Teacher Resignation Letter 08

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Sample Teacher Letter of Resignation


Ms. Martha Williams


St. Ives Senior Secondary School


22nd May 20XX

Subject: Teacher letter of resignation
Respected Ma’am,

Through this letter, I would like to inform you that I am resigning from my
post of Physics teacher at St. Ives Senior Secondary School, effective
from 1st June 2014. I have decided to resign from my duties because I
have a better opportunity waiting for me at University of Nottingham. I am
being offered a post of a Physics Lecturer at the mentioned University
and I am looking forward to hone my teaching skills by being employed
With this resignation letter, I would like to take this opportunity to thank
you for presenting me with a valuable prospect to be a part of your
esteemed school. I heartily enjoyed teaching and sharing the deepest
knowledge with the students and hence promoting their talents for the
success. I will always remember the exposure and the working
atmosphere provided to the teachers and it was a life time experience for

I would like to request from you to kindly finalise the documents of my

resignation at your earliest convenience. I wish St. Ives Senior
Secondary School all the very best for its future success.

Thanking you.


Lilly Charles

Physics Teacher

St. Ives Senior Secondary School

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