Chapter 1 Introduction To Project Management (Revised)
Chapter 1 Introduction To Project Management (Revised)
Chapter 1 Introduction To Project Management (Revised)
Chapter One History of Project Management
Basics of Project Management The Project Cycle
Project Success Factors
Standards and Certification
Languages in Project Management
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What is project?
What is project?
• Furthermore, projects have defined...
• It creates a unique product, service, or result, which we call • Objectives: The goals expected to be achieved and should be
a deliverable. Unique means that it is unlike any other project. It measurable. There can be technical goals (develop new technology),
may be similar to other projects but it is never identical to one. legal or political goals (to meet governmental regulations), and/or
business goals (beating or eliminating competition).
• This is what distinguishes a project from a process. A project is
unique; a process is repeatable and strives for consistency, • Scope: All the work required to deliver the product or result and satisfy
the objectives for which a project was undertaken at a level of quality
standardization, and no deviation from a standard.
expected by the customer. The scope includes all the deliverables
Deliverable means that it has an outcome: i.e. a new software
required to meet the project objectives.
product, a new drug, a new building, a merger of two companies,
• Cost: The planned cost of conducting the project; it includes human
improved customer service, etc. The outcome may be a product,
and physical resources.
goods, or a service.
• Time/Schedule: The planned time to complete the project, as well as
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the Milestones along the way.
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A project is a set of activities that are related to one
another; and all the activities must be completed in All of us have been involved in projects, whether they
order to complete the project. may be our personal, industrial, national or global
projects. For example:
Material resources and manpower resources are
the two basic things required for the completion of Personal projects:
a project. Preparing for examination
Writing a book
Thus a project management is a specialized Plan a wedding
management technique to plan and control the Family vacation
available resources under a strong single point of Build a house extension
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Industrial projects:
Construct a building/highway Projects can be of any size and duration. They can
Revamping / expansion project be simple, like planning a party, or complex like
Planning and launching a new product launching a space shuttle.
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(also known as the Triple Constraint). watch and control the expenses; when developing a new product,
you must monitor the number of features that are added to the
• Often times projects fail to meet their objectives. It isn't so
product to meet cost expectations; and when getting a degree, you
simple because the number of factors that must be controlled
often have to manage your time commitments.
can, and often do, interact in unexpected ways. Consequently,
• Managing the expenses, managing the schedule, managing the
the project becomes more complicated as the number of factors
amount of work, planning for problems, handling the risks,
communicating critical information to all involved, leading a team -
these are the activities of successful Project Management.
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Features of project
Industries and applications of Project
Non-repetitive , one time effort
Well defined collection of jobs Defense and Aerospace
Jobs interrelated through precedence Power, Oil & Gas, Chemical
Jobs otherwise independent Construction
Job consume time and resources Manufacturing
Coordination needed of between individual Pharmaceutical
groups and organizations
Telecom, IT & Software
Constant pressure of conformance to
Services (Insurance, Banking, Consultancies)
time/cost/performance goals
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…Cont’d …Cont’d
Organizations can further be classified as either In the non–project-driven organization, such as low-
project- driven or non–project-driven. technology manufacturing, profit and loss are
measured on vertical or functional lines.
In a project-driven organization, such as construction
or aerospace, all work is characterized through In this type of organization, projects exist merely to
projects, with each project as a separate cost center support the product lines or functional lines.
having its own profit-and-loss statement.
Priority resources are assigned to the revenue-
The total profit to the corporation is simply the producing functional line activities rather than the
summation of the profits on all projects. projects.
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It also depends on estimates and forecasts, which In the final analysis, the effectiveness of the project
are subject to human error. Value judgments must approach depends on the skill and judgment of
be made, but the project approach should at least those who use it.
force them to be made explicitly.
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• The next phase, the Planning Phase, is where the • A Project Plan is created outlining the activities,
project solution is further developed in as much detail dependencies, and timeframes. The Project Manager
as possible and the steps necessary to meet the coordinates the preparation of a project budget by
project's objective are planned. providing cost estimates for the labor, equipment, and
• In this phase, the team identifies all of the work to be materials costs. The budget is used to monitor and
done. The project's activities and resource control cost expenditures during Project Execution.
requirements are identified, along with the strategy for
producing them. This is also referred to as "scope
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activities, and progress information is being reported project back on course (i.e., to return it to the original plan).
through regular team meetings. • If that cannot happen, the team should record variations
from the original plan, and record and publish modifications
• The Project Manager uses this information to maintain
to the plan.
control over the direction of the project by comparing
• Throughout this step, Project Sponsors and other key
the progress reports with the project plan to measure
Stakeholders should be kept informed of the project's status
the performance of the project activities and take
according to the agreed-on frequency and format of
corrective action as needed.
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• Status reports should always emphasize the anticipated • During the final Closure Phase, or Completion Phase, the
emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables to the customer,
end point in terms of cost, schedule, and quality of
handing over project documentation to the business, terminating
supplier contracts, releasing and reassigning project resources to
• Each project deliverable produced should be reviewed other work or projects, and communicating the closure of the
for quality and measured against the acceptance project to all Stakeholders.
criteria. Once all of the deliverables have been • The last remaining step is to conduct lessons-learned studies in a
produced and the customer has accepted the final post project review to examine what went well and what didn't.
Through this type of analysis, the wisdom of experience is
solution, the project is ready for Closure.
transferred back to the project organization, which will help future
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…Cont’d Preparation
Receptive to new ideas Once a project idea has passed the
Vision of future growth identification “test“ it must be advanced to
Long term objective the point at which a firm decision can be
SWOT analysis made whether or not to proceed with it.
Preliminary project analysis
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Appraisal …Cont’d
Market appraisal
Before approving a loan external agencies
Technical appraisal
normally require a formal process of appraisal
Financial appraisal
to assess the overall soundness of the project
Economic appraisal
and its readiness for implementation for an
Ecological appraisal
internally generated and financed investment.
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