Sleight S. The Complete Sailing Manual, 2021
Sleight S. The Complete Sailing Manual, 2021
Sleight S. The Complete Sailing Manual, 2021
CONTENTS Senior Production Controller Rachel Ng
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Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited Dedication This book was made with
Carsten and Tanya would like to dedicate this edition to the Forest Stewardship Council ™
A catalog record for this book is available certified paper—one small
memory of their late father, Steve Sleight. step in DK’s commitment
from the Library of Congress.
to a sustainable future.
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ISBN 978-0-7440-2749-5
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CRUISER SAILING 194 Rafting Alongside 272
Starting to Cruise 196 Berthing Bow- or Stern-to 274
Choosing a Cruiser 198 Pile Moorings 276
Cruiser Design 200 Moorings 278
Stability 204 Anchoring 282
Rigging and Sails 206 Passage Making 288
Above Deck 210 Avoiding Collisions 294
Down Below 214 Running Aground 298
Protection Afloat 218 Man-overboard Procedure 300
Cruiser Ropework 224 Sailing at Night 304
Basic Sail Skills 230 Sailing in Fog 308
Using the Tender 236 Rough-weather Sailing 312
Preparing to Sail 238
Handling Under Power 240 NAVIGATION 316
Handling Under Sail 242 Starting to Navigate 318
Tacking 244 Charts 322
Jibing 246 The Compass 326
Sail Balance 248 Plotting Equipment 330
Reducing Sail Area 250 Navigation Instruments 332
Increasing Sail Area 254 Pilotage 336
Berthing 262 Tides and Tidal Streams 342
Marina Berths 268 Shaping a Course 348
Plotting a Position 352 Engines 412
Fixing a Position 356 Running Repairs 418
Passage Skills 362
WEATHER 366 Emergency Repairs 422
Causes of Weather 368 Distress Signals 426
Weather Systems 370 Abandoning Ship 430
Daily Changes 374
The Effects of the Land 376 GLOSSARY 432
Storms 378 INDEX 438
Forecasting 382
Beaufort Scale 386
Sailing is in my blood. My father Roddy was a keen sailor, and he
skippered Second Life in the first Whitbread Round the World Race
in 1973–1974. My own sailing career began at the age of 8, when
my family lived in Restronguet, Cornwall, England. My first boat
was an Optimist dinghy, and I joined the local sailing club and
began entering national youth events. What started as a hobby
quickly turned into a way of life.
Happy sailing!
Sailing is both the most relaxing pastime imaginable and the most complex sport
in the world. It is a serious competitive sport for some and recreation for others. But
the origins of both forms of sailing lie in the distant past and the days of exploration,
migration, and commerce across the oceans and seas.
The origins of sailing of Arabian dhows, were an efficient 19th century. Designed and built for
For thousands of years, the world sailing solution for the waters in speed, clippers raced across oceans
depended exclusively on sail power which they sailed. The Chinese to be first to market and capture the
for long-distance travel across water. solution to sail power was the best prices for their precious cargoes
Whether on great rivers, seas, or Chinese lugsail, commonly called of wool and tea.
oceans, sail power was the only the junk rig, while the Polynesian
alternative to muscle power applied islanders developed the proa—their Sailing today
to oars and paddles. In every part unique multihulled craft. Today, sailing throughout the world
of the world, local populations Designs for warships, merchant has evolved into a major sport and
devised their own solutions to the ships, and fishing vessels all evolved recreational activity. You can sail at
challenge of harnessing the wind and to suit their function, resulting in any age, gender is no barrier, and
building boats capable of carrying many types of boat, each with it doesn’t matter whether you are
people and goods long distances special strengths and advantages. able-bodied or disabled. You can
across bodies of water. Thousands of unique boat designs enjoy it for fun and freedom or let
These local solutions created evolved, each with its own specific the most complex sport in the world
unique craft, some of which still advantages to suit local conditions challenge your competitive skills.
survive. Viking longboats traveled and needs. World Sailing, which is the world
thousands of miles under oars and Perhaps the design pinnacle of governing authority for the sport of
their simple square sails. The huge cargo-carrying sailing ships was sailing, has 145 member nations,
lateen (triangular) sails, characteristic the magnificent clipper ship of the each represented by a national body.
World Sailing aims to promote the
sport internationally, managing
sailing at the Olympic Games;
accessible sailing
developing the International Yacht
Mobility isn’t a barrier to
sailing, with adaptations Racing Rules and Regulations for
such as electronic steering all sailing competitions; the training
and trimming assists. of judges, umpires, and other
administrators; and the development
of the sport around the world.
Recreational sailing
Recreational sailing is less structured
than the sporting side, although in
many countries, the World Sailing
Member National Authority is
involved in promoting the sport,
providing training programs, and
representing the interests of boat
racing at all levels
With many classes of team
and solo boats, sailing offers
opportunities to race ranging from
local fun regattas to professionally
crewed competitions.
users at national government level These rewards make the sailing The massive expansion of the sport
and on a variety of international experience a perfect therapy for many in the mid-to-late 20th century came
bodies. But in general, boat owners people in recovery from illness or from the development of small-boat
do not have to belong to their emotional trauma, and an excellent sailing for leisure and sport, and the
national governing body—or even environment for pursuing personal story of its growth in popularity is
a club or association—to enjoy the development and as an activity for linked to the development of stronger,
recreational pleasures of sailing. In corporate team-building. lighter materials. First came plywood,
most countries, sailing and boating followed by the introduction of
are relatively unregulated. Small-boat sailing fiberglass and more sophisticated
The rewards of sailing include Sailing in small boats—dinghies and construction using advanced resins
the experience of self-reliance and small keelboats—is the core of the and fibers, such as Kevlar and carbon
responsibility, the learning of a sport. If you learn to sail in a dinghy, fiber and machine-molded plastics.
multitude of skills that have been you will learn faster than in a larger Today, dinghies are available for
evolving for thousands of years, the boat and will develop a more every type of sailing, from recreation
sense of freedom of being away from instinctive feel for a boat’s behavior. to high-speed and foilborne sailing
the land—if only for a short time— Many people start as children, which and racing. At the highest level, the
and the joy of being close to the is ideal, but it is possible to learn to most advanced boats require athletic
natural forces of wind and water. sail small boats at almost any age. skills at least the equal of any other
physical Olympic sport.
developing skills
The use of yachts to cruise coastal
Sailing in small boats is lots of fun
and will teach you the basic skills waters and undertake ocean passages
faster than sailing in larger boats. dates back to the mid-19th century,
a time when the large racing yachts
of the day were sailed almost
exclusively by professional crews.
To such sailors, the idea of cruising
offshore in a small yacht bordered
on insanity, yet a few individuals,
most notably British sailor Richard
Tyrrell McMullen, pioneered yacht
cruising and inspired thousands of
others through their example.
McMullen sailed thousands of miles
around the British Isles from 1850.
He died at the helm of his yacht in
the English Channel in 1891.
Other notable pioneers include
London lawyer John Macgregor,
who cruised in a small sailing canoe,
and American Joshua Slocum, who
in 1898 became the first person
to complete a single-handed
circumnavigation of the globe,
aboard the 36 ft (10.9 m) Spray.
Many influential cruising sailors
followed over the ensuing decades
and, today, more and more people
are discovering the joys of cruising, cruiser racing is still highly accessible dinghy, and yacht racing and
whether on coastal or offshore and a lot of fun, and the latest types the rapidly developing superyacht
passages or ocean voyages. of day-racing sports boats have industry. Today, much of the focus
brought growing numbers back to of training in the top sailing nations
Inshore and offshore racing small keelboat racing. is on the creation of a pool of highly
Inshore and offshore racing in boats skilled professional yacht crew.
that had a dual cruiser-racer role Professional sailing
became very popular in the 1970s. The growth in professional sailing Technology and techniques
Since then, this branch of the sport since the 1980s has had a significant Perhaps the key element in modern
has seen problems with handicapping impact on the sport. Starting with sailing has been the development of
rules, while escalating costs and the employment of top racing sailors new materials. Strong, stiff, and
increasing professionalism has by sail lofts and boatbuilders to lightweight materials, such as carbon
reduced the popularity of the sport. help customers and promote their fiber, have enabled designers to build
In recent years, there has been a products, the professional scene now ever larger yachts with ever larger
resurgence in cruiser racing, and includes professional racers, coaches, rigs. Lighter, larger boats now sail
the popularity of inshore Grand Prix- yacht skippers, and crews. A major faster than ever before. In fact, racing
style events for one-design big-boat support industry has grown up yachts now circle the globe nonstop
classes has increased. At club level, around the expansion in sailing, faster than any commercial ship
high-performance thrills
Skiff-type dinghies provide high-speed excitement.
Here, the three-person, 18-foot skiff shows how
thrilling and challenging these boats can be.
could manage. The development Skiffs, multihulls, and foiling of the time, with the International
of much lighter and more powerful The fastest conventional single-hulled Moth leading the development. Foils
boats, both dinghies and large yachts, small boats today are the “skiff” type are even capable of lifting a large
and the growth of foilborne sailing of dinghies, which typically feature multihull completely clear of the
has brought about a new technique— very lightweight, narrow hulls; large water and allowing it to achieve
that of apparent wind sailing—and rigs designed for apparent wind unprecedented speeds.
the design of new rigs to handle it. sailing; and wide “wings,” often with
As boats go faster, their speed trapezes to allow the crew to Olympics
increasingly affects the strength and balance the rig’s power. One of the pinnacles of the diverse
direction of the wind in which they Multihulls constitute another sport of sailing is, of course, the
are sailing. These boats generate so design approach in which light Olympic Games. The Olympics have
much wind from their own speed that boats with two (catamaran) or three events for several different classes of
in consequence they almost always (trimaran) narrow hulls provide a boat for men and women, including
sail faster than wind speed and with boat that has great stability and can dinghies, single- and double-handed,
the apparent wind well forward. This carry a very powerful rig. A further heavy and light. Catamaran and
phenomenon has brought about new innovative development is that of windsurfing disciplines are included.
methods of sailing and new boats foilborne sailing, where the hull is The leading Olympic sailors are full-
and events to serve the sport. completely clear of the water most time, professional athletes who spend
hours in the gym and training on many became members of the first A different formula has been
the water. A successful Olympic generation of professional offshore followed by the premier single-
campaign can lead a top sailor sailors as sponsorship came to the handed, nonstop, around-the-world
into many other areas of the sport, sport of yacht racing. race, the Vendée Globe. This tough
including offshore and inshore yacht The Whitbread Round the World competition starts and finishes in
racing and the America’s Cup. Race has evolved into the Volvo France and follows the classic
Ocean Race, an event owned by its around-the-world sailing route south
Ocean racing sponsor in which there is no room of all the great capes.
In its amateur heyday in the 1970s for amateurs and no choice of yachts. The yachts are built to the
and 1980s, offshore and ocean racing The event is the summit of around- IMOCA 60 rule, which allows some
thrived through the stimulus of the-world, fully crewed racing and is freedom for development and a
adventure and competition. Offshore sailed on yachts in the Volvo 65 class. variety of design approaches. The
races in Europe, the United States, and These yachts are extremely powerful, leading boats use lifting foils to
Australia were highly popular and led fast, and brutal to sail offshore. The increase power and are capable of
to rapid design development and new crews are all full-time professional reaching speeds of over 25 knots.
equipment and techniques. racers who are recruited by heavily These boats are enormously fast and
The highlight of this era was the sponsored teams. The focus of the powerful yet have to be handled by
Whitbread Round the World Race, competition is now on delivering a lone sailor. This is the ultimate race
which provided plenty of adventure boat sponsors and audiences in key for the single-handed sailor, providing
and competition. Numerous amateur markets to the event, and the route the purest test of the individual
sailors made their names and of this race is quite different from the against the elements, as well as
reputations sailing in this race and traditional around-the-world course. against a large fleet of competitors.
and water temperatures. Some
boats are wetter than others, but
whatever boat you are sailing, there
is always a chance that you will get
Water is a potentially hostile environment, so safety is wet, if only from spray, so choose
an important consideration whenever you go afloat. Sailing your clothing accordingly.
Keeping dry
As a general rule, to stay warm while
sailing, you need to keep as dry as
possible. This is achieved by wearing
a waterproof layer over your warm
rather than racing, then you may
Wear several thin layers rather wetsuit is not appropriate aboard When sailing, it is important
than one thick one. Layers a larger boat where you can more to consider protection for your
increase insulation by trapping easily stay dry, so choose waterproof head, hands, and feet. You will
air; heat control is simply a matter pants and jacket. probably be able to make do
of removing or adding a layer. with what you already own
Avoiding sunburn until you gain some experience,
Protection from the sun is important then you can buy extra gear as
clothing. Multipurpose windbreakers when sailing because reflection from necessary to suit your needs.
and overalls will see you through the water, even in overcast weather,
your first few sails, but eventually quickly produces sunburn. Apply a Headgear
you will want to buy sailing clothing water-resistant sunscreen of factor A significant amount of body heat
is lost through the head, so a warm
suited to your specific requirements. 30+ or ideally 50+ to all exposed skin
hat or balaclava will add to your
The alternative to keeping warm before you go afloat, and reapply it comfort on colder days. On sunny
by staying dry is to wear a close-fitting at intervals. days, a hat will help prevent
neoprene wetsuit, which is designed Sunglasses that filter out the sunburn and sunstroke. Tie long
to trap a thin layer of water between sun’s ultraviolet rays are essential hair back or secure it under a hat.
the material and the skin (pp.66–69). to protect your eyes while sailing, This prevents it from blowing
The water is quickly warmed to near and it is often worth wearing a hat around and getting in your eyes or
being caught in the rigging—which
body temperature by your body to keep direct sunlight off your head.
can be painful.
heat. Sailors in high-performance Use a suitable retainer, such as a
dinghies commonly wear wetsuits, length of cord, to keep your hat Gloves
but if you are sailing for recreation and sunglasses secure. Wear gloves to protect your hands
and keep them warm. Specialized
sailing gloves—which have nonslip,
PERSONAL BUOYANCY reinforced palms and fingers to help
Personal buoyancy is essential for anyone using a small boat, whether your grip—will resist wear from
ropes. Open-fingered sailing gloves,
rowing a tender to a larger yacht, dinghy sailing, or windsurfing. Do not
which allow you to deal with more
go afloat in a dinghy unless you are wearing either a buoyancy aid or
intricate tasks, are also available.
a life jacket, and make sure that it is properly fastened. Fleece-lined mittens can be used
on cruisers when sailing in cold
Types of personal buoyancy weather, but they are too restrictive
A buoyancy aid is designed to provide some support when you are in the for use in a dinghy.
water with the minimum amount of physical restriction. A life jacket is more
cumbersome to wear, but it provides total support. It is designed to turn Footwear
an unconscious person face up to facilitate breathing. Correct footwear will protect your
feet and provide the grip you need
Buoyancy aids to stay upright and on the boat.
Buoyancy aids (p.69) use closed-cell foam in a vest or waistcoat-type Shoes and boots for sailing should
jacket that is comfortable to wear, which makes them the usual choice for have flat, nonslip soles without
racing-dinghy sailors or inland sailors. They are often worn over a wetsuit a heel. Do not sail in bare feet, as
(which also provides a degree of buoyancy). you will risk injury from deck gear.
Life jackets Sailing knife
Sea sailors may choose the additional security of a life jacket (p.221). These A stainless-steel sailing knife with
are available in a variety of styles to suit all shapes and sizes, but you must retractable blade and shackle key
make sure you buy a size that is suitable for your body weight. Some life can be attached to a length of line
jackets use closed-cell foam to provide all the buoyancy, but most use manual and tied to your waist. Keep the
or automatic gas inflation and are worn deflated until required. blade sharp for cutting rope and use
the key to fasten and undo shackles.
range from simple ones on basic
dinghies to highly complex tackles
on high-performance dinghies and
yachts, to allow for adjustments to
Knowing and understanding the names used for the different sail shape and mast bend.
parts of a boat are important first steps in learning to sail. These
names, along with the terms used to describe the various Most dinghy hulls have a pointed bow,
maneuvers, are part of the language of sailing, which has but some smaller ones have a square bow
known as a pram bow, which increases
developed over centuries to define all aspects of seamanship. buoyancy forward and adds room inside.
All sailing boats have a number of parts in common, and, while Many have a foredeck covering the bow
area and sidedecks along the sides. A
it is not necessary to memorize the contents of the nautical
thwart provides a seat across the boat,
dictionary, it will help if you are familiar with the basic terms. and side benches often run under the
sidedecks. A case for a centerboard
or daggerboard runs fore and aft
The hull and foils side of the boat. Dinghy rudders can in the middle of the boat, with a
slot that allows the board to
The hull is the body of the boat, which either have a lifting or a fixed blade.
project through the bottom
provides the buoyancy to float itself, A lifting blade is useful, as it can be of the hull.
equipment, and crew. In most dinghies, raised when sailing to and from the
and in many larger boats, the hull is shore. A fixed blade is common in
commonly constructed of glass- racing dinghies, as it is lighter and
reinforced plastic (GRP), but dinghies potentially stronger, but it makes the
may also be built of wood or molded boat harder to sail in shallow water. Sidedecks
plastic. Cruiser hulls can also be made In larger yachts, the rudder is often Covered areas
for sitting on
of aluminum, steel, or ferro-cement. controlled by a wheel mounted on at the sides
To reduce sideways drift (leeway), a pedestal in the cockpit. of the boat
Starboard bow
Right-hand side
of the bow
Watertight lockers for
storing small items
Seat running
across the boat
Centerboard Body of
the boat
Foil that can be accessible dinghies
pivoted into its case Adaptations might include, for
example: capsize-proof hulls; swiveling
seats; or electronic furling and winches.
Battens Jib
Strips of wood or fiberglass that Triangular sail at the front of the
slip into pockets on the sail to boat, attached to the bow and
support its leech (curved outer hoisted in front of the mast
edge). Battens can be short,
as in the lower two here, or
full-length as in the upper two Forestay
Some small boats have a wire
that runs from the mast to
the bow to support the mast.
Others (as here) use a thin
rope, which is removable
when the jib is hoisted
Universal joint
that attaches
Aluminum or wooden
the boom
tubes between the mast
to the mast
and shrouds for additional
mast support
Mainsail Mast
Large, triangular Upright pole, usually
sail set behind aluminum, that
the mast supports the sails
and may be stepped
on the deck or the
bottom of the hull
Horizontal pole,
usually aluminum, to
which the foot of the
mainsail is attached
Wires on port
and starboard
sides that support
the mast
Mast step
Socket in which the
heel of the mast sits
Top corner SAILS
Leech Most small boat sails are triangular and
Aft edge made from Dacron (a woven cloth) or
Mylar (a laminated film material). They
Luff often have reinforced patches in high-
leading edge load areas, such as the three corners.
Parts of a sail
Each edge of a sail has a name: the
luff is the leading edge; the leech is
the aft edge; and the foot is the
bottom edge. The corners are also control
named: the head, tack, and clew. Rope for adjusting
tension in the
REINFORCED Roach mainsail luff (and
CORNER Additional curved area on the leech sometimes the jib)
outside a straight line from head to clew
Foot Bottom,
Tack Bottom edge
Bottom, aft corner
forward corner
Halyards hoist the sails, and sheets control them. The mainsheet controls the mainsail,
and it usually has a tackle system (p.49) that employs a combination of blocks
to increase the power the helmsman exerts on the sheet. The jib is a smaller sail,
so the jib sheets, which control it, do not usually require a tackle system.
Rope that adjusts
tension in the
mainsail foot Mainsheet tackle
A system of blocks used to increase
the power that the helm can apply
to the mainsheet—here, 4:1
Rope used to pull in
or let out the mainsail
Jib sheets
Ropes attached
to the jib clew and
used for pulling in or
letting out the jib—one
on each side
Used to hoist the sails, they
exit the mast near the bottom
Mainsheet block
The block that directs
the mainsheet to the
helm’s hand. It may have
a cleat attached, as here,
so that the helm can
secure the sheet
Jib fairlead
Smooth eye or rotating pulley for
altering the direction of the jib RELATIVE TERMS
sheet. The sheet is led through On shore, we usually describe the position of things in relation to
the fairlead to a cleat. The fairlead
may be fixed or mounted on a track ourselves—“left,” “right,” “in front,” or “behind.” On the water, they
for adjustment (as here) are always described in relation to the boat or the wind.
The boat
The terms “port” and “starboard” relate to the boat.
Facing the bow, the port side is to the left and the starboard
side is to the right.
The wind
Windward and leeward relate to the wind. The windward
side of the boat is the side toward the wind; the leeward
side is the side away from the wind.
Fore (for’ard)
Inside the boat
toward the bow
Toward the
wind, upwind
Bow fitting
The fitting where the
forestay and jib tack
are attached. The Leeward
painter (mooring Away from
rope) may also be the wind,
fastened here, or to downwind
an eye on the stem (pronounced
Port Starboard
Left-hand side Right-hand side
of the boat of the boat when
when facing facing the bow
the bow
Shroud adjusters
Metal plates that
secure the shrouds Aft
to the hull and allow Inside the boat
ASTERN toward the stern
adjustment to rake
the mast backward
or forward
As well as any removable rigging, there are several other items Bailers
that should be aboard when you go afloat, especially if you are All dinghies will get water in them
even if they do not capsize, and it
sailing without a safety boat present. In particular, there has to be is important to be able to remove
some means of propelling the boat if you cannot sail. There must it easily. Apart from making you
also be adequate buoyancy to keep the boat afloat in the event of wetter than necessary, water that is
allowed to build up in the bottom
a capsize, as well as bailing gear. An anchor and warp (anchor line)
of the boat will slop from side to side
are also important if you sail on the sea. All equipment must be and make the boat heel more.
stowed safely so that it stays in place if the boat heels or capsizes. Many modern dinghies have
open transoms that allow any
water in the boat to flow straight out
Paddles or oars Buoyancy through the stern. When the boat has
You must always carry at least one Buoyancy must be sufficient, but a solid transom, bailing may be done
paddle so that you can move the not excessive, and it must be automatically through retractable
boat in a calm. A pair of oars is distributed so that the boat floats self-bailers, which are lowered when
useful if you sail on the sea and level when capsized. Buoyancy is the boat is moving. The flow of water
have a larger, general-purpose dinghy usually provided either by tanks under the hull and past the bailer sucks
with the space to stow them. They that are permanently built into the the water out from inside the boat.
are more efficient than a paddle, but structure, as is the case with most Most have a nonreturn valve to
you will need a pair of rowlocks modern dinghies, or by removable prevent water from entering the boat
mounted in sockets on the gunwales. buoyant materials, such as inflatable when it slows down, but it is best to
Some oars are jointed in the middle airbags, which must be securely raise them if you stop. Remember
for easier stowage. attached to the hull. to retract them to avoid damage
when taking the boat out of the water.
Anchor warp
Coil the rope
neatly, into a Flukes
bucket if possible, Flukes fold to
to prevent tangles save space
Buoyancy bags A grapnel is a lightweight anchor
If your boat has buoyancy
bags, make sure they are designed for use in small boats. Its OPEN FOLDED
secured firmly to the hull flukes fold away for easy storage. GRAPNEL GRAPNEL
sail stalls, less drive Sideways
force Heeling
Resistance force
to sideways
force Resistance to
no drive sideways force
Correctly trimmed
for maximum drive
Minimizing leeway
Make sure that your centerboard
or daggerboard is fully down
when sailing close-hauled and
is set correctly on other points of
sailing. Leeway is most noticeable
Boat stationary when you are sailing slowly because
Wind caused by
boat motion the keel cannot work at maximum
Boat moving
efficiency, so maintain speed to
minimize leeway. When sailing
true wind apparent wind close-hauled, do not try to steer
The only time you feel the true wind When the boat moves, it creates its own farther to windward to counteract
afloat is when the boat is stationary. wind, which combines with the true wind leeway, as the boat will simply slow
Check the true wind direction by using to form the apparent wind. Apparent down and leeway will increase.
flags ashore or on moored boats or by wind is always farther ahead than the
smoke from chimneys ashore. true wind direction except on a dead run.
Actual course
sailed due to leeway
The helm and crew of this dinghy
are sitting on the sidedeck to use their
weight to help balance the heeling
force while sailing on a reach.
Sail force has to travel farther than that moving you might expect, the spoon will
A properly trimmed sail deflects the across the concave (windward) side be sucked into the stream by the
airflow, which splits at the leading and speeds up accordingly. When the water flowing past the spoon’s
edge of the sail. The airflow moving airflow moves faster, its pressure drops, convex surface.
across the convex (leeward) surface so the pressure on the convex side of
the sail is lower than the pressure on Sail shape
the concave side. The difference The curved shape of a sail determines
in pressure sucks the sail to leeward the amount the wind must bend
Spoon and creates a force at right angles around it and the force it produces.
to the sail at all points on its surface. The shape of a sail can be adjusted,
The sum of these individual forces on within limits, by tensioning the
the sail drives the boat forward. outhaul, halyard or cunningham, and
Force the force
To understand the effect when the sheet. Sails are adjusted to be flat
Test the effect of
a fluid flowing past a air flows around a sail, try this simple in very light winds (when the wind
curved surface with experiment: hold a spoon lightly, has insufficient energy to bend around
a simple experiment with its back to the stream of water a full sail), full in light to moderate
using a spoon and from a faucet. Rather than being winds, and flat again in strong winds
water from a tap. pushed away from the stream, as when the boat is overpowered.
Compressed and
Total force accelerated air stream
Individual forces
Leeward side
Jib leech
airflow with one sail
As the wind flows across a sail, it moves faster on the force
Jib slot
leeward (convex) side, creating low pressure, and slower
on the windward side, which creates a high-pressure area.
This effectively sucks the sail to leeward and produces
forces acting at right angles to the sail’s surface at each Mainsail luff
point on the sail. The sum of these forces acts at what is
known as the sail’s Center of Effort (CofE).
Drive with two sails centerline, which varies with
When a jib is added in front of a the angle to the wind at which the
mainsail, it creates its own drive in boat is sailing. When sailing on a
the same way as any single sail, but close-hauled course, the sails are Driving force
it also has the effect of increasing the pulled in tight, close to the centerline,
efficiency of the mainsail. It does this and the sideways force is greater
by directing a stream of air along than the driving force. When the
the convex (leeward) side of the boat turns onto a reach, the sails Total force
mainsail. As the air flows through are let out about halfway and the
the slot between the jib leech and the driving force increases, while
mainsail luff, it is compressed between the sideways force reduces. Turn
them, so it accelerates. This further farther away from the wind, onto Sideways force
reduces the pressure on the leeward a run, when the sails are let out CLOSE-HAULED
side of the mainsail and increases its fully, and the driving force acts
drive significantly. This is the reason almost directly forward and the
why most sailing boats are rigged sideways force is zero.
with a mainsail and jib.
To work efficiently, the jib
and mainsail must be trimmed so
that the curve of the jib leech matches
the curve of the mainsail luff on the
leeward side. This produces a smooth
slot between them and allows the
air to flow smoothly and accelerate
through the slot. If the jib is pulled
in too much, or the mainsail let out Driving force
Tiller held in
central position Tiller
to leeward
pulled to
Using the sails
A sail works best at a particular
angle to the wind, known as
the angle of attack (p.32), so it
must be trimmed (adjusted) as you
alter course and checked regularly
while sailing to be sure the setting is
correct. To find the optimum angle,
ease the sail out until it starts to
shake at the luff (p.27), then pull
it in again just far enough to stop it
from shaking. Pull the sail in tight only
when the boat is sailing close-hauled
(p.40). As the boat turns away from
the wind, the sails are let out (p.40)
until, on a run, the sails are nearly at
right angles to the centerline.
run close-hauled
Sailing with the wind behind on a run When sailing close-hauled, the sails are
(p.40), the sails are let out fully and the pulled in tight, close to the centerline,
jib can be goosewinged. to achieve the correct angle to the wind.
Let mainsail in
mainsail only
Let jib out The jib is allowed to flap and the mainsail is
Pull mainsail in
pulled in. Sailing with just the mainsail makes
the boat turn toward the wind.
Using the crew’s weight
A dinghy sails fastest when it is
upright in the water and when the
heeling force (p.37) is balanced by
the weight of the helm and crew.
Their placement, fore and aft, also
determines the boat’s trim (how it sits
in the water). The helm sits on the
windward side, opposite the sails, so
that they have a clear view of the sails
and the course being steered. The
crew moves their weight according to
the point of sail and wind strength.
Depending on wind strength and
the point of sailing, the crew may
move from alongside the helm to
sitting on the opposite side to balance
the helm’s weight to windward. By
adjusting the position of their weight,
the crew can also heel the boat to
help it alter course.
sailing upright
Both the helm and crew use their weight
to keep this dinghy upright. They sit out
on the sidedeck with their feet under the
toestraps to balance the boat.
A daggerboard moves Continue turning
vertically through its until the wind fills
the sails on the
case and protrudes other side
above deck as it is Fully down
raised. Unlike a
centerboard, it is not
fixed in the case, so
it can be removed
Turn the bow
and stored in a into the wind
padded bag to Half down
by luffing up
prevent damage
when the boat is not
in use. It should have
a retaining cord on its
top edge so it cannot tacking
be lost in a capsize. During a tack (pp.92–95), the bow of
Quarter down the boat is turned through the wind
using the rudder, sails, and crew weight.
A centerboard pivots
on a bolt through the
centerboard case and
rotates into its case as
Bear away
it is raised. As the to run before
centerboard is raised Fully down the wind
by pushing the top
forward in the boat,
so its tip moves aft Turn until the
boom swings to
in the water. Unlike the other side
a daggerboard, a
centerboard’s surface Area moves aft as it is raised
Half down
area moves aft as it is
raised into its case.
During a jibe (pp.96–99), the stern of
Quarter down
Area moves farther aft
the boat is turned through the wind
using the rudder, sails, and crew weight.
Sailing as close to the
wind as possible is
called close-hauled.
The direction in which a boat is being sailed is The sails are in tight
and the centerboard
often described in relation to its angle to the wind.
is fully down.
Collectively, these angles are known as the “points
of sailing.” When you change from one point of
sailing to another, the sails, the centerboard,
and the position of the crew all need to be
adjusted to suit the new angle of the boat
in relation to the wind.
no-sail zone
Boats cannot sail directly into the
wind. The closest that most can
achieve is an angle of 40–45° on Close reach
either side of the direction of the
true wind. Progress toward
the wind is made by sailing
a zigzag course, which
is called beating
Beam reach
to windward.
beam reach
Broad reach Sailing with the wind blowing directly
over the side of the boat is known as
being on a beam reach—potentially
the fastest point of sailing in most
Training run
boats. The sails are eased halfway out
and the centerboard is halfway down.
training run
A training run is often used when teaching broad reach
novices. It is 5–10° off a true run but is safer On a broad reach, the wind comes
when you are learning to sail, as it avoids the over the port or starboard quarter
risk of an accidental jibe. The sails are eased right of the boat. The sails are well out and
out and the centerboard is only slightly down. the centerboard is a quarter down.
Standing Crossing
part Working end turn
3 Bring both working ends up and tuck 4 Tighten the knot by pulling on
the now right working end over the left both the working ends, producing the
working end and through the middle. distinctive square-shaped reef knot.
Working end
this hand
Working end
If you learn only one knot
before you go sailing,
make it this one. The
bowline (pronounced
1 With the working end of 2 Turn the hand and the 3 Finally, pass the working
the rope held in the palm of the working end so that a crossing end behind the standing part
bow-lynn) is used to make hand over the standing part, turn is created around the and then down through the
a loop in the end of a rotate the hand so the working hand and the working end. crossing turn. Tighten the knot
rope or to tie to a ring or end is pushed under the by pulling on the standing part
post. The bowline cannot standing part as the palm turns and the doubled working end.
be untied under load. face up.
1 Form a round turn by Standing part Working 1 Make a turn Standing part
bringing the working end of end around the post,
the rope up through the ring bringing the working
(or around a post or rail), end up over the
from bottom to top, twice. standing part.
Working end
2 Take the working end 2 Use the working end Working end
over the standing part. Pass it Standing to make a second turn
part Standing part
below the standing part, then in the same direction,
bring it to the top again and taking it behind the post
tuck it under itself, making a and bringing it around
half-hitch. to the front again.
Working end
3 Pass the working end 3 Tuck the working Standing part
Working end
below the standing part again, Standing end under the second
then bring it to the top and turn. Pull on the
tuck it under itself again, working end and
making the second half-hitch. the standing part to
Pull both ends to tighten. tighten the knot.
fiddle block through-deck blocks with cleats SOFT
A fiddle block has two blocks For some applications, SHACKLE
sheaves, one above the A through-deck block such as mainsheets, a
other. It is less likely to is used to run a rope cleat is incorporated into
create twist in a tackle through a deck, a a block. Cleats may be a
than a double block. bulkhead, or a coaming. V, clam, or cam cleat. BOW SHACKLE
A tackle is a system of blocks and
rope that increases the power when
you pull on the tail of the rope.
However, by increasing the amount
of power, also called the purchase,
the amount of rope you have to pull
to move the load also increases. A
powerful tackle will involve a long simple whip 2:1 3:1
length of rope, especially if the range The simplest form of This tackle, which Midsized dinghies may
of movement required is large. tackle, the whip has a doubles the power, is use a 3:1 tackle for a
Friction can greatly reduce the single turning block to often used for mainsheets mainsheet tackle or for
amount of power gained by a tackle. change the direction of on small boats and for jib some control lines. It
The amount of friction depends on the pull. Its power is 1:1. sheets on large boats. triples the power applied.
the type of rope and blocks used. A
tackle of three-strand rope running multipart
over blocks with simple axle bearings tackles
creates more friction than one made Tackles can
from smooth, braided rope running be combined
to provide
over low-friction blocks with needle
coarse and fine
or roller bearings. On racing boats,
adjustments, to
high strength, low stretch, and low increase power,
friction are essential. Use ropes and 4:1 6:1 and to reduce
blocks appropriate to your needs. This tackle quadruples the This powerful tackle is the amount of
The power of a tackle can be power applied. Dinghies often used as a mainsheet line in use.
quickly determined by counting the with powerful mainsails purchase on catamarans
number of parts of the rope that often use this system to to control the high power
come off the moving block. control the mainsheet. the mainsail generates.
1 Place your hands shoulder-width 2 Lean back, pulling on the oars and 3 Push down gently on the oars to lift
apart and lean forward. Then dip the oars keeping your arms straight. As you lean the blades clear of the water, then lean aft,
into the water so that the blades are at fully back, bend your arms in to your swinging the oars forward clear of the
right angles to the surface. chest to complete the stroke. water, and repeat steps 1 and 2.
how to SCUll 2 Twist the oar so that
To scull, stand upright in the the blade is slanted to one
Twist your wrists
dinghy facing aft, with your side, then move your hands
legs apart so that you are sideways—in the opposite
balanced. The basic direction of the way the
sculling stroke is a oar blade is slanted.
figure-eight made from
side to side across the
stern. Place passengers 3 At the end of the
Pull the oar
in the middle. stroke, roll your wrists to
across your chest
twist the blade in the
opposite direction and
move your hands across
Sculler your chest toward the
Stand at the stern, other side.
legs apart
How to paddle
If you are alone, you can paddle facing Sails
If sails are hoisted,
forward, with the sails down and rudder
allow them to flap
stowed or held against your knee (below).
Alternatively, paddle stern first, kneeling Lower the sails when
at the transom, and make drawing paddling alone Crew
Take long,
strokes that pull the boat backward.
strong strokes
With two people, both can paddle,
or else one person can steer using Paddler
Start the stroke leaning
the rudder while the other well forward with arms
paddles—the paddler sits straight, and keep knee
forward, on the opposite side against tiller
A sailing boat that is on port tack (with the boom
to starboard) must give way to a sailing boat on
starboard tack. When you first start sailing, it is
sometimes difficult to remember which tack you
are on. Solve this problem by marking the boom
as shown below.
Boats pass
port to port
boat alters Star
boa Way
course to rd–O
K Port
keep clear
channel rule (rule 9) overtaking rule (rule 13) marking your boom
All vessels, whether under sail An overtaking vessel must keep Mark your boom “Starboard—OK” on the starboard side and
or power, must stay close to clear of the one being passed “Port—Give Way” on the port side. This will remind you which
the starboard side of channels even if it is a sailing boat that tack you are on and the right-of-way rule that applies.
so that they pass port to port. is overtaking a power boat.
Whenever two boats—whether under sail or power— stands on. The “stand-on” vessel must maintain its
meet in a potential collision situation, there is a rule that course, while the other boat, known as the “give-way”
specifies which one has to give way and which one vessel, is obliged to keep clear.
Starboard tack
Leeward boat
Give-way vessel course to
Port tack
power boats crossing power boats head on sailing boats sailing boats on
(rule 15) (rule 14) on opposite tacks the same tack
The boat on the other vessel’s When power boats meet head (rule 12) (rule 12)
starboard side is the stand-on on, both must give way—by The boat on the port tack alters The windward boat must keep
vessel; the give-way boat alters steering to starboard so as to its course to pass behind the clear and steers to pass behind
course to pass behind it. pass port to port. boat on the starboard tack. the leeward boat.
Giving way
In general terms, a power vessel
yields to a sailing vessel. However, in in a channel
practice, this is not always the case. In some sailing areas, dinghies and
For example, the rule does not apply yachts share the same waters as large
to large ships in confined waters, vessels. If crossing a channel, pass
which are usually restricted in their behind ships and give them as wide
ability to maneuver. Fishing boats are a berth as possible.
also a special case, and you must stay
clear of them. Large ships may have
a blind spot under their bows, where
a boat will be hidden. In such
circumstances, it is the responsibility
of the small-boat sailor to get out of
the way as quickly as possible.
In a narrow channel, such as on
the approach to a marina, even a
small yacht under power may not
have room to alter course, so dinghies
should keep clear. In fact, unless the
power vessel is about the same size
as your boat, it is always best to stay
out of its way. Remember, too, that
a dinghy under oars is classed as a
power-driven vessel and must keep
clear of sailing boats.
Offshore wind
When you are planning a sailing
trip, do not underestimate the
strength of a wind that is offshore
(blowing from the land across the
shore and out over the water).
Learn to recognize when it is safe to set sail by studying control of your vessel. Anything less than a Force 3 will
the Beaufort Scale, which indicates the strength of the cause the boat to move slowly and lack responsiveness;
wind and describes its visual effects. For initial outings, a anything more and beginners should be wary of going
Force 3 is the ideal wind strength. Seven to 10 knots will out. A Force 6 is a dinghy-sailor’s gale; only experienced
fill the sails but will be gentle enough to allow you to keep crews should sail in winds that can reach 27 knots.
Calm Mirror-smooth water. Dinghies Smoke rises vertically and flags Less than 1 knot
0 tend to drift rather than sail. hang limp.
Light Air Ripples on water. Sufficient Smoke drifts slightly, indicating 1–3 knots
1 wind to maintain motion. wind direction.
Light Small wavelets with smooth Light flags and wind vanes 4–6 knots
Breeze crests. Sufficient wind to sail respond with small movements.
2 steadily but upright. Wind is Leaves rustle.
felt on the face.
Gentle Large wavelets with crests starting Light flags extend fully and 7–10 knots
3 Breeze to break. Ideal conditions for leaves and small twigs are set
learning to sail a dinghy. in motion.
Moderate Small waves with fairly Small branches move on trees, 11–15 knots
Breeze frequent whitecaps. The and dust and paper are lifted
4 crew will be working hard. off the ground by the breeze.
Boats plane easily. Beginners
should head for shore.
Fresh Moderate waves with frequent Small trees sway visibly and the 16–21 knots
5 Breeze whitecaps. High risk of capsize tops of all trees are in motion.
when dinghy sailing.
Strong Large waves start to form and Large trees sway and the 22–27 knots
Breeze spray is likely. This is a dinghy- wind whistles in power lines.
6 sailor’s gale. Only experienced It becomes difficult to use
crews with good safety cover an umbrella.
should race.
Offshore winds can be very out are more severe than you different sailing challenges. Attempting
misleading, as there is likely anticipated, you may experience to launch the boat and leave the
to be a calm patch close to the difficulties returning home. shore through breaking waves can
shore, but beyond this the wind be difficult with the wind against
will be stronger and the waves Onshore wind you. However, away from the beach,
much larger. If you set sail in an When the wind is onshore, you will the waves should calm down. You
offshore wind and then discover feel its full force and waves may break will also find that it is easier to
that the weather conditions farther on the shoreline. Onshore winds bring return to base in an onshore wind.
The horizontal movement of water
produced by the tides is called a tidal
stream. This flows along coasts and
up and down estuaries and rivers.
Whether you sail on inland waters or on the sea depends on When the tide is rising, the stream is
the type of sailing you want to do, as well as on where you live. said to be flooding; when it is falling,
the stream is said to be ebbing. Flood
Learning to sail is usually easier and safer on inland waters, but tides run up rivers and estuaries,
once you have gained some experience, you will probably want while ebb tides run back toward the
to be more adventurous and try sea sailing. In many parts of the sea. The speed of the tidal stream is
affected by the difference in the height
world, sailing on the sea involves dealing with tides. It is important
of the water surface between low tide
for both your safety and enjoyment that you understand how to and high tide. It runs much faster
check tidal information and how tides affect sailing at sea. during spring tides than during neaps
and is at its strongest during the third
and fourth hours of the flood or ebb.
Inland waters All types of inland waters have their
Inland waters vary from small lakes own characteristics and potential Sea sailing
and reservoirs, which are often made hazards, so ask for advice at a local If you are planning to sail at sea,
from flooded gravel pits, to more sailing club before you go afloat. If make sure that you have all the tidal
significant stretches of water, such you plan to sail without safety cover information you need. Details about
as large lakes and wide rivers. on a large stretch of inland water, the times of high and low water can
Remember that some inland waters make sure that someone knows your be found in a local tide table, and a
are privately owned, so if the stretch plans before you set sail. Look for tidal atlas for your area will show the
of water is new to you, find out bridges and overhead power lines direction of the stream for each hour
whether you need to get permission that may be lower than the mast, of the tidal cycle.
to sail there. Look for notices on the and check for signs indicating dams Remember that when a tidal
banks and shorelines. or locks. stream flows through deep channels
The rules of the road (pp.54–55) or around headlands, it is at its
apply wherever you are sailing. In strongest. If it is constricted in any
Gravitational pull is
constricted waters, such as a narrow way, such as by a headland, an
strongest on the water
surface closest to the Moon river or small lake, you may find that uneven bottom, or rapidly shoaling
the sailing conditions are congested, water, then you can expect tidal races,
MOON which will test your maneuvering eddies, and overfalls. Stay away from
C B A skills. When you are sailing on a river, these in a small boat, especially if the
be aware that you are likely to have to wind is strong or is blowing against
contend with a current as the water the stream. It will be apparent when
flows downstream toward the sea. On the wind blows in opposition to a
some rivers, these can get very strong, tidal stream, as it will kick up waves
especially if there has been heavy rain that are bigger and steeper than you
upstream. Some rivers, especially large would otherwise expect. When the
gravitational pull ones, also have a tidal flow that may tide turns to run with the wind, these
The gravitational pull of the Moon
reach some way inland from the sea. waves will quickly die down again.
(strengthened or weakened by that of
When going sailing in tidal waters,
the sun) attracts the water on the near
side (A), Earth itself (B), and the water on Tides always make sure that someone ashore
the far side (C) by decreasing amounts. Tides are vertical movements of knows your plans, and store an anchor
This pull causes two bulges in the surface the water due to the gravitational aboard so that you have the option of
of the water on opposite sides of Earth. attraction of celestial bodies (primarily anchoring in shallow water if the wind
We experience these bulges as tides. the Moon) on Earth’s surface. drops or if you get into difficulties.
Tides are caused by the Moon’s gravitational pull (and to a lesser extent When you are sailing in tidal
that of the Sun) on the surface of the water. The combined influence of waters, it is important to know
these two celestial bodies determines tidal ranges. when the tide turns. When the
tidal stream runs in your favor,
Tidal ranges it is easy to make progress over
The gravitational pull of the Moon and the Sun produces two high tides and the ground, but if it runs against
two low tides in most places every day. The difference in height between a you, progress may be slow or
low tide and the next high tide is called the tidal range.
impossible until the tide turns.
Spring and neap tides Checking the direction
The juxtaposition of the Sun and Moon affects the height of the tides at different One of the easiest ways of checking
times of the month. At the times of a full and new moon, when the Sun, Earth, the direction of the tidal stream is
and Moon are in line, the gravitational pull is largest. This causes spring tides, to look at boats at anchor or on a
with the largest range between high and low tides. When the Moon is in its mooring. They will usually point
first and last quarters, the Sun, Earth and Moon are at right angles to each other into the stream, unless they have
and cause neap tides, with the smallest range between high and low water. The a shallow draft (like dinghies or
strength of tidal streams depends on the range, so expect strong streams at spring motor boats), in which case they
tides and weaker ones at neaps. are more likely to lie head-to-wind,
especially if the wind is strong.
spring tides
Look at deep-keeled cruisers for
an accurate indication of the tidal
During spring tides, there is a New moon Full moon
stream. The tide also flows around
significantly larger difference
buoys and posts, or any other fixed
between the water’s height at
object in the water, and reveals its
low tide and high tide.
direction and strength by the wake
that streams downtide of the object.
hull ShAPe
The shape and depth of a dinghy’s
hull when seen from behind provides
a good indication of the purpose
for which it is designed. A flat,
shallow, usually rounded hull shape
indicates that the dinghy is intended
for high-performance sailing and
racing. Wider hulls are more stable round-bilge hull double-chine hull
than narrow ones, and deeper and If the hull is shallow, usually with a round If the hull is deep, the boat is likely to have
heavier hulls are more often used bilge (curved shape), it is probably meant been designed as a general-purpose dinghy.
for general-purpose boats that are for racing. The shallower the hull, the Also, general-purpose hulls may have one
ideal for beginners. more likely it is to be designed for speed. or two chines (angled, flat panels).
and very exciting to sail, but they are
not suitable for family picnics or for
use with oars or an outboard motor.
If you want to race, make sure you
choose a boat that is popular where
you are going to do your sailing, and
check that there is a good club fleet
in which to start racing.
Do not pick a high-performance
boat until you have the experience to
handle it. It is certainly not necessary
to choose a high-performance boat to
get good racing. In fact, many
general-purpose dinghies have
very committed and competitive
racing fleets and are a good option
to start racing. If you are unsure
as to whether you are ready to race
your own boat, consider crewing
for someone else in order to gain
experience and develop skills. buying your own boat, because adaptable for accessibility
If you want to day-sail or cruise, this will enable you to meet more Some dinghies can be adapted to suit
choose a strong and stable boat that experienced sailors who will usually both able-bodied and disabled sailors,
is specifically designed for this type have sailed in a range of small boats. with optional fixed seating and all lines
of sailing. A good cruising dinghy Crewing for club members in as wide feeding into the cockpit.
will have plenty of room inside a deep a range of boats as possible is a very
and stable hull and will have space good way of adding to your sailing what kind of sailing they focus on.
for stowing additional equipment you experience at low cost. Depending on Check out what types of boat they
may need, such as a cockpit tent and where you live, you may find several sail and talk to as many members as
cooking gear. sailing clubs in your vicinity. Some possible. Pick a club that sails small
may be primarily dinghy and small boats and try to find one that has
Joining a club keelboat clubs, while others may a training program to introduce
You will need to join a club in order concentrate on yacht racing and newcomers to small-boat sailing and
to participate in races. In fact, it is cruising. Before you join a club, visit help them develop their skills and
worth joining one anyway, before the ones in your area and find out broaden their experience.
multipurpose boats
If you are looking to buy a boat
that offers flexible usage, there
are dinghies available that can be
sailed single-handed or with a
crew (with a jib fitted), as here.
The Feva is a modern, multipurpose The Laser Pico is a durable, plastic boat
dinghy that has the option of being that can be sailed by everyone. It’s ideal
sailed single-handed or with a crew, for children and entry-level sailors and
with just a mainsail or with the addition is equipped with a removable jib and
FEVA of a jib and gennaker. PICO reefing mainsail.
The Flying Fifteen is a popular, double- The 420 is an international class that is
handed international class that is used ideal both for beginners and for young
mainly for racing. It has a weighted keel sailors starting to race. The 420 provides
yet is light enough to plane. It has a a good introduction to the use of a
FLYING FIFTEEN mainsail, jib, and spinnaker. 420 trapeze and a spinnaker.
The Sonar is a popular keelboat that Based on the same hull and equipment as
is ideal for day-sailing and competitive the Olympic Laser (pp.158–159), the Radial
racing. It is used for international has a smaller sail and more flexible lower
women’s, youth, and disabled racing mast that makes it an ideal single-hander
SONAR in match, team, and fleet racing. LASER RADIAL for young adults.
When you sail in small boats, you are very exposed to the zipper, but is harder to put on
elements, so it is important for your comfort to wear clothing or take off, as it must be pulled
over the head. Waterproof pants are
that keeps you warm. Although the choice of what to wear is available in waist-high or chest-high
very wide, there are only two basic approaches. One is to wear designs. Waist high are quicker
a drysuit or waterproofs over warm clothing; the other is to to put on, but chest-high pants
have suspenders that prevent them
wear a wetsuit. If you sail a dinghy, it is inevitable that you will
from slipping down and also offer
sometimes find yourself in the water, so it is also vital that you extra protection that means they
have a buoyancy aid to help keep you afloat if you capsize. can often be worn without a jacket.
Starting off If your boat is kept on a mooring Waterproofs are usually made
If you learn to sail at a sailing club or or pontoon, it is practical to wear with an outer layer of nylon for
school, you will probably be provided waterproofs, but if you have to extra strength and an inner,
with waterproofs and a buoyancy launch from a slipway or beach, waterproof layer that is bonded
aid. Normal casual or sports clothing waterproofs will not keep your legs to the nylon. The waterproof layer
will suffice under the waterproofs, dry when you wade into the water might be PVC, which is fairly cheap,
and you can wear athletic shoes on to launch the boat. Even if you wear or a breathable fabric, which will
your feet. If you learn to sail in a sailing boots, it is likely that the water be considerably more expensive.
small dinghy, you may be provided will come over the top of your boots However, breathable fabrics do
with a wetsuit, as it is inevitable that during launching. If this is the type of offer superior performance, allowing
you will get wet and waterproofs will sailing you do, then consider wearing
not provide sufficient protection. a wetsuit or drysuit, or be prepared
Once you start to sail your to have wet legs before you start
own boat or to crew for others sailing. In a warm or hot climate,
on a regular basis, you will want wet legs are no hardship, but if you
to invest in some specialty clothing, sail in a cooler climate, you will want
but you should get some experience to stay as dry as possible, especially
first so that you can choose the type at the start of your trip afloat.
of clothing that will suit the sailing You can choose from a one-piece
you wish to do. Ask experienced waterproof suit or separate jacket
sailors for their recommendations and pants. A one-piece suit has
and visit a sailing pro shop to try fewer water entry points, but
on a range of types. separates allow you to wear the
jacket or pants alone when required
Wearing waterproofs and so may be more useful if you
Waterproofs are most suitable for are sailing for recreation rather
sailing in small keelboats or stable than racing. Waterproof jackets are
general-purpose dinghies that are available with a front zipper or as
unlikely to capsize. They have the a smock type. A zippered jacket is
advantage over a wetsuit or drysuit easier to put on and can be worn high pants
that they are easier to put on and unzipped when you need to regulate High-fit waterproof pants have
take off, and it is easier to control your temperature. The smock type suspenders for security and can be
your temperature. is more waterproof, since it has no worn without the jacket if preferred.
water vapor and perspiration to for extra warmth. Full suits have Some sailors also wear a thin
escape rather than accumulate and a zipper entry system, usually in the windproof vest over their wetsuit
eventually soak your clothing. back of the torso, and good suits to protect it from damage and to
have adjustable ankles and wrists. prevent wind chill when sailing.
Wearing a wetsuit Most good wetsuits have thin Wetsuit socks can be worn
When you are likely to get wet while inner and outer skins of a stretchy, under dinghy boots to keep feet
launching or sailing, a wetsuit offers nylon-based material bonded to the warm; neoprene sailing boots
you a means of staying warm without neoprene to protect it from damage. with zippers and nonslip soles are
worrying about how to stay dry. It is advisable to wear a rash vest, also available. Neoprene gloves will
Wetsuits are made from neoprene, made of Lycra or thin neoprene and keep the hands warm, and a wetsuit
which is composed of numerous Lycra, under a wetsuit to protect hood will prevent heat loss through
small cells, each of which holds a your skin from abrasion and rash. the head in the coldest weather.
small bubble of gas. These bubbles
give the material its insulation
properties, making it difficult for the
heat from your body to escape. Latex seal at neck
Wetsuits are tailored to be very
close-fitting to ensure that only a
thin layer of water can penetrate
between the neoprene and your skin.
A light dusting of talcum powder Short sleeves
Dinghy boots
Types of wetsuits
Different weights of neoprene are
available, and suits for sailing usually full wetsuit
range between 3 mm and 5 mm, Wetsuits are available
although suits as thin as 0.5 mm are in a variety of styles.
also available. Thicker suits are used Choose a good-quality,
for winter sailing, while the thinner well-fitting suit to ensure
that you stay warm
ones are adequate for sailing from
and comfortable.
spring to fall in most climates.
Some suits use thicker neoprene
in the torso with thinner material in
the arms and legs to allow for easier
movement. Suits for small-boat sailing
should have reinforced patches on
short wetsuit
the seat, shins, and knees.
For summer sailing, Neoprene
Wetsuits are available in a variety a shorty wetsuit is boots
of styles, including full-length, shorty, often more appropriate
and long-john designs. Separate than a full suit. Wetsuit
jackets are also available, which can boots are ideal for
be worn over a shorty or long-john dinghy sailing.
Wearing a drysuit you are likely to get your feet wet used, as its brim helps protect the
A drysuit is a type of waterproof suit when you wade in the water to eyes from glare. Add a retaining
that is designed to prevent any water launch and recover your dinghy. strap to stop the hat from being
entry, even when you are immersed Gloves help protect the hands blown or knocked off your head
in water. The drysuit prevents water when handling ropes and help keep while sailing. A wide-brimmed hat
from entering at the wrists, ankles, them warm when sailing in cold will provide more shade for head and
and neck by using seals, usually conditions. Sailing gloves are shoulders in very sunny conditions
made of latex, that fit tightly to the available in short- or long-fingered but is more vulnerable to being
skin. Drysuits are generally made as varieties. The short-fingered ones blown off your head in windier
one-piece suits, but two-piece versions allow you to handle intricate tasks, conditions. In winter, a thermal
are also available. In this case, the such as fastening a shackle or tying balaclava will help prevent heat loss
pants and smock have latex seals at a knot, but long-finger ones from the head, which otherwise can
the waist that are rolled together to provide better protection for the account for a significant amount of
prevent water from entering between hands. A compromise is a pair with body cooling.
smock and pants. One-piece suits full-length fingers on all but the In sunny conditions, always
have a zipper system with the zipper index finger and thumb. Most sailing wear a pair of high-quality sunglasses
sometimes fitted diagonally across the gloves are made of a supple leather to protect the eyes from glare from
chest or the back. Zippers in the front or synthetic alternative with an the water’s surface, which can be
make entry and exit. Good suits have elasticated back and loop and considerable. Pick a pair that covers
reinforced seats, knees, and shins to hook wrist closure system. the eyes well to prevent light from
protect these high-wear areas. seeping in around the edges, and
To control your body temperature Protect the head use a retaining strap to prevent loss.
when wearing a drysuit, you need to A hat is useful for protecting the Polarized lenses are best for reducing
take care when choosing the clothing head from the sun in the summer and glare, and they also make it easier to
you wear underneath. Shorts and helping prevent heat loss in colder see the signs that wind shifts and
a T-shirt often suffice in warm conditions. A baseball cap is often gusts make on the water’s surface.
weather, but thin thermal clothing
is better in colder conditions. If you Caring for your equipment
decide to use a drysuit, choose one Sailing clothing can be a considerable
made from breathable fabric, which investment, so it pays to take care
allows your perspiration to pass of your equipment. Always rinse
through the suit. It is easy to overheat out all your clothing thoroughly in
when wearing a drysuit, and if the fresh water after each sail and hang
material is not breathable, you will up to dry. Some clothing can be
quickly become wet inside the suit washed in a washing machine at low
from the perspiration you produce or medium temperature, but always
when you are working hard. check the manufacturer’s instructions.
Most clothing should not be tumble-
Hands and feet dried, but water-repellent coatings
It is very important to protect the can be reactivated by a light tumble-
extremities from injury and cold dry. Never use solvent-based cleaners
when sailing, so take care to choose to remove stains, as these are likely to
good footwear, gloves, and a hat. damage the fabric.
Footwear can consist of deck shoes, Do not leave your waterproofs,
dinghy boots, or long sailing boots. drysuit, or wetsuit in direct sunlight, as
Deck shoes and long sailing boots are protect the head and eyes this will cause the fabric to deteriorate.
fine for keelboat sailing, but for dinghy A peaked cap will keep sun off the head Lightly lubricate zippers with
sailing, it is better to choose a pair of and a good pair of sunglasses will protect petroleum jelly and close zippers and
dinghy boots or wetsuit boots, since the eyes from glare from the water. fold clothing neatly for storage.
dinghy drysuit Collar
A one-piece drysuit has close-fitting latex cuffs, Latex seal prevents
water ingress at BUOYANCY AIDS
collar, and ankles, which are designed to form the neck Buoyancy aids—as opposed
a waterproof seal, thus keeping the wearer dry.
to life jackets—are the usual
Loose cut
choice for dinghy sailors,
For freedom especially for racing and inland
of movement sailing. They are available in
a variety of designs to suit all
Entry zipper shapes and sizes.
A long zipper on the front
(or sometimes on the back)
of the torso makes it easier to Choosing a buoyancy aid
put the suit on and take it off Make sure the buoyancy aid you
choose is of a type that is approved
by your national standards
authority. Also, make sure that the
size of the buoyancy aid is suitable
for your body weight. A range of
styles is available to suit all types
of dinghy sailing and small-boat
activity, with special sizes available
for children (and even for pets).
Try the buoyancy aid on before you
Latex cuffs form seal at wrist
commit to buying, and make sure it
to stop water from entering fits comfortably over your wetsuit,
waterproofs, or drysuit. If you use a
trapeze harness, check the buoyancy
aid with the harness.
Some drysuits have built-in latex socks,
as here, while others have ankle seals
that are similar to wrist seals
Nonslip sole
A razor-cut tread improves
grip on wet surfaces
Waist belt
Reinforced instep Always
Resists wear from dinghy fasten and
toestraps when hiking tighten the
gloves waist belt
Good sailing gloves have reinforced dinghy boots for security
palms and fingers for gripping rope Rubber sailing boots with molded soles
securely—even when wet—and are popular for dinghy sailing because WAISTCOAT STYLE
protecting the hands. they protect the feet and give good grip.
usually done in the dinghy dock before moving the boat to the water. Stepping the mast
If your boat is stored in a dinghy dock or kept afloat on a mooring, the Before you attempt to step the
mast is usually left in place. However, if you have transported the boat mast, make sure that it will not hit
any overhead obstructions, such as
to the sailing area on a roof rack or trailer, you will need to step the
power lines, when you lift it into place.
mast and attach and adjust the standing rigging before the sails can It is quite often possible to step the
be hoisted. The sails are then rigged, and all the running rigging mast on small dinghies on your own,
(sheets, halyards, and control lines) are attached and checked to be but the job is much easier and much
safer with two people. Although most
sure that they are led correctly. Finally, you should gather up any dinghy masts are light in weight, their
other gear you need to take afloat and stow it securely in the boat. length and windage (resistance to the
wind) can make them unwieldy to lift
in and out of the boat. It helps to have
Unstayed masts called standing rigging, which are the dinghy on its cart in a bow-down
Boats that have unstayed masts attached to the mast at the hounds position so that the mast will lean
(p.161) in most cases are stored with and to the boat at the chainplates. The forward against the support of the
the mast unstepped, particularly if the shrouds brace the mast to port and shrouds when it is placed in its step.
mainsail is attached to the mast via a starboard. They run through the ends Make sure that the tails of all halyards
sleeve. (The sleeve slides over the mast of the spreaders, which are attached to and other rope ends are tied out of the
and the sail can be fitted or removed the mast at about midheight. Shroud way so that they cannot be trapped
only when the mast is unstepped.) under the mast heel. When lifting the
Unstayed masts are often made in mast, keep it as close to vertical as
two sections that are slotted together. possible and position your hands
The sail is fitted to the mast, which is very wide apart on it to give better
then lifted vertically and lowered into leverage. Check whether the design of
the mast step. There is normally a your boat will allow you to stand in it
locking arrangement fitted in the step, when ashore. Modern, double-floored
which is used to secure the mast in dinghies are usually strong enough,
place. Alternatively, a rope downhaul but older designs may be damaged
or cunningham line is used to secure if you stand in them.
the sail and mast to the boat.
Raking the mast
Stayed masts Once you have stepped the mast, you
Masts with stays can be stepped either may need to adjust the shrouds and
on the keel, on the foredeck, or on a forestay to set the correct mast rake.
bow tank. In all cases, a mast step is Most boats sail best with their masts
attached to the boat to accept the raked aft slightly, but the mast must
stepping an unstayed mast
mast’s heel fitting. The fore-and-aft With the sail sleeved over the mast from be upright in a sideways direction. For
position of the step can sometimes the top, the mast is lifted into a vertical general sailing, the amount of rake
be adjusted to allow alterations to the position and lowered into the mast step. is not too critical, but when you
mast position and rake (lean). In all Place your hands some distance apart start racing, you should set the rake
cases, the mast is supported by wires, on the mast to give more leverage. according to your class’s tuning guide.
Boats with keel-stepped masts are usually Forestay
Pull on the forestay Forestay
quite easy to step because the mast heel can
until the mast Fasten the
be positioned into its step before it is pulled is upright forestay
into the upright position. Once the mast is in to the
the mast gate, it is held pretty securely. bow-fitting
Mast gate
Mast step Guide the
Locate the heel mast into
in the mast step the mast gate
Attach the shrouds
to the chainplates
1 Lay the mast and rigging on 2 One person lifts the mast and positions 3 Attach the forestay and close the
the boat, with the mast heel resting on the the heel into the mast step. When the mast deck-level mast gate. Check the mast rake.
mast step and with the front side of the mast heel is in the step, the other pulls on the Make sure that the halyards are not twisted
uppermost. Attach the two shrouds to the forestay. The person supporting the mast around the rigging and that they are led
chainplates on the sidedecks. guides it into the mast gate. correctly to their respective cleats.
Deck-stepped masts do not have
Mast Mast
the additional support of a mast Slot the mast into Push the mast forward
gate. They must be lifted vertically the mast step to attach the forestay
before being located into the
mast step, and have less support
until all the rigging is secured.
Hold the forestay taut,
but do not pull hard
Mast Shrouds
Lay the mast Attach shrouds
along the boat to chainplates
1 Lay the mast on the 2 If the boat has a double floor, one 3 Allow the mast to lean forward, held by the
boat with the fore side person can get into the boat to lift the mast shrouds, and attach the forestay to the bow-fitting.
uppermost and the heel into position. In an older boat with a single Next, adjust the shrouds and forestay to get the desired
toward the bow. Attach the floor, do not get into the boat when ashore. rake. Finally, make sure the halyards are not twisted
shrouds to the chainplates. Lift the mast in from the side of the boat. and that they are led correctly to their respective cleats.
The mainsheet is used to adjust the tackle. Also, make sure the mainsheet more load than an aft mainsheet, so
position of the boom and to help has a figure-eight knot (pp.46–47) in extra blocks are needed in the tackle.
control the shape of the mainsail. the end to prevent it from running The lower block may be attached
When the mainsail is full of wind, out through the mainsheet blocks. to an athwartships-track, which runs
there can be quite a heavy load on across the middle of the boat, or it
the mainsheet, so it is run through a Aft-mainsheet systems can be fitted on the floor, on a raised
system of blocks, called a mainsheet In an aft-mainsheet system, the hoop, or on the centerboard case.
tackle, to make it easier for the helm top block of the tackle is normally There is usually a cleat attached
to hold and adjust. attached to a swivel plate at the end to the lower mainsheet block so that
There are two main types of of the boom. The bottom block is the sheet can be cleated when the
mainsheet systems: center and aft. often attached to a traveler that helm chooses. If an athwartships
On the former system, the end of the runs on a track across the transom. track is fitted, the mainsheet tackle’s
sheet leads to the helm’s hand from Other, simpler designs may be found: lower block is attached to a traveler
a block forward of the helm. In aft- sometimes the lower mainsheet block that runs on the track. The position
mainsheet systems, the sheet is led is attached to a rope bridle attached of the traveler is usually controlled
from aft of the helm. Either type may to the transom corners. If a traveler by lines led from the traveler to
have a traveler on a track, which can is used, it may have control lines to the sidedeck within easy reach
be used to position the mainsheet adjust its position on the track. of the helm.
athwartships. Center mainsheets are Aft-mainsheet systems do not
common on racing boats, as they offer usually have a jamming block for
more control of the sail. Boats with the mainsheet, but they may have
aft-mainsheet systems have more a ratchet block to reduce the load
room in the cockpit, which makes that the helm has to hold. Because
them the most popular design for the mainsheet leads from aft, the
general-purpose dinghies. helm must face aft when tacking.
Mainsheet systems are usually
left in place when the boat is not Center-mainsheet systems
being sailed. When rigging, make In most center-mainsheet systems, the center-mainsheet traveler
sure the fittings are secure and the top block of the mainsheet tackle is This center mainsheet has an athwartship
sheet runs correctly and smoothly attached to the middle of the boom. track with a mainsheet traveler, the position
through the various blocks in the This means it has less leverage and of which is adjusted by control lines.
Boom fittings 1 Holding the clew, slide 2 Pull the clew until all 3 Pull the foot of the sail
the boltrope into the groove the foot of the sail is in the so that it is taut, and fasten
The boom is attached to the mast
at the forward (mast) groove. Fix the tack to the clew outhaul, which is
via a gooseneck and a boom vang. end of the boom. Make the forward end of the used to adjust the tension
The gooseneck locates it and allows sure that none of the sail boom (often by sliding a in the foot of the sail. It is
it to pivot from side to side, while the cloth gets caught in the pin through the tack usually adjustable but may
boom vang prevents it from lifting. groove with the boltrope. cringle and the boom). be fixed at the boom end.
Unroll the sail and make sure the battens are in their pockets. Because the foot
of the sail is not attached to the boom along its length, you need only attach
the clew and the tack. The clew is attached to the outer end of the boom
with the clew outhaul, while the tack is either fastened to the gooseneck, with
a pin or a lashing, or secured with an adjustable rope called a tack downhaul.
Do not put the boom onto the gooseneck until the sail is hoisted.
1 Remove the sail from its bag and 2 Put the metal “slug” fitted at the clew 3 Pass the clew outhaul through the clew
unroll it on the boat. Find the two lower into the cutout in the boom’s groove. Slide cringle and fasten its end at the end of the
corners, the clew, and the tack. it out to the end of the boom. boom, here by hooking a knot into a slot.
4 Attach the halyard to the head. If a ball 5 To hoist the sail, one person pulls on 6 Attach the boom to the gooseneck
is fitted, as here, push a loop through the the halyard while the other feeds the sail’s (above). Pass the tack downhaul through
cringle, then put the end through the loop. boltrope into the mast groove. the tack cringle and secure the end.
If the wind increases beyond Force 3, many sailing dinghies start to
become harder to handle. Reducing the sail area, known as reefing, makes
the dinghy more stable and easier to control in stronger winds. There are
three main methods of reefing a mainsail: traditional slab reefing, rolling
the sail around the boom, and rolling the sail around the mast. The
method you use will depend on the design of your dinghy. A jib can
be exchanged for a smaller one or rolled around the forestay. A MAINSAIL REEFED ASHORE
Reef point
When to reef traditional slab reefing
Racing dinghies are hardly ever The traditional method of reefing is Luff cringle tied
to take a “slab” (portion) out of the to gooseneck
reefed, and races are frequently
postponed in strong winds. When mainsail. This is done by partially Mainsail reefed
sailing for recreation, however, reefing lowering the sail and then tying with slab tied up
down a luff cringle and a leech using reef points
allows you to sail under control in
cringle, leaving a fold of sail
strong winds and reduces the risk of Leech cringle
parallel to the foot, along
capsize. You can reef while you are the boom. The fold may
tied to boom
allow the mast to 2 Fit the boom back onto the mast
rotate, resecuring and refasten the clew outhaul, ensuring
the mast that you pass it around the boom to
when the sail hold the clew close to the boom. Tighten
has been reefed. the boom vang.
Correcting heel
When sailing in light winds, upwind, or on a reach, the helm sits to windward
and the crew corrects heel by sitting to leeward. If the wind increases, the
crew moves first into the middle of the boat, then to sit out beside the helm.
When sailing downwind, the heeling force is almost zero, so the crew sits in
the middle of the boat or to leeward, opposite the helm.
Correcting trim
In moderate winds, the boat should be level fore and aft when the helm and crew
sit side by side, with the crew sitting just behind the windward shroud. By sitting
position of the crew close together, they reduce the windage of their bodies and also keep their weight
When sailing in medium conditions, centered, which allows the bow and stern to lift easily to pass over waves. If their
the helm and crew usually sit side by weight is too far forward, the bow is depressed and steering can become difficult.
side on the windward sidedeck, with If their weight is too far back, the stern is depressed and the transom digs into
the crew being prepared to move as the water, which makes the boat slow down and difficult to sail upwind.
necessary to keep the boat balanced. When sailing upwind in very light winds, the helm moves forward to just
behind the shroud, and the crew sits in the middle or to leeward. This lifts
the flat, aft sections of the boat and reduces drag. When sailing downwind
raise and lower the centerboard in strong winds, the helm and crew move aft to lift the bow, but not so far
as to make the stern drag.
(or daggerboard) to suit the point
of sailing. They should also keep a
correct trim
good lookout all around the dinghy, The helm and crew sit close
especially to leeward, where it can together to minimize the
be difficult for the helm to see. windage of their bodies. They
They must warn the helm about position themselves to trim
the boat fore and aft so that
any potential collision situations
the transom is just clear
in good time. An experienced crew of the water. In lighter winds,
will also discuss sail trim with they would move forward
the helm. slightly to lift the stern, and
in stronger winds, they would
move aft to lift the bow.
It is important that the helm and
correct balance
crew learn to coordinate their The crew moves their weight
movements. When the boat heels, the to balance the boat and allow
crew should move first to adjust the helm to sit to windward
the balance—the helm moves only from where they have the
best view of the sails and
if there is a large change in trim.
course. Here, the boat is on
When a course change is required, a broad reach in light airs,
good crews move together smoothly so the crew sits to leeward,
to assist the turn and to maintain under the boom, to balance
balance and speed. This teamwork the boat. From here, they
can see the jib trim and
becomes increasingly important
hazards to leeward.
when sailing in high-performance
dinghies and when racing.
must coordinate their actions in
trimming the mainsail and jib in order
to achieve the desired turning effect.
Underwater shape
As the boat heels, the underwater shape changes and the rudder
and centerboard become off-center in the underwater area. This
makes the boat try to turn in the direction opposite of the heel.
The mainsail is allowed to
flap freely, so that it has no
turning effect on the boat
The jib is allowed
to flap freely, so that
it has no turning
effect on the boat
Telltales are light strips of wool or nylon sewn or glued
about 6–9 in (15–25 cm) in from the luff on both sides
of the sails. They indicate whether the air stream at the
sail surface is smooth or turbulent.
When you arrive at the sailing area,
take a careful look at all the wind
indicators to help you build a
picture of the conditions. Check
The first time you set sail, whether it is alone or with an flags, both ashore and on moored
instructor, you will begin to appreciate the challenges, rewards, boats, and the direction of any
smoke from chimneys, and the
and responsibilities of sailing. When you are learning with an way trees move in the wind. Look
instructor, you need concentrate only on acquiring new skills, at the waves on the water, which
leaving the safety aspects to them. If you sail off alone, however, usually run at right angles to the
wind. It is also very important that
you are in sole charge of your destiny. This is one of the greatest
you know whether the wind is
attractions of sailing, but you must be aware of the risks and take onshore or offshore, as it can make
sensible precautions if you want to enjoy the experience. a big difference to your trip.
A well-planned routine for preparing and launching your put the rudder in the boat for
dinghy will ensure that you rig it properly and that all the launching, put it under the boom and
mainsail; otherwise, it may be thrown
necessary equipment is on board and in good working order. around when the sail is hoisted. The
A launching cart is the usual means of moving a dinghy to the centerboard should be up when you
water, and how you launch from there depends on whether it launch; if you have a daggerboard, lay
it in the bottom of the boat, under the
is a beach or slipway launch or a pontoon launch. Whichever
boom and mainsail, until you go
it is, work out a system with your sailing partner to build on afloat. In most situations, hoist the jib
the teamwork that will make you good sailors on the water. before you launch unless its flapping
will be a nuisance while launching.
If the boat can be kept head-to-
Using a launching cart from a pontoon, you may wish to rig wind when launching, you can also
Most damage is done to dinghies them after launching. A lifting rudder hoist the mainsail; otherwise, it is
when they are moved while ashore, so can be fitted before launching, but a hoisted when you are afloat. Do a
it is important to move the dinghy and fixed blade must be left until you are final check around the boat to ensure
launch it in a way that prevents the afloat. Only fit a fixed rudder when you have everything you need. Wheel
hull from coming into contact with you have moved the boat into water the boat to the water and launch,
the ground (pp.52–53); a launching deep enough to take the rudder blade following the instructions for a beach,
cart is ideal for this. Dinghies are without it hitting the bottom. If you slipway, or pontoon (pp.104–107).
very heavy and awkward to lift, so
if it has been transported on a roof
rack or road trailer, find a few people
who are willing to help lift it onto its Both fixed and lifting rudders are secured to the boat by means of
fittings on their stock. Fit a lifting rudder before launching. Fit a fixed
cart to make the job easier.
rudder after launching, making sure the water is sufficiently deep first. If
Position the boat so that there
it has a removable tiller, fit the rudder to the boat, then fit the tiller. If you
is not too much weight on the front fit the rudder and tiller before hoisting the mainsail, make sure that the
of the cart when you lift it by the sail and boom do not catch under the tiller when the sail is hoisted.
handle, and tie the painter around
the cart handle to prevent the boat Tackle under tiller pulls
from sliding off. If the cart has a lifting rudder down 1 Slide the fittings on the stock onto their
when boat is afloat counterpart fixings on the boat’s transom.
T-shaped handle, you can secure the Make sure that the blade is held up so it
rope with figure-eight turns. cannot scrape on the ground. If you have
a removable tiller, go on to steps 2 and 3.
Preparing the boat
Step the mast if necessary (pp.70–71),
and make sure all the bungs are in
position. Collect all the equipment,
including the sails, rudder, paddles,
and any other important removable
gear, before you move the boat close
to the launching point. 2 Slide the tiller 3 Secure the
into the fitted tiller—usually with
Sails are usually rigged (and lifting rudder head and a pin that passes
Fittings on rudder stock
rudders fitted) before launching but, in engage with matching make sure it is a through the rudder
some circumstances, such as launching fittings on transom tight fit. head and the tiller.
Hoisting the sails One person Jib hoisted and
feeds the rolled up
With the boat head-to-wind, the sail into the
sails can be hoisted ashore. To luff groove
hoist the jib, one person pulls on
the jib halyard until the sail is up
and then secures it to its cleat
One person hoists the
or other fitting provided. mainsail by pulling
Some boats have a jib furling on the halyard
system so the jib can be rolled
up once it is hoisted (right). To
hoist the mainsail, one person
guides the boltrope into the mast
groove, while the other hoists the
sail with the halyard. Once the
sail is fully up, the boom is slid
onto the gooseneck. Make sure
both main and jib sheets are free
to run so the sails do not fill.
1 Push the cart into the 2 One person holds the boat 2 Lead the boat to the
water until the boat floats off. by the bow, to one side of the end of the pontoon and
Never push or drag the boat slipway and clear of other users. turn it head-to-wind. Secure
off or you will scratch its hull. The other takes the cart to the painter on the pontoon
Untie the painter to release above high-water level and before hoisting the sails and
the boat from the cart. parks it clear of the slipway. fitting the rudder.
stable option, as the boat will simply
drift until you pull in the sails. In
a head-to-wind position, the wind
will push the boat backward due
In order to become proficient at handling a boat, you need to to the windage of the flapping sails,
practice using the main controls (pp.36–39). You must learn how and the bow will start to turn in
one direction or the other (depending
the boat reacts to the wind on all points of sailing, and you must on the position of the rudder) until
be able to change course smoothly and efficiently. You will also the sails fill and the boat starts to
want to know how to stop the boat. When you start sailing, you sail. This method is used mainly when
you need to stop alongside a mooring
will not yet have the skills needed to leave and return to the shore
or pontoon or other boat.
under sail, so on your first few trips afloat, row or paddle away When you are confident with these
from shore, then hoist the sails once you are in clear water. two ways of stopping, you can try the
more controlled heaving-to (p.102).
lying-to method
Turn the boat using the tiller until the wind is
blowing from a point just forward of a beam. Let
both sails out fully so that they flap. The boat will
stop and drift gently until you pull in the sails.
the edge of the no-sail zone. If you
try to point closer to the wind, BOAT SPEED
turning into the no-sail zone, the The speed at which you can sail is dependent on a number of factors,
sails will shake and the boat will including the strength of the wind, the point of sailing you are on
slow down and stop. (pp.40–41), the type of boat you are sailing, and how well you are
To get to a point upwind within sailing it. Tidal streams and waves will also affect speed (pp.58–59).
the no-sail zone, it is necessary to sail
a series of zigzags, first on one tack, speed vs. point of sail
then on the other, making progress to Potential boat speed on specific
windward with each tack. This process points of sailing and in a particular
is called beating to windward (p.94). wind strength are shown using a
polar diagram. The concentric circles Close
represent potential boat speed in a
Starting to sail given wind strength. The farther away
When you first start sailing, it is from the central circle you are, the Beam
easiest to get accustomed to using faster the boat is sailing. The precise
the main controls while sailing on shape of the performance curve
a beam reach. This is the fastest and depends on the design of boat. The
diagram shows the performance curve
easiest point of sailing. It does not of a typical general-purpose dinghy. It Broad reach
demand very accurate steering, sail reaches its maximum speed on a beam Run
trimming, centerboard positioning, reach and sails slowest when on a run.
or crew balance.
Center mainsheet
Use sheet Grasp the sheet near
hand to the block and pull
pull in
Raise the centerboard
5 Continue on a run, setting Continue to 1 Keep your tiller 2 Trap the sheet under
the jib on the opposite side balance the boat hand steady on the the thumb of your tiller
of the boat from the mainsail to tiller extension. With hand. Let go of it with
goosewing for maximum speed. your sheet hand, pull your sheet hand, then
in the mainsheet as far reach across your body
as possible, bringing to grasp the sheet and
Crew the sheet across your pull it again. Repeat
Sit on the
opposite side to
body from the stern. these steps as necessary.
the helm
Rudder is centered
Tacking roles in the jib on the new side as the boat
The helm decides when to tack. They completes the turn. The crew must be
and the crew must turn the boat, trim alert to helm’s instructions and must TACKING A CENTER
the sails, and move their weight across confirm that the new course is clear
This sequence shows a boat with a
the boat while keeping it as upright before committing to the turn.
center mainsheet being tacked from
as possible. The helm checks that the
a reach to a reach. The boat must be
new course is clear and that the crew The tacking maneuver sailing fast before the tack, and you
is ready. During the tack, they must Tacking is actually a prolonged luffing must steer it firmly through the turn,
change hands on the tiller and maneuver in which the boat turns or else it may fail to complete the tack,
mainsheet while moving across the sufficiently for the sail to fill on the stopping head-to-wind—a position
boat, controlling both at the same time. opposite course. The maneuver begins known as being “in-irons” (p.95).
After the tack, they must check sail with luffing up (p.90). The tack itself
trim, boat balance, and the new course. occurs when the bow of the boat
The crew is responsible for releasing passes through the eye of the wind,
the jib sheet, picking up the new one, and the maneuver is complete when
and moving across the boat to sheet you are sailing on the new course.
Boat turns
through the wind
Start the tack by
Helm pushing the tiller Helm
If the mainsheet extension away, As the boom swings into
is cleated, moving it about 30º the center of the boat,
uncleat it from the centerline move into the middle,
ducking under it. Lead
with your rear foot
Boat on port
3 The helm calls “lee-oh” and
pushes the tiller to leeward to
tack—boom on the
starboard side start the turn. As the jib flaps,
the crew lets out the old jib
sheet and picks up the new one.
2 The crew checks the area
and, if all is clear and they are
ready, replies “ready.” They
then uncleat the jib sheet but
do not let it out.
Sailing to windward Pull the tiller gently toward you to taCKing an
Once you have learned how to tack, turn away from the wind and resume aFt-MainSHeet boat
you can experiment with sailing to sailing efficiently. Do not bear away This sequence shows an
windward. Although you can sail too far, however, or you will give up aft-mainsheet boat tacking
close-hauled along the edge of the valuable distance. To reach a point from close-hauled on port tack
no-sail zone (p.40), if you turn closer upwind, within the no-sail zone, to close-hauled on starboard
to the wind, into the no-sail zone, the you will need to follow a zigzag tack. Because it is an aft mainsheet,
luffs of the sails will start to flutter course—a process that is known the helm must cross the boat
and the boat will eventually stop. as beating to windward. facing aft and change hands on
the tiller extension and mainsheet
NO-SAIL ZONE NO-SAIL ZONE before the tack. The crew crosses
the boat facing forward as usual.
The boat turns through only
90 degrees, so the maneuver
Zigzag to happens very quickly compared
Keep sailing windward
to tacking from a beam reach to
along the edge of
the no-sail zone a beam reach (p.92). The crew and
helm must cross the boat swiftly
before the sails fill.
Boom may
swing across
very suddenly
Like tacking, jibing involves turning the boat to change tack 4 As the boom
reaches the centerline,
and bring the wind on the other side. In jibing, however, it is the helm centers the
the stern, rather than the bow, that turns through the wind. tiller and moves
their weight to the
When you jibe, the mainsail stays full of wind throughout the
new windward side.
maneuver, and its swing across the boat can be sudden and The crew moves
to keep the boat
violent. This is very unlike tacking, where the sails lose drive
upright and trims
and flap harmlessly until the turn is complete. Unless the boat is the jib.
correctly balanced throughout, you may lose control or capsize.
Jibing roles the boat to sheet in the jib on the new Helm
Center the tiller
The helm decides when to jibe. They side as the boat completes the jibe. as the boom
are responsible for making sure the They must concentrate on balancing reaches the
new course is clear and for making the boat throughout the jibe.
sure that the crew is ready. During
the jibe, the helm must change hands Preparing to jibe
on the mainsheet and tiller while Jibing begins with bearing away
keeping control of both. They must until the jib hangs limply behind the
also move across the boat during the mainsail, indicating that you are on
turn. After the jibe, they have to steer a dead run (p.40). You then luff up
onto the new course and check the very slightly so that the jib just fills
sail trim and boat balance. on the same side as the mainsail. This
The crew is responsible for is a training run, which, when you are Pick up the
releasing the old jib sheet, picking up learning how to jibe, is the correct new jib sheet
the new jib sheet, and moving across starting point for the maneuver.
Move to balance
the boat
Sheet in Crew
the mainsail Keep the
to bring it off boat balanced
the shroud
Helm Helm
Trim the mainsail as it Steer onto the new
fills with wind and the course, adjusting the
boat accelerates tiller and mainsheet
Crouch to avoid
the boom as it 1 The helm luffs up to a training
swings over run, checks the new course, sheets in
to bring the boom clear of the
shroud, and calls “stand-by to jibe.”
The crew checks the course and
centerboard and calls “ready.”
Check the
2 The helm calls centerboard is
“jibe-oh,” changes no more than
hands on the tiller and a quarter down
mainsheet, and puts their
front foot into the center. They
swing the extension to leeward Pull the boom
and push the tiller to windward. off the shroud
to counter the increased heeling force.
In light winds, this will be the fastest
point of sailing.
One of the best ways to develop your skills is to sail a course Close-hauled
that requires you to tack and jibe and encompasses all the points Sailing close-hauled is difficult to get
right and requires plenty of practice.
of sailing (pp.40–41). How you arrange your course depends on Lower the centerboard fully and luff
your sailing area. A small island would be ideal to sail around. up to a close-hauled course. Ask the
Alternatively, you could use a few buoys as your turning points, crew to pull the jib in tight and cleat
the sheet. Next, sheet the mainsail in
or else simply sail an imaginary circuit to bring you back to your
tight and steer the boat by watching
starting point. Whatever course you set, try to sail out of the way the luff of the jib. Your aim is to
of other boats on your first few attempts. As you sail, concentrate sail along the edge of the no-sail zone,
on sail trim, centerboard position, and boat trim and balance. making as much distance to windward
as possible. Gently ease the tiller away
from you, luffing up slowly, and watch
for the moment when the jib luff
SAILING UPWIND shakes. At that point, pull the tiller
toward you very slightly to bear away
Start by sailing on the upwind the three-quarters-down position until the luff just stops shaking. To
courses (beam reach, close reach, and sheet in the sails to keep them maintain an accurate close-hauled
and close-hauled). On these courses, full. You will need to sit out harder course, you must constantly repeat
you can slow down and stop, if
necessary, simply by letting out
the sails until they shake and
sailing a course
lose power. Once you understand the basic
maneuvers, the next step is to
Beam reach put them all together by sailing
Steer onto a beam reach with around a course. Here, Optimist
the centerboard half down. Trim the dinghies sail around a course
sails and move your weight to keep marked by inflatable buoys.
the boat upright. If it heels significantly
even though you are sitting out fully,
consider reefing (p.76). Experiment
with moving the tiller until you are
happy with the way it alters the
boat’s course. Watch its effect by
looking at how the bow moves
in relation to the horizon. Keep
checking the trim of the sails. In
moderate winds, this will be the
fastest point of sailing (pp.40–41).
Close reach
When you have gotten the feel of
the boat sailing on a beam reach,
you can luff up to a close-reaching
course. Lower the centerboard to
this gentle luffing up and bearing is more difficult to spot unless you If you find that the boat heels too
away, which demands concentration have telltales fitted to the luff of far in gusts of wind, even though
when you are learning. If you lose your jib (p.82). you are sitting out, reduce the heeling
concentration, you will find that you Avoid oversteering as you luff up force by easing the mainsheet slightly
are sailing either too close or too and bear away. The boat should only to bring the boat upright again.
far off the wind. The former is turn a few degrees each time you When the gust passes, pull the
obvious, as the jib will shake and move the tiller, so make only gentle sheet in again or the boat will heel
the boat will slow down; the latter steering movements. to windward.
steering a course
You will need to luff up, bear away, tack,
and jibe to complete this course. It is Close-hauled Beam reach
Luff up further to a Bear away onto a beam
advisable to try to pick light to medium
close-hauled course. reach, where the wind is
winds for your first few outings. Sailing in This is the closest you at 90º to the boat and
strong winds is obviously tricky, but very can sail to the wind blows across the beam
light winds can also be difficult—the boat
will be slow to react and will require
skillful sailing to keep it moving. goosewinged
Bear away
again so that
Close reach Luff up the wind is
From a beam reach, luff
Bear away almost directly
up 20º toward the wind
behind the boat
START to sail on a close reach
HEAVING-TO Once you have gained confidence on
Heaving-to, or the hove-to position, is a run, you can try goosewinging by
more effective than lying-to (p.88) if you setting the jib on the opposite side of
need to halt for anything longer than a the mainsail. This will increase your
few moments. It is a good position if speed and also help balance the pull of
Jib remains
you need to reef or if you want to rest.
full of wind the mainsail and make the boat easier
to steer on a straight course.
how to heave-to
Begin by tacking without freeing the jib sheet. To goosewing, bear away to a dead
Then let the mainsail out until the front half run so that the wind is coming directly
flaps. Push the tiller to leeward and keep it over the transom. This makes the jib
there. Raise the centerboard to about collapse, as it is now in the wind
two-thirds down to prevent heeling. The
shadow of the mainsail. Pull it across
force in the wind-filled jib is counteracted
by the mainsail and rudder. the foredeck using the windward jib
sheet until it sets with wind and sets
on the opposite side of the boat.
Whisker poles The whisker pole can be a very
Some boats that are not designed to useful accessory if you have some SAILING IN TIDES
have spinnakers (pp.146–153) have distance to sail on a dead run. It When you sail in tidal waters, it
a pole, known as a whisker pole, keeps the jib goosewinged even if is important to allow for a tidal
that is used to boom out the jib when the helm luffs to a training run or stream, which will make your boat
it is goosewinged. The whisker pole even a broad reach. Without the drift in relation to the seabed. It
is clipped to a ring on the front of help of the whisker pole, it is will influence how you steer to
the mast and usually has a point much harder for the crew to keep follow your course.
on the other end that is pushed into the jib set in this way. Make sure
the cringle at the jib clew. Tension that you remove and stow the Tidal effects
is maintained on the jib sheet to whisker pole safely before you To get a better idea of how the tide
prevent it from slipping out. jibe or luff up. affects your boat, imagine you are
walking on a moving walkway. If
you walk in the direction in which
it is moving, you will travel faster
using a whisker pole than you would if the walkway were
This Sharpie is a traditional static. If you turn around and walk
dinghy class that does not use in the opposite direction, it is harder
a spinnaker. Instead, a long to make forward progress and will
take you longer. Walk across the
whisker pole helps boost speed
walkway and its movement will
downwind and reduce rolling
take you sideways, away from
by poling out the jib on the
your destination. These effects are
windward side.
identical to what happens to your
boat when you sail in tidal waters.
Tidal direction
If you are going to sail in tidal
waters, make sure that you know
the direction of the tidal stream
before you go afloat. Also, find out
whether the direction is due to
change while you are sailing.
1 The crew holds the boat while 2 The crew turns the boat until they are
the helm boards, checks that all gear is by the windward shroud, pushes off, and
stowed, and fits the rudder. The helm climbs aboard. They then pull in the jib to
lowers the rudder blade (if it is the lifting turn the boat farther from the wind. The
type) and puts the centerboard about a helm trims the mainsail and steers onto
quarter down if the water is deep enough. their chosen course.
Leaving a pontoon
Launch the boat down a slipway, if
available, or over the edge of the
pontoon if necessary (p.87). Move the Helm sheets in the
mainsail and steers onto
boat to the part of the pontoon from the desired course
which it will be easiest to leave—
usually at an end on the leeward side. Sails are set to
The helm gets aboard and fits the sail on a reach
rudder and tiller. They hoist the jib, Hoist the sails
then the mainsail, and lower the when head-to-
wind alongside
centerboard about halfway. Before
the pontoon
the crew can untie the boat and get
aboard, they and the helm must plan
their course to open water.
Check to see if there is any
clear water astern obstruction astern
tidal stream affecting the boat. If
The crew unties the painter and steps The crew pushes the boat forward and
the tidal stream is significant, plan
aboard, pushing the boat backward. The away from the pontoon. They get aboard
to leave pointing into the stream.
helm pushes the tiller in the direction and then back the jib, while the helm
Look around before you sail off to they want the bow to move (here, to turns the boat away from the wind. As
be sure there are no other boats or port) while the crew backs the jib. The soon as the boat has turned, the crew
obstructions in your path. Make boat moves backward and turns. Finally, sets the jib on the leeward side to sail
sure that your crew understands the the crew sheets the jib in on the leeward away on a broad reach. The helm lets
planned maneuver before you cast off. side of the dinghy to sail away. the mainsheet to help bear away.
Arriving at a beach deep water
When you return to a weather shore, Where the water is deep at Prepare to lift
the shoreline, tack in close, then the rudder and
you will need to tack in toward the
beach or slipway. The way you sail parallel to the land until
Sail in
approach will depend on whether you reach your chosen landing
point. The helm turns the boat
the water close to the shore is shallow
head-to-wind to stop. The crew Tack to sail
or deep. If you are going to sail into
gets out just behind the shroud, close to shore Turn head-to-
shallow water, the crew must be taking care to avoid stepping on a reach wind to stop
prepared to raise the centerboard just into deep water, and holds the
enough to clear the bottom and the boat while the helm lowers the
helm must be ready to lift the rudder sails, removes the rudder, and
blade if necessary. After you have raises the centerboard fully.
raised the rudder blade, make only
very gentle movements with the tiller,
because when the blade is in the raised
position, it is very vulnerable to
shallow water
breakage. Remember, too, that once Tack in to the shore, aiming Sail in close-hauled,
the centerboard is raised, the boat for your chosen landing spot. raising the centerboard
will make more leeway, so do not As the water gets shallower, as necessary
expect to be able to sail efficiently the crew raises the centerboard
Tack when you can
on a close-hauled course. and the helm lifts the rudder. lay your destination
Plan your course into the beach Make the final approach on on a close reach
and discuss the plan of approach with a close reach. At the landing
your crew so that they understand point, turn head-to-wind.
what is required. Make sure there are The crew gets out and holds Turn the boat
the boat, while the helm head-to-wind
no other boats or obstructions in the
lowers the sails, removes to stop
way. If you are approaching a slipway,
the rudder, and raises the
wait until it is clear of other users. centerboard fully.
When you reach the shore, the crew
should step out on the windward side
and hold the boat by the bow.
directly onshore, you have no choice a suitable wave to lift the boat, then
but to start on a close reach until you push off and sail away. In shallow
can lower the centerboard fully and water, hoist the jib before launching
head up to a close-hauled course. the boat, then hoist the mainsail. shallow water
Fortunately, the wind often blows Lower the rudder and centerboard The crew holds the boat by the bow
onto the shore at an angle, giving a as soon as possible, but be careful and walks the boat out until the depth is
larger angle between the shore and not to let them hit the bottom or about 3 ft (1 m). The helm climbs aboard
one edge of the no-sail zone. Choose they could break or stop the boat. and hoists the mainsail.
the tack that allows you to sail in the
larger angle. Curved shores usually deep water Sail off on a
Lift the boat so that its front half is in the close reach to
produce the same effect by providing
water. Decide on your leaving direction, build speed
a greater angle to sail in on one tack.
then both stand by the side that will be
Centerboard and
to windward. Watch the waves as they rudder are lowered.
approach. When one floats the boat, push Sails are set for a
it into deep water and climb aboard. Sheet close reach
sailing away
A curved shoreline The crew pushes the bow away from
provides a better angle the pontoon and steps aboard. The helm
sheets in the mainsail and the crew sheets
WIND ON A CURVED SHORELINE in the jib to sail away on a close reach.
Arriving at a beach the waves are likely to be steep and push the boat on top of you, causing
With the wind behind you, it is easy breaking, especially if the shore slopes injury. Get the boat ashore quickly. In
to approach a lee shore, but you sharply into deep water. Always keep areas where a dinghy club sails from
must be careful with your stopping to the windward side of the boat a steep beach, a shore team will often
techniques. Arriving at a lee shore when jumping out; otherwise, breaking be present to help crews land and lift
in strong winds is dangerous because waves or a strong gust of wind could boats out of the water quickly.
Approach on
a broad reach,
raising rudder
blade and
Turn head-to-wind
Approach the shore
to stop. Crew gets Turn head-to- on a broad reach
out and holds bow wind and lower
the mainsail
a shallow water approach deep water safe approach deep water fast approach
In shallow water, approach on a broad Some way offshore, turn head-to-wind To land in large waves, approach fast on
reach under full sail. When the water is and lower the mainsail. Approach the a broad reach and raise the rudder blade
about 3 ft (1 m) deep, turn into the wind to shore under jib alone on a run or broad at the last moment. Just before the boat
stop. The crew steps out on the windward reach. Close to the shore, let the jib flap hits the beach, both crew jump out on the
side to hold the bow while the helm and drift in. Helm and crew jump out windward side, run the boat up the beach,
lowers the sails and removes the rudder. when the water is shallow enough. and turn it head-to-wind to lower the sails.
Arriving at a pontoon
You often have a choice when Turn head-to-wind to
lower the mainsail
approaching a pontoon on a lee
shore. You can decide to lower the
Plan an escape route
mainsail and approach under just in case you are going
the jib or, provided there is a pontoon too fast when you reach
Allow the jib to flap
at right angles to the shore, you the pontoon
so that the boat will
can come in with both sails set. If drift in sideways Sail in under the
Turn head-to-wind
jib alone on a
in doubt, it is safest to lower the broad reach to stop alongside
the pontoon
mainsail and come in under jib alone.
If the pontoon is in tidal waters,
consider whether the tidal stream will
affect your approach. If it is strong,
parallel to the shore right angles to the shore
plan to turn into it to stop. If possible,
Where there is nowhere to moor Sail on a broad reach close to the
plan an escape route in case the boat
head-to-wind, sail upwind of your shore, then turn head-to-wind to stop
is moving too fast to stop in the final destination and lower the mainsail alongside. This requires good judgment,
approach, although this can be difficult before approaching under the jib alone. so plan an escape route; then you can
when approaching a lee shore. Drop Let the jib flap in the last stages so that go around and try again if necessary.
the sails and paddle in if it will be you drift in slowly. Once alongside, the If in doubt, lower the mainsail and
difficult to retain control under sail. crew secures the boat to the pontoon. come in under the jib alone.
tidal stream, make sure that you will wind and tide are together but the wind
pass other boats on their down-tide is light, it may be better to approach Approach on a
side to avoid being swept onto them. on a beam reach to avoid getting close reach
At the mooring, pick up the buoy swept down-tide.
on the windward side, ahead of the
shroud. Fasten the painter to the buoy
and lower the sails. Then make fast
securely with the mooring rope.
Leeward capsize weight and the boat heels so far that side, or if the helm allows the
The most common type of capsize is water floods in over the leeward boat to continue turning and it is
when the boat tips over to leeward, gunwale. A typical leeward capsize overpowered before it can accelerate
away from the wind. This typically occurs when the boat jibes and the on its new course. Once a leeward
happens when the wind overpowers crew are not quick enough to move capsize becomes inevitable, the helm
the righting effect of the crew’s their weight to the new windward and crew should slip into the water
between the boom and the hull. If
they try to avoid getting wet by
hanging onto the side of the
boat, they will probably invert
the dinghy (pp.116–117).
leeward capsize
This single-handed dinghy is about to
capsize to leeward. The boat has been
overpowered and the helm was slow to
ease the mainsheet. With the boom end in
the water, a capsize is almost inevitable.
Windward capsize than a leeward capsize and the crew
A windward capsize is somewhat less may not have time to react. A typical
common than a leeward capsize. It occurrence is just before a jibe in
usually occurs when a dinghy is strong winds. As the boat capsizes on
sailing on a run or broad reach and it top of them, the crew will usually fall
rolls heavily toward the wind. As backward into the water.
it rolls, the part of the hull that is in
the water becomes unbalanced (p.81)
windward capsize
and makes the boat turn farther away This single-handed dinghy is in the
from the wind. The boat continues to final stages of a windward capsize. The
roll and then tips over, toward the helm has let go of the tiller and dived
crew. This sort of capsize is usually toward the high side, but it is too late
considerably quicker and more violent to prevent the capsize.
Staying safe It is important, therefore, that you the upturned hull. When sailing a
Capsizing inevitably has an element know the characteristics of the boat boat of this type, it is even more
of danger because there is a small risk and brief your crew accordingly. important to assess the dangers in
of being separated from the boat, Another risk is the danger of advance and to carry a very sharp
trapped underneath it, or entangled in entanglement in ropes or rigging. knife that can be used to cut yourself
the rigging. The type of dinghy you sail This is particularly dangerous if the free if you are caught among control
will partly determine the level of risk. boat inverts and a person is entangled lines (pp.138–141).
Many lightweight designs are prone to underneath it. If there is an air pocket Whatever type of dinghy you
invert (pp.116–117)—turn completely under the boat, the problem is less sail, it is vital that in the event of a
upside down—and may do so quickly serious, as the person can breathe capsize, you stay in contact with the
once they are on their side in the while they disentangle themself, but boat. Always keep a hand on the boat
normal capsized position. When in the absence of an air pocket, any as you move around it, and if you
inverted, many high-performance entanglement could prove fatal. have to swim around the boat to the
boats do not have sufficient space in This risk of entanglement is centerboard, always take the end of
their shallow hulls for an air pocket in greatest in high-performance boats the mainsheet with you to act as a
which a person caught under the boat where trapezes are used and where safety line. Never attempt to leave a
can breathe. Older designs tend to there is a greater number of control capsized boat and swim to the shore.
have sufficient depth to their hulls to lines among which a person could Remember, the shore is much farther
trap a sizable air pocket in which it is get trapped. Such boats are usually away than it looks, and an upturned
easy to breathe before making your more prone to inverting and are boat is far easier to spot from a
escape from under the boat. unlikely to have an air pocket under rescue boat than a swimmer’s head.
Gunwale Gunwale
5 The boat comes upright, scooping 2 Step over the sidedeck and onto
up the crew. If possible, the helm the daggerboard. Turn around to
scrambles aboard by the windward stand on the daggerboard and hold
shroud as the boat rights itself, or the gunwale. Pull the boat upright,
Crew is scooped aboard climbing back in as it is righted.
the crew helps them aboard, moving
slowly to avoid another capsize.
If you capsize in shallow water,
there is a possibility that the mast Dealing with an inversion Dinghies differ in how they are best
will catch on the bottom. The Many modern dinghies are prone righted from an inversion. Some can be
mast may get stuck if it hits soft to quickly turn completely upside pulled upright by both crew standing
mud, and you will have problems down when they capsize. This is on one gunwale or kneeling on the
pulling it upright using only your because they usually have a lot of hull. With others, it is easier if one
body weight. In this case, you built-in buoyancy distributed along crew member pushes down on a corner
may have to ask for a tow. Make the bottom and sides of the hull. of the transom to break the deck seal
sure the helm of the tow boat This means that they float high with the water while the other crew
knows what they are doing, or on their sides and easily tip (or are member pulls the boat upright. You
you may damage the mast. blown over) to the inverted position. should get to know the best way to
In this position, their decks often right your boat by asking experienced
form a seal with the water. This sailors in your class.
Take the tow rope
makes it even more difficult to bring Inversion in shallow water also
over the hull them upright, because the water seal brings the risk of that the mast will
has to be broken first. If you sail this hit the bottom. Be careful not to put
type of dinghy, it is imperative, when any weight on the boat if the mast is
it capsizes, to avoid putting any touching the bottom, as it may break.
weight on the hull and to get both Lie in the water with your feet against
people clear of the boat by moving the hull while pulling on the jib
to the transom. Then, if it inverts, sheet to try to right the boat, or ask
the crew will not become trapped a safety boat for help in towing the
underneath the hull. boat into a normal capsized position.
1 One person finds the jib sheet on the leeward 2 If possible, the first person pulls the centerboard
side and throws it across the hull, near the centerboard. fully down. The other person climbs onto the boat.
The heavier person grasps the end of the sheet on the Both stand on the gunwale, or kneel on the hull,
other side and climbs onto the gunwale. and lean back against the jib sheet.
Lighter person
moves into
Both people keep the the boat
pressure on the jib sheet
to right the boat
3 Once the weight of the helm and 4 The boat is now on its side. The heavier person
crew has broken the water seal around the climbs onto the centerboard and the other person paddles
hull, the boat will start to come up slowly. around the stern and moves into the boat, ready for the
They keep pulling steadily until the boat scoop recovery. They check that the mainsheet and jib
lies on its side. sheet are free to run and release the boom vang.
The departure
The safest method of recovery is
to put the boat on a beam reach
and sail away from the person in
It is fairly rare for someone to fall overboard from a dinghy. the water. This gives you room to
However, when it does happen, whoever is left in the boat needs maneuver back to pick them up.
Do not jibe to get back more
to know how to sail it alone and how to turn around to recover quickly—it is too easy to capsize
the person overboard quickly and efficiently. The most common the dinghy, which will cause even
reason for falling into the water is a toestrap breaking or coming more problems.
When you have some sea room
undone. To avoid accidents, check yours each time you go afloat
between you and the man overboard,
and practice your recovery techniques until you are confident that tack around and sail back toward
you could act safely in an emergency. them on the opposite beam reach.
The approach
The recovery procedure the jib sheet go and move aft to take From a beam reach, bear away
When someone falls overboard, it is control of the tiller and mainsheet. The onto a broad reach before luffing
vital that you keep them in sight at all procedure used for recovering a man up onto a close reach for the final
times and get back to them, under full overboard has the added advantage of approach. This point of sailing is the
control, as quickly as possible. If you teaching you how to sail slowly, under only one on which you have complete
are the crew and your helm has fallen full control, and how to stop exactly control of your boat speed as you
overboard, you must immediately let where you want to. make the final approach to the person.
Mainsail eased Mainsail is
out to stop Luff up onto halfway out
the boat a close reach
6 Judge your 5
approach so that
you stop the boat 4 Bear away from the beam reach
onto a broad reach so that you move
with the person
to leeward of the person.
by the windward
shroud, letting the
mainsail flap. 5 About five boat lengths from the
person, luff up to a close reach. Ease
the mainsheet to slow down if necessary.
It is important to practice
man-overboard recovery
regularly. You will not want to
use a real person for practice
sessions, so make a substitute
using a fender and a large water
container (at least 6 gallons/25
liters) or several smaller ones
tied together. Fill them almost
full with water so they drift in a
way similar to a person.
Throw the containers overboard on
each of the points of sailing until
you are confident that you can
return accurately on each occasion.
Practice until you can bring the
boat to a complete stop with the
bottles alongside the windward
retrieving crew shroud on virtually every attempt.
Once you have returned to the person
in the water, stop the boat with them at Practicing the drill
the windward shrouds. Move forward Even when you are confident in
and grasp them under the armpits. your abilities, practice man-
Lean back to drag them into the boat. overboard recovery occasionally to
keep up your skills. Run through
the drill when you sail a new boat
to get an idea of its characteristics.
Use it to learn how to sail slowly
As you approach the person in the When they have a firm hold of the
under control—the skill that
water, make sure that you can stop gunwale, give the tiller a flick to defines the expert sailor.
with them on the windward side of windward before letting go of it and
the boat. If you try to pick them up moving forward to help them aboard.
on the leeward side, there is a real This flick helps stop the boat from use as a step. If they are unconscious or
danger that the boat will drift on turning head-to-wind or even tacking too heavy to lift into the boat, tie them
top of them or that you will capsize around them in the water. alongside and sail slowly for shore,
as you try to get them aboard. keeping them on the windward side.
The rescue Once you have the sailor back
Coming alongside Move to the windward shroud and aboard, check carefully for any
Once you are alongside the man grasp the person under the armpits. injuries or signs of exposure or
overboard, tell them to grasp Lean toward them to push the side of hypothermia If the person is wearing
the gunwale at the windward the boat toward the water and then a wetsuit or drysuit, they should be no
shroud. In this position, you can lean back and pull. You should now be worse for the experience; otherwise,
leave the boat to lie quietly with able to drag their upper half into the they will be wet and probably cold. In
the sails flapping as you bring them boat. From there, they can be rolled this case, lay the person in the boat to
aboard. If you try to bring them in into the boat. If you have trouble warm them up; cover them up with an
too far aft, the bow will probably getting them aboard, tie a bowline exposure bag, dry clothes, or even a
blow downwind and the boat (p.47) in the end of the jib sheet and sail; and get to shore quickly. Seek
will start sailing. drop the loop over the side for them to medical help if necessary.
1 If you roll the sail carefully, the 2 Continue rolling the sail, making 3 When the whole mainsail is rolled in
battens can be left in their pockets. Lay sure to keep the roll parallel to the batten a tight, neat tube, slide it into its sailbag.
the sail flat and fold the head over onto the pockets if the battens are left in. If the sail If the battens have been removed, stow
body of the sail. Then start rolling the sail, creases at the luff or leech, unroll it a bit them in the bag with the sail. Roll the jib
keeping the roll at right angles to the leech. and remove the creases. in the same way and stow in its bag.
If the sail has a tape luff, roll it down until the next time you go sailing. have a cover that fits well and
the leech in a neat roll that fits easily Many sailing clubs have dinghy can be fastened tightly to
into the sail bag. Roll the mainsail docks in which you can leave your provide complete protection
and stow it in its sail bag. dinghy, and this is certainly more from the elements. Even fiberglass
convenient than trailering the boat boats can be damaged by sunlight,
Checking for wear to and from the sailing area each so a good cover is a sound
To keep the boat in top condition, be time you use it. Very small boats investment. It will also discourage
prepared to spend a few minutes after can be stored in dinghy racks, the theft of any equipment that
each sail checking it over. Inspect each which save space and provide you leave in the boat. Tie the
piece of gear for wear or damage. If good protection and support. cover firmly under the hull, and
you find any problems, deal with them More usually, dinghies are stored make sure that it cannot come
at once, if possible. Otherwise, make a on their launching carts. loose in high winds. Then tie
note to remind yourself of what needs If you are storing your boat the boat down to securing points
to be done, and note the tools or on a cart, the stern should rest on set into the ground or to heavy
materials for the repair. Always deal a soft support, such as a car tire, blocks, which will prevent it from
with repairs as soon as possible; and the front of the cart should being blown over.
otherwise, it is inevitable that the also be supported, so that the
damaged item will fail at the most dinghy cannot tip forward and HOSING DOWN
inopportune moment. damage its hull. This will also
As soon as you bring the boat
allow any rainwater that gets in
ashore, hose it down with fresh
Storing the dinghy the hull to drain out through the water. Wash all the equipment,
After you have removed and stowed transom or bung holes. Tie the boat including the sails and rudder.
the gear and sails, you will need to put securely to the cart with the painter,
your boat somewhere, so that it is safe then fit the cover. All boats should
When the basic skills of dinghy sailing have been mastered, they can be refined, and new ones
acquired, by moving up to a high-performance dinghy or a small keelboat. Once you have
mastered the necessary skills, you will find that these boats provide exhilarating sailing.
If you have learned to sail in a general-purpose dinghy, you will dinghies and test helmsmen and
notice a tremendous difference when you first try sailing in a high- crews to the limit of their abilities.
The performance of the fastest
performance boat. High-performance boats are far more sensitive dinghies has now entered the
to changes in wind strength, accelerate faster, and require quicker high-speed world previously shared
reactions from helm and crew than general-purpose dinghies. Fast by catamarans and windsurfers.
Along with these extreme dinghies
boats make more demands on your abilities and are more difficult
has come crash-and-burn-type,
to sail well, but they will teach you about the finer points of boat short-course racing, which offers
handling far more quickly than a slower boat. plenty of thrills and spills.
The small keelboat market has
also developed thanks to new designs
Design advances then remained fairly static until the and the use of lightweight materials.
The development of the planing early 1990s, when modern materials Now there are many more small
dinghy occurred in the 1930s, and by and lightweight construction methods keelboats available that are designed
the 1960s, dinghy shapes and light created a revolution in the small-boat to provide fast and competitive racing
weight had evolved sufficiently to market. Now, there is a range of for sailors who prefer to sail fast in
allow some designs to plane when dinghies available that are capable of a boat with a keel rather than in a
sailing to windward. Dinghy design much higher speeds than conventional high-performance dinghy, which is
likely to capsize quite frequently.
Apparent wind
Boat wind
foil-borne sailing
Some modern boats are so light and effect of apparent wind
powerful that they can rise above the The extra speed (and resulting boat
water on foils and reach very high speeds. wind) of the faster boat (top) causes
the apparent wind to increase and
come from farther forward than for
the slower boat (bottom).
Because high-performance boats plane wind coming from ahead of the beam there is a range of high-performance
upwind and downwind even in very even when sailing downwind and boats available for the single-hander,
light winds, their speed has a major have to sheet their sails in tighter including boats with a trapeze and
effect on the strength and direction than slower boats. even an asymmetric spinnaker. Most
of the apparent wind. Sailing upwind, dinghy designs cater to two people,
their speed increases the strength Crewed or alone and you can choose between single or
of the apparent wind, while sailing If you are considering a high- double trapezes and a conventional
downwind, it reduces the apparent performance dinghy, you have or asymmetric spinnaker. The
wind strength. Because the apparent a choice between a single-hander, a 18-foot Skiff is sailed by a crew
wind is always shifted farther forward two-person, or even a three-person of three, all on trapezes, and has a
than the true wind, high-performance boat. The purest form of sailing is powerful rig that includes a very
boats usually sail with the apparent undoubtedly single-handing, and large asymmetric spinnaker.
A polar diagram is used to show the potential speed the speed they should attain on any point of sailing
of a boat for a particular wind strength. For every and to trim and tune the boat accordingly. Here, the
wind strength, each design of boat will have a unique curves illustrate the differences in performance
polar curve. Racing yachts use polar curves to predict between types of small boats.
Developed from the 18-foot Skiff, this The RS500 is a single-trapeze boat
lightweight two-handed dinghy relies that provides exciting performance
on wide wings rather than trapezes while being relatively easy to handle.
from which the crew can hike out. It is suitable for crews looking to
The B14 requires good fitness and progress their sailing skills to the
boat handling skills. more advanced requirements of
B14 RS500 handling a high-performance dinghy.
The Olympic 49er is one of the skiff- The 18-foot Skiff is the classic
type, high-performance boats with high-performance dinghy. It has been
huge rigs and twin trapezes. Inspired developed over decades to the state-
by the 18-foot Skiff, it uses a large of-the-art boat it is today. Now sailed
asymmetrical spinnaker set on the by three-man crews, the Skiff is the
end of a long retractable bowsprit. pinnacle of high-performance boats.
rise out of the water when planing
to the point where the hull forward
of the mast is out of the water, but the
fastest planing dinghies rise out of
the water significantly more, often
to the point where they plane on just
the aftermost sections of the hull just
Once you have mastered the basic sailing techniques, you will be forward of the transom, with the rest
able to rig and launch your boat, handle it on all points of sailing, of the boat clear of the water.
Most dinghies, even heavier
and return safely to your starting point. When you feel that these general-purpose ones, will plane if
basic techniques are second nature, it is time to consider there is sufficient wind and the crew
progressing to a faster and more responsive boat. There are several understands planing techniques, but
light boats with a large sail area will
techniques for performance sailing that you will need to learn.
plane readily even in quite light winds.
These include understanding how and when a boat planes, how Although slower dinghies and most
to refine sail trimming for better performance, how to balance the small keelboats may only plane on a
helm, how to sail close-hauled efficiently, and how to maintain beam or broad reach in strong winds,
high-performance dinghies are capable
the speed of your boat while changing course. of planing when sailing to windward.
telltales are Twist is correct Open leech
sewn near for most with lots
the batten Watch windward
conditions telltales to of twist
pockets when all check for correct Closed
windward twist as you leech with
telltales stream adjust fairlead minimum
aft together
Move fairlead
fore and aft on
track to adjust
tension on foot
when boom
and leech
is allowed
reading leech telltales to rise
When all the telltales stream aft with the
top one occasionally folding behind
the leech, the sail is set correctly for
medium wind and flat water. If the top adjusting jib twist mainsail twist
telltale remains folded behind the leech, Increase twist in the jib by moving the jib Ease the mainsheet and/or the vang to
ease the mainsheet or boom vang. sheet fairlead aft. Reduce twist by moving allow boom to lift and increase twist (left)
the fairlead forward. and tighten them to reduce twist (right).
turning the boat
Bearing away around a racing mark, the
helm eases the mainsail to start the turn
while the crew prepares to come in but
heels the boat to windward.
Changing direction
One sure sign of a skilled sailor is
the ability to change course without
slowing the boat unnecessarily. A
good helm and crew will always
prefer to use sail trim and boat
balance to turn the boat (pp.80–83)
and reduce the need to use the
rudder. This is because each time
the rudder is turned more than 4–5
degrees off the centerline, it causes
drag and slows the boat. Using heel
and sail trim is especially important
when bearing away, as the rudder
may prove ineffective, especially in
strong winds, if the boat heels to
leeward, or if the mainsail is not
MAINTAINING BALANCE AND TRIM eased before the turn. Keep the
To achieve maximum performance, it is essential that the dinghy is sailed boat upright, or heeled to windward
upright and level fore and aft. Sitting out will help maintain balance, and slightly, and ease the mainsail to
sitting together in a central position will keep the boat level fore and aft. bear away successfully.
By sitting together, the helm and crew also reduce windage and so
increase their possible speed.
Sailing close-hauled
Sailing close-hauled is usually the
Sit out or trapeze biggest challenge for the novice.
(pp.138–139) to keep The helm must keep the boat sailing
the boat upright. If it still as close to the wind as possible
heels, ease the mainsheet without letting speed drop by sailing
or increase twist to spill
too close (known as pinching).
some wind. Weight
distribution and sail trim They must also avoid erring in the
require constant attention other direction and losing ground to
to maintain balance. windward by sailing too far off the
wind. Practice sailing close-hauled
using the telltales on the jib luff
Keep the boat level fore and (p.82) to follow the best course.
aft by sitting close together. Both windward and leeward telltales
In strong winds, move aft should be kept streaming aft for the
slightly to allow the bow best balance between speed and
to lift and pass over waves
pointing. The windward set can be
smoothly; in light winds,
move forward to keep the allowed to rise occasionally, but the
transom clear of the water leeward ones should not lift, as this
and reduce drag. indicates that the boat is sailing too
far off the wind.
Understanding the wind which you sail well, or if there are clear
COPING WITH The wind rarely blows consistently and obvious landmarks near the race
WIND SHIFTS from one direction. In fact, you will course that you can use to check your
often find that the wind oscillates heading. However, the easiest way to
Spotting and using wind shifts
around a mean direction, perhaps spot small shifts that can otherwise
are essential skills, particularly
if you want to race. A header is shifting 10–20 degrees on either side go unnoticed is to use a compass.
when the wind moves forward; of the mean and sometimes producing
a freer (or lift) is when it moves considerably larger shifts. In an Velocity shifts
aft. Dealing with wind shifts oscillating wind, the shifts will occur Be aware that changes in the true
effectively can significantly at reasonably regular intervals, and it wind’s speed will create velocity shifts
reduce the distance sailed. is possible to time how long the wind that are easily confused with true
takes to shift from one side of the lifts or headers. If you notice a lull
Exploiting wind shifts mean to the other and back again. in the wind followed by your telltales
If you have to tack upwind, you will At other times, the wind may shift lifting, suggesting a wind shift, the
sail the quickest course if you tack from one direction to another due to a cause is likely to be a velocity header.
when you are headed. If the wind
change in the weather pattern, possibly This occurs when the apparent wind
shifts back, it will head you again
on the other tack. You can then the passage of a front (pp.372–373), shifts forward because of a drop in
tack again and make more ground and then, rather than oscillating true wind speed, while the boat speed
to windward. Remember that a backward and forward, it will move has yet to drop. Hold your course; do
wind shift that is a header on port from the old direction to the new not bear away as you would in a true
tack is a freer on starboard tack. one, sometimes rapidly and at other header until the boat speed drops and
times in small, incremental movements. the apparent wind moves aft again.
Wind before shift
In some localities, the proximity and Similarly, expect a lift when the
shape of the land causes the wind to wind speed increases and, if possible,
Original course bend across an area (opposite). anticipate it by luffing up slightly as
Wind When you are sailing, and especially the gust arrives to take advantage
after shift
when racing, it is very important to of the velocity shift moving the
Course after header work out how the wind is shifting or apparent wind aft temporarily.
bending so that you can take advantage
of the shifts or bend to reduce the Using a compass
header distance you need to sail. Spotting wind Small-boat sailors use a compass
A header will force you to bear away shifts may be quite easy if the shift is tactically to spot changes in wind
from your course in order to keep the
a large one, if you know the waters on direction. If the wind is blowing
sails full. You will then have to tack
to reach your destination.
Boat on lifted
Wind shifts to Boat tacks to port, port tack
the left and which is now the
Wind after shift Wind shifts to the right
boat is headed lifted tack
and boat is headed
035º 125º beyond mean course
Wind 125º 080º
Course after freer before 035º
045º 140º 095º
In mean wind
Original course Wind shifts
direction, boat is Wind shifts Boat tacks to starboard,
on starboard tack to the right
to the left which is now the lifted tack
When the wind moves aft, it is a freer. wind shifts to the left wind shifts to the right
To prevent your boat from sailing too Boat on starboard tack sees compass Boat now on port tack sees compass
far off course in a freer, you should luff heading change from 045º to 035º, heading change from 125º to 140º,
up as soon as the wind shifts. showing a 10º header, and tacks showing a 15º header, and tacks
to port tack. to starboard tack.
tack to stay on unless the number
Wind shifts to right
on port increases to more than the (veers) by 10º
average heading of 135º. Wind returns to
If the wind then shifts to the right mean direction
and the sailor finds themselves on a 010º Wind shifts to left
new heading of 140º, the compass is (backs) by 10º
now telling them that they are on a Mean
5º header, and it is time to tack once Starboard direction
again onto starboard, which is the new tack lifted
by 10º—
“lifted tack.” Identifying such subtle compass
changes in wind direction would be numbers 000º
go up
very difficult without a compass.
Starboard tack headed
mechanical compass by 10º—compass
Types of tactical compass
A mechanical compass uses a permanent numbers go down
magnet fixed to a pivoted compass card
The conventional type of compass
in a chamber filled with a damping liquid. uses a magnet under a card engraved oscillating wind shifts
with compass degrees. The card is An oscillating wind shifts on either side of a
mounted on a pivot in an oil-filled mean direction. Remember the rule about
from an average direction of 090º (an bowl that acts as a damping compass numbers increasing or decreasing
easterly direction) and your boat sails mechanism to minimize excessive (below) to quickly spot lifts and headers.
close-hauled at an angle of 45 degrees movement of the card in rough seas.
to the wind, then the boat’s course on An electronic compass does not force lift header
starboard tack will be 045º and 135º require damping in the same way,
on port. If the wind then shifts 10 and it is possible to read changes Compass Compass
degrees to the left, to blow from in heading to the nearest degree, number number
goes down goes up
080º, then a sailor traveling on rather than the 5 degrees that is
starboard tack will notice that their the practical limit of accuracy of a starboard
course has changed from 045º to conventional compass. Some tactical Compass Compass
035º. This is a good time to tack on electronic compasses are solar-powered. number number
Confident boat handling is a sure sign of a good sailor. It can
be developed only through practice on the water, preferably in a
range of dinghies, since this will show how different characteristics
influence handling. The best way to learn the finer points of
controlling a dinghy is to experiment with a few boat-handling
exercises. The first time you attempt the exercises described here, in reverse
A keelboat can be sailed backward in the
choose a gentle Force 2–3 wind and sail to a clear stretch of water, same way as a dinghy, but more than one
free from obstructions or other boats. person may need to hold the boom out.
Sailing with one sail designed to balance around its pivot not have enough speed to be able to
If you have a two-person dinghy point (at the centerboard or keel); steer with the rudder. If this happens,
with the standard arrangement of removing the jib moves the center the boat will turn into the wind and
mainsail and jib, you will usually of effort aft, giving the boat weather stop. Keep the boat moving as fast as
use both sails when sailing. The rig helm (p.130). It therefore tries to possible, sailing just off a close-hauled
is designed for both sails to work turn into the wind. The helm must course to make progress to windward
together and to balance their forces counteract the weather helm by without stalling.
around the centerboard. However, moving the tiller farther to windward The lack of the jib will not be
when a two-sail dinghy is sailed to keep the boat on course. so apparent on downwind courses,
under a single sail, its handling The boat will sail reasonably because it is the size of the mainsail
characteristics change considerably, well on a beam reach but with more that contributes most to speed and,
and it may be difficult to complete weather helm than normal. If you on a run, the jib is often blanketed
some maneuvers. sail a dinghy that has a centerboard, behind the mainsail.
Try sailing on all the points you can reduce excess weather helm
of sailing (pp.40–41), first under by raising it more than usual to Jib alone
mainsail alone and then only with move the pivot point aft. If you Once you have mastered sailing under
the jib. This exercise teaches you sail a keelboat or a dinghy with a mainsail alone, try the exercise under
about sail balance and how your daggerboard, this option is not jib alone. Without the mainsail, the
boat reacts under a single sail. You available to you. boat will suffer from lee helm on a
will also find out how your boat As you turn toward the wind to a beam reach or upwind courses. It will
handles at slow speeds, which will close-reaching course, the lack of a jib be considerably slower than usual on
be useful when you are sailing to will impede performance even more. all points of sailing. Sailing downwind
and from the shore or when you By the time you reach close-hauled, is easy but slow, but sailing upwind
are in competition and maneuvering the boat will feel quite sluggish. When will be difficult. Some boats will sail
at the start of a race. you tack, the boat will turn into the upwind under jib alone but with a
wind easily, but it will be slow to considerable amount of lee helm. Sail
Mainsail alone bear away on the new tack. Ease the with the centerboard or daggerboard
Start by lowering the jib and sailing mainsheet after the tack to bear away farther down than usual to help
under mainsail alone. Without the to a close reach. This will increase counter this. Tacking under the jib is
jib in front of it, the mainsail is less speed before you attempt to sail close- difficult or impossible in some boats
efficient (p.33) and the boat will sail hauled on the new tack. Be careful not or weather conditions, such as strong
more slowly, especially on upwind to let the boat slow down too much winds. Experiment to see how your
courses. The boat’s sail plan is when sailing close-hauled or you will boat behaves in a range of conditions.
SAILING BACKWARD Sailing without a centerboard
Remember that when the boat is moving backward through the water, Centerboards or daggerboards rarely
the flow of water over the rudder is reversed, so its action is also reversed, break (although it is possible to lose
and the bow will move in the same direction in which you move the tiller. a daggerboard during a capsize if it
With the rudder now leading the boat as it moves backward, its effects are is not secured to the boat). However,
exaggerated. Make only small movements with the tiller, or the boat will it is useful to try sailing without one
swing quickly to lie at an angle to the wind. Keep the crew weight well so that you can see just how much
forward to stop the transom from digging in, which will also make the they influence the way a dinghy
boat turn. When you want to sail forward again, push the tiller in behaves under sail. Stop the boat
the direction you want the bow to move. Wait until the boat turns, on a close reach and raise the
then center the tiller, sheet in the sails, and sail off. centerboard completely. Now sail
off on a beam reach and watch
the way in which the boat slides
1 Point the boat directly into the wind so sideways, making considerable
that the jib flaps on the centerline, and have leeway (p.71) as it sails forward.
your crew push the boom out fully on one Tacking is difficult or impossible
side. Let the mainsheet run out to allow the
Crew pushes without a centerboard to pivot
boom to be pushed all the way out. Watch
boom right out around. Before attempting to tack,
the water flowing past the boat to gauge
when the boat has stopped. Until it stops, Helm steers to get the boat sailing as fast as possible
the rudder will work in the normal way. hold the boat on a close reaching course and push
Use it to hold the boat head-to-wind. the tiller away farther than usual to
try to get the bow through the wind
as quickly as possible. If, despite this,
the boat fails to tack, you will have
2 When the boat starts moving backward, to jibe around to change tack.
the rudder will work in the opposite way from On upwind courses, it is hard to
normal. To steer in reverse, push the tiller a make headway because the dinghy
small amount in the direction you wish the
Crew holds boom will crab sideways as fast as it goes
bow to turn. Do not make large movements
forward. Experiment with heeling
with the tiller or the boat will turn violently.
Helm steers the boat to leeward slightly and
in reverse moving the crew’s weight right
forward to depress the bow and
3 To sail forward again, push the tiller the Veed sections of the front part
in the direction you want the bow to go. of the hull. If you sail a deep-
It is usually best to turn the bow to the hulled, general-purpose type dinghy,
side the boom is on. If you turn the other
especially one constructed with flat
way, the boom will swing rapidly
panels and chines (p.62), the shape of
across the boat when it is released. Crew lets go of boom on
Tell your crew to let go of the boom. helm’s direction the hull may provide sufficient lateral
resistance to allow you to make some
Helm pushes the tiller
to the side the boom is
progress to windward. If you sail
Helm on to turn the bow in a dinghy with a very shallow hull,
centers tiller that direction
and sheets
however, it is likely to be impossible
in mainsail Crew sheets to make any progress upwind. Even
in jib
on a beam reach, the boat will make
considerable leeway. It is only when
you are on downwind courses,
4 When the boat has turned sufficiently—to
when the centerboard would usually
a close reach or beam reach course—the helm
moves the tiller to the centerline and they and be only slightly down, that the boat
the crew sheet in the sails to sail off forward. will sail normally.
Sailing without a rudder it down by the bow. To bear away, impossible at first, as you will tend
Another good exercise is to sail around reverse these instructions. Without to sail in circles, but with practice,
a triangular course without the rudder. the rudder, the effects of the other you should be able to achieve it
Either remove the rudder completely controls become more obvious. It in moderate conditions. You will
or, if it is a lifting type, raise the blade is usually best to try this in light find you will need to raise the
out of the water. Sailing without the winds with only one person in centerboard quite considerably to
rudder teaches you the importance of the boat. This gives you total rebalance the boat. Once you are
sail trim, centerboard position, and control over all turning forces proficient at sailing on your own
boat balance and trim. Remember, to and avoids confusion between without a rudder, practice the exercise
luff up trim in the mainsail, let out the the helm and the crew. A with your crew so that you learn to
jib, heel the boat to leeward, and trim triangular course will seem coordinate your movements.
Ease out the mainsheet
so that the mainsail flaps
Ease out the jib
sheet so that the
jib flaps
Fixing the rudder to senses for sailing. Try sailing with
the centerline a blindfold and see what you can
An alternative to sailing without learn from touch and sound. This
the rudder is to leave the rudder in exercise is best tried in a double-
position and to secure the tiller on handed boat where helm and crew
the centerline by tying shockcord can take turns wearing the
(elastic line) from the tiller to both blindfold, with the sighted sailor
gunwales or to the toestraps. Tie giving feedback to the blindfolded
the shockcord fairly tightly so sailor. Try this exercise only in a
that it takes some force to move clear stretch of open water, with
the tiller off the centerline. Now, no other boats or obstructions in
practice sailing without holding the your way. This exercise will assist
tiller. The advantage of this method you to develop the “feel” necessary
is that it more accurately reflects the to sail the boat automatically while
normal sailing situation, where the maintaining full speed, which is an fixing the rudder
area of the rudder blade assists essential skill when you are racing. To sail with the rudder fixed in a central
the centerboard in preventing leeway Although you will initially feel position, use a length of heavy shockcord
and influences the boat’s balance. It very disoriented when deprived of to lash the tiller on the centerline.
also means that if you need to use vision, try to focus on how the boat
the rudder in a hurry, it is already in feels through the tiller, the sound Switching places
place and you only need to remove of the bow wave, and the angle of Another exercise that is only relevant
the shockcord from the tiller to heel. Get used to these sounds and to boats with two or more crew
regain full control. sensations when the boat is sailing is to change places among the crew.
well and try to replicate them to Switching places allows everyone
Blindfold sailing achieve the same performance. to learn what it is like to do the
There are some excellent blind This helps you get to know your other jobs in the boat and is equally
sailors in the world who have boat and the way it handles in valuable whether you sail a two-
learned to rely on their other the water. person dinghy or a keelboat with a
crew of four or more. It helps give
you a much greater understanding
of your sailing partner’s role and
might help you appreciate how you
can adjust your technique to make
their tasks easier. Try this exercise
in a Force 3 or less, when the boat
is relatively easy to handle and
capsizing is unlikely. If you have
spent the day racing in one role,
use the sail back into shore as an
opportunity to switch positions.
It is a nice change to do
rudderless sailing
If your boat has a something different, and you will
lifting rudder, you can become a more complete sailor if
simply lift the blade you can master both roles. Once
rather than remove the ashore, discuss your perceptions
rudder completely. of the tasks your partner normally
undertakes and explore ideas for
making each other’s jobs easier
or faster.
Trapeze systems
A trapeze system consists of a trapeze
harness attached to a trapeze wire
suspended from the hounds. It enables
Sailing dinghies rely on the weight of their crew to keep them sailors to hang out over the side of
upright when they are being sailed. In many general-purpose the boat, moving their weight farther
outboard and adding to the boat’s
dinghies, this is achieved by the helm and crew sitting out as stability. Formerly, the standard
far as possible with their feet under toestraps. However, arrangement was a single trapeze for
high-performance dinghies usually have a much larger sail area the crew only. This is still used in
many dinghies, such as the 505 and
than general-purpose dinghies and, in most conditions, sitting out
the 470. With the appearance of ever-
is simply not sufficient to balance the power of the sails. Trapeze larger rigs, however, twin trapezes
systems are used in these boats to increase the righting power. have become common. The Olympic
49er and International 14 are
examples of twin-trapeze boats.
SWINGING OUT AND IN Good communication between
Practice getting out onto the trapeze and helm and crew is vital in a trapeze
back into the boat until your movements
boat. The helm must give the crew
are smooth and confident. Then practice
plenty of warning of a tack or jibe
while tacking until you can swing in,
unhook, move across the boat while to allow them time to come in off
trimming the jib, and swing out on the the trapeze. Good coordination is
trapeze on the new windward side. also essential, as the use of a trapeze
accentuates the crew’s effect on the
boat’s balance. In particular, the helm
1 Hook the trapeze to the
must be ready to ease the mainsheet
harness and sit out, allowing the
trapeze wire to take your weight. to keep the boat upright as the crew
Hold the jib
Hold the handle lightly in your sheet in your
swings in and must be prepared to
front hand for control and security. aft hand give the crew time to get out on the
trapeze after a tack or jibe before
2 Put your front foot Shockcord runs
around mast
sheeting in or altering course.
on the gunwale and
and tensions
push yourself out,
leeward trapeze Single trapeze
keeping your body at
right angles to the boat.
On a single trapeze system, wires run
Bring your aft foot up from just above the hounds, one on
so that you are standing each side of the mast, to suspend the
on the gunwale. crew outside the gunwale. The end
of the wire comes down just aft of
Place your front foot the shrouds. The wire has a handle
on the gunwale
and, usually, a stainless-steel ring for
attachment to the trapeze harness. The
3 Lean back at full trapeze ring often has an adjustment
stretch with your feet system to allow control of the height
about shoulder-width
Stretch out at which the trapeze is held. A length
apart. To come in, supported by
of stretchy shockcord connects the
reverse the procedure. the trapeze
Take your aft foot two trapeze wires and runs around the
off the gunwale front of the mast. It keeps the leeward
first. wire taut and neat when the crew is
on the windward trapeze.
Trapezing techniques
When you are out on the trapeze, you HARNESSES
must be ready to move your weight in The secret to being relaxed on a trapeze is a comfortable harness. Choose
and out quickly to react to gusts or one with a high, broad back to give good support. Many top trapeze
lulls and to move your weight fore or sailors have a “diaper” harness tailor-made to fit their body snugly.
aft to keep the boat trimmed properly. Alternatively, you can buy an adjustable harness that can be altered with
Your weight will be most effective buckles or laces. Some harnesses use a spreader bar arrangement for the
if you trapeze as low as possible, hook or a simpler, square metal plate. The most important thing is to
parallel to the water when the boat select a harness that will keep you comfortable during a whole day’s sailing.
is upright, but this is only practical
in flat water and steady conditions.
When there are big waves or if the Fitting and maintenance the hook to be detached from the
wind is gusty and shifty, raise your Make sure that the harness fits well harness when needed. Although many
position using the adjustment system over your sailing gear and that it harnesses are still sold with a fixed
evenly spreads the load of your hook, a buckle with a quick-release
on the trapeze wire to keep your
weight hanging from the trapeze hook can be bought separately to
body clear of the water. Not only
into your back and lower body. The replace the standard buckle.
is the boat slowed significantly if trapeze ring is attached to a hook
your body hits a wave, but the on a metal plate on the harness. If
impact could cause you to lose your possible, adjust the harness so that
footing and be knocked off the side the hook is just below the waist, at
of the boat. your body’s point of balance. Check
the harness’s stitching regularly and
wash it thoroughly in fresh water
Heel and trim after each sail.
shoulder straps
Ease the mainsheet
twin-trapeze jibe
On a twin-trapeze boat, the helm steers
onto a run and moves into the boat just
after the crew. They swing the long tiller
extension aft and around to the new side
during the jibe. They then change hands
on the extension and mainsheet and
hook on to the new trapeze, ready to
move out as they luff onto the new course.
For boats without a 3 The boat will accelerate TIPS ON ADVANCED
out of the jibe, helped by
spinnaker, a roll jibe is a
the lowered centerboard. TACKING AND JIBING
very effective technique Once the jibe is Tacking and jibing are always a
for maintaining speed in completed, set the good test of skill, and you can
light winds. When using a centerboard for judge a dinghy or keelboat crew’s
spinnaker or asymmetric, the new course.
you can use a small roll to teamwork by how they tack and
help the boom over in light jibe, especially in very light or
winds. A large roll may make very strong winds. Both of these
the spinnaker collapse. Keep extremes demand excellent “feel,”
your use of the rudder to a good communication, and quality
minimum by using sails and boat handling.
heel to steer the boat.
Tacking or jibing requires very
close coordination between the
helm and crew. A wrong move by
Helm either, or poor synchronization
Change sides and during the turn, can unbalance and
pull the boat upright slow the boat. In light airs, this will
stop the boat, and in strong winds,
it risks a capsize. If you race a high-
performance boat, you will quickly
discover that quite small mistakes
mean the difference between
winning a race or being a runner-up.
Improve your performance by good
communication in the boat and by
Bear away discussing maneuvers, and your
into the jibe technique, when ashore.
The quickest way to improve your
skills is by spending lots of time
practicing on the water. Leading
Olympic and international crews
spend several hours on the water
nearly every day, honing their skills.
Normal club sailors cannot devote
so much time, but even a few hours
of serious practice will be rewarded
2 The boat should by smoother and faster maneuvers.
be heeled enough so
that the end of the Feel
boom just touches the Crew
The elusive skill you should seek
Prepare to
water after the jibe. As is called “feel.” It tells you how the
roll the boat
it does so, pause until boat is about to react and how to
the mainsail fills, then “find the groove”—the fine, ever-
pull the boat upright changing edge on which a boat
using crew weight. 1 Before the jibe,
sails when perfectly balanced;
lower the centerboard fully.
With the boat on a run, the with a light helm, little heel, and
crew rolls it to windward and
Helm a willingness to accelerate.
Rotate the
prepares to pull on the vang tiller extension
to swing the boom across. to leeward
Sail panels
Loved by artists, photographers, and spectators Dinghy spinnakers
because of their shape and their bright colors, are often cross-cut
Anatomy of a spinnaker
Spinnakers were originally used only on
downwind courses, but modern sailcloth and
sail shapes allow high-performance boats to
carry spinnakers even on a beam reach.
A variation of the conventional
spinnaker, called an asymmetric spinnaker
or, sometimes, a gennaker, has become
popular on many high-performance
boats (pp.154–157), but conventional
spinnakers are still widely used
on all types of boats.
A conventional spinnaker is attached
only at its three corners rather than to
a spar or stay along any of its sides,
and it relies on the force of the wind
to keep it in position when hoisted. Holds down
It requires skill and practice to hoist, spinnaker
set, and lower a spinnaker properly Sheet
Leads from the
while avoiding twists and tangles. clew to a block
Apart from the spinnaker at the stern, then Guy
forward to a cleat Spinnaker
itself, you will need a spinnaker sheet to
pole, a halyard and hoisting system, windward
and sheets. The sheets lead from
Reaching hook
each clew, outside all the rigging, Holds guy down
to blocks and cleats on the sidedecks. clear of the crew
A spinnaker is easier to hoist from a leeward pouch or locker because the
helm can usually hoist it directly out of the pouch without help from the crew.
Bear away to a run or broad reach to hoist the sail.
1 The crew
Spinnaker Uphaul
releases the halyard
from the reaching
hook and pulls on
the guy to draw
the windward Guy Downhaul
clew toward the
forestay. As the
helm hoists the
sail, the crew clips
the pole to the guy.
2 The crew attaches the uphaul and 3 The helm controls the sheet and guy
downhaul and clips the inboard end of while the crew sets the pole, slips the guy
the spinnaker pole onto the mast bracket, under the reaching hook, or adjusts the
which is positioned above the boom. twinning line, then trims and cleats the guy.
1 The crew frees the halyard and cleats 2 The helm hoists rapidly as the crew 3 The helm controls the sheet and guy
the guy so that the clew will clear the throws the sail forward. The crew pulls while the crew rigs the pole. The crew
forestay. They remove the spinnaker from on the sheet to bring the sail around to slips the guy under the reaching hook and
the pouch, holding it tightly. leeward of the forestay. cleats it, or pulls on the twinning line.
Lowering the spinnaker leeward drop
You can choose between lowering the The crew pulls hard on the sheet until they can
spinnaker into either the windward reach the clew, then releases the guy and pulls
or leeward pouch, although the safest the sail under the boom and into the leeward
and quickest method in a dinghy pouch. Once all the sail is in the pouch and the
halyard is hooked under the reaching hook,
is to drop the spinnaker into the
the crew removes and stows the spinnaker pole.
windward pouch, as this keeps the
crew’s weight on the windward side.
In a dinghy, only drop the sail into the
leeward pouch if you need it in that
pouch for a later leeward hoist. For 1 The crew unclips 2 As the helm lowers the
either method, the crew’s job is made the pole from the mast, sail, the crew pulls down on
a lot easier if the helm steers onto a removes the uphaul the luff, stuffing it into the
and downhaul, and pouch. When the luff is
broad reach or run for the maneuver.
unclips the pole stowed, they pull in the
from the guy. rest of the sail, hook
WINDWARD DROP the halyard under the
reaching hook, and
For a windward drop, the crew must
cleat the sheets.
remove and stow the pole before
lowering the sail. They then pull on the
guy until the clew is in their hand and
pull the sail down by its luff, stuffing it Crew removes Crew pulls the sail
and stows into the pouch
into the windward pouch. They stow the pole
the halyard under the reaching hook.
Hoisting and lowering
The spinnaker is hoisted from the chute
using the halyard attached to the head
of the sail. This halyard, which is often
operated by the helm in a two-person
dinghy, runs down inside the mast, then
to a jamming cleat within reach of the Hoisting Lowering
person who will hoist and lower the Helm pulls halyard, Helm pulls
making sure the downhaul and
sail. The spinnaker is lowered using a downhaul is loose releases the halyard
downhaul, which is attached to a
reinforced patch in the middle of the
spinnaker and runs down through
the chute mouth and tube. The halyard
and downhaul usually consist of one
continuous piece of rope. When the
halyard is released and the downhaul
hoisting from a chute lowering into a chute
is pulled, the sail collapses and is drawn
The helm hoists the sail by pulling on the The crew sheets the foot of the sail
down into the chute, ready to be halyard, while the crew sets the sheet and tight against the forestay. Uncleating
hoisted once again. When dropping, the guy to their marks and attaches the pole. the halyard, the helm pulls on the
crew should pull on both sheet and guy The helm then cleats the halyard and downhaul. As soon as the middle of the
to hold the foot in and allow the middle trims the sheet and guy while the crew is sail enters the chute, the crew releases
of the sail to enter the chute first. dealing with the pole. the sheet and guy and removes the pole.
Successful spinnaker work demands plenty of practice and of sailing. As the boat speed changes,
good communication between the helm and crew. Once the apparent wind shifts forward
or backward, and the sheet must
set, the spinnaker has an enormous effect on the handling of a be trimmed continually to keep the
small boat, and it must be kept under control at all times. This spinnaker on the edge of curling.
is primarily the crew’s job, and it requires great concentration.
Handling gusts
The crew must learn to trim the spinnaker correctly and should
You must know how to handle gusts
understand how to cope with gusts. Spinnaker jibing requires to keep the power in the spinnaker
slick crew work if it is to be completed without mishap. from overcoming rudder control. As a
gust hits, the crew eases the spinnaker
sheet to curl the luff and allows the
Playing the sheet mainsail so that air can pass freely boat to accelerate. Failure to do this
Each spinnaker shape needs trimming between the two sails. When the will make the boat heel and develop
in a slightly different way, but there spinnaker is set correctly, the crew considerable weather helm (p.130),
are some general rules to help you get will be able to ease the sheet until making it hard for the helm to stay
the best out of your boat. The most the luff starts to curl back on itself on course or bear away. The apparent
important thing is to keep the sail about halfway up. A well-designed, wind will shift forward as the boat
symmetrical about its centerline; this stable spinnaker can be sailed with accelerates, and the crew must be ready
involves keeping the clews level, at some luff curl without collapsing. to sheet in to prevent the spinnaker
the same height above the water. You The point at which the luff starts from collapsing. When the boat slows
must also encourage the spinnaker to curl is the optimum trim in any down, the apparent wind will shift aft
to fly as far as possible from the particular wind strength and point and the sheet must be eased.
Pole angle down, depending on the strength of the wind and the
Set the angle of the pole just greater than a right angle boat’s course. If the leeward clew is lower than the tack,
to the apparent wind. This means bringing the pole aft as lower the pole. If it is higher than the tack, raise the pole.
the boat sails farther downwind and easing it forward
as the boat turns onto a reach. Always keep the pole off the
forestay or it may bend or break. Remember to adjust the
guy after putting it under the reaching hook or tightening Pole
Pole height
When the pole is horizontal, it holds the spinnaker as far
away as possible from the rest of the rig, but it is even more CORRECT TOO LOW TOO HIGH
important to make sure the clews of the sail are kept level, pole setting
at the same height above the water. The windward clew When the spinnaker pole is set correctly (above left), the sail is
(attached at the pole end) is held in place by the pole, but the most efficient and easier to trim; if too low or too high (above
clew to which the sheet is attached is free to move up and center and right), the sail shape is inefficient and it may collapse.
Successful jibing with a spinnaker 3 Removing the old guy from the pole end,
set requires a standard routine and the crew fits the pole onto the mast bracket.
plenty of practice. It is vital to keep They then put the guy under the reaching
the boat upright and to complete hook, cleat it in the correct position, and
the jibe quickly to prevent the take the spinnaker sheet from the helm.
spinnaker from getting out of control.
To prepare for the jibe, the helm bears
away to a run and the crew removes Clip the inner end of
the guy from the reaching hook and the pole to the mast
sets the sail square across the bow.
If the sheets are marked (p.147),
they can be set at the jibing position
quickly and easily. The boat is now
ready to be jibed.
2 Standing in the
middle of the boat,
the helm takes control
of the guy and sheet to
keep the spinnaker full.
The crew removes the
pole from the mast, clips
it onto the new guy, and
pushes it out to the
new side.
Ideally, at the point of jibing, the crew
weight is in the middle, the pole is being Helm
Steer the boat with the
switched across, and the sail remains full.
tiller between your knees
pole height Pull on the vang to
Adjust the pole height using the help the boom over
uphaul and downhaul to keep the clews
level and the spinnaker symmetrical.
Asymmetric spinnakers look like a cross between a large jib
and a spinnaker. They are sometimes also known as “gennakers,”
the word derived from “genoa” and “spinnaker.” They are
commonly used on high-performance dinghies and catamarans
and some sportsboats. An asymmetric spinnaker is set from a long
bowsprit (a spar projecting from the bow) rather than a spinnaker
pole, which makes it much easier to handle when hoisting, jibing,
and lowering, as the crew does not need to handle a pole. The
bowsprit, which is nearly always retractable, is usually made from
carbon fiber for strength, stiffness, and lightness; the sail is made
from lightweight nylon or polyester sailcloth. MASTHEAD ASYMMETRIC SPINNAKER
Handling asymmetrics power but in many ways are easier to Sail trimming
An asymmetric spinnaker is usually handle than a conventional spinnaker An asymmetric sail is trimmed using
larger than a conventional spinnaker because the tack is attached to the two sheets. The sheets lead to the aft
and is often flown from a point higher end of the bowsprit, and they do not quarters of the boat and may have
on the mast, with the halyard exiting require adjustments to a spinnaker twinning lines (p.147) to move the
at the masthead or slightly lower, pole. They are controlled by two lead forward when sailing on a broad
between the hounds and the masthead. sheets, both of which are attached reach. An asymmetric is inefficient
These large sails generate considerable to the clew, just like a jib. when sailing on a dead run, so sailing
asymmetric jibing
The helm and crew are in the
middle of the boat, and the crew
is ready to sheet the asymmetric
across to the new side.
5 The crew hooks on and swings
out onto their trapeze and trims the
asymmetric. The helm also moves out on
their trapeze and steers onto the new
course, sheeting in the mainsail to suit
the new course and apparent wind.
4 As the mainsail jibes, the crew releases the old sheet and
rapidly pulls in the new sheet to move the asymmetric around
the forestay to the new leeward side. The helm moves to the
new side, picks up the new tiller extension, or swings the single
extension around to the new side, and hooks onto their trapeze.
Crew pulls
on new sheet
Crew moves
1 The helm warns the crew by
into boat
calling “ready to jibe.” The crew moves
in to the boat first and prepares to jibe
the asymmetric.
Jibing an asymmetric spinnaker is easier than jibing
a conventional spinnaker, as the sail is jibed just like a
jib and there is no spinnaker pole to switch from side
to side. Stop twists from developing in the sail by
holding the old sheet in tight until the boat has jibed,
then pulling quickly on the new sheet to pull the sail
around the forestay to the new leeward side. In light
winds, start pulling the new sheet before the boat jibes Crew starts
to move in
to move the sail around the forestay more quickly so from trapeze Helm decides
that it fills earlier on the new course. to jibe and
warns crew
The purest form of sailing is when you go afloat alone and are
Webbing strap
solely responsible for balance, trim, and handling. You learn quickly Fits over the top
when you sail single-handed, and you can sail whenever you want of the mast to
secure the head
to without having to find a crew. Single-handed boats are usually of the sail
Most single-handed dinghies have a single sail and wings or racks to increase the righting power when
are designed for hiking (sitting out) rather than the helmsman is hiking or trapezing. One of the oldest
trapezing. However, some designs have a mainsail yet most extreme designs requires the helmsman to
and jib, a mainsail and asymmetric spinnaker, or deal with a mainsail, jib, asymmetric spinnaker, and a
even all three sails. Some dinghies use a trapeze sliding seat that is swung across the boat when tacking
to increase righting power and some incorporate and jibing.
single-handed dinghies
Raise the daggerboard until it is just
clear of the boom and vang. If the
vang is tight, ease it to keep the boom
from hitting the water and capsizing
the boat. The helm’s actions through
the jibe are the same as they are in
a two-person dinghy (pp.96–99).
Sailing fast on a very broad reach or
a run, turn into the jibe and give a
sharp tug on the mainsheet to start
the boom swinging across. As it does
so, straighten the tiller and get your
weight out on the new side. Change
hands on the tiller and mainsheet.
Sailing skiff-type dinghies side, picking up and uncleating the
Some of the fastest single-handers mainsheet on the way. As you sit on GETTING OUT
have many of the characteristics of the new side, steer on to a close reach OF IRONS
the double-handed skiff-type dinghies. with the mainsail well eased. When
Tacking can be difficult in some
They have very light, narrow, and the boat is under control and moving
single-handers because there
shallow hulls with wings or racks forward on the new course, stand up, is no jib to help pull the bow
sticking out from the hull’s sides to hook on, and push out on the new away from the wind onto the
increase the righting power of the side as you pull in the mainsail and new tack. When you tack, a
helm who trapezes to keep the boat start to steer up to a close-hauled single-hander can sometimes
upright. This type of single-hander course again. refuse to go through the eye of
is extremely fast but requires extra To jibe a trapeze single-hander, the wind and instead get stuck
skill and agility to sail well. treat it as if it were a nontrapeze head to wind “in-irons” (p.95).
When tacking a single-handed boat. Bear away to a run, swing in
trapeze boat, take extra care to avoid from the trapeze, get settled and fully Avoiding the problem
stopping in irons (right) during a tack. prepared, and then jibe as you would Getting stuck in-irons in a
single-hander can occur for
Just before the tack, bear away onto any single-hander. Get settled on the
a number of reasons. Lack of
a close reach, ease the mainsheet and new jibe, then hook up onto the
speed before the tack will make
cleat it, and start stepping into the trapeze again, if required. Take it difficult for the boat to complete
boat with your back foot as you begin your time over this maneuver in the turn. Avoid this by bearing
steering into the tack. Aim to keep the the beginning. As you become more away slightly before the tack to
boat as flat as possible throughout proficient, you can start practicing build speed.
the maneuver. Unclip from the trapeze wire-to-wire jibes, at which point When tacking in waves, the
bow may hit a wave, which will
wire and move smoothly to the new you can call yourself an expert.
stop the boat. Minimize this risk
by watching the waves and tacking
RIGGING AN UNSTAYED MAST when the bow is rising up the face
of a wave. The boat should complete
Some single-handed dinghies have stayed masts, and their mainsails are rigged
the tack before the next wave arrives.
like a two-person dinghy (pp.70–75). However, many small single-handers have Another cause is tacking with the
unstayed masts, which are light and easy to rig, although it is helpful if someone mainsheet too tight. This keeps
can assist you. The mast usually comes in two pieces for easy storage and the mainsail leech tight, which
transportation, which are slotted together before the sail is fitted. Most single- causes the boat to try to turn
handed dinghies use a daggerboard rather than a centerboard. Make sure into the wind. Cure this by easing
that this and the rudder are in the boat before you launch it. the mainsheet quite a lot as you
tack. If stalling out head-to-wind
is still a problem in your boat,
try easing the vang, increasing
Gently slide cunningham tension, or pulling
the sail
up the daggerboard slightly, or
onto the mast
doing a combination of all three.
The principles of sailing a small keelboat are not so different from
those of a dinghy. Unlike a dinghy with a lightweight centerboard,
however, the weighted bulb of the keel will make it very difficult to
capsize a keelboat. In many ways, this makes a small keelboat a
more forgiving type of boat to sail and a good choice for learning
the basic skills of sailing.
Designed for racing or day sailing, this type of keelboat Another type of keelboat, known as sportsboats,
generally carries between three and five crew and has typically use asymmetric spinnakers. Although most
a rig that consists of mainsail, jib, and a conventional are no faster than conventional keelboats upwind, they
spinnaker that is hoisted to hound height. Boats range are designed to plane downwind under asymmetric
from the heavier, classic keelboats such as the Dragon, to spinnakers, often flown from the masthead. The
the lighter, modern types that offer dinghylike handling Melges 24 was one of the first sportsboats on the
and planing performance, such as the Sonar. market and remains among the most popular choices.
Dry sailing Also, it is not necessary to apply that includes launching your boat in
In areas where small keelboats are antifouling paint to the hull to prevent time for you to go sailing and lifting
popular, it is common for them to fouling. This has particular merit for it ashore again when you return.
be dry-sailed—that is, kept ashore race boats, which benefit from the
on a trailer or cart and launched smoothest possible hull finish. Storage Launching and recovery
only when needed. Keelboats can ashore allows for easy access for A keelboat with a lifting keel and
also be left afloat on a mooring in maintenance and race preparation. rudder is relatively easy to launch
a sheltered harbor, but dry sailing Boats that are dry-sailed are usually and recover. It can sit ashore on a
has some advantages. stored ashore with their masts stepped, road trailer or launching cart and be
Dry sailing is easier on the boat so they only need to be lifted into the launched from a slipway in the same
than mooring it afloat because it is water to be ready to sail. way as a dinghy. Its draft will be
not subjected to pitching and rolling Many clubs and boatyards in deeper than a dinghy, even with the
loads on its rig, and it will not risk areas where small keelboats are keel raised, so the trailer must be taken
water absorption into the fiberglass popular offer dry sailing facilities, farther into the water to float it off.
laminate of which most are built. and some provide a complete service Once in the water, the boat
must be maneuvered into water deep
enough to allow the keel and rudder
to be lowered. If the wind is offshore,
the crew can paddle out; otherwise, a
tow or the use of an outboard engine
may be necessary. These boats are not
suitable for launching off a ramp or
beach on a difficult lee shore, but a
sheltered slipway poses few problems.
Most lifting keels are raised vertically
using a slipway
Keelboats that have lifting keels
and rudders can be launched from
a trailer. Pick a sheltered slipway
with a gentle slope.
through the hull and cockpit A center point lift has the advantage
floor in the same way as a dinghy’s of giving complete access to the hull
daggerboard, but their weight means when scrubbing or polishing the
that a winch or tackle must be used. bottom, but either system works well.
A keelboat with a fixed keel When ashore, a keelboat usually
generally requires the use of a crane, sits on a road trailer or wheeled
although it is possible to launch some cradle to allow it to be moved
from a trailer on a suitable slipway. between the crane and its storage slot.
Boats that must be craned in For dry sailing, keelboats usually have craning in and out
and out often have a lifting point their mast left stepped when they are A center lifting point makes craning
fitted in the hull above the keel, brought ashore, but if they are to be easier. The alternative is to use webbing
usually attached to the bolts that towed on a road trailer, the mast must straps ahead of and behind the keel.
fasten it to the hull. To lift the boat, be lowered and it, the boom, and all
a strop is attached to the lifting eye other loose equipment must be stowed Double-axle trailers are needed for
and hooked onto the crane hook. securely for the journey. In some the larger keelboats, and an overrun
It may be necessary to unfasten the designs, it is possible to lower the mast braking system on the trailer should
backstay at its lower end to keep it manually, but many require the use of be fitted. The boat must be very
clear of the crane jib or wire. a crane to lift the mast in or out. securely tied down, with the mast
If the boat does not have a center stowed on deck. This will usually
lifting point, two straps are used, led Using a road trailer require mast supports at bow and stern
under the hull with one forward and Even a small keelboat is likely to be and, preferably, in the middle. The
one aft of the keel. The ends of each longer than the vehicle used to tow boom and spinnaker pole must also
strap are attached to the crane hook it, and many will be significantly be lashed securely, with plenty of
for lifting, and the straps may need larger and much heavier. Towing padding to protect against movement
to be lashed in position to stop them a large boat on a long trailer is not and chafe that would otherwise
from slipping backward or forward, as simple as moving a dinghy, and damage the equipment very quickly.
depending on the shape of the hull. the towing vehicle should be more Sails and loose gear are
powerful and capable of towing the best carried in lockers on the
towing a keelboat
combined weight of the boat and trailer or in the towing vehicle, but
Boats with fixed keels sit high on a trailer the trailer. if they must be stowed in the boat,
and need strong supports. They must be Boats with fixed keels sit much they should be secured so that they
lashed down tightly, with the mast also higher than those with lifting keels cannot roll around. When towing,
well secured to its supports. and require more substantial trailers. stop and check all lashings regularly.
Hull support Keel support Bow support Rachet
Wide pads The boat sits The bow sits Use a ratchet to
spread the on its keel on a shaped tighten the tie-
load support down straps
Trailer hitch
Fit a safety
wire or chain
between trailer
and tow bar
There are many types of catamaran on the market, so boat that has a good fleet near you. Before you make
you should be able to find one that is suitable for your your decision, ask the opinion of expert sailors and
particular requirements. If you want to race, choose a have a trial sail in a few different types.
power from the rig. When conditions on dinghies or keelboats because other. These do not usually need
are stronger and the crew needs of the high speeds that catamarans centerboards or daggerboards. The
to take power out of the sail, they achieve when sailing downwind. lack of centerboards or daggerboards
exchange the flexible battens for is an advantage for catamarans
a stiffer set, which helps keep the Hull design designed for fun sailing, where
sail flatter and less powerful. Catamaran hull shapes vary quite excellent upwind performance
Because catamarans travel at considerably, depending on their design may not be of great importance,
such high speeds, the strength and purpose. Some catamarans have hulls or for boats that are likely to be
angle of the apparent wind means that are identical and are symmetrical sailed from a beach, where the lack
that the sails are always sheeted around their centerline. Symmetrical of centerboards or daggerboards
pretty close to the centerline, even hulls are usually fitted with a makes launching and recovery easier.
on downwind courses. This is the centerboard or a daggerboard Catamarans have twin rudders,
reason why many catamaran classes in each hull to resist leeway. one at the stern of each hull, with
do not use a vang, or even a boom Alternatively, there may be a skeg their tillers connected by a tiller bar.
for the mainsail, as the mainsheet (a molded-in keel) about two-thirds The long tiller extension is attached
tension suffices for controlling the of the way aft on both hulls. The skeg to the middle of the tiller bar. Many
shape of the sail. resists leeway without the need for a catamarans are fitted with one or
Some high-performance catamarans centerboard or daggerboard. Other two trapezes for extra power.
are equipped with asymmetric catamarans have asymmetrical hulls Most of the sailing techniques
spinnakers to further increase speed with a fatter shape on the outboard already described can be used to
downwind. These tend to be very flat side of each hull, in which case the sail catamarans, but some aspects
compared to asymmetric spinnakers two hulls are mirror images of each are different (pp.170–175).
Because of their width, catamarans
usually have to be dismantled to
be transported. Once at the sailing
venue, they have to be reassembled
on a flat surface. Grass is best, since
it will not cause damage to the hulls;
otherwise, protect the hulls with
something soft, such as a roll of
old carpet. 1 Lay out the hulls, preferably on a soft 2 Slide the main and rear beams into their
The assembly process consists surface, with the inner sides uppermost sockets in one hull. Ensure the clips engage
of attaching the beams to the hulls, and about a beam length apart. to fully secure the beams (inset).
fitting the trampoline and toestraps,
stepping the mast, and attaching any
removable equipment.
Two-person catamarans are best
assembled by two crew members,
but single-handers can be assembled
by one person, although it is easier
with a helper. Once assembled, the
catamaran is placed on its cart, ready
to be rigged and moved to the water.
3 Roll the hull onto its keel and fit the 4 Fasten the trampoline to the hulls
second hull to the other end of the beams. and beams and make sure it is laced very
Check that the locking system is secure. tightly. Fit the toestraps and tie tightly.
Catamarans can be unwieldy
on land because of their width.
However, they are very light,
so moving them is quite easy,
even with only two people.
Most catamarans are moved on
a specially built cart with two 5 Step the mast by laying it on the 6 Fasten the shrouds to the chainplates,
wheels and two chocks under each trampoline and temporarily pin the heel lift the mast upright, attach the forestay to
transom. The cart is placed under onto the mast support while it is raised. the bridle, and unpin the heel to let it rotate.
the hulls at the point of balance
and the bows are used as the
handle for pushing and pulling the
catamaran around the boat dock.
If you leave a catamaran with
the mast stepped, fasten it very
securely to the ground at both
shroud points to stop it from
blowing over in strong winds. 7 Attach both rudders with the blades 8 Fit loose gear like the jib sheet fairleads
in the raised position. Connect the tillers and cleat, mainsheet, and downhaul. The
with the tiller bar and fit the extension. boat is then ready for sails to be rigged.
LAUNCHING A CATAMARAN from side to side. Alternatively, Fit the rudders in their raised position
When sailing a double-handed leave the mainsheet disconnected and place daggerboards, if used,
catamaran, decide which of you is from the mainsail clew, or boom on the trampoline until the boat
going to hold the boat and which if your boat is fitted with one, until has been launched. Always launch
will take the wheels back up the you are afloat and ready to leave the boat with the bows facing into the
beach. It usually makes sense to the beach. wind so that the sails can flap freely.
have the taller or heavier person
hold the boat so that they can
control it while standing in
the water.
If you sail a single-handed
catamaran, it will make launching
easier if you have a helper to take
the wheels ashore, or collaborate
with other sailors to help each
other. Before you push the boat
into the water, make sure all the
1 Wheel the catamaran into the water 2 One person holds the catamaran by
with the jib, if fitted, rolled up or flapping; a bow or the bridle while the other goes
sheets are uncleated and the the mainsheet disconnected from the between the hulls to remove the wheels
mainsheet traveler is free to run boom; and the rudders raised. and take them back up the beach.
3 The helm climbs aboard and attaches 4 The crew pushes the bows in the 5 With the mainsheet traveler right
the mainsheet to the boom; positions the direction they wish to sail off and climbs down to leeward, the boat sails slowly
daggerboards, if fitted, in their slots; and aboard as the helm lets the traveler slide away from the beach. The helm lowers the
partly lowers the rudders. to leeward to sail off slowly. rudders as the boat reaches deep water.
Lee shore forward slowly, and at this point returned to the shore, the helm and
The hardest launching situation is the crew can pull themselves onto the crew take a bow each and sit on it
when the wind is blowing onto the trampoline. The crew then pulls in the in front of the trampoline.
shore. This means that the catamaran jib sheet farther, while the helm uses With the sails flapping and rudders
must be launched bows first into the the mainsheet traveler to control the raised, the catamaran will drift
waves, which may be breaking on direction of the catamaran. They pull backward. Once the boat has reached
the beach or slipway. Controlling the the traveler to windward to luff up or deeper water, move aft, lower the
boat when you push off will be more ease it to leeward to bear away. Once rudders and centerboards, and push
difficult because it will not be possible in deep water, they push the rudders the tiller over to turn the boat away
to lower the rudders until you have fully down and cleat the traveler on from the wind so that you can sail off.
sailed beyond the shallow water. the centerline. The same technique can be used
The helm decides which tack to to land on a lee shore. Turn the boat
leave the beach on and pulls in the jib Windward shore into the wind a few boat lengths
sheet until the jib is half full. They Launching from a windward shore from the beach, lift the rudders and
make sure the mainsheet traveler is is straightforward. Hoist the sails centerboards, and sit on the forward
free to run all the way to leeward. As ashore and launch the catamaran sections of the hulls to reverse the boat
the jib fills, the catamaran will move stern first. Once the cart has been safely to the shore.
Dinghy sailors who decide to sail catamarans need to learn a few slower-moving dinghy. The load on
new techniques; they will also have to be prepared for the much the sails will also be greater than that
in a dinghy. The jib sheet usually has
greater speed potential that is offered by a catamaran. Heading a tackle to make it easier to trim, and
upwind is more difficult in a catamaran than it is in a conventional the mainsheet on most catamarans
dinghy and requires a good deal of practice. It is when sailing on requires at least a seven-to-one tackle.
This makes it easier for the helm
downwind courses at speed that catamarans really perform. They
to handle the large loads. Use the
are more stable than dinghies and are easier to jibe, but they can mainsheet to control leech tension
still be capsized. and adjust the angle of the sail with
the traveler. Set the mainsail twist by
using the leech telltales as you would
Wind and speed other boats. Be prepared for gusts, in a dinghy (p.130). Although the
Because catamarans sail so fast, too, as the catamaran will accelerate rudders are small, they are efficient at
there is a much bigger difference in rapidly when they hit. high speeds, when you will need only
the direction of true and apparent small movements of the tiller extension
wind (p.32) than in most dinghies. Setting sail to adjust the course. When you tack
A wind indicator is usually installed The first time you sail a catamaran, or jibe, however, the boat slows
on the forestay bridle so that the you should start on a beam reach, down and considerable force may
helm can constantly check the just as you would with a single-hulled be needed to turn the boat.
direction of the apparent wind. dinghy. Put the boat beam-on to Daggerboards or centerboards
A dinghy sailor must also the wind and slowly sheet in both (if fitted) should be lowered about
get used to the high speed of a sails. The faster acceleration and the halfway on a reach. The leeward
catamaran, which means that forward shift of the apparent wind board is usually lowered first and kept
you need to allow more space mean that the sails have to be sheeted at a lower position than the windward
for maneuvers, especially passing in closer than they would be on a board. As you turn onto a close reach,
lower the boards farther still and sheet
in the sails, using the traveler to bring
the mainsail closer to the centerline.
catamaran in strong winds
When sailing in strong winds
and big waves, the speed of a Flying for speed
catamaran means it is possible Catamarans sail fastest when the
to take off on the top of a wave. windward hull is kept flying, just
skimming the water’s surface, giving
minimum resistance. However, this
slight heel is difficult to maintain and
takes a lot of practice. Even in medium
winds, the helm and crew will have to
sit out or trapeze hard to keep the boat
balanced. Once the helm and crew are
fully extended, heel is controlled by
the helm’s trimming the mainsail
with the traveler and adjusting the
course. Luff to maintain heel and
bear away to reduce it.
4 The crew moves
across the boat, watching
the jib. When the boat passes Helm
head-to-wind, the jib fills Steer to
on the wrong side and helps new course for
maximum speed
the boat turn. The crew then
releases the old jib sheet
and pulls in the new one.
Carefully watch jib,
ready to sheet it across
5 The helm and crew sit out or
trapeze on the new side and sheet
in the mainsail and jib. The helm
centers the tillers and steers to
regain speed on the new tack.
Get ready to
Helm sheet the jib A catamaran will stop very quickly
Move into on the new side as soon as power is lost from the sails,
the center,
which makes tacking relatively difficult.
facing aft as
the boat turns You cannot easily tack a catamaran from a
reach to a reach, so you should always sheet
in to a close-hauled course and build speed
before a tack. Catamarans stop quickly
when they reach head-to-wind, so it is quite
common for them to end up in-irons. Use
the same technique that is used for dinghies
(p.95) to escape from this situation.
Crew Helm
Watch jib and prepare Move to the new
to sheet it across windward side and
steer to the new course
Steer through the
jibe and take hold
of mainsheet tackle
Since an International Moth became the first dinghy to fly above
the water, foiling (sailing with the hull entirely out of the water) has
been achieved by other dinghies, catamarans, and even offshore
racers and cruising yachts. Development of foiling systems has
been rapid, and craft capable of 50 knots or more are likely to international moth
become more common. Sailing at high speeds requires a thorough The lightweight International Moth uses
fixed T-foils with adjustable flaps on both
understanding of safety and apparent wind sailing techniques. the daggerboard and rudder.
How they work There are several ways in which to The amount of lift and lateral
Conventional boats use vertical foils, achieve foiling. T-foils are an efficient resistance generated by daggerboards
the centerboard and rudder, to resist and easily adjusted system, but some is adjusted by raising and lowering
sideways drift and to steer. When boats are prevented from using them them to change their profile and
foils with a horizontal element are by class rules or the need to avoid canting them fore and aft to adjust
added, they create upward lift. foils that have to be inserted from the angle to the water of the lifting
If the boat is moving fast enough, underneath. Other systems use curved surface. Rudders on boats with these
the lift increases rapidly until it is daggerboards to give lift. C-shaped boards use T-foils or, sometimes,
sufficient to raise the boat and its foils are used on some multihulls, inward facing L-foils for safety.
crew out of the water. This vastly and larger monohulls, to give partial
reduces surface area drag and wave- lift, while more complex S-, L-, and Sailing with foils
making resistance, and the boat can Z-shaped foils can generate sufficient Foiling boats have special rigging,
then easily double its speed or more. lift to permit full foiling. launching, and handling systems.
T-FOIL T-FOIL FRONT Ask advice from class experts before
Sensor wand skims water
foiling systems going afloat for the first time and
surface and adjusts main foil SIDE VIEW
Adjustable T-foils (right) VIEW
flap to control ride height
Mast choose an area with plenty of room,
on daggerboards and
few other boats, flat water, and
rudders have more Hull Hull
moving parts than those moderate wind strength (10–12
with curved daggerboards
Rudder knots). To get started, steer on a
(below), which are usually beam reach and sheet in. As the boat
used on multihulls. Simple
Flap on rudder Daggerboard
C-shaped foils give only
partial lift, while S- and Fixed foil
L-shaped foils can lift the Main foil flap
hull clear of the surface
of the water.
Beam Full foiling
Full foiling
The Whisper
catamaran has
T-foils fitted on its
daggerboards and
rudders. It sails
in a four-point
flying phantom
The Flying Phantom uses L-foil
daggerboards and T-foil rudders and
sails in a three-point foiling configuration.
Mast rake
It is easier to alter the rake and bend
of the mast if it is keel stepped (p.71), fast settings for prebend and mast mast bend
as the gate at deck level usually has rake. Use these as a starting point for This small keelboat’s mast bend flattens
some form of control that can be your rig setup and only deviate from the mainsail to reduce power and eases
adjusted. A mast that is stepped on these settings when you are confident leech tension by flexing in the gusts.
deck can be adjusted only via the that you have explored other areas of
spreaders and the shrouds, unless it tuning, such as sail setting.
also has wires running to mast at the Spreaders and shrouds
gooseneck that control the amount Mast bend The main factors that affect mast bend
of bend at this point in a way similar A key part of setting up the rig for are the tension in the shrouds and the
to a mast gate. Before adjusting your maximum performance is adjusting length and angle of the spreaders.
mast’s bend, you need to check its the prebend. This is the amount of Typically, spreaders are set up to
rake. This is usually measured between bend set in the mast before you start push the shrouds out and aft of a
the top of the mast and the top of the sailing, and it directly influences the direct line from the hounds to the
transom on the centerline. Again, mainsail shape. Tuning the mast chainplates. Increasing tension in the
follow the example of leading involves deciding how much you shrouds causes the spreaders to stiffen
sailors in your class and record the want it to bend and adjusting the the mast sideways and push its middle
measurements for use in the future. controls accordingly. forward, thus putting more bend into
The rigs of many dinghy the mast. Before the mast is stepped, the
Sails and prebend classes are set up with about 3–4 in length or angle of the spreaders can be
It is very important that the amount (75–100 mm) of prebend in the altered. Some boats have adjustable
of prebend in your mast matches the mast. If you have no other figure spreaders that allow the angle to be
shape your sailmaker has built into to go on from your class association changed afloat. However, in the early
the luff of the mainsail. Pick a leading or sailmaker, use this measurement stages, avoid getting involved in such
sailmaker for your class, tell them as a reasonable starting point complex adjustments. Use the same
your crew weight, and ask for the for experimentation. measurements as the fastest sailors.
Keel-stepped masts that run from the chainplates up to the resistance of a strong spring or
If your mast is keel-stepped, it will gooseneck level. These wires, most length of metal to measure the tension
have some form of control to adjust commonly referred to as the “lowers,” in the standing rigging. The most
its fore-and-aft position in the mast operate in a fashion similar to the popular types are made by Loos and
gate. This might be a strut or a ram, keel-stepped mast controls acting at SuperSpar, and you will find that
or it may be a set of simple chocks the mast gate. Tighten the lowers to many tuning guides refer to a “Loos”
that can be removed or added as limit lower mast bend; slacken the number of say, “35,” rather than the
required. All these systems are lowers to increase mast bend. actual tension in pounds or kilograms.
designed to hold the mast back, at The tape measure and the tension
gate or gooseneck level, to stiffen Rig measuring tools gauge will help you find the right
it and limit bend or to allow it to To be able to copy other sailors’ combination of mast rake and rig
move forward to increase bend. settings and replicate them on your tension for your boat. If you are
own boat, you will need three tools: serious about improving your boat
Deck-stepped masts a logbook; a measuring tape calibrated speed, keep a written record in the
Some of the newer skiff-type in metric and imperial units, which is logbook of the rig settings that you
classes favor deck-stepped masts. at least a yard longer than your mast use for every racing and training
In this case, the lower mast bend is height; and a rig tension gauge. The session and your impressions of how
controlled by an extra set of wires latter is a simple device that uses your speed compared to others’.
The length and angle of the
Spreaders Long spreaders
spreaders help control mast bend. angled aft deflect the
Long spreaders push the shrouds push shrouds shrouds
outward and stiffen the mast backward sideways
Modern sailcloths are very stable, allowing sail shapes sail and rig controls to adjust the fullness of their
that perform well in a wide range of conditions. As sails and to control the position of maximum draft.
wind strength increases or decreases, however, the Remember that changing one control is likely to
crew needs to maintain top performance by using the have an effect on one or more of the others.
Jib halyard Increasing tension Reduces sagging in jib luff; tightens leech
Jib fairleads Adjusting fore and aft, and sideways Alters shape of jib, twist in leech, and adjusts
slot between jib and mainsail
Boom vang Increasing tension Reduces mainsail leech twist and bends
mast low down
Mainsheet Adjusting sheet tension Controls boom angle and leech tension
The definition of rough weather is subjective—in conditions may find that you plane on many
that are too difficult for novice sailors, an expert crew will be points of sailing. Speed is your ally
in these conditions—when the boat
able to enjoy fast and exhilarating sailing. The design of the is upright and moving fast, it is easier
boat influences the way you experience the conditions, as does to control and requires smaller tiller
the wind direction in relation to the shore and any tidal stream. movements to keep it on course.
Winds of Force 5 to 6 can be considered rough weather, but a
Force 4 against a strong tide can kick up large waves and make Start by sailing on a reach to get
sailing more difficult than a Force 6 in flat water. the feel of the conditions. The boat
should be planing and the helm and
crew should move well aft to keep
Gaining experience adequate (pp.66–67). Sailing in these the bow up and the rudder immersed.
As you develop your sailing skills, it conditions can be very tiring and If the boat heels, ease out both sails
is important that you learn to handle requires concentration, stamina, to keep the boat upright, allowing the
your boat in strong winds. It is often and endurance. If you find that you luffs of both sails to “lift”—shake or
best to gain experience while racing, are getting tired or cold, come ashore backwind—if necessary. If the boat
because racing fleets still sail in rough immediately, as your strength will is overpowered, move the jib sheet
weather and always have safety boats decrease rapidly and you could fairleads back to allow the top of
available. When you sail just for fun, easily find yourself in trouble. the jib to twist, and ease the vang to
however, it will be your decision You will notice that the boat twist the mainsail. Watch for gusts,
whether to venture out. reacts much faster and more violently easing the sails and bearing away to
Before you go afloat, check all in rough weather than it does in keep the boat upright as they pass.
your gear to make sure it is in good lighter winds. You will need to react
condition and that nothing is likely quickly to changes in wind strength Broaching
to break. Rough weather imposes and direction. The heeling force will One of the hazards of rough-weather
considerable loads on the boat, sails, be considerable, and you will need reaching, particularly when flying
and equipment, and it is vital that all your strength and agility to keep a spinnaker, is broaching. When a
they are strong enough to handle the the boat under control. Depending on gust strikes the sails, there is often
stress. Make sure that your clothing is your boat and the wind strength, you a tendency for the boat to round up
into the wind without much warning.
The helm may try to fight the
weather helm by pulling hard on
on a reach
Reaching in strong the tiller, but at this point it is often
winds, this Laser too late and the boat will round
sailor eases the up uncontrollably into the wind.
vang so that the Prevention is the best policy, and
mainsail twists both helm and crew should look
off and heeling is frequently over their shoulder to see
reduced. This also when the next gust is about to strike.
keeps the boom Just as a gust—indicated by a dark
end clear of waves.
patch on the water—is about to
reach the boat, make sure the boat
is absolutely upright and bear away
slightly, with the crew ready to ease
planing to windward
This helm and crew are working
hard to keep the boat upright and
planing to windward. The mainsail
is eased slightly to reduce heeling.
There is no better way to learn to sail a boat well and to build
on your existing skills than to race against other boats that are in
the same class. Racing quickly teaches you the intricacies of good
boat handling, and you will also learn how to tune your dinghy
or keelboat for a wide range of wind conditions. Join a club that
supports the class of boat you are interested in or, if you already
own a boat but your club does not support its class, consider
racing in a mixed, handicap fleet.
high-speed sailing
For high speeds and an adrenaline
rush, consider a boat like this F18
Hobie Wildcat catamaran or a single-
hulled dinghy such as the Olympic 49er,
the International 14, or the Foiling Moth.
These are extreme machines that demand
great skill, coordination, and agility to
sail but deliver a fantastic return in
performance and fun.
Starting procedure
Sailors need to stay close to the race committee vessel signal is only to draw attention to the flags. So if the
during the minutes before the start of a race so that they flag movements and the sound signals do not happen
can see the flags and hear the sound signals, which will be at the same time, set your watch by the flag signal. The
made by whistle, horn, or starting gun. It is important to most common timing sequence is 5-4-1-Go, although
know that the flags are the definitive signal; the sound others may be used.
Boat starts at
favored port
end and gains Line is square to
wind so neither Starboard end is
end is favored biased and boat gains
by starting here
9 The finish
9 6
The finish line can be set at the end
of a windward leg or a downwind
leg—which often means the race
committee can use the same line for 2
starting and finishing. Aim for the
end of the finish line that is closer to 1
the wind. Assuming no change of
conditions during a race, the same
end will be favored as the start.
8 The run
After the second windward leg and windward were looking for upwind. Remember the basic
mark rounding, the race nears its conclusion with rule of taking the jibe that points you closer to the
a run to the finish. One of the biggest priorities on finish. All these considerations are even more important
the run is to find the bands of strongest wind. Wind in asymmetric spinnaker boats, which sail large angles
strength often varies across the course. Windshifts are downwind. Remember also that the more separated
also important downwind, except that now you want you are from another boat, the bigger the relative
to sail in the headed wind rather than the lifts that you gain or loss if the wind strength or direction changes.
4 The reach
4 There are many tactics that can be used on the reach, but one of
the highest priorities is to keep clear wind. This is why many boats sail
on a big arc to windward—to protect their wind from boats trying
to overtake them. Normally, place-changing is quite limited
on the reach, with superior boat speed or boat-handling
being the main reasons for any place-changing.
3 The windward mark
3 The safest approach to the windward mark is on starboard tack,
as coming in on port tack brings a risk of collision. Before you round
the mark, look to see if any of the leading boats are flying spinnakers
on the first reach, or if it is too close to the wind or too windy to fly
7 a spinnaker safely. Assuming that it is possible to carry a spinnaker
on the reach, bear away around the mark, and once you have space
around you to hoist safely, set the spinnaker as quickly as possible.
The best way to start cruising is to sail on a friend’s boat or to performance one, but the differences
find a skipper in need of crew. Try a few day-sails and at least one between types of cruisers are even
more notable. This is why there
overnight or longer passage to help you decide if you like cruising. is no substitute for on-the-water
If you do, take a course in skippering skills, boat-handling, and experience and why you should try
navigation at a sailing school. If you are used to sailing a dinghy, to sail as many different types of
cruisers as possible before deciding
you will need to learn to handle a larger and heavier boat and how
on the one that will best suit you.
to function well as part of a team. It is not necessary (or advisable)
to buy a boat before you start cruising. Passage-making
Skippering a boat on passage
requires a wide range of skills.
What is a cruiser? hydrodynamics that affect all sailing Boat-handling skills are needed
A cruiser need not be especially big— boats. There are, however, major to get the boat into and out of
some, in fact, are little more than differences between various types, in harbor and to ensure a fast and
large dinghies, although they have the way they behave under sail and comfortable passage. Pilotage and
a cabin to accommodate the crew. power and in the manner in which navigation skills take the boat
Most have some form of weighted their rigs, sails, and equipment are safely and efficiently between
keel, although cruising catamarans do arranged and handled by the crew. ports, and boat-management skills
not use keels but rely on their large There is a significant difference in ensure that the boat and its gear
beam for stability. All cruisers obey handling and performance between are kept in good order. Finally, crew-
the basic rules of aerodynamics and a general-purpose dinghy and a high- management skills ensure that yours
is a happy ship with a well-rested,
well-fed, and highly motivated crew
performing at their optimum. A
small traditional cruiser
Gaining experience on a small good skipper has all these skills at
cruiser is the best way to start. their disposal and, most importantly,
Boats like this small traditional understands that their relative
wooden cruiser are less expensive importance changes at different
and usually easier to handle and times in each passage.
maintain than larger craft.
Cruising lessons
Sailing has up until now avoided
excessive bureaucracy, but there is
a growing trend toward regulation:
some countries require skippers
to hold recognized certificates.
You should check with your
national authority to see which
rules apply.
If you aspire to own your own
cruiser or sail long passages aboard
other people’s boats, you can (and
should) extend your knowledge in
a number of ways. Take a sailing
course at a school recognized by
your national authority, and read as BOAT HANDLING
much and as widely as possible on Handling a cruiser requires much greater care than a dinghy because
the subject. Once again, and most of its larger size and, importantly, its much greater weight. Cruisers
importantly, it is advisable to get also require both skipper and crew to acquire a range of skills that
as much sea-time as you can aboard can only be learned on the job.
as wide a range of boats as possible
in different waters and conditions. Cruiser size of cruiser sailing; correct techniques
Dedicated theory courses at a If you make a mistake coming are essential to avoid injury to
local night school or college are alongside in a dinghy, a collision yourself or others and to prevent
usually very good, but there is no can usually be prevented by use of a damage to gear.
substitute for hands-on experience, well-placed foot. Even if a collision
occurs, the damage is unlikely to New skills
and that can only be obtained by
be serious. However, a cruiser’s The dinghy sailor, who is used
time on a cruiser at sea. to lightweight gear, has to become
extra weight and momentum make
close-quarter maneuvering far more accustomed to handling much
Teamwork difficult and mistakes much more larger and heavier sails and ropes.
More and more people are now expensive. Another significant The correct, and safe, way to use
learning to sail in cruisers rather difference between a dinghy and winches must be learned (p.232),
than starting in dinghies as was a cruiser is the weight of the gear and a sailor new to cruisers must
and the load on the sails and sheets. understand the potential danger
the traditional route. This is not
Although it is easy to hold a dinghy’s of more highly loaded gear. New
ideal, as the basic sailing skills are seamanship skills must be acquired
jib sheet in your hands or hoist a
easier and safer to learn aboard to enable the sailor to sail, berth,
sail by hand, a cruiser’s sheets and
a small boat. The average size of halyards require the use of winches and moor the yacht safely, and
cruisers is also increasing, and a and can impose considerable loads. essential navigation skills need to
growing number of people buying Learning how to handle ropes and be learned to allow comfortable
their first cruiser choose a boat of sails under load is an important part and safe offshore passages.
about 35 ft (11 m).
Few of these boats are designed
to be sailed single-handed; many Smaller cruisers Buying a cruiser
need a crew of three or more to It is not necessary to have a large If you do decide to invest in your
sail them efficiently without tiring boat to go on long-distance voyages. own cruiser, it is in your own best
the crew. Cruiser sailing, therefore, Although larger boats are increasingly interest to keep the boat as simple
requires more of a team effort than popular, the average-size cruiser sailing as possible. Keeping the boat simple
dinghy sailing. It also involves the world’s oceans is still only about reduces costs, makes the boat easier
living, eating, and sleeping in 35 ft (11 m), and many considerably to sail, and lessens the likelihood of
cramped quarters with several smaller boats have taken their crews equipment failure ruining a cruise.
people for extended periods; the around the world. Most long-term Bargains can often be obtained
ability to get along with others is voyagers cruise with just two people by purchasing a second-hand cruiser,
crucial. Whereas it is easy to put on board, sometimes with their especially one that has a good
up with someone’s annoying habits children or an additional crew inventory of the equipment you want
when you do not have to see them member. This means that they are on board. When buying a used boat,
all the time, trivial things can cause sailing short-handed most of the time, however, always have it surveyed
arguments and friction aboard a so a smaller boat has advantages in to be sure that there are no hidden
small boat. A good skipper will terms of easier boat-handling and in defects and that the sale price is not
be aware of this danger and will the lower cost of ownership. Cruising excessive. Look for second-hand
attempt to put together a compatible with a simpler and cheaper boat also boats in sailing magazines and by
crew, but it is up to each crew means that you can head off sooner talking to brokers, who will also
member to show tolerance in order than if you were to wait until you be able to give you useful advice
to preserve harmony aboard. could afford your dream boat. on financing and surveys.
All cruising boats are a compromise—most commonly between very experienced, you would be wise
cost, performance, and comfort. You need to be realistic in your to select a well-built production boat
from a reputable builder rather than
ambitions and your budget when you set out to choose a cruiser. having a boat built from scratch.
Even a small cruiser represents a considerable investment, both in
purchase price and in maintenance and running costs. Before you Racing
Some people enjoy mixing cruising
buy, decide what kind of cruising or cruiser-racing you want to do
with club or regatta racing. If you
and the areas in which you plan to sail. Get some experience in want to race, look at the types of
different boats before you buy. boats that are raced at clubs in your
sailing area. A few cruiser-racers race
in one-design fleets, but club races for
Cruising complex yacht. The very simplicity cruisers are usually sailed under a
Many people dream of long-term of the yacht means that you are handicap system, so you might want to
voyaging, but relatively few of us likely to spend more time sailing. consider a boat’s rating when buying.
leave our onshore responsibilities You will need to have more crew
and escape to sea full time. If you Sailing area on board for racing than for cruising,
are one of the lucky ones who are The most practical type of cruiser for so ensure that the boat has safety gear
free to sail away, you have a wide you will be determined by the area for everyone on board. Racing will
choice of boats that can take you and conditions in which you will do add to the costs of equipping and
on long voyages for months at a time. most of your sailing. If you plan to maintaining the boat.
Be realistic about your onshore sail in shallow waters, consider the A good cruiser-racer is also
commitments, however. The reality for option of a cruiser with bilge keels or often well-suited to leisure cruising,
most of us is that career and family a centerboard (p.154), for example. If allowing you to mix the excitement
ties prevent us from achieving more you plan to undertake long offshore of racing with the relaxation of
than a few weeks’ cruising every year, voyages, many standard production some longer cruising passages.
interspersed with weekend cruising or cruisers are pretty adequate with a When cruising, use smaller sails
racing. This type of cruising does not little modification. Unless you are than you would if you were racing.
require an ocean cruiser equipped
with every conceivable luxury.
You must also consider how TRY BEFORE YOU BUY
many people will be on board most Many people dream of sailing away on ocean voyages and save for years
of the time. Many cruising boats sail to buy their “ideal” boat, only to discover that that type of boat is not for
with a crew of only two or three, so them. It is a costly mistake that is easy to avoid.
you do not need a particularly large Gaining experience Chartering and time-sharing
boat to enjoy good cruising. Before buying your own cruiser, get as It is not always necessary to buy your
At least when you start cruising, much experience as possible of the type own boat to enjoy cruising. You could
try to keep things as simple as of cruising that you hope to do. Sail crew on other people’s boats to gain
possible: a small boat equipped aboard as many different boats as you experience, or charter different boats to
can on both short and long passages. compare them. Chartering is a low-cost
with only the basic gear will be less
When you decide on your ideal boat, way of building cruising experience. It
expensive to buy and maintain. It
arrange a substantial sail in it in order also gives you the opportunity to sail
will be much cheaper in mooring to assess how it handles under power in exotic cruising areas. Time-sharing
and insurance costs and easier to and sail. If you are uncertain, ask an a cruiser is also an option that is
handle, yet it will deliver just as experienced sailor to advise you. becoming increasingly popular.
much pleasure as a larger, more
The term “cruiser” covers a vast range of boats, from the racing boats. The range of cruisers available includes
smallest trailer-sailers to the dedicated long-distance older, traditional-design sailing boats, built a century
cruiser that is capable of taking its crew safely across or more ago and still going strong; one-of-a kind
oceans. Some are designed to mix leisure cruising designs built in wood, fiberglass, steel, aluminum, or
and racing. They can offer a level of performance that even ferro-cement; and a huge number of production
was unknown a few years ago, even from dedicated boats and family cruisers.
cruiser-racers multihulls
With the development of large, production-line boat-builders,
many yachts today look very similar. A typical modern cruiser
has a Bermudan rig and a fin keel, usually with a freestanding
rudder (called a spade rudder) or a rudder that is mounted on
a skeg. This configuration originated with racing yachts, and it
is highly efficient, especially upwind. For cruising, however, it is
not necessary to stick with this conventional approach. Many
other rig and keel configurations are available.
(pp.32–33) and to provide stability (pp.204–205). Similarly, a conventional rudder long keel
fulfills two roles—it provides the steering control and helps the keel resist leeway. A traditional long keel adds strength to
Recently, race yacht design has separated the conventional keel’s functions by a wooden hull. It runs for up to three-
developing the concept of a canting keel—which provides stability—and twin quarters the length of the vessel. The rudder
foils—which provide the steering and resistance to leeway function. is often hung on the back of the keel.
Headsail mast Foremast
Jib Mizzen Mainsail
mast Headsail
Staysail Mizzen mast
the righting moment initially increases.
As the boat heels further, the righting
moment rises to maximum before
decreasing again as the center of
Few things are more dangerous for a yacht and its crew than buoyancy moves back toward the
for it to suffer a knockdown (a roll past 90 degrees) or capsize and, center of gravity as the deck edge
in the worst case, remain floating inverted. The disasters of the moves underwater. Eventually, a
1979 Fastnet and 1998 Sydney-Hobart Races are among the many point is reached when the centers of
gravity and buoyancy are again
tragedies that demonstrate these risks. While modern yachts sold
vertically aligned. This angle of heel
in many countries must comply with international standards and
is known as the Angle of Vanishing
carry information on safe loading conditions and stability from Stability or AVS. This is the last angle
the builder, an understanding of basic stability is vital for safety. at which the boat can theoretically
Righting moment
0 0 Bimini
arch Life raft
20º 60º 100º 140º 180º 20º 60º 100º 140º 180º
Angle of heel Angle of heel
Used to prevent the boom from
rising due to wind pressure in
the mainsail, the boom vang
can be a rope tackle or an
Rigging falls into two categories: adjustable, rigid strut that
standing rigging and running rigging. also supports the boom
The mainsail is the hardest-working which the sail is exposed. Despite all Most mainsails on cruising boats
sail on a cruising boat, as it has the loads and wear and tear it must have three reefs that allow you
to cope with a wide range of wind be able to withstand, the mainsail to reduce the sail’s size in steps
strengths, from a flat calm to a full must not be too heavy or it will not down to about one-third of its
gale. It has to be strongly constructed, set well in light winds and will be full size, although smaller boats
with ample reinforcement around its difficult for the crew to handle, may have only two rows of reefs
corners and other stress points, and stow, and hoist. fitted as standard.
be able to withstand wind loads, If the boat is equipped with a
chafe, and damage from extensive trysail, the mainsail will be furled on Battens
exposure to sunlight. In some areas, the boom in the worst conditions and Cruising mainsails are usually fitted
weakening of the cloth due to replaced with the trysail, but in less with battens just like a dinghy’s
ultraviolet light may be among the extreme weather, the mainsail will be mainsail (p.74). Their purpose is the
worst damage-inducing factors to reefed to suit the conditions. same: to support the roach—that part
of the mainsail that extends beyond lies quietly and less damage is a Venetian blind, but will only do so
a straight line from clew to head. done to the cloth than when a if a lazyjack system is fitted. Lazyjacks
Modern cruisers often have mainsails conventional sail flogs noisily in are light lines, on each side of the
with quite bit of roach, because it the wind. To use full-length battens boom, that run from the boom up to
provides extra power, so effective effectively, however, does require a the mast. Usually adjustable from the
battens are important to ensure that properly designed system with free- boom, the lazyjacks act as guides and
the sail sets properly. running sliders attaching the luff to hold the battens between them as the
Many cruising mainsails are the mast. Specially designed sliders sail is hoisted and lowered.
fitted with full-length battens. These with ball bearings handle the loads
battens run from leech to luff and of a fully battened mainsail and make Headsails
have the advantage of giving good lowering and hoisting much easier. Roller-reefing headsail equipment
control over sail shape. They also Fully battened mainsails have the is convenient, but the shape of a
prevent the sail from flogging when advantage of stacking neatly on partly rolled headsail is rarely
the sheet is eased; instead, the sail the boom when lowered, much like good enough to make an effective
sail shape for sailing to windward.
However, the gear is easy to use and
convenient, and it is a simple and
fully battened mainsail
Full-length battens give quick job to reduce sail area in
more control over sail shape, strengthening winds.
help the sail stack easily on Despite the convenience, many
the boom, and make the people prefer not to compromise
sail quieter. performance or risk those occasions
when the equipment jams and choose
to sail with headsails attached to the
forestay by hanks. With hanked-on
headsails, the headsail is changed
according to wind strength.
Headsails can be categorized as
genoas or jibs: a genoa is a large
headsail that overlaps the mast,
while a jib is smaller, does not
overlap the mast, and is usually
cut with a higher clew and foot.
A typical cruiser that does not
use a roller-reefing headsail will carry
a selection of headsails, usually
including a genoa for use in light
winds, a working jib for moderate
conditions, plus one or more other
smaller jibs to use as the wind rises.
Every cruiser should carry a storm
jib. This is much smaller than the
others and is made to cope with the
strongest winds. If the normal headsail
is set on a roller furler, the storm jib
should have its own, removable stay
that is attached to a strong deck fitting
on the foredeck when it is needed for
hoisting the storm jib.
give light and ventilation, over
the heads compartment, the galley,
and saloon. Best of all are true
ventilators that can be left open
The deck and cockpit areas are the parts of a cruiser where in rough conditions, when hatches
the practical business of sailing and boat-handling is conducted. must be shut.
Deck layouts vary, but most modern cruisers have fairly similar
arrangements. Once you are familiar with one boat, you will cruiser fittings
A typical modern, fast offshore cruiser
find it quite easy to get used to another of a similar type. There
is designed to make quick passages
are two main layouts: one has an aft cockpit and the other has that are also safe and comfortable. The
a center cockpit. The aft cockpit layout is the most common, boat is sturdily constructed with strong,
well-fastened deck gear. It has a deep,
especially in cruisers under about 40 ft (12 m). comfortable cockpit for crew security,
which is sheltered by a large spray hood
to offer protection from the elements.
Foredeck chainplates that are fitted either at the There is a stern platform that gives the
The foredeck, ahead of the mast, deck edge or inboard on the sidedeck. crew access to the tender.
is the most exposed working area on Jackstays should run along the length
deck. Common procedures carried of both sidedecks: these are lengths of
out near the bow include changing webbing or plastic-covered wire to An aluminum rail is often fitted to the edge of the
the headsail, anchoring, and picking which the crew attach their harnesses deck to strengthen the hull-to-deck joint and to provide
a restraining bar to stop feet from slipping off the deck
up a mooring buoy. If fitted, a when working on deck.
windlass, an electric winch principally Lifelines
used for raising the anchor, will be Coach roof Two lifelines run on either
side of the boat from the
positioned on the foredeck. Great The coach roof is the top of the raised pulpit to the pushpit; they
care should be taken when working cabin trunk in the middle of the boat. pass through stanchions
secured to the deck
on the foredeck, as it is the area of The mast is either stepped on the
the boat where the most motion is coach roof or passes through it to be
felt when sailing in waves, and it stepped on the keel. Halyards and The pushpit is a strong
is easy to lose your footing. other control lines emerging from the metal frame around
mast are often led aft across the roof the stern to which
guardrails are anchored
Sidedecks to winches at its aft end. Hatches and and on which
Aft of the mast, most small and ventilators are fitted to let light and equipment such as the
stern navigation light,
medium-sized boats have a central air into the cabin. A life raft or tender lifebuoys, and danbuoys
cabin trunk raised above the level may also be stowed here. There should are often mounted
of the side decks and foredeck to give be handrails running the length of the
increased headroom below. In this roof on either side to provide a secure
arrangement, sidedecks run between handhold for crew making their way
the cabin trunk and the deck edge. along the sidedecks. The main hatch is
Some larger boats are flush-decked, positioned in the aft end of the coach
with no cabin trunk, giving wider roof, just in front of the cockpit.
decks that are easy to work on.
Some sidedecks on smaller boats Hatches and ventilation
are quite narrow, and care is needed All cruising yachts should have
when moving along them. Tracks for some form of ventilation in addition
the jib-sheet fairleads usually run fore to the main companionway hatch Mooring cleat
Warps are led through
and aft along both sidedecks. The and the fore hatch. Smaller hatches fairleads before being
cap and lower shrouds terminate at may be fitted in the coach roof, to secured on the deck cleats
Winches Pulpit
Sheet winches are situated on the The pulpit is a strong metal
cockpit coaming (the raised area frame at the bow designed to
around the cockpit). Halyard winches make the foredeck more
are found on the aft end of the secure; forward navigation
coach roof on either side of the hatch lights are attached to it
Saloon hatch
Allows extra light
and ventilation
Spray hood into the saloon
Protects the
hatch and the
forward end
of the cockpit
Anchor well
A self-draining well just
aft of the bow roller
holds the anchor cable
Genoa car
The adjustable fairleads for
the headsail sheet
run along a track on both
The binnacle compass
here is mounted on the
wheel pedestal so the
helm can easily see it
when steering
accessibility on deck
Storage lockers Possible modifications include roll-on/
Watertight lockers running under the cockpit
benches can be used for sails, warps, fenders,
roll-off decks, four-way joysticks, and
gas bottles, and other boat gear audio compasses.
The cockpit is the main working area
of the boat and the most secure place
on deck. The boat is steered from the
cockpit by a wheel or a tiller, and it
has become standard for most sail
controls to be led to this area. Most
importantly, the cockpit footwell
should be self-draining, with large
drains in the floor quickly shedding
any water that finds its way aboard.
The cockpit is separated from
the cabin by a raised area called
a bridge deck and by washboards
(removable wooden or plastic
partitions) that close the cabin
wheel steering
entrance, the companionway. Many A wheel is usually mounted on a pedestal
cruisers have a spray hood over the and is large enough to allow the helm to
companionway to protect it and the steer from the side, where they can see the
forward part of the cockpit from jib luff. Instruments and engine controls
spray and to provide shelter for the are usually mounted on the pedestal.
crew in rough conditions. Weather
cloths, also known as dodgers, can
be laced along the lifelines for
additional protection. wish the bow to move. Although The engine throttle and gear shift will
The cockpit should be kept a wheel may seem more natural usually be located near the steering
uncluttered and tidy. It is good to anyone used to driving a car, its position, on the pedestal if a wheel is
practice to leave sheets and other arrangement is more complex and used, and on the side of the cockpit
ropes neatly coiled or flaked ready expensive than a tiller, gives less footwell or coaming if a tiller is used.
for quick use. Be cautious about feedback from the rudder, and Sometimes, the engine control panel
sitting near the mainsheet traveler if takes up more room in the cockpit. with warning lights, tachometer, and
it is sited in the cockpit. If the locking If a wheel is used, it is usually other instruments is also situated close
device or control line on the traveler fitted to a pedestal in the middle of to the steering position. Alternatively,
were to slip or fail, the traveler and the cockpit. The pedestal can also act it may be fitted down below, where
mainsheet block could crash across as the boat’s dashboard by housing it is away from exposure to the
the boat, causing damage or injury the main steering compass and elements or accidental damage.
if anyone is in its way. display screens for electronic
performance and navigation Lockers
Steering position instruments (pp.332–335). Most cruisers have one or more
Steering is usually handled through Alternatively, the compass and stowage lockers located under the
a tiller on smaller boats and a wheel instruments may be mounted on a cockpit seats. These are used for the
on larger ones. Wheels operate just bulkhead or other convenient vertical stowage of items that are regularly
like a car’s steering wheel; rotate to surface near the helming position. needed on deck, including fenders,
the left and the boat turns to the left, This is usually the arrangement when boathook, mooring warps, safety
or to port; rotate to the right and tiller steering is used. Do not sit in equipment, and sails. Gas bottles for
the boat turns to the right, or to the cockpit in a way that obscures the galley stove should be stored in
starboard. A tiller works just as it the instruments from the helm, who a separate self-draining deck locker
does in a dinghy—it is pushed in the may need to continuously monitor so that any leaking gas drains
opposite direction of the way you one of the instruments. overboard rather than into the boat.
Locker lids should have strong and enough, but there are also many along each sidedeck, to the foredeck. It
secure latches to lock them shut. They obstacles to avoid. Stubbed toes are should be possible for a crewmember
should also have a securing system to very common sailing injuries, and it to clip onto a jackstay while still in
hold them when opened; otherwise, is also easy to lose your footing by the cockpit and make their way to
they can easily crash shut, pinching tripping on a piece of deck hardware. the bow without needing to unclip
fingers, if the boat heels or pitches. Remember that if you sail at night, their safety harness.
Some cockpit lockers are very deep, you will need to be able to move Before going forward to handle
and equipment stored there can be around the deck in the dark, so try a job, consider whether you need to
hard to find. Keep lockers tidy and be to get accustomed to the deck layout wear waterproofs. Although it may
consistent about where everything is of a new yacht before taking it to be dry in the cockpit, the foredeck
stowed so you can find things easily. sea in rough conditions or at night. is much more exposed and it takes
Most modern boats have their only one wave to come over the bow
Moving around on deck halyards and control lines led back to while you are working there to soak
The decks of most boats are cluttered the cockpit in order to minimize the you. Always wear proper footwear,
with an array of hardware, all of it amount that the crew has to go on either deck shoes or sailing boots
important to the functioning of the deck to accomplish tasks. However, with nonslip soles.
boat but also a potential trap for there are always some occasions If you will need tools or equipment,
the unwary crewmember moving when it is necessary to leave the make sure you have everything with
around on deck. If the decks were cockpit, and then it is prudent to you and confirm the instructions if
level and stable, there would be less wear and use a safety harness in you are unsure of your task, as it can
of a problem, but a yacht at sea is all but the most benign conditions. be very difficult to communicate back
constantly moving under the All cruising boats should have and forth from foredeck to cockpit.
influences of wind and waves. jackstays rigged when going to sea. At all times, be particularly
Moving around on deck when the Made of webbing or plastic-covered attentive to the position and potential
yacht is pitching and heeling is hard wire, they should run from the cockpit, movement of the boom. If you are
caught unaware, it could cause a
nasty blow to the head and possibly
knock you overboard. It is advisable
to squat, keeping your center of
gravity low, when moving around
a boat, and always to move along
the windward, uphill, side of the
boat. This way, if you trip, you will
fall into the boat, not over the
leeward rail. Always keep one hand
free for gripping a handrail or other
secure fitting. The shrouds, designed
to take heavy loads, may be used as
handholds when moving forward,
but do not grasp sheets or other
running rigging that may be suddenly
adjusted by the crew back in the
moving on deck
If you need to move around on deck when cockpit. When you reach your
under sail and well heeled, stay on the work station, remember to think
windward side if possible unless, as here, it of your own safety, as well as the
is necessary to work on the leeward side. job to be done. When you finish,
make your way carefully back
into the cockpit before unclipping
from the jackstay.
Shelf space in the
forecabin, saloon, and
working areas adds
to the storage space
All horizontal surfaces
should have high
fiddles to stop items
from sliding off at sea.
Corner gaps between
fiddles allow the galley
counters to be cleaned
tidy storage
A good seagoing galley There is limited storage space on most
should have a gimbaled cruisers. It is important, therefore, that
stove and plenty of crew members stow their own gear
locker and drawer space neatly and ensure that the boat is kept
for food and utensil
tidy; otherwise, it could deteriorate into
stowage, as well as a
secure and safe place
an unpleasant mess in rough conditions.
for the cook to work
Galley Berths
The galley should be equipped with a On a cruiser intended for offshore
small stove, usually fueled by bottled passages, there should be a sea
gas or, sometimes, kerosene. The stove berth available for every off-watch
is normally mounted on gimbals so crew member. Berths for use at sea
that it remains upright when the boat should be arranged so that they
heels, but it is possible to use a fixed are parallel to the fore and aft line
stove fitted with high rails to keep of the boat, and not too far toward
cooking pans in place while in use. If the bow or stern, where the motion
gimbals are fitted, they should allow at sea will be worse than near the
the stove to swing freely through as middle of the boat.
wide an arc as possible, and it should forecabin berths Canvas lee-cloths or solid wooden
also be possible to lock the stove Forecabins on small yachts often have leeboards should be fitted to all sea
upright for use in port. Ideally, the a V-shaped berth in the bows. These berths. These ensure that you cannot
stove should be placed where spillages berths are not comfortable at sea but roll or be thrown out of the berth
will not land on the cook, but this is are used in port. in rough conditions. Lee-cloths are
not always possible in a small boat. more comfortable to use than solid
A restraining strap is useful for the leeboards and can be easily removed
cook to lean against when the boat pumped water can lead to waste and stowed under the mattress when
is heeled, and there should be a crash of a limited water supply. If an not in use. Either type should be
bar in front of the stove to prevent electric pump is fitted, there should securely fastened, since they can
the cook from being thrown onto the be a manual back-up. Some yachts be subjected to considerable loads.
hot burners. For added protection, also have a hot-water supply to the
wear waterproofs when using the galley and the heads compartment. A Heads
galley in rough weather. seawater faucet in the galley is useful The toilet compartment is often
The sink should be deep but for use away from land, when clean situated between the main saloon
narrow for use at sea. Twin sinks seawater can be used for washing and the forecabin in a small
are useful if space is available. The dishes and cooking vegetables. compartment, although some boats
fresh-water supply can be delivered A small freezer or refrigerator have sufficient space for a heads placed
by hand or by electric pump. However, may be fitted, though this is costly near the companionway. The position
the convenience of electrically in terms of electrical generation, and
there must be sufficient stowage for
crockery, pans, and supplies within
easy reach. Work space is often
limited, but there should be enough
room to prepare a meal without
using the chart table.
A fire extinguisher and fire blanket
must be easily accessible, as the galley
represents a fire risk. If gas is used,
the bottle should be stored in its own
self-draining, gas-tight compartment.
The supply should be turned off at the
bottle when not being used. This can be
galley heads
A galley that will be used at sea should done by hand or, more conveniently, by Make sure you understand how to use
have deep sinks situated near the boat’s fitting a solenoid valve near the bottle, the marine toilet, as incorrect usage can
centerline and deep fiddles on the with its control switch in the galley. lead to a blockage. Good ventilation and
countertops. A crash bar should be fitted Make a habit of turning off the gas regular cleaning will keep unpleasant
in front of the stove to protect the cook. when you have finished cooking. odors to a minimum.
To prevent yourself from falling out of
your bunk when the boat heels, rig up a
canvas lee-cloth or leeboard on the open
side of the bunk to keep you secure.
The saloon is the relaxation and
entertainment center of the yacht. It
should be comfortable, well lit and
ventilated, and have secure handholds.
Having the right clothing and safety equipment is always To stay warm, your clothes should
important when you go afloat, but especially when you are provide sufficient insulation, with a
barrier layer to stop the warm layer
cruising. The dinghy sailor can look forward to a hot shower at from getting wet and eliminate wind
the end of a trip, but the cruising sailor may be at sea, sometimes chill. Silk and wool are the best
in unpleasant conditions, for hours, days, or even weeks. In these natural insulators, but modern
synthetic fibers are the usual choice.
circumstances, the only way to ensure your continuing comfort
They are very light, dry quickly, and
is to wear the right clothing. It is also essential to have proper wick moisture away from the skin,
safety gear, such as harnesses and life jackets, on board. keeping the wearer dry and warm.
Marine-clothing manufacturers
make special multilayered clothing
CRUISER CLOTHING systems. These consist of a thin, light,
underwear layer, over which is worn
It is always cooler afloat than ashore, conditions, it is vital to wear the a thicker, warm layer. Either layer can
and, for those sailing in temperate right clothing in order to maintain be worn separately to suit different
areas, the key requirement is to stay a comfortable working temperature. temperatures. A top, waterproof
warm. Cold reduces your ability to On the other hand, a gentle breeze on layer keeps the wearer dry. The latest
think and act efficiently and can also a hot day can mask the sun’s true designs use waterproofs made of
increase the risk of seasickness. When power, so keep a good supply of sun- breathable material. These are
sailing in anything other than perfect block on board, stowed in the cockpit. intended to keep water out and allow
perspiration trapped inside to pass
through, keeping the wearer dryer
than with conventional waterproofs.
These designs are expensive, but the
best systems do deliver extra comfort.
Double-wrist seal
The inner latex seal is
adjustable with Velcro, as is
the outer sleeve’s wrist seal
Zipper pockets provide a
secure place to keep small
items handy
Long jacket
collar and hood Gives extra protection and
does not ride up when seated
The hood folds into the collar when
not in use. High collar protects the Reinforced knees
face in cold weather. Reduce wear when kneeling
on decks
High leg
Gives maximum
Nonslip sole
For security on deck
Safety harnesses strap. This holds the harness down and face from water and spray, crotch or
There are several types of safety prevents it from being pulled over your thigh straps to hold the jacket down,
harnesses. Some waterproof jackets head if you fall over the side and find attached whistle and light, and a
have a built-in harness to protect you yourself being towed at the end of your strong attachment point for a safety
whenever you are wearing the jacket. harness tether. tether. Check the fit of the jacket
However, a separate harness may be before you buy, trying it on over
more useful, as it can be worn at any Life jackets your waterproof outer clothing to
time—even in conditions where you The most popular and practical life get a comfortable fit that does not
do not want to wear a waterproof jacket for small-boat cruising is the restrict your movement.
jacket. Some life jackets, usually the inflatable type. These are available with
inflatable type, have an integrated manual inflation only, or manual plus Other equipment
safety harness. These are popular, as automatic inflation. Do not rely on a It may also be prudent to carry a small
they are easy to put on, reasonably manual-inflation-only type, as there is personal flashlight (those with LED
comfortable to wear, and do not a risk that you will not be conscious bulbs are a good choice) and a
require you to don two separate when you fall overboard, in which case multipurpose tool or a simple knife. If
items of equipment. Whatever type you will need an automatically inflating you choose a knife, make sure it can be
you choose, make sure it has wide, jacket. Buy the best life jacket you can closed or sheathed so it cannot cause
comfortable straps that are easily afford—your life may depend on it. accidental injury. A personal man-
adjusted for a personal fit, and be Look for a well-made life jacket with overboard (MOB) beacon is also an
sure to pick one that has a crotch a built-in splash guard to protect the option if the boat has a MOB receiver.
tape Base station
Learning basic rope skills is an essential first step for anyone light rope with a weight spliced into
who aspires to become a good sailor. An experienced crew one end to help it travel. Once caught,
it is used to pull over a heavier warp.
will perform these skills naturally, as proficiency in rope-handling
forms the basis for much of the work involved in sailing a yacht. Working with rope
It is not necessary to be a knot-tying expert to become a good When you start whipping, splicing, or
seizing rope (pp.226–227), the tasks
sailor. However, you should know how to tie a few essential knots
will be easier if you have some simple
quickly and accurately; how to coil, handle, and stow ropes of tools. A sharp knife is needed for
all sizes; and how to heave a line. cutting rope and trimming ends, and
adhesive tape is useful for temporarily
binding the ends of strands. A fid or
USING ROPES marlinspike are helpful when splicing,
and a sailmaker’s palm and needle
A typical cruiser will have many nature. You should then extend your are useful for whippings and seizings.
different ropes on board, ranging from ability by learning the additional
light line up to heavy mooring and knots shown (opposite). Always ensure
swedish fid
anchor warps. Ropes found on cruisers that ropes are coiled and stowed neatly Hollow blade is used for threading
are larger and heavier than those used to avoid tangles, and never leave strands when splicing.
on dinghies and can be more difficult mooring ropes lying around the deck
to handle because of their extra weight or pontoon, where someone could trip fid
and length. Each rope has its use and over them. Wash all ropes once a Pointed end separates strands
place on board, and each will require year with mild detergent to remove of stiff three-strand rope.
handling in a way determined by its salt and grease.
size and purpose. Practice tying a few sailor’s knife
essential knots and coiling, cleating, Heaving a line Sharp, straight blade
stowing, and heaving these larger Sometimes you will need to heave gives neat cuts.
ropes. Proficiency in these skills can (throw) a line to someone on another
be critical when mooring, as well as in boat or on the dock. If there is a
other situations. You should be able to tangle in the line, your throw will fall
complete these tasks quickly and short. Do not rely on a previously
efficiently, even in the dark, when you coiled rope, but recoil it before the adhesive tape
Adhesive tape is used
cannot see the rope you are handling. throw. Make sure that the rope is long
for temporary whippings.
The basic knots and rope-handling enough to reach your target. On larger
skills (pp.42–47) must become second boats, there may be a heaving line of
sailmaker’s needle
Sharp triangular point is
The throw easily inserted into rope.
Throwing hand Heave the line underarm and
aim above the target, letting Metal
the line uncoil from your other patch
hand. Hold on to the end The blunt point is used
to release a tight knot.
ready to throw
Coil the rope neatly and split into two coils, half in your palm
throwing hand and the rest in the other hand. Stand Metal patch is used
PREPARING THROWING with your nonthrowing shoulder toward the target. to push on needle.
Many of the knots used on cruisers are identical fisherman’s bend and the rolling hitch—are often used
to those required to sail a dinghy, so reacquaint onboard a cruiser, especially when mooring, and
yourself with them (pp.44–47). Two other knots—the should be included in your rope-handling skills.
Round turn
This knot is similar to the round
turn and two half-hitches (p.47) but
is more secure. It can be used for
Working end
tying an anchor warp to the anchor ROUND
or a mooring warp to a ring. TURN
Working end
Working end
Knot tightened
Third turn
3 Take a third turn, then bring 4 Pull on both the standing part and
Rope pulls the working end up on the left side the working end to tighten the knot.
along spar of the standing part. Next, tuck the Pull the standing part over the first two
turn under itself. turns before putting strain on the rope.
A good method of binding the end of a rope to prevent the strands from The common whipping is
fraying or unraveling is to whip it. With modern synthetic ropes, you can the simplest to learn and
accomplish the same thing by heat-sealing the ends (p.45), but whipping is suitable for both braided
the rope using thin twine is much stronger and neater. and three-strand rope. It is
not as secure as some other
Strand end whippings but is quick and
whipping easy to complete.
The sailmaker’s whipping twine
is a secure method of binding Loop lies toward
the end of three-strand rope Short tail end of rope
without needing to sew the
twine using a sailmaker’s
needle. Make the whipping
about one and a half times
the diameter of the rope. 1 Unlay the end of the rope and pass
a loop of whipping twine over one of
the strands. 1 Form a loop in the end of the twine
and lay it along the rope with the loop
Neck of
loop caught Whipping turns toward the end of the rope.
in rope
Whipping turns
End of loop
2 Relay the strands of the rope with 3 Wrap the twine tightly around the rope
the loop protruding from the rope. in a series of whipping turns. Work toward
Leave a short tail on the loop. the end, leaving the loop and tail free.
2 Wrap the long end of the twine
around the rope, moving toward the
Loop Whipping Strand rope end. Pull each turn tight.
Strand end
4 Take the loop and pass it over the 5 Take the short tail and pull until
end of the strand that the loop was the loop is tightened over the strand 3 When the turns approach the end
placed over in step 1. end and the whipping. of the rope, pass the end of the twine
through the loop.
Short tail Reef knot
Short tail Loop is pulled
under whipping
6 Take the tail along the groove 7 Tie a reef knot, with the tail and the 4 Pull hard on the short tail of the
from which it emerges to the other working end of the twine, in the center loop to bury it under the turns. Trim
end of the whipping. of the strand ends. Trim the strand ends. both twine ends close to the whipping.
SEIZING Splicing
Seizing is used to bind two parts of a rope Splicing is used to join two ropes (or to join a rope tail to
alongside each other. The friction created by a length of wire), to bind the end of a rope, and to form a
the seizing between the two parts of the rope fixed eye in the end of a rope (below). Once completed,
is able to hold very high loads. A seizing can be a splice is stronger than a knot and is permanent. Splicing
used to create a loop in the end of braided rope. three-strand rope is fairly straightforward, but braided
construction (pp.42–45) is more complex to splice.
Clove hitch Turn
All splices require the rope to be unlaid so that
the individual strands can be manipulated and inserted
under and over laid strands in the body of the rope. When
unlaying a rope to work with individual strands, always
seal the ends of the strands temporarily to prevent them
twine from fraying. Plastic tape makes a useful temporary seal.
It is also sensible to secure the rope at the point to which
1 Form an eye in the 2 Pass the whipping
you have unlaid the strands. Use a few turns of twine tied
end of the rope and, with twine around the two parts
of the rope to make a series of tightly around the rope.
the end of a length of whipping
twine, tie a clove hitch around turns. Pull each turn tightly
and make sure it sits neatly EYE SPLICE
the two parts of the rope to be
alongside the preceding turns. An eye splice is used to form a fixed eye in
seized to each other.
the end of a three-strand rope, such as a
mooring warp. Three rounds of tucks can be
Seizing Frapping turn sufficient in natural fiber rope, but use five
tucks in synthetic fiber ropes to compensate
for their slippery surface.
part First
Pull whipping
strand end
twine through Loop
3 Continue making turns until 4 Pass the whipping twine
the length of the seizing is three over the seizing and down
times the diameter of the rope. between the two parts of the
Now create a frapping turn by rope. Pull the twine tight to
taking the twine down between complete the first frapping
the two parts of the rope. turn then repeat for a second. 1 Unlay the rope strands some 2 Take the end of the
way back from the end and top strand and tuck it under
First frapping turn form a counterclockwise loop a strand on the standing part,
of the size required for the eye. tucking against the lay.
frapping turn Knot disappears
between ropes Second Standing
Frapping strand part
turns end
Bow line
The bow line (or head rope)
and the stern line position
the boat. They must be strong
enough to take the main load
and long enough to allow for
the rise and fall of the tide. The
farther away they are taken from
the boat, the less adjustment is
needed as the tide rises or falls
2 Release the bow line and stern spring. 3 The turn will slow down as the
Release the stern line and push the stern boat lines up with the tide. Make fast
out, or pull on the bow spring. The tide the new bow and stern lines and rig
will start to swing the boat out. Take up new springs. For short stays, you need
the slack on the new stern line. only rig a bow line and a stern spring.
a cleat ashore with both ends brought
back aboard (opposite). This is only SLIP LINES
suitable for temporary stops, as a A slip line is a warp led through a ring or around a cleat or bollard ashore,
warp rigged in this way is likely to with both ends made fast on board. It allows the crew to release the warp
chafe where it passes through the from on board and is particularly useful when berthed alongside a quay
ring or cleat. When chafe occurs in wall. Never rig a warp permanently as a slip—this can lead to chafe in the
the middle of a long warp, it becomes middle of the warp and ruin it.
useless unless you can cut it in half Warp led up
through ring
and make it into two shorter warps. Using rings
If a slip line is rigged through
Cleats a ring ashore, it is important
to lead it through the ring in
All mooring cleats and fairleads
the right way. Lead the end of
must be large enough for the job. the warp that will be released up
They should be securely bolted to through the ring if it is lying on
the deck and have smooth, rounded top of the quay, or down through
edges to prevent chafe on the warps. the ring if it is hanging on the
Generally, the larger the cleat, the quay wall. In this way, the warp
less it will wear the rope and the lifts the ring away from the quay
Warp led
as it is pulled, preventing the warp
easier it will be to make up a rope down
from jamming as you pull it on through ring
with sufficient turns. Some yachts board. Make sure there are no
have a central bollard, the Samson knots or splices in the warp to
post, on the foredeck together with snag, and pull the line steadily
a pair of cleats, one on either side to avoid tangles. SLIP LINES THROUGH RINGS
of the bow, and a pair at the stern.
If there is no central bollard, there
should be at least three cleats on Fairleads can be open or closed; the edges of dock walls. They can
the foredeck. A pair of midship open variety is more versatile, but be protected by feeding the warp
cleats on the sidedecks is useful the closed type is more secure. All through short lengths of plastic
when mooring alongside. warps should be led through tubing, which can then be positioned
fairleads so that they cannot chafe at likely chafing points. Check that
Fairleads on the deck edge or any other your fairleads do not have any sharp
Fairleads should be fitted on either side obstruction. Warps are particularly edges, or these will quickly damage
of the bow and stern and alongside susceptible to chafe where they are your warps when they are under
each midship cleat, if attached. led through fairleads or across the heavy strain.
1 Check that the halyard is clear aloft. 2 If the halyard is led aft to a winch in 3 Put enough pressure on the halyard to
Remove the ties that hold the stowed sail the cockpit, as here, one crewmember at the pull a light crease into the sail parallel
in place on the boom, fully release the mast can pull on the halyard to help hoist to the luff—this will disappear when the
mainsheet, and pull on the halyard. As the sail more quickly. The person at the sail is full of wind. Cleat, coil, and stow
you hoist, keep an eye aloft to make sure winch takes in the slack, only winching the halyard; ease off the topping lift and
that the sail does not snag on anything. the halyard when the sail is nearly hoisted. leave it slack; and tighten the boom vang.
Top swivel to prevent exactly like the jib of a dinghy (p.72). already be hoisted and stowed in
the halyard from being
Remove the headsail from its bag and its furled state. To unfurl it, make
rolled with the sail
attach the tack to the stemhead fitting sure the furling line is free to run
with a shackle, or by hooking it over and pull on the appropriate jib sheet.
Roller-furling a ram’s horn. Next, clip the luff If you have hanked-on headsails,
drum fitted
at bow
hanks onto the forestay and attach hoist the sail using the halyard and
the sheets to the clew. Shackle the halyard winch. Before hoisting, untie
halyard to the head. The sail is now any sail ties securing it and make
ready to hoist. sure the halyard is not tangled aloft.
Hoist the sail by hand, with one turn
Hoisting the headsail around the winch drum (p.232),
Unlike the mainsail, the headsail adding turns and using the handle only
can be hoisted in any wind direction. when needed. Tighten the halyard until
Make sure, however, that the sheets are a small crease appears in the sail,
free so that the sail can flap freely parallel to the luff. This will disappear
roller-furling headsail until you are ready to sheet in. If you when the sail is full of wind. Cleat the
The luff of a roller-furling headsail have a roller-furling headsail, it will halyard and coil and stow the tail.
runs in a foil fitted over the forestay.
The tack is attached to a drum that
turns to roll the sail.
If your halyard winches are mast-
mounted, you will have a long
Furling headsails length of halyard when each sail
In roller-furling and reefing headsail
is hoisted. A good way to stow Make a coil
them, after cleating (p.44), is to starting at
systems, a headfoil is fitted over the the cleat
coil them and hang them on their
forestay. The headfoil has a groove (or
cleats. If your halyards lead aft to
two) in the aft edge, into which the
winches in the cockpit, their tails
sail’s luff is fed. The tack is shackled
are more effectively dealt with by
to the roller-furling drum at the base of
stuffing them into bags mounted
the headfoil, and the head is shackled
on the bulkhead for this purpose. 1 Once the halyard has been cleated,
to a halyard swivel that slides over the Alternatively, coil on their cleats coil up the tail, starting from the cleat
headfoil. The sheets are attached to the or winches. end to avoid putting twists in the rope.
clew in the usual way, using a bowline
on each. They are then led aft through
Slip the loop
their turning blocks or fairleads. over the cleat
Remember to tie a figure-eight knot
(p.46) in the end of each sheet. After
Pull a bight of
the sail is hoisted, it is furled by pulling
halyard through
on the furling line wound around the the coils and twist
furling drum. This rotates the headfoil, it once or twice
2 Make at least three full turns. As you 3 Insert the handle into the winch once 4 Turn the handle clockwise for
wrap the rope around the winch, rotate the turns have been wound on. Make sure high speed and counterclockwise for slow
your hand to make sure you keep your that the handle is seated fully into the speed. The person tailing must maintain
fingers clear of the drum. socket or it may slip as you wind. a steady pull on the tail.
Loading a winch accidentally knocked out of the self-
Loading a winch means putting turns tailer. With the rope cleated, remove RIDING TURNS
of rope on it before it can be used. and stow the handle. Never leave a Riding turns occur when the
Usually, at least three full turns are handle in a winch when it is not in use. coils on the winch become
needed to provide sufficient friction crossed over each other. This
between the rope and the winch Easing a sheet will jam the rope and prevent it
drum. The rope must be wound on Headsail sheets impart high loads on from being released. Riding turns
in the same direction that the winch their winches, and you must be very usually occur on a sheet winch
drum rotates. Nearly all winches careful when easing or fully releasing when too many turns have been
rotate clockwise, but you can quickly one. If you need to ease the sheet, undo put onto the winch drum before
check an empty winch’s rotation by it from its cleat, keeping it taut to the slack in the sheet has been
seeing which way it spins freely. prevent it from slipping prematurely. pulled in.
Press the heel of your other hand
Using a winch against the turns on the winch to Clearing a riding turn
Once the winch is loaded, a handle, increase the friction of the rope against To clear a riding turn on a
inserted in a socket in the top of the the drum, and keep the sheet under working sheet or halyard, you
winch, is used to wind in the rope. control as you ease the turns slightly. must first remove the load from
Some handles have a locking system the winch, but do not try to do
this by hand. Instead, tie another
that prevents them from being Releasing a sheet
line to the sheet or halyard ahead
knocked out of the winch. With To fully release a loaded sheet (when of the winch. Attach this line with
these, you must operate a small lever you are tacking, for example), do a rolling hitch (p.225), then lead it
on the handle to insert and remove it. not unwind the turns from the drum to another winch (positioned in the
Winch in the rope and cleat or the sheet will kink and jam. Pull direction in which you need to pull
it securely once you have finished. the sheet sharply upward and release to relieve the load on the first
Cleating is not always necessary it as the turns come off the drum. winch). Load the second line onto
the new winch and wind it in
with a self-tailing winch, because it
until it takes all the pressure off
has a circular cleat mounted above the riding turn. Now return to the
the drum. However, it is safer to jammed winch and release the
secure the rope on a separate cleat Release riding turn. Reload the sheet and
or to pass a final loose safety turn Give a sharp winch it in. Release the rolling
tug on the
around the entire winch, which will hitch and the second line.
sheet tail to
prevent the rope from being release the coils
A self-tailing
Riding turn
winch has a
jamming system
sheet from
on its top
being eased
riding turn
A riding turn occurs when the rope
easing the sheet releasing the sheet
turns become crossed. The load on
Ease the sheet on both manual and When you need to release the sheet from the rope locks the turns, preventing the
power winches in the same way. Hold the winch, uncleat the tail and pull the rope from being released. If the load is
the tail in one hand while pressing the sheet upward sharply so that the coils light, it may be released by hand, but
other hand against the turns on the drum are freed from the drum without getting usually another line must be used to
in order to prevent a riding turn. Allow the twisted or jammed. Let go of the rope relieve the load.
rope to slide gradually around the drum. end as soon as the coils leave the winch.
Lower the sails by reversing their then ease the halyard and lower the
hoisting procedures. Before you lower headsail onto the foredeck. Secure
the mainsail, remember to tighten the the halyard, and then stow the sail.
topping lift to take the weight of Headsails can be lowered or furled
the boom if it is not supported by a with the boat at any angle to the wind.
solid vang. Otherwise, the boom will When using roller furling, it is best to Sail bag
come crashing down onto the deck keep some wind pressure in the sail
and may cause injury or damage. to be sure the sail rolls up tightly.
Make sure that the boat is
head-to-wind so that the mainsail Stowing the mainsail temporary headsail stow
cannot fill with wind, then ease the During the sailing season, the mainsail Hanked-on headsails can be temporarily
mainsheet and allow the sail to flap. is usually left stowed on the boom, stowed in their bag on the foredeck. The
Lower the mainsail, keeping the shielded from the elements by a sail sail can remain hanked on, ready to hoist,
halyard under control so that it does cover. Sailcloth is damaged by long- with sheets attached. The bag protects
not rush out. When the sail is down, term exposure to ultraviolet light, so it the sail and keeps the decks clear.
secure the halyard and tighten the is important to protect the sail with its
mainsheet to prevent the boom from cover whenever it is not being used.
swinging around. The mainsail can now Rope guides called lazyjacks will Stowing headsails
be stowed. Rigs other than Bermudan stow a fully battened main neatly on A headsail that is stowed furled on
may require different procedures. the boom as it is lowered. Lazyjacks the forestay needs to be protected
If you have a headsail-furling run from the mast to the boom. They from ultraviolet light, which will
system, you can roll the sail around control the sail and stack it like a degrade the exposed parts of the
the forestay simply by easing the Venetian blind, requiring only the sail sail. Many sail-makers allow for
sheet and pulling on the furling line. ties to secure it. The sail cover must be this by building in a sacrificial
If you have a hanked-on headsail, designed to fit around the lazyjacks, or strip of material along the leech.
send a crewmember forward to they must be pulled forward out of the Alternatively, you can hoist a
stop it from falling into the water, way before the cover is fitted. cover over the furled sail.
A furling headsail is easily
stowed; simply roll it away around
the forestay by pulling on the furling
line. A hanked-on headsail can be
stowed neatly on the foredeck so it
is ready for reuse. To do this, pull
the sail out along one sidedeck and
furl it parallel to its foot into a neat
roll that can be secured to the
lifelines or stanchions clear of
the deck. Always carry extra sail
ties for jobs like these.
can be left attached, but the halyard down the main hatch. Occasionally,
stowing mainsails
should be removed. The halyard however, you may stow it temporarily
A fully battened mainsail will stow
end should then be stowed on the on the foredeck if you are likely to itself in Venetian-blind-like folds as
pulpit to keep it out of the way. If the use it again soon. Make sure that it it is lowered. A conventional mainsail
headsail is not to be used again in is lashed securely to the stanchions so is pulled over to one side of the
the near future, it should be removed that it cannot slip overboard. Never boom after being lowered and
and stowed in its bag in the sail locker. leave a sail on deck in rough weather. is stowed neatly.
1 Once the mainsail has been 2 Reaching over the boom, grab the 3 Pack the rest of the sail into the
lowered, pull it over to the leeward leech of the sail some way up from pocket, pulling the leech aft as you go to
side of the boom. Move around to the the foot. Pull it aft and toward you to create a neat bundle. When all the sail is
windward side of the boom so that you form a pocket. If there is more than one inside, pull the pocket tightly around the
are in the best position to stow it neatly. crew member available, one should stand sail and secure it with sail ties tied around
Make sure the mainsheet is pulled in at the aft end of the boom, where it is the bundle and the boom. Put on the sail
and cleated before you start. easier to create the pocket in the sail. cover to protect the sail from UV light.
Types of tender for amusement. Mark the name of in use. Be careful when lifting the
The vast majority of cruisers carry your cruiser on the tender and use outboard and when passing it up or
an inflatable dinghy, because it is a padlock and chain to secure it down between the tender and the
easy to stow when deflated. A when leaving it ashore. yacht; an outboard is awkward to
traditional inflatable is, however, lift and is easily dropped. Attach a
difficult to row even in ideal Stowing the tender safety line to prevent it from being
conditions and can be impossible Most inflatables are stowed dropped overboard.
in a strong wind and choppy water. deflated in a cockpit locker or on
A small, solid dinghy makes a far deck and are inflated by a foot or Towing a tender
better tender if you have the space electric pump when needed. This An alternative to stowing the
to stow it on deck, but few modern does mean, however, that they are tender aboard is towing it behind.
yachts have this facility. not available for instant use, such You will lose a little cruising speed,
Other choices include a small as in an emergency. Solid or folding but this may be an acceptable
rigid inflatable boat (RIB) with a tenders, RIBs with their tubes deflated, compromise. Use two towing lines—
solid bottom and inflatable topside or inflated inflatables can be lashed the tender’s painter secured to a
tubes, or a folding or sectional down on the coach roof or foredeck, towing point on the tender’s stern
dinghy that requires less space as long as they do not foul any gear and another towing warp attached
than a solid dinghy. Also, newer or restrict the crew’s movement to a separate strong point at the
types of inflatables have improved around the decks and coach roof. tender’s bow. If the painter breaks,
floor arrangements—either roll-up, Some cruisers carry their tender the secondary line will stop the
inflatable, or solid—that make them in davits at the stern; an inflatable tender from being lost.
more stable, dryer inside, and easier can also be carried on short trips Do not underestimate the load
to row than the older, single-floor by lashing it across the rear of the on the line or you risk losing the
type. In the end, the space you have pushpit. Both of these arrangements tender by using a weak deck fitting.
for stowage and the price are likely create a lot of windage, however, Adjust the length of the tow to
to be the key factors. and can form an obstruction when position the tender on the front of
Buying a new tender can be the boat is tied up alongside. your stern wave so that it minimizes
expensive, and its glossy finish will If an outboard engine is carried drag and the tendency to veer from
not survive long if it is used regularly. for the tender, this is often stowed side to side. If the tender surfs down
Tenders take a lot of punishment on a mounting pad on the pushpit. A waves and rides up to your stern,
when cruising and are attractive fabric cover over the engine will help lengthen the tow rope considerably to
to thieves and children looking protect it from the elements when not drop the tender well behind.
Always remove all equipment from Get to know how your tender are rowing across the current, aim
the dinghy before towing it, and handles under outboard engine uptide so that you are swept down
never allow anyone to ride in the and practice rowing it as much as to your destination. If you have to
tender when it is being towed. possible (p.50). Make sure that the row against the tide, row into shallow
oars are long enough to give a good waters where the tide is weakest. Head
Getting a tender aboard performance under oars. Do not, out into the current, if necessary, only
If your tender is stowed on deck however, choose oars that are too when abreast of your destination.
when not in use, you need to have long to stow inside the dinghy. When leaving the dinghy at a
a routine for lifting it aboard. If it is When rowing in tidal waters, landing spot, pull it ashore, if possible,
an inflatable, it can simply be hauled take note of the direction and strength and leave it well above the high tide
aboard when it has been emptied of of the tide to avoid getting swept level so that it cannot float away
its gear, but a heavier dinghy will downtide of your destination. If you before you return.
need the use of a lifting tackle.
First, remove the outboard
engine, the oars, and any loose gear.
More sailing accidents happen using in the wrong place. Inflatables also flex
Secure a line to the tender’s outboard
the tender than on the cruiser itself. and move as you shift your weight, as
engine before attempting to lift it,
Always wear a life jacket when using they are not as rigid as a solid dinghy.
and tie the other end to a strong the tender, and carry a flashlight at night Some cruisers have a stern platform
point onboard the cruiser so that to warn other boats of your presence. from which the dinghy can easily be
if the engine is dropped, it won’t Be especially careful when getting boarded in calm water. If your boat
be lost underwater. into and out of the tender. Inflatables has this arrangement, tie the dinghy at
To lift the tender, tie a rope seem quite stable, but they can invert the cruiser’s stern with its painter and
bridle to the bow and stern and like any dinghy if you put your weight a stern line so that it is held securely.
attach a halyard—the spinnaker
halyard is often the best choice— 1 The person rowing should get into Oarsman boards
dinghy first
the tender first. Boarding is made easier if
to the middle of the bridle. Winch
you have removable steps or a boarding
on the halyard to lift the dinghy
platform at the stern and if the tender is
while another person holds it away secured at both its bow and stern. Step into
from the cruiser’s side with a the middle of the dinghy and sit down at
boathook. Position the dinghy on once to get your weight low in the boat. Sit
deck, preferably in permanent chocks, on the middle thwart, which is the usual
and lash it down very securely. place to row from. Other crew members Pass oars to
pass the oars down into the dinghy, then oarsman when they
climb aboard when the rower is ready. are in the dinghy
Using the tender The oarsman can put the outboard oar
Be cautious when using the tender in its oarlock, ready to cast off.
and never overload it; make two
trips if necessary to transport the
crew and their gear. Make sure you 2 Do not risk an accident by trying
to cram too many people or too much
have sufficient equipment to cover
gear into the tender—make two trips if
all eventualities, even if you are going necessary. Arrange passengers and gear
Fit outer oar in Keep
oarlock before weight low
only a short distance. The equipment equally fore and aft to keep the dinghy pushing off in the boat
list could include an anchor and line, level. Once the rower has the outer oar in
spare oar or paddle, handheld radio, place in its oarlock, untie the tender and
flashlight, mini-flare pack, extra push off before the inner oar is fitted into
its oarlock. Reverse the procedure when
gasoline for the outboard, a means
coming alongside. If using a dinghy
of bailing, and an air pump if it is an
with metal, removable oarlocks, always
inflatable tender. In some dinghies, remove the oarlock on the side next
these items can be stowed to the cruiser; otherwise, it may scratch
permanently in a small locker. the topsides.
If you are going to be out for more
than a few hours, prepare a snack and
a hot drink in a Thermos flask before
you sail. If conditions are rough, you
Sailing a boat is not like driving a car. A motorist can pull may not feel like preparing food once
over to get help if there is a mechanical problem, ask directions, you are underway; it will make life
much more pleasant for the crew if
take a rest, or eat a meal. On a boat, none of this is possible. this has been done before you set sail.
So before you go sailing, even for a short trip, you should check
that the boat is ready for sea, that all its equipment is in place Stowing gear
The motion aboard a small boat
and in working order, and that all the crew understand its use.
in a seaway can be quite rough and
It is crucial that the safety equipment is fully functional and will dislodge all but the best-stowed
that the crew know what it is for and how and when to use it. gear and equipment. A boat’s interior
Problems can occur even on a short trip in good weather, so quickly becomes very squalid when
gear breaks loose and is scattered
do not be complacent. Make sure you let someone ashore around the cabin, especially if it gets
know of your plans and when you expect to return. wet. Spend some time before you set
sail ensuring that everything is stowed
securely and cannot move, however
Before you set sail If you are heading off on a longer far the boat heels. Impress on your
Even if you are just heading out for cruise, your prepassage planning crew the need for neatness below and
a few hours in familiar home waters, needs to be more thorough. You can on deck, give them some stowage
spend a few minutes planning the gain great pleasure from planning a space for their personal items, and
trip and briefing the crew. Make passage at home; work done at this make sure they understand where
an outline plan of where you expect stage makes it more likely that your all important equipment is stowed
to sail and when you will return. trip will go smoothly and efficiently. and how it should be secured. Take
Check the weather forecast and On the boat, make a visual check a final look around below and on deck
have a contingency plan prepared if of all equipment and systems and before you leave your berth. Make
the weather looks changeable. Make investigate in detail if any system sure all hatches are securely closed.
sure you know the state of the tide appears deficient in any way.
and what it will be doing over the Decide on how you wish to leave The safety briefing
period of your trip. Make sure you your berth and brief the crew on how It is normal for the skipper to brief
have enough provisions on board for the maneuver will be performed, their the crew before heading out, even
the crew, sufficient to last the length roles, and what jobs need to be done if there are only two of you or if a
of the trip with some extra. as soon as you have cleared the berth. larger crew has sailed together often.
In these circumstances, a quick
rundown of the passage plan and
how you plan to leave the berth may
be sufficient, but if there are novices
on board or experienced crew who
are new to the boat, a more extensive
briefing will be necessary. Tailor the
skipper’s briefing
Before leaving the berth, the skipper
should give a thorough briefing on all
the boat’s systems and safety equipment.
briefing to the experience of the crew,
prevailing conditions, and intentions EQUIPMENT CHECKLIST
for the passage ahead. Things to cover Make sure you have all the basic equipment on board that you need for
include: use of the galley; gas and the trip, and check that it is in working order before you set sail. Take the
water supply discipline; use of the time needed to do a visual check of all systems.
sea toilet or holding tank system;
locations and instructions for fire Checklist Safety equipment
extinguishers and blankets; whether Most cruising boats have a • Is your first-aid kit complete and
smoking is permitted on board and, surprising amount of equipment up to date? Have you briefed the crew
that should be checked periodically. on its location and composition?
if so, where and when this is allowable;
Not all checks will be necessary • Check that you have safety
and location and use of flares, first-
every time you set sail, but a harnesses and life jackets in working
aid kits, radio equipment, man- comprehensive checklist acts as order for every member of the crew.
overboard gear, and life raft. a good memory aid. You should be • Has the life raft been serviced
The safety briefing should also sure to check all points on the list recently? Are its lashings secure?
include information about the at intervals during the sailing season • Are there sufficient flares within
weather conditions predicted and as part of a regular inspection and their expiration date?
maintenance schedule. • Is there a foghorn on board?
sensible sun protection and clothing
• Check firefighting equipment.
options. The secret of a good safety
The engine Are extinguishers fully charged?
briefing is to judge just how much • Check fuel, oil, and water systems,
information is needed to keep boat and the tightness of drive belts,
and crew safe without adding to any seawater intake, impeller, and filter. Rig and sails
uneasiness among a novice crew. • Run the engine to warm it up • Check masts and spars—look for
Each crew member should be before you cast off. Check that broken strands in standing rigging,
cooling water is being discharged. cracks in fittings, loose pins or joints,
issued a life jacket and harness, which
• Check the propeller shaft’s stern damage, and metal fatigue.
they should adjust to fit them tightly. • Check running rigging for fraying
gland and greaser, if fitted.
On the skipper’s instructions, they • Make sure batteries are and chaffing. Are the bitter ends and
should then either wear them right fully charged. whippings in good condition?
away or keep them somewhere where • Is a suitable toolkit on board, with • Check the sails, especially the
they can be easily reached. sufficient spares for your engine and seams, stress points, cringles,
The skipper should also check other vital pieces of equipment? strengthening patches, batons,
and any earlier repairs.
if any of their crew are taking special
medication or have health issues and Boat equipment
• Check the condition of the anchor Navigation equipment
whether they can swim, have any • Do you have an up-to-date chart
chain. Know how much is available.
personal anxiety about being afloat, Check that the end of the chain is on board for your sailing area?
or have skills that could help in secured on board to a strong point • Do you have local tide tables, tidal
emergency situations. that is easily reached. atlas, and local sailing instructions?
• Know your bilges—is it a dry • Are all the navigation instruments
If anyone suffers from seasickness,
or wet boat? What level of water in working order?
this is a good time to remind them to
take their preferred treatment. Always is normal in your bilge?
• Check gas bottle fittings and piping General checks
carry a stock of seasickness tablets • Check all hatch seals for signs
and test the gas alarm.
with the first-aid kit and make sure • Operate all seacocks. Be sure you of leaks.
the crew knows they are available. have correct size bungs available. • Is all your deck hardware in proper
There should always be more than • Do you have a waterproof flashlight working order?
one crewmember on board who with spare batteries and bulbs? • Have you completed all necessary
• Are your navigation lights and repair jobs?
knows some of the distress signals
VHF radio in working order? • Do you have sufficient water and
for use in an emergency and, in
• Have you closed all hatches and provisions on board, with enough to
particular, can operate the radio allow for an unexpectedly long trip?
ventilators that may let in water?
equipment and follow the protocol
for making an emergency call (p.428).
usually work when required. However, you should still allow for a
possible engine failure. Have an anchor ready to let go, and sails
ready to hoist, whenever engine failure could cause problems. Bow swings
Pivot point about
into turn
A boat under power does not steer like a car, and factors such halfway along hull
using a tiller, however, beware when astern to stop 2 gear, keeping the
the boat and rudder hard over
motoring quickly astern. The forces use prop walk
on the rudder can be strong and will to turn
Headsail alone
Now try sailing the boat under and sea states as possible to determine of letting the boat slow down too
headsail alone. Set the largest headsail how your boat handles. What works much when trying to sail close-hauled
you can for the prevailing conditions in ideal cruising conditions may not under headsail alone. If it slows too
and put the boat on each point of work in light or strong winds or in much, the bow is likely to blow off
sailing in turn. The boat will sail well rough seas. It is far better to find this quickly downwind, and you may find
downwind and should be comfortable out in an exercise than in a situation it difficult to regain control quickly.
all the way up to a beam reach. It will where the boat’s safety depends on it.
sail more slowly on a reach than it Finally, try turning the boat in fairly Putting it all together
would with full rig and will probably tight circles under headsail alone, For most of the time when cruising,
demonstrate lee helm. Try sailing on trying different-sized headsails in turn. you will use both sails together.
a close reach and then close-hauled, The boat will bear away readily, but In a properly tuned cruiser, the
if possible, but do not be surprised if luffing up may be difficult as the turning effects of the mainsail
your boat will not respond well to headsail attempts to counteract and headsail, when correctly set,
sailing close-hauled under headsail the force of the rudder. Get the boat will counteract each other and
alone. Much will depend on the moving as fast as possible before result in a balanced helm without
amount of wind and the size of the luffing; pull in the headsail sheet significant weather helm or lee
headsail. Try changing down to a slowly, letting it shake at the luff, to helm. If the sails are trimmed
smaller headsail and see what reduce its countereffect on the rudder. properly, it should also be possible
difference that makes. Experiment You will probably not be able to turn to steer a cruiser using sail trim
with all your headsails in turn. a full circle, as the boat may not tack. alone, just as you can with a
You should repeat the exercise However, at least you will find out dinghy (pp.136–137). Experiment
with different headsail sizes in how close to the wind you can luff with sail trim to see if your boat
as many different wind strengths while still retaining control. Beware can be steered in this way.
The principle for tacking a cruiser is the same as for tacking a
dinghy (pp.92–95), but in practice, the maneuver has to take into
account the facts that a cruiser is much heavier, is slower to turn,
and has a lot more load on its sails and sheets than a small boat.
Tacking a larger boat takes longer than a small one and requires
a routine that will depend on the type of rig, the number of sails
to be handled, and the size of the crew that you have available.
Know your boat more prone to stopping head‑to‑wind tacking with a full crew
Each cruiser will handle slightly during the tack. Multihulls, too, are When racing, it is important to tack
differently, depending on its weight, often reluctant to tack, as the windage efficiently, and the crew must work
type of keel, hull shape, and rig type, of their topsides and cabin structure, together to sheet the sails onto the new
so it is important to get to know your combined with their very light weight tack and move themselves across the boat.
own boat’s handling characteristics. and lack of momentum, conspire to
Once you know how your boat stop the boat quickly as it turns into
handles in a range of conditions, you the wind to tack. during a tack. If you are the skipper,
will be able to tack the boat with brief the crew beforehand to avoid
confidence, knowing how to avoid Tacking procedure confusion. For example, if the boat’s
getting stuck in irons (p.95) or When tacking a cruiser, your aim is design characteristics make it difficult
stalling so that the boat sails slowly to turn the bow through the wind and to tack, you may prefer the headsail
and slides sideways after the tack. This sail the boat onto the new course with to be backed to help the bow turn
is important if you have to tack in a minimum loss of speed. You will through the wind, so be sure to brief
confined situations, such as when usually tack from a close‑hauled course the crew on how and why you want
sailing in to a harbor or approaching on one tack to a close‑hauled the jib to be handled during the tack.
a mooring or anchorage. course on the other tack while
Most production cruisers are beating to windward, but you may Slowing the turn
fin‑keeled, Bermudan sloops and, also need to tack from a reach to a The ease or difficulty the crew face
despite many other differences, they reach in other situations, such as when when handling the jib during the tack
tend to have very similar handling maneuvering in confined waters. is often dependent on how the helm
characteristics. In general, the longer The cruiser’s size and weight chooses to steer the boat through the
the keel on a cruiser, the slower it will mean that tacking will be much tack. By slowing down the turn, once
tack, so a long‑keeled traditional slower than in a dinghy. There will the bow has passed through the
cruiser can be expected to tack more also be more work for the crew wind, the helm can give the crew
slowly than a modern cruiser with a because the sails are bigger. There more time to sheet in the headsail
fin keel that is quite narrow in a fore may be more crew aboard, which before it fills with wind. If the helm
and aft direction. Different rigs also will make the job easier, but they is not careful or considerate, the boat
have different handling characteristics need guidance from the helm to may turn too far on the new tack,
and are likely to effect the way a boat coordinate their actions effectively. If and it will be more difficult for the
tacks. Cruisers with complex rigs, you are a member of the crew, make crew to sheet in the sail when it is
possibly with two masts and a sure that you know how the helm full of wind. However, holding the
bowsprit, have more windage aloft likes to perform the tack and, if you boat close to the wind after the bow
than a Bermudan rig and may be are unsure, ask how the boat handles has passed through head‑to‑wind is
difficult in some boats or conditions, this is rarely the case. Most cruisers to use its tack function to steer the
and if not done properly may sail with a couple, or a family boat through the tack while you
result in the boat ending up in irons, crew, and even if a full crew is on handle the jib sheets.
so the helm should practice the board, some may be off watch,
technique and take account of the leaving just one or two people Tacking in rough weather
boat’s particular characteristics. on deck. Sometimes there may be Sailing in strong winds and large waves
This is not a technique that will only one person in the cockpit, and adds to the risk of getting caught
work well in a light boat, such as it may be necessary to tack the in-irons and being blown back onto the
a catamaran, or when tacking in boat single-handed. old tack. Make sure to have the correct
steep waves. If the boat is steered with a tiller, sail area for the conditions so that the
In all cruisers, remember to get it is often quite easy for the helm to helm is balanced, and make sure that
the boat sailing at full speed before push the tiller to leeward and hold it the boat is moving fast before the tack.
you attempt to tack, and do not ease there with a hip or a foot while they Try to pick a flat spot between waves
the jib sheet until the sail shakes cast off the old jib sheet as the boat in which to complete the tack.
at the luff. Speed before the tack reaches head-to-wind and pull in If you sail a boat that is difficult
helps ensure you do not get stuck the new one. The task is made easier to tack, you may wish to back
in-irons, and keeping the jib sheeted if the boat is fitted with self-tailing the jib to force the bow through the
in until it loses drive will help power winches (p.233) and if the cockpit wind and onto the new tack. In this
the boat into and through the tack. is laid out so that the sheet winches case, hold the old jib sheet in until
are in reach of the helm. If the boat is the jib fills on the wrong side, then
Short-handed tacking fitted with a wheel, it is more difficult release it. The backed jib will force
Most instructions for tacking a cruiser to steer without using your hands, the boat’s bow onto the new tack,
are given assuming that a full crew but it can often be achieved. If an at which point you can release the
is available. In practice, however, autopilot is fitted, you may be able old sheet and winch in the new one.
Prepare to tack by sailing on a close-hauled course. The skipper must make
sure the new course is clear. If there are enough crewmembers, it is best to
have one manning each jib sheet winch. Otherwise, a single crew must prepare
the new winch before releasing the old jib sheet.
1 The helm calls “ready about.” A 2 The crew calls “ready,” and the 3 When the jib blows across to the
crewmember puts two turns of the new helm, calling “lee-oh,” starts to turn new side, the new sheet is pulled in.
sheet on its winch and pulls in the slack. the boat into the tack. The crew on the When load comes on the sheet, the crew
The other crew then uncleats the working working sheet watches the luff of the takes another turn or two on the winch.
jib sheet but keeps it tight to prevent it jib, and, as it starts to flap, eases and Then the handle is inserted and the
from slipping on the winch. then releases the sheet. crew winches the sheet to trim the sail.
Like tacking, the principle for jibing a cruiser is the same
as for a dinghy (pp.96–99), but the different size, weight, and
handling characteristics mean that more care must be taken
and an allowance made for the much higher loads that act
on the larger boat’s sails, sheets, winches, and cleats.
staying in control
The most important part of jibing a
Know your boat power of the rudder to steer the boat. cruiser is preventing the boom from
As with tacking a cruiser (pp.244–245), Although the same procedures apply swinging across the boat out of control.
there is no substitute for knowing the to jibing a cruiser and a dinghy, a
characteristics of your boat, although cruiser has much heavier gear. It is
there is less difficulty when jibing, vital, therefore, to control the boom tries to turn, they must be ready to
since there is no danger that the boat through the jibe. Do not allow it to steer back downwind to prevent the
will stop during the maneuver. In many sweep across from one side to the boat from turning toward the wind.
ways, jibing is a simpler process than other (known as jibing all standing), Once the boom has swung across
tacking, but it can also be more violent, except in light winds. under control, the mainsheet should
especially in strong winds, and has If the headsail is poled out, the be eased rapidly to set the mainsail
inherent dangers for the crew, who pole must be removed before the jibe. at its correct angle. On all but the
must be prepared for the maneuver. The mainsheet traveler should be smallest cruisers, it is easier if a
When jibing a Bermudan sloop, cleated in the middle of its track to crewmember handles the mainsheet
you only have to deal with a mainsail prevent it from slamming along the rather than the helm, who should be
and a jib, or possibly a spinnaker or track from one side of the boat to free to concentrate on steering
gennaker (pp.254–261). But if you the other, which can be very dangerous through the jibe.
sail a ketch, yawl, or schooner (p.203), to any crewmember in its path.
you will have two boomed sails to deal When you are ready to jibe, steer Jibing in rough weather
with, and with some rig types, you onto a run and sheet in the mainsheet Jibing is easy in light winds when
may have two or more headsails to to bring the boom into the middle of the boat speed is low and the loads
handle. Whatever the rig arrangement, the boat. In small cruisers, or if you on the sails and sheets are light, but
the principle of jibing remains the are sailing a larger boat in light winds, in strong winds and rough seas, the
same, and if you have more than one sheeting in can be done by hand. maneuver becomes harder and
boomed sail, treat it as you would a However, larger boats usually have more dangerous.
normal mainsail. If you have more a mainsheet winch to handle the high Before you start a jibe in rough
than one headsail to deal with and loads. Make sure the mainsheet is weather, consider whether it is
are limited in the number of crew cleated before the jibe. Continue the necessary or whether it would be
available, jibe the largest sail first. turn slowly until the mainsail fills on safer to luff to a close reach before
the other side. Sheet the jib to the new tacking around and bearing away to
Jibing procedure side when it blows across the bow. the new course. Tacking puts less
When jibing a cruiser, your aim is In medium and strong winds, pressure on the rig than jibing in
to turn the stern through the wind the boat will try to turn to windward rough weather, but it does involve
safely and smoothly without the as soon as the mainsail is jibed. The turning into the wind and waves
wind’s causing the boat to broach out helm should anticipate this and to complete the tack.
of control (turn rapidly toward the counteract the turn by ensuring that If you decide to jibe, brief the
wind) as the steering effect of the sails the rudder is centered when the boom crew before starting the maneuver
and the heeled hull overcome the crosses the centerline. If the boat still and make certain that the person
handling the mainsheet fully the mainsail, tell the crew handling the run (p.40), you will be less at risk from
understands their task. It is important mainsheet to ease it out rapidly to set an unexpected wind shift or a wave
in strong winds to sheet the mainsail in the mainsail correctly on the new jibe. pushing you off course. Alternatively,
tight to the centerline before the The jib can be jibed either before, rig a preventer line to lock the boom
jibe, then let it run out quickly after, or at the same time as the in position and stop it from swinging
after the jibe to ease the loads on the mainsail depending on the availability across, even if the wind does get behind
rudder that will try to turn the boat of crew. If headsail roller furling is the mainsail. A preventer is a rope
to windward. Remind everyone to fitted, it can be easier to roll away the attached to the aft end of the boom,
keep their heads below the level headsail, then jibe the mainsail before led forward to a turning block on
of the boom during the jibe. unrolling the headsail on the new side. the foredeck, and back to the cockpit
Like dinghies, a cruiser will be where it can be adjusted, or released
easier to jibe when it is moving fast, Avoiding an accidental jibe quickly, if necessary, in an emergency.
since this is when the loads on the An accidental, “all standing” jibe is
rig will be least. Pick a time to jibe potentially dangerous, but when the Short-handed jibing
when the boat is on the face of a boat is on a run, quite a small wind If you have to jibe without help, take
wave, possibly surfing, and make your shift or deviation from course may your time and deal with the mainsail
steering actions positive to force the cause an unintentional jibe. You first. Sheet it in tight to the centerline,
boat to turn where you want it to can avoid this problem by not sailing turn the boat through the jibe, then
go. As soon as the boat has turned on a dead run, especially in choppy ease out the mainsheet fully on the
to bring the wind onto the new side of conditions. If you sail on a training new side. Then jibe the headsail.
Prepare to jibe by sailing on a run. In anything but light winds, the boom
should be pulled in tight to prevent it from sweeping across the boat as you
jibe, which may cause damage or injury. On larger boats, the mainsheet is
often led to a winch and the sheet must be winched in.
1 The helm warns the crew by calling 2 While one crewmember prepares 3 The helm starts a slow turn into
“stand by to jibe.” The mainsheet is pulled the new jib sheet by taking a turn or two the jibe, calling “jibe-oh.” As the jib
in to bring the boom to the centerline. If on the winch and pulling in any slack, blows across the bow, the crew releases
the mainsheet runs on a traveler across the other uncleats the working sheet and the old sheet as the new one is pulled
the cockpit, the traveler is cleated in the prepares to release it. When the crew is in. The helm steers carefully downwind
center before the jibe. ready, they tell the helm. as the mainsail is let out on the new side.
achieving better speed while heeling
less will allow the cruiser to make
faster and more comfortable
passages. Good balance can also be a
Keeping a sailing boat balanced is as important in a cruiser as distinct safety feature, since it is easier
it is in a dinghy. When a dinghy gets out of balance, it is usually to handle heavy weather in a boat
that is balanced correctly. A cruiser’s
quickly apparent as the boat heels, slows down, and develops rig and sails are tuned using the same
more weather or lee helm (p.129). The same occurs in a cruiser, principles that apply to tuning a
but, because of its greater size and weight and its relatively slow dinghy (pp.178–183). If you find it
difficult to tune your boat, ask your
response, you may find it harder to spot when the boat is not
sailmaker to sail it and advise you on
well balanced. Get to know your boat so that you understand any changes that may be required to
the best sail trim for all conditions. mast rake, mast bend, and sail shape.
bearing away
The crew is using the sails correctly
to help the boat bear away
smoothly without heeling. A crew
lets out the mainsheet as the helm
bears away, while the headsail is
kept full to assist the turn.
rolled as far as
Mainsail further reduction
with one is needed, hoist
Headsail is Mainsail with
Full mainsail slab reef storm jib
Full-size rolled up a two slab reefs
headsail few turns taken in
Loose sail is
First slab usually tidied up
is often with a lacing line
left loose at this stage
sails are much smaller and tougher to set them efficiently before you
than normal sails. They are made of need to use them in earnest in gale- Mainsail stowed
heavier cloth (which is usually orange or storm-force winds. on boom
3 Pull the leech reef line tight to pull 4 Keep winching in the leech reefing line 5 There is now a fold of sail hanging
the leech cringle down and out toward until the reef cringle is pulled down tightly down along the length of the boom. This
the boom end. There must be no wind to the boom. Release the topping lift, trim can be left free or tidied into a neat roll
in the sail while doing this, and the vang the mainsheet, and tighten the vang. Check and secured by a light line laced through
must be loose or the sail may tear. that the halyard tension is sufficient. the reef cringles from leech to luff.
If you are sailing upwind when you bring the boat upright and reduce
need to change a headsail, you should the strength of the apparent wind. The REEFING HEADSAILS
slow the boat down to make the crew going forward should always Some jibs designed for heavy
task easier and safer before you send move along the windward sidedeck weather have a row of reef
someone forward. This can be done and be clipped on. Drag the sailbag points so that they can be
by easing the sails, heaving-to, or by rather than carry it and brace yourself reduced in size quickly and easily.
altering course downwind, which will securely before starting the job. To reduce their area, the sail is
partly lowered, the new tack
is attached to the bow, the
MAINSAIL REEFING sheets are moved to the new
A mainsail has to be able to work as efficiently as possible in a wide range clew, and the sail is rehoisted.
of conditions, from no wind to a full gale. This is achieved by reefing it as
the wind strength increases. There are a number of reefing systems
available; the most popular on modern boats is slab reefing (below). An
alternative is roller reefing where the mainsail is rolled around the boom,
or its modern version where the sail is rolled up around a tube inside the
boom. Another system is in-mast roller reefing where the sail rolls around
a tube inside the mast. Here, the mainsail is loose-footed with the clew Area of sail Upper tack,
attached to a car running in the top of the boom. The mainsail is often cut to be reefed clew, and
with a hollow leech so that it does not require battens. An alternative reef points
arrangement is to use vertical battens.
Second reef
First reef taken
slab is usually
Modern slab in—slab is
tidied with a
reefing is often left loose
lacing line
used on fully
battened sails
A reefing headsail is made slightly
heavier and stronger than a normal
sail of the same size but is set in the
SLAB REEFING usual way if unreefed.
Battens that
Short battens The amount might be
Line furls New tack
must be used reefed can vary rolled into the
middle of sail attached
for in-boom from one to boom must be
to stem
roller reefing several rolls parallel to it
attached to
new clew
The sail is
If battens are used,
rolled around
they must be vertical The amount
a tube inside
reefed can vary
the mast
from one to
several rolls
Sail must be
When reefed, the upper tack and clew
fittings are used. The bundle of loose sail
along the foot is laced with a light line.
Some modern, fast cruisers follow
the lead of high-performance
dinghies and small keelboats and
use asymmetric spinnakers. An
asymmetric does not use a spinnaker
pole, but requires a bowsprit—often
made of carbon fiber for lightness—
to hold the sail’s tack ahead of
the bow. The bowsprit is usually
extended and retracted by control
lines. The lack of a pole makes as a headsail. It is not usually as A conventional spinnaker can be used
an asymmetric much easier to use large or as powerful, however, and is on reaching courses but is harder to
than a conventional spinnaker. An attached at the tack to the bow-fitting handle and cannot usually be flown
asymmetric uses two sheets, like rather than to a bowsprit. This makes above a beam reach, and then only
a headsail, but the lazy sheet is led it easy to use. However, a gennaker in light winds. An asymmetric or a
around the forestay rather than is inefficient on a dead run, as it is gennaker can be flown more easily
between the stay and the mast. blanketed behind the mainsail. To on a reach and will usually suffice for
An asymmetric is efficient on overcome this, the gennaker’s clew can most cruisers, but a specialist reacher
a beam or broad reach but less so be held out to windward with a pole. can still be a good addition to the sail
on a dead run, because it falls into wardrobe for a long-distance cruiser.
the wind shadow of the mainsail. Reachers
Cruiser-racers that use an asymmetric A reacher is a light sail designed for Sails for other rigs
tend not to sail dead downwind. use on courses between a close reach Although the Bermudan sloop is
Their light weight and surfing and a broad reach. Jibs and genoas the most common rig, other rigs
ability make it far more effective are designed primarily for good can also increase their sail area in
to sail downwind on a series of performance on upwind courses light winds. Gaff-rigged cruisers often
broad reaches in most conditions, and are less efficient on reaching hoist a topsail above the mainsail
which is easily achieved as jibing courses, especially in light winds. and may also carry a lightweight
(pp.260–261) is much easier than By comparison, a reacher is usually reacher. Ketches, yawls, and
with a spinnaker and pole. made from much lighter cloth and schooners (p.203) can utilize both
has a fuller shape. It is usually flown masts to hoist various offwind sails
Gennakers loose-luffed, attached only by its and often carry a large reaching
Like an asymmetric spinnaker, a head (to the halyard) and tack (to sail between the two masts in
gennaker does not use a spinnaker the bow), but versions that hank addition to a spinnaker, asymmetric,
pole and is sheeted in the same way to the forestay can be easier to handle. gennaker, or reacher at the bow.
All downwind sails require some cruisers, twin sheets and guys are the head, and two sheets are tied
additional equipment, even if it is used, with one pair rigged on each to the clew. The sheets are led outside
only a halyard to hoist them and side. Only one pair is used at any one everything to turning blocks located
sheets to trim them. A conventional time. The windward guy leads from near the stern on each side deck.
spinnaker requires the most complex the tack, through the pole end, then From the blocks, the sheets lead
arrangement, with the asymmetric through a block ahead of the cockpit, forward to cockpit winches for
spinnaker and gennaker requiring and to a winch. The leeward sheet adjustment. The sheets of a gennaker
much less equipment. Reaching sails runs from the clew through a block usually pass between the mast and
require the least, as they can often be at the stern and onto a winch. the forestay (below).
hoisted on a jib or spinnaker halyard An asymmetric has an
and only need a single sheet. Asymmetric and arrangement similar to a gennaker’s,
gennaker equipment except that its tack is usually held
Spinnaker equipment The equipment required by an out ahead of the boat by a retractable
A conventional spinnaker is flown asymmetric spinnaker or a gennaker bowsprit. The bowsprit is pulled in
from a spinnaker pole attached to is much simpler than a conventional and out by two control lines and a
a bracket on the mast. The height spinnaker. The gennaker has the tack line usually runs through the
of the pole’s outer end is controlled simplest system. Here, the sail’s pole and exits at its end. It is attached
by an uphaul and downhaul or an tack is attached by a rope strop to to the asymmetric’s tack and is used to
uphaul and foreguy (p.258). the headsail’s tack fitting or to the pull the tack out to the end of the
The spinnaker is controlled by a anchor roller on the bow fitting. One pole. The sheets of an asymmetric are
sheet attached to its clew and a guy end of the strop can be tied or spliced led the same as on a gennaker, except
attached to its tack. The guy is led to the gennaker’s tack while the that they must pass around the
through the end of the spinnaker pole other is usually tied or spliced to forestay and not between the forestay
and controls how far forward or aft a quick-release snap shackle. A and the mast. They may also have to
the pole is set. Except on small spinnaker halyard is attached to pass around the sail’s luff (below).
Adjusting the halyard the apparent wind, cleat the guy, Playing the sheet
The halyard of a conventional tighten the foreguy, and use the sheet For maximum performance, the
spinnaker should be hoisted as high to trim the sail. If the apparent wind sheet on all downwind sails should
as possible to prevent the sail from moves forward or aft, adjust the be adjusted constantly to keep the
oscillating from side to side, but pole angle to match. sail eased as much as possible
the halyard of an asymmetric or a without collapsing. Most well-cut
gennaker may need to be eased to Adjusting the pole height downwind sails can be eased until they
allow the sail to fly with the correct In light winds, a spinnaker pole curl at the luff, indicating the sail is
shape in its luff. Experiment with must be lowered to keep the clews perfectly trimmed. You should still be
the halyard setting in various wind level. As the wind increases, the free able to ease more sheet before the sail
strengths and ask your sail-maker clew will rise under wind pressure. collapses. If it does collapse, it will
for advice if necessary. The outer end of the pole should be be necessary to pull the sheet in quite
raised to lift the tack of the sail until vigorously before the sail fills again.
Adjusting the pole angle it is level with the clew. If the mast Once the sail has filled, ease out most
With a conventional spinnaker, end of the pole can be raised and of the sheet you have just pulled in.
the pole is trimmed aft by easing the lowered, usually by sliding its fitting Unless you do this, the sail will be
foreguy and pulling on the guy, and on a track, adjust it to keep the pole overtrimmed and the boat will slow
trimmed forward by easing the guy horizontal so it has maximum down, heel more, and be harder to
and pulling on the foreguy. Trim the projection from the mast. If you steer, which could possibly lead to a
guy to set the pole just forward of sail with an asymmetric, you will broach in stronger winds (p.261). In
a position at right angles to the not have to adjust a pole, but will most situations, a cruiser’s crew will
apparent wind. Check the apparent have to extend and retract a bowsprit. not wish to constantly play the sheet
wind direction by looking at the Since a gennaker does not require a of the downwind sail. In this case, the
masthead wind vane or burgee. pole or a bowsprit, there is nothing to sheet should be slightly overtrimmed
With the pole set at right angles to adjust except the halyard and sheet. and then cleated.
When a jibe is required, downwind DIP-POLE SPINNAKER JIBE
sails must be changed from one side It is important that both the
to the other. The technique used to spinnaker and the pole are kept
do this varies, depending on the under full control throughout the
type of downwind sail being used. maneuver. During a dip-pole jibe,
the inner end of the pole remains
attached to the mast, while the outer
Jibing a gennaker or
end is released from the old guy,
asymmetric spinnaker
lowered so that it can be “dipped”
Jibing a gennaker or an asymmetric inside the forestay, attached to the
spinnaker is quite easy, as both are new guy, and hoisted up to its
controlled by two sheets just like a horizontal position on the new
headsail. The lazy, windward sheet side. Depending on the particular
of the gennaker leads from the clew arrangement, the inner end may 1 The foredeck crew releases the
old guy from the pole end by pulling
forward around the back of the sail have to be raised up the mast on its the piston-release line. The inner end of the
and around its luff and the forestay, track temporarily to allow the outer pole is raised and the uphaul eased to drop
and back to its fairlead and winch. end to dip inside the forestay. the outer end of the pole inside the forestay.
An asymmetric’s windward
sheet can be rigged in the same way,
or it can lead inside the sail’s luff
(but outside the forestay), in which
case it will jibe inside its luff (like a
headsail) rather than outside it. In
either case, the sail is jibed by easing
the old sheet as the boat jibes and
pulling in the new one. Where an
asymmetric has to pass between its
luff and the forestay, the new sheet
should be pulled in as much as
possible before the old one is eased.
2 The foredeck crew takes a bight of 3 The inner end of the pole is now
the old lazy guy forward, guides the pole lowered to its normal position and the
end inside the forestay, and clips the new outer end is raised with the uphaul. The
Jibing a spinnaker working guy into the pole end fitting. guy is trimmed to pull the pole end aft.
A spinnaker is more difficult to jibe
because the spinnaker pole has to be
moved from one side to the other
during the maneuver, which can
be difficult or even hazardous, as it
requires working on the foredeck.
Small cruisers may have a
dinghylike double-ended pole system,
in which case the jibing method for
dinghies (p.153) is used. More often,
they have a single-ended pole, with the
uphaul and foreguy led to the outer
end of the pole (p.258). This system
4 The mainsail was sheeted near the 5 With the boat on its new course, the
centerline during the spinnaker jibe to mainsail is let out to its correct position.
requires the more complex dip-pole avoid it blanketing the spinnaker. The The guy is used to set the pole angle, and the
method of jibing (right). mainsail is now jibed (p.247). spinnaker is trimmed with the sheet.
When lowering a downwind sail, it MAINSAIL AND
must be kept under complete control HEADSAIL ALONE
until it is in its bag or below deck.
In moderate to strong winds,
Always steer onto a run or broad
most cruisers will not use
reach before lowering the sail so that additional downwind sails, but
it can be lowered in the wind shadow will sail downwind under mainsail
behind the mainsail. A headsail is and a headsail. Many cruisers
usually hoisted or unrolled before suffer from a rolling motion
lowering the downwind sail, as it sailing downwind if these sails
prevents it from wrapping around the are not set correctly.
forestay. There are two ways to lower
the sail: trip (release) the sail’s tack tripping a spinnaker Mainsail control
and pull the sail down by its sheet The foredeck crew should brace Set the mainsheet so the boom
or grasp the foot of the sail and pull themselves securely and keep their head is just clear of the shrouds. Then
safely below the pole so that it will not tighten the vang. This prevents the
it down as the sheet, halyard, and
hit them as it springs back when the sail boom from lifting and stops
tack line (or guy) are eased. The sail the mainsail from twisting forward
is tripped. Ease the guy to let the pole
can be dropped onto the foredeck move forward and ease the uphaul to at the top. This will reduce rolling.
and down the fore hatch, or under lower the end of the pole to within reach In light to moderate winds, ease
the main boom, and down the of the foredeck crew, who releases the the mainsail outhaul to make the
companionway. Do not lower the sail by tripping the snap shackle that sail fuller. In strong winds, tighten
sail faster than it can be gathered in. attaches the guy to the tack of the sail. it as much as possible to flatten the
sail. When sailing in strong winds,
rig a line as a boom preventer to
avoid an accidental jibe (p.247).
BROACHING Run it from the end of the boom,
Broaching may occur when the boat is sailing under a downwind sail in outside all the gear, to a block on
moderate to strong winds and the sail is sheeted in too hard. The boat the foredeck, then back to a cleat
heels and rounds up very quickly toward the wind. in the cockpit.
Avoiding a broach
The best way to avoid a broach is to Pole holds headsail
reduce sail area in good time when to windward to
increase effective
sailing in moderate to strong winds. A sail area
broach occurs when the boat is pressed
too hard and turning forces develop
that overcome the effect of the rudder.
A broach is most likely to occur
in large waves, which make it difficult
to keep the boat balanced. Once a
broach begins, the helm will have
no control over the boat’s direction
as the boat spins around toward
the wind and heels violently. Even
in moderate winds, a broach can
occur when sailing on a reach under regaining control
spinnaker if the sheet is pulled in This cruiser-racer has broached violently
too much, causing the boat to slow under spinnaker. Now beam-on to the poling out
down and heel—the first signs of strong wind, with its boom end in If the wind is too strong for a spinnaker,
a broach. Drop the spinnaker if a the water, the boat is heeling heavily. In pole the headsail out to windward
rising wind threatens a broach, and order to regain control, the crew must let when on a run or broad reach to add
sail under mainsail and jib (right). go of the boom vang and spinnaker sheet. speed and reduce rolling.
winds are forecast and you need to
be able to leave quickly, avoid lying
on the windward side of a pontoon.
Be aware of your boat’s handling
It is very common for cruisers to berth alongside a pontoon characteristics at slow speed, and do
or dock. Pontoons tend to be preferred in tidal waters because they not attempt to enter a tight marina
berth if it is too difficult to leave
float and are thus able to move up and down with the rise and fall safely. Alongside berths have obvious
of the tide. This means that you do not have to adjust your warps to attractions, but it is often safer, more
allow for changes in the water level. With dock walls, however, your comfortable, and cheaper to anchor
or pick up a mooring elsewhere.
boat will rise and fall in relation to the wall as you lie alongside, and
may even dry out if the harbor is shallow. In addition, docks are often Effects of wind and tide
busy with fishing boats and other craft. This makes maneuvering When approaching or leaving an
more difficult, and yachts may have to raft alongside one another in alongside berth, the most important
factor is the combined effect of
order to save space. All alongside berths present different challenges, wind and tide on your boat. As
but the basic methods of coming alongside and leaving are the same. usual when handling a boat in close
quarters, you should always try to
leave or arrive at a berth pointing
CHOOSING A BERTH into the strongest element. If in
doubt, assume that the tide will have
Your choice of berth will determine is pushed off by the wind rather than the greatest effect. When approaching
the comfort of your stay. If possible, being pressed against the berth. This
choose a berth that is sheltered from will make it easier to leave and will
the wind and any swell. If the berth provide a more comfortable stay. If
is affected by a swell rolling into the you cannot lie on the leeward side
harbor, the boat could be damaged. of a berth, the next best option is to Use prop walk in
astern to swing the
Always lie on the lee side of a pontoon lie head-to-wind, as this keeps the stern into the berth
or dock if possible so that the yacht companionway sheltered. If strong if appropriate
Boat lies clear Approach a berth into the tide, using it to
of the pontoon stop the boat by the dockside. Use prop
walk to swing the stern into the berth.
Using springs
leaving bow first leaving stern first
A more controlled departure can be
Rig the stern spring as a slip line (p.229) Rig the bow spring as a slip line, position
achieved by using one of the springs
and position a fender right at the stern. a fender at the bow, and cast off the
to help turn the boat, enabling you to
Cast off the other warps and motor gently other warps. Motor slowly ahead and
leave bow or stern first. Once you astern, steering the stern in toward the steer carefully toward the dock. When
have cleared the berth and are in open dock as the bow begins to swing out. Once the stern has swung out far enough,
water, stow the warps and fenders, the bow has swung far enough to clear any engage neutral, slip the spring, and motor
making sure that all lines are kept out obstructions, engage neutral, slip the spring, slowly astern until you are away from the
of the water and clear of the propeller. and motor away slowly in forward gear. dock and able to engage forward gear.
Stopping springs
The amidships spring can be used
as a stopping spring if the boat is
moving too fast when it comes
under headsail alongside. To do this, the shore crew
takes one full turn around a cleat or
Approach bollard before strain comes onto the
under mainsail line. As the line becomes taut, they
ease it under control (known as
surging a line) to slow the boat
down. Do not let the warp jerk tight
or it may break. Surging a line is a
wind and tide together or strong tide opposing good way to stop even a large boat.
strong wind opposed weak wind Using a bow spring as a stopping
If wind and tide are together, or if a strong Approach from upwind under headsail spring does not work as well since it
will pull the bow into the berth once
wind is opposed by a weak tide, approach alone. If the headsail alone will not push
strain comes on it, but the amidships
on a close reach under mainsail alone. Ease you over the tide, try hoisting just the
spring will keep the boat straight.
the mainsheet to slow down and turn into head of the mainsail to provide extra
the wind when you reach the berth. Get the drive. Slow down by letting the headsail
bow and stern lines ashore and make fast. flap. Get the warps ashore quickly.
that are often crowded with boats.
If you are uncertain of the marina
layout or if your boat is difficult to
handle, choose an outside berth if
Common in busy sailing areas, marinas provide a large number possible, perhaps maneuvering into
of sheltered berths, usually with good shoreside facilities, such as an inside one later using warps. Most
marinas have reserved berths for
fuel and fresh water, showers, stores, restaurants, bars, pro shops, permanent berth holders, with others
and repair yards. Marinas are therefore very popular and tend to for use by visitors. Make sure you
be crowded in the busiest months of the sailing season. Boats are select a visitor’s berth when visiting
a marina for the first time. It is not
berthed very close together on a network of floating pontoons, so
usually wise to attempt to sail into
maneuvering space is limited. Good boat handling is essential. You a marina because of the confined
should always enter and leave a marina with caution, especially if space, although you may be able to
your boat does not handle well under power. Be well prepared pick up an outside berth under sail.
before you enter a marina, brief your crew, and have your warps Preparing to berth
and fenders rigged before you start the approach. Before you arrive, contact the
marina’s berthing master by VHF
radio to obtain directions to a
Choosing a berth you should avoid particularly tight suitable berth. Remember to ask
Before approaching a marina, it or difficult berths. Marinas usually which side of the boat you will
is vital that you know your boat’s have a number of outside berths near berth on so that you can prepare
characteristics at slow speed and are the approach channel, with additional warps and fenders on the correct side.
able to turn in tight spaces using the berths inside the network of pontoons. If you have enough fenders, hang
effects of prop walk (p.240). If your They are usually reached through them on both sides of the boat so that
boat does not handle well in reverse, narrow channels between pontoons you are well protected. This will also
give you a choice of berthing on either
side if the situation changes at the last
moment or you find the planned berth
too difficult to enter.
Marinas are often located out
of the main tidal stream, so the
effects of tide may not be significant
in your final approach. Study the
situation carefully, however, because
if a pontoon sticks out into the tide,
it may have a significant effect that
you will have to allow for. When
preparing to berth, you should
assess the situation and pick the
best approach method (pp.266–267).
busy marina
Marinas are popular because they
provide safe berths and numerous useful
facilities. They can be crowded and noisy,
however, and charges can be quite high.
Sometimes, you may need to turn in a very narrow channel between Marina berths in confined spaces
pontoons without enough space to execute a normal turn under power. can be very difficult to enter or
On many occasions, you can use prop walk to turn the boat in nearly its leave in certain conditions of
own length (p.240), but a strong wind or poor boat performance under wind or tide. If you are concerned
power may render this impossible. about whether you have enough
room to maneuver, or that the
Using the anchor Allow the anchor chain to run out wind or tide may cause you to
Sometimes, when negotiating a freely until you have paid out about lose control, use your warps
marina to find a berth, you may find twice the depth of water. Now put to help you arrive or leave safely.
yourself heading down a narrow the engine into neutral; start the boat
channel that turns out to be a dead turning in the desired direction; and, Using warps
end. In such circumstances, you need at the same time, secure the anchor The exact method of using warps
to be able to turn the boat or to chain by taking a turn around a will depend on the particular
reverse out the way you came. foredeck cleat or bollard. The anchor berthing situation; no hard and fast
However, many sailing boats do chain will draw taut and pull the rules can be given. The skipper has
not reverse well under power, and a bow around until the boat has turned to assess the effects of prop walk,
strong following wind may make it through 180 degrees. You can now wind, and tide on the boat while
difficult or impossible to turn in the motor slowly forward, recover the it is moving slowly into or out
space available. If you cannot use anchor, and make your exit safely. of its berth and should plan to
prop walk to assist you, you should use the appropriate mooring warp
consider using the anchor to help to prevent or promote turning as
turn the boat. Use the depth sounder required. A mooring warp used
to check the depth of water and turning with an anchor in this way should be rigged as a
prepare the anchor for dropping as Using an anchor to turn is an easy and slip line so that it can be released
you motor slowly along the channel. effective technique. Most marinas are quickly and easily from on board.
When you reach the point at which dredged regularly, so there should
you want to turn, drop the anchor be no bottom obstructions to foul Into the wind
but continue moving slowly ahead. your anchor. You may often find that you have
to reverse out of a berth against a
strong wind. Windage on the bow
will tend to keep it downwind, and
engine power may not be sufficient
to turn in the space available. Use
a spring to help you turn.
reversing out
Rig the stern line as a long slip and
reverse out slowly. Cleat the stern line
to hold the stern as the bow swings
out. Slip the line and motor away.
Leaving a marina berth thoroughly and get them to make
exiting the berth
Before leaving the marina, start ready any slip lines you may need
Your position in relation to the
the engine and allow it to warm to control the boat as you leave.
wind and tide, and whether you are
up in neutral while you assess They should be told in what order
bow-in or stern-in to your berth, will
the situation and plan your exit. the lines are to be released and determine how you leave. Be aware of
Consider how the wind and tide must make sure that no warps are other boats on neighboring pontoons
will affect the boat as you leave left in the water where they might and of boats entering or leaving the
the berth and as you maneuver foul the propeller. Take your time marina at the same time that may
within the marina. Brief the crew and proceed carefully. interfere with your plans.
Stacking boats, one outside the other, beside a pontoon or inconvenient if an inside boat
dock, in between piles, or around a mooring buoy is known as wants to leave before you. If you
are on the inside, you have to put
rafting. This is a common method of making the most of the up with crews from boats outside
limited space in crowded harbors. Although it is not an ideal you crossing your decks to get
method of berthing, rafting alongside may be the only option aboard or ashore. In an exposed
location, the boats may rub and
available to you in a busy harbor. It is advisable, therefore, to
roll against each other, causing
learn how to raft safely, making sure that you do not damage your discomfort and sometimes damage.
own or anyone else’s boat. You also need to know how to leave
safely from the inside of the raft, as well as from the outside. Joining a raft
Although joining a raft involves
Rafting can be a straightforward procedure, as long as you follow coming alongside another boat, the
a few basic strategies and observe certain courtesies to other method you use is exactly the same
members of the raft and to those arriving or leaving. as when coming alongside a dock or
pontoon (pp.266–267). Plan your
approach, taking into account the
Rafting protocol alongside a boat smaller than your effects of wind and tide. Always head
Always secure to the shore, pontoon, own. When you join a raft, position toward the element that will have
or piles with bow and stern lines and your boat so that your mast is not in the most effect on your boat as you
to the boat next to you with springs line with that of your neighbor. This stop alongside. It does not matter
and breast warps. Do not rely on your will prevent them from clashing and if you are not facing in the same
neighbors’ shore lines to hold your causing damage as the boats roll. direction as the boat you are going
boat—this is bad practice and also When going ashore across other to be beside. Brief the crew and
discourteous. Do not join a raft in boats in the raft, always cross by prepare fenders and warps in the
which only the innermost boat has their foredecks, never their cockpits. usual way. You will need three sets
rigged shore lines. Such a raft will This helps preserve privacy. of warps—bow and stern lines led
swing fore and aft under the effects to the shore, and breasts and springs
of wind and tide and will provide an Disadvantages of rafting attached to your neighbor.
uncomfortable and insecure berth. One of the main disadvantages of Coming alongside another boat
A raft is more stable if the largest rafting is that it can restrict your rather than a pontoon or dock is
boat is on the inside and the smallest freedom to leave when you wish. harder for the crew. They will have
on the outside, so try to avoid rafting When you are on the outside, it is to climb over two sets of guardrails
and make their way along the
other boat’s sidedeck to find suitable
cleats to secure the bow and stern
breast ropes. It is important that
these warps are attached as soon
a typical raft
The boats are rafted with bow and stern
Bow shore line Stern shore line breast lines and springs between each
boat. Bow and stern shore lines are also
Bow breast line Stern breast line rigged, and the boats are arranged with
masts staggered.
as possible to bring the boat LEAVING FROM WITHIN A RAFT
under control before rigging all If you are on the inside or middle of a raft, leave with the strongest
the other lines. element—here, the tide. Otherwise, the boats outside you will become
The procedure can be made much uncontrollable when their warps are released for you to leave.
easier if the other boat’s crew are on
deck. First, ask them for permission 1 Check whether the wind or tide
is the most significant factor and plan
to come alongside. Then, if they are
to leave downtide or downwind.
willing to help, your crew can hand Also, check carefully that there are
them the ends of the bow and stern no obstructions, such as another raft,
breast lines. Once they have been in your line of departure. Next,
made fast, the lines can be adjusted recover your bow and stern shore Shore lines
from on board your boat. This means lines so that your boat is now attached
that your crew do not have to climb only to the boats on either side of it.
aboard the other boat. Rig the springs
as quickly as possible, then take your 2 Recover your warps from the
boat that is outside you. Unfasten
bow and stern lines ashore. Lead them
the outside boat’s bow line and
outside all the boats between you and
relead it around and behind your
the shore or pontoon. Adjust them so boat and back to the shore. Next, Lead the bow
that they are clear of the water, but release your breast ropes and springs line around
have some slack in them. from the boat inside you and allow your boat
your own boat to move out slowly
Leaving a raft with the strongest element.
If you are the outermost boat in the
raft, leaving it is the same as leaving 3 As your boat moves downtide
out of the raft, the shore line of the
from a pontoon (pp.264–265), but
boat outside is pulled in and secured,
you must recover your shore lines and the boat is secured to the inshore
first. Before doing this, decide if the boat with breasts and springs. If your
wind or tide is the strongest element, crew have been on the raft helping
choose your exit strategy, and brief secure the outside boats, circle back Outside boat is
pushed inward
the crew. Then maneuver clear as and come alongside the outside boat by the tide
you would if you were leaving an to pick them up when they are ready.
alongside berth.
When you are inside the raft, you
must always leave with the strongest RAFTING ON A BUOY
element. If you leave against it, there Boats are sometimes rafted
Moor directly
is a danger that the boats outside you on large mooring buoys, but to the buoy Rig breasts
will be at the mercy of wind or tide. usually only in areas where and springs
to other boats
To avoid problems, crew members there are no significant tides
may have to take control of other
or currents.
boat’s warps as you leave. You will
then have to pick the crew up at the Boats moor directly to the buoy
outside of the raft once you are clear. and attach springs and breast
Another raft close by may prevent warps to their neighbors. They
you from departing until the boats leave stern-first simply by casting
outside you have left. If you are not off. If necessary, a crew member
stays on the raft to refasten the
sure that you can clear all nearby
other boats’ springs and breast
obstructions, either ask the outside
warps and is then picked up. BUOY RAFT
boats to move to let you out or be
prepared to wait until they leave.
In areas without the complications of tide to consider, it is
common to moor by the bow or the stern to a pontoon or dock.
An anchor (or, occasionally, a pair of small piles) is used to hold
the other end of the boat. This method saves space alongside
and makes it easier for individual boats to arrive or leave without Drop kedge
disturbing others. When arriving, it is usually simpler to come in anchor from stern
bow first, which also provides more privacy in the cockpit while
you are berthed. However, you may find it easier to get to and
from the shore if you berth stern-to the dock or pontoon.
berthing bow-to
Arriving bow-to kedge has a length of chain between Approach in a straight line from some
Brief the crew and prepare the warps, it and the warp, stow the chain in a way off. Drop the kedge anchor over
fenders, and anchor well before you bucket to keep it clear of the deck as the stern about three to five boat
approach the berth. Hang fenders on it runs out. Make sure that the chain lengths from the berth. Stop just clear
of the dock so the crew can take the
both sides of the boat to protect it and warp are led so that they run out
bow lines ashore.
from contact with neighboring under the pushpit and through a
boats. For berthing bow-to, you will fairlead. Always lay the anchor clear
need two bow lines and the kedge of other boats’ anchors. The best way to adjust your line of approach,
anchor (p.282) with a long anchor to achieve this is by making a long using tiller and throttle as needed,
warp or chain. The anchor must be approach with your boat lined up to give a steady and straight run
ready to drop from the stern. If the with the berth. This gives you time into the berth.
Although it is possible to berth
Two bow
stern-to if you have good control Motor in lines
Point bow
in reverse, most sailing boats are upwind
easier to berth bow-to in this to allow Stern Crossed
situation unless the wind is off the for drift lines stern
Pile lines
pontoon. Prepare two bow warps
and two stern warps, with the latter
rigged like springs, with the port
stern line running to the starboard
pile and vice versa. Brief the crew
and have a boathook ready. Make 1 If there is a cross wind, 2 Lasso the second pile 3 Stop the boat just clear
the approach slowly under power. approach the upwind pile with the other stern line. of the pontoon and make
Be careful of any beam wind that first under power. Lasso Then motor in, taking care fast ashore using two bow
could blow the bow downwind the pile with a loop of the to keep the lines clear of warps. Position the boat
and spoil your approach. stern line and leave slack. the propeller. just clear of the pontoon.
Ring slides on
upright bar
Some tidal harbors use pile moorings to provide fore and aft
moorings along the edges of a channel, parallel to the main tide flow. Upright
metal bar
Piles are large wooden or metal stakes driven into the seabed, with
fittings to which mooring warps are tied. Boats often raft up between
Pile buried
pile moorings, although there will usually be a limit to the number of in seabed
boats allowed on each pair of piles. All the boats should be secured to
both the piles and their neighboring vessels when rafted between piles.
Leaving a pile mooring is generally Slip the bow line Rig both
quite a simple procedure. The main and motor away lines as slips
thing to consider is your exit in
relation to any nearby hazards.
with the tidal flow. In this case, the
heavy chain riser of each individual
mooring is connected to a long
ground chain that is attached to a
Keeping a boat on a mooring or using one for a lunchtime or an heavy anchor or weight at each end.
overnight stay are both popular and practical options. Moorings
Choosing a mooring
are often laid in harbors, rivers, and bays to provide convenient When you visit a harbor with
securing points for yachts. They are often easier and less stressful visitors’ mooring buoys, choose a
to use than coming alongside in a busy harbor or crowded mooring suitable for your boat. Make
sure the mooring is strong enough,
marina; however, they do require that you have a tender available
that it is laid in water sufficiently deep
for trips ashore, unless a water taxi is available. so that your boat will still float at low
tide, and that there is enough room to
swing around the buoy with the wind
About moorings secured to a cleat. Other moorings and tide. You should also consider
A mooring consists of one or more have a larger buoy, either with a ring how sheltered the mooring is from
heavy anchors or weights on the on top to which the boat is tied with both wind and swell, especially if you
seabed attached to a heavy-chain riser. a mooring line or a separate, smaller are planning an overnight stop. It is
This, in turn, is attached, sometimes by pick-up buoy that is brought aboard also important to think about how
rope, to a floating buoy. Moorings to secure the boat. Moorings are often easily you will be able to approach
intended for light craft usually have laid in rows, called trots, along the and leave the mooring under power
a single, small buoy that is picked edges of river channels, usually in line or sail, as well as the proximity of the
up. The rope or chain underneath is
passed through a bow fairlead and
Fore-and-aft mooring buoys are usually laid in rows at the edges of tidal
and river channels. You should use them just like pile moorings and secure
your boat between them.
Main Pickup
mooring buoy Picking up buoys
buoy Eye Picking up fore-and-aft buoys is the same as picking up pile moorings
(pp.276–277): before you pick them up, check that they are suitable
Nylon strop for your size of boat. Reaching the buoys from the deck of a cruiser
can be difficult. The crew may have to lie on the deck, so have a
boathook handy. Some fore-and-aft buoys have smaller pickup buoys
Riser chain attached to them to make it easier to pick them up. When you leave,
tie the pickup buoys together to make recovery easier. Come alongside
the pickup buoys and take the forward buoy to the bow and the other
chain to the stern. Check the quality of the line attaching them to the main
buoys; if it is suspect, rig your own lines to the mooring buoys.
fore-and-aft buoys
If the mooring buoys have Lightweight Fore-and-aft
pickup buoys mooring buoys
lightweight pickup buoys
mooring buoy
attached to them, pick up
This mooring is attached to a heavy the small buoys and take
ground chain that forms the base of a their lines to bow and stern.
string of moorings in a “trot.” The pickup Otherwise, rig your own
buoy is attached to the chain riser under lines to the buoys.
the main buoy by a strong rope that
often has an eye spliced into it so it can
be quickly dropped over a deck cleat.
mooring to other boats and to the
shore. Be careful not to pick up a
permanent mooring, as its owner
may return at any time and claim
the berth. If you do have to pick up
someone else’s mooring, never leave
your boat unattended in case the
owner does appear. If possible, ask
the harbormaster or a local sailor
to advise you.
Securing to a mooring
It is simpler to pick up a mooring
than to come alongside a pontoon
or other boat, but be prepared before
approaching. Detail one or two crew
members to pick up the mooring;
they should have a mooring line and buoy or thread a mooring line. In drying mooring
boathook ready. Make a practice this case, come alongside the buoy Be sure to check if a mooring dries out
run up to the mooring to check just forward of the shrouds, where at low tide before securing to it. Here,
the approach and inspect it closely, the freeboard is usually less. As a shoal-draft cruiser sits on the mud at
particularly its pickup arrangement. you make your final approach, the low tide between its fore-and-aft
mooring buoys.
Check the depth of water and that foredeck crew should indicate the
there is room to swing. position and distance of the buoy by
On larger cruisers, the bow hand signals, as the helm may lose Once the buoy is alongside, the
may be quite high out of the water, sight of it in the last few yards. Hand foredeck crew can either pull
making it difficult to pick up the signals are used because it is often the pick-up buoy on board and
impossible to hear spoken commands use the warp or chain underneath
picking up a buoy
or information. Work out a system to secure the boat or tie the mooring
The foredeck crew should be equipped that suits your crew. A common line to the ring on the buoy or to
with a boathook and have a mooring method is for the foredeck crew the chain under the buoy. Take
warp available. Hook the buoy with the to use the boathook to point a round-turn through the ring or
boathook and tie up with a mooring line. continuously at the mooring. chain, then tie a bowline with a
long loop (p.47) so that it can be
Boathook reached from the deck, which will
Foredeck crew points with the
boathook at the buoy on the final make leaving much easier.
approach and grabs the ring on If a pickup buoy is pulled
the buoy when it is within reach
aboard, check the condition of
Mooring buoy the rope or chain between it and the
Some have a main riser. If it looks at all suspect,
smaller pickup
buoy attached, use one of your own warps to tie to
but this one has the main chain. Make sure that the
a ring on top to
which the boat
mooring line is led through a fairlead
is secured with a or over the anchor roller. Ensure
mooring warp
the foredeck crew signal to the
cockpit when they have secured
the boat. It is wise to rig a second,
separate mooring line so that the
boat is not relying on one line alone.
to give yourself time to assess the
ARRIVING AND LEAVING situation and plan your approach
and an escape route. If necessary,
When arriving at a mooring, decide and be able to stop. If in doubt, make a practice run at the chosen
on a method and route of approach approach into the tide. If you are spot. Brief the crew and give them
and brief the crew so that they know planning to approach under sail, time to prepare a mooring line
what is required of them. The aim you must decide whether to make and station themselves with the
is to proceed slowly, coming to a your final approach under mainsail boathook. They will also need time
standstill with the mooring buoy alone or headsail alone. The rule to lower or furl whichever sail is
at the bow or alongside the shroud. is: if the wind is forward of the not going to be used.
beam for your final approach, use If you decide to approach under
Making the approach the mainsail only; if it is on the power, lower and stow the sails in
The first step is to decide how your beam or farther aft, then approach plenty of time. Then motor slowly
boat will lie once it is moored. under headsail only. around the area while you plan your
Check how other boats in the If the mainsail is used with the approach. Make sure that the crew
vicinity are lying and decide if the wind on or abaft of the beam, you are fully briefed and understand
wind or tide will have most effect will not be able to let it out far your intentions. If there is a tidal
on the boat. The secret is always to enough to spill all the wind, so you stream present, make your final
approach into the strongest element will not be able to slow down or approach head to tide, motoring
of wind or tide to retain control stop. Sail around the area slowly slowly up to the mooring buoy.
Ease or trim
the headsail to
lassoing a mooring
control speed If it is difficult to grab the mooring with a
boathook, it is possible to lasso the buoy
Ease or trim the
mainsail to control by throwing a large loop of mooring
speed as you approach warp so that it encircles the buoy. The
line used must be one that sinks, such
as nylon. Once it has encircled and sunk
beneath the buoy, tighten the line so that
wind ahead of the beam wind aft of the beam it pulls against the chain underneath the
Approach on a close reach under Sail upwind of the mooring, lower the buoy to secure the boat. Rig another line
mainsail alone. Let the sail flap in your mainsail, and sail slowly back toward to the mooring buoy’s ring and recover
final approach to stop the boat. As soon the mooring under headsail alone. Pick the first line from under the buoy by
as the mooring is secured, drop the sail. up the buoy and drop or furl the headsail. pulling on one end.
Leaving under sail
The same rules apply to leaving under
sail as to arriving. How you leave will
be determined by the wind direction
Sheet in
relative to the boat as it lies on the Mainsail fills as the
the headsail
boat bears away
mooring. If the wind is from ahead to sail off from
the mooring
of the beam, you should leave under Pull the buoy
mainsail only, or mainsail and headsail aft along the The headsail is
sidedeck before hoisted and flapping,
together. If it is on or abaft the beam, releasing to pull ready to sheet in
leave under headsail alone. Decide the boat forward
Hoist the
on the route you will take, check for mainsail and
obstructions, then brief the crew. let it flap
When you are lying on a mooring
and wish to sail off, the boat can be
wind ahead of the beam wind aft of the beam
given steerage way and turned in the Hoist the mainsail and prepare the Hoist the headsail; when you are ready
desired direction by pulling the buoy headsail. If the wind is light, or if your to drop the mooring, sheet it in and sail
aft along one side of the boat before boat does not handle well under mainsail away. Sail into clear water before turning
releasing it. This pulls the boat alone, hoist both sails. Drop the mooring head-to-wind to hoist the mainsail and
forward and creates steerage way. and bear away to your chosen course. sailing off on your preferred course.
Arriving and leaving been brought aboard, its line should sure that it is thrown clear of the
under power be uncleated and held with a turn hull and away from the intended
Under power, approach the mooring around the cleat. If a mooring rope course. Retrieve all lines cleanly.
into either the wind or the tide has been tied to the buoy or chain, Mooring warps trailing through the
(whichever is the stronger). This will it should be led again as a slip line, water may catch around the keel or
give you maximum control over with both ends on board; it can then rudder; worst of all, they could foul
where you stop. If you are not sure be easily released and recovered. the propeller and leave you stranded
which is the stronger element, look When the buoy is dropped, make in a crowded mooring area.
at other boats of a similar type to
yours that are moored in the vicinity.
Plan your course clear of other boats
or obstructions and have an escape Stop at the buoy
route planned in case of unforeseen or at the chosen
anchoring spot
circumstances. Brief the crew and
give them time to prepare. Drop the buoy
and head off into
When you leave the mooring,
the wind or tide
your boat will be pointing toward
the wind or tide, whichever is
stronger. This is the direction in Reduce speed as
you head into the
which you will set off, unless an
wind or tide
obstruction requires you to steer
another course. As when you
arrived, brief your crew to prepare
how to approach how to leave
them for departure. Motor slowly into the wind or tide Drop the mooring buoy or motor forward
To leave a mooring, the foredeck toward the mooring buoy or your chosen to recover the anchor. Head initially into
crew must prepare the gear to allow anchorage spot. Reduce speed until you the wind or tide, whichever is stronger, as
them to drop it immediately on are stationary alongside the buoy or at this will give you maximum control before
command. If a pickup buoy has the anchoring spot. turning to your preferred course.
an all-chain cable. The kedge will
usually have an all-rope cable with
a short length of chain—about 6 ft
(2 m)—at the anchor.
The ability to anchor easily and with confidence is a very A long-distance cruiser should
important one for a cruising yacht, especially one that ventures carry a more substantial inventory
of anchors and cable to cope with
off the beaten path and away from marinas. Anchoring is one of a variety of anchoring situations.
the fundamental techniques for a cruising sailor to learn, since it Four anchors would be typical, with
provides them with the ability to secure their yacht to the seabed a main bower anchor, a secondary
bower of about the same weight
without relying on any outside facilities, such as a mooring. The
but a different design (opposite)
cruising sailor must know how to anchor and should understand to cope with different bottom
the advantages and disadvantages of the various types of anchor conditions, a kedge anchor, and a
and the equipment needed to deploy an anchor efficiently. heavy storm anchor for exceptional
conditions. A selection of chain and
rope will be carried to allow the
cruiser to anchor in deep water
Reasons for anchoring Anchoring equipment when necessary and to set two or
Anchoring may simply provide a All yachts should carry at least two more anchors simultaneously.
way to enjoy a quiet anchorage suitably sized anchors, together with
away from the bustle of a marina, appropriate lengths of chain or rope Anchor design
or to stop for lunch or a swim, but cable. The choice of anchor and the Anchors vary from the classic
it is also a vital skill to master, as it decision whether to use chain or Fisherman’s anchor, which has several
allows a boat to wait out a foul tide rope depend on the characteristics parts and can be dismantled, to single,
or ride out a gale in shelter. It can of your boat and the areas in which one-piece anchors such as the Bruce.
hold a boat away from a dangerous you normally sail. Suppliers of All anchors have one or more flukes
lee shore and, should an engine fail anchors and chain will suggest that are designed to bury themselves
on a windless day, it may be the suitable sizes and weights for your into the seabed or hook onto rocks,
only way to hold position rather boat, and you can also ask advice
than drifting into danger. from experienced sailors. For serious
offshore sailing—when it is likely that
you will, at times, need to anchor
in exposed anchorages, very strong
tides, or bad weather conditions—
it is sensible to increase the number
of anchors, their size, and the
amount of cable that you carry.
A typical setup for a coastal
cruiser will include a main anchor,
called the bower anchor, and a lighter
anchor, called a kedge. The kedge is
used for short stops in good weather
anchor bow roller
or for kedging-off after running
Most cruisers carry their bower
anchor on a bow roller for easy storage, aground (pp.298–299). The cable for stern anchor stowage
deployment, and recovery. If a headsail the bower anchor may be rope with Some cruisers carry a stern anchor, and
roller furler is fitted, it should be mounted a short length of chain between the this can be a good place to stow the
high enough to clear the anchor when anchor and the rope to better resist kedge. This cruiser has an anchor and
it is being dropped and recovered. the chafe of the seabed, or it may be windlass mounted on the stern platform.
plus a shank to which the cable is parts of an anchor
attached. The flat anchor types, such All anchors have a shank
as the Danforth and Fortress, have to which the cable is Stock
two large, flat flukes and a pivoting attached and one or Fluke
shank, together with a stock mounted more flukes that dig into Shank Shank
at the crown. The plow type do away or hook the seabed. Some
have a stock designed to Fluke
with a stock and may have a pivoting
turn the anchor so that Fluke
or fixed shank.
the fluke(s) can dig into the
Some of the latest types are bottom. The shank is
spadelike with a large, single fluke attached to the fluke(s) at
and a rigid shank. These designs try the crown. Some anchors Crown Fluke Crown
to maximize the fluke area and control (below) have only a single
the angle it presents to the seabed. fluke and a shank. FISHERMAN’S ANCHOR DANFORTH ANCHOR
The classic Fisherman’s anchor is designed to hook seabed is sand, gravel, or mud, this works well, but
the bottom with one of its flukes, but modern anchors in rock or thick weeds, a modern burying anchor is
are designed to bury themselves in the seabed. If the often less effective.
arrived, it will be your responsibility that the anchor cannot drop before 4
to move to another spot. you are ready. Check the depth of (316ºC)
water using the depth sounder and 9
Stationary at anchor
Arriving and leaving calculate the amount of cable required. 8
(Dragging anchor)
The techniques described for arriving This length should be pulled on deck,
and leaving a mooring (pp.280–281), so that it is ready to run without 10
by pointing into the strongest element snagging, and then cleated. Anchor
Laying two anchors (the kedge) from the bow and pull Second bower or
To provide extra security, possibly in the main cable while letting out kedge anchor
against predicted bad weather, lay two the kedge cable to position the boat
anchors, either both in line on one midway between the two anchors.
cable or at a 30–45 degree angle to Join the two cables with a shackle
each other using two cables. This and let out both to lower the join Chain shackled
to crown of
technique is especially useful if you are below the boat’s keel. Secure both
bower anchor
expecting heavy weather. To stop your cables on cleats.
boat from swinging far when the tide If you want to hold position,
changes, lay two anchors ahead and perhaps in a channel with a current
astern of the boat. To do this, drop or tide that reverses direction two anchors in line
the main anchor and reverse the boat periodically or in a very restricted Attach a second bower or kedge anchor
while paying out twice the length of anchorage, lay two anchors but with a short length of chain (6–9 ft/2–3 m)
cable needed. Drop the second anchor lead the kedge cable to the stern. to the crown of the bower anchor.
Bower anchor Kedge anchor cable led
laid as normal cable is led Set the anchors at about
to bow and
to stern 30–45º to each other
Join in cables
to bower
and lower below
keel so boat can
rotate freely
It is very easy for an anchor to become fouled by an obstruction on the Retrieving an anchor
seabed. Motoring around the anchor and pulling its chain from several Sometimes you may have to recover
directions may free it, but it is best to avoid the problem in likely areas an anchor using the tender, usually
of foul ground by using a tripping line. when you have set two anchors and
you cannot recover them both from
Using a tripping line the yacht.
A tripping line is a light line Line attached to
Recovering an anchor can be
tied to the crown of the anchor. a small buoy or hazardous in an inflatable and is
The other end of the line is either fender or brought easier and safer in a rigid dinghy.
brought back on board, where it back on board Pull the tender along the anchor
is left slack but secured on a cleat, cable, with the cable running over
Tripping line tied to the
or attached to a small buoy to float crown of the anchor
the tender, until the cable leads
over the anchor. vertically down into the water.
Beware of using a buoy on the The tender’s buoyancy, combined
tripping line in crowded anchorages, with a strong pull on the cable, is
as it may get caught by another usually enough to break out the
boat’s propeller or be mistaken for retrieving a fouled anchor anchor, which can then be pulled
a mooring buoy and picked up. In If an anchor is fouled, it can be up and brought on board the tender.
such cases, it is better to bring the retrieved by pulling on the tripping Return to the cruiser by pulling
end back aboard, although a longer line. This will capsize the anchor and on the cable, coiling it into the
length of line will be needed. retrieve it upside down. tender as you go.
Role of crew
Good crew are worth their weight in
gold. The most important qualities are
a positive attitude, a sense of humor,
There are few things more pleasurable for the cruising sailor and the ability to get along with
than a well-executed passage culminating in a safe arrival at the others in the confined space aboard
a cruiser. If the crew also have good
destination. It does not matter if you arrive at a harbor you sailing or navigation skills, the skipper
know well; the sense of satisfaction cannot be equaled by any can consider themselves fortunate.
other form of travel. As skipper, you alone are responsible for the The crew should be fully involved
in the boat’s management and passage
safe handling of the yacht and the welfare of the crew. If your
planning, and the skipper should
experience is limited, start with short day trips, building up to always listen to their opinions. The
a longer cruise lasting several days or more. crew must remember, however, that
a vessel at sea might appear to be a
democratic environment, but ultimately
Role of skipper duties and give the crew tasks the skipper is in charge and must
All aspects of the running of that are appropriate to their level make the final decisions.
the yacht, its safety, and the of ability and experience so that Skippers vary tremendously in their
crew’s well-being are the skipper’s they are neither underworked nor approach to running a yacht. Good
responsibility. The skipper should overburdened. Most importantly, ones demonstrate calm professionalism,
be comfortable with the sailing and a good skipper should be patient while those unsure of their own abilities
navigation skills, inspire confidence with inexperienced crew members are often loud and tense. As crew, you
in their crew, and be a good and be able to run the yacht may encounter very different styles of
communicator. They should be with a light touch while retaining boat management, and you will need
able to keep on top of all their respect and authority. to assess how you approach the
idiosyncrasies of your skipper. No
two skippers are alike in the way they
operate a boat and the way they prefer
jobs to be done. If you crew for a
succession of skippers, you may even
find that their ways of doing things are
contradictory. If you aspire to become
a skipper, then you will build up your
own working practices—hopefully
learned from the best skippers you
have sailed with.
Learning to be a skipper
It is fairly easy to define the technical
sailing and navigation skills required
of a skipper, and you can learn these
skills and obtain certificates at sailing
discussing plans
Plan your passage in detail before you
set sail, and make sure that the crew are
involved in the planning. Include backup
plans to allow for bad weather.
Do not undertake passages that
are beyond your level of experience.
crew morale Sailing is as much about the journey
If, at the end of the passage, the crew as the arrival, and successful day
is healthy and happy and can enjoy trips will provide just as much
a chat in the cockpit reminiscing pleasure for the skipper and crew
about the passage, then the skipper
as more ambitious passages. Short
has done a good job.
trips also involve more close-quarters
boat handling with which to
improve skills.
Although ultimate responsibility
lies with the skipper, their job will be
much easier if some of the crew have
offshore passage-making experience.
Passage making with an inexperienced
crew puts great demands on a skipper,
who may feel under immense pressure
if there is not an experienced crew
member to whom some tasks can
be delegated. If you cannot find an
experienced sailor to come with you,
adjust your plans to suit the crew’s
level of experience.
schools. The ability to manage The technical sailing and navigation Becoming a better skipper
people aboard a small yacht and skills you learned at sailing school Try to always learn from the time
develop your crew’s teamwork is, can be honed by regular use, so try you spend afloat, slowly building
however, less easy to define and to get as much experience as possible. knowledge of the sea, weather, and
more difficult to acquire. If you have Preplan each passage carefully and, if your boat. Do not get disheartened
business management skills, these will you feel at all unsure, ask a more or discouraged if something does not
help, but you will need to modify your experienced sailor to check your go according to plan; instead, learn
approach significantly, as running a plans and confirm your interpretation from it. Surprisingly quickly, you will
boat is not like running an office. of wind and tides. develop the skills and confidence
Crew members are not paid employees If you are concerned about necessary to undertake longer cruises
(unless you aim to be a commercial maneuvering your boat in tight lasting several days or more.
skipper) and are sailing with you for spaces, seek advice from other Although it is important to
experience and fun, so they must be skippers on similar boats or on develop technical skills, focus on
handled with consideration and similar moorings or marina berths. improving your interpersonal and
understanding. Very often they are If you need a hand, then ask for crew management skills. Novice
family or close friends, and your it—this is a sign of a good skipper. crew can be anxious about the
relationships can be harmed by If you have problems handling passage ahead, while others may
stressful experiences afloat. the boat in a crowded marina, be overconfident and want to push
Your crew will feel more relaxed well-stationed crew with roving too hard. A good skipper takes an
and confident if you are calm and fenders can often help avoid or interest in everyone on board and
show confidence, so try not to let soften a collision. Remember to pays special attention to novice
your own nerves show or affect your perform berthing maneuvers slowly; or nervous crew members. As an
behavior. Try to avoid high-stress this way, if you do have a collision, improving skipper, concentrate on
situations by only attempting what it will be a gentle one and only ensuring that everyone has a safe
you feel comfortable doing. your pride may be damaged. and enjoyable experience.
Planning for a cruise or passage registration papers are on board. estimated date and time of arrival. On
starts some time before the day of You should also carry paperwork reaching the destination, the skipper
departure. The skipper, or navigator confirming the yacht’s tax status if then notifies the coast guard of their
if there is one, prepares a detailed you cruise in an area, such as Europe, boat’s safe arrival. This system allows
navigation plan (p.362). From this, that requires VAT or other tax to the coast guard to begin a search-and-
you can estimate the departure time, be paid on a boat. Failure to carry rescue operation if a yacht is overdue.
the number of hours or days for confirmation could result in a fine or You can also preregister your boat’s
which you will be sailing, and whether even the yacht’s being impounded. details with the coast guard so, in
the passage involves night sailing. It is also useful to have several the event of an emergency call from
Remember to have an alternative plan photocopied crew lists with you. your vessel, they immediately know
in case the weather or other factors These provide authorities with the type of boat, its distinguishing
require a change of plans. Also, on details of who is aboard, next of features, what safety equipment you
a cruise, build in days for rest and kin, passport number, and contact have, and other details. This will help
shoreside recreation, especially if details. Many countries now require them coordinate a speedy search and
there are children on board. a small-boat skipper to possess a rescue. If the coast guard in your
Using the cruise or passage plan, certificate of competence, so make area operates such services, it is wise
you will be able to work out your sure that you have it with you. to take advantage of them. Always
fuel, food, and water requirements remember to inform the coast guard
and can allow for stops to replenish Coast guard services on arrival or if your plans change
supplies if necessary. Check your In most countries with a coastline, a and you divert to another harbor.
yacht’s insurance details to be sure coast guard service is responsible for
that you are covered for the passage managing rescue operations at sea, Watch systems
and, if you are going abroad, make either using its own resources or those When passage making, it is
sure that all your crew bring their of the navy, air force, lifeboat service, essential that all members of the crew,
passports and make any visa or any shipping in the vicinity. including the skipper, get sufficient
arrangements that may be necessary. Many coast guards operate a rest so that they continue to perform
If you will be sailing in foreign system in which a yacht setting out on at their optimum. Sailing offshore can
waters (even if you do not intend to passage can inform the coast guard of be mentally and physically tiring,
enter port), check that your yacht’s its passage plan, destination, and especially in rough weather.
If everyone is to enjoy the
passage and be able to contribute to
the sailing of the yacht, you need to
ensure that the crew stay alert and
are well fed and rested throughout.
When setting out on a passage of
more than a few hours, you should
operate a defined watch system that
allows all crew members to have time
off watch for rest and sleep. A watch
keeping watch
The on-watch crew must keep a regular
lookout because it is very easy to be taken
unaware by a ship appearing over the
horizon, especially from astern.
system divides the crew into two passage, it is very easy for tempers
or more watches, one of which is to fray if the watch on deck is not TRADITIONAL
responsible for the sailing of the relieved on time because the new WATCH SYSTEM
yacht, while the other rests or watch has overslept. The on-watch
Watch systems are arranged to
prepares meals. Larger crews aboard team should wake their colleagues
run from midnight to midnight,
bigger racing or cruising yachts are about half an hour before they are splitting the 24 hours into periods
often split into three watches, each needed on watch to give them time of on-watch duty and off-watch
led by a watch leader. While one crew to be fully alert and properly dressed rest. The traditional system uses
is on watch, a second is off watch, for the prevailing conditions. This four-hour watches at night,
and the third is on stand-by to assist can take some time, as it may require which may be too long when
the on-watch crew and to undertake putting on a full set of oilskins, life conditions are difficult.
domestic tasks. With large crews, the jacket, and safety harness in a
skipper, navigator, and sometimes a confined and moving space.
cook are left out of the watches. It is courteous to prepare a hot 0000
The traditional, two-watch system drink for the new watch. This is also HRS
has one watch on duty for four hours, the time for the new watch to be
followed by four hours off-watch. briefed and receive standing orders
To prevent each watch from having the and any instructions for the ongoing
same periods on watch each day, passage. Look out for each other’s 0400
the watches are staggered by two “dog safety during the changeover—
watches” of two hours each in the late don’t allow the new watch to come
afternoon and early evening, during on deck at night without clipping on
which everyone is usually awake. first, and be sure the new helm is
comfortable with the course to 0800
Personalized systems steer and any other navigational
There is no need to use a traditional issues before taking over.
system. Many experienced skippers When the crew is large enough,
devise their own system to suit the the skipper may stay outside the
particular needs and size of their watch system but remain on call
crew and the length of the passage. at all times. In such instances, they
What is important is that everyone will issue standing instructions as
gets sufficient rest and that light and to when to be woken. Reasons will
noise are kept to a minimum below include an increase in wind strength,
when the off-watch crew is sleeping. the approach of another vessel, the
Whichever system you adopt, sighting of land or navigational
make sure that everyone fully marks, or when the crew is uncertain 1800
appreciates how it will operate. Put about anything. It can feel awkward
a chart on the bulkhead above the waking the skipper, but don’t delay; 2000
chart table listing names and watch situations can develop very quickly,
times if that helps. There is nothing and a good skipper would rather
less likely to induce sleep than lying be woken unnecessarily than not be
in your bunk worrying about when awake when a crisis unfolds.
you are next required to be on watch. Despite the best-laid plans, it 2400
may be that a crew member becomes
Keeping time overtired. If this occurs, they should key
Make sure that everyone understands be taken out of the system for a watch
the importance of being on time for or two. The skipper may need to
their watch. In the confines of a small deputize for them until they are ON WATCH RESTING MEALTIMES
yacht, when people are tired on able to stand watch again.
On longer passages, of about two Unfortunately, cabins and berths Agree on times in the watch system
days or more, a routine should be at the ends of the boat are the least when everyone is awake, interacting,
quickly developed, dictated by the comfortable for sleeping, or even sharing meal times, and enjoying
needs of the boat and the need to relaxing when sailing in waves. In entertainment. At these times, it is
maintain a fit crew. The crew, divided rough conditions, the only usable appropriate for the crew to be
into watches, goes about their duties berths will be near the middle of the animated and for music to be played.
of sailing, navigation, and boat boat which, in a small cruiser, means
maintenance and takes their rest the settee or pilot berths in the Domestic chores
as set by the watch pattern. saloon. Berths farther aft, alongside It is important that the boat is kept
Two important factors when the cockpit, may be tenable but often clean and hygienic. A small boat at
you are running a watch system are induce claustrophobia, and being close sea can very quickly degenerate into
self-discipline and respect for each to the cockpit makes them noisy. an unpleasant environment, which is
other, particularly for the off-watch bad for morale and for maintaining
crew’s need for good-quality sleep. Minimizing noise a healthy and motivated crew.
The safety of the boat and Noise is often a problem for crew The galley, heads, and main
crew depends on having an alert and trying to sleep, and the on-watch accommodation areas should be
efficient crew on watch, and this is crew should try to keep it to a thoroughly cleaned very frequently,
not possible on a long passage if they minimum. Noise can come from probably on a daily basis, depending
do not get sufficient sleep. Where many sources—banging of hatches on the size of the crew and boat and
possible, the off-watch crew should and lockers, whistling kettles the weather conditions. Antibacterial
sleep in berths away from the saloon, (popular on boats), chatter from the cleaning agents are useful for
navigation station, and galley. Cabins cockpit, the VHF radio, instrument maintaining countertops and other
forward and aft afford some privacy alarms, the whirring of winches, and hard surfaces. Cleaning tasks are
and relative quiet. This also allows even the water rushing past the hull. unlikely to be popular, so make sure
for some lighting to be operated in It is not possible to eliminate noise, they are incorporated into the watch
the galley and navigational areas but remember how disturbing it can system routines and that each task is
without disturbing the sleeping crew. be to the crew trying to sleep. unambiguously allotted to one or
more crew members.
Conserving water
In normal shoreside life, an unlimited
water supply and the high level of
personal hygiene it affords are taken
for granted. On a boat, fresh water
is in short supply, and there is rarely
enough to allow daily or even
frequent showers when on an
offshore passage. In warm climates,
it may be possible to take a seawater
secure berths
Bunks intended for use when sailing
should have sturdy lee-cloths to hold the
person in the berth when the boat heels.
Some yachts have sleeping cabins with
upper and lower berths, as here.
wash in the cockpit and rinse off Cooking
with fresh water using a deck shower, Food preparation is often the least
but long, luxurious showers will have favorite task on board, unless you
to wait until the next port is reached. are fortunate enough to sail with a
If you intend to allow swimming seagoing chef, but the importance
off the boat, you should enforce strict of food and meal times is heightened
safety guidelines. Always stop the at sea. It is important that meals are
boat and trail the dinghy or long prepared at the correct times and
floating lines with fenders attached that the crew is as well fed as
to act as safety lines for swimmers to possible under the circumstances.
grab if needed. Alternatively, insist Not everyone on board will
that swimmers wear safety harnesses consider themselves a good cook,
attached by lines to the boat. For and as a result, some crew members
each crew member swimming, make may shy away from the galley. It is
sure they have a “buddy” on board important, however, that as skipper,
to keep watch over them and that you don’t allow the better cooks to
someone competent in boat handling feel put upon by having to do the
stays aboard. If in any doubt about majority of meal preparation unless
the conditions, don’t allow anyone to they are relieved of some other
swim; instead, use a bucket on a rope onerous duty, such as dishwashing
to scoop up seawater. Remember, or cleaning. As with boat cleaning,
though, that a bucketful of water can meal preparation should be made preparing meals
easily be ripped out of your hand or a part of the watch system duties. The layout of the galley has a lot to do
with whether cooking is a pleasure or a
pull you overboard if you try to fill Food preparation is made easier
chore. A U-shaped galley with sufficient
it when the boat is moving. Tie the if the boat has refrigerator or freezer
counter space allows the cook to work
bucket’s lanyard to a cleat and do not facilities. For passages of a few days out of the way of other crew moving
wrap it around your hand when you or less, meals can be prepared at around the interior. Deep fiddles on galley
fill the bucket. home and frozen. They then simply counters keep items in place even when
need reheating. If that is not possible, heeled, and secure storage space close
Keeping the boat tidy select some simple but tasty recipes at hand keeps the galley well organized.
Encourage crew members to keep that won’t be difficult to prepare at
their own personal belongings neat— sea. Buy good-quality produce and
it’s all too easy for clothing and other check its expiration date. Keep fresh handy for the on-watch crew. From
items to spill across the boat as it fruit and vegetables in a cool, dark, the meal plan, make a shopping list
heels or tacks. If this happens, the but well-ventilated locker if possible. so that you know exactly what you
interior will quickly deteriorate into Prepare a menu plan for enough days need. If you are shopping for a long
an unpleasant place that will to cover your passage and any passage, take a calculator to the
discourage crew from going below eventualities. Check any special supermarket with you to avoid
when off watch. requirements, allergies, or preferences going over budget.
Wet gear should be kept away your crew may have; feeding them Mealtimes should be communal,
from dry clothes. A dedicated wet their favorite food certainly helps allowing both watches and the skipper
locker for hanging oilskins is ideal if morale. Bear in mind that if a long to spend time together. Keep one person
there is sufficient space; alternatively, passage involves a change of climate, on deck as a lookout and rotate this
use the heads compartment, as it dietary requirements may change. task frequently. Mealtimes are a good
usually has a sump into which the Always have some quick and time to discuss the passage and confirm
wet gear can drain. easy convenience food standing by future plans. It also gives the skipper
Organize a rota to share domestic in case of heavy weather, and keep a forum to pass on information,
duties, and delegate crew to clean up a container of chocolate, cookies, answer any questions, and set any
immediately after each meal. raisins, and other easy-to-eat snacks standing orders.
The International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea At night, be careful to show the
(Col Regs) specify the responsibilities of all types of craft. They apply correct lights when you are sailing or
under power. Be careful not to show
to all vessels on the high seas and connected waters, and it is essential the lights for a sailing vessel if you
that you learn the most common rules. As the skipper of a small boat, are motor-sailing. This is an easy
you have exactly the same responsibility for avoiding collisions as the mistake to make if you have been
sailing and turn on the engine to enter
skipper of the largest liner or supertanker. Ignorance of the rules is no
harbor. It is easy to forget to switch
defense and, quite apart from the dangers of collision to boat and from your masthead sailing lights to
crew, the penalties for lack of rule observance can be severe. your deck level navigation lights and
steaming light required when you are
under power (p.307). Unfortunately,
Rules of the road sailing, practice spotting who has right the masthead combined light used
In addition to the Col Regs, national of way among the boats around you. on most sailing boats to conserve
governments and local authorities Involve your crew in this exercise; as power is of no use in close-quarters
can impose their own regulations they should be involved in keeping a situations when low-level lights
covering harbors, rivers, and inland lookout, it will be useful for them to are required.
waterways. Details of these additional practice identifying potential collision
regulations can be found in local pilot situations. Study the full regulations Identifying the stand-on vessel
books. If you are preparing a passage for a more complete understanding The concept of there being (at least)
plan, particularly in unfamiliar waters, and have a reference guide to the one give-way and one stand-on vessel
be sure to check if there are local rules on board. Radar and AIS in any potential collision situation is
bylaws in place that may apply to you. (Automatic Identification System) fundamental to an understanding and
Make sure that you know and (p.334) can provide invaluable observance of the collision regulations.
understand the basic “rules of the backup, especially at night or when The rules are designed to identify
road” (pp.54–55). When you are out visibility is poor. Be sure to learn the which vessel should hold its course
rules that govern boats under power,
as well as those under sail. Remember
that if your engine is running and in
gear and propelling the boat, your
Red Green boat becomes a power-driven vessel,
Port sidelight Starboard
sector—112.5º sidelight sector— whether or not you have sails hoisted. Crossing
from dead 112.5º from This boat
ahead dead ahead is the
Daylight shapes and Crossing stand-on
This boat is
navigation lights on the other’s
clock-notation system
running boat was on port tack, it
Use the clock-notation system to tell the would be the give-way vessel under
confusing situations at night
skipper where an approaching vessel is in the windward-boat-keeps-clear rule
Under sail at night, it can be hard to
relation to your yacht—here, a large ship is when two boats are on the same identify the give-way vessel, especially
at 10 o’clock and a motor yacht at 8 o’clock. tack. In poor visibility or at night, when one boat is sailing on a run and
it can be difficult or impossible to the other is close-hauled on port tack.
determine the situation until the The port tack boat must assume it has
and speed and which should take vessels get very close. to give way.
avoiding action in any situation where Other situations where it is difficult
vessels meet. Confusion sometimes to identify which tack a sailing boat is
arises when judging which boat is on are when it is running under crew has seen your boat or correctly
the stand-on or give-way vessel. spinnaker alone or when it is hove-to. interpreted the situation. It may be
When under power, this can be most In the former, the spinnaker pole will that they are just as sure as you are that
easily understood by reference to the be set on the windward side of the they have the right to stand on. Or a
sectors of the basic navigation lights. boat and will identify which tack it boat you were expecting to give way
Using this system, it is easy to see is on. If the position of a hove-to may be hampered by other vessels or
that an overtaking boat is not just yacht is uncertain, check which side unable to change course because of a
one approaching from directly astern, the main boom is on. navigational hazard or shallow water.
but is any approaching vessel within In any situation where you Always be ready to take avoiding
the sector covered by the stern light. cannot clearly identify the status of action, and remember that when a
Similarly, a vessel crossing from the the other vessel, you should assume stand-on vessel finds itself so close that
port side in the port light’s sector is that you should keep clear and do collision cannot be avoided by the
a give-way vessel. A vessel crossing so as early as possible. action of the give-way vessel alone,
from the starboard side in the sector the stand-on vessel must take any
covered by the starboard light is a Taking action actions it can to avoid a collision.
In some situations, especially when
A SAILING VESSEL under sail, it can be considerate to A POWER-DRIVEN
alter course or speed, even if you have
the right to stand on, if it is easy for
you to do so but more difficult for the
• A vessel not under command • A vessel not under command
other boat. But if you decide to do so,
• A vessel restricted in its ability always make your course alteration • A vessel restricted in its ability
to maneuver in plenty of time and make sure that
to maneuver
• A fishing vessel your intentions are obvious so as • A sailing or fishing vessel
• A vessel constrained by not to confuse the other boat’s helm. • A vessel constrained by
its draft Equally, when you are the stand-on its draft
vessel, do not assume that the other
When sailing, you will almost boats or those moored alongside the to fishing vessels, ships in a state of
inevitably begin and end a passage channel. Always be considerate of emergency, and those crossing the
in a narrow channel or river leading to a other water users and keep your lanes. Vessels entering a traffic lane
mooring or a marina. It is likely that you speed low. Look behind the boat should do so at the ends of the lane
will be under engine rather than sail, so occasionally and make sure you are where possible, or at a shallow angle
the rules that apply to power vessels not making a large wash. at other parts of the lane.
will apply to you. Local traffic must use the inshore
The rules for proceeding along Traffic lanes zones and keep out of the lanes. If you
a channel require all boats to stay on When you cross a busy shipping lane must cross a traffic-separation area, the
the starboard side of the channel, and for the first time, you will be amazed rules state that you should do so as
you should remember to follow this at just how much commercial shipping quickly as possible on a heading that is
requirement. Be aware of the possibility plies its trade along the coasts. Because at a right angle to the lane. Do not
of boats entering the channel when of the volume of traffic, the size and adjust your course to counter the
you pass the entrances to marinas, rows speed of the ships, and the dangers of effects of tide, as this will lengthen the
of moorings, piles, or pontoons collision, traffic separation plans are time spent crossing the lane; steer a
alongside the main channel. Obey any used in busy areas and in areas with course at right angles to the lane and
speed limits and be ready to reduce significant navigational hazards to proceed across as quickly as possible.
speed if the channel narrows or you bring some order to the traffic flow. If the visibility is poor, do not cross a
encounter boats maneuvering. Shipping traffic is channeled into lane unless it is essential to do so,
If you are in a line of traffic and wish two lanes with a median strip, or or you have radar with which to spot
to pass, remember that it is your “separation zone,” which allows the position of shipping. Commercial
responsibility to give the boat you are vessels to pass safely in opposite shipping often travels at over 20 knots,
passing a wide berth and to keep clear directions. These traffic-separation which means that a ship will cover
until you have passed. Be aware of your plans also keep local traffic apart 1 mile in three minutes. If visibility is
wake and the effect that high speed from through traffic. Separation zones only half a mile, you will have only
and a large wake can have on small between the traffic lanes are restricted 90 seconds between first seeing the
ship and its being on top of you.
cS.G Wk
25 28 Remember that as well as traveling
Wk B G quickly, commercial shipping takes
21 30 36 Wk a long distance to stop or to alter
Inshore zone
course by a significant amount.
When crossing a traffic separation
30 45
lane, have sufficient crew on deck to
Traffic lane 33 33 maintain a full-time watch all around
S.St Course followed the horizon and have someone
due to tidal stream
47 manning the radar if you have one.
34 34 33
Separation zone
separation zones
44 38
Traffic lane From its departure point, A, the yacht
travels along the inshore zone, then steers
55 29
37 at right angles to the traffic lanes to get
37 A across as quickly as possible. It then
Vessel at anchor
Altering course to port
Vessel fishing or trawling
Engine going astern. Large ships take time
to stop; they may still be moving ahead even Vessel constrained by its draft
when their engine is running astern
There are very few experienced sailors who have never run weeks or more until the tide returns
aground. In theory, careful navigation and good seamanship will far enough to float the boat. If
you ground under sail, you must
avoid a grounding, but in the real world, it is an occupational decide immediately if you can use
hazard. Most groundings result in little more than wounded pride, the sails to help you get off. If you
but the situation is potentially dangerous. Quick and effective ground on a lee shore, the wind
will push the boat into the shallows,
action is required to refloat the boat immediately if possible or
and you will not be able to use the
to minimize the danger and potential damage if you are stuck fast. sails to get off.
When the sails cannot help, drop
them and, under power, try backing
Assessing the situation whether the tide is rising or falling. off the way you went on. If the
If you run aground, the amount If it is rising, the situation is less bottom is muddy, the keel will have
of danger that your boat is in will serious; the tide will soon float you plowed a furrow. It will be easier to
depend on the bottom and on the sea off, as long as you can prevent the reverse out than to turn the boat and
state. Grounding on rocks in a heavy boat from being driven farther into motor off forward.
sea will wreck the strongest boat, but shallow water. If the tide is falling,
grounding on sand or mud in settled however, you may have only a few Grounding in channels
conditions should present little threat. moments to get off before you are Grounding can easily occur when
Check your charts and test around stuck until the tide rises again. In tacking up a channel with shallow
the boat with the spinnaker pole or the worst case—running aground water on each side. If you hold a
boathook to find out what the bottom at the top of a tack too far, the boat will touch
is like. If weather conditions are spring tide—you bottom. In this situation, you should
forecast to deteriorate, try everything may have to immediately try to tack the boat
possible to get the boat off quickly. wait two so that it is pointing back into deep
water. If you are successful and the
Taking action sails fill on the new tack, sheet them
First actions on running aground in very tight, and the boat may heel
can be crucial if you are to get off far enough to reduce its draft and
quickly. It is important to know sail clear into deep water. You can
Lay an anchor and tie
getting off the cable to a halyard
Fast actions are needed to get off to heel the boat
couple of hours even in summer.
In the winter, survival time reduces
to a few minutes.
Injury or death from impact is
another serious danger for a person
who falls over the side. First, there is
the danger of hitting the boat as you
Having crew go overboard is one of the greatest fears of any fall overboard, then there is the risk
skipper. As soon as a person falls overboard, they are in very of being hit by other vessels—if the
incident happens in congested waters
grave danger. Only the prompt and efficient action of the crew such as the entrance to harbor—and
left on board can prevent a fatality. It is best to try to stop people finally there is the danger of being
from falling overboard in the first place: safety harnesses must be hit by the rescuing boat during the
recovery procedure.
available and worn when necessary. If a man-overboard situation
still occurs, it is vitally important to keep the person in sight and to Priority actions
return to them and pick them up as quickly as possible. The immediate priority when a person
falls overboard is to alert the rest of
the crew, including those off-watch,
The dangers automatic life jacket. A manually with a cry of “man overboard,” and to
A man-overboard situation can inflated life jacket will not save stop the boat or turn it onto a course
transform a pleasant sail into a someone who is unconscious; neither from which it is easy to return to the
potentially fatal accident in a matter will a buoyancy aid if the person is person. It is vital to keep the casualty
of seconds. To the inexperienced, face down in the water. in sight while deploying a lifebuoy
a person falling over the side on a Even if the person is conscious, and danbuoy immediately. Every
pleasant summer’s day may appear fit, and a strong swimmer, the shock second of delay in launching the
little more than an unexpected swim, of falling overboard may easily cause lifebuoy will result in it being dropped
but even in perfect conditions, a them to swallow water, panic, and farther away from the casualty, greatly
man-overboard incident has the sink below the surface. If the water reducing their chances of reaching it.
potential to become a tragedy. is cold, the natural reaction is to The next key step is to fix the
Whenever anyone falls overboard, hyperventilate, causing blood pressure person’s position by eye and any
they face the dangers of drowning, to soar. This in turn can lead to the other means available. Returning
exposure or hypothermia, and impact dangers of stroke or heart attack. to the person depends on knowing
injury. Drowning can occur quickly If the person is wearing a exactly where they are, and the best
if the person is not wearing an functioning life jacket, they are still way to do this is to never lose sight
in danger. Exposure, followed by
hypothermia and eventually death,
is a real fear, even if the air and
water temperatures are not cold. If a
person’s core body temperature drops
by just 3.6ºF (2ºC), hypothermia sets
in. Because the body loses heat 26
times faster in water than in air, a
person overboard in water as warm
as 75ºF (24ºC) still risks hypothermia.
on the boat Since water temperature in temperate in the water
If you can stop the boat close to the crew latitudes rarely reaches such a high If the person overboard is conscious and
overboard, a heaving line or, preferably, a temperature, survival time outside can reach the heaving line or rescue sling,
rescue sling, as shown here, can be thrown. the tropics may be as little as a they can be pulled back to the boat.
• Sailing at night or in fog Clearly, the risks to a crew member who falls overboard are real and
• The boat is reefed or when very serious, and it should always be treated as a life-threatening
a reef may be needed situation. The risk is so high, especially in rough conditions, when
• In areas of rough water the difficulty of recovery increases dramatically, that the whole crew
• You are working alone must focus on prevention and on learning appropriate recovery and
on deck survival techniques (pp.302–303). Often, it is when least expected that an
incident can occur. Offshore and in heavy weather, everyone recognizes
the danger and takes extra care, but inshore and when maneuvering
of the person. On a fully crewed boat, in confined waters, attitudes toward safety are often relaxed. It is wise
one or more crew should be detailed to remember that many man-overboard situations occur in benign
to keep a continuous watch on the conditions when the crew is caught off guard.
person overboard. In addition, they
Staying on board webbing rather than plastic-covered
should point with outstretched arms
Prevention includes wearing good wire (webbing does not roll underfoot
toward the casualty. This is essential nonslip footwear and learning the if stood on), do not leave them
if you are to have any chance of a boat’s deck layout so that you can permanently rigged or the stitching
successful recovery. A person’s head move around confidently when it will rot quite quickly due to
bobbing around in a sea, even with is upright, heeled, or pitching, and ultraviolet light.
just a little swell, will easily get lost. at night as well as day. If the deck In good weather and daylight,
Other ways of marking their layout does not work well or most skippers give experienced crew
has hazardous areas, consider the freedom to decide for themselves
position should be employed as soon
modifications to make it a safer when to wear their harness but
as possible. If the boat is equipped working area. Often, safety bars require them to wear it at night and
with a GPS set with a man-overboard can be installed near the mast to in other situations. They may ask
(MOB) function, there should be a allow crew members to brace novices to wear the harness and clip
dedicated MOB button. When pushed, themselves securely when adjusting whenever they leave the greater safety
this records the position, then the set halyards and mast-mounted control of the cockpit. Some will be content
can be used to guide the boat back to lines. Make sure that there are if a novice wears a combined harness
sufficient handholds for all sizes and life jacket without clipping on
that position. If the boat takes too
of crew as they move between in good weather.
long to return to the position, the cockpit and foredeck. Even when a harness tether is
person is likely to have drifted due Encourage your crew to get used, it is still vital to maintain
to wind, waves, tide, or current, but comfortable moving around on good handholds and avoid falling
at least it provides a fixed spot from deck and explain to any novices over. In fact, it is a good idea to
which to start a search. how to move from handhold to crawl in rough weather or if you
Physical ways of marking the handhold, always obeying the old feel insecure.
adage of “one hand for the ship, Keeping your weight low means
person’s position include dye markers
one for yourself.” you are much less likely to be thrown
or even using cushions or fenders to over the side. Always keep your
mark the route back to the casualty. Using a safety harness harness tether as short as possible,
At night, floating light sticks are very Each crew member should be and when moving around on deck,
useful. If the person is wearing a issued with a safety harness, try to do it along the windward side
personal locator beacon (PLB), make preferably of the type that is of a heeled boat. Then, if you do
combined with an automatic slip, your tether should keep you
sure the onboard receiver is working.
life jacket (p.221). The harness from sliding over the leeward
If the boat has sufficient crew,
tether is best clipped to jackstays side. Although it is better to be
one should be detailed to plot the time (p.220), which should be installed overboard but attached to the
and position on the chart and record permanently or before each yacht, it is best by far not to
the details in the logbook. This is a passage. If yours are made of be overboard at all.
life-threatening situation, so another
crew member should immediately
initiate a mayday call (p.427).
There are no set rules as to whether is under autopilot. Their actions spinnaker up, it must be dropped
you recover a casualty under sail or should depend on whether the immediately. Even if you plan to pick
power, although if you are already yacht is under power or sail and, up the man overboard under sail,
under power when the person falls if under sail, whether the standing start the engine anyway, leaving it in
overboard, you would return to them orders call for a crash stop or a neutral so that it is ready if needed.
under power. Most training courses sail-away-and-return method. The sail-away-and-return method
teach both methods. The size of the If the boat is under power when is the same as the man-overboard
boat, the number and experience the person falls overboard and the recovery method taught for dinghies
of the crew, and the weather will helm sees the person fall, they should (pp.118–119) and is often taught for
dictate the best course of action. immediately turn the bow toward the use in cruisers. It can work, especially
However, unless you are supremely person in the water. This action will with a full crew aboard, but has the
confident in the speed and accuracy swing the stern away from the person disadvantage of taking you away
of your sailing, the natural reaction and help keep them clear of the from the person in the water to gain
is to start the engine, drop the sails, propeller as the yacht passes them. sea room, which means that you risk
and motor back to the casualty. Having turned toward the person losing sight of the person. In very
Whatever method you use, all that initially, the helm should then put rough conditions or at night, it will
matters is that you keep the casualty the helm over the other way once the be virtually impossible to keep the
within sight and return under full man overboard has cleared the stern. casualty in sight among the waves,
control without hitting them with Swing the boat around in a tight and boat handling will be difficult.
the boat as you approach. circle and throttle back, and you
should be in a position to maneuver Crash stop
Helm’s first actions alongside the person within seconds Another method to consider is the
When someone falls over the side, of their falling overboard. crash stop. This has the advantage of
there are a number of things that keeping the boat close to the person
must happen almost simultaneously Sail away and return in the water. With this technique, the
(pp.300–301). How they are done and If you are under sail when the person helm should push the tiller hard to
by whom will depend on the size falls overboard and the standing leeward as soon as the person goes
and type of boat and the size and orders call for the sail-away-and-return over the side. Whatever the point of
experience of the crew. The details method, luff or bear away as necessary sailing you are on, this action usually
should be included in the standing to turn to a beam reach. If you have a results in the boat tacking or at least
orders set by the skipper. The helm’s
actions are critical because they will Stop to windward of man
have a major influence on the rest of overboard if seas are not too rough
the recovery procedure.
Tack around and
Usually, the skipper will take approach on
over the helm for the recovery, but a close reach
the initial actions should be taken
by the person steering or the person
in charge of the watch if the yacht
ones, are used below in the galley
and navigation area. Turn off
all unnecessary lights.
Work out a watch system
In good conditions, sailing at night can be very rewarding. (pp.290–291) and make sure the
It reinforces a sense of solitude and of being solely responsible for crew knows exactly when they are
on watch. Make sure that the crew
your boat and crew. Moonlight and phosphorescence can make understands the reasons for having
for a beautiful nighttime passage, and dawn at sea is one of the a watch system and the importance
most exquisite experiences afloat. To fully enjoy the experience, of being on time when due on
watch. Remind the crew of the
however, you and your crew must make preparations before
importance of the off-watch getting
darkness falls. For your first nighttime passage, try to have at least adequate rest.
one crew member who has had experience of night sailing. At As skipper, make sure those on
night, all vessels must display navigation lights according to their watch understand that they must
call you if they are concerned about
size and type. Make sure you have a suitable reference book anything or at any times or in any
aboard to look these up, since it can be difficult to remember situations that you specify. Watch-
all the possible light combinations. keepers must dress warmly and
wear waterproofs if necessary.
Wear safety harnesses and clip
Advance preparation All crew who work on deck during them on at all times when in the
Before leaving on a passage that will the night must be familiar with the cockpit or on deck, even in calm
include an overnight sail, check all equipment they may need and be weather. Before going on watch, use
your navigational lights, flashlights, able to find and use it in the dark. the restroom and take extra clothing,
and other electrical equipment. Replace Retaining night vision on deck is something to drink, and some snacks
broken bulbs and dead batteries. Carry important. This is made easier if into the cockpit with you so that you
a generous quantity of spares. red lights, or at least very dim white avoid disturbing the off-watch crew
if you get hungry or thirsty.
Before nightfall
As dusk falls, dress Prepare and eat a hot meal before
warmly and wear a safety dark, and clean up immediately. Stow
harness, which should be all loose gear below. Check the deck
clipped on at all times and stow any unnecessary equipment.
when in the cockpit or Make sure that at least one flashlight
when working on deck. and spare batteries are on hand in
the cockpit. Take the foghorn, too;
if the watch-keepers encounter a
problem that is fully occupying them,
they may not be able to summon the
off-watch, but sounding the foghorn
should wake those below.
Complete any sail changes
before darkness makes the job harder.
It can be helpful to change to a
smaller headsail or roll away part of
a roller-reefing headsail to improve
the helm’s visibility. Reducing sail
area should certainly be considered log with the time if you sight an
and undertaken while all hands are important navigational mark. If you
awake. Not only is it easier to reef can see more than one lit navigational
with a full crew, but it will slightly mark, consider taking the opportunity
depower the boat so that it can sail to get a visual fix with a handbearing
more upright and provide a more compass and plot it on the chart as a
stable platform for the off-watch crew valuable check for the GPS position.
to sleep. However, do not sail the boat If the boat is equipped with
undercanvassed in light weather. Sail radar, keep it on standby and have
with a spinnaker at night only if the an experienced crew member check it
crew is experienced, as spinnakers can regularly. Alternatively, if electrical
be difficult to take down in the dark. power is sufficient, have it in active
At dusk, turn on and check the mode and use its guard facility to nighttime shipping
navigation lights, update your position help identify any approaching vessels. Maintain a constant lookout at
on the chart, and review your passage The radar can also help confirm the night and do not forget to look
plan for the hours of darkness. Write identity of any navigational buoys astern regularly—ships can appear
standing instructions for the on-watch that you spot. quite unexpectedly.
crew in the logbook or on a deck slate.
Include the course to steer and any
light that you anticipate being visible. COPING WITH THE DARK
Everything should be preplanned; It is important to know about some of the effects of night sailing. The
watch-keepers are better on deck at boat’s behavior does not alter, but the crew’s perceptions of it may
night keeping a lookout rather than change. Conditions may feel rougher than they really are, and it
performing navigational duties down will be more difficult to judge distances accurately. On the positive side,
it can be easier to identify navigational marks, shore features, and other
below. If you are a watch-keeper, write
vessels at night when they are illuminated. Although it can be difficult
your own notes from the skipper’s
to pick out an individual navigation mark against the light pollution of a
instructions and keep simple written
populated coastline or harbor entrance, with practice you will develop
navigational notes in the cockpit with
a sharp eye for spotting lights.
you. Remember to have a copy of the
Col Regs or other reference book on Crew and helm Sail setting
hand to help identify any lights you Inexperienced crew may feel Checking the set of the sails is much
see around you. nervous and disoriented at night. harder at night. Shine a flashlight on
Wherever possible, they should be the luffs periodically to check that the
paired with a more experienced crew sails are set properly. On larger boats,
Keeping a lookout this may mean someone needs to go
member. To avoid eye strain from
When sailing at night, especially in staring at the compass, the helm forward to get a good view. Some
cold or wet conditions, it is very should use a star, the moon, a cloud, boats have spotlights set into the
tempting to curl up in the shelter or other reference point ahead of deck near the forestay and shining
of a cockpit sprayhood, or inside a the boat to steer toward, checking the upward to illuminate the luff of
wheelhouse if your boat has one, but course by the compass at frequent the headsail and the telltales.
intervals. The crew members on At all times, stay clipped onto the
this should be avoided. Take a good
watch should be extra supportive boat by using the jackstays. Rather
look all around the horizon at least than shouting back to the cockpit,
of each other at night. If someone
every five minutes if the visibility needs to go below, perhaps to write use predetermined hand signals,
is clear and more frequently if the the log, they should check their silhouetted against the illuminated
visibility deteriorates and there is team members are happy for them sail, to communicate adjustments to
a risk of being taken by surprise by to leave the cockpit. the trim back to the cockpit crew.
an approaching ship. Keep noise to a minimum; avoid Above all, avoid shining a light
slamming locker doors and moving into someone’s eyes, as this will ruin
Try to identify every light you see,
around or talking unnecessarily. their night vision for up to 20 minutes.
deciding if it is a navigational, ship,
or shore light. Make a note in the
masthead lights
power vessel <165 ft (50 m) hovercraft sailing vessel <66 ft (20 m) sailing vessel optional
A power vessel under 165 ft A hovercraft shows the Under 66 ft (20 m), the sidelights Over 66 ft (20 m), separate
(50 m) has separate sidelights same lights as a power vessel and stern light can be combined stern light and sidelights
and a single masthead light. plus an all-around flashing in a single light at the masthead. plus optional all-around
If it was over 165 ft, it would yellow light. red over green lights.
need two masthead lights.
Fog is possibly the greatest of all dangers a sailing craft can
face. It can certainly represent a greater danger than rough
weather to a small boat. Your visibility can be reduced to near
zero, making you vulnerable to collision with another craft or with
the shore. Do not put to sea unless you are absolutely sure that the
fog is landbound and that conditions at sea are clear. When
checking the forecast prior to sailing, be sure to listen for the
fog at sea
visibility rating in your area. If you are at sea when fog forms, you In fog, it is very difficult to estimate the
must take steps to ensure your safety. Make sure you have a radar size and speed of another boat and the
direction in which it is traveling. When
reflector mounted as high up as possible, use the appropriate visibility is very poor, the risk of collision
sound signals, and avoid any other vessels in the vicinity. with another boat may be extremely high.
Type of fog used in yacht construction, fiberglass it is. However, when purchasing a
There are different causes and types and wood, are very poor reflective radar reflector, it is worth checking its
of fog (pp.380–381), and when materials of radar signals. Radar technical specifications. Reflectors come
considering your options in fog, it reflectors work by using metal plates or in a variety of shapes and sizes, and
will be advantageous to know what film, combined in a geometric pattern, some work much better than others.
type you are experiencing. Radiation to reflect microwaves. Ideally, a radar The traditional octahedral metal plate
fog may dissipate as the sun burns it reflector delivers a much bigger target variety looks unsophisticated, presents
off, whereas advection or sea fog may for radar sets on other vessels than quite a lot of windage, and may snag
be much more persistent. Advection your yacht does without the reflector. In and damage sails, but this simple and
fog is by far the sailor’s worst enemy. general, the larger the reflector and the cheap reflector often performs better
The prevailing weather in your higher it is mounted, the more efficient than more modern cylinder types. It is
sailing area will dictate at what times also easy to dismantle and stow below
of year and in what conditions these if required, although it is best if it is
different fog types will develop. In mounted permanently high up on the
many waters, advection fog is more mast so it is always working to make
likely in the spring when water the yacht more visible to mast.
temperatures are at their lowest but Cylinder-type reflectors are easy
air temperatures are rising. to mount permanently on the mast,
or can be hoisted when needed, and
Radar reflectors have no sharp edges to catch sails.
All commercial vessels and many However, many of these types have
yachts use radar as a primary means of performed badly in comparative trials,
collision avoidance, so it is in your best so be sure that the one you choose has
interests to help them see you by using a good reputation and authenticated
a reflector. test reports. Active radar reflectors are
Radar reflectors are designed to cylinder radar reflector the most effective. These powered units
increase the radar visibility of your Cylinder-type radar reflectors have provide a greatly enhanced reflection
boat. Other than the aluminum mast the advantage of being easy to mount that stands out on another vessel’s
and spars, the most common materials permanently on the mast. radar display.
the time to discover that the can is
empty of compressed air; always
carry spares. Station extra lookouts
and, if you are motoring, place a
lookout on the foredeck as far away
as possible from the noise of the
engine. If you are sailing under
spinnaker or other complicated rig
that reduces maneuverability, then it
is wise to take it down and proceed
under plain sail.
octahedral reflector
Personal safety
In tests, the simple octahedral reflector Make sure that all the crew put
often performs better than many others on life jackets—there will be no
but is more awkward to mount. The best time to do this if a collision occurs.
monitor the radar screen
arrangement is to mount it permanently Recovering a person overboard is If your yacht is fitted with radar, make
at the masthead, as here. likely to be impossible in fog. Think sure it is in active mode and appoint
carefully before making the crew a crew member who is experienced
clip on safety harnesses, however, as at using radar to monitor the set and
Immediate actions they must be able to jump clear in a report any targets to the skipper.
If fog appears when you are at sea, collision. If the weather is rough, the
the safety of your crew and boat greater danger of falling overboard for instant release, and have some
must be your first consideration. may require harnesses to be used, red and white flares on hand. If the
Immediately plot your boat’s present but if the fog is very thick and the weather is calm, consider putting
position on the chart by taking a fix, sea is calm, it is probably better to the dinghy over the side and towing
if possible, or working up an be free to jump clear in a collision. it astern so that it is available should
estimated position (pp.352–361). Crew members down below you have to abandon ship.
Update your charted position should wear life jackets and remain It is helpful to have an idea of
regularly and do not simply rely on fully clothed and near the main the visibility. Sighting a buoy or
a GPS readout or an electronic chart hatch steps so that they can get other object can give you a rough
plotter; should electronic systems fail, up on deck instantly if necessary. idea. Alternatively, drop a bundle
you will be lost unless you have a Make sure the life raft is ready of paper over the side and monitor
recent plot on a paper chart. Unless the time it takes before it disappears
it is permanently installed, hoist your Aerosol foghorn from sight; knowledge of your
radar reflector as high up in the boat’s speed allows you to work
rigging as possible. If you use an out the distance.
octahedral type, make sure it is If your yacht is equipped with
hoisted in the “catch-rain” position radar, station a crew member
so that it is correctly oriented to with experience of using a radar
give maximum strength of return screen to monitor it. Radar is very
to reflected radar signals. useful in fog, but it is important to
Turn on the correct set of Mouth- interpret the display correctly. Do
operated horn
navigation lights depending on not rely entirely on radar, however;
whether you are under sail or power you must still have lookouts on
(pp.306–307) and delegate a member types of foghorn deck. At the same time, monitor
of the crew to make the appropriate Aerosol foghorns are the most common any local harbor and port radio
sound signals (p.311). If you are on board yachts, but simple mouth- frequencies that may warn of
using an aerosol foghorn, this is not operated horns are also available. impending shipping movements.
Regulations you should avoid altering course possible. Proceed under power if by
The Col Regs give instructions for to port for a vessel forward of the doing so you can more quickly cross
appropriate conduct in restricted beam, other than for a vessel being the lane and reach shallow water.
visibility that apply to all vessels. overtaken, and avoid altering course Once in shallow water, either
Remember that restricted visibility toward a vessel that is abeam or heave-to or anchor until the fog
may be caused by conditions abaft the beam. lifts. Remember that other yachts
other than fog. Visibility may be The reason for these restrictions may have had the same idea, so
severely restricted in heavy rain, is to reduce the risk of turning toward keep a good lookout and make
a hailstorm, or even heavy snow, another vessel and increasing the the appropriate sound signals.
and the regulations apply equally risk of collision.
in these cases as in fog. Making harbor
All vessels should proceed at a Tactics at sea If a harbor with a safe entrance is
safe speed adapted to the prevailing When fog descends while you are close by and you are confident in
circumstances and conditions of on passage, your choice of tactics your navigation skills, make for
restricted visibility, and a power- will depend on whether you are it by the most prudent route. This
driven vessel should have its engines close to land, in a busy shipping may not be a direct line—it may
ready for immediate maneuvering. area, or well out to sea. If out to sea, be better to approach outside areas
The actual speed is left to the take the immediate actions to ensure where traffic can be anticipated,
discretion of the ship’s master, and the boat and crew’s safety (p.309) and such as the shallow areas outside
it is wise to remember that many continue on course, keeping a good of the main channels.
commercial ships cannot maneuver lookout and making the appropriate Do not rely solely on electronic
at low speeds and must maintain a sound signals. Where possible, aids such as the GPS to ensure your
significant speed to retain steerage way. proceed under sail, as the noise of an safe entry, although a GPS combined
This, together with the commercial engine will limit your ability to hear with a radar set can be extremely
pressures to avoid delays, means that other boats. If it is calm and you useful for navigating in confined
many ships travel quite fast, even in have to motor, do so at a reasonable waters in restricted visibility. However,
thick fog. speed so that you have good steerage if you use electronic aids in such a
From the point of view of a way and can turn quickly if necessary. critical situation, you should always
yacht, the regulations mean that Stop the engine at regular intervals maintain a continuous plot on a
you must decide what speed is to listen for other vessels or paper chart. Then, if your electronic
safe and must be prepared to stop, navigation aids. Keep the mainsail 9
steerage way and, if necessary, stop visibility. If, however, you are in or 36
until the danger of collision is over. near a busy shipping lane when fog
Another regulation concerns unexpectedly descends, your first 5
the use of radar. If you detect by priority is to get clear of the lane as
radar alone the presence of another quickly as possible. Plot a course to shallow water
vessel, you must determine if the take you into shallow water, which Heading for shallow water is the best
risk of collision exists and, if so, will be free of large vessels. If you defense against risk of collision with large
take avoiding action in ample time. have to cross a shipping channel, do ships. A convenient depth contour can
However, the regulations say that so at a right angle and as quickly as also provide a useful position line.
systems fail for any reason, you can
move seamlessly to a manual plot SOUND SIGNALS
on the paper chart.
In foggy conditions, you must make the appropriate sound signals at
Another instrument that can be the correct time intervals to indicate whether you are sailing or motoring,
a great help, especially if you do not aground, or at anchor. Foghorn signals are either prolonged (four to six
have more sophisticated instruments, seconds) or short (one second). A bell can be sounded as a single ring or
is a depth sounder. Knowing your as a rapid ringing for five seconds, while a gong is rung rapidly. The most
depth can help pinpoint your position common sound signals are shown here. You should also keep a reference
on the chart, and you can also use it book on board detailing the full list of signals as required by the
to follow a depth contour. Thus, if you International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
sail into shallow water to escape the
risk from shipping, you may identify
the 33-foot (10-meter) contour as a KEY FOGHORN BELL RAPID BELL-RINGING GONG
safe haven beyond which shipping
will not venture. Work out the height Under sail (and some other vessels): One
of tide above chart datum (pp.342– prolonged and two short foghorn blasts
345) and add that to the depth of the at intervals not exceeding two minutes.
contour. Sail toward shallow water
and monitor the depth sounder until Making way under power:
you reach the depth you require. You One prolonged foghorn blast at
are now on the depth contour, and intervals not exceeding two minutes.
you can use it, if necessary, as a
position line which, together with Under way but not making way:
one or more other position lines, can Two prolonged foghorn blasts at
intervals not exceeding two minutes.
give you a fix or confirm a GPS fix.
The onset of heavy weather is a great test for the strength Close all deck hatches and any
of the crew and the seaworthiness of the boat. The definition of ventilators that may leak—the
Dorade type (p.403) can be left open
rough weather depends less on the wind strength than it does longer than other types—and fit the
on the experience of the crew, the type of boat, the state of the washboards in the companionway. It
sea, and the course you are sailing. A novice crew in a small is important to try to keep the living
areas dry and, as there is a possibility
cruiser may have a rough ride upwind in a Force 5 against the
that your boat will ship water, pump
tide, whereas an experienced crew in a large yacht would be the bilges before bad weather arrives
comfortable in much heavier conditions. Every skipper must and then at regular intervals. Close
know the strengths and weaknesses of the boat, its gear, and all seacocks that may flood the galley
sink or the heads if the boat heels far.
its crew and must have tactics for dealing with heavy weather. Navigation will be harder in rough
weather, so bring the logbook up to
Preparing the boat lashings on the life raft and tender. date. Plot your position on a paper
As soon as you know that bad weather Check the integrity of the jackstays chart even if you have an electronic
is on its way, begin preparing for it, and their deck securing points; they chart plotter and, by studying the chart
even if you plan to get to a harbor may be put under a lot of strain in and pilot book, decide on a course of
before it arrives. Ready the boat for heavy conditions. If jackstays are not action. Turn on navigation lights if
heavy seas by clearing the decks of permanently rigged, then rig them visibility is poor. If you do not have
loose gear and double-checking the before the weather gets rough. a permanent radar reflector, hoist one
heavy seas
In heavy weather, rough seas are
usually more of a problem than the
wind strength. Here, a cruiser is sailing
fast in rough seas with a small jib and
reefed mainsail.
safety harness snacks for consumption during the
Safety harnesses must be used in rough storm. Issue anti-seasickness tablets to
weather to ensure the safety of the crew. those who want them and try to give
Adjust them so that they are comfortable each crew member some rest before
and clip the lifeline only to strong fittings. the worst of the weather arrives. The
crew may be anxious, and the skipper
should take time to reassure them.
Preparing the crew If you have not been operating a
A warm, dry, and neat cabin in which watch system, impose one now. While
to rest, cook, navigate, and sleep is maintaining a proper lookout, keep
vital. Ensure that everything is stowed surplus crew out of the cockpit, where
securely and make every effort to keep they are in more danger and may
water from getting into the cabin. become cold.
Put on warm layers (and gloves If a crew member gets very cold,
and a hat in cold weather) and wear relieve them at once and have them
waterproofs and boots. If spray and warm up below. If a crew member in
rain are heavy, the helm may find it the cockpit feels the need to be sick,
to increase your visibility (p.308). useful to wear clear ski goggles in guide them, if possible, to the leeward
As the wind strength increases, be order to maintain comfortable vision. side. Make sure they are clipped on
prepared to reduce the sail area to All crew must wear safety at all times, as it is natural to lean out.
suit. Reef the mainsail and change harnesses and clip on whenever they Assign a “buddy” to comfort them
or reef the headsail (pp.250–253) are in the cockpit or on deck. A strong until the sickness is passed. If the sick
to keep the boat moving quickly but securing point by the companionway crew member is below, make sure they
without excessive heel. Remember should allow a crew member coming have a bucket available by their bunk.
to reef early. This will reduce strain on deck to clip on before leaving the
on the gear, and the sooner you do security of the cabin. storm sails
it, the easier the operation will be. If possible, cook and eat a hot They will be used very rarely, but when
If conditions and sea-room allow, meal before the bad weather arrives, you are hit by severe weather, you will
sail downwind while changing the and prepare vacuum flasks of soup or be grateful if your boat has a trysail
headsail to provide the foredeck crew hot drinks, together with nutritious and storm jib in its sail wardrobe.
with a steadier working platform.
Reef both sails to preserve balance
and avoid excessive weather helm.
If you have storm sails on board,
as you should if sailing offshore,
make sure they are easily available
and not buried at the bottom of a
locker. Check that they have been
stowed properly in their bags,
complete with their sheets. Since
it can be a difficult operation in
bad conditions, be sure you have
practiced rigging the trysail (p.251)
and setting the storm jib.
Check all the safety gear and
ensure that anything that may be
needed in a hurry, especially flares, are
easily accessible and the crew knows
their location and how to use them.
Deciding on tactics Heaving-to Lying a-hull
Your plan of action for rough weather The normal procedure is to heave-to As conditions deteriorate, consider
should be based on the capabilities under a deeply reefed mainsail or lying a-hull. You will drift to leeward
of the boat and crew, the severity of trysail and a storm jib. Be sure to more quickly than when hove-to,
the expected weather conditions, securely lash the tiller to leeward or so be sure you have sufficient sea
and the proximity of any shoreline. tighten a wheel’s friction lock to hold room. To lay a-hull, take down all
The most important thing to it to windward. Heaving-to involves sails and lash the tiller to leeward
remember is to stay away from lee balancing the forces on the boat so (or wheel to windward). The boat
shores. In severe conditions, it can be that it lies as close to the wind as will find its natural angle to the wind,
very difficult or impossible for even a possible while making little headway. normally somewhere near beam-on.
modern cruiser to beat to windward The rudder and mainsail try to turn As the boat drifts to leeward, roughly
away from a lee shore, and should the boat toward the wind, while the side-on to wind and waves, it will
the boat be driven ashore, it will backed jib pushes it the other way. leave a flatter “slick” to windward.
quickly be destroyed. Many cruisers will heave-to at The problem with lying a-hull,
Head for harbor only if you an angle of about 60 degrees to the however, is that it is dangerous when
are certain your chosen refuge is safe wind, their motion will be considerably seas begin to break. Then the boat is
to enter in strong winds and rough reduced, and they will rise to the seas vulnerable to being hit by a breaking
seas. Make sure there are no off-lying while drifting slowly to leeward. The wave and rolled over or falling down
shallows or other navigational dangers relative amounts of headway and the face of a wave and landing on its
and that there is no risk that you leeway vary with the boat and sea side in the trough. This can
could end up on a lee shore. A conditions. Depending on conditions
windward shore with a sheltered and the type of boat, you can remain
harbor or anchorage can offer hove-to until or unless the boat starts storm tactics
protection, but you must be certain being knocked down by the waves, Your choice of tactics will depend on the
that the wind will not shift to turn at which point it will become too design of boat, the severity of the weather,
it into a lee shore. uncomfortable or dangerous. and your proximity to the shore.
Seeking open water to ride out the
bad weather clear of the shore is often Hove-to
Heave-to under a deeply Lying a-hull
the best option. Head offshore and get By removing all sails and
reefed mainsail and storm
as much sea room as possible between jib or a trysail and storm jib lashing the tiller to leeward,
or wheel to windward, the
your boat and any potential lee shore. yacht will lie approximately
beam-on to the seas
Taking action Sea anchor
If conditions become too rough to A properly designed
sea anchor can
hold your chosen course, your aim hold the yacht’s
should be to keep the boat as safe bow into the waves
and comfortable as possible while
still making some progress toward
your destination if feasible. The
procedure you choose depends on the Under Towing a drogue
handling characteristics of your boat; bare poles Streaming a drogue
Running from the stern slows
however, the normal first step when downwind under the boat and helps
conditions deteriorate too much to bare poles can hold the stern into
be a good tactic the waves
continue on course, especially when if the boat is
your chosen destination lies upwind, easy to steer
is to stop the boat by heaving-to.
cause serious damage to even the
strongest yacht. Portholes, windows,
and even the cabin side on the
sea anchor
leeward side could be damaged A sea anchor is deployed from the bow to
and flood the boat. hold the yacht’s bow into the seas. A long
nylon warp between sea anchor and boat
Running downwind helps absorb the shock loads by stretching.
If you have plenty of sea room
to leeward, consider running before
the wind, either under bare poles
or with a storm jib. Many modern,
shallow-hulled, fin-keeled cruisers
will surf downwind comfortably when
steered by an experienced helm. If
your chosen course is downwind,
this might be the safest procedure.
However, if you have a heavier the bow roller. Sea anchors are also stop. While lying to a sea anchor,
boat that does not surf easily or used by fishing boats and cruisers the boat is held bow into the waves
a less experienced or tired helm, in less extreme conditions to hold and its motion will be gentler than
you must slow it down as much position during a fishing or overnight if left to drift.
as possible for safety (right). The
danger is that the bow buries itself
into a wave trough and a following SLOWING THE BOAT
wave, catching up with the boat, A number of techniques can be used to slow the boat down
breaks over the stern and floods when running before the wind, but all employ the same principle
the cockpit. of creating more drag. The simplest technique is to trail warps. The
Alternatively, the boat could most effective technique is usually to tow a very long warp in a loop
from the stern (below). A drogue (similar to a small sea anchor) may
broach (p.261) and end up on its
also be trailed from the stern to increase the drag and help hold
side, broadside onto the waves and
the boat’s stern into the seas and prevent broaching. Experiment
extremely vulnerable to the next
with various rough weather sailing techniques in less extreme
breaking crest. In extreme conditions,
conditions to discover how your boat might behave in a storm.
a wave could lift the stern so high
that the whole boat could be thrown
stern over bow, known as pitchpoling. trailing warps
While running downwind without sail or with
just a small storm jib, secure your longest warp
Using a sea anchor to the headsail winches and cleats and trail
Some long-distance cruisers prefer to the bight (loop) over the stern. This will slow
use a sea anchor in storm conditions. the boat and help keep it in line with the seas.
A sea anchor is a large and strong
parachutelike arrangement made
Mainsail stowed
of nylon and strong nylon webbing,
on boom
connected to the boat by a long Bight trailed a hundred yards
length of stretchy nylon rope. It is (91 m) or more astern
deployed from the bow and let out
about 10–15 times the boat’s overall
length. To avoid chafe, it is best to
attach the nylon rope to the end of
the yacht’s anchor chain and pay out
a short length of the chain through
To gain the true freedom of the seas, a sailor needs to learn the art of navigation. It may
appear to be a complex subject, but anyone who can balance a checkbook will be able to
cope with the mathematics required to navigate proficiently. The immense satisfaction gained
when a planned destination appears out of an empty sea at the end of a sailor’s first offshore
passage is ample reward for the small effort involved.
You need to understand only a few basic concepts to begin of the Needles Lighthouse on the Isle
navigating. Once you understand the meaning of some simple of Wight in the UK could be uniquely
defined as 3,039.7 nautical miles
terms—such as position, direction, distance, and depth—you north (of the equator) and 60.9
will be able to apply them to practical navigation. Then you will nautical miles west (of Greenwich).
experience the great satisfaction all sailors feel when they This method of describing a position
is not very convenient in practice.
complete a passage, perhaps out of sight of land, and reach
Because Earth is a sphere, not flat,
a new destination through their own navigational efforts. there is an alternative and easier way
to define a position—using an angular
measurement. Latitude is the angle
Position makes each meridian a Great Circle, formed at the center of Earth
The position of any spot on Earth’s the term given to a section through between the position and the equator,
surface can be described accurately Earth whose plane passes through the while longitude is the angle formed
and unambiguously by reference to center of the planet. The perimeter of at the center of Earth between the
the lines of an imaginary grid laid a Great Circle is actually the shortest position and the Greenwich meridian.
on the planet’s surface. distance between any two points on Latitude and longitude are measured
Imagine Earth covered by the perimeter. This is not the case in degrees (º), minutes ('), and tenths
graph paper with the horizontal and for a segment that does not pass of a minute. There are 60' in 1º, and
vertical lines forming the reference through Earth’s center. 360º in a circle.
grid. The lines running east to west Theoretically, it would be possible
are known as the parallels of latitude. to describe a position on Earth’s Latitude and longitude
(The equator itself is 0º latitude.) surface in terms of its distance in miles on nautical charts
Now imagine cutting Earth along north or south from the equator and Navigational charts have latitude
the parallels of latitude in slices east or west from the Greenwich and longitude scales printed at their
parallel to the equator. The farther meridian; so, for instance, the location edges, with grid lines going across
away from the equator you cut, the
Parallels of latitude Parallels
smaller the slice and the shorter do not converge of latitude
Meridians converge Meridians
and meet at the Poles of longitude
the circumference of its perimeter.
The lines that run north to south
on the imaginary grid are called the
meridians of longitude. The prime
meridian (0º longitude) runs through
the Greenwich Royal Observatory
in England, from which it takes its
name. Unlike a graph paper grid,
Earth is not flat, so on the globe the
meridians run between the North and
South Poles where they converge, like
the segments of an orange.
Unlike the parallels of latitude, latitude slices longitudinal segments
the meridians of longitude are of If Earth was cut laterally along the Cutting Earth along a meridian of
equal length, and cutting along any parallels of latitude, the slices would be longitude will always result in two equal
longitude line would result in two at their largest at the equator and their halves, as the resulting circle passes
equal halves of the globe. This smallest at the poles. through the center of Earth.
measuring latitude and 18' 17'
longitude on a chart
50 49' 24N
1 16' 60W
using the latitude and longitude scales. Read off
Use dividers to transfer the distance from longitude on
Use dividers chart scale,
convenient grid lines to the scales at the to transfer here 1º 17.3'
chart edges. Measure longitude on the scale distance
at top or bottom and latitude at the sides.
Keep dividers set
on distance
measured and
them at regular intervals in the transfer them to
horizontal and vertical directions. edge of chart
The latitude scale runs along the Position to
two vertical sides and the longitude be measured
°T Degrees true Suffix attached to a direction measured relative to true north, e.g., 095ºT.
The unit of distance at sea. A nautical mile is equal to one minute of latitude
M Nautical mile (standardized at 6,076 ft/1,852 m). It is divided into 10 cables (ca) or tenths
of a nautical mile. Each cable is 200 yd (185 m).
kn Knot The unit of speed used at sea. One knot is 1 nautical mile per hour.
The standard meter is used to display depth and height on charts. Meters
m Meter
are divided into decimeters; 7.1 m is shown on charts as 71.
The old unit of depth, equal to 6 ft (1.8 m), sometimes found on older
fm Fathom charts. Parts of a fathom are shown in feet, e.g., 38 ft is shown as 62.
transfer it to a Mercator chart on
which it will be represented by a
curved line between the two points
(unless the course is north or south).
A chart is the essential tool for navigation at sea. Charts are Transfer the great circle track by
produced by the hydrographic agencies of most maritime countries. plotting the positions where the track
on the gnomonic chart crosses each
They were originally produced for professional seagoers. Today, meridian on to the Mercator chart
many hydrographic agencies and some specialty publishers also and join up the positions with a
produce special yachting charts, in paper and electronic form, that smooth curve. On passage, small
changes of course are needed at
are derived from the official data but tailored to suit the sailor’s
regular intervals to follow the curved
needs. Often available in folios covering the most popular sailing track on the Mercator chart.
areas, many include harbor plans and other useful local information.
Charts are available at various scales.
Projection These may be used for small-scale, Small-scale charts cover whole seas
A chart is a representation of a curved ocean passage planning charts or very or oceans. They are used for overall
surface on a flat sheet of paper, which large-scale harbor charts. On small- planning and for plotting position on
presents the cartographer with several scale, gnomonic charts, the meridians long passages. Medium-scale charts
problems. The main consideration is are represented by straight lines that are typically used to cover sections
how best to represent (or project) the converge at the poles, while the parallels of coastline. These are useful for
curve of Earth while minimizing of latitude are drawn as equidistant coastal and offshore information
distortion of the shape and size of curved lines. On large-scale gnomonic around your departure point and
land masses. charts, the area covered is so small that destination. Large-scale charts cover
The Mercator projection is the the meridians appear to be parallel. small areas in great detail. They are
most common form found on charts. Gnomonic charts are ideal for essential when you are entering an
It represents the parallels of latitude planning long voyages between distant unfamiliar harbor or navigating a
(p.320) as straight horizontal lines that ports, as a straight line drawn between difficult stretch of water.
are drawn farther apart toward the two points on a gnomonic chart is a When on passage, always refer to
poles, while the meridians of longitude portion of a great circle and represents your largest-scale chart of the area you
are represented as parallel but the shortest distance between the two are sailing through since it will provide
equidistant straight vertical lines. Some points. In practice, to sail along the you the most detailed information.
charts use the gnomonic projection. great circle track, it is necessary to Small-scale charts should only be
used for plotting when far offshore.
Chart corrections
Great Charts are prepared from surveys
Great circle conducted at regular intervals,
circle track
depending on the importance to
shipping of the area covered. As
man-made features (and, occasionally,
geographic ones) change, the chart is
brought up to date with published
gnomonic projection mercator projection
A gnomonic chart is used for planning On a Mercator chart, the shape of corrections and a new one is issued
long ocean passages and determining land masses is depicted differently due periodically. Chart authorities issue
the shortest track (a great circle track) to the differences in projection. A great regular corrections so you can update
by drawing a straight line between circle track is curved (except when your charts, or you can return them
two places. north or south). to a chart agent for correction.
0 34 Ma
t iionnt a i n e d
_3 1
_8 J
2 Sea Miles 1
_4 66
P 06 12 Calshot Spit depth BY
28 FI.5s 12m 11M No
12 . 6 m 323
2 1
_4 Horn(2)60s Power rth
NAUTICAl10 000 Feet
CHART 09 Latitude and longitude Station
Tidal stream information C
An up-to-date chart 05
is essential for safe
Horizontal lines of latitude and vertical
5 1 2 Entry
S e e Restricted
Tidal a u located 94
Outfall 9 are used to plot position.
Dn lines of longitude 6
4 0 1
CHIMNEY at key points relate to an 69 VQ
& 4F.R
navigation, especially 22 and
in a confined
15 Horn(1)20s
0 Distance is measured using the latitude scale
(198) t (see
i o n Note)
information panel on the
_3 J chart. From this, you can Bel
congested area. The area illustrated here at the sides of the chart. The grid formed
(Q.R Lt) 5
06 that is used
is an extremely busy18channel
by the lines of latitude and longitude can be calculate the direction and
4 11 BY
2 Calshot Spit 1 M
Entry Restricted
15 50 49' 24N
74 Chilling
1.5 2 Sea Miles
Symbols are used on charts to 09
1 16' 60W
(34)TOWER (Mar-Oct)
(see Note) 7
Outfalldangers areas of22 32
Power Radar Sc CG Castle 14
31 15 & and
indicate 4F.R 3
8000 9000 10 000 Feet Station Activities FI(2)R.4s 11
Black Jack
Centre R 76
0 FI(3)G.10s
particular importance. Learn (198)
(Q.R Lt)
15 49'
the most common1ones and 02
carry a reference guide to 1 5 Wk
74 24
0280 10
010 1
Sluice WC _8 2
_5 24
0 68
03 0
_3 R
0 1
N Thorn
_8 IQ.R.10s 26
Danger 1
64 03
Wooded G
1 7 66
_4 4
P depth
WC Or 04 No
12 . 6 m rth
Eddies 53
Y 09
Country Park 1
_6 24 See Cau
05 16
Some water disturbance Bourne Gap
oyal Thames
es 1
Jt i o n Bell(1)30s 53
04 R ro Calshot
06 12 Calshot Spit
FI.5s 12m 11M
168 Obstn
Depth known 0
28 46
TOWER 1 Horn(2)60s
_6 2
39W o o d 0e d 7 36
Entry Restricted
15 94 51
East K
Iso.R.10s6m5M 09
6 4 5
Outfall & 4F.R 22 (see Note)
Obstruction 39 8 P
N 54
168 Obstn 1 18
114 55
0 1
Swept to depth shown S.G
6N Thorn 6Knoll
2 4
Farm 31 3
0 Overfall, tide rips G
7 31
East Knoll
39 10 54
89Country Park 5 G
03 S
10 0
Rock awash Bourne Gap 2
35 64 N Thorn
53 23
al Thames
Wooded _1
Bourne Gap
At chart datum Royal Thames
68 4
_ 936 oyn
Obstn 1
Rock ledge 0
38 62 Thorn Knoll
Boat 1
4 r
Ho 22
Tide gauge
Oys 34
7 5 S.G
67 19
0 08 68
86 ter 0 Knoll
38 _9
Thorn Knoll B A N K 1_ 1
67 06
Stone Farm 0
_8 86 West Knoll 19
107 B A N K 1_ 1
65 75
FI.G.5s G 21
0 35 G Thorn Knoll 12
72 14
_8 06
One-way traffic lane 57
0 06
_8 32 33
Thorn Knoll
86 Bramble
150 G
34 0
f.S 72
20 Wk
Depth taken
160 06 7 82 45
_ 66
82 54
0306Ossory Y 52
S.Gby sounding
( Mar-Oct)
5 7 67
G.S.Sh 76 39
07 8 54 58
69 H Bell
52 35
20 Wk Wreck Country Park
Stansore Point M.S YBY
W Bramble
Racon(T) 72
47 S.Sh
Pyl (20) 51
Depth unknown; thought
P safeRY R
_ 11 Spanker (Mar-Oct) _9
33 71 Bramble
Quinnell 88
86 8 Wk 67 Or
FI(3)R.10s 67 141
WC (Mar-Oct) 82 Y 115
Obstn NE88Gurnard R
West Knoll
Wreck f.S
82 195
194 47'
Stone Point _ 2 Rep(1988)
86 to depth1 shown1
4 G
66 B A 5N1 K51
_2 195S.Sh
Swept 1
_6 05
75 FI.G.2.5s _ 146
1 54
_1 215
Maintained depth 12.6m
F 195
133 176
45 (M
0 195
_4 1
_ 05
_5 0 43 195 195
105 89
06 13 134
186 Caution
Thorn Knoll
07 195
Wreck showing hull 09
G 129
S 95 S.G.bkSh 195 173
7 0
92 G.Sh
25 171
_8 195 192
Stanswood 6 3
Entry Restricted
FarmVQ(9)10s 116 75 193 19
57 21
188 204
54 58
95 (see Note) 202
Considered dangerous 93
105 109 206 Radar Reference Line
78 185 (see Note)
52 12
88 28
63 S.G
f.S 7272
W 5
ing Li
205 129 Prince Consort
15 165
65 93
134 104 17
32 66 2854 (Mar
Spanker 37
2021 81 195 191 S.G
Depth soundings 45
131 fS.Sh
58 104 205 187 106 FI(4)Y.10s 162 Lim Diffusers
Anchoring and Trawling 33
199 93
156 it o
113 fH
Depths shown are related to chart 119
01 74
Prince arb
Y 67 Consort
8 23 Q cS.Sh
96 Trap r
datum (p.343), which are the P r o h i b i t7e d 67
86 P.G.cS.bkSh 133 183
Gurnard Shoal
10 0
93 S.P 225 BY
119 M
S. 122
East Lepe
lowest depths to which the water 235 177 13 101
FI(2)R.5s 7 85 FL.Y.5s
B a5y8113
17 202 64 FI.G 32 CO W E S ROADS
can usually be expected to drop. 5 18 76
16 18
10 41 rose
3 6 No.3 G 24
Bell 37 B
3 RW 24
Contour lines join points of equal Compass
52 compass roses _1 Buoyage
187 Egypt Point 1
_2 46'
n dW Bramble
19 08
15 0 _6 0
6 20 _3
Tr & Fs
Small Craft
dry out are several Fs
Buoys0 are marked Mud on the chart,
7 146 Royal Thame
V Moorings
5 8
BUILDING The Shrape _3
YBY 12 (Apr_Nov) 1 1
21 4
low water are green, depths 0–15 located on the
12 chart. They allow together with details of their
4G7 0 S.Sh
22 Iso.2s6M FI.R.3s3M
ft (0–5 m) are blue, and depths 17 true (°T) and magnetic (°M)
1 light characteristics (pp.336– _8
13 1
Spanker (Mar-Oct) 3
19 2 Keel
15–30 ft (5–10 m) are light blue. bearings to be read directly 2 Y Tr
7 M The direction
337). ofMetres
19 33
24 06
(Mar-Oct) East Cowes Pt
13 1 10
Obstn 1
Feet Fms
5 17 1
8 Y3 6
S.bkSh 12
An underlined figure in areas that from them. Information given in 1may also be marked, especially
5 5 Ancasta 3
13 1 19
dry at low water indicates their the rose provides details of the when
11 1
2 3
1 8
R 1
drying height above chart datum 20 FI(4)G.15s 6
5 Gurnard 3 Gurnard
Bay Boatvariation (pp.328–329)
1 86
Sp 2
could otherwise cause confusion
10411 1341
Ledge G
Ho Tide gauge EAST
0 2 1
4 1 5 24
207 3
1461731O yster
Ledge RY 5 CRANE 28
129 07 6
183 12
_2 0
The development of electronic chart a chart, the data is stored on multiple At the minimum, the system allows
systems has produced a revolution in layers. One layer might show the the user to scroll and pan around the
navigation that has impacted on even shape of the land, another depth chart, as well as zoom in and out.
the smallest boats. Electronic charts information, another buoyage, and so With a vector system, zooming
provide information to dedicated on. Some information, such as a buoy’s in may automatically call up
chart plotters or navigation software light characteristics, is concealed to additional levels of detail as the chart
programs running on a laptop reduce clutter but is revealed in a scale decreases. Waypoints can be
computer, tablet, or even a smartphone. popup box when the cursor is clicked entered, edited, and manipulated
They allow practical navigation to be on or hovered over the object. and can be combined into routes.
conducted using a keyboard and There is no limit to the information GPS data provides current position
mouse, plotter interface, or touchscreen. that can be added, including tidal and track plotting, and data from
Crucially, the plotter or computer graphs, pilotage notes, and aerial other instruments can be shown,
program can also interface with other photographs—anything the publishers usually within boxes on the display.
electronic instruments and displays feel is helpful. The layering of vector A radar picture can often be overlaid
and utilize the data they provide. charts allows the navigator to select on the chart to compare features, and
the information they require and to AIS targets (p.335) can be displayed.
Types of electronic chart remove the rest from view. There is Some systems include tidal height
The two main types of electronic chart usually also a facility for the navigator and tidal stream data. This enables
are the raster chart and the vector to add their own annotations, images, the software to plot courses, allowing
chart. The raster chart is created by or comments on another layer. for tidal set and drift (pp.348–349).
scanning an existing paper chart and Vector charts may be more Most systems have a logbook function
storing the information digitally. This user-friendly than raster charts, but to record system data, and many are
process creates a digital picture, stored information can be incomplete if linked to an autopilot to steer the
as millions of dots; the denser the dots, data layers are not made visible. boat along the predetermined track.
the better the quality of the electronic Some can also create polar performance
chart. A drawback of the raster chart Features curves from instrument data. With
is the size of the files, which use Chart-plotting software, in either these, and internet weather files,
considerable disk space and which dedicated plotters or programs for routing software can work out the
are often slow to load when required. personal computers, can be simple to best route to take. It is even possible
A vector chart is not scanned but operate, but most systems have a host to simulate differences between night
traced from a paper original. Rather of extra features that may or may not and day—for instance, showing the
than being a single-layer picture of be useful, depending on your needs. light characteristics of navigational
Earth’s magnetic field It helps to imagine Earth’s so one end points to the magnetic
If Earth did not have a magnetic magnetic field as being caused by north pole and the other to the
field, navigation would be a giant bar magnet running between magnetic south pole. Near the
considerably harder than it is, the poles, but the real cause is believed poles, the lines of the magnetic
not only for humans, but for those to be the result of movement in the field point downward, causing the
birds and animals whose sensitivity planet’s iron core. The majority of compass needle to also try to point
to the magnetic field is thought the core is thought to be molten downward as you move toward a
to allow them to navigate over iron, but at the heart, the pressure is pole. The angle from the horizontal
long distances. so great that the iron is crystallized is called the angle of dip.
into a solid ball. This ball is believed Because Earth’s field is weak, a
north pole to rotate due to convection currents magnetic compass must be sensitive to
north pole in the molten core and the rotation detect it, which means it is also capable
of Earth. It is the rotation of the of detecting other weak magnetic fields
solid core within the outer molten such as those emanating from large
area that is believed to generate metal objects (like a steel hull or a
Earth’s magnetic field which, at boat’s engine) or from electrical wiring
the surface, is quite weak. when current is flowing. The effects
The magnetic poles do not of local magnetic fields that deviate the
align with the geographic poles compass needle from magnetic north
because Earth’s magnetic axis is is known as deviation (p.329).
skewed slightly from the rotational
axis. The angular difference between Marine compasses
Magnetic the direction of true north and magnetic To operate correctly, a direction
field north is known as variation (or finding compass must be designed
Geographic south pole south pole
declination) (pp.328–329). to react accurately to the horizontal
element of Earth’s magnetic field.
earth as a magnet
The magnetic compass To achieve this, it usually employs
Earth acts as a huge magnet with lines
In its simplest form, a magnetic two or more bar magnets attached
of magnetic flux emanating from the
magnetic north and south poles. The flux compass comprises a small, light to the underside of a circular card,
lines become more vertical the closer to magnet, usually referred to as the marked in degrees around its edge.
the poles you are, but it is the horizontal compass needle, balanced on a nearly The card is mounted on a pivot and
component that is used by the traditional frictionless pivot. The compass needle is encased in a glass or plastic bowl
magnetic compass. aligns itself with the magnetic field, filled with a damping liquid to slow
down its rotation. Internal or should be treated with caution since
external gimbals keep the card level errors are not readily apparent, and
when the boat heels and pitches. A there should always be a magnetic
light should be installed to allow steering compass available.
the compass to be used at night.
The compass aligns with the Steering compass
magnetic field and points at magnetic Fit your boat with the best-quality
north and south. As the boat turns, the magnetic steering compass you
compass continues to point at magnetic can afford. Choose one that has a Lubber
north and south, while the boat’s large card, or display, with easy-to- line
course, relative to magnetic north, read markings. steering compass
can be read from the numbers on the When siting the steering compass, it This conventional steering compass
compass card. The course, or bearing, is important that it can be seen directly is designed for bulkhead mounting,
is read with reference to the lubber by the helm. It should be mounted usually on either side of the
line, which is a line marked on the with the lubber line on or parallel to companionway.
inside of the bowl. The compass must the boat’s fore-and-aft line. For these
be mounted with the lubber line reasons, wheel-steered boats usually
parallel to the boat’s fore-and-aft line. have the steering compass in a binnacle
(casing) on top of the wheel pedestal.
Fluxgate compass Tiller-steered boats often use one or
Electronic, fluxgate compasses two bulkhead-mounted compasses on
dispense with cards, pivots, and the cabin bulkhead, to the sides of the
liquids and use an electronic circuit companionway. In either case, in order
to sense the lines of magnetic force to minimize the effects of deviation,
or flux. Their reading is displayed as the compass must be at least 6 ft (2 m)
a digital readout to the nearest degree. away from the engine. It must also
mini hand bearing compass
A fluxgate steering compass may also be as far as possible from any other A small hand bearing compass is easy to
have an analog readout that acts large ferrous-metal objects and the use and convenient to carry in a pocket
as a course pointer. ship’s wiring system. Keep movable or hang around the neck. A magnifying
Fluxgate compasses can easily magnetic items, such as some drink prism enlarges the compass scale under
provide heading information to other cans, well away, too. the lubber line, making it easier to read.
electronic instruments. The apparent Despite your care in siting it, there
accuracy implied by a digital readout is still likely to be some deviation;
swing the compass (p.328) to identify violently since it will take time for the
the error before using it for navigation. swinging card to come to rest. Brace
yourself in a secure position away
Hand bearing compass from metallic objects and keep your
Most steering compasses are not sited hands as steady as possible.
in a position that allows bearings to There are three types of hand
be taken all around the boat, so a bearing compasses: the traditional
portable hand bearing compass is bowl compass with a handle, the
often used. To use a hand bearing smaller “mini” compass, and a hand-
compass, line up the lubber line with held fluxgate compass. The type
the object for which the bearing is you choose depends on personal
electronic compass display
An electronic, fluxgate compass comprises being measured, such as a vessel or preference; all will deliver good
a fluxgate sensor mounted in a sealed box buoy, and read off the bearing. With results if used properly. Try to use a
below decks and a display head that is practice, you will be able to take few types afloat, preferably in rough
usually mounted in the cockpit within accurate bearings quickly. Do not conditions, to decide which suits you
direct sight of the helm. move a magnetic compass around best before buying one.
4º 3º 2º 1º 0º 1º 2º 3º 4º
ºC D
Before you can do any plotting work on paper charts, you will Parallel rulers
need to obtain a few navigation tools and learn how to use them. A navigator uses parallel rulers to
transfer a direction from the chart’s
Practice with these basic tools leads to confident chart work and compass rose to the part of the chart
accurate navigation, which will give you great satisfaction. on which they are working. First, the
ruler is lined up on either the true or
the magnetic compass rose. Depending
A chart table books, some of which will be on its design, the ruler is then either
A secure place to work is a major help quite large, and bulkhead space rolled or “walked” across the chart
in navigation. The best solution is to for instruments and communication to the appropriate area. Lines can
have a permanent chart table with a equipment. A small compass, then be drawn to indicate a course
horizontal surface large enough for mounted with the lubber line fore to steer or a bearing on an object.
a chart to be laid out with no more and aft (p.327), is useful for keeping When you are choosing a parallel
than one fold. A typical chart table an eye on the course being steered. ruler, it is best to try out a range of
has either a lifting top with chart If your boat is too small for both roller and walking designs at sea
storage space underneath or a drawer. a permanent chart table, use a flat to find out which most suits you.
Either type should allow the charts to board that is large enough to take a Generally, roller types are impractical
be stored flat when folded in half. folded chart but that can be stowed on a yacht and walking types can be
away when not in use. Clip the chart awkward on small chart tables.
Siting a chart table to the board and use it on your knees,
Some people prefer to stand up at a either down below or in the cockpit
chart table that is arranged fore and when conditions are suitable.
aft, but, more usually, chart tables
are built athwartships with a seat for Lighting a chart table
the navigator. Ideally, the chart table The chart table should be lit so
is situated near the companionway, that the navigator can work on charts
where there is least motion in the without disturbing sleeping crew or
boat, with the seat facing forward. affecting the helm’s night vision. A
This position makes communication small, flexible gooseneck lamp can be
with the helm and access to the useful for lighting the chart. Using a
cockpit fairly easy. There should be low-power red bulb can also help
shelf space for essential reference minimize loss of night vision. DIVIDERS COMPASS
For successful navigation, you require some form of log to at which water passes along the
measure distance sailed. Along with your compass, this will give hull; it cannot measure the speed
over the ground.
you the minimum information you need, although it is also If a yacht is anchored or moored
prudent to carry a depth sounder. More sophisticated systems in a tidal stream, the log will show
for performance measurement and position fixing are useful, but the speed of the water moving past the
hull, and if the boat is sailing against
they do not remove the need to use the basic skills. Nor are they
the tide, the boat speed indicated
foolproof—you must always be prepared to double-check their by the log will be greater than the
readings and be able to do without them if necessary. speed achieved over the ground. If
the boat is sailing with the tide, the
speed indicated by the log will be
Logs can get clogged. Doppler types less than the speed over the ground.
Most yachts are equipped with some measure the change of frequency in If a GPS set is installed (p.334),
form of electronic log, nearly all of a signal emitted into the water flow it will show your speed over the
which avoid the trouble of towing next to the hull and proportional ground, and this can be compared
a rotator behind the boat by having a to speed. It has no moving parts to the log’s display of speed through
transducer fitted through the hull or, and can be mounted inside the the water to estimate the set and
sometimes, mounted inside. Transducers hull, against the skin. drift of the tidal stream in which the
may be of the impeller, pressure, or A log’s display unit is usually yacht is sailing.
Doppler types. Most electronic logs use mounted in view of the steering
a small paddle-wheel impeller mounted position and/or at the chart table. Depth sounders
through the hull and connected to Most units use a digital display, but A traditional lead line (a weighted
the electronics in the display head. The analog instruments are also available. line that is dropped over the side),
impeller is usually retractable, so it can Many systems allow a repeater unit about 50 ft (15 m) long, is the simplest
be cleared of weeds when necessary. to be installed to allow two or more and most reliable form of depth
As with any through-hull fitting, a locations to be covered. sounder. You should carry one even if
wooden or rubber bung should be tied Even a simple log usually displays you have an electronic depth sounder;
to the fitting so that if it should fail speed and total distance run and has it makes a useful backup and is handy
for any reason, the resulting hole in a trip meter that can be reset. More for measuring depth all around the
the hull can be plugged quickly. The expensive units can also display other boat or for use from the dinghy.
vulnerability of the impeller to fouling data, such as maximum speed achieved Traditionally, a lead line is
is the main disadvantage of this type. and average speed for the trip, and marked at specific depths with certain
Pressure logs sense changes in many have timer and countdown types and colors of material, but
pressure, which are proportional to functions, which are particularly useful you can devise any marking system
speed. They have no moving parts when racing. Remember that the log’s that suits you. The traditional lead
outside the boat, but the tubes transducer can only measure the speed has a hollow in the bottom that can
a safe track or a clearing line can
be measured using a hand bearing
or steering compass (pp.326–329).
Few steering compasses are mounted
Navigation by eye, compass, and chart, when in sight of land, where they can be used to take
is known as pilotage. The art of pilotage is to determine a series bearings all around the boat, but
if the boat can be pointed at the
of safe tracks, in between hazards, that lead to your destination object, the steering compass can be
and to be able to confirm at any time that your boat is on or close used to take a bearing. Otherwise,
to these tracks without having to plot a position on the chart. the hand bearing compass must be
used, so it should always be stowed
Pilotage skills are used mainly when entering or leaving harbor—
within easy reach when piloting.
occasions when you do not have time to plot fixes on the chart However, using transits is quicker
and where an error of a few boat lengths can be critical. and simpler than taking compass
bearings and can be more accurate,
so they are the first choice.
Bearings through constricted water, while
Two types of bearings are useful clearing lines define the boundaries Transits
when piloting. One is the bearing of a safe zone and are used to keep When two objects are in line, they
of the safe track between hazards the boat clear of potential hazards. are said to be in transit. If you see
and the other is a clearing line. The Once they have been identified on two objects in transit, your boat
safe track is the course you follow a chart or harbor plan, bearings of must be somewhere on the extension
Choosing binoculars magnification and the size of the object the binoculars you choose have
Buy the best binoculars you can lens, which determines how much light rubber eyepieces that fit snugly
afford, perhaps having a cheaper is admitted. A pair of 7 x 50 binoculars against the glasses and exclude
second pair for general crew use. is a good choice. A magnification extraneous light.
Strong, waterproof binoculars with a higher than 7 makes the binoculars
rubber coating are best on yachts to difficult to hold steady unless they have
protect against inevitable bumps. built-in stabilization, and an object lens
Binoculars are categorized by their smaller than 2 in (50 mm) will not
work well in low light levels. Some
Built-in compass Molded eyepieces types have a built-in compass and/or
a range finder.
Using binoculars
When using binoculars on a moving boat,
try to brace the lower half of your body
and allow the upper half to move with
the roll to keep the binoculars as steady integral compass
as possible. The boat’s companionway is Some binoculars have an integral
Resilient, often a good place to position yourself, compass and some have a range finder.
waterproof casing as it allows you to brace yourself at waist These are handy for taking a bearing
height. If you wear glasses, make sure of an object and for determining how
BINOCULARS far away it is.
One or more sets of transits can often be employed to navigate along safe tracks between hazards. Examine
the chart to identify natural or purpose-built marks or features that can be used as transits or clearing lines.
The appearance of rocks and headlands will alter with the tides; take this into account when using transits.
closed transit
The rock (B) is described as closed
PYLONS in relation to the lighthouse. In the
diagram, this means that the yacht
must be clear of the dangerous
C rocks (A) off the entrance.
Rock and
B The rock (B) and the lighthouse
here are in transit. If the yacht
in transit
steers to keep them in transit, it
will follow a safe track clear of the
rocks (A) until it is able to turn into
the harbor.
open transit
The rock (B) is described as open
in relation to the lighthouse. In the
following a safe track
diagram, this means that the yacht
To stay clear of rocks (A) at the entrance to the anchorage, keep
could be in danger of hitting the
the rock (B) closed, or in transit with the lighthouse. When the
rocks (A) off the entrance.
leading marks (pylons) come on transit (C), turn onto the safe
track into the harbor.
of the imaginary line that joins them. (above). When using an open or must allow for their appearance to
If the objects can be identified on closed transit as a clearing line, the change with tide height. Remember,
the chart, you have a very useful boat is steered to keep the objects too, that individual rocks may be
single line of position. When you open or closed, as necessary, in order difficult to identify with any certainty
first acquire a chart for a new to avoid a danger to the side of the in rock-strewn areas. Even purpose-
cruising ground, some major transits safe track. built leading marks can be difficult
and bearing lines will already be to identify against the background
printed on it, but you will be able Choosing transits clutter of shore-side buildings.
to identify many other potentially Transits are often purpose-built When studying a chart, try to
useful transits as you study the chart. objects, such as posts or beacons, that develop the ability to visualize the
Draw lines connecting conspicuous are specifically constructed to mark coastline as it will appear to you
features and see whether these lines safe passages (leading lines) into and in practice—horizontally from
could be used to define safe areas out of harbor. Natural objects, such sea level rather than from the bird’s-
and turning points, or for any other as rocks or headlands, may also be eye view a chart depicts. Some
navigational purpose. The nautical used as transits, as long as they are electronic chart plotting systems
almanac and local pilotage guides clearly visible and are identifiable have the ability to present chart
will also identify useful transits. on the chart. They must also be a information both above and below
Transits do not need to be in reasonable distance apart from each sea level in a 3D view, taking into
line to be useful. A clearing line can other and not too close to your boat. account tide height, which greatly
be defined by two objects not quite If you select objects that are in the aids the accurate interpretation of
in line, said to be open or closed water, such as rocks or posts, you two-dimensional charts.
In addition to the main lateral and
Although navigation marks can be often numbered, starting from cardinal marks, various other
found well offshore, they are mostly seaward with even numbers on marks are used. An isolated danger
encountered near land, around port hand marks and odd numbers mark is used to indicate a small,
shipping lanes, or in coastal waters on starboard marks. single danger with safe water all
where they are used to identify Around coastlines, buoyage is around. A safe-water mark
dangers and safe channels. The typically arranged in a clockwise indicates safe water around its
system of buoyage is organized by direction. If the direction of buoyage position and is used for mid-
the International Association of is not obvious, check on your chart; channel or landfall marks. Other,
Lighthouse Authorities (IALA). it will be marked using an arrow special marks are used to indicate
There are, in fact, two systems: with two dots (p.323). a special area or feature but are
IALA system A is used in Europe, Preferred channel marks are not primarily intended to assist in
Africa, Australia, India, and most of modified lateral marks. They navigation. When lit, marks have
Asia; IALA system B is used in are used where a channel divides specific light characteristics (p.340).
North, Central, and South America to indicate the direction of the
and Japan, Korea, and the Philippines. main channel, which is usually
The key difference between the two is the deepest or widest (opposite).
in the color used for lateral marks.
IALA system A uses red for port Cardinal marks
Light white, Fl (2).
lateral marks and green for starboard Large or individual hazards are
lateral marks, whereas in IALA indicated with cardinal marks. They
system B, the colors are reversed. are named after the points of the
compass to indicate which side you
Lateral marks should pass by them to avoid the SAFE-WATER MARK
The edges of channels are indicated danger. In other words, you should Light white, Iso, Oc, long Fl 10s,
with lateral marks. These are arranged keep to the north of a north cardinal or MoA.
according to the direction of buoyage, and south of a south cardinal. They are
which is marked on charts. In rivers always pillar- or spar-shaped and
and estuaries, buoyage is usually in are painted black and yellow. They
the direction of the harbor from all have two black cone top marks
seaward, so when traveling up a variously arranged one above the
river (in IALA A), the port-hand other, and at night their white lights Light yellow, any rhythm but
different from other buoys.
buoys are red and the starboard-hand flash in a sequence that indicates their
ones are green. Lateral buoys are quadrant (opposite and p.340).
Alternating blue and yellow
flashing light.
Light white, Q, or VQ.
Light white, Fl VQ (9) Light white, Fl VQ (3) 5s,
10s, or Q (9) 15s. or Q (3) 10s.
Light white, Fl VQ (6)+1 long 10s, or Q (6)+1 long 15s.
Different light characteristics
Navigation at night is made much abbreviations used in the diagram are are used to allow the navigator
easier through the use of lights that also found on charts (pp.322–323). to identify different navigation
identify buoys, shore beacons, leading You should familiarize yourself with marks at night.
marks, and lighthouses. Buoys are the abbreviations and the patterns
usually lit with short-range lights, associated with them. Some terms Period of Light Sequence
medium-range lights may be found may be unfamiliar: “isophase” means
on shore beacons, and long-range that there are equal periods of light
Oc Occulting
lights are normally used on and dark in the sequence; “occulting”
lighthouses. It can be difficult to means that the periods of darkness
Oc(2) Group Occulting
identify marks at night, especially in are shorter than the periods of
the vicinity of ordinary shore lights. light—in effect, flashes of darkness.
Oc(2+3) Composite Group Occulting
To make it easier, different Approaching a harbor at night
characteristics are used to light specific with a lot of shore lights can make
Iso Isophase
marks and aid identification. The it tricky to pick out a buoy you are
characteristic of each light is noted looking for. Using the hand bearing
on the chart of the area and in sailing compass to sight along the expected
directions. Usually, lights are white, bearing of a buoy from a known
red, green, or yellow, but purple, position can make it easier to find. Fl Single Flashing
blue, and orange may also be used. Never assume that the light you see
is the one you are expecting; you L Fl Long Flashing
pattern of the light and the time sail close to the buoy to identify it.
taken to complete one sequence are Lighthouses and some other Fl(2+1) Composite Group Flashing
on charts or shown in harbor plans. lead in g .M.
3 1 1 °C RED P.H
5 kn
beari n g
Identify all the navigation marks
you expect to see on the route, draw making
rina entr
in your intended track, and check a plan 1. At ma port
x. 6
3 0 °C to
Experiment with bearing
for dangers close to your course. hand m
ways of writing or
m (a
When piloting at night, make a Red Buo
drawing the plan
(not lit)
note of the characteristics of all the until you find one
light buoys near your course. Do Entrance
that suits you, then Marina
not trust your memory to retain all stick to that format.
this information—jot down the key This system is read
Show courses
details for use in a pilotage plan. from bottom to top. and distances
Indicate the marks you expect to see of each leg
Pilotage plans
When piloting, avoid using the chart placing it in a sealable plastic bag. If be a shortage of useful marks or
on deck because it will be difficult you use a list system, try starting the features ahead, such as when leaving
to keep under control in a breeze pilotage plan at the bottom of the harbor, but if you look astern, you
and may quickly be damaged or even page and working up. This way, the will find they are in plentiful supply.
blown overboard. In addition, if your information on courses, navigation Once pilotage is underway, double-
course is from north to south, it can be marks, and other important details check each piece of information. Avoid
difficult to interpret the chart upside is clearly presented in relation to the complacency and the temptation to
down. The best solution is to prepare a direction in which you are traveling make the facts fit your expectations.
pilotage plan for use on deck. Devise it and may help you avoid confusion. Aim to move only from one known
to suit your particular way of working Write down all the navigation safe location to the next so that you
and include courses to steer for each marks or other significant features do not stray from the safe track.
leg of the route, with distances you expect to see, together with their A chart plotter mounted in the
between turning points and details distance off the track. Also note the cockpit, linked to a GPS set, can make
of navigation marks you expect to see. bearings of any clearing lines. If you pilotage much easier, and it is then
Some people prefer to write a are going to pilot at night, make a possible to watch the yacht’s track
passage plan as a list of bearings, note of the characteristics of all the moving across the chart on screen.
marks, and courses, while others lit marks that are in the area. If you use an electronic system,
can only visualize the situation if the Do not forget the value of back do not rely on it, as it may fail at the
pilotage plan is drawn in graphical bearings. It is natural to look ahead worst possible time. Always prepare
form. Experiment with various ways along the track for marks and features a manual plan and double-check the
of preparing a plan until you find to use as transits or clearing lines, but information on the chart plotter by
one that suits you, then stick to that back bearings and back transits, using reference to your pilotage plan and
format. Use a suitable-sized notepad marks and features astern, can be just visual observation of transits, safe
and protect it when on deck by as useful. It is not unusual for there to tracks, and clearing bearings.
When high water at Dover is 0600 or 1800, then If high water at Dover is 6.8 meters, then high If low water at Dover is 0.8 meters, then low water
high water at Ramsgate will be 30 minutes later water at Ramsgate will be 1.6 meters lower (5.2 m) at Ramsgate will be 0.2 meters lower (0.6 m)
3 Create a table (or use a ready-printed one) to note the 4 The LW difference is harder to interpolate, but we can use
times and heights at the standard port (Dover), the differences a graphical technique to find the answer. Using any convenient
to be applied, and the resulting times and heights at the secondary lined paper, draw a horizontal line and mark off the differences
port (Ramsgate). from the almanac at any convenient scale. Then draw another
From the tide table ( 1 ), HW Dover is 2118 at 6.0 m and LW line, from the start of the first line and at an acute but arbitrary
is 1546 at 1.7 m. From the secondary port data ( 2
), the correction angle to it. On this, mark off the equivalent heights, again at
for HW is +30 minutes, whatever the time of HW Dover. any convenient scale. This scale need not be the same as the
The correction for LW depends on the time of LW Dover ( ). 2 one used on the first line.
If LW Dover is at 0100 or 1300, the correction is +17 minutes. If Join the end points of the two lines. Mark on the height scale
LW Dover is at 0700 or 1900, the correction is +7 minutes. From the height at the standard port for which you need to find the
the tide table ( 1 ), LW Dover is at 1546—roughly halfway difference at the secondary port (here, 1.7 m). From this mark,
between 1300 and 1900. Therefore, the correction needed is draw a line, parallel to the line you have just drawn to join the
+12 minutes, halfway between +7 minutes and +17 minutes. ends of the first two lines, to cut the differences scale. Read off
The height difference for HW is easy to interpolate, as the day’s the difference to apply, which here is –0.55 m.
HW height (6.0 m) is about halfway between mean spring (6.8 m) You can use this graphical technique whenever you need to
and neap heights (5.3 m). By interpolating halfway between interpolate between figures that are not easy to interpolate by
–1.3 m and –1.6 m, we get a high water difference of –1.45 m. eye or by simple arithmetic.
Tidal curves can be used to calculate USING A TIDAL CURVE
the time at which the water depth Before using a tidal curve, use tide tables to find tide times and heights for
needed can be expected or to calculate the day. Here, the information for Ramsgate on the south coast of England
the depth at a given time. The most is used (p.343). Then use the steps below to find the height of the tide at a
accurate way to calculate depth of specific time. To find the time the tide reaches a specific height, reverse steps
water and time is to use the tidal 3–5: draw a line down from the desired height on the top scale; where this line
curves that are provided in the nautical intersects the diagonal line, draw a horizontal line to the curve; at the curve,
draw a line down to the timescale grid and read the time.
almanac. Alternatively, software in a
chart plotter, laptop computer, tablet, Springs curve
or smartphone can be used. H.W.Hts.m
0 2 4
2 6 8
Use the solid line to calculate spring tides
How tidal curves work
A tidal curve is represented on a graph
two curves are shown. Spring tides are Springs occur 2 days after
new and full moon.
represented in the example (right) by 0.6
Use the dotted
one. You can use the appropriate
line to calculate
curve to find out what time the tide 0.4 neap tides
will reach a specific height or what
the tide’s height will be at a specific 0.3
can be more accurately predicted than 0 2 4 L.W. -5h -4h -3h -2h
-1h H.W. +1h +2h +3h +4h +5h +6h +7h L.W.
Tidal atlases relative to the grid, or the ,08
edges of the chart) to
A tidal atlas provides tidal stream
get the direction (set) 03,
information for a specific area in the 0 07
of the tide 05,1 10
02,05 04
form of a separate page for each hour ,09 03,
23 02, 0
before and after high water at a 05
,09 6
standard port. Each page shows the 04 08,1
set of the stream using arrows and 10,2
indicates the drift at spring and neap 2
Tidal arrow
tides in figures. Usually, a graphical ,22
chart information
Tidal stream data is given on charts using
tidal diamonds. These are marked on the wind with tide wind against tide
chart, and a table gives the strength and With the wind blowing with the tide, With wind against tide, the friction
direction of the stream at that position for the friction between wind and water is between wind and water is greatly
every hour of the tidal cycle related to the low and the sea remains fairly calm. increased and waves are formed.
time of HW at the standard port.
The essence of navigating is setting a course to steer that will Course to steer
take you from your departure point to your destination. Known In the real world, it is rare that there
are no external effects that you need
as shaping a course, this process is a vital skill for accurate and to take into account. Even if there is
safe navigation offshore. To shape a course, the navigator requires no tidal stream, a sailing boat will
a chart of the area, plotting tools, tidal-stream information, and a always experience at least a small
amount of leeway when sailing on
compass. This equipment is used to plot the ground track to be
upwind or reaching courses, and this
achieved on the chart and to measure the bearings and distances must be allowed for before you can
for each leg of the trip. Finally, allowance must be made for tidal give the helm a course to steer.
streams and leeway. Programming an electronic chart plotter may
appear to be a simpler and quicker way to describe a course, but
the convenience factor is offset by potential pitfalls, and traditional
When plotting courses and
techniques should always be used as backup to electronic ones. positions on the chart, navigators
use symbols in order to save space
and avoid confusion. Standard
The ground track Next, assess how fast you believe your symbols are shown below. You can
The first step in shaping a course average speed will be. Studying the tidal devise your own if you wish, as long
is to draw a line on the chart streams and other factors you expect as everyone else doing chartwork
joining the departure point and to encounter, together with familiarity on your boat understands your
the destination. This is called the with your boat’s characteristics, will symbols and uses them consistently.
ground track and is marked by two make this relatively straightforward. Time is usually written using 24-
arrowheads. It is the course you want It is best to be pessimistic about your hour-clock notation (e.g., 14:15)
to follow, over the ground, to your average boat speed; it is better to and should include the relevant
destination. Check carefully along arrive early than to risk missing a tidal time zone (e.g., 14:15 EST).
the line you have drawn to make window or have to face a difficult
sure that it does not pass over or landfall on a falling tide after dark.
near hazards or restricted areas. Divide your total passage distance
Next, measure the length of the (A–B) by your anticipated speed to
track using the dividers to transfer calculate the expected duration of
X Dead reckoning position
the length of the line to the latitude your passage and hence an estimated
scale at the side of the chart; never time of arrival (ETA). Estimated position
use the longitude scale (p.319). In the absence of tidal stream,
If the length of the line to be or leeway, the ground track you have Water track
measured is longer than the span marked on the chart is the course you
of your dividers, set the dividers need to steer. You can measure its Ground track
to a convenient length using the direction on the chart using a parallel
latitude scale and count the number ruler or plotter (p.330). You can use Tidal stream or current
of times you can step this length either ºT or ºM to measure direction,
off along the line. Measure any but be consistent in your choice and O Fix
odd length left over against the make sure that others involved in Visual position line
latitude scale. The length of chart work know what you are
the line, A–B (opposite), is the working in. Write the distance and Transferred position line
distance to your destination. bearing of A–B alongside the line.
To allow for the effects of any tidal Measure its bearing using a plotter
stream, you must obtain the set and or parallel rules and convert to ºC LEEWAY RULES
drift of the stream from your chart (p.329) before giving the course to Use these rules to apply leeway:
or tidal atlas (pp.346–347). Plot the helm. Wind from port side
these on the chart in what is known water track – leeway angle
as a vector diagram (below). Allowing for leeway = course to steer.
This plotting exercise will give If you are sailing with the wind Wind from starboard side
you the water track, marked by a forward of the beam or are under water track + leeway angle
single arrowhead, which denotes the power in strong beam winds, you = course to steer.
course you want to follow through will have to allow for the amount by
the water. Remember, however, that the which you are pushed sideways—your
boat does not actually follow the water leeway. To estimate your boat’s leeway The amount of leeway will vary
track. It is important to have a mental angle, take a bearing on the boat’s according to factors such as the shape
picture of how your boat moves wake using the hand bearing compass of the hull, the type of rig, and the
within the vector diagram. Your boat (p.326). Compare this bearing with conditions. In practice, the adjustment
will not actually travel along the water the reciprocal of your compass heading. is often made by calculation (above)
track C–D but will move, relative to (Add or subtract 180º to or from the rather than being drawn on the chart,
the seabed, along the ground track compass heading.) The difference is but, to avoid confusion, you may
A–B while pointing in a direction the leeway angle. Adjust the line C–D wish to pencil in the wind direction
parallel to the water track C–D as to windward by the amount of the and adjust C–D toward it. After you
you steer to counteract the effect predicted leeway angle. The angle is have allowed for leeway, apply any
of the tidal stream pushing you off usually between 5 and 10 degrees. By corrections required for variation and
course. In the absence of leeway, the steering into the wind by this amount, deviation to determine the compass
bearing of C–D is the course to steer. you will offset the leeway. course to steer in ºC (pp.328–329).
stream that is parallel to your ground track will not affect the course but will
affect the speed you achieve over the ground. For example, if your boat is
sailing at 5 kn against a 2-kn tide, your speed over the ground will be reduced
to 3 kn. On the other hand, a 2-kn tide running in the same direction as your S
C 30
course will give a speed over the ground of 7 kn. Quite often, the tide will be Draw the water to steer
track and adjust 28
at an angle to your ground track, and you will have to adjust your course to for leeway—
avoid being pushed off track. This is done by drawing a vector diagram. toward the wind Wind direction
P.S Wk 28s
Plot the tidal set and drift 36
34 Wk
from your departure point
3 Open your dividers to the distance
that you expect to sail within the next
A B 36
hour. Then place one point at C and scribe
Ground track joins A 34
B an arc to cut through the line A–B at the
21 30
your departure
point (A) to the
S.G C R.S.Sh point D. Now join together the points C–D
destination (B)
and mark the line with a single arrowhead.
550 41
34 34 Wk
Tide set 33 37 This is the water track required to offset
and drift
S.G Wk
the effects of the tide in the next hour.
Now adjust the water track to
1 Draw a line from your departure 2 With information from the tidal windward by the amount of leeway
point (A) to your destination (B). Mark it atlas, plot the direction of the tide’s set, to determine the course to steer. Finally,
with two arrowheads. This is your desired starting from point A. Use dividers and convert the calculation to ºC. Do not make
ground track. Measure the distance A–B the latitude scale to measure along that the common mistake of joining C to B
with dividers using the latitude scale at line the expected drift in the next hour rather than determining point D, with your
the side of the chart. (C). Mark the line with three arrowheads. dividers, on the ground track line A–B.
On a long passage in tidal waters,
you will encounter tidal streams If you have a GPS set available, you course. When on passage, the GPS can
that change hourly in set and drift. have the facility to use waypoint provide the navigator with the
You can use one of two methods navigation techniques. In addition distance and bearing to the next
to deal with them. to continuously computing its current waypoint on a continuous basis.
position, a GPS can store, as latitudes
Changing tides and longitudes, many (typically Using waypoints
If there are no hazards near the track, 100 or more) preprogrammed Before you start planning a passage
you can use a simple plotting process. locations or “waypoints.” When using a GPS set, make sure it is set
First, estimate how long the passage
shaping a course, a navigator may to the same datum as your paper
will take. From your departure point
(A), lay off the first hour of tide. set up a “route” consisting of two or electronic chart (p.319). Draw
Then, from the end of this line, lay or more waypoints. the required course on the paper or
off the next hour of tide and continue A departure waypoint is set at electronic chart as a series of straight
the process for as many hours as you a convenient location outside the lines representing the safe ground
estimate the passage will take. Open departure harbor, and a destination track. Each change of direction
the dividers to the distance you expect waypoint is set in a safe location is usually entered as a waypoint.
to sail, then put one point on C and
outside the destination harbor. In Always take the time to run your
cut the track A–B. The line C–B is
the water track for the whole passage.
between, other waypoints can be eye along the ground track to ensure
It can then be adjusted for leeway, defined at turning points, or to keep that it does not pass too close to
variation, and deviation as normal. the yacht clear of hazards near the any hazards. From the chart, read off
If there are hazards close to
your track, you will need to keep the
boat close to the track at all times. B B
Mark the first hour’s tide and plot
the course to steer for the first hour.
From point D, lay off the second D
hour’s tide and plot the course to XTE
steer for the second hour. Continue
this process for the length of the
passage. Each hour will require C
a different course to steer, but
the boat will proceed along the
desired ground track. C
28s G.Sh
Cumulative tides 30s
Water track
A 31
cross track error measuring vmg
36 33 33
The GPS can continuously monitor cross VMG is the velocity with which you are
C First hour’s water track track error (XTE). This is the amount the closing on your objective. If this is upwind,
Ground track yacht has strayed laterally from its planned you will be tacking and will not be able to
course due to poor steering, tidal stream point directly at your destination. However,
DtideSecond hour’s water trackB
A First hour’s effects, or leeway. Here, the plan was to VMG will indicate your progress. Here, the
27Wk 33
travel from A to B, but because of excessive destination is B. By dividing the “direct line”
HAZARDS leeway, the boat has actually ended up at progress AD by the time elapsed to get to
C. The GPS will display the XTE value CD. C, the GPS can calculate the VMG.
Home port Destination anchorage 351
Departure point
WP001 WP005 32
21 30
34 G
WP002 6.4NW, 14ºT
R.S.Sh 32
33Wk 37
34 Wk
S.G 37
36 WP003 S.G
following a route Many publications, including nautical no allowance for tides, current, or
Preprogrammed waypoints combine almanacs, pilotage guides, and the leeway. It may seem easy to set the
to form a route; they are the significant yachting press, publish waypoint lists autopilot to follow the GPS to your
milestones on your passage that for navigational marks and popular destination, but it may result in a
provide turning points and hazard locations. Be cautious about using longer route that may take you some
avoidance marks. The GPS display
published waypoints and do not enter way from the required track. This is
can provide the navigator with a visual
them into your GPS set without only acceptable if there are no
representation of progress, waypoint
(WP) by waypoint. checking them first (by plotting them hazards near the actual ground track.
on the chart) since typographical errors Another function available on the
do occur. When creating waypoints, GPS can alert you to any deviation
do not enter the charted position from the track. The GPS can measure
the latitude and longitudes of each of a navigation mark but site your cross track error (XTE), which is the
waypoint and program them into the waypoint a short distance away, lateral distance from the direct track
GPS’s memory. The GPS will calculate as otherwise there is a real danger you between two waypoints. Knowing
and display the bearing and distance might actually hit the mark if XTE allows you, or the autopilot, to
between each waypoint, and a quick an autopilot controlled by the GPS continuously alter the heading to get
comparison against the chart will or chartplotter is steering the boat. back on track. The GPS can also
confirm that you have entered all the Also, in busy cruising grounds, monitor VMG—velocity made
values correctly. It is easy to wrongly other boats may be using the same good—which tells you how fast you
position a decimal point, transpose waypoint, adding to the risk of are proceeding toward the next
numbers, and confuse longitudes east collision. This is another reason not waypoint. This may vary from your
or west and latitudes north or south to use published waypoints but to speed over the ground (SOG) due to
when entering the data, so double- select your own from the chart. tide, leeway, or if you are tacking
check everything on the chart. Do not forget that the GPS makes upwind to your destination.
On any passage outside local waters, the prudent navigator When a GPS set is connected to a
must keep an accurate record of the course steered, distance chart plotter or PC, with appropriate
navigational software (p.325), it will
run, times of course alterations, and the leeway experienced. display your position continuously
These records are used to plot the position on the chart at regular on an electronic chart. The plotter
intervals of about half an hour or an hour unless you are well or navigation software can perform
a range of navigational tasks, including
offshore, where log intervals can be longer. This is very important
showing your actual position compared
even if electronic fixing aids are available; electrical systems and to your intended track and integrating
electronic equipment are vulnerable to failure on small boats. with an autopilot to steer the boat
along the required track. As helpful as
these devices are, they cannot entirely
Electronic instruments Even when the system is functioning replace conventional paper chart-based
A GPS set (p.334) can provide a accurately, a GPS display of latitude navigation. The paper-and-pencil
continuous readout of the boat’s and longitude is of no use unless it is approach needs no batteries, does
position in latitude and longitude related to a chart. When using a GPS, not fail you when thrown around
which, in most circumstances, is regularly plot your position on a the saloon, and can even stand getting
highly accurate. However, there are chart. Not only does this confirm damp. It does not require sensitive
occasions when accuracy is degraded that you are on course and proceeding equipment or sophisticated technology.
and some instances of gross errors according to plan, but it also By learning traditional navigational
caused by serious system failures. provides an immediate backup techniques, you will have a deeper
These potential errors and risk navigational solution should the GPS understanding of the forces at work
of serious failure mean that the fail. Wherever possible, confirm a because you will have assessed and
navigator must not rely exclusively GPS position using another method applied them individually.
on a GPS-derived position. for fixing position (pp.356–357).
The logbook
Time Course Remarks
Make log entries Detail course required and Include any
The logbook is a vitally important
at regular intervals course actually steered useful observations record and must be kept up to date
throughout the passage. Some
time log course course wind baro remarks electronic navigation systems
required steered automatically record an electronic
logbook, which can be very useful,
2230 574 060ºC 065ºC SW2 1005 Extremely misty
and damp
A simple ruled notebook will make a
Log Wind Barometric pressure
Use the log reading Record wind strength Can be used to perfectly adequate logbook, or you can
to measure progress and direction forecast weather purchase a specially designed logbook.
but it is also essential to maintain a the line with a single arrowhead 21 30
paper logbook as your primary record. to show that it is the water track. Wk Wk
Do not neglect log keeping or plotting Measure along this line, using a 28
A A is the last
known, or
your position on the chart because you pair of dividers, the distance you 28
S.St. estimated,
trust your electronic aids. In the event have sailed from the last position, position
of equipment failure, your written according to the log reading. This
logbook will ensure that you can point is your dead reckoning (DR)
estimate your current position. position. Mark it with a short line Water track
The logbook should be updated across the track and record the time 49
32 33
regularly and include distance run, and log reading beside it. If there is
course ordered and course achieved, no tidal stream or current, this should 55
B is the DR 31
estimated leeway, time of every be a reasonably accurate assessment 34
course change, and details of fixes. of the yacht’s position at that time.
Wk 36
The logbook must have two columns In theory, the DR position should
for course—required course and be plotted before allowing for leeway. 43
Wk 33
28 S.Sh
P.S Water track Tidal set plotting successive eps
30 and drift
Once you have plotted your first
estimated position and are satisfied
Water track 34 Wk
that you have taken into account
S.St 32 Tidal set and drift S.G
36 possible errors, you can use it to
33 Wk 37
34 plot subsequent EPs. Plot the water
43 track since the last EP. Measure the
R.S.Sh distance sailed since then before
First EP
plotting tidal set and drift.
inevitable, so you must learn how Make a list of possible errors the distance traveled from the last
to take them into account when and estimate their maximum effect, known position. For safety, always
navigating. Practice and hone your concentrating on course steered, assume that you are at the point
precision in reading tables and distance sailed, leeway, and tidal within your circle of uncertainty
charts on dry land so that you are information. Pencil in any errors closest to any nearby hazard and
confident that you can be accurate you think are possible and use shape your next course accordingly.
without having to double-check them to create a circular area of As the circle of uncertainty widens
all your calculations. possible position. This is a much with distance, the clearance given
more realistic approach than to navigational hazards must also
Assessing errors assuming you are at the single point increase to ensure that even the most
The longer the boat sails without a suggested by your EP. In heavy pessimistic prediction keeps you away
confirmed position fix (pp.356–361), weather or when battling strong from danger. Whenever you can,
the more important it is that errors are tides or against poor sea states, the obtain a reliable and accurate fix
allowed for. Otherwise, the resulting diameter of this circle of uncertainty to clarify your position and so
EP could become very unreliable. can be as much as 10 percent of eliminate the circle of uncertainty.
21 30 36 Wk S.Sh
29 32 28 33
G 28s Actual 30
28 position due 33 30
PA to tidal stream
25 being stronger Area of uncertainty
than predicted S.St Plot your next course from the
31 32
point closest to any hazards
cS.G plotting errors
Estimate possible errors in the course steered and the distance sailed. A course error
would put you to one side or other of your track, whereas a log error would affect the
33 distance you are along the track. Plot possible errors to get an area of likely position.
21 30
36 Wk
28 G
28 Place EP at position Wk
34 closest to danger— 25 Large circle
30 here, the shallows Wk 32 of uncertainty
30 Shallow water
31 32
S.St 38
32 Increasing 1400
Circle of
uncertainty circle of 0021
1200 1230 33 1300 uncertainty EP placed closest
around EP S.Sh
0000 0004 0009 37 to danger—here,
the rocks
47 Wk Rocks
Boat is somewhere
position line
along the bearing
A single position line
can tell you only that
the boat is located The small size of the
Marks must cocked hat indicates
somewhere along the be shown on good accuracy
bearing drawn on the the chart and
chart from the mark. identifiable
from the boat
three-point fix
Three visible objects that are also marked on the chart can be
used to give you an accurate fix. If possible, choose objects that
are about 60º apart, take their bearings, and plot the position
lines from them on the chart. The size of the triangle (“cocked
hat”) that they form is a good guide to the accuracy of the fix.
one side or the other. Single position Compass bearings Cocked hat
lines formed by a transit are very Take bearings using the hand When you take bearings of three
useful when you are less interested bearing compass from a point on marks, it is very unlikely that the
in your actual position but need the boat that is known to be free three position lines will meet at one
an accurate direction along which of deviation (p.329). Brace yourself point. Instead, they will probably
to proceed. This is especially useful securely and take three bearings on form a triangle. This is known as
when entering harbors or as a each mark; it is helpful if someone a “cocked hat.” The size of the
clearing line (p.337). else writes down the bearings as cocked hat is a good guide to
you take them. Before you can accuracy—the smaller it is, the better.
Choosing marks plot the position lines, you must If your fix results in a large cocked
Before you can plot a visual fix, you use the three readings to calculate hat, then a mistake has been made,
must identify two or three sea- or the average bearing of each mark. either in selecting the correct mark,
landmarks on the chart that are If you plot in ºT on the chart, you taking the bearings, or in plotting
within sight. Nautical charts not only must correct the compass bearing the bearings on the chart. Make
include buoyage, but also show the by applying variation (p.328). Plot sure you have plotted the bearings
locations of conspicuous chimneys, the position line on the chart by correctly, and if so, check that the
church spires, and other land-based drawing a line through the object marks you can see are really the
objects. If these are in sight, use them on the correct bearing. ones shown on the chart. If so,
in preference to buoys, which can be Remember that the bearing repeat the procedure to obtain a new
physically moved, dragged in storms, from the object to the yacht is set of bearings. You will find that
or influenced by strong tidal streams. the reciprocal of the bearing accuracy will improve with practice.
It is preferable to use three you measured. Add or subtract Draw a circle around the triangle
marks, since any error is much more 180 degrees from a bearing to and label it with the time and log
obvious. If you are using only two calculate the reciprocal. You must reading. For added safety, assume
objects, try to pick marks that are work methodically but quickly to that your position is at the corner
about 90 degrees apart, as this will eliminate errors that may occur of the triangle that lies closest to
give the most accurate result. If you if you take your bearings some any hazard. You should then shape
use three marks, it is best if they are minutes apart. Clearly, the faster the next course from that point.
about 60 degrees apart. Choosing you are traveling, the less time you
marks that are quite close to the have to record all your data.
boat will increase your accuracy; if However, there will be an obvious bearing errors
you are a long way from the mark, order in which to take your fixes; When you take a compass bearing of
an object, there is always the possibility
a typical error of just 3 degrees in the bearing to a chosen mark ahead
of errors because of the difficulty in
the bearing will produce a significant or astern of you will change less
holding a compass steady on a moving
positional error. If you are close to than one to the side of your course. deck. Small bearing errors are inevitable
the mark, however, the error will be As the process will take a certain and will result in larger positional errors
much less. It is vital that you identify amount of time, the fix, when plotted, when the object is far away. Take bearings
the correct marks on the chart, or the will already be historical, as you will on closer objects when possible to
fix will be worthless. have moved farther down your track. minimize errors.
Larger error
Small error in position
in position
Small error in
compass bearing
A fix by GPS latitude and longitude position on the The chosen mark can be the center
A GPS set measures its precise chart can be awkward and lead of a nearby compass rose, which
position from three or more satellites to errors. A better way is to find a makes it very easy and quick to plot the
and calculates the intersection suitable sea- or landmark near the resulting position. Once you have
point—your location—of the curved track and program its latitude and plotted the fix, mark it with a circle and
position lines obtained. A differential longitude into the GPS as a waypoint. dot, plus the time and log reading.
GPS set offers increased accuracy by The GPS can then be set to display the Check the depth from your depth
using radio signals from a base boat’s position as a bearing and sounder to give a secondary
station to refine the satellite signals distance from the waypoint, which confirmation of your position. Then take
and reduce built-in errors (p.334). is much easier for the navigator to plot an overview look at the chart. Does the
It is vital to be aware that GPS on the chart. GPS fix seem reasonable? Does the
signals may be degraded and may
sometimes be completely unavailable. G.Sh S cS.G
It is essential that you do not rely on 36 25
Wk G
the availability or accuracy of GPS, so 32
Wk 0.5NM
always double-check the information 33
against an EP or a fix obtained from 38 0.5NM
another source. A GPS set displays 28 28
045ºT 06.7KN 1NM
032NM 08FT 300ºT
N 050º 46.957' Wk 55º 36
W 001º 22.503' 320ºT
Position 37
3NM 330ºT
12:18:50 UT 47
020ºT 340ºT Wk
reveal an answer, double-check your A radar set is one of the most useful Position 30
position by using another source of tools on a small boat since it assists Size of cocked
information. with position fixing and avoiding hat indicates
accuracy of fix
collisions. Radar enables the navigator Buoy 21 30
Plotting and accuracy the mark and the second one when you have passed it and
This type of fix will be as good as your plotting skills and its bearing has changed by up to 90 degrees. You must note
the accuracy that course, speed, and tidal data allows. It the time and the log reading when you take each bearing. The
also relies on the helm to steer a steady course between use of GPS to fix position has reduced the need for this type
the two bearings. Take the first bearing as you approach of fix, but it is still a useful way of practicing essential skills.
34 S.Sh 34 S.Sh
21 30
36 Wk
21 30 36 Wk Wk
28 A A B D 34
The first 34 30
bearing 30
Draw line parallel to Allow for tidal
The second first position line
bearing S.St
drift and set
S.St through point C
32 between the
two bearings
1 Take the first bearing and note the time and log reading. 2 Measure the distance sailed along the track. From that
When the bearing has changed by 60–90º, take the second point (B), lay off any tidal set and drift experienced between
bearing and note the time and log reading. Plot both bearings taking the two bearings (B–C). Now transfer the first position
on the chart. From any point along the first bearing (A), plot line to point C. The boat’s position at the time of taking the
the boat’s water track, allowing for leeway. second fix is where the first line intersects the second one (D).
and arrival times. Even if there is
little chance that you will need to
sail in the hours of darkness, check
that all your navigational lights are
Once you have learned the individual navigational skills of functioning correctly.
pilotage, shaping and plotting a course, and fixing a position, you
Tide planning
will be ready to navigate on an extended offshore passage. The Check the times of high and
navigator’s job begins well before the cruise itself: you need to plan low water at the departure and
the trip carefully and make sure that you have all the relevant up-to- destination ports and work out
the strength and direction of the
date charts, pilot books, and other references that you may need on
tidal streams during the time you
passage. You must also prepare contingency plans to cope with will be on passage.
rough weather or fog and to provide alternative harbors of refuge. Work out whether the tidal
stream will be a help or a hindrance
to your journey. If you will have to
A complete passage Pencil the required tracks on the fight a foul tide at some stage of
Navigation from one harbor to chart and identify the position of your trip, is there a better time or
another starts with an outgoing any point at which you will make place to be when this occurs? Perhaps
pilotage plan for leaving harbor and a course alteration. If you have a you need to consider breaking your
reaching a safe, clear-water position, GPS set, program these points into journey to avoid a period of foul
called the departure point. From this it as waypoints. Make sure that they tide. Review your information and
point, the navigator shapes the course are clear of hazards, and double-check consider whether any of it suggests
required to reach the destination. their latitude and longitude. a better time to leave, even if it
During the passage, the navigator Be sure to study the detail of any means an early start or an overnight
periodically works up an estimated complicated or unfamiliar sections passage. You may discover that
position (EP; p.354), obtains fixes of your passage by referring to larger the trip would be better left to
(pp.356–359), and evaluates any errors scale charts that show much more another day, particularly if you need
found to check that the boat is staying detail than small-scale charts. Never to negotiate a tidal gate (p.347). An
close to the required ground track. attempt to create a pilotage plan in alternative destination may be more
Once the boat reaches an offshore or out of harbor from a small-scale suitable for the days you plan to sail.
point close to its destination, the chart, as important detail is likely
navigator commences in-going to be missed. Other considerations
pilotage to guide the boat safely into Check the weather forecast for a
harbor and to a berth. Navigation Passage length few days leading up to your departure
does not cease until the boat is tied Consider the length of the day. The trend in the weather is as
up or at anchor. For instance, a passage and calculate approximately important as the actual conditions.
harbormaster may allocate you how long your journey will take. Is the weather favorable? Will the
a visitor’s berth in an unfamiliar To do this, you will need to estimate wind direction mean you have to beat
location and the navigator will need your likely boat speed. Always be to your destination? How is the wind
to quickly identify the location and pessimistic about this; it is better to likely to combine with the tidal drift?
assess prevailing currents and wind arrive early and possibly have to wait Will you encounter lengthy periods
direction to suggest the best manner for the tide to rise sufficiently to enter of choppy sea as the wind blows
and direction of approach. harbor or berth in a marina than it is counter to the tide? If the weather is
to have to rush into harbor to catch good but has only recently moderated,
Planning a passage the tide or to miss it completely. has it left remnants of a big sea for
To plan a passage, start with a Consider how the length of your you to contend with? If the weather
small-scale chart that shows both the passage fits in with the hours of is changeable, are you going to be able
departure point and the destination. daylight, and convenient departure to sustain your course if the wind
changes direction? What if there is or pass through a hazardous area. small-scale chart
no wind? How far can you, or are Decide whether it is better to be in Whether using a paper chart or an
you prepared, to motor? Are there the area during daylight or night and electronic chartplotter, select a small-scale
suitable safe harbors en route in case whether you will require all hands chart that shows both your departure
of emergencies or for rest and shelter? on deck at that time. Consider any point and destination. Pencil in the route
on a paper chart or enter it onto an
Finally, are the boat and crew implications for the watch system.
electronic chart, identify waypoints, and
prepared? Do you have enough
check for hazards near the track.
food, water, fuel, and other supplies Making passage notes
to get you comfortably to the next Once you are satisfied with the track,
opportunity to restock? Is the boat transfer your plan to a notebook so that the time for HW is considered
sturdy enough for the passage? Are that you can refer to it easily during to be the middle of the hour of high
the crew up to the challenge? the passage. A section of the logbook water. So, if the time for HW is given
There are many questions that can be used for this purpose, but a as 1200, the hour of high water runs
need answering for a thorough passage separate notebook is better, as it can from 1130–1230. Similarly, the hour
plan, but it is important that you be taken on deck without risk to the HW+1 runs from 1230–1330.
consider them all before finalizing your logbook. Calculate the total distance Finally, make notes about your
plans. Once you are sure that your of the passage and the distance destination harbor from the pilot
plan is sensible and achievable, then between turning points or waypoints. book. You should aim to be familiar
you can make your final preparations. Note all track bearings between with all aspects of the passage before
turning points and the details of all you start. Consider what could go
Ensuring a safe passage navigation marks that you expect wrong and the consequences. If you
Carefully check along your track to see along the way. Don’t forget to need to take shelter in an intermediate
on the chart to make sure that it jot down the light characteristics harbor, have pilotage plans ready.
is clear of dangers. Adjust it as for buoys and other navigational aids Check that all charts and
necessary to keep away from any you may encounter if there is any reference books are on board and
charted hazards, such as shallows, likelihood of being at sea in darkness. that your VHF radio is working.
overfalls, or tide races. Note any List the times and heights of Just before departure, inform the
traffic separation areas and, if you low and high water for each of the coast guard of your plans so that
have to cross one, plan to do so with areas and days you will be sailing. they can alert rescue services if you
the boat’s heading at right angles Then mark up the tidal atlas with the do not arrive as planned. Make sure
to the lane. Make sure you consider correct times on each page, starting you inform them when you reach
the best time to cross a traffic zone at the page for high water. Remember your destination.
Navigating to windward Using electronic aids
If your destination lies to windward, Modern chart plotters can store the G.Sh
it will be impossible for the navigator whole passage plan for you, guide 25 28 33
boat will have to beat to windward. and even pilot you in and out of 3NM
32 27
This means that the heading will harbor. However, you should always 28
be determined by the course that have a backup system available and
the helm can steer close-hauled, you should avoid becoming obsessed 33 32
Alarm zone 332ºT
and it will change every time the boat with the virtual rather than real set around position
tacks. In this situation, the navigator world. Regard these electronic tools hazard
concentrates on recording the course as extremely useful, but understand 31 33
steered and periodically plots an that they may let you down. That
estimated position, the accuracy of said, their ability to utilize waypoints
avoidance waypoint
which will depend on how well the and an electronic track does offer By plotting a waypoint on a charted
helm estimates the course sailed. new techniques that can be useful on hazard and monitoring the distance
When you beat to windward, there passage. If you are passing a hazard, and bearing from it, you will always
is always a chance that the wind will you can set the cross track error alarm know your position relative to the
shift to one side or the other. If you to a distance that will alert you if you danger. Here, an alarm has been set
get too far to one side of the direct are drifting too far from the track or to ring if the distance falls below 3nm.
course, you may lose out because of toward a hazard. Isolated dangers or
an adverse shift. To minimize this risk large areas to avoid can be “cordoned
and fully exploit gains from beneficial off” with avoidance waypoints so A strategically placed waypoint can
wind shifts, draw tack limiting lines that at all times you have a range and also offer you an electronic clearing
on the chart and stay within them. bearing to the nearest hazard. bearing, keeping you away from a
potential danger. In these situations,
21 36
21 36 waypoints are used as warning
34 10–20
marks, not as navigational marks
Diverging tack 5–10º angle miles to be aimed at. If you set up your
limiting line 30 30
system in this way, be sure your crew
doesn’t use the avoidance waypoints
39 55
as targets to steer toward.
Parallel tack 32 As the GPS continuously monitors
limiting line
Downwind your position, it can derive your speed
objective line 34 34
over the ground rather than your
speed through the water as shown
Tack between 49 Tack
limiting lines 36
between by your log. This means it is easy to
limiting determine your real progress. If you
39 lines
34 Wk
41 are beating to windward in a series of
34 long tacks, it can be difficult to know
Wk Downwind
objective line 33
how fast you are closing on your
36 Wk 37
43 37
Wk destination. However, the GPS can
calculate this for you. The velocity
made good (VMG) gives your actual
diverging tack limiters parallel tack limiters
straight-line speed toward the next
For sailing short distances to windward, For sailing short distances to windward,
draw a line on the chart downwind from draw a line on the chart downwind from waypoint. Knowing how well you are
the objective, then draw two lines on the objective, then draw two lines on doing is vital on passage. If things
either side, diverging by 5–10º from the either side, diverging by 5–10º from the are not going according to plan, it is
center line. Tack each time your EP or center line. Tack each time your EP or good to know as soon as possible so
GPS fix reaches a tack limiting line. GPS fix reaches a tack limiting line. contingencies can be considered.
S Navigating in fog a position (p.261). Depth soundings
The onset of fog prevents you from can also be used to follow a contour
25 240ºT
Wk obtaining visual fixes to determine line on the chart. If you are trying
Wk 28
position. If possible, the skipper to find a buoy at the entrance to a
32 position should head for shallow water to harbor, for instance, it may lie near
32 minimize the risk of collision with a depth contour. In this situation,
268ºT 31
large ships. The navigator must be choose a suitable contour, making
Clearing waypoint
ready to navigate to a safe anchorage sure that there are no charted hazards
or harbor. A GPS set will continue to along it. Calculate the height of tide
electronic clearing bearing
Place an electronic waypoint where it
deliver position-fixing information. to add to the depth at chart datum to
can provide a clearing bearing. Here, the However, you must check this data get the actual depth of water at that
clearing bearing is 240ºT. At the current against another source and never time. Then you should plot your
position, the waypoint bears 268ºT, which rely on it alone. Probably the best approach. You should try to cross
is safe, but if it drops below 240ºT, you electronic aid to have in these the depth contour well to one side
could be in danger of running aground. conditions is radar, as it will provide of the mark you are aiming for before
both position-fixing and collision- turning toward it. Then steer a zigzag
avoidance information. A GPS set course that crosses and recrosses the
Rough-weather passages together with a radar enable you contour, checking the depth sounder
In rough weather, the navigator has to cross-check all information. regularly. This course will lead you
to work down below while the boat is to your destination.
pitching and heeling. Experience and Fog and depth soundings
a resistance to seasickness are great The depth sounder can provide
advantages in this situation. However, valuable information when you
using depth soundings
you should also try to limit the time are navigating through fog. By Following a depth contour in shallow
you spend at the chart table by doing reducing the observed depth to water in poor visibility has the advantage
as much passage and contingency soundings (p.361), a depth reading of getting you out of the big ship channel
planning as possible before setting off. can confirm an EP or fix. Alternatively, while providing you with a reference line
Rough weather can quickly a line of soundings can be used to fix you can follow toward your destination.
lead to tiredness, particularly in an
inexperienced crew, which increases
the risk of mistakes. Take time to Deep water
double-check all information and channel used
remember to allow for steering errors by large ships
Weather occurs in a relatively narrow band of the atmosphere, capable of carrying far more water
called the troposphere. This extends about 10 miles (16 km) vapor than cold air, but it will
become saturated if it cools down.
above Earth’s surface at the equator, diminishing to half that When warm air cools, the excess
thickness at the poles. As the Sun warms Earth’s surface, some water vapor condenses into droplets
of the heat is transferred to the air above. This effect is greatest and forms clouds, mist, or fog. The
temperature at which this occurs
at the equator and least at the poles. Warm air tends to rise and
is known as the dew point. If air is
cold air to sink, causing vertical movements of air and creating cooled by its proximity to a colder
changes in air pressure. These movements and pressure changes surface, such as the sea, fog forms
take excess heat from the equator toward the poles, stabilizing when the air reaches the dew point.
The temperature differences that exist between the in bands around the planet. These bands of relatively
poles and the equator, together with the rotation of low pressure or high pressure create fairly stable wind
Earth, result in pressure being generally distributed systems over the oceans.
well-established and large anticyclone
will interact with passing depressions
and may force them off course
around its perimeter. Winds will
The local weather conditions that we experience are part of increase between the anticyclone
larger weather systems—the patterns of weather distributed over and the depression, where tightly
packed isobars, squeezed between
the whole planet. Most pleasure sailing takes place in the tropical the two weather systems, indicate
and temperate zones. The tropics are dominated by the trade a steep pressure gradient. In this
winds. The weather is usually fair, but with localized thunderstorms. situation, strong winds under
cloudless skies may be encountered.
Westerly winds predominate in temperate zones, although the
weather is changeable because of the passage of depressions and Depressions
anticyclones and the influence of polar fronts. A depression is an area of relatively
low pressure. They are shown on
synoptic charts by pressure readings
Anticyclones lighter. Anticyclones can cover that are lower than the surrounding
High-pressure areas are called very large areas and usually move areas and by isobars that are closer
anticyclones. They are shown on very slowly. Sometimes they remain together toward the center of the
synoptic charts by pressure readings static for days or even weeks. low-pressure area.
higher than the surrounding areas and Anticyclones typically bring Winds blow clockwise around a
by fairly widely spaced isobars (p.368). good weather, with light to moderate depression in the Southern Hemisphere
Winds blow clockwise around winds and clear skies. Thin layers of and counterclockwise in the Northern
an anticyclone in the Northern cloud may persist, but the clouds Hemisphere. The strongest winds
Hemisphere and counterclockwise usually disperse. A temperature are found near the center of the
in the Southern Hemisphere. The inversion (p.375) may form in depression, and lighter winds around
strongest winds blow around the outer anticyclonic conditions and the outer edge. Depressions vary
edge; winds toward the center are cause hazy weather or fog. A considerably in size, speed, and
intensity, but they typically travel
northern hemisphere
from west to east.
area with colder
In the Northern air sinking area with Depressions usually bring
Hemisphere, the wind warm air
unsettled weather, strong winds,
blows clockwise around and heavy rainfall, with the worst
anticyclones and
weather near the center of the
counterclockwise around
low pressure. Most depressions
depressions. This is because
of the spin of Earth, which
originate from activity at a polar
causes the wind to be front (opposite), although they
deflected to the right. can form in other circumstances,
ANTICYCLONE DEPRESSION including very thundery conditions.
Wind blows Wind blows
southern hemisphere counterclockwise clockwise Wind and pressure systems
In the Southern Air will attempt to move directly
Hemisphere, wind blows from high- to low-pressure areas,
counterclockwise around but it can do this only at the equator.
anticyclones and clockwise
Elsewhere, the rotation of Earth
around depressions. This
causes the wind to be deflected—to
occurs because the spin of
the right in the Northern Hemisphere
Earth deflects the wind
to the left. and to the left in the Southern
ANTICYCLONE DEPRESSION Hemisphere (opposite). This
deflection causes the wind to blow applies to a high-pressure system. isobar spacing when the isobars
in a circular pattern around the Above about 2,000 ft (600 m), the are curved around an anticyclone
pressure systems. wind, known as the gradient wind, than when they are curved around
is more or less parallel to the isobars. a depression. Scales are given on
Wind direction At Earth’s surface, however, friction synoptic charts to calculate wind
The direction of the wind is always will slow wind down and deflect it— speed from the isobars.
expressed in compass points (north in toward a depression and outward
or northeast, for example), which away from an anticyclone. Over the Polar fronts
describe the direction from which the sea, friction causes a deflection of A polar front is a demarcation
wind is blowing. 10–15 degrees; it can be double line between two powerful and
In the Northern Hemisphere, this over land. In unstable airstreams, different airstreams—a warm
wind revolves clockwise around wind brought down from higher airstream originating from a
anticyclones and counterclockwise altitudes can cause gusts, making the subtropical high and a cold,
around depressions, with the isobars wind closer in speed and direction to polar one. When the airstreams
forming closed, concentric circles the gradient wind. meet, the cold, dense air pushes the
around both weather systems. The spacing of isobars indicates warm air upward, forming a wedge
To find the approximate direction the gradient between high and low under it. Activity at the front is the
of a low-pressure system’s center in the pressure, and hence the wind speed. cause of depressions (p.372). Polar
Northern Hemisphere, stand with your This can be predicted by measuring fronts twist their way around Earth,
back to the wind; the low will be on the isobar spacing on a synoptic moving between about 35 and
your left. In the Southern Hemisphere, chart. Remember, however, that 60 degrees north and south,
it will be on your right. The opposite the wind speed is greater for a given depending on the season.
satellite image
Satellite images of weather systems
are a useful forecasting aid. The
position of weather fronts can be
deduced from cloud cover. Here,
an anticyclone is seen approaching
the British Isles from the west.
passage oF FronTs Frontal depressions
Understanding the passage of a frontal depression and the associated Along a polar front, a warm, westerly
changes in conditions is important for the offshore sailor. Depressions are airstream meets a cold, easterly one.
often forecast in advance, but their speed and direction of movement can The warm airstream is lifted above
be unpredictable. It is an advantage if you can make your own judgments the cold one, which slides underneath,
based on observation. The type of weather you experience depends on creating unstable conditions that can
where you are in relation to the center of the low. Here, an observer in the
lead to depressions.
Northern Hemisphere is situated to the south of the low’s center as it passes.
Depressions are born along the
polar front when a pocket of warm
passing depression
In this diagram, a Northern
Direction of travel air encroaches on the neighboring cold
Hemisphere depression airstream. This pocket creates a small
PLAN VIEW Occluded
passes from west to east, wave in the front, with its crest on the
with its center north of the Cloud polar side. In the middle of the wave,
observer. There is an the air is warmer and rises faster, thus
Position of observer
occluded front (p.373) creating an area of low pressure and
near the center, but at the 5 4 3 2 1 allowing cold air from the polar side
observer’s position, they to push in from behind to take its
Cold front
see the warm front, the Warm place. As the low-pressure area
warm sector (a trough of front
deepens at the crest of the wave,
low pressure), and the cold
clearly defined fronts appear ahead
front pass in turn. The
photographs below show
of and behind the central trough of
examples of the possible low pressure, curving out from the
appearance of the sky at center of the low. These fronts form
each numbered stage. 5 4 3 2 1 the demarcation line between the
SIDE VIEW adjacent areas of warm and cold air.
1 The presence of thin, high cirrus 2 Closer to the warm front, the cirrus 3 On the approach of the warm front,
clouds, which are composed of ice cloud thickens into cirrostratus (high- the cloud thickens into altostratus and
crystals, indicates an approaching layer cloud). A halo may appear around then nimbostratus with a lowering cloud
depression about 12–24 hours away. The the sun or moon, caused by moisture in the base. The wind strength increases and
speed and extent of the cirrus clouds are upper atmosphere. The barometer will often backs further, and the barometer
guides to the depth of the depression. The continue to record falling pressure. The drops more quickly as the center of low
other clear indication of an imminent wind will back (swing counterclockwise), pressure moves closer. Visibility is reduced
depression is the barometer reading, often from westerly or southwesterly to under the low cloud base, and rain begins
which will start to fall. southerly or southeasterly. to fall as the front moves closer.
Winds frontal depression the air behind the occluded front
deflected in
Depressions typically form when a is colder or warmer than the air in
center pocket of warm air encroaches into the front, it will be a cold-front type or
neighboring band of cold air along a warm-front type. A cold occluded
the polar front. The front curls around the front is more active than a warm one,
pocket, forming a wave with a warm,
bringing heavier rainfall and higher
leading front and a cold, trailing one.
gusts on the passage of the front.
Cold Life span of depressions
Warm sector Warm and cold fronts Because cold fronts move more
NORTHERN HEMISPHERE The leading front is called the warm quickly and catch up with warm
front because it has warm air behind fronts, depressions have a limited
Winds deflected in it, pushing over cooler air ahead. The life span. Secondary depressions can,
toward center Warm trailing front is known as the cold however, form along the cold front
sector front and has cold air behind it. The of a dying depression. These often are
Cold front cold front pushes under the warm air smaller, develop faster, and can be
in the warm sector ahead. The cold more intense than the parent.
front moves faster than the warm one. Depressions vary greatly in
size, duration, and severity, but all
Occluded front continually change as they grow,
As the cold front catches up interact with other weather systems,
with the warm front, the cold front and eventually die. They can move
pushes the warm-sector air off the at 50 knots or more, but those that
surface, and the two fronts form an cover a very large area tend to be
SOUTHERN HEMISPHERE occluded front. Depending on whether much slower-moving.
Direction of depressions
Frontal depressions in temperate
latitudes in both hemispheres tend to
move from west to east, with the center
of the depression toward the cold
airstream on the polar side.
In the early life of a frontal
depression, the low-pressure system
tends to move in the same direction
as the upper airstreams. This is
approximately the same as the
direction of the isobars in the warm
sector (the area between the fronts).
As the depression matures, it reaches
higher into the high-altitude
4 As the warm front passes over the 5 The cold front is often marked by jet-stream winds and begins to
observer, the wind veers, often to the cumulus or cumulonimbus (huge heaped move in their direction.
southwest or west, and the barometer clouds). The pressure may drop again Toward the end of its life, the
stops falling. The rain eases or stops, but because of a trough of lower pressure
depression system will generally slow
visibility is poor with low cloud or mist. ahead of the front. There may be heavy
down. It may also change direction—
If the center of the low is some distance rain, fierce gusts and squalls, and
away to the north, the cloud layer is likely sometimes thunderstorms. As the front usually to the north in the Northern
to be thinner, and breaks in the cloud passes, the wind usually veers sharply Hemisphere and to the south in the
cover may appear occasionally. northwest and the pressure starts to rise. Southern Hemisphere.
and a possible change in wind
direction at the surface. Convection
currents reach their peak activity in the
mid- to late afternoon, when clouds
If you are sailing near the coast in settled conditions, the are at their highest and winds at their
weather you experience will change throughout the day. This effect strongest. If the convection currents
are particularly active, they may
is known as the diurnal weather variation. It is caused by the sun produce showers from rain-bearing
heating the land and, to a far lesser extent, the sea. Understanding clouds, and thunderstorms may occur.
diurnal effects enables you to predict wind speed and direction
Evening to night
change during the day and adjust your sailing plans accordingly.
As the land cools in the late afternoon
When sailing at night, you will understand when an inversion may and evening, the convection currents
form and bring light winds. stop and the wind drops in strength.
On clear nights, an inversion effect
may form (opposite). This is an
Morning to afternoon form as water vapor carried in the indication of settled weather.
As the land heats up with the rising of cooling air condenses into droplets.
the sun, it warms the air above it. The As the convection currents grow in Tips for sailors
warmed air rises through convection strength, they reach an altitude where Study the weather forecast before
currents. As it goes higher into the the winds are stronger than they are you go afloat. If conditions seem
troposphere, it gradually cools and at Earth’s surface. The sinking currents stable and are being influenced by
sinks again. The convection currents then bring down parcels of upper air, a nearby high-pressure system, check
are marked by cumulus clouds that causing an increase in wind strength the clouds when you reach your
sailing area. They will provide the
clues to identify local heating of the
THrOugH THe daY land. If small cumulus clouds are
By studying the types of clouds that appear through the day, you can make evident in the morning, expect to see
many deductions about the kind of weather and wind conditions to expect. diurnal effects bringing stronger
Practice observing clouds and making predictions to improve your skills. winds in the mid- to late afternoon.
Inversion breaking
When the sun rises, it Low-speed wind High-speed wind
heats the land and forms
convection currents.
These columns of warm
air penetrate through the
inversion layer, causing
the surface winds and high-
Sea breezes
One of the most obvious examples
Warm air rises
of winds caused by localized heating
over the land is the coastal sea breeze, common in
stable weather conditions during the
Cool air from the sea
moves inland
cause of zephyrs
In otherwise calm conditions, warm air
rising from the banks of a river or edges
of a lake creates an area of low pressure,
into which cold air flows. This results in a
zephyr wind, a gentle wind that can be
exploited by inland dinghy sailors.
convection currents form huge banks
of cumulus cloud that push upward
and grow larger—a sign that a
thunderstorm may develop. If the
Bad weather is caused by low-pressure systems and their ascending system becomes sufficiently active,
currents of air. When a large volume of humid air is forced rapidly cumulonimbus clouds form. These
towering, dark, and forbidding
upward, intense activity takes place and a revolving circulation of air clouds reach great heights and have
is created. Frontal depressions (p.372) can cover very large areas characteristic anvil-shaped tops that
and produce fairly strong winds, but smaller yet more intense low- point in the direction the storm is
traveling. The higher the cloud top,
pressure systems, such as thunderstorms, tropical revolving storms
the more intense the storm. Ice
and tornadoes are responsible for even more severe weather. crystals form in the anvil top. They
collide within the cloud and create
static electricity, which discharges
Thunderstorms where they occur more often over to the ground as lightning. Low rolls
A thunderstorm is created by a large land masses such as North of cloud, created by violent internal
very intense but localized area of America. At sea, thunderstorms usually air currents, form along the base of
low pressure that can produce very form along the line of a cold front. a storm, resulting in heavy rain or
strong winds and heavy rain or hail. This is also where the strongest
hail. Thunder and lightning add Thunder clouds winds and wind shifts are found.
to the drama. In tropical regions, A thunderstorm starts when a huge Behind the thunderstorm, the wind
thunderstorms are fairly common, volume of air is forced upward by and temperature drop.
often occurring at night. They are localized heating or by a wedge of
less frequent in temperate latitudes colder air at a front. The large Safety at sea
If you are at sea when a thunderstorm
Anvil-shaped top Point of anvil shows
of the cloud direction of travel
approaches, the best course of action
is to get out of its path. However,
20,000 ft
(6,600 m) if the storm is going to pass over
you, it is advisable to turn into it to
get through it as quickly as possible.
15,000 ft If you are heading in the same
(5,000 m) direction as a storm and are overtaken
by it, you will spend longer within
the storm.
10,000 ft
(3,300 m)
Revolving storms
Tropical revolving storms are known
5,000 ft
by different names in different parts
(1,700 m) of the world: in the Atlantic, they
are hurricanes; in the western Pacific,
Lightning caused by they are typhoons; and in the Indian
hailstones colliding
Ocean, they are cyclones. They are
born in low latitudes and are marked
by enormous banks of clouds that
A typical thundercloud has an anvil-shaped reach to the limit of the atmosphere,
top pointing in the direction in which the Heavy rainfall Rolling clouds at indicating a very intense depression.
beneath the cloud the base of the
storm is moving. Rolling clouds along its The depression covers a much smaller
main cloud
base are caused by strong air currents. area than a frontal depression, but
the pressure gradient is much steeper, tropical storms are monitored by
causing winds in excess of Force 12 forecasters using weather satellites,
and very heavy and steep seas. and sailors may receive warnings
issued by radio and Weatherfax.
Wind characteristics When sailing in tropical latitudes,
During a revolving storm, the winds a drop in barometric pressure of
spiral inward toward the center of the 5 mb or more is a warning of an
depression at all heights through approaching storm. Other signs
the storm instead of blowing along include a large ocean swell,
the isobars at higher levels, as they significant changes in wind speed
do in a normal depression. The winds and direction, and cloud building
revolve counterclockwise in the from high cirrus through altostratus
Northern Hemisphere and clockwise to heaped cumulus.
in the Southern Hemisphere. At the
center of the storm, there is an “eye” Safe refuges
in which the wind is temporarily calm, Sailors who think they are in the path
Strong convection currents produce a
but the seas are rough and confused of a tropical storm should try to avoid funnel-shaped extension at the base of
without the controlling influence of the being caught in the most dangerous cumulonimbus clouds. The powerful
wind. The clouds may clear for a short semicircle, which is to the north of the revolving motion of the wind in this
time, but the respite will be brief as the center in the Northern Hemisphere cloud draws water off the surface of the
opposite wall of cloud approaches, and to the south of the center in the sea, creating a spinning mass of spray.
containing more violent winds. The Southern Hemisphere. A tropical storm
wind is at its strongest close to the eye is extremely dangerous to all craft but
and visibility is seriously reduced, often especially to small yachts. Safe refuges, Waterspouts
to zero, as the air fills with flying foam known as hurricane holes, can be A waterspout is a type of tornado that
and spray. found in areas vulnerable to these is found at sea. It forms under heavy
storms, but most harbors present as cumulonimbus clouds that contain
Storm origins many dangers as being at sea. strong convection currents. As a
Tropical storms usually develop waterspout forms, a funnel-shaped
on the eastern side of oceans and Tornadoes cloud extends from the base of the
mature as they travel westward A tornado is the most violent cumulonimbus cloud to the sea. Its
or northwest-ward in the Northern small-scale disturbance and is far revolving motion causes a spinning
Hemisphere or westward or more common over land than at mass of spray to rise from the sea. If the
southwestward in the Southern sea, occurring most frequently on waterspout continues to develop, the
Hemisphere. In their early stages, the central plains of North America. end of the funnel meets the spray cloud
they usually move at 10–15 knots, Forming in hot, humid, thundery and forms a spinning column between
later increasing to 25 knots or more. conditions, tornadoes are created cloud base and sea. The top and bottom
As they near the western side of by severe convection currents that of the column travel at different
the ocean, they may curve north occur in large cumulonimbus clouds. speeds, so it quickly takes up a
or northeasterly in the Northern A tornado’s diameter is usually only slanting position and eventually breaks
Hemisphere or south or southeasterly a few hundred yards, and it will up. A waterspout is a very localized
in the Southern Hemisphere. rarely travel more than a few miles. and short-term event but can present a
In that distance, however, it can serious danger to small craft in the
Forecasting storms cause more destruction than almost vicinity. It is less severe than a tornado,
Most tropical storms occur in fairly any other natural phenomenon. typically lasts less than 30 minutes,
predictable seasons, such as July to Winds at the center may reach 200 and covers an area 100 ft (30 m) in
September in the Atlantic, but they knots, and the exceptionally low diameter. Waterspouts move slowly, but
can develop at other times, too. The pressure can rip houses apart and can be erratic, and are more common
birth, growth, and development of throw cars in the air. in tropical than temperate latitudes.
During the early hours of the
morning, it may extend several
miles out to sea, but will disperse if
the water temperature is higher than
When you sail in a small boat, your safety and enjoyment depend that of the land. In general, radiation
on your ability to see all around you and avoid any potential hazards fog poses little hazard to sailors,
apart from in rivers and estuaries,
or collisions. Fog, therefore, can be a significant problem at sea. where it may persist for some hours.
Although there are four main types of fog, all are basically cloud that Radiation fog quickly disperses when
has formed at Earth’s surface. Three types of fog are caused by air the sun rises—the land heats up,
warming the air, raising its dew point,
being cooled to the point where it can no longer hold its moisture in
and lifting the fog. However, if
vapor form, so some condenses into water droplets. The fourth type overcast conditions come in at dawn,
is caused by air that remains at the same temperature but picks up the land takes longer to heat up and
more water until it reaches saturation point, when some of the water the fog may persist.
condenses. It is helpful to know the types and causes of fog in order Advection fog
to predict its duration and extent. Also called sea fog, advection fog is
the type that is normally found at
sea. It is caused by warm, moist air
Radiation fog Radiation fog will only form when blowing over cooler water. It is most
Often called land fog, radiation fog land cools rapidly under a warm, common during winter and spring,
forms over land at night in clear moist airstream that will probably but may also occur in summer.
conditions. During the night, the land have come off the sea. This type Localized areas of sea turbulence
cools rapidly by radiating its heat of fog requires low wind speeds; that bring cold water to the surface
upward. Since there are no clouds to otherwise, vertical mixing warms the may also produce advection fog.
trap the heat, the air in contact with air at the surface. It commonly forms A warm, moist airstream moving
the land cools. When the temperature under high-pressure systems that from temperate to polar latitudes will
at Earth’s surface falls below the dew bring settled weather and clear skies. form large banks of sea fog along a
point of the adjacent air, it becomes Radiation fog forms first as mist wide front as it is gradually cooled by
saturated and water vapor condenses in low valleys, gradually thickening moving over cold water. An example
to produce fog. and deepening as more air is cooled. is the Grand Banks of Newfoundland,
Warmth is radiated Cool air sinks, forming fog in Warm, moist air flows Water in
into the atmosphere valleys and lowland areas over cool water the air
into fog
Frontal fog
As its name implies, frontal fog
occurs along the warm front of
a depression. Warm air rises over
cold air (p.370) and then cools
rapidly to below its dew point to
form a long, narrow strip of fog Sea smoke point rises and the fog next to the
along the front. Frontal fog is often Sea smoke is usually found in arctic sea disperses. The warmer air then
seen as low cloud, which can fall and polar regions. Unlike other rises to be cooled again by the air
to sea level. It can also develop as forms of fog—which form when higher up, so the fog reappears.
high-level fog above otherwise clear warm, moist air cools—sea smoke This type of fog produces an effect
conditions, obscuring high land occurs when cold air absorbs that resembles the appearance of
and headlands from view. Frontal moisture as it passes over a warmer smoke, as it quickly forms, disperses,
fog is not particularly persistent, sea. The excess moisture cannot and reforms. Sea smoke is not a
but it can cause problems with be absorbed by the cold air, so it particularly serious problem for
pilotage (pp.338–341) if the immediately condenses into fog. At sailors. It lasts only a short time,
navigator wants to use landmarks the same time, however, the air is until the air is warmed by the sea
such as transits or lighthouses. being warmed by the sea, so its dew sufficiently to eliminate the effect.
Warm air rises Fog obscures Cold air flows Additional moisture
over cooler air headland over warm water is condensed as fog
In addition to this basic information,
many sites provide detailed weather
charts and satellite imagery showing
forecast frontal system movement
Weather forecasting is a very complex subject. Although you over a large area. Studying these
can learn how to make general assessments of conditions and charts enables a sailor to make
informed judgments on conditions
reasonably good predictions of what to expect in the near future, likely to be experienced during a
you will also need to take advantage of any suitable published passage. Some Internet sites also
forecasts that are available to you before you sail or while on provide a more detailed analysis
of publicly available data.
passage. You can then compare these forecasts with your own
In addition to synoptic charts
observations to produce an overall picture that you can use showing barometric pressure and
when planning a sailing trip or during an offshore passage. position of frontal systems (wind speed
and direction can also be interpreted
from these charts), many weather sites
Weather information sites for weather information, but provide infrared satellite images from
The modern mariner is spoiled it is not necessary, as with a little which cloud cover can be observed
in terms of the availability of effort you will be able to find free and position of fronts confirmed.
weather data. Only a few years information. Typically, weather Other charts may be available showing
ago, the primary source of weather sites on the net provide a summary wind speed and direction over the area
information was via radio broadcasts of frontal systems, a breakdown of in which you are interested.
based on data usually supplied expected weather conditions covering Most Internet sites provide
by national meteorological system movement, wind speed and weather charts for short-range (1- to
organizations. Using these broadcasts, direction, visibility, precipitation, 3-day) and long-range (4- to 7-day)
mariners would construct weather and pressure tendency. forecast periods, but the latter have
maps on which a forecast could be
based. Today, weather information
based on advanced computer models
and satellite information is available
from a range of providers and via
every form of media, giving mariners
a level of detail that would previously
have been thought impossible.
The Internet provides an enormous
range and depth of weather
information for the mariner—in
fact, part of the skill in using it is
finding the information you need.
It is possible to subscribe to special
synoptic chart
Synoptic charts can be downloaded from
the Internet and show information such as
the movement of fronts, pressure systems,
and wind strengths and directions.
a greater degree of uncertainty. Some NBDP). The system mainly operates
sites also provide upper atmosphere in the Medium Frequency radio band
(500 mb/500 hPa) charts that enable just above and below the old 500 kHz
the skilled user to evaluate how the Morse Distress frequency. System
upper atmosphere may influence range is generally 300 nautical miles
the behavior of frontal systems and or so from the transmitter. Major
hence the weather that is experienced areas of Navtex coverage include
at sea or on land. the Mediterranean Sea, the North Sea,
navtex receiver
Although interpreting weather and coastal areas around Japan and
A Navtex receiver can be programmed
charts may sound complicated, if the North American continent. to display just the information and areas
you practice by studying the forecast A Navtex receiver is normally you require. Some, as here, have built-in
weather charts for your location over, a compact unit, with an integrated printers and others use only an LCD
say, a 48- or 72-hour period, then printer, display, and keyboard, screen to display incoming information
compare your expectation with the although some units have a larger that is stored in memory until required.
weather you actually observe, you LCD display rather than a printer.
will quickly hone your skills. The user selects the areas for which
For the vast majority of mariners, they wish to receive information for download via wireless means
the Internet is only accessible close and programs in the types of such as through an HF receiver
to shore, at best, and therefore will information they want to receive. or satellite phone system.
form the backbone of predeparture Once set up, the unit can then The largest producer of GRIB
weather information. Once underway, be left unattended, as messages will be weather is the National Oceanic and
mariners must rely on other sources received automatically and printed Atmospheric Administration (NOAA),
of weather information unless they on the integrated printer or stored in although other organizations also
have a satellite Internet connection. memory for later display on screen. generate GRIB files. NOAA GRIB files
Navtex broadcasts can also are best suited for marine forecasts,
Weatherfax be received on a PC with suitable but you should be aware that human
This service provides mariners software installed and connected forecasters do not review the data
with access to a range of weather to a radio capable of receiving the before it is published and therefore
information, including gale Navtex frequencies. The software some knowledge and awareness is
warnings, surface analysis, ocean solution for Weatherfax is often also required by the end user. Also, NOAA
frontal positions, forecasts up to able to receive Navtex information, uses several models to generate GRIB
96 hours from time of issue, as providing an attractive proposition files with different strengths and
well as charts of quality similar where budgets are tight. weaknesses. It is best to familiarize
to the ones available on the Internet. yourself with the GRIB files from each
This information can be received GRIB files model for the area you travel in and
while on passage, either via a Gridded Binary (GRIB) data files are compare these forecasts with other
dedicated receiver or by Weatherfax output files generated by computer reliable weather sources before
software installed on a PC linked to a weather forecasting models. They depending on them.
suitable radio receiver. Most marine provide information on wind speed GRIB forecasts can be extremely
electronics retailers should be able to and direction, ocean currents, sea accurate and, in remote parts of the
advise on a suitable solution to meet state, and sea surface temperature. world, possibly the only source of
your needs and budget. GRIB files have the big weather forecasting. You will require
advantage that they are much more a software application to view GRIB
Navtex compact than regular weather files, but many software chart-plotting
The Navtex system is used for the charts that are transmitted for programs have the ability to read
automatic broadcast of localized Weatherfax (about 10Kb in size GRIB files and use them in their
Maritime Safety Information (MSI) for large regions and about 4Kb routing facility. Some providers of
using Radio Telex (also known as for the Caribbean). Because of their navigation software make daily GRIB
Narrow Band Direct Printing, or small size, they are very well suited files available from their Internet sites.
Radio forecasts are still only forecasts, and there
Weather information via radio is no substitute for the direct
broadcasts is available to all sailors observation and recording of
via a standard ship’s radio. Most weather information at sea to
countries with a coastline broadcast enable the sailor to determine the
marine or shipping forecasts, usually most likely short-term weather
with forecasts split into sea areas. in the locality and to evaluate the electronic barometer
Typically, these forecasts include gale accuracy of the forecast information An electronic barometer displays pressure
warnings, general synopsis of weather available. There are several key and changes over time on a graphical
systems and any expected change over characteristics of the weather display that can also show temperature,
the next 24 hours, forecast of wind that can be directly observed at humidity, time, and other information.
strength and direction, and weather sea and used by the sailor to give a
and visibility for the next 24 hours. valuable insight into forthcoming
Some countries also broadcast weather events. is less important than the direction
reports of actual weather from of change and, especially, its rate of
a series of reporting stations Barometric pressure change—rising or falling pressure and
around the coast. This usually The most useful forecasting tool the speed of change is an indicator
includes information on observed aboard a small yacht is a good- of imminent weather changes.
wind direction and force, present quality barometer. Traditionally, You must take into account the
weather, visibility, and sea level this would have been an aneroid “diurnal variation” in pressure, which
pressure tendency. This information barometer, which is a mechanical is the natural rise and fall in pressure
is invaluable, as it allows you, device with metal bellows that move around the mean barometric pressure
together with the forecast according to changes in atmospheric over a 24-hour period, and allow for
information, to create your own pressure. A variation, the barograph, it when observing changes over time.
weather chart from which a records the pressures on a paper In weather forecasts, the rate of
reasonable short-term forecast can chart on a revolving drum. change is given over a three-hour
be derived. Details of the timing The aneroid barometer and period, providing an indication of
and frequency of radio broadcasts barograph have now largely been the trend in terms of direction and
can be found in most almanacs or superseded for use aboard yachts rate of change.
in an official List of Radios Signals. by electronic barometers, most of If barometric pressure falls or
It is very worthwhile to learn the which have the ability to record rises by, say, 4 to 5 millibars over
terminology and abbreviations used hourly readings for 24 hours, and three hours, then you could expect
in these broadcasts so that you are show change to one decimal place wind speeds of between 17 knots
able to note them down. With this or more. As they have no moving to 27 knots; a change of 6 millibars
information, you can then draw parts or metal bellows, they are or more over three hours is a strong
your own weather chart. By much less susceptible to corrosion indication that gale-force winds
comparing your charts with from dampness on board. are imminent.
professional forecast weather charts However, with either type, it
and your observations of actual is very important to calibrate your Wind speed and direction
weather, you will soon develop your barometer by checking its readings Observing changes in wind speed
skills and the confidence to use them. against those from a reliable external and direction while you are afloat is
source, such as the nearest coast key to determining likely changes in
Weather observation guard station or harbormaster’s office. weather conditions in the short term.
All of the sources of weather When underway, pressure Onboard a sailing boat, the wind
information are invaluable in readings should be recorded in speed is usually recorded using an
terms of providing sailors with the ship’s log every hour and the anemometer that is fixed to the top
detailed forecast information skipper or watch leader should of the mast and linked to an output
derived largely from advanced keep a close eye on the rate of display (p.332), which provides
computer models. However, these change. The actual pressure reading details of the apparent wind speed
and direction. If these units are speed in knots. The descriptions tropical latitudes, you should monitor
connected to an electronic log so are just as useful now as they were the barometer and expect to see
that they receive boat speed, they can originally, allowing an observer to gradual diurnal changes. However,
also show the true wind direction. judge wind speed on land or at sea if the pressure starts to drop
If you use a handheld anemometer, without the use of instruments. significantly, while high altitude cloud
the wind-speed readings should be increases and a building ocean swell
taken from the windward side of Sea surface temperature appears, expect an approaching
the vessel, and the wind direction Taking observations of sea surface storm with the center in the direction
measured using a hand bearing temperature is of greater use to from which the swell is coming.
compass. Remember, too, that sailors in tropical regions, as it gives When in temperate latitudes,
handheld instruments only provide an indication of the likely degree of approaching depressions are signaled
apparent wind direction and strength, convection activity in relation to the by falling barometric pressure and a
so you must record boat speed and development of tropical depressions. wind direction that backs, initially,
heading to calculate the true wind In temperate latitudes, sea surface under building high cloud.
speed and direction. This information temperature also gives an indication Wherever you are in the world,
should be recorded in the ship’s log of the likely risk of fog. Most modern you can use clouds to forecast
book every hour along with the electronic logs are made with a weather. High clouds are associated
barometric pressure. temperature sensor built into the with weather systems up to six hours
Before the introduction of transducer. This allows the user to away. If they are wispy and white,
measuring instruments, wind strengths note sea temperature. fine weather is imminent. Clouds that
were expressed on the Beaufort scale In temperate latitudes, measuring are lifting and dispersing also indicate
(pp.386–387). This was devised by sea surface temperature is more that good weather is approaching.
Admiral Francis Beaufort in 1805 to useful when it is used in conjunction Lower-level clouds relate to current
describe the effects of wind. At first, with readings from a psychrometer. weather. If they are dark, heavy,
the Beaufort scale related the wind A traditional psychrometer has a and lowering, poor conditions and
strength to the amount of sail a tall dry bulb thermometer for measuring rainfall are likely to be on their way.
ship could carry. This was later temperature and a wet bulb Another way of forecasting rain
modified to include the effects of thermometer for measuring humidity. is to observe whether there is a halo
wind observed on land and at sea. It is used in conjunction with tables around the sun or moon. This haze
The Beaufort scale is still used to that enable you to predict the dew is caused by the refraction of light by
define wind strengths at sea, and the point temperature of the air. By ice crystals carried in moisture-laden
Beaufort forces are now defined as comparing dew point information clouds from which rain may fall.
and the sea temperature, you can
make a much more accurate
assessment of fog risk (pp.380–381).
handheld Modern versions utilize electronic psychrometer
anemometer sensors for measurement, then A psychrometer is
Wind speed can calculate and display the results used to measure
be obtained using on a screen. temperature and
a handheld unit, humidity to calculate
which is handy for Using observation the dew point and
small-boat sailing, If you are unable to receive useful predict fog. Small
as the unit is small handheld units are
forecasts at sea, you will be reliant
and light and available that use
on your own observations to monitor
can be kept in electronic sensors and
a pocket. Cruisers the weather. Once you become used have an easy-to-read
often have a to the normal weather for the area in LCD screen. Some
fixed instrument which you normally sail, you will be electronic barographs
giving speed able to predict the speed and severity also display humidity
and direction. of approaching fronts. If you are in and temperature.
force mean speed description ashore dinghy sailing
Less than Calm Smoke rises vertically and Drifting conditions. Heel the boat to assist
0 1 knot flags hang limp. sail efficiency. Make gentle movements.
1–3 knots Light air Smoke drifts slightly, Gentle forward movement. Flatten sails
1 indicating wind direction. and balance boat bow down and heeled.
4–6 knots Light breeze Light flags and wind vanes Steady speed is possible. Sail upright with
2 move slightly. full sails for maximum power.
7–10 knots Gentle breeze Light flags extend outward. Hull speed possible. High-performance
3 dinghies may plane. Ideal for learners.
11–16 knots Moderate Paper lifted off the ground. Planing on most points of sailing. Crew fully
4 breeze Small branches move. extended. Beginners should head for shore.
17–21 knots Fresh breeze Small trees sway visibly and Ideal conditions for experienced crews;
5 tops of trees move. otherwise, capsizes are common.
22–27 knots Strong breeze Large trees sway and wind A dinghy sailor’s gale. Only experienced crews
6 whistles in power lines. with good safety cover should race.
28–33 knots Near gale Whole trees are in motion. Most dinghies remain on the shore. If they are
It is difficult to walk against taken afloat, they are likely to be overpowered
7 the wind. and damaged.
34–40 knots Gale Twigs are broken off trees. Dinghy sailing not possible. Dinghies should
Progress on foot very be securely tied down ashore.
8 much impeded.
41–47 knots Severe gale Chimney pots and Dinghy sailing not possible.
slates blown off roofs.
9 Fences blown down.
10 48+ knots Storm to Trees uprooted and Dinghy sailing not possible.
hurricane considerable structural
to damage likely. Extremely
12 rare inland.
Very slow sailing upwind. Downwind Less than Ripples form on the water.
spinnaker hard to keep filled. 3 in (0.1 m)
Slow sailing upwind with little heel. Up to 1 ft (0.3 m) Small wavelets with smooth crests.
Spinnaker fills downwind.
Pleasant sailing. Spinnaker fills and Up to 3 ft (0.9 m) Large wavelets with crests starting to break.
sets well downwind.
Hull speed achieved by most yachts. Up to 5 ft (1.5 m) Small waves and frequent whitecaps.
Some small cruisers start to reef.
Medium-sized cruisers start to reef. Up to 8 ft (2.5 m) Moderate waves and many whitecaps.
Crew wear and clip on safety harnesses.
Most cruisers reefed. Wear and clip on Up to 12 ft (4 m) Large waves, white foamy crests. Spray likely.
harness. Seek shelter if inexperienced.
Seek shelter or sail away from land to Up to 20 ft (6 m) The sea heaps up and waves break.
ride out any forecast storms. Family Much spray.
crews may have problems coping.
Most cruisers deep-reefed.
Use a deep-reefed mainsail and small Up to 25 ft (8 m) Moderately high waves of greater length
headsail. Close and secure hatches and that frequently break.
companionways against water. Only
essential crew should be on deck.
Danger of knockdown. Some crews Up to 30 ft (10 m) High waves with breaking crests and
may continue to sail; others heave-to flying spray.
or run before. Depending on the sea
state, a trysail could be set.
Stay well away from coastlines. Survival 30–52 ft (10–16 m) Very high waves. Sea becoming heaped
conditions. Danger of 90º knockdowns up and white. Visibility affected.
and full capsizes.
The level of maintenance a boat requires depends on its age, size, type, and
complexity and the amount of care an owner wishes to lavish on their pride and
joy. Whereas the owner of a general-purpose dinghy need only give their boat an
occasional wash and check over, the owner of a cruiser should be able to service
and maintain a variety of onboard systems.
quickly to stop water from penetrating
the laminate. This is not usually a
difficult job, but it can be tricky to
match the color and blend the repair
The amount and type of maintenance that a hull requires with the existing gel coat, especially if
depends on the material used in its construction. Glass-reinforced the color of the gel coat has faded
over time, which is most likely
plastic (GRP) combines strength with relatively low maintenance. with a dark color.
It is also ideal for high-volume production and is used for almost Routine maintenance is simply a
all production-built boats. Wood in the form of plywood, veneers, matter of cleaning and polishing the
gel coat to restore the shine. Polishing
or strip planking combined with epoxy resins makes strong, light,
with abrasive cleaners gradually
molded hulls that are aesthetically pleasing, but traditionally built reduces the thickness of the gel coat,
wooden hulls require considerable maintenance. Steel or aluminum which will also age from exposure
hulls are very strong and resilient but are far less common than GRP. to ultraviolet light. Eventually, the
time will come when a coat of paint
is needed for cosmetic purposes,
If they are well cared for, boats GRP hulls although there are plenty of
have the potential for a very long Production-built GRP boats are 30-year-old yachts still looking good
life—perhaps more akin to a finished with a smooth gel coat that with their original gel coat finish.
building than to a car. Like either, protects the underlying laminate and GRP is inherently a long-lasting
they need regular maintenance produces a shiny surface. The gel coat material—there are boats that were
and, like a house, occasional is quite easily damaged by impact or made of it in the 1950s and 1960s
refurbishment or modernization abrasion, and repairs must be made that are still giving good service
during their life-span. today. The biggest, potentially serious
problem that a GRP boat may
General maintenance succumb to is osmosis—water ingress
Always check underwater surfaces leading to gel-coat blistering and, if left
every time you dry out or lift the unchecked, the eventual weakening
boat ashore, and repair any damage of the whole structure. Most modern
immediately. Check the topsides boats are now molded with isopthalic
regularly and repair even minor resins, which are resistant to osmosis,
damage as soon as possible, especially so the problem is mainly restricted to
with steel and wooden boats. All older vessels. One cause of osmosis
boats that are kept afloat should be is flaws in the molding, so once
given one or two coats of antifouling a boat reaches a certain age—over
paint at least once a year to combat 10 years or so—the likelihood of
underwater fouling from weed and its occurring is reduced, as is the
barnacles. Check with other boat speed at which it spreads.
owners to see what is recommended Minor patches of osmosis,
in the area in which you plan to sail, or isolated blisters, can be treated
because there may be a special individually by grinding out the
formulation that is designed to be
most effective against the weed and
other sources of fouling in your antifouling paint
sailing area. Applying antifouling paint is one of the
Most hull materials benefit least popular maintenance chores, but it
from being brought ashore during is essential to prevent underwater fouling,
the winter and allowed to dry out. which will slow the boat considerably.
old grp hull expose the gel coat peel the gel coat
If the underwater areas have blisters on the Scrape off a patch of antifouling to reveal If osmosis is diagnosed, a good solution is
surface, it may be a sign of osmosis, or it the gel coat (here, a clear type) to check to remove the gel coat using a handheld
could be confined to the antifouling layer. if the blisters are in the laminate. peeling machine to dry out the laminate.
affected area, drying the laminate down, allowing moisture and air For low maintenance, it makes sense
thoroughly, and rebuilding with to attack the steel. This may require to leave an aluminum hull bare, as its
epoxy resin. Many boat owners sandblasting to remove the old paint surface will form an oxidized layer
have found that after doing this, and surface rust. Modern paints make that turns matte gray. If painted, the
they experience few, if any, further it much easier to obtain a lasting surface must be carefully prepared
blisters. However, if osmosis is finish on steel, but it is vital that the according to the paint supplier’s
extensive, the gel coat must be surface is thoroughly prepared and instructions and a hard, two-pack
peeled off the entire underwater area that the paint supplier’s instructions polyurethane should be used.
of the hull, which must be allowed to are closely followed. Two-pack
dry fully (often with infrared lamps). polyurethane paints are much Ferro-cement hulls
The hull is then filled and faired harder and longer-lasting A number of yachts were built,
(smoothed) before applying several than the single-pack types but mostly in the 1970s and 1980s,
coats of epoxy resin as a waterproof require more work if small areas using concrete plastered over a
barrier to replace the original gel coat. need to be touched up. They are not, steel and wire mesh frame. Many
This work is costly, but a five-year however, suitable for traditionally were home-built, with the standard
warranty is usually included. constructed wooden hulls, which of construction varying considerably,
need the greater flexibility of single- although a few were professionally
Steel and wooden hulls pack types. A quality two-pack built to a high standard. Problems
Both steel and wooden hulls are polyurethane paint that is applied with ferro-cement hulls, such as
protected by a paint layer. Minor properly should last about five years, rusting of the steel framework, can
collisions usually result in nothing with an annual polish; a single-pack be difficult to detect, so they are an
more than damage to the paint. polyurethane may need renewing unpopular secondhand buy. For this
This is easily rectified, but the repair every year or two. reason, they can be very cheap, but
should be done as quickly as possible, such a boat may not be the bargain
before water penetrates the wood or Aluminum hulls it appears. If you are tempted by
surrounding paint system. If a steel Aluminum is strong and lighter than a ferro-cement boat, a thorough
hull weeps rust, this is an indication steel, and hulls made of this material survey by a specialist in the
that the paint system has broken need paint only for cosmetic reasons. material is absolutely essential.
Repairing minor damage Fill deep scratches with an epoxy logs and depth sounders should be
If you sail a GRP boat, always carry filler before painting. Hard, two-pack checked for damage each time the
some epoxy filler and polyester gel paints can be polished like gel coat. boat is hauled ashore or dried out. If
coat of the appropriate color aboard Minor dents to aluminum and steel you are planning to build a new boat,
to repair minor chips and grazes. hulls can also be filled and painted, minimize the number of through-hull
Clean out the damaged area, degrease but more serious damage will fittings by using standpipes to which
it, and dry it thoroughly. If the probably require expert skills. all inlets and outlets are connected.
damage is quite deep, fill with epoxy
filler to just below the surface, allow Through-hull fittings Keel construction
it to cure, then apply gel coat, leaving Many modern yachts have a large The construction of the keel varies
the surface slightly raised. For shallow number of through-hull fittings for depending on the design of the boat.
grazes, use only gel coat, which should engine-cooling water, toilet intake Many older GRP production cruisers
be mixed with 1–2 percent wax to and discharge, galley and shower have their keels encased in the GRP
ensure that it hardens fully when in sump pumps, and so on. All of these molding, using lead or iron in the
contact with air. Otherwise, cover the holes in the hull are potential causes keel cavity to provide the necessary
repair with plastic film taped in place of water intake, so the fittings must weight. Other craft have a fin or
and wait for the gel coat to cure. be checked regularly. bilge keels, made of iron or lead,
Once hard, it can be rubbed back Damage to metal through-hull bolted onto the hull structure, and
using fine wet-and-dry paper and a fittings is often caused by a process their fastenings occasionally need
rubbing paste to finish the job and called galvanic corrosion (opposite). to be checked for corrosion.
polish the surface. More serious Check metal through-hull fittings by If your cruiser has an external
damage can be repaired by a skilled withdrawing a fastener. Consider keel that is bolted onto the hull,
owner using a glass cloth or mat, removing and checking the entire withdraw one or two bolts every few
but it is usually better to employ fitting if there is any sign of corrosion years to check for corrosion. If leaks
professional help. on the fastener. Grease all seacocks at occur at the junction of keel and hull,
If your boat has a painted hull, least once a season, and open and close the keel should be removed and
carry some topside paint on board them regularly to ensure that they rebedded on new sealant. A skilled
to touch up minor damage before do not seize. Similarly, the plastic amateur with the right tools can do
water can penetrate the paint system. transducers for speed and distance this job; otherwise, get expert help.
1 Mix the gel coat and hardener in 2 Use a piece of acetate 3 Peel back the acetate to 4 When the repair has
a suitable container and apply to the film to keep air off the gel test the hardness of the new cured, remove the film, and
scratches using a disposable wooden coat while it cures. Cut the gel coat with a fingernail. If wet sand the repair with
spatula. Use disposable gloves to protect film oversize, smooth over not yet cured, recover with fine wet-and-dry paper.
your hands. Do not expect to achieve a the repair to eliminate air, the acetate and leave until it Finish off with a rubbing
smooth surface at this stage. and fix with masking tape. has hardened. paste to polish the surface.
If your boat has an encapsulated
keel, check that any grounding PREVENTING GALVANIC CORROSION
damage has not worn away the Galvanic corrosion occurs because different metals, when in close
gel coat (or even the GRP laminate) proximity and immersed in seawater, tend to form an electric cell.
at the bottom of the keel. Check A current flows, and one of the two metals is eaten away. Metals
also that there is no way in which are ranked by their position in the galvanic series.
water could penetrate the GRP
and reach the ballast. Sacrificial anodes Galvanic series
The higher in the galvanic series
a metal is (right), the more prone CORRODED END
Rudder and bearings (ANODIC—LEAST NOBLE)
it is to galvanic corrosion; and the
Rudder bearings should be checked farther apart two metals are in the
annually. This is done by grasping the series, the faster the rate of corrosion.
bottom of the rudder and trying to Protection against galvanic corrosion
move it fore and aft and from side is doubly important for metal hulls
to side. Movement indicates that there and for traditionally constructed Magnesium
is wear in the bearings. Worn bearings wooden boats, as the boat itself (or Zinc
the fastenings in a wooden boat) may Galvanized steel
should be replaced as soon as possible.
be slowly corroded by galvanic action. Aluminum alloys
A transom hung rudder is easier Many boats have fittings made Cadmium
to check than one situated under the of several different metals on the Mild steel
boat and its fittings are accessible for underwater part of the hull—a bronze Wrought iron
inspection. They are usually hung propeller on a stainless-steel shaft, for Cast iron
using variations on the dinghy system instance. To protect these from galvanic 304 Stainless steel (active)
of pintles and gudgeons (p.86), which corrosion, you should fit one or more
316 Stainless steel (active)
sacrificial anodes. These are made from
are bolted through the transom. There Aluminum bronze
zinc or aluminum, which are attacked
should be a strong backing pad and before any of the other metals used in
Naval brass
the fastenings should be checked Yellow brass
boat building, and will therefore protect
regularly, as they take high loads. Red brass
them from corrosion. Anodes must not
Rudders on GRP boats are be painted and should be replaced when Tin
half their bulk has been eaten away. Copper
usually molded GRP with a foam
Admiralty brass
core. These can absorb water if they
Aluminum brass
sustain damage, and the foam core Manganese bronze
can become sodden. Check yours Strap for bolting
Silicon bronze
anode to the hull
carefully for signs of delamination Bronze G
or for water leaking out of the Bronze M
seam that joins the two halves. 401 Stainless steel
Pear-shaped Lead
Propeller, shaft, and bearings anode for fitting
to hull with
Nickel 200
Check the propeller-shaft bearings by 304 Stainless steel
vigorously pushing the propeller from resistance to (passive)
water flow 316 Stainless steel
side to side. If there is any significant
movement, the bearings or the shaft
may need to be replaced. Check the sacrificial anode Platinum
propeller itself for any corrosion or These are fittings
impact damage. If a propeller blade is made of zinc or
damaged, replace or repair it as soon aluminum. They are
fastened near skin fittings,
as possible. An unbalanced propeller the rudder, and the propeller
can cause increased vibration, which shaft to protect these important PROTECTED END
may lead to premature failure of the fittings from corrosion. (CATHODIC—MOST NOBLE)
shaft bearings.
yachts. Steel decks must be protected
with a good paint system, preferably
with epoxy base layers. A nonslip
finish is provided with a top coat
In most cases, the deck of a yacht is made of the same material as of gritted paint, nonslip sheeting
the hull, although a few have a wooden deck with, for instance, a applied in the working areas with
glue, or a laid teak deck.
GRP or steel hull. On larger or more expensive yachts, a GRP or metal
deck may be overlaid with teak for its appearance and good nonslip Aluminum decks
properties. All equipment attached to the decks should be securely Although they do not need covering
for protection against corrosion,
fastened with through-bolts and should have substantial backing
aluminum decks are rarely left bare,
plates underneath the decks to spread the load through the structure. as some kind of nonslip coating is
needed for the safety of the crew.
Most boats have paint or nonslip
GRP decks structure. More major repairs, sheeting, as with steel boats, although
On all but the very smallest cruisers, therefore, may require the removal a laid teak deck is popular.
most decks are made of sandwich of a section of the core and drying One advantage of aluminum decks
construction with two layers of GRP of the whole area before replacing is that many fittings can be welded
separated by a core material, usually the core material and then making to the deck or fastened with machine
closed-cell foam or end-grain balsa good the GRP skin, first with screws in blind tapped holes so that
wood. This creates a rigid but light fiberglass cloth, then with gel coat. there are no through-deck holes,
structure. GRP decks require little Where new deck fittings are bolted thus removing a major cause of leaks
maintenance, apart from the occasional through a sandwich deck, a section in other deck materials.
clean and polish of the “shiny” areas; of the core material must be replaced
do not polish the nonslip areas. with stronger material so that the Wooden decks
Surface damage—often consisting compression created when the nuts It’s vitally important to keep the paint
of star-crazing around highly stressed are tightened does not crush the core or epoxy system of wooden decks in
areas such as stanchion bases—is and weaken the deck. This is usually good condition, as ingress of fresh
repaired in the same way as for a GRP done from underneath to preserve (rain) water will result in rot or
hull (p.392). However, if the deck has the appearance of the deck. The area delamination setting in more quickly
a nonslip pattern molded into the gel removed can be replaced with marine than if salt water—which is a mild
coat, it will require professional help plywood, and the exposed edges of the preservative—gets into the timbers.
to reproduce the pattern. core material sealed with epoxy filler. Traditionally planked decks
Deeper damage may let water need to have a flexible paint coating
into the foam or balsa core. If this is Steel decks (unless they are teak, in which case
allowed to happen, the core may start Steel decks are strong but heavy and they can be oiled or left bare) to
to delaminate from the GRP skins add weight high up in the vessel, accommodate movement in the
and slowly reduce the strength of the so they are mostly found on larger timbers. The caulking between
sandwich decks
Core replaced Foam or All deck fittings should be through-bolted
Top GRP skin with wood pad honeycomb core with a substantial backing pad. In sandwich
construction decks, the core must be
reinforced or replaced to prevent it being
crushed when the bolts are tightened.
Sometimes, the lower skin and core are
removed, the core is replaced with a
plywood pad, and the lower skin replaced.
planks should be maintained in good
condition to prevent fresh water from CARING FOR WOOD
leaking through the decks and rotting Woodwork requires a good
the timber. In hot climates, planked deal of care, especially if it is
decks will dry out and shrink under above deck, where it is exposed
the heat of the sun. Thoroughly to the elements. The best way
wetting the decks with seawater to reduce your workload is to get
early morning and late evening rid of all woodwork on deck,
will slow this effect and reduce the but for many sailors, its aesthetic
amount of damage sustained. attraction justifies the long hours
Plywood decks are best coated of maintenance it needs.
with a hard two-pack polyurethane
paint system, which should be Varnishing wood
maintained in good, watertight
deck hatches Varnishing is necessary at least
Some modern cruisers have several deck annually in temperate climes and
condition. Any damage should be
hatches. All must be well fitted and the as often as every few weeks in the
made good as quickly as possible, seals should be checked periodically. tropics. Single-pack polyurethane
bearing in mind the need to dry varnishes are appropriate for
the wood before painting so that traditional wooden construction,
moisture is not sealed in. appearance. Windows and hatches but a harder, two-pack varnish is
are a potential source of deck leaks better on stable, molded wood
Laid teak decks and should be checked periodically surfaces or plywood.
To get an excellent finish, the
Teak decks have the image of luxury to ensure they are watertight. Also
wood must be dry and sanded to a
and are often fitted over GRP or metal check the condition of hinges and very smooth finish with progressively
decks for cosmetic reasons. Teak was catches, as well as the rubber sealing finer grades of sandpaper. At least
originally used for traditionally laid gasket of opening ports. 10 coats of varnish must be applied,
decks because it is stable and long- starting with one or two thinned
lasting and can be left bare or oiled. Sealing deck fittings coats. The surface must be sanded
A modern teak deck, on the other All deck fittings are potential sources with very fine sand- or emery paper
between each coat for maximum
hand, is usually installed only for of leaks, which may let water into the
adhesion and gloss. Only apply
its appearance. However, it adds balsa or foam core of a GRP deck varnish in warm, dry, and calm
significant weight, creates the risk of or into the timbers of a wooden weather conditions.
leaks if fasteners are used, is expensive, deck. The weak point is often where
and gets hot underfoot in tropical the gear is attached to the deck. Coating wood
conditions. Furthermore, since thin Aluminum and steel craft can have An alternative to varnish is to use a
wood oil or polymer coating, which
strips of teak are used when being laid much of their gear welded directly to
can seal the wood very effectively
on a subdeck, the teak can wear out the deck; on other types of boat, it is and give an acceptable finish while
pretty quickly in high-traffic areas. through-bolted and bedded down requiring little maintenance.
on a marine adhesive sealant to
Windows and hatches eliminate leaks. Over time, fittings
Most boat windows and hatches may loosen and sealant will harden
are made of polycarbonate, which and crack. Check deck fittings for
slowly degrades and crazes in UV movement and tighten fastenings if
light, so they may need replacing necessary. At the first sign of any deck
every 10–15 years. The strongest leaks, remove the fitting and rebed it
windows are the type that bolt on fresh sealant. Inspect the fitting
directly through the sides of the and its fasteners for signs of corrosion.
coachroof, although the type with If water finds its way through the deck
aluminum frames are a common and gets to the interior, it can damage BARE TEAK DECKS
alternative and have a neat fabrics and finishes.
Whatever the size of your craft, the condition of its rig and
related fittings is critical for handling efficiency and safety. Most
of the equipment should require little in the way of maintenance,
but it must be checked regularly for wear and the appearance of inspecting the rig
small cracks that indicate stress damage. This will involve at least If the yacht is not kept ashore each winter
with its rig removed, it is essential to do
an annual trip to the masthead unless you unstep the mast when a thorough check of every component
you lay up the boat for the winter. of the rig at least once every season.
Stainless-steel fittings
Many fittings and fasteners are made
of stainless steel, which is resistant to Winches are long-lasting items replaced; most winches that
rust because of a protective layer that but should be serviced annually stick or gum up have been too
forms on its surface in the presence to keep them working efficiently. heavily greased.
of oxygen. However, if a stainless- Remove the drum, having first
released the circlip or removed
steel fastener is sealed from the air,
the Allen screws at the top. A dust
corrosion can occur in small crevices.
sheet hung on the guardrail will
Salt water speeds up the corrosion
stop small items such as pawl
process, so if a stainless-steel fastener
springs from rolling overboard.
is sealed from air within timber that is
Remove all components, clean
allowed to become wet with salt them thoroughly in kerosene,
water, it is to be expected that the dismantling a winch
and inspect for wear. Each item Learn how your winches come apart and
fastener will corrode. High-quality should be lightly coated with service them at least once a season. A dust
marine fittings are polished after winch grease before being sheet will stop parts from falling overboard.
welding to remove surface
Stainless wire is more common find any, replace the wire because air. Wash them off and finish the
since it is less prone to rust, but, unlike any weakness compromises the surface with a wax polish. Spars
galvanized wire, any damage can be strength of the entire rig. should be checked annually for
hard to spot and the wire may fail Occasionally wiping down corrosion around fittings (especially
suddenly and unexpectedly. Damage the rigging will also remove dirt if stainless fasteners have been used)
in wire halyards usually occurs where and salt crystals that can accelerate and for any hairline cracks. Pay
they pass over sheaves (pulley wheels) crevice corrosion, especially where special attention to the mast-step
in the mast that are too small in wire enters the end terminals. Similarly, area, spreader roots, and rigging
diameter. Watch out for broken wire check that guardwires and jackstays attachment points. Spreader ends
strands, which indicate likely failure, are in good condition with no broken should be checked to be sure they
and check the rope-to-wire splices. strands of wire and that their are smooth and will not damage
attachment to the boat is secure. genoas that sweep across them
Rope running rigging All rigging screws should when tacking, and that they have
Rope halyards, sheets, and control have toggles fitted between them not damaged the shroud passing
lines should be checked regularly for and the chainplates so that they are through them.
chafe. Most damage occurs when free to move in any direction without At the masthead, check that
a highly loaded rope rubs slightly bending. Inspect them carefully for the halyard sheaves run smoothly
against another rope, shroud, or any signs of hairline cracks, which and lubricate them with silicon
lifeline. Make sure that all sheets and indicate stress damage. Check also spray. Check also the condition of the
halyards have a fair lead and cannot the condition of split pins and clevis gooseneck fitting and the vang and
rub on anything when under load. pins, as well as the security of locking mainsheet attachment points.
If damage occurs at or near the nuts. Do not use split rings to secure Wooden masts require varnishing,
end of a rope, it can be cut off and clevis pins used on standing rigging; oiling, or painting at least annually
the rope shortened; if it occurs in the they are not as secure as split pins. and possibly even more frequently
middle, the best you can hope for is If your standing rigging is over in the tropics. Check for splits in
two much shorter ropes. Periodically 10 years old (less for a racing boat), the wood and signs of rot.
end-for-ending (reversing) a rope, replace it, even if there are no Carbon masts on large cruisers
especially sheets, can lengthen its life. obvious signs of defects. and high-performance race boats
Make sure rope ends are sealed or are usually painted with a hard two-
whipped to prevent fraying (p.226). Spars pack polyurethane and should be
Wash all your ropes in warm, Most boats today have aluminum checked and cleaned like aluminum.
soapy water from time to time to spars, although wooden masts and
remove the dirt and salt that makes booms are still used, and the use of
them stiff and accelerates wear. carbon fiber is increasing. Aluminum rope clutches
spars have anodized surfaces that A bank of clutches is often found in front
Standing rigging are eventually roughened by salt of coachroof-mounted winches to allow
Shrouds, forestays, and backstays crystals and contaminants in the one winch to handle several lines.
are usually made of stainless-steel
wire (or galvanized wire on some
older traditional craft). Solid
stainless-steel rod rigging is also
used on larger cruisers and racing
boats, and some racing boats use
high-performance, low-stretch rope
for standing rigging because it is
much lighter than wire.
Wire standing rigging needs
little maintenance other than periodic
checks for broken strands. If you
of damage can be repaired temporarily
using adhesive tape and hand
stitching but should be dealt with
by a sailmaker as soon as possible.
The sails are the driving force of a sailing boat, and they are Sails should be washed thoroughly
expensive to replace, but they are often ignored in terms of regular in fresh water as often as is practical
to remove salt crystals and dirt, as
inspection and maintenance. The old cliches—“a stitch in time these abrade the cloth. Always cover
saves nine” and “prevention is better than cure”—are nowhere sails when they are not in use—long
more applicable than in sail care. Make it a habit to scan your exposure to sunlight will quickly
weaken and destroy the cloth,
sails every time you hoist, lower, and trim them to try to pick up
especially in Mediterranean and
minor damage before it develops into a major failure. Protect tropical climates. Roller reefing
your sails and they will have a long life. headsails should have a sacrificial
strip of cloth along the leech and
foot to protect the sail itself from
The stitching is where most damage doing it by hand. Small areas of ultraviolet (UV) degradation. If this
occurs, so check along seams, batten damaged stitching are easily dealt strip degrades, it can be replaced
pockets, and around high-load areas with by hand sewing using the original relatively cheaply.
such as corners and the leech. Scan needle holes. Damage to stitching is
these areas every time you hoist or usually caused by chafe, often against Stretching and flogging
lower a sail. the shrouds and spreaders. If the All sails, whether they are
When you are sailing, walk around source of the chafe cannot be moved traditionally constructed of woven
the deck to check which areas of the or the sail retrimmed to avoid it, fit Dacron or high-tech laminates of film
sails can rub on any part of the mast, self-adhesive anti-chafe patches at and low-stretch fibers, will suffer if
standing rigging, or guardrails. If the strategic points to protect the sail. allowed to flap or flog excessively, as
genoa snags on the stanchions when A small rip in the middle of a panel this causes the material to gradually
tacking, then fit small rollers to the can quickly develop into a large tear weaken and break down. For this
lifelines on each side of the stanchion in a sudden gust. Early action with a reason, sail handling operations should
to help the sail “skirt” itself over the needle and thread can prevent damage be carried out efficiently; reefing or
rail. This saves a crew member from from spreading rapidly. Larger areas changing the headsail should be done
in good time so wind does not need
to be spilled from the sail to prevent
the boat from being overpowered.
When motor-sailing to windward
for long periods, lower the mainsail
or steer a few degrees off the wind to
keep the sail full rather than flogging.
Rough handling when stowing the
sail will also cause damage. Handle
the sail as gently as possible and do
sail loads
When a boat is fully powered up and
well heeled, the loads on a sail become
very high, especially at the head, clew,
and tack, where extra reinforcement is
essential. Check the stitching regularly
in these areas.
not jerk the sail to pull out creases, on a sharp part of the boat or
as this is harmful to the finish of a rigging. To protect all sails, check
Dacron sail, as well as to the integrity that all split pins and other sharp
of a laminate sail. items on the rigging and lifelines
Dacron sails will stretch with are adequately taped over. If small
use, especially if the boat is not reefed nicks or tears are found in the
sufficiently in strong winds. As a sail spinnaker, a temporary patch can
ages and the cloth weakens, this be made with spinnaker repair tape,
stretch may reach a point where the after any salt has been washed away
sail will no longer drive the boat with fresh water and the sail
efficiently to windward. Laminate allowed to dry thoroughly. A
sails have negligible stretch, even near permanent stitched repair should
the end of their useful life, but are always be made as soon as possible. ripped spinnaker
even more susceptible to damage More serious damage will need to A small rip in a spinnaker can grow
caused by flogging and rough be repaired by a sailmaker. very rapidly, especially when the sail
abruptly fills with wind after collapsing.
handling, which cause the material
The shock load can turn a small tear
to break down and delaminate. Valeting into a destroyed spinnaker in seconds.
When these sails fail, it tends Most sailmakers offer a service where
to be sudden and dramatic. they will examine a sail for damage
to the cloth or stitching, make any serious and costly damage is done to
Downwind sails minor repairs necessary, and launder the sail, and will keep the sail looking
Spinnakers, asymmetrics, and cruising the sail. An annual valet may seem good for as long as possible.
chutes are made from lightweight expensive, but it will help deal with
nylon that is easily ripped if it snags potential problems early, before more Sail damage at sea
If a sail rips when it is in use, you
must get it down as soon as possible;
PATCHING A SAIL otherwise, the damage will quickly get
You should be able to undertake minor sail repairs at sea. This worse and the sail will be destroyed.
usually involves either replacing seam stitching or patching rips If the damaged sail is a headsail,
in a sail panel. High-tech laminate sails made of low-stretch replace it with another and stow the
fibers cannot be stitched—repairs can only be made by damaged sail until you reach port. If
gluing patches to the sail.
it is the mainsail, lower it completely,
unless it is possible to reef the sail so
seWinG kiT 1 Cut a patch to that the damaged area is not exposed.
A sailmaker’s palm (p.224), needles, cover the tear. Trim If the sail cannot be used, replace
waxed thread, sailcloth, and glue or the corners, and
it with the trysail if you have one.
sticky-backed sail repair material. turn the edges under.
If you are on a long passage and if
conditions allow, take the mainsail
off the mast and boom and repair
it down below. A repair at sea need
only be good enough to allow you
to reach port. Once ashore, however,
the damage should be assessed by
a sailmaker as soon as possible
and professionally repaired. If long-
2 Glue the 3 Oversew neatly 4 Turn the sail 5 To finish the
distance cruising, especially on a
patch centrally so around the turned- over, then trim the repair, oversew
that it covers the under edges of torn area to make around the edges boat with a roller reefing headsail,
tear on all sides. the patch. a rectangle. of the rectangle. it makes sense to carry an old suit
of sails as spares.
finished with tung oil or single-pack
polyurethane varnishes. These require
annual revarnishing to stay in
good condition.
Many different materials are used in the interior of a yacht. If the quality of the wood or
These range from the wood and soft furnishings that make a existing varnish is not perfect, consider
using a matte or eggshell varnish; this
cabin into a comfortable living area, to the electrical and will hide far more flaws than a high-
mechanical gear used for operating the boat. These items are fitted gloss finish, which exaggerates defects.
into an environment that is often poorly ventilated and exposed
Varnish care
to a wide range of temperatures and humidity conditions. They need
Revarnishing is best done during the
to be looked after carefully and checked regularly or they will spring or fall, when conditions are
quickly deteriorate, especially when a boat is not used frequently. warm and dry but not too hot. Cold,
humid conditions produce a much
poorer finish. During the sailing
Wooden surfaces been fashioned by an expert season, wipe down varnished surfaces
Wood is the traditional material for shipwright. However, varnish must occasionally and touch up any small
boat interiors. It is popular because it be well applied in a sufficient number scratches when they occur to prevent
is easy to work with and looks warm of coats to produce a deep gloss. moisture from getting under the
and natural; even boats with GRP or On stable wooden surfaces, such as varnish and penetrating the wood.
metal hulls often have a considerable plywood or laminates made up with
amount of wood down below. veneers, a two-pack polyurethane Painted and GRP surfaces
It is also traditional for most varnish gives the hardest and most Although painted surfaces are
interior wood to be varnished. A durable finish, which should last for easier to maintain than varnished
varnished finish looks very attractive at least five years. Wood in older ones, they are not as common
if the wood is good-quality and has boats will probably have been aboard yachts. As with varnishes,
conventional and single-pack
polyurethane paints need more
regular repainting than two-pack
finishes and are softer and more
vulnerable to scratching. However,
they are cheaper and easier to use,
especially when you need to touch
up an area of minor damage.
Some GRP craft have a molded
interior, designed to give smooth
surfaces that are easy to clean and
do not require painting. Interior
moldings are practical in the heads
where wet oilskins are often hung
to dry, and a shower is usually fitted.
the galley
A U- or L-shape (pictured) is a practical
galley arrangement. The stove has a grab
bar in front, which is an important safety
feature. The sinks are supplied with both
pressure hot and cold water.
chart table
A navigation area with chart table
and seat is often located between the
saloon and the companionway ladder.
This location is handy for quick access to
the cockpit and for easy communication
between the navigator and the helmsman.
galley counter
This yacht has a galley that runs fore
and aft along one side of the saloon.
The counter contains a top-loading
refrigerator, a gimbaled stove with
removable cover, and twin sinks with
pressurized hot and cold water. Lockers
are installed under the sinks and above
the counter, under the sidedecks.
Adequate ventilation is essential for comfort with access to domestic electricity over the winter,
aboard a boat in all conditions. It can be provided it is often worth investing in a dehumidifier, which
through hatches, opening ports, or dedicated will keep the interior of a yacht completely dry at
ventilators. Boats without enough ventilation will a very modest cost. Whether or not you are using a
stay damp inside, accelerating deterioration and dehumidifier, cabin doors and locker doors should be
encouraging mold. If your boat is kept somewhere left open wherever possible to allow air to circulate.
Cowl vent
Dorade box
Drain for
into cabin
Most cruising yachts rely heavily on their electrical system.
Electricity is used to run navigation and communications equipment,
lighting, entertainment systems, and refrigeration. Consequently,
there is a need to generate and store sufficient power to operate the
gear. Although modern boats tend to be reasonably dry down below
in most conditions, electrical equipment must be of good marine
quality and should be well installed and maintained; otherwise, it
battery types
can deteriorate very quickly. If you sail a small boat, you should not Proper traction batteries—here, 2-volt
rely totally on its electrical supply. There should always be a backup cells that are wired in series to produce
a 12-volt bank—are most suitable for
system that will allow the boat to be sailed and navigated and the
domestic power needs and will last much
crew to be kept comfortable in the event of a total power failure. longer than an automotive-style battery.
DC systems when the engine is running. A good battery fluid that evaporates when
Small- and medium-sized yachts marine battery will be able to handle the battery is charged. They give off
typically use 12- or 24-volt direct many hundreds of charge-discharge hydrogen gas, which is lighter than
current (DC) systems, with the power cycles, which would quickly destroy air, when they are being charged, so
supplied by a bank of batteries. These an automotive battery. It is good the top of the battery compartment
are often stored in or near the bilges practice to have one battery for should be well ventilated.
to keep their considerable weight as engine-starting and another for the Gel batteries, in which the
low as possible. Batteries are designed domestic loads, so the engine battery electrolyte is a gel rather than
for specific purposes; the automotive is never discharged by running the a liquid, require no maintenance
type, often seen aboard small boats, boat’s systems. If your batteries are and cannot spill battery fluid. They
is not designed for marine use. An stowed low in the bilge, consider are totally sealed and do not give
automotive battery delivers a short having a smaller one higher up to run off hydrogen gas. They are more
burst of high current to a car’s starter the radio equipment in an emergency, expensive than conventional batteries
motor. Once the engine is running, such as if the main batteries were but have obvious advantages for use
an alternator meets the needs of the flooded by an ingress of seawater. on boats. Some types can withstand
car’s electrical system. On a boat, more charge-discharge cycles than
batteries start the engine, but they Battery care conventional deep-discharge batteries.
are also needed to power electrical Unless they are of the sealed type, All batteries should be fastened
gear for many hours when the batteries require occasional topping down securely so they cannot come
engine is not running. off with distilled water to replace loose in the event of a knockdown,
and conventional batteries should
Batteries SELECTING EQUIPMENT be mounted in a drip-tray to catch
The best batteries for marine use are any spills of electrolyte. The state of
It is extremely important to use
deep-discharge or traction batteries. charge of a conventional battery can
the best-quality electrical gear
Both these heavy-duty types are that has been designed specifically be checked with a hydrometer, which
designed to be “deep-cycled.” This for use in boats. No other measures the specific gravity of the
means that they can be discharged equipment will be as reliable electrolyte. If you are leaving the boat
to a relatively low percentage of their or as safe in marine conditions. unattended for some time, be sure
capacity and subsequently recharged that the batteries are fully charged,
as they will slowly discharge over
time. Do not leave them heavily CURRENT DRAW OF POPULAR ITEMS
discharged for long, as this will It is easy to add new equipment that requires electricity and to forget
shorten their life. The voltage across the extra load that it will put on your battery capacity. If your domestic
a battery also gives an indication of battery bank and charging ability is not sufficient, you will end up having
its state of charge. In theory, a 12V to run your engine for long periods just to replace the electrical energy
battery will deliver 13.2V when fully the equipment consumes.
charged, although in practice 12.9V
is the highest figure you are likely to How big a battery bank? item typical
obtain. At 12.5V, there is around 75 To calculate the size of battery current
bank needed for your boat, start draw
percent of the charge remaining, and
by working out the total daily
at 12.2V, 50 percent charge is left.
power usage (multiply current in Anchor light 1 amp
Once the voltage falls to 11.8V, the amps by the length of time for which
battery has only 25 percent of Tricolor light 2 amp
you expect to use each item), using
its charge remaining. However, the table (right) as a guide. Assuming Interior lights (each) 1 amp
discharging to this level will shorten you charge batteries once a day and
do not want to discharge them beyond Log/depth sounder 0.5 amp
the life of even deep-discharge
50 percent of total capacity, your GPS <0.5 amp
batteries—ideally, they should be
battery bank should be at least twice
charged before the voltage drops VHF <0.5 amp
the size of your estimate daily power
below 12.2V. usage. It is rarely worth skimping when CD player 1–5 amp
specifying the size of battery banks and
Charging systems charging systems. Well-cared-for Autopilot 4–10 amp
The most common charging system batteries will last many seasons, but
Warm-air heater fan 1–2 amp
aboard small boats uses an alternator those that are regularly run nearly flat
because they are too small for the task Refrigerator 4 amp
mounted on the engine and driven by
may fail in the first year or two.
a belt from the flywheel. Whenever the
engine is run, the alternator supplies
power to the batteries, with the bath. Untinned copper wire in a energy lost as heat in the wiring system.
amount of power delivered being marine environment quickly develops If you are considering buying a boat
controlled by a regulator. a green coating that extends inside that is more than five years old, look
So-called “smart” regulators the insulation, increasing the wire’s carefully at the electrical system. If the
are far more efficient than the simple resistance to the flow of electricity best materials were not used initially,
type built into most alternators. These and making it more brittle. All wiring they may need replacing. It is also
sense the condition of the battery, its should be well secured and is best run likely that extra electrical equipment
temperature, state of charge, and the in plastic conduit and hidden behind has been added to the original system,
voltage delivered by the alternator, and headliners or hull paneling. which could cause problems in the
they automatically adjust the output A yacht’s wiring must be able to future if the system was not designed,
from the generator to deliver the best handle the maximum current drawn and did not have spare capacity, for
charge to the batteries. Using a smart by the equipment with as small a additional items to be added.
regulator significantly improves the voltage drop as possible between Many older boats have each wiring
performance of your batteries and the battery and the equipment. Wires circuit protected by a fuse on the switch
reduces recharging times. that carry high loads, such as those panel. These are fine until a fuse blows,
between the batteries and the starter when a new one of the correct rating
Wiring motor, or that lead to an electric has to be found. This may be simple
Only marine wiring should be used windlass or other high-power in daylight, but it could be a different
aboard a boat. The best type of wiring equipment, should be of an adequate matter at night in a heavy sea. It is,
has good-quality insulation surrounding size and as short as possible to therefore, worth installing a switch
multiple strands that have been tinned minimize voltage drop. If in doubt, panel with circuit breakers, since these
by drawing them through a solder use oversized wire, as this will reduce can be reset after they have tripped.
Extending the system a fuse or, preferably, circuit breaker for possible. Ways to minimize electrical
Unless you have a thorough each item. Wiring runs should be well consumption include replacing light
understanding of your boat’s electrical secured and preferably run through bulbs with LED bulbs that require
system, you should consult an expert a conduit. Make sure that the size of a fraction of the power and last far
before making modifications or adding the wiring is sufficient to cope with the longer. Turn off equipment when not
new gear. Most problems with electrics current needed by the equipment and required, open the refrigerator as
on boats arise because the system was the distance over which the current little as possible, and only run your
badly installed, poor-quality materials must be delivered. instruments and radar when needed
were used, or additional equipment High current and long distances on passage. Also, on passage, turn
was installed without considering the require a larger cross-section wire to off a pressurized water system to
extra loads placed on the system. avoid significant voltage drop between save both power and water.
Some new boats are built with the panel and the item of equipment.
an electrical system that can be Using wire that is too small will AC systems
extended without difficulty, but in reduce the power available to the Larger yachts often run an alternating
others, the system can be hard to access item and will cause the wiring to heat current (AC) generator to power
and expand. Ideally, a boat’s electrical up, possibly leading to the insulation onboard domestic electrical systems.
system should have spare contact melting and causing a fire hazard. An AC generator can also be used to
breakers on the switch panel to Maintenance, replacement, charge the DC battery bank, which
accommodate new equipment, and the and the addition of new electrical
battery and charging system should be equipment will be made much easier
capable of handling more equipment. if you have a wiring diagram of your
A good sign that a new boat’s boat’s 12-volt and 240-volt systems.
electrical system is capable of being If one was not supplied, consider
expanded is the presence of spare having an electrician draw one for
contact breakers on the panel and you and always update it to include
“mousing” lines in the electrical new equipment when it is installed.
conduit to pull through additional
wires. These simple items allow Power-usage monitors
additional equipment to be easily If your yacht has a lot of electrical
installed, whereas the lack of them equipment, or if you use it for serious
can make the same job much more cruising, it is helpful to add a monitor
difficult and expensive. of the type that measures the total
charge delivered to the batteries and
Installation the total power used by the boat’s
Always turn off the batteries at their systems. These monitors give a precise
isolating switches before starting work indication of how much charge is left
on the electrical system. If you are in the batteries and when they will
installing new gear that draws a high next need charging.
current, consider whether you need to
increase the capacity of your battery Controlling usage
bank or your charging system. Also, Unless you spend a lot of time distribution panel
you must ensure that wiring and living aboard, it is very easy to forget An electrical distribution panel, usually
mounted at the chart table (top), provides
terminals of a suitable size for the to conserve electrical power, with
control of the 12-volt and 240s electrical
current load are used and that there the result that you have to run the
systems and allows you to monitor
are appropriately sized circuit breakers engine for many hours to replenish consumption and the state of the
or fuses in the new circuit. the batteries. Your time spent cruising batteries. It is best if the panel hinges open
All equipment should be connected will be less noisy, cheaper, and (above) to give access to the rear so that
to the positive and negative bus bars simpler if you restrict your use wiring can be organized neatly and new
at the boat’s distribution panel with of electrical equipment as much as equipment can be added more easily.
panel with
Some cruising boats, particularly those used for long-distance sailing,
on/off switch make use of alternative forms of energy production. Wind generators,
solar panels, and water generators are all popular means of delivering
Small size charge to the batteries without running the engine. All have their benefits
allows easy
mounting and shortcomings, and their use depends on where you sail and how you
use your boat. An additional benefit of these generators is that charging
for 12-volt
is often continuous over several hours, so the batteries’ discharge cycle is
input and shorter than if the engine is used to charge just one or two hours a day.
Wind and water power additional electrical power on
Many cruisers use a wind generator cruising yachts—in particular, for
inverter to help keep batteries fully charged those sailing in tropical areas with
A small inverter can provide AC power without needing to run the engine. Wind long hours of sunshine.
by converting the DC power supplied generators vary in size and efficiency. As with small wind generators,
by the batteries. Modern inverters are Small ones put out little power in a small solar panel will have a low
efficient and are useful when there is most wind strengths but are useful for output, even in direct sunshine, and
a need to run equipment that needs AC maintaining batteries when the boat is can do little more than maintain the
power without installing an AC generator. unattended. In windy regions, large wind batteries in good condition when
generators can comfortably supply a the boat is left unattended.
boat’s entire power requirements. Water Larger panels, however, can
avoids reliance on the main engine
generators are towed behind the yacht produce enough charge to, for
for charging. However, the vast when it is under way. They tend to be instance, power a refrigerator in a
majority of small- and medium-sized very powerful, but their drag can slow Mediterranean climate. Long-distance
cruisers have little need for an AC the boat a little. Latest developments cruisers sometimes mount panels on
generator, which is expensive and can include hybrid engines that charge the brackets so that they can be angled to
also be noisy unless it is well installed. batteries by allowing the propeller to face the sun for maximum power.
The most common and simplest freewheel when under sail.
AC system plugs into a shore-based wind and solar power
Solar power
supply when the boat is in a marina. Solar panels are an increasingly A wind generator and solar panels are
This is often used when alongside to popular choice as an environmentally mounted on an aft gantry where they
run a battery charger and to provide friendly means of providing are out of the way and unobstructed.
power to run domestic equipment.
An AC system must be kept
totally separate from the onboard
DC system and must be installed
and maintained properly to avoid
potentially fatal electric shocks. If
AC power is needed to run small
appliances when the boat is not
plugged into shore power, an
inverter can be installed to convert
the DC supply to AC. On a small
boat, these are most suitable for
powering low-current devices such
as laptop computers; high-current
items such as hair dryers and
microwaves will draw so much
power that they will rapidly
discharge all but the largest battery.
will prevent water from overflowing
when the tank is full. It is worth
installing a charcoal filter in the
drinking-water supply to the galley.
On boats, plumbing can be quite complex and must
be constructed with gear designed for marine use. It must be Hoses and manual pumps
Various types of plumbing hose
properly installed and regularly serviced. Freshwater systems are available. Avoid clear plastic, as
store and deliver water for sinks in the galley and heads and for algae will grow inside the pipe where
showers. They often include a hot-water supply. Separate systems light penetrates. Rigid plastic piping
is ideal and offers a range of easy-
are used for bilge pumping, engine cooling, flushing the heads,
connect valves, couplings, and
and draining the shower sump. You should understand how each junctions to make the plumbing
system works and the maintenance it requires and carry spare system easy to install and maintain.
parts on board since pumps are susceptible to failure. If hot water is used in the system,
make sure that the piping you select
can handle the heat. You should also
Freshwater systems boats, tanks can be welded in, thereby choose the correct piping for each
Water tanks may be made from creating a double bottom and using purpose—for example, food quality
GRP, stainless steel, rigid polyethylene, space efficiently. If space cannot be for the plumbing to the galley and
or flexible plastic. They should be found for rigid tanks, flexible ones can sanitation piping for the sea toilet
mounted to keep their weight as low be used in small or inaccessible spaces and holding tank. When installing the
as possible and, where possible, away but must be protected from chafe. All piping, secure it at frequent intervals,
from the bow or stern sections of the tanks and piping must be properly with securing points near all junctions
hull for efficient weight distribution. supported and secured against and fittings, to prevent vibration or
Many boats have tanks under movement of any kind. Tanks should movement from weakening the
the saloon bunks, which is ideal for have inspection covers for access and joints and causing leaks.
weight distribution, although the two cleaning. They must also have vents The simplest freshwater system
tanks need isolation valves so that to allow air to escape as they are uses a manual pump at the galley and
when heeled the water from the filled. If possible, take the vent up heads sinks. Manual pumps require
windward tank does not flow into under the deck in a high loop before no power, are very reliable, and
the downwind one. In metal-hulled leading the end into the bilge. This discourage high water consumption.
Tap Filler cap Filler pipe Tank vent pipe Tap Foot pump
Aft seacock
If sited properly, they are easy to unusually long time before it separate watertight compartments
maintain and repair. A high-capacity transfers all your fresh water from must have their own pumps or be
foot pump is easy to operate and the tank to the bilge. A manual plumbed to the main one.
leaves both hands free. freshwater pump should always be Electric bilge pumps can be
fitted in the galley in case the used to supplement the manual unit
Pressure pumps pressure system or electrics fail and and can be fitted with float switches
Increasingly, even quite small yachts to use on passage when you wish to that automatically activate the pump
have a pressurized hot- and cold-water conserve water and electricity. when the bilge water rises. When
system. Although convenient, these choosing an electric pump, specify the
increase water and electricity Bilge pumps largest that will fit the available space.
consumption, as well as running A yacht should have at least two An 800-gallon-per-hour pump may
costs and maintenance. For reliability, bilge pumps, one of which must be sound as if it will move an impressive
choose a good-quality pump that is manually operated and should be amount of water, but this rating does
suitable for the job, and include an situated in the cockpit within reach not allow for pumping the water up
accumulator tank in the system. of the helm. If your boat is holed to a higher level or for the friction
Pressure pumps work by sensing below the waterline, your pumps can encountered in a long run of narrow
the pressure drop when a tap is gain you vital seconds while you make diameter pipe. On a large boat, these
opened. If an accumulator tank emergency repairs. Most of the time, effects can reduce an 800-gph flow
is fitted in the system, its pressure however, they are used to remove to a mere trickle. For this reason,
reservoir smooths the operation of water that accumulates in the bilge. offshore cruisers often fit a very
the system and frees the pump from The pickup hose should lead to high-capacity damage-control pump,
having to repeatedly switch on and the deepest part of the bilge and which can remove large amounts of
off to maintain pressure. This extends should have a strainer fitted to water in the event of a holing.
the pump’s life and makes the system prevent debris from blocking the Shower sumps are normally kept
quieter. Most pumps are quite noisy, pump; an item as small as a separate from the main bilge and are
however, but rather than using sound matchstick can hold the valve of generally cleared with an electric
insulation to eliminate the noise, it is a pump open, rendering it useless. submersible pump. An efficient filter
useful to be able to hear when the Shallow bilges may require two must be used to prevent hair from
pump is operating. Then, if a leak pickup hoses—one to port and one clogging the pump. An alternative
occurs, you have a chance of noticing to starboard—so that the pump can is to use a manual sump pump.
that the pump is operating for an operate with the boat heeled. Any This will save electrical power.
Sea toilets Pumpout pipe Pump handle
Diverter for flushing
Make sure that every member of valve to
the crew understands how the sea Breather pipe holding tank
toilet works and impress on them
Holding tank
that they should never put anything for storing
Toilet bowl
and base
into it, apart from toilet paper, that is waste Inlet seacock
not human waste. Allowing anything
else to be put into the system is a
sure way of causing a blockage—an holding tank system
event that will require the pump to A holding tank stores waste when in
be dismantled and cleared by hand. coastal waters. A diverter valve allows
Having to clear a blocked toilet the heads to be flushed into the tank or
pump at sea, and in the confined directly over the side when well offshore.
space of a yacht’s heads compartment,
is an experience that no one will both of which must be fitted with and an additional service kit carried
wish to repeat, so it is an effective seacocks. If the hose is not reinforced, on board in case of emergency. When
punishment for the person responsible there is a danger that it may collapse servicing the pump, smear the rubber
for causing the blockage. on the suction side or burst on the O-rings and seals with a little Teflon-
Most sea toilets are operated pressure side if there is a blockage. based grease to prolong their life. Do
by hand, with a pump drawing in Use toilet-grade hose and avoid clear not use household bleaches or toilet
seawater to flush the bowl and pump or translucent hose, which encourages cleaners, as these will attack the rubber
out waste. Larger yachts may fit microbe growth and leads to bad components in the pump—only
electrical toilets, but a manual pump odors in the heads compartment. products specifically designed for use
should always be available in case of Some countries prohibit the with marine toilets should be used.
failure. Always use reinforced flexible discharge of sewage from yachts Heads compartments are usually
hose for the pump’s inlet and outlet, within a certain distance of the shore,
usually several miles. In this case, you Vented loop
on inlet hose
will require a holding tank into Vented
which all waste is pumped. When the loop on
outlet hose
holding tank is full, it can be emptied
at a marina pump-out station or by
Sea toilet
the toilet’s own pump (or a dedicated below waterline
pump) when you are well offshore.
Chemical treatments are available to Inlet
put into the tank to help keep the
system odor-free and to assist in
the breakdown of waste.
Outlet seacock
The flexible hoses that run placed aft of inlet
between the seacocks and the heads,
on both the inlet and outlet sides of
the pump, should be led in a loop preventing flooding
to the level of the underside of the If the sea toilet is near or even below
the waterline, which it is on most small
deck and should be fitted with anti-
cruising yachts, the inlet and outlet hoses
siphon valves. This will prevent
cannot be led directly to their seacocks
heads compartment
seawater from siphoning back into or the bowl will fill with water and could
Most production cruisers use interior the toilet bowl and flooding the flood the boat. Lead the hoses up as high
moldings for the heads compartment, yacht, especially when the yacht heels as possible under the decks and fit an
as they are easy to clean and are not under sail. The pump for the heads anti-siphon fitting—a vented loop—at
damaged by water from the shower. should be serviced at least annually, the highest point.
Handle to open and
close ball valve GAS SYSTEMS
Two hose clips on pipe
Bottled gas is the most popular
fuel for on-board stoves and is
Two hose sometimes used for heaters. The
clips on hose
Lever handle gas system must be made from
Ball valve threaded the best-quality materials and be
onto through-hull
Outer flange Outer flange Integral seacock with checked and serviced regularly.
on through- Nut with large bolted through- movable valve
hull fitting flange secures hull to inner
When not in use, the bottle must
through-hull flange be turned off to prevent leakages.
All marine gas installations should
through-hull fitting traditional seacock be fitted and maintained by
A through-hull fitting should be made of a A traditional seacock incorporates a valve a qualified installer.
corrosion-resistant metal, such as bronze, operated with a lever handle. The fitting
or a plastic approved for underwater marine is usually bolted through the hull rather Gas safety precautions
use. A separate ball valve is usually screwed than using a threaded tube as with the As bottled gas is heavier than air,
on to the threaded shank of the fitting. standard through-hull fitting (left). any gas that leaks from the system
will seep into the bilges, where it will
form an explosive mixture with air.
Always store gas bottles in a sealed
small and can become unpleasant possible to see at a glance whether locker, preferably above deck, that
if bad odors are allowed to develop. the valve is open or closed, and just drains overboard so any leaks
Clean the compartment frequently; a small amount of debris stuck within cannot accumulate in the bilge.
insist that everyone uses the toilet the body of the valve can prevent it Use good-quality marine gas piping
sitting down; and try to ensure from being fully closed. with flexible hose used for the final
connection to a gimbaled stove.
adequate ventilation via a small All types of valves should be
Make sure there is no risk of chafe
hatch, opening porthole, or effective opened and closed regularly to stop
on the flexible hose and that there is
ventilator. When leaving the boat them from seizing in position. They some slack in the hose to allow the
unattended, prop the heads door should also be cleaned and greased stove to swing freely.
open to encourage a through-flow of on a regular basis. Consider fitting a remote-
air, make sure that the compartment All hoses attached to through-hull controlled solenoid valve near the
is thoroughly clean, and remember inlets or outlets below the waterline bottle, with the control switch by
the stove, so that the gas can be
to close the seacocks. should be fitted with two stainless-
easily turned off at the bottle when
steel hose clips for safety. If one
not in use. Check all the joints for
Through-hulls and seacocks should fail, the other remains in leaks using soapy water. A gas
Although it is best to have as few place. Make certain that the hose detector is an important precaution.
holes through the hull as possible, clips are made from marine-grade It should be fitted with its sensor in
some are unavoidable, and they must stainless steel, or they will rust and the bilge, fitted above the level at
be fitted with traditional seacocks or eventually disintegrate. which bilge water accumulates.
good-quality through-hull fittings It is also good practice to carry
fitted with ball valves. a set of soft wooden plugs of varying
Seacocks, or the valves fitted to sizes. A plug of the appropriate size
through-hulls, should be of the type should be tied to every seacock or
with a tapered plug valve or a ball through-hull fitting so that in the
valve. Sometimes gate valves are unlikely, but potentially disastrous,
fitted, but these are unsuitable for event that a fitting fails, the plug can
marine use. Many gate-valves be hammered into the hole to stop
are made of brass, which is very or reduce the leak. Once wet, the
susceptible to corrosion in the softwood plug will swell and will SELF-DRAINING GAS LOCKER
marine environment. It is not create a surprisingly good seal.
warm up for 10 seconds or so
before starting. Diesel engines are
more expensive to purchase than
gasoline engines, but they are cheaper
The majority of cruisers are fitted with an auxiliary engine to run, more reliable, and do not rely
that provides a charging facility for the boat’s electrical system in on an explosive fuel.
addition to motoring capability. Today’s marine engines are light Diesel-electric hybrid engine
and comparatively reliable. As well as using them for motoring, or A new approach that is likely to
motor-sailing when the wind is not fair, many sailors exclusively prove popular on long-distance
cruisers is the hybrid diesel-electric
use engines in preference to sails for entering harbor and
engine. A standard diesel engine
berthing. The drawback with this approach is that some sailors fail drives the shaft, which also drives
to become adept at handling a boat in close quarters under sail an electric motor/generator. A large
and then are likely to get into trouble when the engine fails. battery bank is also installed. The
boat can be powered by the diesel
Sailors who rely on their engine for boat handling and for running or the electric motor and the batteries
a complex electrical system must fully understand their engine can be charged by the diesel engine,
installation, be able to maintain it in good condition, and carry wind, water, or solar power sources.
Filler pipe Fuel line Excess fuel return line Secondary filter
Inspection hatch
Breather pipe Injector
Fuel return
Primary filter
Injection pump
Water trap
and silencer
Through- pump
hull fitting Through-hull fitting
Pump pipe
The best way to ensure a trouble-free seacock, and unscrew the top of the
engine system is to learn how to cylinder. Withdraw the filter mesh,
carry out basic maintenance and clear any debris, and replace. Make
Inlet pipe
repair tasks. Most can be carried out sure you remember to open the
at sea, or alongside, with only a small seacock before starting the engine. slot
toolkit and handful of spare parts The second type of filter is
and will enable you to deal with the contained in a plastic bowl that is Plate mounts on
majority of common engine failures. usually fitted partway between the engine and allows
Plate’s pivot adjustment of belt
Learn to handle the basic tasks on seacock and the water pump. Access bolt hole that drives the pump
your engine by attending an engine to the filter is obtained by removing impeller pump
maintenance course run by your the lid of the bowl. Most types have A belt-driven impeller pump is mounted
engine supplier or a sailing school. transparent lids, which makes it easy on the engine. A rubber impeller rotates
Alternatively, employ a mechanic to check the water flow and to see within the pump chamber and forces
to show you how to do the jobs on if the filter is blocked. When replacing water from the “in” to the “out” pipe.
your own engine and to help you put the lid, make sure it seats properly on
together a toolkit and set of spares. its rubber seal. If your engine is
cooled by fresh water, always check If the flow of water through the raw
Raw water filter the fresh water header tank when you water side of the system reduces or
A filter must be fitted on the seawater check the filter on the raw water side stops, or if the engine overheats, check
inlet for the engine cooling system of the system. Be careful if the engine the raw water filter first to see if it is
(p.415). Its job is to prevent seaweed has been running, as the water in the blocked, then check the pump impeller.
and other floating material from system will be hot. If the water level To replace the impeller, turn off the
finding its way into the engine is low, top off with fresh water mixed water inlet seacock, remove the
cooling system. There are two types with antifreeze as recommended by faceplate from the water pump, and
of filter that are commonly fitted. the engine manufacturer. gently pry out the old impeller.
The first is a tubular mesh filter that Remove all traces of the old gasket
fits within a long cylinder that is part Replacing an impeller from the faceplate and pump housing
of the seacock. To check and unblock The impeller is the part of the and fit a new gasket. Press the new
this type, stop the engine, close the water pump that actually moves impeller in place, refit the faceplate,
the seawater around the raw open the seacock, and check for leaks.
water side of the cooling system.
The impeller rotates on a drive Bleeding the fuel system
shaft within the pump housing It becomes necessary to bleed the
and forces the water through fuel system if air gets into it, possibly
the pump. Impellers are made of during filter replacement, or if the
rubber or neoprene and rely on engine runs out of fuel. Most modern
the flow of water for lubrication. diesel engines are self-bleeding, which
They should be replaced at intervals means they should only need to be
recommended by the engine bled on the low-pressure side of the
manufacturer, but they occasionally system, although if the engine stopped
fail in service. If the engine is run because it ran out of fuel, it may be
dry—because the inlet seacock is necessary to bleed the high-pressure
remote water filter left shut or debris blocks the inlet or side as well.
This type of water filter can be positioned filter—for longer than a minute The principle of bleeding a diesel
remotely from the water inlet and makes or so, some damage to the impeller is pretty straightforward. The aim is
it easy to check that water is flowing. on the seawater pump is likely. to remove air by opening each bleed
screw in turn, starting at the one Replacing fuel filters
closest to the tank and working All engines come with an engine-
toward the injector pump. If all the mounted fuel filter—usually called
bleed screws are below the level of the secondary or fine filter—but all
the fuel in the tank, the job is simple, systems should also have another
since gravity will cause the fuel to filter mounted between the tank and
flow through the piping. Undo the the engine to remove the majority
bleed screw on the primary filter a of the dirt and water that accumulates
couple of turns and watch the fuel in the fuel in the tank. This first filter is
and air bubbles seep out. When clean usually called the primary or prefilter.
fuel without air bubbles flows from Most primary filters contain a
the screw, tighten it again. Move filter cartridge and have a lower bowl, primary fuel filter
on to the next bleed screw, usually on usually transparent, in which water The top part of the unit contains a
the secondary filter, and repeat the and dirt collects. The primary filter cartridge filter, while water and sediment
process. Then do the same at should be checked every few hours of collects in the lower, transparent bowl,
the bleed screw on the injector pump. engine running. Drain water and dirt from where it can be drained.
If the bleed points are above from it by loosening the drain screw
the level of fuel in the tank, you at the bottom of the bowl until clean
will need to use the manual handle diesel runs out, then tighten the screw checked regularly to be sure they
on the fuel pump to pump fuel again. If the primary filter contains a are in good condition and adequately
through the system as you bleed each replaceable filter cartridge, replace it tight—if you press your thumb on
screw in turn. Sometimes the primary at least once a season. the center of the longest run, the belt
filter contains a lift pump that can be Most secondary filters have a should deflect by about 0.5 in
used instead of the engine fuel pump. disposable filter element that should (10–15 mm). Do not overtighten belts
Get used to bleeding your engine be changed at least once a season. since this will damage the alternator
so that you can do it quickly. Mark Some also have a water trap that or pump bearings. A shiny surface on
each bleed screw with a dab of bright should be drained in the same way the sides of the belt indicates it has
paint so it can be found easily in a as the primary filter. Before changing been slipping and should be replaced.
dark engine compartment, and fasten the filter, turn the fuel off and clean
the right-sized wrench or screwdriver around the filter to keep dirt from Checking lubrication
close to each bleed screw point. getting in while it is dismantled. Always check the oil level before
Unscrew the body of the filter if it using the engine, and every three to
is the spin-on type, or unscrew the four hours while it is running. The
central bolt of a cartridge type. engine manual will tell you which
Replace the new filter, seals, and type of oil to use and how often to
O-rings. Before fitting the new seals change it. If you do not use the
or O-rings, smear a little diesel on engine much, change the oil more
their surfaces—this will help make a regularly than is recommended and
good seal. Put the new filter in place consider installing oversized oil filters
and tighten the securing bolt, making to keep the oil clean. This helps
sure the seals seat properly. Open prolong the life of diesel engines,
the fuel tap, bleed the air out of the which suffer from short periods of
system, and check for leaks when use at low loads followed by long
the engine is running. periods of idleness—a typical pattern
of use for most yacht engines.
fuel pump Drive belts The gearbox requires a special oil
The fuel pump mounted on the engine The alternator and, on some engines, that will be specified in the manual.
usually has a manual lever that is used seawater impeller pump are powered Include the gearbox oil level in your
when bleeding the system. by drive belts. These should be prestart engine checks.
They should also know which items
are useful but could be dispensed
with if necessary.
Every cruising yacht should have sufficient tools and spare Tools
parts on board to allow basic repairs to be carried out at sea You should carry a selection of tools
to repair all essential equipment,
so that the boat can get back to harbor. The selection of spare together with the instruction manuals
parts you need to carry depends on the type of boat you own where available. Go through your
and the distances you sail. It is all too common for an emergency boat and examine every piece of
equipment and how it is secured.
to develop from a small initial failure, so it is imperative that the
If you might need to remove it at
skipper is capable of carrying out running repairs as and when some stage, check the size and type
they are required. of fasteners and make sure you have
the right screwdriver, wrench, or
socket for the job. Check the engine
Spare parts the engine to be a vital piece of manufacturer’s recommendations for
You will not require many spares equipment, whereas someone who is the engine toolkit and, again, ensure
if you tend to day-sail close to your very confident in their own skills and that you are carrying all the necessary
home port. However, if you are long- the boat’s performance under sail will wrenches, sockets, and Allen keys to
distance cruising, you should carry be less concerned about loss of engine work on the engine. Also, make sure
sufficient spares to keep all essential power. This is especially true if the that you have wrenches to service
systems operable. Some items are not boat has an alternative system for seacocks, and check that there is
possible to repair at sea, such as an charging the batteries or if there are enough room around each seacock
electronic autopilot. If the failure of oil lamps and other simple facilities in which to use them.
such an item would have a significant that will allow the cruise to continue
impact on the voyage, it is advisable without the need for electrical power. Storing tools
to carry full replacement units. Every skipper should make The best way to store tools is to use
sure they know exactly what items purpose-designed plastic toolboxes.
Essential spares of equipment are essential for the These have compartments of various
Opinions as to what spare parts safety of their crew and their boat, sizes to keep everything neat, and are
are essential will vary according to and they should be able to identify easy to secure. A comprehensive
the experience of the skipper and the items that will significantly affect toolkit could be split among several
crew. A novice skipper may consider its ability to complete a passage. boxes, according to the type of tool
• Screwdrivers—all head types and sizes, • Wire cutter • Pliers and electrical pliers
including electric screwdrivers • Hacksaw and spare blades • Hammers and a mallet
• Wrenches—an assortment, including • Wood saw • Set of chisels
an adjustable wrench • Power drill (12V), drill bits, and • Files
• Socket set screwdriver bits • Flashlight
• Mole wrench • Hand drill and bits • Mirror (to see into confined spaces)
• Electrical wire terminal crimper • Brace and bits • Bolt cutters
and how frequently it is required. case, the job will be much easier
This will make it quicker to find if you have somewhere to work MAINTENANCE
the tool that you need and makes where you can spread out your tools PLANNING
arranging storage easier. It is a good and hold the item you are working
Use a notebook to record all
idea to obtain boxes that have on securely. Some long-distance
items and equipment that need
individual compartments for small cruising boats incorporate a small repairs or regular maintenance.
items. These can be useful for workbench. This is an ideal solution, This makes it quick and easy to
frequently used spares such as tape but most yachts do not have the identify the most important work
or split rings, shackles, or fasteners. space. A useful alternative is to have and to plan time and materials
a strong piece of wood that is cut for the job.
Repairs at sea to fit across the cockpit, between
Repairs are much simpler to carry the seats, and to which you can Scheduling repairs
out in harbor, but it is sometimes fasten a small portable vise to hold Maintenance jobs are much easier
necessary to do them at sea. In this the work securely. and more pleasant to carry out when
the weather is good. Try to schedule
regular maintenance sessions and
keep your list of repairs as short as
possible during the sailing season.
Some of the vital and most useful spares and kits are listed below. Making a list
You should also consider carrying replacement units for items that Make time to take the occasional
are essential to the running of your boat but are not repairable. tour through your boat, checking
all possible sources of problems and
making a list of repairs as you go.
engine spares electrical spares
Once you have checked structural
• Spark plugs and coil (gasoline engine) • Fuses—all types used on board fixtures above deck, work your
• Injectors (diesel engine) • Bulbs—including navigation lights way through the interior. Run all
electrical and mechanical systems
• Repair kits for fuel and water pumps • Terminal fittings
to be sure they work and have not
with seals and impellers • Connecting blocks
been affected by moisture.
• Set of hoses • Soldering iron and solder
• Oil filters • Wire—assorted sizes What to look for
• Fuel filters • Tape—insulating and • Check structural items to make
• Sets of gaskets, seals, and O-rings self-amalgamating sure that their fastenings have not
• Fuel • Batteries (for flashlights and so on) loosened. Sailing to windward in
• Oil and grease • Distilled water (for topping large waves can put a considerable
• Fuel antibacterial additives (diesel) up batteries) load on the forward parts of the
• Spare ignition key • Hydrometer (for checking batteries) boat and the main bulkhead. Take
a look down below when the boat
is sailing hard to see if there is any
assorted spares movement of the hull or bulkheads.
• Check the chainplates and look
• Sail repair kit (p.396) • Bulldog clamps and rigging wire—a
for signs of leaks around them.
• Sticky-backed sail repair tape length equal to longest on board • Look for any leaks around fittings,
• Piston hanks • Marine sealant windows, or hatches.
• Whipping twine • Underwater epoxy • Check along the hull-to-deck joint
• Mainsail slider • Waterproof grease for signs of water leakage.
• Rope—spare lengths of • Petroleum jelly • If water regularly appears in the
various sizes • Paint and varnish (minor repairs) bilge of a GRP or metal boat, try to
• Shackles—assorted • Epoxy glue and fillers track its source and seal the leak.
• Bottlescrew • Fiberglass tape and cloth • In GRP boats, check the decks for
• Clevis pins • Nails, screws, and bolts—assorted signs of star-shaped crazing around
• Split pins and rings • Wood—assorted pieces fittings that is caused by stress.
Sailing is generally safe despite the potentially hostile environment in which
it takes place. If safety is to be maintained, however, it is crucial that participants
understand the risks, accept responsibility for their own well‑being, and sail
within the bounds of their experience. Staying safe depends as much on
attitude, seamanship, and common sense as on equipment.
A cruising yacht’s crew must be prepared to deal with all with a brace, such as the fender board
eventualities once they cast off and head out to sea. Although or other suitable length of wood. You
can purchase an umbrellalike piece of
most passages will be enjoyable and uneventful, the crew will equipment that is pushed through the
occasionally be presented with an unwelcome challenge, such as hole and opened on the outside. Water
a hole in the boat, dismasting, loss of steering, a fouled propeller pressure then seals it against the hull
and stops the leak. Whatever material
(which renders the engine useless), or even a fire. All skippers
you use, you need to be innovative and
must plan for such contingencies, carry the right spares and act quickly to block the hole before
equipment, and drill the crew in emergency procedures. the inrush of water overwhelms your
pumps. Once the hole is blocked from
the inside, you may be able to lower a
Holing and leaks to block the hole. If the inrush of sail over the hole on the outside using
If the boat is holed above the water is from a hole in the hull skin, lines led under the hull to secure it.
waterline, perhaps in a collision, you it should be easy to locate unless it Fasten the lines at suitable strong
have some time to assess the situation is behind paneling, in which case points on deck, such as handrails.
and take action. If the damage you may have to pry interior furniture The size of the hole and how deep
is below the waterline, however, away to expose the source of the leak. it is below the waterline determine
immediate action is required to Your objective is to block the hole the amount of water coming in.
prevent the boat from sinking. Your as effectively as possible by whatever Water pressure increases rapidly with
priorities must be to eliminate or means available. Bunk cushions, sail depth, so a hole low down will create
minimize the inrush of water and to bags, or any other soft material can be a high-pressure jet of water that will
start pumping to keep the boat afloat. pushed into the hole and held in place be difficult to stop.
First, turn on all electric bilge
pumps, and the damage control pump
if installed, and have a crew member blocking a hole
work the manual pump. If you have It is important to block the hole,
spare crew members and the water is particularly below the water line, as Fender
already over the cabin sole, instruct quickly as possible and by whatever board acts
as brace Folded
them to use buckets in order to scoop means you can. Push soft furnishings
(folded as many times as possible) into over hole
water through the companionway
the hole and hold in position with a brace
into the cockpit. You may be able
such as the boathook or fender board.
to add to the pumping capacity by USING A BUNK CUSHION
removing the engine-cooling water
inlet hose from its skin fitting and
putting the end in the bilge.
Sometimes the source of the water
is not obvious—in which case, suspect
a broken engine-cooling water hose
or toilet hose or a failed seacock
or through-hull fitting. If the leak is
from a hose, turn off the seacock. All Sail as bandage
Snug fit
Only fit the sail
seacocks should have a wooden plug once the hole is Pull the sail tightly
tied to them so that if a seacock fails, blocked from inside around the hull to
cover the hole
you can quickly use the tapered plug USING A SAIL
If the hole is near the waterline, you
may be able to heel the boat to raise
the hole out of the water or at least
dismasted yacht
reduce the pressure. If you cannot The priority is to get the broken pieces
stem the inflow, and if your boat does on board or cut away so that they cannot
not have watertight compartments, damage the hull. The boat’s motion will
your best hope lies in the ability of be jerky without the mast, so there is an
your pumps to keep up with the increased risk of falling overboard.
flooding. Assess the situation quickly,
and if it is clear that you will not be
able to keep the yacht afloat, you
must commence the procedure for
abandoning ship (pp.430–431). If
your boat is near shallow water and
the tide is falling, another option may
be to deliberately ground the vessel.
This will allow you to patch the
damage before the tide rises again.
The loss of a mast usually occurs
when a piece of rigging or a terminal
fitting gives way. This usually
happens in rough conditions but can disconnecting the standing rigging hangings or bearings rarely fail—if
occur in calm weather if the fitting at the chainplates—is difficult in a problem does occur, it is generally
has been weakened earlier and rough conditions. in the rudder-control system. An
suddenly gives way. The mast will Assess the situation once you emergency tiller must be available in
fall roughly downwind as the sails have cut away or recovered the gear. a wheel-steered boat, and you should
pull it over the side. As soon as this You may be able to reach port under practice using one before it is needed.
happens, the motion of the boat will power if you have sufficient fuel, but Deck layout may necessitate the use
change dramatically as it loses the do not start the engine until you have of relieving tackles to control the
inertia of the rig high above the checked and rechecked that there are makeshift tiller. Undertake a practice
hull. The motion will be quick and no ropes in the water that may foul run to try these out to make sure
jerky and it will become difficult the propeller. If motoring is not an you know how to rig and use such
to stand and work on deck. The option, then attempt to improvise a a system if necessary.
immediate priority is to prevent the jury rig—perhaps using the spinnaker If the rudder or its fittings fail,
broken pieces of mast—still attached pole and a storm jib—that will allow you will have to find another way
to the boat by rigging, halyards, and you to sail downwind, albeit slowly. of steering. An emergency sweep can
control lines—from damaging the hull sometimes be constructed by bolting
or decks. Ideally, try to recover as Steering failure the spinnaker pole to a floorboard
much of the broken mast as possible Loss of steering occurs most and lashing it to the pushpit or stern
for use in constructing a jury rig (a frequently aboard wheel-steered rail. Alternatively, you may be able
makeshift rig to get you to safety). boats as a result of a steering-cable to tow two small drogues off each
Recovery is often impossible in rough failure, which can often be prevented quarter and adjust these to steer
weather; you will usually have to cut by regular checks and maintenance. the boat. How the boat balances
away the rig to prevent it from holing Tiller-steered boats have simpler under sail will determine whether
the hull. You will need a hacksaw systems with less to go wrong, but you can steer in this way, but you
or a large pair of bolt cutters to cut it is wise to carry a spare tiller for will have to reduce sail to keep the
standing rigging; the alternative— use in case of a breakage. Rudder boat under control.
Fouled propeller If, despite all your precautions, a rope Firefighting
Fouled propellers are quite a common does foul the propeller, you are likely Fire on board is most typically
occurrence, especially in busy sailing to have a difficult task freeing it. If the result of a cooking accident,
areas with many moorings, fishing the engine was turning at low speed an electrical fault, or an explosion
nets, and lobster-pot lines to snag and you can still reach an end of the in the gas or fuel supply. There is
the unwary. Propellers are usually rope, you may be able to free it by little to be done in the event of an
fouled by a rope caught and wrapped turning the engine slowly, by hand explosion, as it is likely to destroy
around the propeller shaft. Synthetic if possible, in the opposite direction the boat. Prevent such an eventuality
materials often melt and fuse because to that in which the propeller was by fitting and maintaining the gas
of the heat generated by friction. turning, while pulling on the rope. and fuel supply properly, and install
This creates a solid mass around the It is more likely, however, that the a gas detector with a loud warning
propeller and shaft, which stops only remedy is to cut the tangled or bell. Avoid bringing naked flames
the engine. fused material away. This may require near gas appliances, and do not
Prevention is far better than cure. someone to go over the side with a run the engine or other machinery
Be alert to ropes in the water, and sharp knife, something that is both when refueling or when working
make sure your own ropes do not difficult and hazardous to do at sea. on the engine.
fall over the side—there is little worse This should be attempted only in calm Fire must be combated as soon
than being immobilized by your weather by someone wearing a wetsuit as it starts if it is to be brought
own warp. and with a safety line tied around under control with the minimum
Another effective preventative them. In harbor, you may be able of damage. It is essential to ensure
measure is to fit a shaft cutter. These to dry out alongside or heel the boat that there are fire extinguishers of
are mounted ahead of the propeller. or trim it down by the bow sufficiently appropriate types in all the key areas
They have a serrated edge with sharp to reach the prop from the dinghy. of the boat. Test them regularly to
teeth that catch and cut any rope or Always be sure the engine is stopped if be certain that they work and make
plastic that comes near the propeller. anyone is working near the propeller. sure the crew understands their use.
Main tow
Towing bridle
Cockpit winch
automatic means of sending (and
receiving) distress alerts or urgency,
safety, and routine communications.
DSC communication is faster and
If an emergency on board has developed beyond the ability of more reliable than a manually
the crew to deal with it, the time has come to ask for help. Distress operated radio and provides the
receiving station with the identification
signals are only ever used when a boat or crew member is in grave of the vessel in distress and the
and imminent danger and immediate assistance is required. If you position of the vessel. As well
see or hear a distress signal, you are legally required to render as communicating distress alerts
by radio, GMDSS also provides for
speedily all possible assistance. The small-boat and cruising sailor
alerts and locating signals to be sent
is most likely to use radio, emergency position indicating radio using emergency position indicating
beacon (EPIRB), or flares to signal for help. radio beacons (EPIRBs) and search
and rescue radar transponders
(SARTs) (p.428).
Calling for assistance may still save your life—make sure
You should not hesitate to use a you know them all. Refer to Annex Radio
recognized distress signal to call for IV of the International Regulations Most yachts carry a very high
assistance if you find yourself in a for Preventing Collisions at Sea. frequency (VHF) radio; some also
situation where you, your boat, or use a medium frequency (MF) radio
your crew are in grave and immediate GMDSS and a few long-distance cruising
danger. However, you should know The GMDSS has been developed
that distress signals are not intended by the International Maritime
to be used in situations that are simply Organization (IMO) to create an
inconvenient—such as being becalmed integrated, worldwide distress and
when on a tight schedule. If the safety communications system for Search and
situation is urgent but does not warrant commercial and recreational vessels. rescue helicopter
All boats that sail on the sea, or large inland waters, carry a couple of handheld red flares, whereas a cruiser
should carry flares. The type and number depend sailing offshore will need a larger selection. Keep them
on the distance you sail from shore. A dinghy may dry and replace them before their renewal date.
handheld flares
If an emergency situation develops to the point where you Once everything is prepared, do
may have to abandon ship, the decision to do so must be carefully not rush to launch the raft, but
do everything possible to save
considered. Unless the yacht is in imminent danger of sinking, you will the yacht.
be safer staying aboard than taking to a life raft. Whether to accept an
offer of rescue from a helicopter or another vessel and abandon ship is The life raft
The term “life raft” suggests that it is
a decision that the skipper will have to make based on their confidence
a guaranteed life-saver. In reality, rafts
in the yacht, its crew, and their own ability to get the yacht to port. often do not fulfill these expectations.
A life raft should be of a style
approved by your national authority
Abandon ship preparation and collect cans of food and a can for the type of sailing you intend
Speed is vital if you have to abandon opener in case you are in the raft to do and should be large enough to
a sinking yacht and your life raft is for a long time. A chart, compass, hold every member of the crew. Try
the only option open to you. First, and plotting tools will also be to take a short course in using the
prepare the life raft for launching useful, as will a handheld GPS, raft to familiarize yourself with the
and ensure that the crew dresses in a portable VHF radio, extra red inflation mechanism, the difficulty
their warmest clothing, with full flares, a signaling flashlight, and of boarding from the water, and how
oilskins, harnesses, and life jackets. a knife. An offshore yacht should to right the raft if it inverts. Life rafts
If time allows, the crew should have a panic bag containing these are packed in a solid container or
gather together items that may be items ready for just such an in a flexible case and should contain
useful in the life raft. Fill sealable emergency. This bag should be emergency equipment to help you
containers with extra drinking water kept close to the companionway. survive in the raft. However, this
equipment is the minimum required;
check what yours contains and
LAUNCHING THE LIFE RAFT prepare your panic bag accordingly.
When you are ready to launch the raft, cut or untie its lashings but If possible, supplement with
leave its painter tied to a strong point on the vessel, as this is needed equipment salvaged from the yacht
to inflate the raft. before you abandon ship.
1 Launch the raft by 2 The raft will take about 3 As soon as the raft is 4 Once all the crew are
throwing its container over 30 seconds to inflate. If the inflated, the first crew member aboard, release or cut both
the leeward side. A sharp tug raft inflates upside down, you boards. Rig an additional painters. Bail out water and
on the painter will inflate it. must right it before boarding. mooring line in rough seas. shut canopy openings.
If you are forced to use a life raft,
always stream the drogue—a mini-
underwater parachute—as soon
as you have boarded. Trailing this
beneath the raft will slow down its
drift and help prevent a capsize.
It is important that life rafts are
helicopter rescue
serviced regularly in accordance with Using the Hi-Line technique, the helicopter
the manufacturer’s instructions. first lowers a nylon line across the yacht
before moving to hover to one side. The
Helicopter rescue line is used to pull in the winchman.
When the boat is within flying
range of the coast, helicopters
are frequently used for search-and-
rescue operations. The helicopter’s
crew decides how to rescue the If no dinghy is available or the line is fed out. Keep hold of the end
yacht’s crew and, if possible, conditions are too rough, you if further casualties are to be lifted
will communicate directly using may have to be picked up from and the procedure repeated.
marine VHF. Always follow their the water. In this case, each crew
orders exactly and help them member in turn is tied to a long Ship rescue
complete the rescue as quickly warp and enters the water to drift If a ship or lifeboat comes to
as possible; the time they are able astern of the yacht from where they your assistance, you should follow
to spend hovering at the scene will are retrieved by the helicopter. its skipper’s instructions as to
be limited. Where possible, position Alternatively, the helicopter may how they intend to recover your
the boat head-to-wind (or nearly use a Hi-Line method. A long nylon crew. In rough seas, it is extremely
so), with all its sails lowered, and line, carrying a weight on the lower hazardous to come alongside
make sure all crew are wearing end with its the upper end attached another vessel, especially if your
life jackets. If you can, motor to the helicopter’s recovery hook, is rescuer is a large ship. A lifeboat
slowly into the wind or, if you lowered across the yacht so that the will normally come directly
are drifting, slow the rate of drift crew can grab it. Once the yacht’s alongside, and your crew should
by streaming a drogue from the crew has the line, the helicopter moves be ready to board it quickly under
bow or lowering the anchor off to one side of the yacht. The line instruction from the lifeboat crew.
and chain. must not be made fast on board but A large ship may lower a boat
The helicopter will not hover should be pulled in as the helicopter if the size of the seas permits, but in
directly over the yacht because lowers the winchman or lifting strop. very rough seas, it will probably stop
of the danger of becoming entangled The line is attached to the lifting hook to windward of the yacht to create
in the rig. Depending on the by a weak link designed to break if a smoother area in the ship’s lee.
circumstances, the rescue may take the line snags. Pull in the line until the This is hazardous, as the ship will
place in one of the following three winchman or lifting strop is within drift downwind rapidly and the
ways: from a dinghy towed behind reach, and flake it down so that it yacht and its crew will be vulnerable
the yacht, from the water, or by cannot snag and is free to run. Be to a hard collision. The ship’s crew
using a Hi-Line technique. If it is careful not to touch the winch wire will lower a ladder or scrambling
to be a dinghy rescue, connect it until its end has been earthed by net over the side, which the yacht’s
to the yacht with a long warp of the sea or winchman, because static crew must climb. If you have to
about 100 ft (30 m) and put only electricity can give an unpleasant jump for a ladder or net, wait until
one person in it at a time. The shock. Once the winchman is on the yacht is on the top of a wave to
helicopter will lower a lifting strop board, follow their instructions. When lessen the danger of being crushed
or send a winchman down to assist the winchman and the first crew are between ship and yacht, and climb
the crew. being lifted off the yacht, the nylon up as quickly as possible.
A BACKWIND When a mainsail is let out beyond
its best trim, or if the jib is sheeted in too tight,
the mainsail flutters in its front portion.
BOLTROPE A reinforcing rope along a sail’s edge.
BOOM A horizontal spar or pole, used to extend
the foot of a sail and to help control the sail’s
BAILER Device to remove water from a boat. angle in relation to the wind.
ABAFT Behind, at, or toward the stern of a boat. BALANCE A boat is balanced when it is upright, BOOM VANG (or kicking strap) A tackle that
ABEAM At right angles to the fore-and-aft line. both fore-and-aft and athwartships. prevents the boom from rising under the
BALANCED HELM When a boat has a balanced pressure of wind in the mainsail.
AFT Toward, at, or near the stern.
helm, it will have little tendency to turn. If you BOTTLESCREW A fitting to adjust the tension
AHEAD In a forward direction. let go of the tiller, it will continue on a straight in the standing rigging.
AIRFLOW Movement of air across the sails. course. See weather helm and lee helm.
BOW The forward end of a boat; opposite of stern.
ALTOSTRATUS Midlevel cloud in the form of a BAROGRAPH A recording barometer, which
creates a continuous reading of air pressure BOW-FITTING Fitting to which the forestay
sheet or layer totally or partly covering the sky. and jib tack are attached.
on a paper graph.
AMIDSHIPS At, near, or toward the center
BAROMETER Instrument that registers BOW LINE Also known as the head rope, the
of a vessel.
atmospheric pressure. bow line is a mooring warp that runs from
ANCHOR A eavy device attached to a boat by a the bow to a point ashore ahead of the boat;
rope (anchor warp) or chain cable and lowered BATTEN A light wooden, fiberglass, or plastic opposite of stern line.
overboard to secure a boat to the bottom. strip that slots into a pocket sewn into the aft
edge (leech) of a sail to support the roach. BOW SPRING Rope running from the bow of
ANCHOR CABLE The chain or rope used to the boat aft to another boat or pontoon when
attach an anchor to the boat. See warp. BEAM REACH Sailing with the wind blowing
berthed to prevent the boat from moving ahead.
directly over the side of the boat.
ANCHOR WINDLASS A manual or motor-driven BOW WAVE The wave that the bow of a vessel
mechanism used on some cruisers to raise the BEARING The direction of an object from your
creates as it travels through the water.
anchor by winding the rope or chain around boat or between two objects. Both are measured
a drum or barrel. in degrees relative to north. See heading. BOWER ANCHOR The main anchor on a boat.
ANCHORAGE An area with good holding ground BEARING AWAY Turning the boat away from BOWLINE (pronounced “bow-lynn”) Knot used
where it is sheltered and safe to drop anchor. the wind; opposite of luffing (or luffing up). to make a loop in the end of a rope or to tie to
BEATING Tailing to windward close-hauled and a ring or post.
ANEMOMETER An instrument that measures
wind speed. zigzagging to reach an objective to windward. BOWSPRIT A spar projecting from the bow of
BEAUFORT SCALE A descriptive scale used for some boats, allowing sails to be secured farther
ANGLE OF VANISHING STABILITY ( AVS) The forward, thus extending the sail plan.
angle of heel at which a boat’s righting moment measuring wind strengths.
reaches zero. BENDING ON The traditional term used to BREAST ROPE A mooring rope running at
describe fitting the sails onto the boat. right angles to the boat, from bow or stern,
ANODES Sacrificial zinc shapes that are fastened sometimes used in addition to the four main
near underwater metal fittings, such as the BERMUDAN SLOOP A rig with a triangular warps to hold the boat alongside.
propeller shaft, to protect them from corrosion mainsail and a single headsail.
through electrolysis. The anodes corrode first. BRIDGE DECK A raised area that separates
BERTH A place to park alongside a dock or the cockpit from the cabin.
ANTICYCLONE Area of relatively heavy, sinking pontoon or in a marina.
air which results in high pressure. BRIDLE Wire span for attaching forestay to hulls
BERTHING The process of parking a boat in on catamarans, or a rope span sometimes used
ANTIFOULING PAINT Special paint applied to the its berth. to secure lower mainsheet block on dinghies
hull to prevent underwater fouling from weeds
BIGHT (1) Bend in the shore making cove, bay, that do not use a mainsheet traveler.
and barnacles, which would slow the boat.
or inlet. (2) Bend in a rope.
BROACH When a boat turns inadvertently
APPARENT WIND The combination of true wind
BILGE (1) The rounded parts of the hull where broadside to the waves. This may occur when a
(that which we feel when stationary) plus the
the sides curve inward to form the bottom. boat is sailing in strong winds and the sails are
wind produced by motion.
(2) The area where water collects inside not properly balanced or the boat heels a lot.
ASTERN Backward. Outside, and abaft the stern. the boat.
BROAD REACH Sailing with the wind coming
ASYMMETRIC SPINNAKER Downwind sail that BILGE KEEL A twin keel, used on boats over the port or starboard quarter of the boat.
does not use a pole but requires a bowsprit. designed to be able to dry out sitting upright.
Sometimes used in conjunction with a shallow BRUCE (anchor) A type of burying anchor.
ATHWARTSHIPS Across a boat, from side to side.
central keel. BULKHEAD Below-deck partition separating one
AUTOPILOT Mechanical helm that steers the boat part of a boat’s interior from another.
BILGE PUMP Manual or electric pump to
relative to a compass course or a wind angle.
remove water that accumulates in the bilge. BUNG A plug used to close a drain hole.
BIMINI A removable sun screen over the cockpit. BUOY A floating marker used for navigation.
B BINNACLE A pedestal in which a compass is
installed, often with magnets to compensate for
BUOYAGE A system of navigation marks used
to identify hazards and safe channels.
magnetic deviation, and on which the wheel
is usually mounted. BUOYANCY BAGS (tanks) Removable and
BACKING THE JIB To sheet the jib to windward; inflatable bags (or sealed compartments) that
BLADE The flat part of an oar or propeller. provide buoyancy so that the boat will float if
used when sailing away from a head-to-wind
position and sometimes when tacking. BLOCK A pulley through which a rope is passed. capsized or swamped.
BACKSTAY Wire leading from the masthead BOAT HOOK Pole with hook used to pick BURGEE A small triangular flag flown from
to the stern. It prevents the mast from falling up mooring buoy or ring when mooring the top of a mast, serving as an indicator of
forward and is used to tension the forestay. or berthing. apparent wind.
C CONTROL LINE A rope or line that adjusts a sail
or part of the rig—such as the cunningham.
CONVECTION CURRENTS Air currents formed
DISPLACEMENT The weight of the water
displaced by a floating hull.
DISTANCE Measured in nautical miles.
due to the land’s heating up and cooling down.
DIURNAL Variation in weather during the day.
CABIN The living quarters below deck. COURSE MADE GOOD The course achieved after
DODGERS Weather cloths that can be laced
CAM CLEAT A device with two moving and allowing for leeway and tidal set and drift.
along the lifelines for added protection in
spring-loaded cams that secures a rope. COURSE STEERED The course actually steered by the cockpit.
CANTING KEEL A keel that can be pivoted from the helm and read off from the compass.
DORADE A type of ventilator that feeds air
side to side. In use is pivoted to windward to CREW Either everyone on board, or everyone to the interior while keeping water out.
increase the righting moment of the keel. else except the helm. To “crew” means both to
work as a member of the crew (including DOWNHAUL A rope for hauling down sails
CAP SHROUDS The outer shrouds. See shrouds. or for controlling a spar such as the spinnaker
the helm) and, in a small boat, to work
CAPSIZE When a boat tips over to 90° or 180°. alongside a helm with your own tasks. pole; opposite of uphaul.
CARDINAL MARKS Forms of buoyage, used to CRINGLE A metal or plastic eye sewn into a sail. DOWNWIND (or offwind) All courses that are
indicate large or individual hazards in the water. farther away from the wind than a beam reach
CROSSING TURN Term used when one part of are known as downwind, or offwind, courses;
CATAMARAN A twin-hulled boat consisting of a rope crosses another; start of knot sequence. opposite of upwind.
two narrow hulls connected by two beams and
a trampoline or rigid deck. CRUISING CHUTE See gennaker. DR Dead reckoning position. It is plotted on
CRUTCH( ES) See oarlocks. a chart by drawing the course steered from
CENTER OF EFFORT The point on a sail at which the last known position and measuring off the
all the forces acting on the sail’s surface can be CUDDY A small shelter; access to a covered distance sailed according to the log. See also EP.
thought of as being concentrated. area in a small boat usually used for stowage.
DRIFT The strength of a tidal stream; the
CENTERBOARD A plate that pivots around a CUNNINGHAM A control line for adjusting distance the stream will move a floating object
pin inside a centerboard case and is lowered tension in the luff of a mainsail or jib. in an hour.
below the hull of a sailing boat to resist leeway.
See daggerboard. CUTTER A single-masted yacht with two DROGUE An object towed, usually over the
headsails, a staysail (inner headsail), and stern of a boat, as a way of reducing its speed
CHAIN PLATES Metal fittings on each side a jib (outer headsail). in heavy weather.
of the boat, and at the bow and stern, to which
the bottlescrews on the shrouds, forestay, and
backstay are attached.
CHART A nautical map. D E, F
CHART DATUM The level from which soundings
(depths) and drying heights are measured.
DACRON Woven cloth often used for sails. EBB TIDE When the tide is going out, between
CLAM CLEAT A cleat that secures a rope in a
DAGGERBOARD A plate that is raised and high and low water; opposite of flood tide.
grooved, V-shaped body.
lowered vertically inside its case and is used EDDIES Circular current, the area of reversed
CLEARING LINE Used in navigation to keep the to resist leeway. See centerboard.
boat clear of potential hazards by defining current which forms behind a rock or headland
the boundaries of a safe zone. See safe track. DANBUOY A loating marker pole with flag that in a current or tidal stream.
is attached to a lifebuoy to improve visibility. EP Estimated position. A DR (dead reckoning)
CLEAT A wooden or metal fitting that is used to
secure ropes. See cam, clam, and horn cleat. DANFORTH (anchor) Type of burying anchor. position plus tidal set and drift. EPs are plotted
at regular intervals on a chart and compared
CLEW The lower aft corner of a fore-and-aft sail. DAVIT A cranelike device equipped with a tackle with a fix to identify any errors in plotting.
for suspending or lowering a tender.
CLEW OUTHAUL The rope or wire that adjusts EPIRB Emergency position indicating radio
the position of the clew and the tension in the DEAD RUN See running. beacon that transmits distress signals to satellites
foot of the mainsail. DEPRESSION Area of low pressure. that are part of the GMDSS.
CLOSE- HAULED Sailing as close to the wind DEPTH Distance from the seabed to the surface. FAIRLEAD A bolt, ring, or loop that guides
as possible, with the sails pulled in tight. a rope.
DEPTH SOUNDER Device to measure distance
CLOSE REACH The point of sailing between from the sea bed to the instrument’s transducer. FAIRWAY A channel; unobstructed water.
close-hauled and a beam reach.
DEVIATION The difference between FATHOM An old unit of length for measuring
CLOVE HITCH A knot used for short-term magnetic and compass north due to the effect water depth. One fathom is 6 feet.
mooring to a ring or post or for hitching of local magnetic fields acting on the boat’s
fenders to a rail. FEATHER (oars) To turn oar blades parallel
compass. Deviation varies with the boat’s to the water’s surface in between strokes to
COACHROOF The raised cabin trunk in the course and is measured in degrees east or prevent the blades from catching in the waves.
middle of the boat. west of magnetic north.
FENDER A protector hung over the side between
COAMING A vertical piece around the edge of DINGHY A small boat powered by sail, oars, or the boat and a pontoon or another vessel.
a cockpit, hatch, and so on to prevent water on an outboard motor; usually designed to be used
deck from running below. by one or two people. FERRO-CEMENT Concrete boat-building material.
COCKPIT The working area, usually toward the DIP- POLE JIBE Method of jibing a spinnaker FIDDLES Used below deck, fiddles are the raised
stern of a boat, from which the boat is steered. on larger cruisers and cruiser-racers. lips on horizontal surfaces such as tables to stop
objects from falling off them when the boat heels.
COIL Method of securing ropes for stowage. DIRECTION Measured clockwise as an angle
relative to north. See heading and bearing. FIGURE- EIGHT A stopper knot, used to prevent
COMPANIONWAY A ladder or steps leading a rope end from running out through a block
down from the cockpit to the cabin. DIRTY AIR Term used to describe airflow when
or fairlead.
sailing in the wind shadow of another boat.
COMPASS NORTH The direction in which a
FIN KEEL A single, central, fixed, ballasted keel.
compass points. If there is no local magnetic DISMASTING When the mast breaks, usually
interference (see deviation), it will point to because a piece of rigging or a terminal fitting FISHERMAN’ S ANCHOR Traditional
magnetic north. has given way. See jury rig. hooking anchor.
FLOOD TIDE Tide that is coming in.
FLUKE The barb or hook of an anchor.
GROUND TRACK The course followed relative
to the sea bed. See water track.
GRP Glass-reinforced plastic (fiberglass), from
FOILS A collective term for the keel,
which many boat hulls are made.
centerboard (or daggerboard), and rudder.
GUARDRAILS Safety rails or wires fitted around IALA International Association of Lighthouse
FOOT The bottom edge of a sail. Authorities, which organizes buoyage.
the deck edge, supported by stanchions.
FORE At, near, or toward the bow. IN- IRONS Stuck head-to-wind with sails luffing
GUNWALE (pronounced “gunnel”) The top edge
FORE AND AFT In line from bow to stern; of the side of the hull. and no steerage.
also on, or parallel to, the centerline. INJECTOR Part of an engine that delivers fuel
GUY A rope that controls the spinnaker on the
FOREDECK The deck nearest the bow. windward side. It runs through the end of under pressure into the combustion chamber.
FOREGUY On large boats, the downhaul for the spinnaker pole. INVERSION (1) Weather—when warm air lays
the spinnaker pole pulls the outer end of the GYPSY The drum of a windlass. on top of cold air. (2) Boat—capsizing so mast
pole forward, as well as down. points vertically down.
FOREMAST Forward mast in all vessels with ISAF International Sailing Federation—the
more than one mast, except yawls and ketches. international governing body of sailing.
FORESTAY A stay that leads from the mast to ISOBARS Lines shown on weather maps to
the bow fitting. A foresail may be attached to it. indicate pressure. They join areas of equal
FORTRESS (anchor) A type of anchor made
pressure in a way similar to contour lines
HALYARD A rope or wire that is used to hoist
from aluminum, with fluke angles that can be on a chart.
a sail (or to hoist a flag or other signal).
adjusted to suit sand or mud bottoms. JACKSTAYS Lengths of webbing or wire that
HAND BEARING COMPASS A portable compass
FOUL TIDE A tidal stream from an run the length of both sidedecks, to which the
for taking bearings on objects.
adverse direction. crew attaches their lifelines when working
HANK A metal or plastic hook that is used on deck.
FRACTIONAL SLOOP A sloop in which the to secure a sail to a stay, such as a jib’s luff to
forestay joins the mast at a point some distance JIB A triangular headsail (a sail set in front
the forestay.
below the masthead. See masthead sloop. of the foreward mast).
HATCHES A cover over an opening on deck.
FREEBOARD A boat’s freeboard is the height JIB SHEETS Ropes used to trim or “sheet”
of the topsides out of the water. HEAD The top corner of a triangular sail or the jib.
the top edge of a four-sided sail.
FREER (lift) A wind shift; when the wind moves JIBING Turning the stern of the boat through
aft, you are freed; opposite of a header. HEAD-TO-WIND The point at which the boat the wind; opposite of tacking.
is heading straight into the wind with the sails
FRONT (weather) Meteorological term used JURY RIG A makeshift rig that you construct
luffing; when you pass through head-to-wind,
to describe the boundary between warm and to get you to safety following a dismasting.
you are tacking. See tacking.
cold air masses. KATABATIC WINDS Sinking currents of cold air
HEADBOARD The reinforced top corner of
running down mountain slopes.
a Bermudan mainsail, to which the halyard
G is attached.
HEADER A wind shift; when the wind moves
forward, you are “headed”; opposite of a freer.
KEDGE ANCHOR A lighter anchor than the main
(or bower) anchor.
KEDGING- OFF Pulling a boat out of shallow
water with an anchor when it has run aground.
HEADFOIL An aluminum grooved tube that
GAFF RIG A rig with a four-sided mainsail. slides over the forestay and holds the luff KEEL The lowest part of a sailing boat, and used
GALLEY A boat’s kitchen. of the headsails. to resist sideways drift (leeway).
GENNAKER A sail that is a cross between a HEADING The direction in which you are KETCH A two-masted yacht with the aft
genoa and a spinnaker. Sometimes called a steering the boat measured by a compass. mast (mizzen mast) smaller than the main
cruising chute. See bearing. mast and stepped ahead of the rudder post.
See yawl.
GENOA A large headsail that overlaps the mast HEADS Often used to mean only the sea toilet,
and usually sweeps the deck with its foot. See jib. but can also mean the compartment containing KICKING STRAP See boom vang.
the toilet, washbasin, and shower.
GIMBALS Fittings that allow an object (such as KNOT The unit of speed at sea, defined as
a galley stove) to swing so as to remain upright HEADSAIL A sail set on the headstay; a jib. 1 nautical mile per hour.
when the boat heels. HEAVING- TO Bringing a boat to a halt, usually
GMDSS (Global maritime distress and safety by sheeting the headsail to windward. After the
system) A set of standards to which modern event, a boat is described as “hove-to.”
radio sets, satellite communication systems, HEEL (1) When a boat tilts over to one side, it
and EPIRBs conform. heels. (2) The heel of the mast is its bottom end.
GOOSENECK The universal-joint fitting fixed HELM The person who steers the boat. LAID A method of rope construction where
to a mast, which attaches the boom to the mast. three strands are twisted together to make the
HOIST To raise a sail or flag.
GOOSEWINGING Sailing directly downwind rope.
(running) with the mainsail set on one side HORN A sound-signaling device.
LATITUDE The angular distance north or south
and the foresail (for example, the jib or genoa) HORN CLEAT A metal, wooden, or plastic of the equator. The lines of latitude are the grid
set on the other. cleat with two horns around which the rope lines on a map or chart running east to west and
GPS A global positioning system receiver that is wrapped to create sufficient friction to hold parallel to the equator. See longitude.
uses information from a network of satellites the rope fast.
LAZY GUY A leeward guy left slack (not in use)
to determine a boat’s position accurately.
HOUNDS The position at which the shrouds when using a spinnaker on a larger boat.
GRAPNEL A light anchor for small boats. and forestay are attached to the mast if not
LAZYJACKS Restraining lines rigged from the
at the masthead.
GRIB Gridded binary data files; small files of mast to the boom to retain the mainsail when
weather data easily transmitted over the internet. HULL The main body of a boat. it is lowered and stowed on the boom.
LEAD LINE A line with a weight attached used
to measure the depth of water.
LEE HELM If a boat turns to leeward when
MAST STEP A recessed wooden block or metal
frame, which receives the heel of the mast.
MASTHEAD The top of a mast.
P, Q
you let go of the tiller, it has lee helm. See
MASTHEAD SLOOP A sloop in which the
weather helm and balanced helm. PAINTER A rope attached to the bow of
forestay joins the mast at the masthead.
LEE- OH Call made by the helm when a dinghy or small boat that is used to moor
MAYDAY The internationally recognized radio the boat.
executing a tack. distress signal for use when you are in grave and
LEE SHORE A shore onto which the wind is imminent danger. It takes priority over any other PAN PAN An internationally recognized distress
blowing; opposite of weather shore. kind of message. See PAN PAN. signal that takes priority over all except a
MAYDAY message.
LEEBOARDS ( LEE-CLOTHS) Wooden boards MEAN DIRECTION The term used to describe
(or canvas cloths) fitted along the inboard the average wind direction. PARALLEL RULER A rolling or sliding device for
edge of a sea berth to prevent the occupant plotting a course or bearing on a chart.
from being thrown out of the berth in projection of the globe used when making charts. PARTNERS The hole where the mast passes
rough conditions. through the deck of a cruiser or cruiser-racer.
MERIDIAN A line of longitude that runs from
LEECH The aft edge of a sail. Called mast gate on dinghies and small boats.
north to south poles.
LEEWARD Away from the wind; opposite PASSAGE A journey between two ports.
MIDSHIPS In the middle of the boat, fore and
of windward. aft and athwartships. PASSAGE PLAN The plan constructed to
LIFELINE (1) A term sometimes used instead MIZZEN MAST A smaller aft mast on a ketch
help a crew navigate safely from one port to
of guardrails. (2) The tether of a safety or yawl. See ketch and yawl. another.
harness that is attached to strong points, PILE MOORINGS Large wooden or metal stakes
such as jackstays. MOORING A permanent arrangement of anchors
and cables to which a boat can be secured. (piles) driven into the seabed, with fittings to
LIFT A wind shift; when the wind moves aft, which mooring warps are tied.
you are “lifted.” Also called a freer. See header. MULTIHULL A boat with more than one hull;
a catamaran or a trimaran. PILOTAGE Navigation by eye, compass, and
LOCKER A storage or stowage compartment. chart, when in sight of land.
MYLAR A film material often used in high-
LONGITUDE The angular distance west or performance sail manufacture. PINCHING Sailing too close to the wind inside
east of the Greenwich meridian. The lines the no-sail zone.
of longitude are the grid lines on a map or PISTON HANKS A form of hank. See hank.
chart running north to south. See latitude.
LUFF (1) The forward edge of a triangular
sail. (2) A sail luffs, or is luffing, when its
N, O PITCHPOLING Capsizing stern over bow.
PLANING The motion of a boat when it lifts
luff shakes due to the sail not being pulled partly out of the water and increases speed by
in sufficiently. (3) To turn toward the wind. NAUTICAL ALMANAC A reference book giving reducing its drag.
LUFFING (1) When a sailing boat is turned annual information, such as tidal data, for a PLOTTER A device for plotting a course on a
toward the wind (also luff and luff up). wide area. paper chart, used in conjunction with the grid
(2) When the luff of a sail shakes or flaps. NAUTICAL MILE The unit of distance at sea, of latitude and longitude lines marked on a chart.
LYING A- HULL Drifting with all sail stowed, defined as one minute (1') of latitude. It is POINTS OF SAILING The direction in which a
usually in heavy weather. standardized to 6,076 ft (1,852 m), slightly boat is being sailed, described in relation to its
longer than a statute mile. angle to the wind. Collectively, these angles are
NAVIGATION LIGHTS Lights shown by a known as the points of sailing.
UNSTAYED MAST A mast without
dinghy crew hooks their feet when sitting out. standing rigging.
TOPSAIL A triangular sail set above the gaff
UPHAUL A rope for adjusting the height of
on a gaff-rigged boat.
the spinnaker pole; opposite of downhaul.
TOPPING LIFT A rope running from the
TACK (1) The forward lower corner of a UPWIND All courses that are closer to the
masthead to the boom end used to support
fore-and-aft sail. (2) Under sail, a boat is either wind (heading more directly into it) than a
the boom when the mainsail is not hoisted.
on starboard tack or port tack. See tacking. beam reach are called upwind courses; opposite
TOPSIDES The sides of the hull between the of offwind or downwind.
TACKING Turning the bow of the boat through
water line and the deck edge.
the wind so that the boat turns from one tack VARIATION See magnetic variation.
to the other. See jibing. TRAINING RUN Sailing downwind, 5–10° off
a true run. VECTOR A line drawn to indicate both the
TACKLE An arrangement of a line led through direction and magnitude of a force, such as
two or more blocks to create mechanical TRAMPOLINE A strong nylon mesh that a tidal stream.
advantage, in order to move heavy objects stretches between the hulls of a catamaran
or handle large loads. or trimaran. VHF (Very high frequency radio) A common
radio system used on boats, but its range is
TAIL To pull on the free end (the tail) of a sheet TRANSIT Also called a range. Two prominent limited to line-of-sight.
or halyard when winching. marks separated in distance so that they can
be aligned to determine that a boat lies on VICTUALING Provisioning a boat for a passage.
TELLTALES Light strips of fabric or wool sewn a certain line.
or glued to sails to show the wind flow and WAKE Waves generated astern by a moving vessel.
the best sail trim. TRANSOM Flat vertical surface at the stern WARP Any rope used to secure or move a boat.
of a boat.
TEMPERATURE INVERSION An increase in WASHBOARDS Wooden or plastic shutters that
temperature with height above the Earth’s TRANSOM FLAPS Flaps in the transom through close off the companionway.
surface, a reversal of the normal pattern. which unwanted water can escape.
WATCH (1) A division of crew into shifts.
TENDER A small boat used to ferry people and TRAPEZE A wire used in high-performance (2) The time each watch has duty.
provisions to and from a larger boat. dinghies to enable the crew to place their
weight farther outside the boat than they WATER TRACK The course to steer through the
THROAT The forward upper corner of a four- would if just sitting out. water to achieve a ground track after allowing
cornered, gaff mainsail. for the effects of any tidal stream.
TRAVELER A slide that travels along a track,
THWART A seat fixed across a small boat. used for altering sheet angles. WAYPOINTS Positions in latitude and longitude
TIDAL ATLAS Small charts showing tidal stream of turning or other important points along your
TRI-RADIAL SAIL A sail construction technique
directions and rate of flow. route. Usually programmed into a GPS set or
where radial panels emanate from all three
chart plotter.
TIDAL CYCLE The period of tidal flow from one corners of the sail.
high water to the next. WEATHER HELM If the boat, under sail, turns
TRIM To let out or pull in a sheet to adjust
to windward when you let go of the tiller, it has
TIDAL DIAMOND Symbol shown on a chart a sail.
weather helm. See lee helm and balanced helm.
which relates to information, in a panel on TRIMARAN A vessel with three hulls.
the chart, giving the speed and direction WEATHER SHORE When the wind blows off the
of the tidal stream, at that point, through TRIP To release a rope, such as releasing the land, the shore is called a weather shore;
the tidal cycle. spinnaker pole from the guy or the guy from opposite of lee shore. See offshore wind.
the spinnaker.
TIDAL DRIFT The strength of a tidal stream. WHIPPING To bind the ends of a rope with thin
TRIPPING LINE A line attached to the end of cord (whipping twine) to keep it from unraveling.
TIDAL RACE An area of disturbed water and an anchor to help free it from the ground when
increased tidal stream due to a constriction that weighing anchor. WHISKER POLE Pole for holding out the jib
accelerates or diverts the tidal stream. when goosewinging.
TROT A line of mooring bouys.
TIDAL RANGE The difference between a tide’s WINCH Device to provide mechanical advantage
high and low water levels. TRUE BEARING A bearing measured relative for pulling in sheets and halyards.
to true north.
TIDAL SET The direction of a tidal stream. WINDAGE The drag caused by the parts of the
TRUE NORTH The direction of the true boat and crew exposed to the wind.
TIDAL STREAM A horizontal flow of water North Pole. See also magnetic north and
caused by the rise and fall of the tide. compass north. WINDLASS A mechanical device used to pull in
a cable or chain, such as an anchor rode.
TIDE The regular rise and fall of the sea’s surface TRUE WIND The speed and direction of the
caused mainly by the moon’s gravitational pull wind you feel when stationary. The motion of WINDWARD Toward the wind; opposite
(and to a lesser degree the sun’s). a boat will cause the wind to appear to be in a of leeward.
TIDE RIP Term for a tidal stream when it different direction and speed, which is known WORKING END The part of a rope used for
is running fast around rocks, shallows, as apparent wind. tying a knot.
or headlands, causing a disturbance at TRYSAIL A small, strong replacement for YAWL A two-masted yacht with the mizzen mast
the surface. a cruiser’s mainsail used in severe weather. stepped aft of the rudderpost. A ketch is similar,
TIDE TABLES A record of the times and heights TWINNING LINE A small block with a light line but its mizzen mast is forward of the rudderpost.
of high and low water for every day of attached to it, used instead of reaching hooks ZEPHYR Gentle winds on a still day, often on
the year. when flying a spinnaker. the edge of lakes or other inland waters, caused
TILLER Rod by which the rudder is controlled, TWIST The difference in angle to the wind when air over land is warmed and rises, pulling
for steering. between the top and bottom of a sail. in cooler air from over the water.
1 flag (one minute rule) 191 weighing 286, 287 battens double 48
18-foot Skiff dinghy class 125, 126, well 211 catamarans 168–169 fiddle 48
127, 140–141, 189 windlass 286–287, 299 cruising mainsails 206 single 48
29er dinghy class 65 anchoring 58 dinghies 26–27, 74, 158–159 through-deck 48
49er dinghy class 141, 189 arriving and leaving 285 single-handed dinghies triple 48
420 dinghy class 65 choosing an anchorage 158–159 block-and-tackle 28
284–285 batteries 404–405, 406–407 boat handling, cruisers
G spinnaker 146–147
gyrocompass 328–329
Hi-Line technique 431
high altitude weather 375
hydrographic agencies 322
R sails 398
repeater unit 332–333
reversing 134–135
ropework, cruiser 224–225
rotating mast 168–169
rotator 332
downwind see downwind sailing
driving force 32
dry 166–167
racing from marinas 269 rough weather sailing 184–185, dynamics of 34–35
courses 190–191, 192–193 RIB (rigid inflatable boat) 236 312–315, 365 inland 58
cruiser 198–199, 200–201 riding turns, winch 233 jibing 246–247 jib only 37
dinghies 63, 127, 188–189 rigs and rigging 396 tacking 245 mainsail only 37
flags 191 battens 74–75 round turn (knot) 45 offwind 40
gate mark 190–191 catamarans 168–171, 203 and two half hitches 47 one sail 134, 242–243
high-performance boats 62–63 cruisers 202–203, 206–207 rowing 50 origins of 12–13
ocean 16–18 de-rigging 120–121 rowlock 51 preparation for first time 84–85
offshore 14–15, 16–17 dinghies 26, 70–71, 74–75 RS 500 dinghy class 126 in rough weather see rough
stadium 18 fittings 28–29, 396 RS 600 dinghy class 159 weather
starting procedure 191 fractional 207 RS 700 dinghy class 159 rudder, sailing without 136–137
racks 127 gooseneck 75 RS 800 dinghy class 126, 189 sea 58–59
radar 305, 325, 334–335, 356 mainsail 74–75 rubber bung 332 theory of 32–33
position fixing 359 maintenance 397 rudder 24–25 and tides see tides
reflector 308–309, 313 measuring tools 181 and bearings 393 to windward 94
use of 359 running 27, 28, 206–207, cruiser 206–207 sailmaker’s 399
X-band 428 396–397 fitting 86–87 palm and needle 224
whipping 226–227 method 114–115 cruisers 210–211 Melges 24 163
sailor’s knife 23, 221, scooped stern 200–201 dinghies and small keelboats Open 5.70 and Open 6.5 163
224–225 sculling 50–51 24–25 SB20 163
sails 27, 28, 80, 398 sea sidelights, combined, and stern 307 Sonar 63 163
adjusting 40–41 anchor 315 sideways force 32–33, 35, 80 Squib 65
airflows 34 bed 284–285 signals 191 Star 163
area, increasing 254–255 breezes 376–377 sound 297, 310–311 smoke, sea 381
balance 248–249 fog 308–309, 365, 380–381 simple whip tackle 49 snow 368–369
“bending on” 230–231 sailing 58–59 simple turn (knot) 45 sock, use of 257
caught under 113 smoke 381 single-handed sailing soft furnishings 401
clew see clew surface temperature 385 dinghies 126, 158–159, 160–161 software programs, and navigation
controls 182–183 toilets 410–411 jibing 160 324–325
cruiser see cruisers seacocks 411 jibing in strong winds 187 solar power 407
and direction change 80–81, sealing tacking 160 solenoid valve 216–217
131 deck fittings 395 toestraps 158 Sonar small keelboat class 65, 163
driving force 32, 34–35, 415 rope 45 trapezing 141 sound signals 297, 310–311
forward drive 35 seamanship 24 single-handed sailing classes Southern Hemisphere weather
gennakers see gennakers search and rescue 223, 290, 426–427 The FINN 159 systems 370, 373, 379
genoas 208–209, 211, 255 secondary ports, and tidal curves Foiling Moth 16, 126 spade anchor 283
head 27 344 International Canoe 126, 159 spare parts 419
headsails see headsails sector lights 340–341 International Moth 159 spars 397
jib see jib securing Laser 65, 159, 189 speed 89, 129, 320–321
leech 27 catamarans 170–171 RS 600 159 catamaran comparisons 125
loose-footed 75 to a mooring 279 RS 700 159 and wind 384–385
luff 27, 230–231 SÉCURITÉ (safety signal) 427 skeg 169 and working the tides 347
mainsails see mainsails SEELONCE FEENEE skiffs 16 spinnakers 208–209
patching 399 (safety signal) 427 18-foot class 125, 126, 127, anatomy of 146–147
and prebend 180–181 seizing rope 224–225, 227 140–141, 189 asymmetric see asymmetric
reachers 255 self-tailing winch 232–233 skipper role 288–289 spinnakers
repairs 398 semidiurnal tides 342 slab reefing 76–77, 252–253 bowsprit 154–155, 258–259
roach 27, 168–169, 209 separate lights 306–307 sleeve, sail 158 chutes 148–149, 151
rolling around boom 76 separation zone 296–297 sling and tackle 303 clew 146–147
rolling around mast 77 servicing a winch 396 slip lines 229 cruisers 254–255
setting 129, 164–165 sewage 410–411 slipway, launching from 86–87, design 147
setting in the dark 305 shackle 104, 105, 166–167 equipment 256–257
shape 34 bow shackle 48 Slocum, Joshua 14 handling 152–153
sideways force 32–33, 35, 80 D shackle 48 sloop rig 203, 254, 255 high-performance boats
sleeve 158 soft shackle 48 slowing the boat 315 124–125, 126–127
spinnakers see spinnakers shaft cutter 424 small keelboats 25 hoisting and lowering 150–151,
storm 251 sheet 27, 28, 29 anchoring 110–111 154–155, 257, 261
stowing 120–121, 234–235 bend (knot) 46 basic principles 162 jibing 152–153, 156–157,
topsail 255 easing 233 buying 64–65 260–261
tri-radial 254–255 lazy 258 center-mainsheet 162–163 jibing in strong winds 187
trim 89, 129 leads 147 choosing 62–63 packing 257
trysail 208, 251 releasing 233 dry sailing 166–167 pole 146–147, 152–153, 256–
turning effect of 82–83 sheeting the mainsail 91 jibing 165 157, 260–261
twist 130 shelving 215 lifting 52 pouches 149, 150–151
two sails, with 35 ship rescue 431 moorings 110–111 preparing 258–259
use of 37, 82–83 shipping lanes 54, 296–297, moving 166–167 rigging 258
valeting 399 310–311 rudder 162 small keelboats 162–163
window, single-handed shore sailing 164–165 sock, use of 257
dinghies 158 beacons 340 sidedecks 24–25 stowing 148
saloon 217 launch 104, 105, 171 spinnakers 162–163 trimming 154–155
hatch 211 sailing from and to 104–105 tacking 165 turtle (bag) 257
table 215 weather 104, 105, 106–107 towing 167 windward drop 151
SART (Search and Rescue short-handed tuning 183 splicing rope 224–225, 226–227
Radar Transponders) 223, 427 jibing 247 upwind sailing 164–165 sponge 31
satellite 371, 428–429 tacking 245 small keelboats, classes sportsboats, classes
imagery 382–383 shower facilities 217 Dragon 163 J80 163
positioning 334 shrouds 26, 180–181, 207 Etchells 22 163 Laser SB3 163
SB20 small keelboat class 163 adjusters 29 Flying Fifteen 65 Melges 24 163
scoop side benches 25 J80 163 Open 5.70 and Open 6.5 163
bailer 30 sidedecks Laser SB3 163 spray hood 211, 212–213
spreaders 26, 180–181, 206–207 strong winds ranges 59 trapezes 126
spring, warp 265 jibing 187 streams 323, 342–343, 346–347, harnesses 69, 139
spring and neap tides 59, 342–343, reducing sail power 183 349, 350 high-performance boats 138–139
344, 345, 346 tacking 186–187 tides 58–59, 346–347 jibing 144–145
square courses 190–191 stuffing box 415 berthing in 262–263, 266, 267 multiple 140–141
Squib small keelboat class 65 sunburn 23 boat speed and working the single-handed 141
stability 204–205 sunglasses 23 tides 347 tacking 142–143
leeway, and draught 201 surface temperature, sea 385 causes of 59 trim 139
stadium racing 18 Swedish fid 224 checking 85 use of 138–139
stainless-steel fittings 396–397 swinging the compass 328–329 coping with 103 traveler, mainsheet 72–73, 182,
stand-on vessel 294–295 switch panel 405 diurnal 342 212–213
standard port 344 Sydney–Hobart Race 204 flooding 58 trawling 54
Standard and Secondary Ports symbols, chart 323, 348 and gravitational pull 58 tri-radial sail 254–255
system 342 synoptic chart 370–371, 382 heights and chart datum 345 trim
standing rigging 206–207, 397 high and low, finding times of boat trim 81
Star small keelboat class 163
starboard 29
starboard tack 40–41
T 342–343
launching in 105
mixed 342
downwind sails 259
jib 80
mainsail 80, 230–231
rule 54 tacking and moon 58 maintaining balance and 80,
starting procedure, racing 191 advanced 145 sailing in 103 131
starting to cruise 196–197 aft-mainsheet boat 94 semidiurnal 342 sail trim 32–33, 89
steaming lights 306 and beam reach 92–93 spring and neap 59, 342–343, spinnakers 154–155
steel catamaran 173 344, 345, 346 telltales, using 82
decks 394–395 center-mainsheet boat 92–93 standard and secondary ports trapezes 139
hulls 391 changing course 39 system 342 tripping lines 287
steering close-hauled 92–93 tables 345 tropical revolving storms 378–379
compass 327 cruisers 244–245 tidiness 293 troposphere 374
failure 423 dinghies 92–93, 160 tiller 24 trots 278
under power 241 high-performance boats 142–143 bar 168–169 true
stem 25 roll tacking 143 and bearing away 36–37 north 320–321
stepping a stayed mast (dinghies) 71 short-handed 245 cruisers 212 wind 33, 124, 125
stern 24, 81 single-handed dinghies 160 extension 25 trysail 208, 251
berthing 274–275 small keelboats 165 toestraps 28 tuning
and combined sidelights 307 in strong winds 186–187 single-handed dinghies 158 cruisers 248
counter 200–201 with a trapeze 142–143 toilets 410–411 dinghies 178–179
flat transomed 200–201 upwind 92–93 tool hull 179
glands 415 tackles, and blocks 48–49 kit 418 small keelboats 183
line 229 simple whip 49 multipurpose 221 turning
scooped 200–201 tail (pull) 232–233 Topper dinghy class 65 with an anchor 268–269
spring 229 tanks topping lift 206–207, 234–235 and centerboard 80–81
stock anchor 283 buoyancy 25, 31 topsail 255 cruisers 249
stopping springs, rope 267 water 408–409 tornadoes 379 and daggerboard 80–81
storage lockers 211 teamwork 197, 289 towing 116, 167, 425 dinghies 80
storing dinghies 121 telex 383 traditional jib, effect of 82–83
storm telltales 82, 130 cruisers 199 mainsail, effect of 82–83
anchor 282–283 tender, use of 236–237 dinghies 64–65 in marinas 269
jib 208–209, 251 thermal clothing 219 traffic rudder, effect of 36, 80
sails 251 three strand (laid) rope 43 lanes 296–297 under power 241
storms three-point fix 356 separation schemes 296–297 with warps 228–229
thunderstorms 373, 374–375, through-hull fitting 392–393, 411 zones 363 turtle (spinnaker bag) 257
378–379 thunder clouds 378 trailer, road 52–53, 167 twist, sail 130
tornados 379 thunderstorms 373, 374–375, trailer hitch 167 two-masted boats 203
see also weather 378–379 trailer-sailers 199
stove 216–217
stowage 31, 215, 238
after sailing 120–121
thwart 25, 50
atlas 331, 346–347, 349
trailing warps 315
training run
jibing from 96
compartment 25 calculator, electronic 344 points of sailing 40–41 Ultra-high molecular weight
improving 402 curves 344 sailing downwind 102–103 polyethylene (UHMWPE)
oilskins 217 direction 103 trampoline 168, 170–171 fibers 42
sails 120–121, 234–235 gates 347 transducer 332 una rig 203
spinnaker 149 indicators 59 transferred position line 361 unintentional jibe, avoiding
streams, tidal 323, 342–343, information 342 transits, using 336–337 247
346–347, 349, 350 predictions 342 transom 24, 28, 30 unstayed masts 161
uphaul 146–147, 256–257, 258 barometric pressure 372, tornadoes 379 shore, catamaran launch 171
upholstery 401 382–383, 384–385 tropical revolving storms 378–379 wire running rigging 396–397
upwind sailing 40 causes of 368–369 troposphere 374 wiring 405
catamarans 174–175 cirrostratus clouds 372 warm fronts 373 wooden
course sailing 100–101 cirrus clouds 372 see also wind bung 332–333
small keelboats 164–165 clear skies 375 Weatherfax system 335, 383 decks 394–395
tacking 92–93 cloths 212–213 webbing strap 158 hulls 391
UV light 395 clouds 368–369, 372, 373, weighing anchor 286, 287 spars 397
374–375, 378–379, 385 weight and buoyancy 204–205 surfaces, cruiser interiors