do 12 Do you need 13 don’t need 4. 5 You shouldn’t have jumped off that wall. You
Ex 2 could/might have broken your leg. 6 I had to cancel
1 didn’t need to study 2 needn’t have worried my holiday last year.
3 needn’t have done 4 needn’t have brought
5 didn’t need to feed

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Unit 89 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1) Ex 5

Ex 1 1 E 2 H 3 I 4 A 5 G 6 B 7 F 8 D
1 dentist 2 cook 3 lawyer 4 police officer 5 pilot Ex 6
6 nurse 7 footballer 8 judge 1 weren’t able to solve 2 needed 3 might have
Ex 2 committed 4 to arrest someone 5 vandalism
1 shop assistant 2 hairdresser 3 pilot 4 air 6 burglary 7 held him in custody 8 murder
hostess 5 waiter/waitress 6 engineer 7 lawyer 9 shouldn’t have arrested
8 actor/actress 9 footballer 10 doctor, dentist and Ex 7
nurse 11 teacher 12 journalist 13 bus driver 1 make up 2 make up for 3 make out 4 make for
14 interpreter 5 make this box into
Ex 3 Ex 8
1 has to speak 2 can’t use 3 has to understand
1 made for 2 make this cardboard into 3 to make
4 A judge 5 mustn’t judge 6 should be
7 A pilot 8 mustn’t drink 9 A footballer 10 has up for 4 making up 5 made off with
to run 11 should be 12 must control
Ex 4 Nomi e pronomi, possessivi
1 have to remember 2 don’t have to remember
3 mustn’t think 4 have to be 5 mustn’t forget e quantificatori, articoli
6 have to be 7 have to work 8 don’t have to like Unit 91 – Plurale dei nomi
9 have to get on with
Ex 1
Ex 5
1 a) pencils = matite 2 b) tomatoes = pomodori
1 a sore throat 2 a headache 3 earache
4 toothache 5 stomachache 6 backache 3 a) euros = euro 4 b) churches = chiese 5 b)
7 a temperature 8 an injection babies = bambini 6 b) foxes = volpi 7 a) chairs =
sedie 8 a) cars = auto 9 b) leaves = foglie
Ex 6 10 a) plays = commedie 11 a) notebooks =
A healthy lifestyle: be healthy – be fit – take regular quaderni 12 a) roofs = tetti 13 a) kilos = chili
exercise – be the right weight 14 b) sandwiches = panini 15 b) girls = ragazze
An unhealthy lifestyle: be overweight – be unfit
Ex 2
Ex 7
-s: cakes, radios, trains, zoos, schools, beliefs, keys,
1 ’d better take 2 toothache 3 should see
phones, pianos
4 shouldn’t eat 5 ’d better not carry 6 backache
7 Shall I carry 8 have to go 9 overweight 10 unfit -es: watches, foxes, peaches, dishes, faxes, kisses
11 must do 12 temperature 13 mustn’t get -ies: cities, universities, ladies
Ex 8 -ves: knives, lives, thieves, shelves
1 buy 2 become 3 arrive 4 go 5 take Ex 3
1 photos 2 motorbikes 3 women 4 glasses
Unit 89 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) 5 men 6 loaves 7 shoes 8 teeth 9 flowers
Ex 1 Ex 4
1 sequestro di persona/sequestratore (rapimento/ mice – children – people – feet
rapitore) 2 dirottamento/dirottatore 3 omicidio/
omicida (assassinio/assassino) 4 terrorismo/terroristi Ex 5
5 vandalismo/vandali 1 peaches 2 strawberries 3 kilos 4 potatoes
Ex 2 5 peppers 6 loaves 7 bottles 8 packets
1 Terrorists 2 hijacking 3 Shoplifting 9 stamps
4 kidnapper(s) Unit 92 – Nomi numerabili e non numerabili
Ex 3 Ex 1
1 bank robbers 2 burgled – stole 3 robbed
1 some – NN 2 an – N 3 some – N 4 some – NN
4 robbed 5 theft 6 armed robbery
5 some – NN 6 a – N
Ex 4
1 robbers 2 steal 3 could have taken 4 can’t have
known 5 must have had 6 robbed 7 shoplifters

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 2 Unit 95 – Genitivo sassone

1 N 2 NN 3 NN 4 NN 5 NN 6 NN 7 NN 8 NN Ex 1
9 NN 10 N 11 NN 12 N 13 N 14 NN 15 N 1 They’re Simon’s books. 2 It’s the Millers’ house.
16 N 17 NN 18 NN 19 NN 3 They’re the children’s pizzas. 4 It’s those boys’
Ex 3 football. 5 It’s Denis’s car. 6 It’s those men’s bill.
1 Is – a 2 are – some 3 is – some 4 is – some Ex 2
5 is – an 6 is – some 7 Is – a 8 is – some 1 Those are the twins’ bikes. 2 Helen is Fiona’s
Ex 4 daughter. 3 These are the students’ books. 4 Chris
1 is 2 are 3 is 4 isn’t 5 are 6 is 7 is 8 are is John’s cousin. 5 This is the children’s bedroom.
Ex 5 6 David is Mr and Mrs Colenutt’s son. 7 We’ve got
1 I’ve got/I have some homework for tomorrow. 2 Your three days’ holiday.
advice is good. 3 This is a nice piece of furniture. Ex 3
4 There is some spaghetti if you want. 5 Is there a 1 students’ 2 ✓ – Mike’s 3 butcher’s – Luigi’s
piece/slice of cake? 6 This luggage is heavy. Can you 4 everybody’s – ✓ 5 Sue – ✓ 6 ✓ – Fiona’s
carry it? 7 My hair is black. 8 I’ve got a piece of Ex 4
news for you. 9 There’s a can of beer in the fridge. 1 The Prince of Wales 2 Helen’s address 3 those
Unit 93 – Pronomi soggetto e complemento girls’ names 4 the top of the mountain 5 Paul
and Sheila’s grandmother 6 the colour of your eyes
Ex 1 7 The men’s tournament
1 I’m 2 It’s 3 She’s 4 He’s 5 You’re 6 they
aren’t 7 They’re 8 It’s Unit 96 – This, that, these, those; one, ones
Ex 2 Ex 1
1 They have got it. 2 We know her. 3 He is phoning 1 this 2 those 3 that 4 that 5 These 6 this
them. 4 It is waiting for us. 5 They are listening to Ex 2
him. 6 She wants to see you. 7 Can we watch it, 1 those 2 This 3 These 4 This 5 That 6 these
please? 8 It likes it.
Ex 3
Ex 3 1 Which one? The one next to Ann. 2 I must buy
1 I – it 2 They – them 3 I – I – me 4 her – She some new ones. 3 I prefer the black ones. 4 No,
5 He – him 6 us – we 7 you – It 8 them – me it’s that one over there. 5 Which one do you want?
Ex 4 6 Mine are the ones near the lift.
1 give him – It’s 2 She’s – her 3 put them 4 meet Ex 4
you 5 They’re – find them 6 tell her 7 It’s – help us 1 early one 2 gold ones 3 pretty one 4 cheap one
Unit 94 – Aggettivi e pronomi possessivi 5 clean ones
Ex 1 Ex 5
1 Her 2 our 3 your 4 my 5 Its 6 your 7 their 1 A: Which is your cell phone/mobile phone? B: The
8 His one on the table. 2 A: This cake is good/nice.
B: This one is good/nice too. 3 A: I like those
Ex 2 glasses. B: I prefer the black ones. 4 A: Do you want
1 hers – Her 2 mine – My 3 his – His 4 our – an ice cream? B: Yes, please but only a small one.
Ours 5 theirs – Their 5 A: There are two umbrellas. Which is yours?
Ex 3 B: The brown one.
1 your 2 its 3 your 4 his 5 mine 6 her
7 yours 8 their Unit 97 – Some, any, no, none
Ex 4 Ex 1
1 a cousin of yours/one of your cousins 2 A relative Parole da cancellare: 1 some – some – any 2 some
of hers/One of her relatives 3 a song of his/one of – any 3 some – any 4 any – some
his songs 4 A student of ours/One of our students Ex 2
1 any – a 2 any – some 3 an – some 4 some – a
5 an – a – some 6 any – some

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Ex 3 Ex 5
1 any – none 2 any – some – no 3 any – none – Espressioni da cancellare: 1 any 2 they – it – ones
some 4 Some 5 no – None 3 ours – some 4 many – no – a 5 many 6 I don’t
Ex 4 need many 7 at the page’s bottom 8 one on page 19
1 some 2 some 3 some 4 some 5 some 6 any Unit 100 – Too e enough; too much/too many
7 some
Ex 1
Unit 98 – Much, many, a lot of con i nomi; how 1 The hotel isn’t near enough 2 The wardrobe isn’t
much e how many; a lot e much con i verbi big enough 3 It isn’t hot enough 4 He doesn’t know
Ex 1 the language well enough 5 Many things are too
1 He hasn’t got many animals. – Has he got many expensive 6 The area is too noisy
animals? 2 There isn’t much snow. – Is there much Ex 2
snow? 3 She hasn’t got much work. – Has she got 1 too much 2 too many 3 too 4 too much 5 too
much work? 4 She hasn’t got many relatives. – Has much 6 too much – too 7 too 8 too many 9 too
she got many relatives? much
Ex 2 Ex 3
1 many – a lot 2 much – much – a lot of 3 much 1 Amy doesn’t eat enough fruit. 2 She doesn’t
– a lot 4 a lot of – much 5 many – many 6 a lot have enough time 3 She isn’t slim enough. 4 She
of doesn’t do enough physical exercise. 5 She doesn’t
Ex 3 walk enough. 6 She doesn’t have enough self-
1 How many 2 How many 3 How much 4 How discipline. 7 she doesn’t try hard enough 8 She
much 5 much 6 many 7 How many 8 much isn’t determined enough.
9 much 10 much 11 How many Ex 4
Ex 4 1 enough money 2 too wet 3 too many suitcases
1 a lot of 2 much 3 a lot 4 a lot of 5 many – enough room 4 too much food 5 too many
6 many 7 a lot 8 much 9 a lot of 10 much people – enough seats 6 good enough 7 too much
sugar – too sweet 8 enough eggs 9 too expensive
Ex 5 10 too many errors
1 much 2 a lot 3 much 4 much 5 much 6 a lot
7 a lot 8 much Unit 101 – Articolo indeterminativo: a/an
Ex 1
Unit 99 – Esercizi di riepilogo (91-98)
1 a 2 an 3 a 4 an 5 a 6 a 7 a 8 an 9 a
Ex 1 10 an 11 a 12 a 13 an 14 a 15 a 16 an
Across: 5 children 6 carrots 10 beaches 17 an 18 a 19 a 20 a 21 an 22 a 23 an
12 bread 13 luck 14 feet 24 a
Down: 1 kilos 2 advice 3 anger 4 wives 7 rice
Ex 2
8 toys 9 babies 11 salt
a: building = un palazzo – garden = un giardino
Ex 2 – youth hostel = un ostello della gioventù – car park
1 them 2 You 3 your 4 They 5 them 6 Whose = un parcheggio – handicap = un handicap – field =
7 Henry’s 8 his 9 his 10 Andy 11 my 12 me un campo – unit = un’unità – handle = una maniglia
13 I 14 you 15 She 16 Beth’s 17 Beth 18 her – spoon = un cucchiaio – pineapple = un’ananas
19 your 20 our 21 They 22 men’s 23 Mine – uniform = una divisa – hat = un cappello – bed =
24 wife’s un letto – jungle = una giungla
Ex 3 an: accountant = un ragioniere – honour = un onore
1 cousin of mine 2 of Denis’s photos 3 grandchild – uncle = uno zio – apricot = un’albicocca – ostrich
of theirs 4 of our company’s products 5 tie of yours = uno struzzo
6 relative of hers 7 of Nick’s 8 neighbour of ours Ex 3
Ex 4 1 A – an – termometro 2 An – a – polpo
1 a lot of 2 How many 3 some 4 some 5 many 3 A – a – lavanderia 4 A – a – tamburo 5 An – a –
6 some 7 no 8 any 9 much 10 some 11 some an – terminal dell’aeroporto 6 An – a – formica
12 None 7 A – a – a – casco 8 An – a – cipolla

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 4 world 9 Lufthansa 10 the mountains 11 the

1 an – a 2 an – an 3 a – an 4 a – a 5 an – a kitchen 12 the theatre 13 1066  14 the piano
6 an Ex 7
1 the – X – X 2 the – the 3 the – X – X 4 the – X
Unit 102 – Articolo determinativo, nessun 5 X 6 X – the – the 7 X – X 8 X – The 9 the –
articolo (1) the 10 X – the
Ex 1
1 G – cats 2 G – Children 3 S – The money Unit 104 – Articolo determinativo, nessun
4 S – the children articolo (3)
Ex 2 Ex 1
1 the – S 2 X – G 3 The – S 4 the – S 5 X – G 1 the 2 the 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 the 8 the
6 the – S 7 X – G 9 the 10 X 11 X 12 the 13 the 14 the
Ex 3 Ex 2
1 Yesterday Jenny bought a T-shirt and a pair of 1 X 2 the 3 X 4 the 5 X 6 the 7 the
jeans. The T-shirt is blue and the jeans are black. Ex 3
2 A: Excuse me, is there a post office near here? 1 school – the school 2 the university 3 the
B: Yes, go down this street and you’ll see the post hospital – the church 4 hospital – bed 5 the prison
office on your left. 3 A woman and two men died – prison 6 on the bed
in a car accident yesterday. The woman was a well- Ex 4
known fashion designer. The men were journalists. 1 the – X – the Netherlands 2 The – the USA 3 the
Ex 4 – Sicily 4 X – the – India 5 X – South America
1 X – the 2 X – The 3 X – the – the 4 X – the 6 X – Europe 7 X – Turin 8 X – Paris
Ex 5
1 a 2 X 3 a 4 X 5 the
Unit 105 – Esercizi di riepilogo (91-104)
Ex 1
Unit 103 – Articolo determinativo, nessun 1 coffee 2 the coffee 3 the red 4 red 5 a red
articolo (2) 6 Portuguese 7 a Portuguese 8 The Portuguese
Ex 1 Ex 2
1 X 2 The 3 X 4 the 5 X 6 X 1 too much time 2 too expensive 3 a lot of my
Ex 2 friends 4 earn a lot 5 earn enough 6 near enough
1 the dead 2 young 3 homeless 4 dead 5 the 7 too many students
homeless Ex 3
Ex 3 1 that 2 ones 3 This 4 one 5 this 6 these
1 X – X – X – the 2 X – the 3 X – X 4 X – X 7 ones 8 these 9 that 10 one
– the – The 5 X – X – the 6 X – the – the 7 X Ex 4
– the 8 X 1 too much time 2 frequent enough 3 too late
Ex 4 4 enough breakfast 5 too hot 6 sleep enough
1 The train now leaving from the platform 7 is the 7 too thin 8 drank too much 9 enough money
express train to Liverpool. 2 The olds and the youngs 10 too many things 11 save enough 12 enough
often have different opinions. 3 The Hindi and the time
English are the official languages of India. 4 The Ex 5
gerontology is the science that studies the problems 1 any 2 X 3 some 4 X 5 some 6 a 7 the 8 a
of the old people. 9 a 10 X 11 any 12 the 13 X 14 some 15 the
Ex 5 16 X 17 an
1 The English 2 (The) Italians 3 (The) Germans Ex 6
4 The Chinese 5 (The) Americans 6 The Japanese 1 Giraffes 2 a stamp 3 Five-star hotels 4 Guns
Ex 6 5 a young 6 poor
1 the seaside 2 Christmas 3 8 o’clock 4 the Ex 7
moon 5 the internet 6 Ford 7 Sunday 8 the 1 your 2 the 3 X 4 the 5 too young 6 a lot of

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7 an 8 X 9 X 10 us 11 X 12 X 13 the 14 a Ex 4

15 X 16 X 17 a 18 us 19 a 1 each other 2 themselves 3 herself 4 himself
Ex 8 5 each other 6 themselves 7 each other
1 me 2 them 3 they’re 4 It’s 5 too many
6 those 7 big enough Unit 108 – Composti di some, any, no e every
Ex 9 Ex 1
1 many bands 2 How many musicians 3 A lot 1 somewhere 2 something 3 somewhere
4 an agent 5 good music 6 enough songs 7 loud/ 4 Someone/Somebody 5 something
strong enough 8 smoke too much Ex 2
Ex 10 1 Some- 2 any- 3 no- 4 any- 5 no- 6 any-
1 the July 2 in the Alps 3 an old man/person 7 some- 8 no- 9 some- 10 any-
4 The Mr Bressi 5 a the story 6 a child 7 the Ex 3
work 8 the America 9 the Atlantic Ocean 10 the 1 anywhere 2 anybody/anyone 3 anything 4 went
New York 11 the English 12 in a factory 13 the nowhere 5 saw nobody/no one 6 did nothing
an Italian restaurant 14 the Oregon 15 the USA Ex 4
16 the trees 17 a the money 18 the a little house 1 somewhere 2 something 3 anything
Ex 11 4 somebody/someone 5 anybody/anyone
1 C 2 C 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 C 7 D 8 C 9 C 6 anywhere 7 somewhere
10 B Ex 5
Unit 106 – Nomi sempre plurali, nomi collettivi, 1 anything 2 anywhere 3 somewhere
4 somebody/someone 5 nobody/no one 6 anybody/
nomi composti anyone
Ex 1
Ex 6
1 They’re 2 is 3 cost – them 4 aren’t 5 are – is
1 everywhere 2 everything 3 everybody/everyone
6 pairs of pyjamas
Ex 7
Ex 2
1 is – them 2 Is – them 3 has – their 4 speaks
1 plays 2 stop 3 meet 4 is 5 aren’t 6 comes
– their
Ex 3
Ex 8
1 an orange tree 2 a golf ball 3 the world
1 anywhere else 2 somewhere else 3 everything
champion 4 an art book 5 a shoe shop 6 a
else 4 nothing else 5 anyone/anybody else
football field 7 a vegetable garden
Ex 9
Ex 4
1 somewhere sunny 2 something elegant
1 40-year-old manager 2 three-bedroom flat
3 something tasty 4 somebody/someone intelligent
3 two-hour journey 4 three-star hotel 5 500-page
novel 6 200-euro prize Ex 10
1 Do any – none of them do 2 Do any of the boys
Ex 5
– none of them do 3 Do any of the girls – some of
1 fire alarm 2 fire exits 3 fire engine 4 firemen
them do
Unit 107 – Pronomi riflessivi; each other/one Ex 11
another 1 do any of you – some of us do 2 do any of you
Ex 1 – none of us do
1 themselves 2 yourself 3 ourselves 4 herself Unit 109 – (A) little e (a) few
5 himself 6 yourselves
Ex 1
Ex 2 1 few 2 little 3 little 4 Few – little 5 little 6 few
1 to himself 2 by myself 3 after ourselves 4 for
myself 5 with herself 6 about himself Ex 2
0 little – a little 1 a little – little 2 little – a little
Ex 3
1 himself 2 myself 3 herself – X 4 yourself – X Ex 3
5 X – himself 6 itself 0 few – a few 1 Few – a few 2 a few – Few

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 4 1 make ourselves 2 himself 3 helped themselves

1 little 2 few 3 few 4 little 5 little 6 few 4 make herself 5 a fool of myself 6 to yourself
7 a little 8 a few 9 a little 10 a little 11 a few Ex 7
12 a few 13 a little 1 each other 2 both 3 their 4 each 5 themselves
Ex 5 6 their 7 every 8 all 9 both 10 either 11 both
1 few 2 little 3 few 4 a little 5 a few 6 little 12 each 13 both 14 myself 15 neither 16 felt
7 a few 8 little 17 myself 18 all/everything 19 myself 20 me
Ex 8
Unit 110 – Both (of ), either (of ), neither (of ); 1 didn’t do anything all afternoon 2 spoke to no one
all e everything; every e each (of ) during the journey 3 isn’t anywhere to park the car
Ex 1 in this area 4 ’ll tell nobody
1 Both 2 Neither 3 either – Both Ex 9
Ex 2 1 little 2 somewhere 3 a little 4 a few
1 both of 2 either of 3 both 4 Both of 5 Neither 5 everyone 6 a little 7 a few 8 anywhere
of 6 neither of Ex 10
Ex 3 1 D 2 B 3 C 4 A 5 B 6 D 7 D 8 A 9 D
Risposte corrette: 1 Each/Every 2 each 3 each 10 B 11 C 12 A
4 Everything 5 each 6 Every 7 all/everything Ex 11
8 Each 1 There were a lot of people at the bus station.
Ex 4 2 A: May I introduce myself? My name’s Erik. B: I
1 both of 2 both – either of 3 each of 4 every think we have already met. 3 I’ve cut myself. Have
5 Neither 6 Neither of you got any plasters? 4 You can call me either at my
home number or on my mobile (phone). 5 Neither of
Unit 111 – Esercizi di riepilogo (106-110) the two businessmen speak/speaks English, so they
Ex 1 can’t understand each other/one another. 6 Anyone
haircut – necklace – headphones – lipstick – can understand this book. It’s not difficult. 7 There’s
sunglasses little time to visit the city. We can see only a few
1 a 2 sunglasses 3 some 4 lipstick 5 necklace monuments. 8 Have you got a little/any bread? I
6 haircut 7 some 8 headphones want to make a few sandwiches. 9 There are very
Ex 2 few service/petrol stations along the road, and we
have (got) little petrol. 10 Both cakes are good/
1 is 2 a 3 some 4 toothbrush 5 a 6 are
delicious. Can I have a little of both?
7 are 8 them 9 have 10 thirty-year-old 11 shoe
12 say 13 racehorse 14 these Unit 112 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
Ex 3 Ex 1
A Silver Gym B Fitness Club C Health Centre 1 pineapple 2 bananas 3 apples 4 oranges
1 Neither 2 either 3 Both 4 nor 5 or 6 and 5 grapes 6 milk 7 orange juice 8 sugar
Ex 4 9 cheese 10 coffee 11 carrots 12 rice
1 himself 2 X 3 yourself/yourselves 4 X 5 X 13 chicken 14 potatoes 15 ham 16 lettuce
6 myself 7 ourselves 8 X 17 lamb 18 spinach
Ex 5 Ex 2
1 little – myself 2 Anyone – few 3 nothing – Nomi non numerabili: milk – orange juice – sugar
everything 4 Neither – each 5 Everybody – a little – cheese – coffee – rice – chicken (quando si parla di
6 anyone – Everything una parte non ben definita di carne) – ham – lettuce
Ex 6 (quando si parla di una parte non ben definita di essa)
– lamb (quando si parla di una parte non ben definita
help oneself : servirsi da soli – keep something to
di carne) – spinach
oneself: tenere qualcosa per sé – make oneself
comfortable: mettersi a proprio agio – make oneself Nomi numerabili: bananas – apples – oranges
useful: rendersi utile – make oneself understood: farsi – grapes – carrots – chicken (se si intende il singolo
capire – make a fool of oneself : rendersi ridicolo animale) – potatoes – lettuce (se si intende il singolo
cespo) – lamb (se si intende il singolo animale)

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Ex 3 Ex 2
1 cheese 2 onions 3 rice farsi una contusione: bruise – tagliarsi: cut – slogarsi:
Ex 4 sprain
1 any 2 some 3 a 4 some 5 some 6 any Ex 3
7 Sugar 8 some 9 onions 10 a 11 rice 1 recovering 2 treating 3 sick 4 cured 5 healed
12 some Ex 4
Ex 5 1 sunburn 2 X 3 malaria 4 the 5 X 6 mountain
1 petrol station 2 library 3 taxi rank 4 bus stop sickness 7 X 8 diarrhoea 9 the 10 sea sickness
5 postbox Ex 5
Ex 6 1 aspirins 2 thermometer 3 a few 4 lots
1 zebra crossing 2 ambulance 3 police station 5 antiseptic liquid 6 bandages 7 treatment 8 Both
4 cashpoint 5 gym 6 surgery of 9 sun cream 10 ourselves 11 insect repellent
Ex 7 12 either 13 water purification tablets 14 sterile
1 library – many 2 much – petrol station 3 much syringes 15 everywhere
– cashpoint – a lot 4 a lot of – postbox Ex 6
Ex 8 1 an 2 X 3 removed
1 either on Monday or on Friday 2 neither French diagnosticare: diagnose – dolore: pain – varicella:
nor Italian 3 either – or 4 Neither – nor 5 both chickenpox
jazz and classical music Ex 7
1 brought out 2 bring him around 3 bring up
Unit 112 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) 4 brought it forward 5 brought about
Ex 1
1 bandage 2 plaster 3 sling

Formazione delle frasi e delle domande

Unit 114 – Costruzione della frase
Ex 1
Soggetto Verbo Compl. oggetto Come? Dove? Quando?
1 The phone is ringing.
2 Snow fell silently all night.
3I downloaded this file from the web.
4 The family has dinner on the terrace in summer.
5 He was smoking a pipe quietly at home in the evening.
6 My father has a sandwich for lunch.
7 Louise woke up suddenly in the middle of
the night.

Ex 2 Ex 3
1 continuously in Northern Germany in the last 1 X – on E-bay 2 the witnesses – X 3 the
three days 2 serious damage in many parts of the telephone – X 4 X – every day 5 this story – X
country 3 will fall sharply during the night 4 some 6 X – with my parents
snow in the Alps tomorrow 5 will see some very
warm weather at the weekend 6 quickly in the Unit 115 – Frasi relative determinative
Mediterranean during the next week 7 the next (Defining relative clauses)
weather report on Capital Radio at nine o’clock Ex 1
1 This is the bus which goes to Central Park. 2 I met

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Grammar Book Exercises

two girls who are in your class. 3 We’ll take the train Ex 3
which arrives at 9. 4 Pass me the books which are
on the shelf. 5 I don’t know the author who wrote Interrogativo Verbo Compl.
this book. 6 We saw the film which won the festival. (soggetto) oggetto
Ex 2 2 Who won the election?
1 X 2 that 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 that 3 What caused the delay?
Ex 3 6 Who owns this shop?
1 which I’ve been writing with 2 which you were
looking for 3 who Ann shares a flat with 4 which Interrogativo Ausiliare Soggetto Verbo
Jack works for 5 which we’ll drive through 6 who (compl.
Sally was playing with oggetto)
Ex 4 1 What does he do?
1 where we went 2 where a famous poet lived 4 Who did Sheila invite?
3 whose child was 6  4 where we ate fish 5 whose 5 What do the children like?
boat was called Titanic !
Ex 4
Unit 116 – Verbi seguiti da complemento 1 son married an actress? 2 happened yesterday?
indiretto/complemento oggetto 3 comes to dinner every Saturday? 4 did Tom buy in
Ex 1 New York? 5 letter did you read? 6 did John meet
1 ’ve promised Tom a present 2 sold us her old car at a party?
3 find me a copy of this book? 4 leave our friends
a note 5 gave the taxi driver her address 6 tell me Unit 118 – Domande indirette
the truth? Ex 1
Ex 2 1 Sue is asking who the manager is here. 2 I wonder
1 They’ve promised a present to Tom. 2 She sold why the dog is barking. 3 They want to know when
her old car to us. 3 Can you find a copy of this book Bob can come. 4 He is asking how much Gill will
for me? 4 Let’s leave a note for our friends. 5 She earn. 5 The doctor wants to know who the next
gave her address to the taxi driver. 6 Why didn’t you patient is. 6 We wonder why Jack has got a black
tell the truth to me? eye.
Ex 3 Ex 2
1 D – him 2 F – for her 3 B – us 4 E – the 1 where the koala lives 2 when England won the
children 5 G – to class 4B 6 A – for the children football World Cup 3 what Captain Cook discovered
4 how you say ‘Thank you’ in Japanese 5 why they
Ex 4 speak Portuguese in Brazil 6 who Napoleon married
1 it to him 2 for 3 it to them 4 us their camera
Ex 3
5 it back to them 6 me some aspirin
1 if/whether your friend is Spanish too 2 if/whether
Ex 5 you’ve got a passport 3 if/whether you live in
1 cook them for 2 offer it to 3 sold them to 4 sent Barcelona 4 if/whether you’ve been to Britain before
it to 5 if/whether you arrived yesterday 6 if/whether your
friend can speak English
Unit 117 – Interrogativi: when, where, why,
how, who, what, which, whose Ex 4
1 what the time is? 2 if/whether the hotel has got a
Ex 1
sauna? 3 why there are no taxis? 4 how long the
1 When is the next train? 2 Where does Paul live? journey takes? 5 if/whether this bus goes to Russell
3 Why have they cancelled the event? 4 How do they Square? 6 where you put the scissors?
get to work?
Ex 5
Ex 2
1 how far the nearest star is 2 if/whether man could
1 Which 2 Which 3 what 4 What 5 Which live on Saturn 3 if/whether the Sun will die one day
4 how many stars there are in the night sky? 5 if/
whether we are alone in the universe 6 where life

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came from 7 why life didn’t develop on other planets Unit 121 – How far is it? e How long
like Mars or Venus 8 if/whether we will ever be able does it take?
to answer all these questions
Ex 1
Unit 119 – Esercizi di riepilogo (114-118) 1 How far – How long 2 How long – How far 3 How
Ex 1 far – How long
1 read some magazines casually in the reading room Ex 2
for an hour 2 he had a cup of coffee in the library 1 How long does it take 2 How long does the journey
café 3 his mobile phone rang suddenly 4 talked take? 3 How long does it take him? 4 How far is
quietly on the phone for a minute 5 The suspect 5 How long does it take 6 How long is 7 It takes
walked slowly down the High Street 6 he met a me 8 It’s 12 kilometres.
woman 7 They spoke briefly 8 he put a brown Ex 3
packet quickly in her hand 9 he went home alone 1 It took 2 How far 3 does the journey take 4 It
Ex 2 takes 5 How long 6 will it take 7 will Mars be
1 who/that 2 X 3 who/that 4 who/that 5 X 6 X
7 X 8 who/that Unit 122 – Domande con like
Ex 3 Ex 1
1 I sent them to Ann. – I sent her the letters. 2 She 1 What are they like? 2 What were the roads like?
cooked it for her children. – She cooked them the 3 What will computers be like 4 What are the rooms
fish. 3 They took it to their dad. – They took him the like? 5 What is he like? 6 What was school like
toy. 4 I left it for Keith. – I left him the cake. Ex 2
Ex 4 1 ’s the new teacher like? 2 What does she look
1 Who – to 2 What – about 3 What – at 4 Which like? 3 What do children like? 4 How was he?
– at Ex 3
Ex 5 1 what does it sound like? 2 What does it taste like?
1 he is staying at 2 he is travelling in 3 he is 3 What does it smell like? 4 What does it feel like?
having dinner with 4 he is working on 5 he talks to Ex 4
6 he is working with 1 What did it look like? 2 What did he look like?
Ex 6 3 What was the weather like? 4 How is he now?
1 if/whether it is a comedy or a tragedy? 2 what Unit 123 – Connettivi (1): includere,
happens at the beginning of the play. 3 who killed
contrapporre, esprimere causa ed effetto
Hamlet’s father? 4 who Hamlet loves? 5 how the
play ends? 6 if/whether you have really read the Ex 1
play. 1 We bought a camera and also some films. – We
bought a camera and some films too/as well. 2 Tom
Unit 120 – How + aggettivo/avverbio: how tall, can sing and also play the guitar. – Tom can sing and
how old, how much, how many, how often play the guitar too/as well.
Ex 1 Ex 2
1 How high – high 2 How long – long 3 How 1 Though the patient is improving 2 in spite of the
deep – deep 4 How big – big 5 How wide – wide rain 3 but the product is still selling well 4 Even
6 How long – long though I studied hard 5 although it is quite far from
Ex 2 the beach 6 despite his age
1 How much 2 How often 3 How old 4 How many Ex 3
5 How much 6 How many 7 How often 8 How old 1 Since I’ve left my mobile at home, I can’t call Silvia.
9 How much 10 How tall 11 How many 12 How 2 Barbara got up and left the cinema because she
often didn’t like the film. 3 Tom decided to book a seat
Ex 3 since he knew that train was always full. 4 I haven’t
1 28 metres long 2 15 metres wide 3 high eaten anything today, so I’m very hungry. 5 As Aosta
4 many 5 tall 6 1.90 metres tall 7 often 8 much is in the mountains, the summer there isn’t too hot.

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 4 3 had the show started than the electricity was cut off
1 even though 2 because of 3 As 4 also 4 do we give you the best service 5 does the sun
5 Since 6 in spite of 7 so 8 because 9 as well shine in this season 6 has our team been so badly
10 Though 11 liked it too 12 so defeated 7 had the bus stopped when the children
jumped off
Unit 124 – Connettivi (2): relazioni di tempo Ex 3
Ex 1 1 Had she accepted 2 Were she 3 Should they
1 before 2 After 3 after 4 before 5 After offer 4 Had he been 5 Were he 6 should the
6 Before judge
Ex 2 Ex 4
1 Before preparing 2 after hearing 3 before leaving 1 First comes an athlete – next come all the other
4 Before installing 5 after finishing athletes 2 here comes Hilda 3 there goes our bus
Ex 3 4 There stood my father
1 later/then 2 later 3 When 4 as/while 5 When/ Unit 127 – Frasi relative esplicative
While 6 when 7 during 8 As
(Non-defining relative clauses)
Ex 4
Ex 1
1 then – at the end 2 When – eventually 3 At the
1 which 2 who 3 which 4 which 5 who
end – in the end
Ex 2
Unit 125 – Esercizi di riepilogo (117-124) 1 which is a good conductor of electricity 2 who was
Ex 1 born in Germany 3 which lives in Borneo 4 who
1 How high was it? 2 How fast was it flying? 3 How became famous with the film Pretty Woman 5 which
often do you receive a report? 4 What do they look is indigenous to America 6 who wrote the songs for
like? 5 Where do they come from? 6 How far is it? the film Saturday Night Fever
7 How long does it take? Ex 3
Ex 2 1 where he started his musical career 2 which was
1 How deep is Lake Como? 2 How much are the called simply Bob Dylan 3 which were inspired by
sunglasses? 3 How long does it/the journey take the American folk tradition 4 who often performed
4 How wide is 5 How high is Mount Kilimanjaro? with him 5 which shocked the audience of folk
Ex 3 enthusiasts 6 where he appeared on 31st August
1969  7 whose songs have been recorded by
1 because 2 in spite 3 because 4 So 5 in the
countless musicians 8 who was 65 at the time
end 6 After 7 While 8 When 9 too 10 so
11 As 12 Since 13 as well 14 How 15 What Unit 128 – Scopo: forma in -ing e infinito;
16 eventually 17 also 18 Then 19 Despite 20 as connettivi per esprimere scopo e causa
21 Where 22 looked 23 at the end 24 After
25 finally Ex 1
1 An umbrella is an object for keeping dry in the rain.
Ex 4 2 A pen is a thing for writing on paper.
1 How many children did they have? 2 What 3 A dishwasher is a machine for washing dishes.
destroyed their crop? 3 Where did the parents take 4 A schoolbag is a bag for carrying school books and
their girls? 4 Who did the three girls help? 5 Which pens.
of the three sisters put the bird on the tree? 6 Who
helped the three girls? Ex 2
1 Luisa went to Paris to see the Louvre. 2 Eddy
Unit 126 – Inversione della frase usually comes here to have a drink. 3 We’re
Ex 1 attending a course to learn German. 4 I took a
1 Nowhere are houses as expensive 2 Rarely have I part-time job to earn some money. 5 He’s coming
seen 3 Hardly had they repaired the car 4 Seldom tomorrow to repair the TV. 6 They are here to look at
could she afford 5 Scarcely had we begun to play the flat.
Ex 2
1 will tickets be refunded 2 did the ambulance arrive

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Ex 3 have seen is called Exodus. 3 Giorgio, who lives

1 for washing – to wash 2 for producing – to cut in France, comes here on holiday every summer.
– to reduce 3 to cook – for cooking 4 Students who live far from the school are often late.
Ex 4 Ex 9
1 so as not to 2 to 3 so as not to 4 so that 5 so 1 The robber who spoke with a northern accent told
that 6 to everyone to lie on the floor. 2 The car that was found
near the airport was a white Toyota. 3 The man,
Ex 5
who was tall and slim, was wearing a mask. 4 The
1 in case 2 in case of 3 due to 4 In case of 5 in robber, who spoke with a northern accent, had a car
case 6 Owing to parked in front of the bank. 5 The car, which he later
Ex 6 abandoned near the station, was a black BMW.
1 This machine is for cleaning the floors. I used it Ex 10
yesterday to clean the living room. 2 I have bought/ 1 because 2 who 3 so 4 To avoid 5 the concert
I bought this big suitcase to go on holiday. 3 We is 6 Owing to 7 that 8 Only then 9 where
have bought this house in the country so that our 10 Had I 11 which 12 so 13 in case 14 so as
children can spend their holidays here. 4 Turn not to 15 which 16 had I 17 than 18 was my
down the volume of the TV so as not to disturb the son
Unit 130 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
Unit 129 – Esercizi di riepilogo (114-128)
Ex 1
Ex 1
1 short 2 slim 3 long 4 blond 5 glasses 6 fat
1 had we arrived 2 have I heard 3 I known 4 had 7 grey 8 moustache 9 small 10 curly
the ceremony finished than 5 stood a richly laid table
6 have I eaten 7 did we finally go to bed 8 did they Ex 2
take us 9 were we allowed 10 then did I realize 1 long 2 curly 3 blond 4 grey
Ex 2 Ex 3
1 so that 2 in case 3 so that 4 in case 5 so that alto/a: tall – grassoccio/a: plump – snello/a: slim –
6 so that piccolo/a: short/small – grasso/a: fat
Ex 3 Ex 4
1 for – cut 2 to have 3 for – to 4 for moving 1 What does Sheila look like? 2 Has Jessica got
5 to 6 call 7 cutting short hair? 3 What is George like? 4 Does Sheila
wear glasses?
Ex 4
1 owing to 2 because of 3 due to 4 owing to Ex 5
5 so that 1 Mark 2 Jessica 3 Sheila 4 George
Ex 5 Ex 6
1 for making 2 how it works 3 to start 4 if/ Esercizio aperto
whether it is expensive 5 to buy 6 why you want to Ex 7
buy it 1 E 2 H 3 B 4 F 5 C 6 D 7 A
Ex 6 Ex 8
1 had I gone out when it started to rain 2 did Jenny 1 Can I try them on? 2 What size are you? 3 Where
see that it was snowing 3 have we met such kind are the fitting rooms? 4 Have you got a larger size?
people 4 Tom asked me, I would have helped 5 How much are they? 6 Do you take credit cards?
him 5 you need some information, call this number 7 Here’s your receipt.
6 comes my brother Ex 9
Ex 7 1 How 2 Why 3 Where
1 B 2 A 3 A 4 C 5 A 6 D 7 B 8 B 9 D come across: imbattersi in, trovare per caso – come
10 B 11 B 12 A 13 B 14 A 15 C down: diminuire, scendere – come up against :
Ex 8 incontrare (difficoltà ecc.) – come up with: trovare,
1 The Mona Lisa, which is in the Louvre, is the most escogitare
famous painting in the world. 2 The painting you

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 10 Ex 5
1 put out – after 2 because – put up with 3 Since 1 We’ve got/We have maths on Monday(s) and on
– put off 4 put you up – so Thursday(s). 2 I get up at nine (o’clock) on Sunday(s).
3 I work from Monday to Saturday. 4 This year we
Unit 130 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) aren’t at home at Christmas. 5 Helen was born in
Ex 1 2001. 6 It’s cold here in (the) winter.
1 I agree with you. 2 I agree but 3 I don’t agree/I
disagree. Unit 133 – La data e i numeri ordinali
Ex 2 Ex 1
1 Moreover 2 I think 3 Moreover 4 On the other 1 thirty-first 2 eightieth 3 fourteenth 4 twenty-
hand second 5 first 6 fifth 7 twelfth 8 seventh
9 sixtieth 10 ninth 11 eighth
Ex 3
in addition: per di più – firstly/first of all: innanzitutto Ex 2
– finally/lastly: infine 1 eightieth 2 thirty-first 3 fifth 4 fourteenth
5 eighth 6 seventh – seventh
Ex 4
1 since 2 In addition 3 owing to 4 Finally/Lastly Ex 3
5 because 6 In conclusion 1 2nd August 2 21st May 3 12th February 4 23rd
July 5 19th November 6 11th March 7 25th
Ex 5 December 8 10th September 9 5th January
1 so that 2 Moreover 3 agree 4 Firstly 5 In 10 20th April 11 8th October 12 15th February
addition 6 Lastly 7 In conclusion 8 believe 13 9th September 14 1st January
9 disagree 10 On the contrary 11 Furthermore
12 don’t agree 13 In my opinion 14 but Ex 4
1 the first of February sixteen eighty-nine 2 the
Ex 6 seventeenth of August nineteen 0 six 3 the third of
1 for 2 down 3 up 4 back January two thousand and nine 4 the twenty-eighth
Ex 7 of July two thousand and ten 5 the fourth of October
1 in 2 after 3 off 4 in eighteen seventy-two 6 the thirty-first of January two
thousand and eight
Ex 5
Preposizioni 1 On April the third. 2 April the fifteenth 3 April the
Unit 132 – Preposizioni di tempo: on, in, at, thirtieth 4 May the tenth
from … to Unit 134 – Principali preposizioni di stato
Ex 1 in luogo: in, at, on, behind…
1 in, in, in – periodo specifico 2 at, at, at – periodo Ex 1
festivo 3 on, on, on – giorno specifico
1 in 2 next to 3 near 4 behind 5 under 6 above
Ex 2 7 in front of 8 over 9 opposite 10 between
On: Thursday night – Friday – our anniversary – 11 below 12 on 13 at
4th July Ex 2
In: the evening – the eighteenth century – August 1 in – in 2 on – in 3 at 4 in – in 5 at
– 2007 – the summer
At: night – midnight – weekends Ex 3
1 near 2 opposite 3 under 4 in front of 5 over
Ex 3
1 in 2 at 3 on 4 in 5 in 6 on 7 at 8 in 9 in Ex 4
10 in 1 near 2 opposite 3 next to 4 between 5 in
Ex 4 Unit 135 – Preposizioni di moto: to, from, into,
1 in 2 from 3 to 4 at 5 in 6 on 7 at 8 On out of…
9 on 10 X 11 on 12 in 13 on 14 X 15 In
Ex 1
16 from 17 to
1 onto 2 into 3 onto 4 out of 5 to 6 from
7 out of

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Ex 2 4 over the weekend 5 until eleven o’clock 6 in a

1 off 2 into 3 out of 4 to 5 from week’s 7 by nine o’clock 8 By the time
Ex 3 Unit 138 – Altre preposizioni di stato in luogo
1 ✓ 2 out of 3 off 4 to 5 ✓ e di moto: across, over, through…
Ex 4 Ex 1
1 off 2 out of 3 on 4 on 5 off 6 into 7 off 1 through 2 outside 3 across 4 up 5 inside
6 along
Unit 136 – Esercizi di riepilogo (132-135)
Ex 2
Ex 1
1 past 2 along 3 across 4 through 5 round
1 next to 2 above 3 on 4 near 5 next to
6 up 7 outside
6 above 7 on 8 in 9 on 10 between 11 on
12 under Ex 3
Ex 2 1 up – down 2 through 3 across 4 over 5 past
6 beyond
1 in 2 at 3 in 4 on 5 X 6 X 7 at 8 in 9 at
Ex 4
Ex 3
1 There’s a beautiful lake beyond those hills. We often
1 a) in b) at c) at – at night 2 a) at b) at c) in –
go there in (the) summer. 2 Why don’t we put this
at Easter 3 a) in b) in c) in – in a swimming pool
painting above/over the fireplace? 3 The bus stop is
4 a) on b) at c) in – at weekends/in the evenings
opposite the bank. 4 It’s cold outside. Do you want
Ex 4 to wait inside? 5 There’s a path along the river but it
1 31st 2 at The White Angel Club 3 in 4 at 5 the isn’t very wide. 6 The bus goes past the hospital. We
first 6 at nine p.m. 7 at one a.m. 8 on don’t need to take/don’t have to take a taxi. 7 The
Ex 5 traffic in this city is a problem. They’re building a new
1 get on 2 on 3 to 4 gets off 5 in 6 in 7 next road which/that goes around the city. 8 You must
to 8 on 9 behind 10 from 11 to 12 at 13 in go/have to go towards the centre. Rubens Street is
14 at near the centre.
Ex 6 Unit 139 – Espressioni che si confondono:
1 There are some biscuits in the box on the table in on time/in time, at the end/in the end, by/with
the kitchen. 2 A: When is your birthday? B: It’s on
the second of March, next Sunday. 3 A: I found this Ex 1
book under the desk. Is it yours? B: No, mine is in 1 in time 2 at the end 3 with 4 on time 5 in the
the school bag. 4 A: Where is James? B: He’s at end 6 with 7 by
the office. A: Why is he working on Sunday? 5 Take Ex 2
the number 43 bus. You must get off in Sotheby 1 in 2 at 3 on 4 in 5 in 6 at
Avenue. The office is opposite the bank. 6 Where is Ex 3
the brochure of the Seychelles? It was here among Termini da cancellare: 1 by 2 with 3 with 4 by
these papers. 7 Get in/into the car. We’re late. Nick 5 with 6 by – with
is waiting for us in front of the cinema.
Ex 4
Unit 137 – Altre espressioni di tempo: by/in/ 1 by 2 by 3 in 4 with 5 on 6 at 7 in 8 by
within, in two weeks’ time, for/over, until/ 9 In 10 at
from … to, by the time
Unit 140 – Esercizi di riepilogo (132-139)
Ex 1
Ex 1
1 until 2 by 3 to 4 within 5 for 6 By the time
1 in 2 in front of 3 By the time 4 over 5 on
7 over 8 in
6 on 7 X 8 on 9 In the end 10 from 11 to
Ex 2 12 at 13 by 14 on
1 by – in 2 By then – by 3 by – by now Ex 2
Ex 3 1 past 2 inside 3 until 4 within 5 by 6 in 7 in
1 for three 2 from 3rd July to 24th 3 by Friday two days’ 8 on time 9 in time 10 at the end
11 at 12 across 13 along 14 through 15 across

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 3 time 7 by the time 8 outside 9 In the end 10 to

1 over/across 2 into 3 in 4 in 5 at 6 in 7 by 11 by 12 by 13 into 14 on
8 near 9 by 10 in time 11 through 12 across Ex 4
Ex 4 1 Sandra is a very sensitive girl. It was sensible not to
1 D 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 C 6 A 7 C give/not to have given her the bad news immediately.
2 Where have you put the camera? It isn’t in my room.
Ex 5
3 Carl works in a factory but he lives on a farm.
1 Let’s meet in half an hour’s time outside the library. 4 A: I’m bored. B: And I’m annoyed. You are never
2 You can open a new window by clicking on this icon. happy! 5 I’m nervous because I’ve got an exam
3 We wanted to go to the Chinese restaurant but it tomorrow. 6 I didn’t find that book in the bookshop.
was closed. In the end we went to a Thai restaurant. I’m going to the library to see if they’ve got it. 7 My
4 The builders will finish the bathroom in a week’s parents haven’t got many relatives. 8 Try to be polite
time if the tiles arrive by tomorrow. 5 I arrived home when you eat/are eating in a restaurant. 9 A: What is
just in time to see Sue before she left. 6 At this it? Is it a novel? B: No, it’s a collection of short stories.
hour/By now the children will already be in bed. 10 Mark realized it was impossible to carry out his plan.
Unit 141 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1) 11 John is always very irritable. He never smiles.
Ex 1
1 butcher’s 2 baker’s 3 library 4 greengrocer’s Aggettivi e avverbi
5 clothes shop 6 newsagent’s 7 shoe shop
8 bookshop 9 post office Unit 143 – Aggettivi qualificativi, aggettivi
Ex 2 in -ing/-ed, aggettivi non graduabili
1 at the newsagent’s 2 at the library 3 at the Ex 1
hairdresser’s 4 at the baker’s 5 at the butcher’s 1 frightening – frightened 2 excited – exciting
6 at the shoe shop 7 at the greengrocer’s 8 at the 3 fascinated – fascinating 4 surprising – surprised
bookshop 9 at the clothes shop 5 tired – tiring 6 shocking – shocked
Ex 3 Ex 2
1 region 2 city 3 town 4 village 1 extremely 2 fairly 3 very 4 extremely 5 quite
Ex 4 6 extremely
1 in 2 in 3 next to 4 near 5 library 6 opposite Ex 3
7 in 8 to 9 off 10 at 11 clothes shop 1 absolutely exhausted 2 absolutely terrible
Ex 5 3 absolutely freezing 4 absolutely marvellous
1 plane 2 underground 3 lorry 4 ferry 5 boat 5 absolutely delicious 6 absolutely boiling
6 ship 7 bicycle 8 van Ex 4
Ex 6 1 quite – absolutely 2 extremely – absolutely 3 an
1 on – off – plane 2 van – in 3 on – bicycle/moped absolutely – very 4 extremely – absolutely
4 off – ship 5 out of – lorry
Unit 144 – Avverbi di frequenza, posizione
Ex 7 degli avverbi
1 on 2 on 3 in 4 on 5 on 6 in 7 on – at 8 in
Ex 1
– on
1 usually 2 never 3 always 4 usually – always
Unit 141 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) 5 sometimes – often 6 never
Ex 1 Ex 2
1 on 2 in 3 to 4 with 5 in 6 On 7 with 1 I always study in the evenings 2 so I can rarely go
8 below 9 in time 10 by 11 on 12 by 13 by out 3 How long does it usually take you to get to the
14 between 15 outside 16 On 17 at 18 among college? 4 I frequently cycle to college 5 I always
Ex 2 go by bus. 6 The bus journey usually takes 15 to
20 minutes. 7 Are you ever late for the lessons?
1 E 2 B 3 F 4 G 5 D 6 A
8 I’m never late 9 the traffic is often slow 10 and I
Ex 3 sometimes get to college late 11 I occasionally use it
1 along 2 past 3 towards 4 at the end 5 in 6 in at the weekend.

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Ex 3 Ex 2
1 Sally does yoga every day. 2 Bob and Sue go on 1 nicely 2 automatically 3 terribly 4 comfortably
holiday twice a year. 3 Eric visits his grandparents 5 easily 6 early
once a month. 4 We clean the garage three times a Ex 3
year. 5 My sister never goes to the disco. 1 are incredibly good 2 aren’t terribly good 3 her
Unit 145 – Comparativo di maggioranza application clearly 4 speaks Russian perfectly
5 hasn’t worked there long 6 speak Russian well
Ex 1 7 can type fast 8 think carefully before
1 harder 2 nicer 3 hotter 4 cleaner 5 funnier
Ex 4
6 more modern 7 more attractive 8 hungrier 9 more
expensive 10 friendlier/more friendly 11 farther/ 1 slower – more slowly 2 more polite – more politely
further 12 younger 13 better 14 more careful 3 better – better 4 harder – harder 5 worse –
worse 6 more comfortable – more comfortably
Ex 2
1 warmer 2 more difficult 3 earlier 4 bigger Unit 148 – Esercizi di riepilogo (143-147)
5 safer 6 more careful Ex 1
Ex 3 1 expensive 2 surprised 3 boring 4 large size
1 longer than the Volga 2 faster than a Fiat Panda 5 young 6 French
3 easier than learning to ski 4 more expensive than Ex 2
the youth hostel 5 better than Holland 6 worse 1 I always have lunch 2 I usually go 3 ’ve never
than Tom 7 farther/further than your house 8 more been there 4 it is often crowded 5 you ever been
modern than the church 9 friendlier/more friendly to New York 6 spring always cold 7 is usually warm
than him 10 hotter than the South 8 can occasionally drop
Ex 4 Ex 3
1 worse than him 2 richer than her 3 later than us 1 better 2 the best 3 absolutely 4 quite 5 worse
4 more popular than me 5 hungrier than them 6 the worst 7 absolutely
Ex 5 Ex 4
1 higher 2 better than 3 quieter/more quiet 1 dangerous 2 good 3 well 4 dangerously
4 shorter than 5 more changeable 6 busier than 5 easy 6 comfortably 7 safely 8 late 9 slowly
Unit 146 – Superlativo degli aggettivi 10 safe
Ex 1 Ex 5
1 the highest mountain 2 the largest city 3 the 1 younger 2 older 3 of 4 tallest 5 in 6 taller
busiest port 4 the most populated country 5 the Name: Tom – Brian – Andrew
most famous painting 6 the most expensive metal Age: 23 – 17 – 19
7 the farthest/furthest planet 8 the smallest country Ex 6
Ex 2 1 A 2 A 3 D 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 A 8 C
1 shorter – the shortest 2 heavier – the heaviest Unit 149 – Comparativo di uguaglianza
3 cheaper – the cheapest 4 most expensive – more
expensive 5 more flexible – the most flexible Ex 1
6 better – the best 1 as expensive as the mobile phone 2 as warm as
the living room 3 as heavy as the sports bag 4 as
Ex 3
old as grandmother 5 as high as (inflation) in Britain
1 the most interesting of 2 the coldest month of 6 as well as you
3 the best player in 4 the tallest building in 5 the
most exciting day of 6 the worst of Ex 2
1 as cold as January 2 as long as the Volga 3 as
Unit 147 – Avverbi di modo fast as a lion 4 as old as Sam 5 as intelligent as a
Ex 1 dolphin 6 as cheaply as 7 as high as Ben Nevis
1 slowly 2 crazily 3 incredibly 4 magically Ex 3
5 hard 6 attractively 7 early 8 well 9 quickly 1 as/so long as me 2 as/so tired as us 3 as/so friendly
10 beautifully 11 badly as him 4 as/so badly as them 5 as/so far as you

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 4 Ex 2
1 as soon as 2 as far as 3 as long as 4 as well as 1 you are so enthusiastic 2 It’s so crowded. 3 they
5 as long as 6 as well as 7 As soon as play such cool music. 4 It’s such a noisy place.
5 they serve such delicious food. 6 the drinks are
Unit 150 – Ordine degli aggettivi, nomi usati so expensive. 7 You’re such a stingy person. 8 You
come aggettivi can meet such fantastic girls
Ex 1 Ex 3
1 that terrible green and orange plastic vase 2 The 1 many 2 many 3 much 4 a lot of 5 many
friendly young Chinese waitress 3 lovely (posizione 6 much 7 a lot of 8 a lot of
corretta) 4 smart (posizione corretta) 5 some Ex 4
interesting old Chinese paintings 6 a useful small
1 D – It was such a comfortable armchair (that) I fell
electronic gadget
asleep in it. 2 A – The guide spoke so fast (that) no
Ex 2 one could understand her. 3 B – Mary has received
1 new black and white 2 difficult long mathematical such a lot of presents (that) she doesn’t know where
3 small round glass 4 small old silver 5 promising to put them. 4 F – So many people visit this place
young Russian 6 warm brown leather (that) the hotels are always full. 5 G – He wears
Ex 3 such expensive clothes (that) I can’t believe he’s
1 hockey team 2 literature lesson 3 peace unemployed. 6 E – The table was so big (that) we
conference 4 Vasco Rossi fan 5 Berlin Film Festival couldn’t get it through the door.
6 Middle East crisis
Unit 153 – Esercizi di riepilogo (143-152)
Ex 4
Ex 1
1 old drive-in cinema 2 comfortable three-star hotel
3 Chinese take-away food 4 special on-line classes 1 long history 2 small Italian 3 good hot 4 old
school 5 big chocolate 6 me enthusiastically 7 ice
Unit 151 – Confrontare quantità: more e the hockey 8 important essay
most, less e the least, fewer e the fewest, as Ex 2
much/many as 1 fewer 2 than 3 such 4 such 5 so 6 that
Ex 1 7 less 8 more
1 more restaurants than in Bath 2 more traffic than Ex 3
in Bath 3 more pollution than in Bath 4 more 1 fewer 2 less 3 so 4 as 5 as 6 more
railway stations than in Bath 5 more car accidents Ex 4
than in Bath 6 more noise than in Bath 1 more expensive than 2 cheaper 3 as cheap as
Ex 2 4 as fast as 5 the slowest 6 faster than 7 faster
1 less 2 fewer 3 fewer 4 less 5 less 6 less than 8 the fastest
Ex 3 Ex 5
1 the most 2 more 3 fewer 4 the fewest 5 more Across: 1 best 3 least 5 of 7 most 9 fewer
6 More 7 more 8 the most 9 less 10 the least 10 as 11 in
Ex 4 Down: 2 that 3 less 4 such 6 faster 7 more
1 as many career opportunities as a computer 8 than
programmer 2 as many interesting people as a Ex 6
tourist guide 3 as many interesting places as a 1 A small triangular wooden 2 An expensive black
tourist guide 4 as much free time as a tourist guide leather 3 A cheap square Swiss 4 A long checked
5 as many exams as a computer programmer 6 as cotton 5 An old thick Spanish 6 A tall young British
much time 7 A fast Italian sports
Unit 152 – So e such Ex 7
1 isn’t as/so light as the Quickpix 2 isn’t as/so
Ex 1 cheap as the Quickpix 3 isn’t as/so easy 4 as/so
1 such – so 2 so – such 3 such – so 4 such – so long as 5 as/so well as the Quickpix 6 isn’t as/so
5 so – such 6 so – such powerful as 7 isn’t as/so good as the Quickpix
8 am not as/so expert as you

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Ex 8 Ex 3
1 the most 2 as many 3 more 4 the most 1 as if/as though they have been in the sun 2 as
5 fewer 6 the fewest 7 fewer 8 less 9 more if/as though nobody has cleaned it 3 as if/as though
10 the most 11 fewer 12 as many 13 the fewest nobody has opened the window for weeks 4 as if/as
Ex 9 though there’s something wrong with it 5 as if/as
1 more 2 many 3 more 4 much 5 much though this isn’t going to be a great party
6 such 7 many 8 that Ex 4
Ex 10 1 as if/as though he was/were a millionaire 2 as if/
1 as good as 2 more interesting than last year 3 so as though she didn’t have a worry in the world 3 as
many film stars 4 so much excitement 5 warm as I if/as though he was/were a beggar 4 as if/as though
expected 6 such a lot of interesting people 7 fewer we had all the time in the world 5 as if/as though he
journalists than usual 8 less interest from the media didn’t understand a word
than usual Unit 156 – Esercizi di riepilogo (143-155)
Ex 11 Ex 1
1 George made fewer mistakes/errors than Patricia. 1 less difficult 2 less interesting 3 fewer people
Paul made the fewest (mistakes/errors). 2 Less rain 4 less interest 5 fewer speakers 6 as famous
falls in February than in April. The least rain falls in 7 as good 8 as comfortable 9 less formal 10 less
July. 3 There were more students in the corridor expensive
than in the classroom. 4 There are five candidates.
The one who gets the most votes will be elected. Ex 2
5 This car is so expensive that no one is going to/will 1 as if/as though they are quarrelling 2 as if/as
buy it. 6 I have such a small home that I can’t put though it has gone off 3 as if/as though there is
you up. nobody at home 4 as if/as though she has won a lot
of money 5 as if/as though it has been in a fight
Unit 154 – Comparativo e superlativo di Ex 3
minoranza: less… than, the least; rafforzare 1 as 2 like 3 like 4 As 5 as 6 like 7 like
i comparativi Ex 4
Ex 1 1 often 2 never 3 worst 4 worse 5 terribly
1 it’s less interesting than 2 it was less tasty than 6 terrible 7 absolutely 8 quite
3 she writes less clearly than 4 it’s less hot than Ex 5
Ex 2 1 most 2 As 3 so 4 like 5 better 6 best 7 less
1 less reliable 2 less interesting 3 the least 8 fewer 9 so hot 10 more 11 nice hot Finnish
interesting 4 the least affectionate 5 less 12 invigorating ice-cold 13 much 14 an absolutely
affectionate 6 less comfortable 7 the least 15 less 16 as if I was 17 longer and longer
comfortable 18 bored 19 such
Ex 3 Ex 6
1 much/a lot/far higher 2 much/a lot/far more 1 Montana is less populated than California. Alaska
generous 3 much/a lot/far less expensive 4 much/a is the least populated state in the USA. 2 Grafton
lot/far less adventurous 5 much/a lot/far cheaper station is less important than Newbridge station.
Ex 4 Fewer trains stop at Grafton than at Newbridge.
1 a little/a bit more profitable 2 a little/a bit less 3 More rain falls in March than in July. November is
powerful 3 a little/a bit heavier 4 a little/a bit less the rainiest month of the year. 4 The capital is the
frequently 5 a little/a bit faster biggest/largest city in the country. More people live in
the capital than in the rest of the country. 5 There
Unit 155 – Like e as; as if e as though is such a strong wind and the waves are so big that
Ex 1 the beach is deserted/empty. 6 Alan works at the
1 like – as 2 like – as 3 like – as 4 as – like university as a technician and lives in a hostel like a
lot of students.
Ex 2
1 As – like 2 as – like 3 like – as 4 as – like

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Grammar Book Exercises

Unit 157 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1) Ex 4

Ex 1 1 terrified 2 astonished 3 miserable 4 fascinated
1 stivali/scarpe pesanti 2 vestito (da donna) Ex 5
3 giacca/giubbotto 4 camicia 5 scarpe 6 completo 1 friendly 2 helpful 3 furious 4 incompetent
7 maglione 8 felpa 9 calzature sportive 10 calzini 5 unreliable 6 ideal 7 patient 8 their work
11 guanti 12 sciarpa/foulard independently
Ex 2 Ex 6
1 woollen gloves 2 a denim jacket 3 leather shoes 0 good 1 bored 2 sensible 3 boring
4 a silk scarf 4 sympathetic 5 sensitive 6 nice
Ex 3 Ex 7
1 A pair of black leather shoes 2 A white cotton shirt 1 about 2 away with 3 on 4 over 5 by
3 A pair of blue and white trainers 4 A long evening Ex 8
dress 5 A formal grey suit 6 A heavy woollen 1 getting on 2 got over 3 get down to
sweater 7 Strong walking boots 8 A casual denim
Ex 4 Periodo ipotetico
1 old blue jeans – smarter 2 more casual – new
brown sweatshirt 3 warmer – heavy Norwegian Unit 159 – Periodo ipotetico di tipo zero
sweater 4 American cowboy boots – bigger e di primo tipo
Ex 5 Ex 1
1 wearing 2 put on 3 getting dressed 1 If you heat water to 100 °C, it boils. 2 If you click
on this icon, a new window opens. 3 I’m always
Ex 6 tired in the morning if I go to bed late. 4 If you speak
1 fireplace 2 coffee table 3 armchair 4 wardrobe slowly, everyone can understand you.
5 bookcase 6 bed 7 desk 8 cupboard 9 fridge
10 sink 11 cooker 12 mirror 13 washbasin Ex 2
14 toilet 15 shower 1 ask 2 ’ll lend 3 won’t be 4 leave 5 use 6 will
help 7 will be 8 finds out 9 have 10 will you
Ex 7 invite 11 won’t invite 12 doesn’t apologise
B bathroom C kitchen D living room
Ex 3
1 much 2 very 3 better 4 nice cold 5 quickly
6 as 7 hottest 1 Unless the weather improves, we won’t leave.
2 She will fail her exam unless she studies harder.
Ex 8 3 Unless you take this medicine, you won’t get better.
1 ground 2 kitchen 3 floor 4 bathroom 5 smaller 4 The product won’t sell unless they advertise it on TV.
6 largest 7 furniture 8 floor 9 walls 10 ceiling 5 Unless there is an emergency, I won’t call you.
6 I will leave my job unless they raise my salary.
Unit 157 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2)
Ex 4
Ex 1
1 won’t go – feels 2 pay – won’t have 3 passes
friendly: amichevole – helpful: disponibile (ad
– will buy 4 will finish – find 5 will taste – add
aiutare) – reliable: affidabile – interested: interessato
6 write – will read
– creative: creativo – resourceful: pieno di risorse,
intraprendente – patient: paziente – experienced: Unit 160 – Periodo ipotetico di secondo tipo
esperto – competent: competente – mature: maturo
Ex 1
– accurate: preciso – polite: educato, cortese
1 would/’d get 2 would change 3 wouldn’t be
Ex 2 4 would they accept 5 wouldn’t have 6 would
unfriendly – unhelpful – unreliable – uninterested – you do
inexperienced – incompetent – inaccurate – impatient
Ex 2
– immature – impolite
1 saw 2 would complain 3 won 4 wouldn’t be
Ex 3 5 weren’t 6 Would this bridge collapse 7 saw
1 mature 2 unhelpful 3 impatient 4 inexperienced 8 won
5 reliable 6 accurate

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Ex 3 Ex 2
1 would you take 2 I’d take 3 gave 4 would your 1 had met – would have driven 2 had driven
girlfriend say 5 you went 6 I asked 7 she’d/she – wouldn’t have got 3 hadn’t got – wouldn’t have
would accept caught 4 hadn’t caught – wouldn’t have spent
Ex 4 Ex 3
1 would 2 had 3 could 4 had 5 could get 1 What would you have studied 2 had gone 3 had
6 were 7 ’d studied 4 would you have become 5 hadn’t met
Ex 5 6 would you have married 7 hadn’t got 8 would
1 went 2 bought 3 wouldn’t spend 4 went have gone
5 could take 6 had 7 wouldn’t have to 8 would Ex 4
we do 9 had 10 wouldn’t worry 11 were 1 would – had 2 had – would 3 had – would
12 was/were 13 could always look 4 would – had
Ex 5
Unit 161 – Esercizi di riepilogo (159-160)
1 wouldn’t be 2 would have known 3 wouldn’t
Ex 1 have left 4 would be 5 wouldn’t have
1 freezes – it expands 2 drop – gravity pulls 3 peel
– it sinks 4 put – it attracts 5 hang – they dry Unit 163 – I wish + past simple/past
Ex 2 continuous/could
1 get 2 ’ll get 3 Will Carla come 4 Will the Ex 1
company answer 5 will look 6 have 1 I wish I lived 2 I wish I spoke 3 I wish I had
Ex 3 4 I wish I knew 5 I wish I worked 6 I wish I made
1 ’ll go 2 change 3 can 4 might still 5 phone Ex 2
6 can 7 feel 8 comes 9 take 1 I wish I wasn’t/weren’t so shy. 2 I wish I didn’t eat
Ex 4 so much. 3 I wish I was/were good at mathematics.
1 would you be 2 I was/were 3 would be 4 you 4 I wish I understood modern art. 5 I wish I could
had 5 would you buy 6 I’d buy 7 I had 8 you sing. 6 I wish I had time to go to the gym.
lived 9 would you live 10 I lived 11 I’d live Ex 3
12 I were 13 I’d stop 1 I wish it wasn’t/weren’t so cold. 2 He wishes he
Ex 5 had an umbrella. 3 She wishes her boyfriend didn’t
1 met – wouldn’t recognize 2 have – ’ll translate live in Paris.
3 had – ’d cook 4 could – wouldn’t have 5 can Ex 4
– ’ll meet 1 I was/were lying in my bed 2 they were playing in
Ex 6 the park 3 he was/were watching the TV in his living
1 If you buy three tickets, one is free. 2 The alarm room 4 I was/were living at home with them
rings if you press this button. 3 If you don’t like this Ex 5
T-shirt, you can change it. 4 You won’t pass the 1 If only 2 were 3 was 4 She wishes 5 If only
exam unless you study this book. 5 Will you go to 6 they wish
the party if they invite you? 6 If we don’t leave at
once, we might/may miss the plane. 7 There would Unit 164 – I wish + would/past perfect/
be fewer accidents if people drove carefully. 8 If could have
I/you told this story, no one would believe it. 9 Would Ex 1
you study another foreign language if you had time? 1 I wish she would do the shopping 2 I wish she
wouldn’t play music late at night. 3 I wish she would
Unit 162 – Periodo ipotetico di terzo tipo
clean the bathroom 4 I wish she wouldn’t make long
Ex 1 telephone calls. 5 I wish she wouldn’t use my bike
1 I would have helped you 2 Sam would have played without asking. 6 I wish she would help with the
for us 3 I wouldn’t have gone to the station 4 There cooking
would have been an accident 5 Would we have Ex 2
saved money
1 I wish you didn’t have flu. 2 I wish the weather
was/were fine. 3 I wish she would answer my

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Grammar Book Exercises

emails. 4 I wish this exercise wasn’t/weren’t so Ex 11

difficult. 5 I wish she would speak Italian more often. 1 If you had studied this lesson, you would have
6 I wish you wouldn’t wake me up so early. passed the test. 2 If you met the Prime Minister,
Ex 3 what would you ask him? 3 If they hadn’t built this
1 wish I had done a computer course 2 wishes bridge, how would we get to the village? 4 I wish I
he hadn’t bought it 3 wish we had brought some was/were on holiday. I wish we were flying on a plane
sandwiches 4 wish I hadn’t drunk so much coffee to Florida. 5 I wish I could swim as well as you. 6 I
5 wish I had listened to your advice 6 wish I hadn’t wish my parents wouldn’t always criticize me. 7 Alex
invited them wishes he hadn’t accepted that job. 8 The show was
wonderful. I wish you could have seen it/had been
Unit 165 – Esercizi di riepilogo (159-164) able to see it. 9 If you had saved your money last
Ex 1 year, now you would have the money for a new mobile
1 wouldn’t have missed 2 would have celebrated phone. 10 What would you have done if I hadn’t
3 would play 4 would go off 5 would have been come to meet you at the station?
Ex 2 Unit 166 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
1 had told 2 would never have rented 3 wouldn’t
Ex 1
be 4 stopped 5 will consider 6 don’t receive
7 will move do body-building, karate, yoga – play basketball,
soccer, tennis, volleyball – go cycling, skiing,
Ex 3 snowboarding, windsurfing
1 can 2 could 3 had lived 4 could have
Ex 2
Ex 4 0 ’ll go – ’ll do 1 ’d play 2 played 3 do 4 would/
1 I was/were free next weekend – if I was/were free ’d go 5 Would you play 6 ’ll go
next weekend. 2 I didn’t have a lot of business
Ex 3
appointments – if I didn’t have a lot of business
appointments. 3 my hotel room had air conditioning 1 ski run 2 track 3 court 4 court
– if my hotel room had air conditioning. Ex 4
Ex 5 fall for : lasciarsi ingannare, cascarci – fall behind:
1 hadn’t eaten – would feel – hadn’t eaten the food rimanere indietro – fall to: incominciare a – fall out
on the plane 2 hadn’t crashed – wouldn’t have (with): litigare (con) – fall through: fallire, andare a
– hadn’t crashed during the meeting 3 had brought monte
– wouldn’t feel – had brought some warm clothes Ex 5
with me 4 had booked – would be able – had carbon dioxide: anidride carbonica – heat: calore
booked me a hotel near the airport – trap: intrappolare
Ex 6 1 trap 2 heat 3 carbon dioxide 4 would be
1 you spoke Italian 2 you would speak Italian coal: carbone – power plants: centrali elettriche
sometimes 3 they lived in Italy 4 they would come – release: rilasciare – increase: aumentare
and see me 5 power plants 6 coal 7 release 8 do not reduce
Ex 7 9 increase
1 hadn’t sold 2 had taken 3 would have repaired
4 hadn’t taken 5 were lying 6 had said 7 wouldn’t chemicals: sostanze chimiche – pesticides: pesticidi
have booked 8 wouldn’t always criticize – soil: suolo – wildlife: animali e piante selvatici
10 pesticides 11 soil 12 chemicals 13 will suffer
Ex 8 14 wildlife
Frasi sbagliate: 1 B 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 A 6 B
Ex 9 climate: clima – farming: agricoltura – rain forest:
1 F – found/had found 2 A – is 3 I – would be foresta pluviale
4 D – didn’t have 5 H – would have got 6 E – had 15 climate 16 rain forest 17 farming 18 do not
published 7 B – had taken 8 G – attended preserve
Ex 10
1 D 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 6 D 7 A 8 D 9 C 10 B

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pollute: inquinare – raw materials: materie prime Il discorso indiretto

– recycle: riciclare – waste: rifiuti
19 waste 20 pollute 21 recycle 22 will be Unit 168 – Discorso indiretto
23 raw materials Ex 1
Ex 6 1 your 2 there 3 She’ll 4 you 5 she 6 you
1 If farmers used fewer chemical pesticides, soil and 7 She 8 you 9 her 10 her
water would be cleaner. 2 If governments protected Ex 2
forests, wildlife would not be in danger. 3 If people 1 your taxi is outside 2 her pizza is delicious 3 he’s
in cities cycled to work, the streets would not be leaving for Glasgow on Thursday 4 she can’t go
congested. to Sue’s party on Saturday 5 it’s his racket. It isn’t
Steve’s. 6 he’s in West Street. He’ll wait there.
Unit 166 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2)
Ex 3
Ex 1 1 he would be late – would 2 her pizza wasn’t very
1 una maglietta a maniche corte 2 un top senza good – past simple 3 she was waiting for Vick –
maniche 3 stivali/stivaletti con i tacchi alti 4 scarpe past continuous 4 he was going to sell his motorbike
con i tacchi bassi 5 una giacca a vento con il – was going to 5 he didn’t enjoy the film – past
cappuccio 6 un maglione con il collo a V simple 6 he was sleeping – past continuous – Helen
Ex 2 came home – past simple
1 scruffy 2 formal 3 casual 4 tight 5 baggy Ex 4
6 old-fashioned 7 trendy 8 the latest fashion/s 1 she hadn’t been to Paris before 2 he had been
9 designer clothes 10 quality clothes 11 worn-out working/was working on Saturday morning 3 she
Ex 3 had bought them a present 4 the TV was broken
1 sleeveless 2 neck 3 tight 4 high-heeled 5 he and his wife were watching the TV when they
5 scruffy 6 hooded 7 baggy 8 worn-out 9 smart heard a noise/he and his wife had been watching the
10 formal 11 elegant 12 latest fashions 13 quality TV when they had heard a noise 6 Jane was taking
14 short-sleeved 15 low-heeled her to the airport 7 if she needed help, she would
Ex 4 phone him
1 I wish he didn’t look – scruffy 2 I wish he didn’t Ex 5
always look – formal 3 I wish mum wore – trendier 1 Nick couldn’t come 2 they had to go to bed
Ex 5 immediately 3 she might go to Vienna 4 he might
1 metalhead 2 hooligan 3 green lifestyle 4 hacker arrive late 5 people must be eighteen to vote 6 she
could come with me
Ex 6
Ex 6
1 has had – pierced 2 has had – dyed 3 has had
– shaved 1 ✓ 2 had to 3 ✓ 4 would like 5 ✓ 6 was
meeting 7 ✓ – wouldn’t have found 8 might
Ex 7 come – ✓
1 had had my lip pierced – would have killed me
Ex 7
2 had had my hair dyed blonde – would have been
furious 3 had had my head shaved – would have 1 ought to leave early 2 she would have liked to see
been shocked that film 3 if they had had time, they would have
visited the Louvre 4 he couldn’t find his glasses
Ex 8 5 if he had time, he would study Spanish 6 Flight
put up: opporre (resistenza) – put (somebody) off : BA246 had already left 7 they had already finished
dissuadere, scoraggiare – put forward: presentare eating by 9  8 she studied/had studied French at
(proposte) – put somebody on: prendere in giro school but she couldn’t speak it very well 9 if she
qualcuno could, she would travel more 10 they didn’t have/
Ex 9 hadn’t had a picnic because it was raining/had been
1 forward 2 up 3 down 4 on raining
Ex 10
1 ospitare 2 rimandare

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Grammar Book Exercises

Unit 169 – Discorso indiretto: say e tell; Ex 4

avverbi di tempo 1 was she if she was 2 was it snowing if it was
Ex 1 snowing 3 did he get up he got up/had got up
Verbi da cancellare: 1 told 2 told 3 said 4 told 4 would win Manchester United if Manchester United
5 said 6 said 7 told would win 5 had he to pay if he had to pay
Parole riferite: 1 Mr Britt was in a meeting 2 they Unit 171 – Discorso indiretto: richieste e ordini
wanted to play outside 3 he had seen the thief 4 he
Ex 1
would book the restaurant 5 I was busy on Friday
6 the flight was full 7 Janet wasn’t in the office 1 not to leave his suitcase there 2 to take a photo of
them 3 to lend him his dictionary 4 to record the
Ex 2 football match for him 5 to explain the answer again
1 say 2 tell 3 say 4 say 5 tell 6 tell 6 not to make so much noise
Ex 3 Ex 2
1 said 2 told 3 will tell 4 had said 5 tell 6 say 1 asked his mum to wash those jeans 2 asked her
Ex 4 boyfriend to wash the dishes 3 told Mum not to worry
1 said they went/had gone to the cinema the night about her 4 told Beth not to leave her bag in the car
before/the previous night 2 said he had to renew his 5 told the students to give her/him their homework
passport the following month 3 told his wife he would 6 asked the shop assistant to change £100
be late home that night 4 said she was going/had Ex 3
been going to school when she saw/had seen the 1 if he could ski when he was young 2 to give her
accident 5 said he wasn’t working that day. He had the a timetable 3 to open the bottle 4 if he would be
day off. 6 told me they moved/had moved there the at home that afternoon 5 if she would like to have a
year before/the previous year 7 said he couldn’t come brother or sister 6 to make her a photocopy
then. He would come the next day/the following day
Ex 4
Ex 5 1 asked his wife to take the dog for a walk. He didn’t
1 Sally told me she saw/had seen Jane last night. have time. 2 told Bill to give her his email address
2 A: What did you say? B: I said I am hungry. 3 Tell and she would send him an email that afternoon
me. What’s the problem? 4 Yesterday I told Susan 3 told Brenda to take the medicine three times a day
(that) I couldn’t come. 5 Martin said he didn’t have or she wouldn’t get better 4 asked the mechanic
your book. 6 Clare says the train leaves at nine to check the oil because she thought it was very low
(o’clock). 5 asked her daughter to phone her if she was going
to be late that night 6 told her friend not to come at
Unit 170 – Discorso indiretto: domande seven because she probably wouldn’t be home until
Ex 1 half past
1 if the post office was open 2 what his surname
was 3 how he was feeling 4 why she wasn’t going Unit 172 – Esercizi di riepilogo
to the party 5 how old her dog was Ex 1
Ex 2 1 she’s 2 their hotel is 3 would love it there 4 her
1 what time the National Gallery closed that day 2 if room is 5 she’s got a balcony 6 they’ve hired a car
I would work on Saturdays 3 if she had ever eaten 7 they’re going to drive 8 to tell you she’ll bring you
sushi 4 why he hadn’t done his homework 5 if back
she was coming for lunch 6 where they could buy Ex 2
stamps 7 what time her plane landed 8 if they had 1 had asked her 2 she had said 3 met/had met
to do exercise 5 4 was working/had been working 5 they had only
Ex 3 known each other 6 they were 7 didn’t think she
1 if the 7.04 train stopped in Crew 2 where would 8 respected her 9 wanted her 10 they had
Leonardo da Vinci was born 3 what they were doing 11 they were going 12 they were getting married
4 how far it was to the centre 5 if she bought/had Ex 3
bought any bread 6 when we lived/had lived in 1 he had to go 2 he would come 3 he could 4 he
Kenya 7 how many languages I spoke 8 what time couldn’t get 5 he got/had got 6 had sold 7 he
the film started was hoping 8 worked 9 would

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Ex 4 Ex 2
1 what breed my dog was 2 how old it was 3 I had 1 offered to wash the car 2 promised to buy him a
had it 4 where I got/had got my dog 5 if it lived car 3 threatened to call the police 4 refused to tidy
6 if I took my dog for regular walks 7 if my dog ate his room
special dog food 8 brand I preferred 9 where I Ex 3
bought 10 how much I spent per month 1 F – ordered the man to show him his driving licence
Ex 5 2 B – invited me to go for a pizza 3 A – advised
1 she had 2 was six months old 3 she had had his brother to consult a lawyer 4 C – forbade the
her dog 4 she bought/had bought it 5 it lived tourists to take photos 5 E – warned Grant to drive
in the house with them 6 took it 7 ate special slowly because it was icy
food 8 she bought the brand that the breeder Ex 4
recommended/had recommended 9 she bought it 1 My aunt forbade Henry to go out that evening.
10 she probably spent 2 They warned us not to visit the area of the old port
Ex 6 because it was dangerous. 3 Michael answered/
1 if you might be ill 2 if she should phone the school replied that he wasn’t at home on Saturday evening.
to see if you were 3 if the school would phone her 4 Maria advised me to go to Rome by train. 5 Paul
4 had happened to you 5 what I would do 6 was/ reminded Stephanie to phone the dentist. 6 Susan
were her offered to prepare me dinner/to prepare dinner for
Ex 7 me. 7 Christine refused to come with us. 8 Simon
1 if I was 2 if I needed my car 3 me to lend her said he didn’t take the money/Simon denied (that) he
4 me not to tell 5 asked/had asked me 6 to send had taken the money/Simon denied taking the money.
her 7 could lend it to her 8 told me 9 could have Ex 5
it 10 could meet 11 me not to worry 12 would 1 warned Graham not to sit on that seat because it was
explain broken 2 apologised to everyone for not coming to last
Ex 8 week’s meeting 3 reminded his secretary to cancel his
1 I have met 2 is in my class 3 I want 4 I will appointment with Mr Vickery 4 congratulated Anita on
always be 5 you 6 I hope we can still getting such high marks in her exam 5 accused his
brother of telling lies 6 discouraged him from buying
Ex 9 the brown shoes 7 advised her friend to join a gym
1 “Turn the music down.” 2 “What is your name?” 8 threatened to take my mobile phone away if I didn’t
3 “Can you help me move the table?” 4 “Do you switch it off in class
like rap music?” 5 “Could you drive more slowly?”
6 “Where do you want to go this evening?” 7 “Don’t Ex 6
wait for me.” 8 “Can you pass the salt?” 1 denied doing the graffiti on the library wall
2 suggested looking for information on the internet
Ex 10 3 admitted forgetting to lock the door when he went
1 they were coming 2 would like to visit 3 if hotels out 4 recommended trying the new pizzeria because
in London were 4 she needed to book 5 to send the pizzas were delicious 5 suggested going to the
her 6 she had intended 7 had told her 8 was cinema
better 9 if the public transport was good 10 if they
sold 11 to tell her 12 could Ex 7
2 suggested that she look/she looked/she should
Unit 173 – Altri verbi usati per introdurre look for information on the internet 4 recommended
il discorso indiretto that we try/we tried/we should try the new pizzeria
Ex 1 because the pizzas were delicious 5 suggested that
they go/they went/they should go to the cinema
1 announced (that) a plane had crashed in the
Andes 2 claimed (that) he had lost his memory Unit 174 – Verbi usati al passivo nel discorso
3 admitted (that) he had made/admitted making a indiretto
mistake 4 stated (that) he believed women weren’t
as intelligent as men 5 explained (that) the Earth Ex 1
revolves/revolved around the Sun 6 thought (that) 1 It is said that global warming is responsible
Sally might be ill for changes in the climate. 2 It is expected that
scientists will find a cure for Aids one day. 3 It is

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Grammar Book Exercises

feared the ship is missing somewhere off the coast of Ex 3

Africa. 4 It is said that the Great Wall of China is one 1 claimed 2 it wasn’t/hadn’t been his fault
of the wonders of the world. 5 It is reported that the 3 explained 4 the train was/had been late and he
damage to crops is immense. 6 It is known that fruit couldn’t get 5 added 6 he would have explained if
and vegetables play a fundamental role in protecting I had given him 7 suggested 8 offered 9 to take
against cancer. me to the new Chinese restaurant
Ex 2 Ex 4
1 Global warming is said to be responsible for 1 is said to have left 2 is understood that he hired
changes in the climate. 2 Scientists are expected to 3 is feared that 4 is considered to be 5 is thought
find a cure for Aids one day. 3 The ship is feared to that 6 expected
be missing somewhere off the coast of Africa. 4 The
Ex 5
Great Wall of China is said to be one of the wonders
of the world. 5 The damage to crops is reported to 1 is believed 2 when scientists estimated (that) the
be immense. 6 Fruit and vegetables are known to asteroid would arrive/when scientists estimate (that)
play a fundamental role in protecting against cancer. the asteroid will arrive 3 is thought (that) 4 how
big the asteroid is/was 5 it is/was difficult 6 it is
Ex 3 estimated 7 if the space agency is planning/was
1 Dinosaurs are thought to have become extinct planning 8 they might attempt
because of a meteor hitting the Earth. 2 The plane
is feared to have crashed. 3 The emperor Nero is Unit 176 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1)
known to have been terribly cruel. 4 Negotiations are Ex 1
understood to have started. 5 Mr Hunt’s secretary is 1 China 2 Russia 3 Britain 4 Germany 5 The
said to have given the story to the press. USA 6 Holland 7 Turkey 8 Poland 9 Spain
Ex 4 10 Japan 11 Italy
1 It is said that graduates find work/a job more Ex 2
easily./Graduates are said to find work/a job more 1 Turkey 2 Poland 3 Germany 4 France 5 Spain
easily. 2 It is thought that the thief entered through 6 Britain 7 Holland 8 Russia
the window./The thief is thought to have entered
Ex 3
through the window. 3 It is believed that the accident
happened yesterday morning./The accident is 1 h 2 j 3 k 4 a 5 l 6 e 7 b 8 g 9 f 10 i
believed to have happened yesterday morning. 4 It is 11 c
suspected that Mr Lawson is in France./Mr Lawson is 1 Spanish 2 Arabic 3 French/English 4 Chinese
suspected to be in France. Ex 4
1 French 2 German 3 Spanish 4 Arabic 5 Polish
Unit 175 – Esercizi di riepilogo (168-174) 6 Japanese 7 Italian 8 Russian
Ex 1 Ex 5
1 to stop shouting 2 to buy Sally an ice cream 1 talk 2 understand 3 translate 4 interpret
3 eating/(that) she ate/(that) she had eaten Mary’s
Ex 6
sweets 4 making a mistake 5 taking her
sunglasses 6 looking/(that) Dave look/(that) Dave 1 how much the price to the public will be 2 Il
looked/(that) Dave should look for a hotel on the prezzo sarà più basso rispetto ai prezzi dei nostri
internet 7 copying/(that) he copied/(that) he had concorrenti. 3 what conditions of sale you can offer
copied in the test 8 being late him 4 Dipende dalla quantità che compera. 5 he
could be interested in buying 40,000 articles if
Ex 2 the terms are attractive 6 Devo parlare con il mio
1 The babysitter warned little Martin that she would superiore prima di fare un’offerta. 7 when you could
tell his parents if he didn’t behave better. 2 Steve tell him something definite. 8 Probabilmente posso
invited Rachel to go out for dinner. 3 The dietician dargli una risposta alla fine della settimana prossima.
advised Rob not to eat butter and animal fats.
Ex 7
4 Mike offered to lend his friend John his stereo for
the party. 5 Mr Neale reminded his secretary to 1 disagree 2 dishonest 3 impossible
confirm the meeting with Mr Rogers.

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Ex 8 Ex 4
1 I was irresponsible 2 it was illegal to park there 1 are not made in China. – are they made? 2 is not
3 he disapproved of my behaviour 4 his new played in summer. – is it played? 3 are not seen in
neighbours were unfriendly 5 she was impatient the Arctic. – are they seen? 4 was not destroyed by
6 his handwriting was illegible an earthquake. – was it destroyed 5 were not built
in Britain. – were they built? 6 was not discovered
Unit 176 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) in the 19th century. – was it discovered? 7 was not
Ex 1 painted by – was it painted
b) under- c) re- d) co- e) mis- f) over-
Unit 179 – Il passivo con gli altri tempi verbali
Ex 2
e i modali
1 foresee 2 rebuilding/to rebuild 3 to forecast
4 underage 5 overweight Ex 1
1 has been 2 was being 3 had been 4 will be
Ex 3
5 is going to be 6 would be
1 that the authorities had forewarned people of
the arrival of the hurricane 2 to resit the exam Ex 2
3 renewing/they renew/they renewed/they should 1 is being carried out 2 was started last month
renew the contract with Sony 4 they needed to 3 have been interviewed so far 4 will have been
redesign the prototype because there were serious collected 5 are asked during each interview 6 are
problems with it 5 had misunderstood what he said/ going to be analysed using computers 7 will be
had said 6 was undercooked published next year 8 can be seen on our website
Ex 4 Ex 3
1 was/had been – hopeless 2 taking/(that) they 3 have been interviewed 4 will have been collected
take/(that) they took/(that) they should take – scenic 6 are the results going to be analysed? 7 will your
3 was dangerous 4 wasn’t – spacious 5 to be conclusions be published? 8 can the initial findings
responsible be seen?
Ex 5 Ex 4
b) fatten c) clarify d) complicate e) terrorise 1 has been won by Mrs Jane Hayward 2 shouldn’t
f) idolize g) shorten h) aggravate i) justify be seen by people under 18  3 had not been
attended by the Queen
Ex 6
1 knew the reasons for Roger’s disappearance 2 had Unit 180 – Il passivo: verbi seguiti da due
always wanted to be a farmer 3 having an argument complementi; by e with
4 didn’t like Trevor’s rudeness
Ex 1
1 Ruben was lent some clothes. 2 All our clients are
Il passivo sent the catalogue. 3 Alice has been promised a
reward. 4 The children are being read a story.
Unit 178 – Il passivo con il present simple 5 I was left some money. 6 You will be shown the
e il past simple way. 7 He had been asked the question before.
Ex 1 8 I was taught many useful things.
1 is held 2 are watched 3 is regulated 4 are Ex 2
called 1 was paid only £800 a month 2 was sent to
Ex 2 another customer 3 was shown only to the critics
1 was created 2 were formed 3 was founded Ex 3
4 was asked 1 will be shown a video of the route we will follow
Ex 3 2 will be lent a mountain bike and a helmet 3 will
1 When was the cathedral built? 2 Is this oil made be taught basic riding techniques 4 will be offered
in Italy? 3 Why were the men arrested? 4 Was advice on bike maintenance
the email written in English? 5 Where was the Ex 4
stolen painting found? 6 How often is this magazine 1 The video will be shown 2 A mountain bike and a

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Grammar Book Exercises

helmet will be lent 3 riding techniques will be taught Ex 3

4 Advice on bike maintenance will be offered 1 have it done 2 did you get it installed? 3 didn’t
Ex 5 have it installed 4 did you have your picture taken
1 tennis – by – with 2 cricket – with – by 3 hockey 5 had it taken
– with 4 golf – by – with Ex 4
1 had his flight cancelled 2 had his suitcase
Unit 181 – Esercizi di riepilogo (178-180) damaged 3 had his bungalow flooded
Ex 1
Ex 5
1 The bathroom towels are changed every day.
1 The fence needs to be repaired/needs repairing.
2 Breakfast is served from 7 till 9. 3 Smoking is not
2 The flowers need to be watered/need watering.
allowed in the rooms. 4 Phone cards are sold at the
3 The paths need to be cleaned/need cleaning.
reception. 5 The lift is inspected regularly. 6 Meals
are not served on Sundays. Unit 183 – Esercizi di riepilogo (178-182)
Ex 2 Ex 1
1 are the bathroom towels changed? 2 is breakfast 1 am known 2 were printed 3 was discovered
served? 3 is smoking not allowed in the rooms? 4 are grown 5 were introduced 6 is celebrated
4 are phone cards sold? 5 is inspected regularly?
Ex 2
6 are meals not served on Sundays?
1 Who was Microsoft founded by? It was founded by
Ex 3 Bill Gates. 2 Who were the first films made by? They
1 Books were not printed at the time. 2 Books were were made by the Lumière brothers. 3 What are
written by hand. 3 This museum was designed in tides caused by? They are caused by the pull of the
1943 by a famous American architect. 4 The museum Moon and Sun. 4 What is the common cold caused
was not built immediately. 5 It was inaugurated in by? It is caused by a virus.
1959. 6 This wall painting was done by the children
Ex 3
at the local school. 7 They were encouraged to do it
by the art teacher, Mrs Wilson. 8 Unfortunately, the 1 cannot be used in the museum 2 must be
painting was damaged during the night. returned to the librarian 3 should be bought in
advance 4 may be consulted online 5 should
Ex 4 not be taken into the reading room 6 must not be
1 was stolen 2 are taken 3 was stolen 4 had parked in front of this entrance
been parked 5 was called/had been called 6 must
Ex 4
be done 7 are being studied 8 are going to be
installed/will be installed 9 are going to be sent/will 1 You won’t be asked many questions. 2 The
be sent 10 cannot be solved money was lent to the company 3 we were given
a consolation prize. 4 An invitation will be sent to
Ex 5 all members. 5 She is paid two thousand pounds
1 were you given a medal 2 was it granted its 6 the painting has been shown to the public.
independence? 3 It was left to the museum 4 They
Ex 5
are being shown a film 5 a new film is shown to the
students 1 will be served 2 have already been made
3 haven’t been changed 4 is being repaired 5 be
Ex 6 used 6 had already been taken
1 by 2 with 3 got/was 4 were 5 by 6 with
Ex 6
Unit 182 – Have/get something done; 1 ✓ 2 ✓ 3 are 4 was 5 ✓ 6 aren’t
need + -ing/infinito passivo Ex 7
Ex 1 1 C 2 B 3 B 4 D 5 C 6 A 7 C 8 D 9 D
1 my car repaired 2 my flat cleaned 3 my digital 10 B 11 D 12 A
photos printed 4 my clothes ironed 5 my kitchen Ex 8
painted 1 have 2 had 3 by 4 had it repaired 5 be
Ex 2 done 6 be used 7 hasn’t been used 8 checking
1 ’ll have it corrected 2 ’m having it translated 9 had had 10 changed 11 paint them 12 needs
3 had it serviced 4 ’m going to have them fixed 13 taken 14 by 15 plant some vegetables

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Ex 9 Ex 2
1 will be launched 2 has been called by 3 have 1 cash 2 note 3 coins 4 lend 5 owe
been shown 4 have not been given much 6 currencies 7 cheque 8 bank account 9 debt
information 5 are incorporated 6 have never been Ex 3
packed 7 has also been developed (by Teknia) 1 impresa 2 was set up 3 was launched 4 beni
8 has been designed 9 has not been disclosed 5 are imported 6 servizi 7 commercio 8 have
10 will be sold 11 would not be perceived recently been imposed 9 settore industriale 10 will
Ex 10 be affected
1 This wine is drunk cold. 2 The grass is cut/ Ex 4
mowed once a week. 3 When is the mail delivered? 1 economics 2 economic 3 economical
4 Apples are picked at the end of (the) summer.
5 A concert will be held in this square next Saturday. Ex 5
6 The first airplane was built by the Wright brothers. 1 goods 2 services 3 Economic 4 goods
7 New shops are being opened in town. 8 Bags 5 economy 6 economical 7 have their products
cannot be taken into the library. 9 Where are stamps made 8 are given 9 are often paid 10 business
sold? 10 That newspaper is no longer published. 11 have recently been launched 12 can be paid
Ex 6
Unit 184 – Lessico e grammatica (A1-B1) 1 brought back 2 told off 3 filled in 4 set up
Ex 1 5 brought up
1 sky 2 glacier 3 cloud 4 stream 5 hill 6 river Ex 7
7 ocean 8 plain 9 lake 10 forest 1 given out 2 gave away 3 gave in
Ex 2
1 sky 2 is called 3 is increased 4 is lost 5 is
known 6 clouds 7 are moved 8 is accumulated SEZIONE MULTISTRUTTURALE
9 glaciers 10 be stored 11 are stored 12 streams
Il presente
13 is carried 14 ocean
Ex 1
Ex 3
1 ’m 2 ’m 3 ’s 4 ’ve got 5 Is 6 is 7 ’s 8 Is
1 chicken 2 cow 3 pig 4 bee
she having 9 haven’t got 10 ’s just having 11 Are
meat: carne – eggs: uova – milk: latte – honey: miele 12 has got 13 has she got 14 have 15 hasn’t
Chicken are kept on farms for their eggs and meat. – 16 ’s got 17 ’re 18 ’s 19 ’re 20 ’re having
Cows are kept on farms for their meat and milk. 21 ’s
– Pigs are kept on farms for their meat. – Bees are
kept on farms for their honey. Ex 2
1 have got little time 2 are no trains on Sundays
Ex 4 3 had few sports facilities at the time 4 was little
1 Secondly – are selected 2 are pressed 3 Next interest among the public 5 hasn’t got much
– is left 4 is stored 5 Finally – is bottled experience 6 weren’t many people at the meeting
Ex 5 7 didn’t have any money left 8 didn’t have much
1 C 2 E 3 A 4 F 5 B 6 D time to visit the city 9 aren’t many shops open at
First, peel some tomatoes, an onion, a cucumber this hour
and some garlic. Then put all the vegetables in a Ex 3
blender and make a purée. Next/After that pour the 1 works 2 is writing 3 have 4 attends 5 is doing
purée into a large bowl. Then/Next/After that add salt 6 is thinking 7 finishes 8 goes 9 likes 10 is
and pepper. Then/Next/After that put the bowl in the learning 11 goes 12 spend 13 have 14 isn’t
refrigerator for 30 minutes. Finally, serve with lemon going 15 is going 16 are leaving
Ex 4
Unit 184 – Lessico e grammatica (B1-B2) 1 Where does Michael work? 2 What does Linda
Ex 1 do? 3 What is Linda writing about 4 How many
1 C 2 I 3 A 4 L 5 B 6 F 7 D 8 G 9 H children have they got? 5 What school does Daniel
attend? 6 Why is Daniel doing 7 Who likes music?
8 What instrument is she learning 9 How often

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Grammar Book Exercises

does Sarah go 10 Why do the Hudsons often spend 13 has loved 14 X 15 a 16 was 17 X 18 used
11 Who isn’t going to Spain 12 Who is Daniel going to take 19 the 20 was working 21 received
13 When are they leaving? 22 had been writing 23 had made 24 the 25 the
Ex 5 26 hadn’t finished 27 was thinking 28 rang
1 ’m making 2 making 3 does it work 4 ’s 29 the 30 were organizing 31 the 32 X 33 the
5 put 6 is 7 bake 8 Do you always make 9 buy 34 X 35 would be 36 has been thinking 37 hasn’t
10 have 11 to make/making 12 does your sister decided
do 13 works 14 isn’t working 15 ’s doing 16 to Ex 5
improve 17 ’m having 18 don’t know 19 to watch 1 didn’t 2 was 3 didn’t stay 4 rang 5 didn’t
20 does it finish 21 finishes answer 6 did you ring 7 was 8 was probably
Ex 6 working 9 rang 10 didn’t hear 11 rang 12 Were
1 is playing 2 is listening 3 does Laura usually you still working 13 called 14 wasn’t 15 had
listen 4 is wearing 5 likes 6 is Laura reading already finished 16 finished 17 had been digging
7 likes 8 does Paul like 9 has got 10 wears 18 felt/was feeling 19 decided 20 didn’t hear
11 Is Ashlee riding 12 does Eddy play 21 Didn’t your phone record 22 didn’t think 23 was
24 didn’t worry/wasn’t worrying 25 had even turned
Ex 7 off 26 had already tried 27 got/had got 28 have
1 is thinking 2 am seeing 3 used to think 4 aren’t been going out 29 wouldn’t exclude 30 could
having 5 thinks 6 see 7 used to have 8 used to contact
Ex 6
Ex 8 1 used to ’m used to 2 has been sending has sent
1 are they speaking 2 don’t know 3 sounds 3 ✓ 4 said your father did your father say 5 was
4 don’t look 5 Let’s ask 6 do you come from realizing realized 6 ✓ 7 ✓ 8 were used to used
7 are 8 come 9 are visiting 10 are you staying to 9 ✓ 10 did win won 11 never was have never
11 are leaving 12 want 13 Don’t go 14 doesn’t been 12 ✓
take 15 Go
Ex 7
Ex 9 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 A 5 D 6 A 7 C 8 B 9 D
1 represents 2 release 3 burn 4 seems 5 do not 10 A 11 C 12 C 13 C 14 D 15 C 16 A 17 B
provide 6 take 7 are developing 8 store 9 do not 18 C 19 A 20 C 21 C 22 B 23 C
take 10 is getting
Il futuro
Il passato
Ex 1
Ex 1 1 ’m not going to get up 2 will have left 3 starts
1 haven’t had 2 used to have 3 haven’t had 4 will already be waiting 5 ’ll get 6 is going to win
4 used to snow 5 haven’t seen 6 Did you use to 7 will have risen 8 will be living 9 finish
watch 7 did 8 used to read 9 have just bought
10 has just retired 11 used to teach 12 Have
you ever met 13 used to be 14 didn’t use to like Ex 2
15 have recently met 1 many people are you going to invite? 2 much
money will you have saved 3 often will you be
Ex 2
coming 4 high are they building 5 tall will the new
1 When did she leave school? 2 Who did she meet skyscraper be? 6 easy will it be
3 How long did they sing 4 What had just happened
5 How long has Cindy sung/been singing 6 Where Ex 3
has she just moved to? 7 Why did she move 1 will have finished renovating the house 2 will be
celebrating 3 are going to win/will win easily 4 am
Ex 3
going to travel 5 end until
1 have they done 2 have met 3 met 4 were you
doing 5 did you do 6 left 7 has left 8 has been Ex 4
writing 9 wrote Alternative corrette: 1 B – C 2 A – C 3 A – B
4 A – C
Ex 4
1 been 2 the 3 has climbed 4 X 5 the 6 X Ex 5
7 X 8 has sailed 9 the 10 crossed 11 the 12 a 1 ’ve been 2 won’t be 3 have decided 4 ’re

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leaving 5 leaves 6 will be flying 7 ’ve always Ex 6

wanted 8 ’re staying/’ll be staying 9 haven’t seen 1 nuotare (fino) 2 stato 3 dovuto 4 Avresti
10 will recognise 11 has sent 12 will have flown 5 essere stato 6 Potresti 7 Avresti
13 ’m going to go 14 ’ll never get up/’m never going 1 You shouldn’t have taken my mobile without asking.
to get up 2 Karen had to finish studying, so she couldn’t go out
Ex 6 yesterday. 3 You should/ought to phone John to tell
1 Are you? – won’t cook 2 Will it? – are having/are him about the party. He could/may/might come.
going to have 3 Won’t she? – ’ll buy 4 Did you? 4 I was able to find two tickets for the concert.
– are going/are going to go 5 Haven’t you? – ’ll take 5 Martin can’t have left already. His car is still here.
6 Can’t you? – Are you going/Are you going to go 6 You could/might have told me that Sally was
7 Have you? – will be lying 8 Will you? – will have vegetarian. 7 The meeting could/might/may finish
collected 9 Aren’t you? – ’m going/’m going to go late. 8 You could/might open the door instead of
10 Hadn’t you? – ’ll have looking at me. 9 That girl could/might/may be Joel’s
Ex 7 sister. She looks like her. 10 We have been lucky. We
1 will be doing 2 will say 3 will represent 4 is could/might have missed the train.
going to do 5 won’t be/isn’t going to be 6 will need Ex 7
7 will mean 8 will have to 9 are meeting/are going 1 could have 2 should think 3 mustn’t 4 ’ll
to meet 10 will have to/is going to have to 11 will 5 must 6 might be 7 be able to
be spending 12 will stand/will be standing 13 will Ex 8
have achieved 14 will be 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 C 8 C 9 A 10 B
Ex 8
1 ’m going to take/’ll take 2 who 3 is getting Il periodo ipotetico
4 which 5 where 6 are going to go/’ll go/are going Ex 1
7 isn’t arriving/won’t be arriving 8 where 9 whose 1 such – would 2 have recognized – so 3 such –
10 is going to film/will film 11 won’t have repaired have retired 4 ’ll – so 5 such – would 6 so –
12 where respected 7 so much – would 8 study – such
Ex 9 9 doesn’t – so 10 would – such
1 D 2 C 3 C 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 A Ex 2
10 A 1 the temperature rises, the ice melts 2 a lot of
people come, we’ll have the party 3 they won’t
I verbi modali let you in the country 4 you don’t write down this
Ex 1 number, 5 had the money, I’d go to the concert
1 be able to 2 couldn’t 3 were able to 4 must 6 they would go through to the semi-final 7 If
5 have to 6 don’t have to 7 couldn’t 8 managed people realized the importance of protecting the
to 9 needn’t have 10 could have 11 don’t need environment, 8 the engine wouldn’t have burned out
12 needn’t 13 have 14 had better 9 his temperature wouldn’t have fallen 10 If you had
Ex 2 woken me up in time, 11 we wouldn’t be hungry
1 must 2 don’t have to 3 can 4 must 5 don’t 12 he hadn’t lived in Florence for six months
need to 6 can Ex 3
Ex 3 1 it had a larger boot 2 it went faster 3 the seats
1 had to 2 didn’t have 3 was able to 4 had to were more comfortable 4 the stereo system worked
5 needn’t have 6 could better 5 the tyres were in better condition 6 it was
Ex 4
Alternative corrette: 1 B – C 2 B – C 3 A – C Ex 4
4 A – C 5 A – B 6 B – C 1 wouldn’t phone 2 could have photographed
3 could speak 4 wasn’t 5 had saved 6 would tidy
Ex 5
1 must be visiting 2 can’t be visiting 3 could be Ex 5
having 4 might be celebrating 5 should still be 1 could have helped 2 may understand 3 could
serving help 4 could have understood 5 can visit 6 could
have visited

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Grammar Book Exercises

Ex 6 Ex 2
1 better 2 enough experience 3 had 4 more 1 to have married a millionaire 2 believed that this
5 too 6 go 7 cheaper 8 too 9 had been city was founded by the ancient Romans 3 to take
10 more difficult 11 too long 12 give 13 shorter the dog to the park 4 if/whether the economic
Ex 7 situation would improve
1 salary was/were as good as yours 2 friends were Ex 3
as interesting as yours 3 went on holiday as often 1 who – is thought to be the best person for the job
as you 4 could speak as many languages as you 2 which – are known to live near the river 3 who
5 could dance as well as you 6 boyfriend was/were – are suspected to have left the country 4 whose
as rich as yours – is expected to win the literary prize 5 where – is
Ex 8 thought to be a very lively place 6 which – is feared
to have crashed
1 Has he? – he had left some for me 2 Have you?
– he had sent one to me 3 Is it? – I hadn’t bought Ex 4
ten bottles of it 4 Can’t she? – I hadn’t lent her my 1 answered 2 hadn’t been found yet 3 added
car 5 Are they? – we hadn’t invited them 6 Will it? 4 was being searched 5 announced 6 had been
– I hadn’t booked a room here awarded 7 explained 8 thought 9 had been made
10 denied 11 was being ignored 12 admitted
Ex 9
13 had been lost 14 claimed 15 had been taken
1 C 2 D 3 C 4 B 5 D 6 B 7 A 8 D 9 A
10 C Ex 5
1 Everyone – shares these ideas 2 Something –
Ex 10 caused the accident 3 Nobody – checked our
1 I would have prepared 2 I had known 3 I would passports 4 Anyone – could have stolen the
have done some shopping 4 we had/we had had computer
5 we could make/we could have made 6 you put on
7 ’ll make the sauce 8 you’ll find a tin of tomatoes Ex 6
9 you look 10 you pull 11 the tin opens/will open 1 said 2 could be cured 3 added 4 had been
tested 5 had been found 6 asked 7 the drug
Il discorso indiretto/il passivo would 8 replied 9 had not been decided 10 would
Ex 1 be 11 if people would 12 told 13 would be
needed 14 announced 15 would be shown 16 to
1 are watered every week 2 was stopped by the
turn on the projector 17 told
police 3 can be consulted on our website 4 were
stolen during the war 5 is being processed by the Ex 7
computer 6 has already been confirmed by several 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 B 5 C 6 B 7 B 8 A 9 C
experts 7 won’t be hosted by our country 8 should 10 D
have been checked at the entrance 9 had not been Ex 8
prepared 10 the cost of transport included in the 1 had been broken into 2 had not been delivered
price? 11 the door opened with a forged key (by the 3 had not been woken up at six 4 was being played
burglars)? 12 was/were invited? 13 were given a in the room next to hers 5 should be repaired
sheet of paper each 14 the photocopier repaired immediately 6 would be solved immediately

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