The Order of Compline GIC Latin-English

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Latin English

Compiled and edited by Compiled and edited by

William Renwick William Renwick

The Gregorian Institute of Canada The Gregorian Institute of Canada

L’Institut Grégorien du Canada L’Institut Grégorien du Canada

T his booklet is intended to facilitate the recitation of Compline in

Latin and English. It follows the Western (Roman) rite in most
aspects. In order to provide a simple order, we have followed the
Antiphonale Monasticum in providing only a single set of psalms,
wheras the Antiphonale Romanum provides different psalms for each
day of the week.

The English text is based upon The Anglican Breviary, The Book of
Common Prayer, the Sarum Psalter, and The Monastic Diurnal Noted. It
may be used in reciting the office and as an aid to comprehending the
Latin original..

Newcomers to Gregorian chant will find it most instructive to sing

Compline frequently and to become completely familiar with its
structure and content before proceeding to the more variable forms of
Matins, Lauds, and Vespers.

Compline is normally recited standing throughout, except during

Lent and Passiontide, when the prayers, pp. 16-21, are said kneeling.

William Renwick,
Hamilton Ontario,
St. Matthew’s Day, MMV.

© 2005 by The Gregorian Institute of Canada.

Lector: Benedictio: Lector: Officiant:

Ju-be domne be-ne-di-ce-re. Noctem qui- e-tam et fi-nem per-fectum Pray, Sir, give me thy blessing. May the Lord Almighty grant us a

conce-dat no-bis Do-mi-nus omni-po-tens. R. Amen. night of qui- e-tude, and per-fection at the end of all our days. Amen.

Lectio brevis. I. Petri v. Short Lesson. I. Peter 5.

Fra-tres: Sobri- i esto-te, et vi-gi- la-te: qui a ad- versa- ri- us Brethren, be so-ber, be vi-gi- lant; be-cause your adversa-ry, the de-vil, as

vester di- a-bo-lus, tamquam le- o ru-gi- ens, cir-cu- it, quaerens a roar-ing li- on, walk-eth a-bout, seeking whom he may de vour; whom

quem de-vo-ret: cu- i re-sis-ti- te for-tes in-fi-de. Tu autem Do-mi-ne re-sist stedfast in the faith. But thou, O Lord, have mercy up-on us.

R. Thanks be to God. R. Thanks be to God.

V. Ad-ju-to- ri- um nos trum in no-mi-ne Do-mi ni. V. Ourhelp is in the name of the Lord.

R. Qui fe-cit caelum et ter-ram. R. Who hath made heaven and earth.

Dicitur totum secreto. Pater noster qui es in caelis: sanctificetur nomen Recite in silence. Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy
tuum : adveniat regnum tuum : fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in Name. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
terra. Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie: et dimitte nobis day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, As we forgive
debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris: et ne nos them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, But
inducas in tentationem: sed libera nos a malo. Amen. deliver us from evil.

2 3
All bow profoundly and say together. All bow profoundly and say together.

C onfiteor Deo omnipotenti, beatae Mariae semper Virgini, beato

Michaeli Archangelo, beato Joanni Baptistae, sanctis Apostolis
Petro et Paulo, et omnibus Sanctis, quia peccavi nimis, cogitatione,
I confess to Almighty God, to Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin, to
blessed Michael the Archangel, to blessed John Baptist, to the
holy Apostles Peter and Paul and to all the Saints, that I have sinned
verbo et opere: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Ideo exceedingly in thought, word, and deed, (striking the breast thrice)
precor beatam Mariam semper Virginem, beatum Michaelem through my fault, through my own fault, through my most grievous
Archangelum, beatum Joannem Baptistam, sanctos Apostolos fault. Therefore I beg Blessed Mary Ever-Virgin, blessed Michael the
Petrum et Paulum, et omnes Sanctos, orare pro me ad Dominum Archangel, blessed John Baptist, the holy Apostles Peter and Paul
Deum nostrum. and all the Saints, to pray to the Lord our God for me.

M isereatur tui omnipotens Deus, et dimissis peccatis nostris,

perducat nos ad vitam aeternum. Amen. A lmighty God have mercy upon us, forgive us our sins, and bring
us to everlasting life. Amen.

All rise and say together. All rise and say together.

ndulgentiam, absolutionem, et remissionem peccatorum
nostrorum tribuat nobis omnipotens et misericors Dominus. T he Almighty and merciful Lord grant us pardon, + absolution,
and remission of our sins. Amen.

V. Con-ver te nos De- us sa- lu-ta- ris noster. V. Turnus then, O God our Saviour.

R. Et a-ver-te i- ram tu- am a no-bis. R. And let thine anger cease from us.

D E- us in adju-to- ri- um me- um intende. Do-mi-ne O God, make speed to save me. O Lord, make haste to

ad adju-vandum me fes-ti-na. Glo-ri- a Pat-ri et Fi- i o help me. Glo-ry be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Ho-ly Ghost.

et Spi- ri-tu- i Sancto. Si-cut e-rat in princi-pi- o et nunc et semper As it was in the be-ginning, is now, and e-ver shall be, world

et insaecu- la saecu-lo-rum. Amen. Al-lu lu-ia. withoutend. Amen. Al le-lu-ia.

A Septuagesima usque ad Pascha, loco Alleluia dicitur: From Septuagesima to Easter, instead of alleluia is sung:

Laus ti-bi do-mi-ne, rex aeterne glo- ri- ae. To thee, O Lord, be glo-ry, King of endless ma-jesty.

4 5
Per annum. During the year.
Ant. Ant.

I-se- re-re. e u o u a e H AVEmercy.
In Eastertide.
e u o u a e
Ant. Ant.

A L-le-lu-ia. e u o u a e A L-le-lu-ia. e u o u a e

Psalmus 4 Psalm 4

C um invocarem exaudivit me Deus justitiae meae: * in

tribulatione dilatasti mihi.
2. Miserere mei: * et exaudi orationem meam.
H ear me when I call, O God of my righteousness: * thou hast set
me at liberty when I was in trouble; have mercy upon me, and
hearken unto my prayer.
3. Filii hominum, usquequo gravi corde? * ut quid diligitis 2. O ye sons of men, how long will ye blaspheme mine honour, *
vanitatem et quaeritis mendacium? and have such pleasure in vanity, and seek after leasing?
4. Et scitote quoniam mirificavit Dominus sanctum suum: * 3. Know this also, that the Lord hath chosen to himself the man
Dominus exaudit me cum clamavero ad eum. that is godly; * when I call upon the Lord he will hear me.
5. Irascimini, et nolite peccare: + quae dicitis in cordibus vestris, * 4. Stand in awe, and sin not; * commune with your own heart, and
super cubilibus vestris compungimini in your chamber, and be still.
6. Sacrificate sacrificium iustitiae, + et sperate in Domino. * Multi 5. Offer the sacrifice of righteousness, * and put your trust in the
dicunt: Quis ostendit nobis bona? Lord.
7. Signatum est super nos lumen vultus tui Domine: * dedisti 6. There be many that say, * Who will shew us any good?
laetitiam in corde meo. 7. Lord, lift thou up * the light of thy countenance upon us.
8. A fructu frumenti, vini et olei sui, * multiplicati sunt . 8. Thou hast put gladness in my heart; * since the time that their
9. In pace in idipsum * dormiam et requiescam. corn and wine and oil increase.
10. Quoniam tu Domine singulariter in spe * constituisti me. 9. I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest; * for it is thou,
11. Gloria Patri et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto. Lord, only, that makest me dwell in safety.
12. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula 10. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
saeculorum. Amen. 11. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be: * world
without end. Amen.

Psalmus 90 Psalm 91

Q ui habitat in adjutorium Altissimi, * in protectione Dei caeli

2. Dicet Domino: Susceptor meus es tu et refugium meum: * Deus
W hoso dwelleth under the defence of the Most High, * shall
abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
2. I will say unto the LORD, Thou art my hope, and my
meus, sperabo in eum. stronghold; * my God, in him will I trust.
3. Quoniam ipse liberavit me de laqueo venantium, * et a verbo 3. For he shall deliver thee from the snare of the hunter, * and from
aspero. the noisome pestilence.
4. Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi: * et sub pennis ejus sperabis. 4. He shall defend thee under his wings, and thou shalt be safe
under his feathers; * his faithfulness and truth shall be thy shield and

6 7
5. Scuto circumdabit te veritas ejus: * non timebis a timore 5. Thou shalt not be afraid for any terror by night, * nor for the
nocturno. arrow that flieth by day;
6. A sagitta volante in die, a negotio perambulante in tenebris: * ab 6. For the pestilence that walketh in darkness, * nor for the
incursu, et daemonio meridiano. sickness that destroyeth in the noon-day.
7. Cadent a latere tuo mille, + et decem millia a dextris tuis: * ad te 7. A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right
autem non appropinquabit. hand; * but it shall not come nigh thee.
8. Verumtamen oculis tuis considerabis: * et retributionem 8. Yea, with thine eyes shalt thou behold, * and see the reward of
peccatorum videbis. the ungodly.
9. Quoniam tu es Domine spes mea: * Altissimum posuisti refugium 9. For thou, Lord, art my hope; * thou hast set thine house of
tuum. defence very high.
10. Non accedet ad te malum: * et flagellum non appropinquabit 10. There shall no evil happen unto thee, * neither shall any plague
tabernaculo tuo. come nigh thy dwelling.
11. Quoniam Angelis suis mandabit de te: * ut custodiant te in 11. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, * to keep
omnibus viis tuis. thee in all thy ways.
12. In manibus portabunt te: * ne forte offendas ad lapidem pedem 12. They shall bear thee in their hands, * that thou hurt not thy foot
tuum. against a stone.
13. Super aspidem et basiliscum ambulabis: * et conculcabis leonem 13. Thou shalt go upon the lion and adder: * the young lion and
et draconem. the dragon shalt thou tread under thy feet.
14. Quoniam in me speravit, liberabo eum: * protegam eum, 14. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver
quoniam cognovit nomen meum. him; * I will set him up, because he hath known my Name.
15. Clamabit ad me, et ego exaudiam eum: + cum ipso sum in 15. He shall call upon me, and I will hear him; * yea, I am with
tribulatione: * eripiam eum et glorificabo eum. him in trouble; I will deliver him, and bring him to honour.
16. Longitudine dierum replebo eum: * et ostendam illi salutare 16. With long life will I satisfy him, * and show him my salvation.
meum. 17. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
17. Gloria Patri et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto. 18. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be: * world
18. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula without end. Amen.
saeculorum. Amen.

Psalm 134

Psalmus 133
cce nunc benedicite Dominum, * omnes servi Domini.
2. Qui statis in domo Domini, * in atriis domus Dei nostri.
B ehold now, praise the Lord, * all ye servants of the Lord;
2. Ye that by night stand in the house of the Lord, * even in
the courts of the house of our God.
3. In noctibus extollite manus vestras in sancta, * et benedicite 3. Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, * and praise the Lord.
Dominum. 4. The Lord that made heaven and earth * give thee blessing out of
4. Benedicat te Dominus ex Sion, * qui fecit caelum et terram. Syon.
5. Gloria Patri et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto. 5. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
6. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula 6. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be: * world
saeculorum. Amen. without end. Amen.

8 9
Per annum. During the year.
Ant. Ant.

M I-se- re-re mi-hi Do-mi-ne, et ex audi o-ra- ti- o-nem H AVEmercy up-on me, O Lord, and hearken unto my pra- yer.

me- am.
T. P. In Eastertide.

A L-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia, al-le-lu-ia. A L-le-lu- ya, al-le-lu- ya, al-le-lu- ya.

Hymnus. Hymn.

T E lu-cis ante termi-num, Re-rum Cre- a-tor posci-mus, Ut pro B E-forthe ending of the day, Cre- a-tor of the world, we pray

tu- a cle-menti- a, Sis praesul ad custo-di- a. 2. Pro-cul re-ce-dant That with thy wonted fa-vour thou Wouldst be our guard and keeper now.

somni- a, Et noc-ti- um phantasma-ta: Hostemque nostrumcompri-me, 2. Fromall ill dreams de-fend our eyes, Fromnightly fears and fanta-sies;

Ne pol-lu- antur corpo-ra. 3. Praesta Pa-ter pi- is-si-me, Pa-trique Tread under foot our ghost ly foe, That no pol-lu-tion we may know.

compar U-ni-ce, Cum Spi- ri-tu Pa-ra-cli-to, Regnans per omne 3. O Father, that we askbe done, Through Je-sus Christ, thine only Son;

saecu-lum. A- men. Who, with the Ho-ly Ghost and thee, Doth live and reign e ternal-ly.

A- men.

10 11
Lectio brevis. Hier. 14.9. The Little Chapter. Jer. 14.9.

Tu- autem in no-bis es, Do-mi-ne, et nomen sanctum tu- um invo-ca- Thou, O Lord, art in the midst of us, and we are call-ed by thy Name.

tum est su-per nos: ne de-re- linquas nos, Do-mi-ne De- us nos ter. leave us not, O Lord our God. Thanks be to God.

De- o gra- ti- as.

During the year, short responsory.
Per Annum, Responsorium breve.

I N ma-nus tu- as Do-mi-ne, commendo spi- ri- tum

I N-to thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spi- rit. ij.

V. For thou hast re-deemed us, O Lord, thou God of truth.

me- um. ij. V. Re-de-mis-ti nos Do-mi-ne, De- us ve- ri ta- tis.

I commend my spi- rit. V. Glo-ry be to the Father, and to the Son,

commendo spi- ri- tum me- um. V. Glo-ri- a Pa-tri, et Fi- li- o,

and to the Ho-ly Ghost. Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend

et Spi- ri-tu- i Sancto. In ma-nus tu- as Do-mi-ne, commendo

my spi- rit.
spi- ri- tum me- um.

V. Keep me, O Lord, as the apple of an eye.

V. Cus-to di nos Do-mi-ne ut pu-pil-lam o-cu- li.

R. Hide us under the sha dow of thy wings.

R. Sub umbra a- la-rum tu- a-rum pro-te-ge nos.

12 13
Canticum Simeonis. Luc. 2. Canticle of Simeon. Luke 2.
Ant. Ant.

S AL- va-nos. Ps. Nunc. P RE-serve us. Ps. Nunc.

N unc dimittis servum tuum Domine, * secundum verbum tuum in

2. Quia viderunt oculi mei * salutare tuum:
L ord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace * according to thy
2. For mine eyes have seen * thy salvation,
3. Quod parasti * ante faciem omnium populorum : 3. Which thou hast prepared * before the face of all people;
4. Lumen ad revelationem gentium, * et gloriam plebis tuae Israel. 4. To be a light to lighten the gentiles, * and to be the glory of thy
5. Gloria Patri et Filio, * et Spiritui Sancto. people Israel.
6. Sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper, * et in saecula 5. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, * and to the Holy Ghost.
saeculorum. Amen. 6. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be: * world
without end. Amen.

Ant. Ant.

S AL- va-nos, Do-mi-ne, vi-gi- lantes, cus to-di nos dor- P RE-serve us, O Lord while wa-king, and guard us while

mi- entes: ut vi-gi- lemus cum Chris-to, et requi- es ca-mus sleeping: that a-wake we may watch with Christ, and a-sleepwe may

in pa-ce. T.P. Al-le- lu-ia. rest in peace. T.P. Al-le- lu- ya.

14 15
Preces. Prayers.

K Y- ri e e- le- i-son. R. Chris-te e- le- i-son. Ky- ri e L ORD, have mercy up-on us. R. Christ have mercy upon us.

e- le- i-son. V. Pa-ter noster. secreto usque ad Lord have mercy up-on us. V. OurFather. silently until

qui es in caelis: sanctificetur nomen tuum : adveniat regnum tuum : who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy Name. Thy will be done, On
fiat voluntas tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive
quotidianum da nobis hodie: et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et us our trespasses, As we forgive them that trespass against us.
nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris:

And lead us not into-tempta-tion. R. But de- li-ver-us from e-vil.

Et ne nos indu-cas in tenta- ti- o-nem R. Sed li-be-ra nos a ma-lo.

V. I be-lieve in God. silently until

V. Cre-do inDe- um. secreto usque ad
the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth: And in Jesus Christ
Patrem omnipotentem, creatorum caeli et terrae. Et in Jesum his only Son our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, Born
Christum, Filium ejus unicum, Dominum nostrum: qui conceptus est of the Virgin Mary: Suffered under Pontius Pilate, Was crucified,
de Spiritu Sancto, natus ex Maria Virgine: passus sub Pontio Pilato, dead, and buried : He descended into hell : The third day he rose
crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus: descendit ad inferos: tertia die again from the dead : He ascended into heaven, And sitteth on the
resurrexit a mortuis: ascendit ad caelos, sedet ad dexteram Dei Patris right hand of God the Father Almighty : From thence he shall come
omnipotentis: inde venturus est judicare vivos et mortuos. Credo in to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost : The
Spiritum Sanctum, sanctam Ecclesiam catholicam, Sanctorum holy Catholic Church ; The Communion of Saints : The Forgiveness
communionem, remissionem peccatorum, of sins :

The re-surrection of the bo-dy. R. And the life e-ver-last-ing. Amen.

Carnis re-sur-rec-ti- o-nem R. Vi-tam aeternam. Amen.

V. Blessed art thou, O Lord God of our fathers. V. And to be

V. Be-ne-dic-tus es Do-mi-ne De- us pa-trum nos tro-rum. V. Et lauda-

prais-ed and ex-al-ted a-bove all for ev-er.

bi- lis et glo- ri- o-sus in saecu- la.

16 17
V. Be-ne-di-camus Pa-trem et Fi- li- um cumSancto Spi- ri-tu. V. Let us bless the Father, and the Son, and the Ho-ly Ghost.

R. Laudemus et su-per-ex-al-temus e- um in saecu la. R. Let us praise and magni-fy him for ev-er.

V. Be-ne-dic-tus es Do-mi-ne in firma-mento caeli. R. Et lauda-bi- lis V. Blessed art thou, O Lord, in the firma-ment of heaven. R. And to be

et glo- ri- o-sus et su-per-ex-al-ta-tus in saecu la. prais-ed and ex-al-ted a-bove all for ev er.

V. Benne-di-cat et custo-di- at nos omni-po- tens et mi-se- ri-cors V. TheLord Almighty and mer-ci-ful vouch safe to bless and pre-serve us.

Do-mi-nus. R. A- men. R. A- men.

V. Digna-re Do-mi-ne nocte is-ta. R. Si-ne pecca-to nos custo-di re. V. Vouchsafe O Lord this night. R. To keep us without sin.

V. Mi-se-re-re nostri Do-mi-ne. R. Mi-se-re re nostri. V. O Lord, have mercy up-on us. R. Have mercy up-on us.

V. Fi- at mi-se- ri-cordi- a tu- a Do-mi-ne su-per nos.R. Quem-admo-dum V. O Lord, let thymercy lighten up-on us. R. As our trust is in thee.

spe- ra-vi-mus in te.

V. Do-mi-nus ex-audi o-ra- ti- o-nem me- am. R. Et clamor me- us V. Lord, hear my pray-er. R. And let my cry come unto thee.

ad te ve-ni- at.

V. TheLord be with you. R. And with thy spi- rit.

V. Do-mi-nus vo-biscum. R. Etcum spi- ri-tu tu- o.
18 19
V. O-remus. V. Let us pray.

V I- si- ta, quaesumus Do-mi-ne, ha-bi- ta- ti- o-nem is-tam, V IS-it, we be-seech thee, O Lord, this ha-bi- ta-tion, and drive

et omnes insi-di- as i-ni-mi-ci ab e- a longe re-pel-le: Ange- li far fromit all snares of the e-nemy: let thy ho- ly Angels dwell here in,

tu- i sancti ha-bi- tent in e- a, qui nos in pa-ce cus to-di- ant; et to pre-serve us in peace; and let thy blessing be always up-on us.

be-ne-dic-ti- o tu- a sit su-per nos semper. Per Do-mi-num nostrum Through Je-sus Christ, thy Son our Lord. Who liv-eth and reigneth with

Je-sum Chris-tum Fi- li- um tu- um: qui te-cum vi-vit et regnat in thee, in the u-ni-ty of the Ho ly Ghost, ev-er one God, world without

u-ni- ta-te Spi- ri-tus Sancti De- us, per omni- a saecu- la saecu- end. Amen.

lo-rum. A- men.

V. Do-mi-nus vo-biscum. R. Etcum spi- ri-tu tu- o. V. TheLord be with you. R. And with thy spi- rit.
vel Dominus exaudi etc. or Lord Hear my prayer etc.

V. Be-ne-di-camus Do-mi-no. R. De- o gra ti- as. V. Let us bless the Lord. R. Thanks be to God.

V. Benedicat et custodiat nos omnipotens et misericors Dominus, V. May the Lord Almighty and merciful, the Father, + the Son, and
Pater, + et Filius, et Spiritus Sanctus. R. Amen. the Holy Ghost, vouchsafe to bless and keep us. R. Amen.

20 21
A Vesperis Sabbati ante Domnica I.Adventus usque ad secundas Vesperas From Vespers of the Saturday before the I Sunday in Advent through II
Purificationis inclusive. Vespers of the Purification or if this feast be transferred, through Vespers on
Feb. 2.
Ant. Ant.

A L- ma Re-dempto- ris Ma- ter quae pervi- a G ra- cious Mother of our Re-deem-er, for e-ver a-

cae-li por- ta ma- nes, Et stel- la ma- ris, su-cur-re ca-den- ti bi-ding Hea-vens gate- way, and star of o- cean, O succour

surge-re qui ca- rat po-pu-lo: Tu quae ge-nu- is- ti, na-tu- ra the peo- ple, Who, though fall-ing strive to rise a-gain. Thou Maiden

mi-ran- te, tu- um sanctum Ge- ni- to-rem: Vir- go pri- us ac who bar- est thy ho- ly Cre- a- tor, to the wonder of all na-ture;

poste- ri- us, Gabri- e- lis ab o- re sumens il-lud A-ve, pecca-to-rum E- ver Vir- gin, af-ter, as be-fore thou re-ceiv-edst that A-ve

mi-se- re-re.
Ant. From the mouth of Gabri- el; have compassion on us sinners.

A L- ma Re-dempto- ris Ma-ter, quae pervi- a cae-li por-ta

G RA- cious Mother of our Re-deemer, for ev-er a-bi-ding

ma-nes, Et stel-la ma-ris, succur-re ca-denti, surge-re qui cu-rat

Heavens gateway, and star of o-cean, O succour the people, Who though

po-pu-lo: Tu quae ge-nu- is-ti, na-tu- ra mi-rante, tu- um sanc tum

fal-ling, strive to rise a-gain. Thou maiden who bar-est thy ho-ly

22 23
Ge-ni- to-rem: Virgo pri- us ac poste- ri- us, Gabri- e- lis ab o-re Cre- a-tor, to the wonder of all na-ture; Ev-er Vir-gin, af-ter, as be-fore

thou re-ceivedst that A-ve From the mouth of Gabri- el; have com-
sumens il-lud A-ve, pecca-to-rum mi se- re- re.

passion on us sin-ners.

V. Ange- lus Do-mi-ni nunti- a-vit Ma- ri ae.

V. The Angel of the Lord announced unto Ma-ry.

R. Et conce-pit de Spi- ri-tu Sancto.

R. And she conceived by the Ho-ly Ghost.

O-remus. Gra-ti- am tu- am, quaesumus Do-mi-ne, menti-bus nos tris

Let us pray. We be-seech thee, O Lord, pour thy grace into our hearts:

infunde: ut qui, Ange- lo nunti- ante, Chris-ti Fi- li- i tu- i incar-
that as we have known the incarna-tion of thy Son Je-sus Christ by

na- ti- o-nem cogno-vi-mus, per pas-sio-nem e-jus et cru-cem ad

the message of an Angel; so by his Cross and passion we may be

re-sur-rec-ti- o-nis glo- ri- am perdu camur. Per e- umdem Chris-tum

brought unto the glo-ry of his re-sur-rection. Through the-same Je-sus

Do-mi-num nostrum. R. Amen.

Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

V. Post par-tum Vir-go invi- o-la-ta permansis-ti.

V. Af-ter childbear-ing, O Vir-gin, thou didst re-main invi- o- late.

24 25
R. De- i Ge- ni-trix interce-de pro no- bis. R. Intercede for us, O Mother of God.

O-remus. De- us, qui sa- lu- tis aeternae, be- a-tae Ma- ri- ae vir- Let us pray. O God, who by the childrear-ing of a pure Vir-gin hast

gi-ni- ta-te foecunda, huma-no ge-ne- ri praemi- a praesti tis-ti: bestowed up-on all mankind the re-wards of ev-er-last-ing life:

tri-bu- e, quaesumus; ut ipsam pro no-bis interce-de-re senti- amus, grant, we be-seech thee; that we may know the suc-cour her intercession,

per quam me-ru- i-mus aucto-remvi- tae sus ci-pe-re, Do-mi-num nostrum through whom we have been found worthy to re-ceive the Author of life,

Je-sum Chris-tum Fi li- um tu- um. R. Amen. e-ven Je-sus Christ thy um tu-Son our Lord. A- men.

Post Purificationem, id est, a Completorio diei 2. Februarii, etiam quando After the Purification, that is, from Compline of Feb. 2nd, whether the Feast of
transferatur Festum Purificationis B. V. M., usque ad Completorium Feriae the Purification be transfeered or not, through Compline of Wednesday of
IV. Majoris Hebdomadae inclusive. Holy Week

Ant. Ant.

A - ve Re-gi-na cae- lo- rum, A- ve Do-mi-na Ange- Q UEEN ofthe heavens, we hailthee, Hail thee, La-dy of allthe

lo- rum: Sal- ve ra- dix, salve por-ta, Exqua mun- do lux est or- ta: An-gels: Thou the dawn, the door of morn-ing Whence the worlds

Gaude Vir-go glo- ri- o- sa, Su-per om- nes spe-ci- o- sa: Va- de, true Light is ri- sen: Joy to thee, O vir-gin glo-rious, Beauti-ful

be- yond all o- ther; Hail, and farewell, O most gracious,

O val-de de-co-ra, Et pro no- bis Chri- stum ex-o- ra.

26 27
Inter cede for us al- way to Je- sus.
Ant. Ant.

A - ve Re-gi-na caelo-rum, * A-ve Do-mi-na Ange- lo-rum: Q ueen of the heavens, we hail thee, * Hail thee, La-dy of all

Salve ra-dix, salve por-ta, Ex qua mundo lux est or-ta. Gaude Virgo the Angels; Thou the dawn, the door of morning Whence the world's

glo- ri- o-sa, Su-per omnes spe-ci- o-sa: Va-le, O valde de-co- ra, true light is ri-sen: Joy to thee, O Vir-gin glo-rious, Beauti-ful be- yond

Et pro-no- bis Chri-stum ex-o- ra. all other; Hail, and farewell, O most gra-cious, Intercede for us

alway to Je- sus.

V. Dig-na-re me lauda-re te Virgo sacra-ta. V. Vouch-safe that I may praise O ho-ly Vir-gin.

R. Da mi-hi vir-tu-tem contra hostes tu- os. R. Give me strength gainst e-nemies.

O-remus. Conce-de, mi-se- ri-cors De- us, fra-gi- li-ta- ti nostrae Let us pray. We be-seech thee, O Lord, mer-ci-ful-ly to assist our

praesi-di- um: ut qui sanctae De- i Ge-ni-tri-cis memo-ri- am a-gi-mus, in-firmi-ty: that lie as we do now commemo-rate blessed Ma-ry

intercessi- o-nis e-jus auxi- li- o a nostris i-niqui- ta- ti-bus E-verVir-gin, Mother of God; so by the help of her intercession we may

28 29
re-surgamus. Per e- umdem Chri-stum Do-mi-num nostrum. Amen. die to our former sins and rise a-gain to newness of life. Through

the same Christ our Lord. A- men.

From Compline of Holy Saturday through None of the Saturday within

A Completorio Sabatti Sancti usque ad Nonam Sabbati infra Octavam
the Octave of Pentecost:
Pentecostes inclusive.

R E- gi-na cae-li * laeta- re, al-le- lu-ia: Qui- a

O Queenofheaven * be joy- ful,al-le- lu-ia:Be-cause

he whom so meetly thou bar- est, al-le- lu- a:

quem me- ru- is-ti por- ta- re, al-le- lu- a:

Hath a- ri- sen, as he prom-ised, al-le- lu-ia: Pray for us to the

Re-sur-re- xit,si-cut di- xit, al-le- lu-ia: O- ra pro no- bis De- um,

Fa-ther, al-le- lu- ia.

al-le- lu- ia. Ant.

R E-gi-na cae-li * laeta-re, al-le-lu-ia: Qui- a quem me-ru

O Queen of heaven, * be joyful,al-le-lu-ia:Be-cause he whomso

meetly thoubar-est, al-le-lu-ia: Hatha- ri-sen, as he pro-mised, al le-lu-ia:

is-ti por-ta-re, al-le-lu-ia: Re-sur-re-xit,si-cut di- xit, al-le-lu-ia:

Pray for us to the Father, al-le-lu- ia.

O-ra pro-no-bis De- um, al-le-lu- ia.

30 31
V. Gaud-de et laeta-re Vir-go Ma- ri- a, al-le-lu-ia. V. Re-joice and be exceeding glad, O Vir-gin Ma-ry, al-le-lu ia.

R. Qui- a sur-rex-it Do-mi-nus ve-re, al-le-lu-ia. R. Forthe Lord is ris-en indeed, al-le-lu-ia.

O-remus. De- us, qui per re-sur-rec-ti- o-nem Fi- li- i tu- i Let us pray. O God, who by the re-sur-rection of thy Son our Lord

Do-mi-ni nostri Je-su Chris-ti mundum lae-ti- fi-ca- re digna- tus es: Je-sus Christ hast gi-ven joy unto the world: grant, we be-seech thee;

praesta, quaesumus; ut per e-jus Ge-ni-tri-cem Vir-gi-nem Ma- ri- am that through his Mother, the Vir-gin Ma-ry, we may obtain the joys of

perpe-tu- ae ca-pi- amus gaudi- a vi- tae. Per e- umdem Chris-tum Ev-er-las-tinglife. Through the same Christ our Lord. A- men.

Do-mi-num nostrum. A- men.

32 33
A primis Vesperis Festi Ss. Trinitatis usque ad Nonam Sabbati ante From I Vespers of the Feast of the Most Holy Trinity through None of the
Adventum inclusive: Saturday before the I Sunday of Advent:

Ant. Ant.

S AL- ve * Re- gi- na, ma-ter mi- se- ri-cordi- ae: M A- ry, * we hail thee, mother and Queen compassion- ate;

Vi- ta, dul-ce- do, et spes nostra, sal- ve. Ad te cla-ma- mus Ma- ry, our com- fort, life,and hope,we hail thee. To thee we ex iles,

ex-u-les, fi- li- i He- vea. Ad te sus pi- ra- mus, ge-mentes et children of Eve, lift our cry- ing. To thee we are sigh- ing, as

flen- tes in hac lac-ri-ma- rum val-le. E- ia ergo Advo-ca- ta mournful and weep- ing, we pass through this vale of sor-row. Turn

nostra, il-los tu- os mi-se- ri-cor-des o-cu-los ad nos conver- te. thou, therefore, O our in- tercessor, those thine eyes of pi-ty and

Et Je- sumbe-ne-di- ctum fructum ventris tu- i, no- bis post hoc lov- ing kindness up-on us sin-ners. Hereaf-ter, when our earthly

exsi- li- um so- tende. O cle- mens: O pi- a: O ex-ile shall be ended, Show us Je- sus, the blessed fruit of thy womb.

dul-cis Virgo Ma- ri- a. O gen-tle, O tender, O gra-cious Vir-gin Ma- ry.

34 35
Ant. Ant.

S AL- ve, Re-gi-na, * ma-ter mi-se- ri-cordi- ae: Vi-ta, dulce- M A-ry,wehailthee,* motherandQueencompassio-nate;Ma-ry,ourcom-

do, et spes nostra, sal-ve. Ad te cla-mamus, exsu- les, fi- li- i He-vae. fort,life,andhope,wehailthee.Totheewe ex-iles,childrenofEve,liftourcry- ing.

Ad te sus pi- ramus, ge-mentes et flentes in hac lac-ri-ma-rum val-le. Totheewe aresighing,asmournfulandweeping,wepassthroughthisvaleofsor-row.

E-ia ergo, Advo-ca-ta nostra, il-los tu- os mi-se- ri-cordes o-cu-los Turnthou,therefore,Oourintercessor,thosethineeyesofpi-ty andlov-ingkindness

ad nos conver-te. Et Je-sum, be-ne-dic-tum fructum ventris tu- i, up-on us sin-ners. Hereaf-ter, when our earthly ex-ile shall be ended,

no-bis post hoc exsi- li- um ostende. O cle- mens: O pi- a: shew us Je-sus, the blessed fruit of thy womb. O gen-tle, O tender,

O dul-cis Virgo Ma- ri- a. O gracious Vir-gin Ma- ry.

V. O-ra pro no-bis sancta De- i Ge-ni-trix. V. Prayfor us, O holy Mother of God.

R. Ut digni ef-fi-ci- amur pro-mis-si- o-ni-bus Chris-ti. R. That we may be made worthy of the pro-mis-es of Christ.

36 37
O-remus. Omni-po-tens sempi- terne De- us, qui glo- ri- o-sae Let us pray. Almighty, ev-er-las-ting God, who by the co- o-pe-

Vir-gi-nis Mat-ris Ma- ri- ae corpus et a-ni-mam, ut dignum ra-tion of the Ho-ly Ghost didst pre-pare the bo-dy and soulof

Fi- li- i tu- i ha-bi- ta-cu-lum ef-fi-ci me-re-re-tur, Spi- ri-tu Sancto the glo- ri- ous Vir-ginMother Ma-ry to be-come a dwel-ling place meet

co- o-pe-rante praepa-ras-ti: da, ut cu-jus commemo-ra- ti- o-ne for thy Son: grant that as we re-joice in her commemo-ra-tion; so by

laetemur, e-jus pi-a-intercessi- o-ne ab instanti-bus ma- lis et a her fervent intercession we may be de- li-ve-red from pres-ent e-vils

mor-te perpe-tu- a li-be-remur. Per e- umdemChris-tum Do-mi-num and from ev-er-last-ing death. Through the same Christ our Lord.

nostrum. A- men. A- men.

V. Divinum + auxiliam maneat semper nobiscum. R. Amen. V. May the divine + assistance remain always with us. R. Amen.

38 39

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