Lecture 9 - Oral Mucosa
Lecture 9 - Oral Mucosa
Lecture 9 - Oral Mucosa
Generaf Qvorar1geme\1t-
1""e~e r,dges
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• net'?- kcrai-u,
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- s+Y'att.(W) 9erWJ"1Q~IVI.lm
- s.+ratc-<tl'l Splnosum
S~Q-\IAw) corneum
- or-thokcC"4i,,.,
(no n&.\c..le.~
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·NOrl- k<.rai'rlt3ecl. epl~c.lfC.4m
- S tra+um gerW11nai, vum
- S-H-otUt7? (t')terlTJed u.(m .
- slv-a-htW'l su..pu-+,c,a\e
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~f,. 1~-kr~~JICAW) Q~d. s~. supe..t'fJ(,'Qle
Clr~ "ot c1eq('L~ el,S""
Vl9U' sl1ed. II arut.
sur-face cells at"e tt,t U - bocl.e..ci
Ih~e. IS
Vlo area. of w,ou.+h whctre.. o,.,l~ Ollle
"',~ m '-\c..oSCl. 1$ foc.c.V"J ~
Not'l.~ ke.rQ.t.noc~fes
Th c.~e Qr-~ c.e.lls "O~ ,~h c..rcnt +0 oral ..,.
c.rcUh'JV4114te. pQ.p,Ul"4e..
f()ra.,.,~'" CCAecum
tlVJtjC4QI itJ~stlltlr {t SSf.Ae.. with
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