Planning A Fundraiser: Us-En
Planning A Fundraiser: Us-En
Planning A Fundraiser: Us-En
Looking to raise money for your favorite organization or charity? Put the fun in fundraiser
with Scentsy! It’s a great way to help a person or group you’re passionate about, and goes
back to our core value of generosity.
Fundraising also benefits your business! Just one fundraiser a month can help you increase
Personal Retail Volume (PRV), meet your monthly activity requirement, earn promotions and
incentives, and gain new customers and contacts, all while giving back to your community.
Planning a fundraiser
• If you don’t already have an organization in mind, brainstorm causes you’re passionate about
and organizations in your community that may need some help. Consider school programs
(choir, band, sports), animal shelters or pet rescues, police associations, fire stations, food
banks, churches, family rescue shelters, etc.
• Identify the purpose of your fundraiser and what you want to accomplish.
• Keep it simple — especially if you’re new to fundraising — by focusing on a single Scentsy
product (like Scentsy Bars, Scent Paks or Buddy Clips) so it’s not overwhelming.
Start small. Begin with one school club before tackling the entire school.
Make sure your sellers get accurate and complete customer information, so you
can follow up with your new contacts!
A Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising
Always consult with a tax specialist, as you may still owe taxes on donations
made from your commissions!
A Beginner’s Guide to Fundraising
Promoting fundraisers
• If it’s a school fundraiser, email parents once a week with fundraiser information
and new fliers to generate attention to the fundraiser.
• Use poster boards in high-traffic areas. Always get permission first!
• Post messages on school message boards and hallway corkboards.
• Send emails and newsletters, and post to any social media accounts you use.
• Invite your personal customers to be involved and help a local cause they may be
interested in.
• Customize and use the Party Page to promote your organization.
Check out the tools and resources in the Training section of Scentsy Success
and the Consultant Store to help with fundraising efforts!
Packaging orders
• Label products with your contact information. Since a product could be a gift for someone, you
want that person to have your details so they can place future orders.
• Tuck a business card into each bag or bundle so the customer knows how to contact you with
questions or to order more product. Maybe add a thank you note that also has your contact
• Consider adding a catalog, Product List or Host/Join Brochure to the bag so customers can
purchase more products or research the Scentsy business opportunity.
Handling donations
• Get the donation to the organization as soon as the fundraiser is over. You want the
organization to remember you for future fundraisers and to put the donation to work, so don’t
make them wait!
• Draft a donation letter and include the amount raised for their cause and the date you delivered
the donation. If there’s a fundraising coordinator, they should sign off on the letter so there’s a
record that they received the correct amount.
• Give a gift to the organization to express your appreciation. A Scentsy Warmer and Bars,
homemade cookies or anything else that shows your thanks!
• Get a donation receipt for tax purposes. Maintain excellent records of expenses and donation
Make sure you follow up with your new contacts a week or two after you’ve
delivered their products!