The Sealing of Our Alliance With God The Sealing of Our Alliance With God

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

6 June 2021 Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ Year B

The Sealing of Our Alliance with God
he Eucharist is a constant reminder that it was with his sacrifice
on the Cross that Jesus sealed the alliance between the Father
and the whole of humankind. Every time we celebrate the Eu-
charist, we renew this alliance with God as members of His new Chosen
People, the Church.
This should be a sufficient reason why we cannot be detached or
distracted onlookers while the Eucharist is being celebrated. We are
among the “contracting parties” and the beneficiaries of the Covenant.
Our wholehearted active participation in the celebration manifests our
determination to keep the terms of the Covenant by loving God and
our neighbor as Jesus taught us and did.
As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ,
may we be able to express our ardent love for the Eucharist not only
today but throughout our lives.

have been to the commitments Gloria

that such a Covenant entails.
(Pause) All – Glory to God in the high-
P –Lord Jesus, you are the Me- est, and on earth peace to people
Entrance Antiphon diator who has enabled us of good will. We praise you,
(To be recited only when no to enter into an alliance of we bless you, we adore you, we
Entrance Hymn is sung.) love with God the Father. glorify you, we give you thanks
He fed them with the finest Lord, have mercy! for your great glory, Lord God,
wheat and satisfied them with All – Lord, have mercy! heavenly King, O God, almighty
honey from the rock. P –Lord Jesus, you are the Father.
Victim in whose blood we Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Greeting ratify our Covenant with Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb
P –Praise and honor to Jesus God. Christ, have mercy! of God, Son of the Father, you
Christ, the Mediator of the New All – Christ, have mercy! take away the sins of the world,
Covenant. May his grace and P –Lord Jesus, you are the have mercy on us; you take away
peace be with you all! source of the grace we need the sins of the world, receive our
All – And with your spirit! to be faithful to the Cov- prayer; you are seated at the
enant. Lord, have mercy! right hand of the Father, have
Penitential Act All – Lord, have mercy! mercy on us. For you alone are
P –Every Eucharistic sacrifice P –May almighty God have the Holy One, you alone are the
is a renewal of the saving Cov- mercy on us, forgive us our Lord, you alone are the Most
enant that binds us with God. sins, and bring us to everlasting High, Jesus Christ, with the
Let us pause for a while and life. Holy Spirit, in the glory of God
ask ourselves how faithful we All – Amen! the Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) R –I will take the cup of salva- consciences from dead works
P –O God, who in this won- tion, and call on the name to worship the living God!
derful Sacrament have left us a of the Lord! For this reason he is me-
memorial of your Passion, grant R. M. Velez diator of a new covenant: since
us, we pray, so to revere the sa- a death has taken place for de-
Dm Bb
     
cred mysteries of your Body and liverance from transgressions
Blood that we may always expe-
rience in ourselves the fruits of
 under the first covenant, those
who are called may receive the
your redemption. I will take the cup of sal- va-tion, promised eternal inheritance.

Who live and reign with God The Word of the Lord!

    
the Father in the unity of the All – Thanks be to God!
Holy Spirit, one God, for ever
and ever. and call on the name of the Lord! Sequence
All – Amen! * How shall I make a return Lo! The angel’s food is given
to the Lord for all the good he To the pilgrim who has striven;
has done for me? The cup of See the children’s bread from
salvation I will take up, and I heaven,
will call upon the name of the Which on dogs may not be
1st Reading Ex 24:3-8 Lord. R. spent.
The Sinai Covenant was a * Precious in the eyes of the Truth the ancient types fulfill-
“ foundational moment” in the Lord is the death of his faithful ing,
history of the Chosen People. ones. I am your servant, the son Isaac bound, a victim willing,
That is why its ratification was of your handmaid; you have Paschal lamb, its lifeblood
faithfully recorded in the Bible loosed my bonds. R. spilling,
for all generations to remember Manna to the fathers sent.
it and feel part of it. * To you will I offer sacrifice
of thanksgiving, and I will call Very bread, good shepherd,
R –A proclamation from the upon the name of the Lord. tend us,
Book of Exodus My vows to the Lord I will Jesus, of your love befriend us,
pay in the presence of all his You refresh us, you defend us,
When Moses came to Your eternal goodness send us
the people and related all the people. R.
In the land of life to see.
words and ordinances of the
Lord, they all answered with 2nd Reading Heb 9:11-15 You who all things can and know,
one voice, “We will do every- Jesus Christ is not only the Who on earth such food
thing that the Lord has told us.” Mediator and High Priest of bestow,
Moses then wrote down all the New Covenant, but also the Grant us with your saints,
the words of the Lord and, ris- Victim itself. In his blood the though lowest,
ing early the next day, he erect- New Covenant was sealed. Where the heav’nly feast you
ed at the foot of the mountain R –A proclamation from the show,
an altar and twelve pillars for Letter to the Hebrews Fellow heirs and guests to be.
the twelve tribes of Israel. Then, Amen! Alleluia!
Brothers and sisters:
having sent certain young men When Christ came as
of the Israelites to offer holo- Gospel Acclamation Jn 6:51
high priest of the good things
causts and sacrifice young bulls that have come to be, passing All –Alleluia! Alleluia!
as peace offerings to the Lord, through the greater and more I am the living bread that
Moses took half of the blood perfect tabernacle not made came down from heaven,
and put it in large bowls; the by hands, that is, not belong- says the Lord. Whoever
other half he splashed on the ing to this creation, he entered eats this bread will live for
altar. Taking the book of the once for all into the sanctuary, ever.
covenant, he read it aloud to the not with the blood of goats and Alleluia! Alleluia!
people, who answered, “All that calves but with his own blood,
the Lord has said, we will heed thus obtaining eternal redemp- Gospel Mk 14:12-16.22-26
and do.” Then he took the blood tion. Jesus knew that the time had
and sprinkled it on the people, For if the blood of goats arrived when he would be put to
saying, “This is the blood of and bulls and the sprinkling death as the victim of the New
the covenant that the Lord has of a heifer’s ashes can sanc- Covenant. In an act of supreme
made with you in accordance tify those who are defiled so love, he anticipated his self-
with all these words of his.” that their flesh is cleansed, how offering on the cross by insti-
The Word of the Lord! much more will the blood of tuting the Eucharist through
All – Thanks be to God! Christ, who through the eter- which the new and eternal Cov-
nal Spirit offered himself un- enant is constantly renewed in
Responsorial Psalm Ps 116 blemished to God, cleanse our the Church.

6 June 2021
P –The Lord be with you! Light from Light, true God from C –For the youth of our coun-
All –And with your spirit! true God, begotten, not made, try: May they find in the Eucha-
P – A proclamation from the consubstantial with the Father; rist a vision for their lives and
holy Gospel according to through him all things were the spiritual nourishment they
Mark made. For us men and for our need for the fulfillment of their
All – Glory to you, O Lord! salvation he came down from dreams. Let us pray! R.
On the first day of the Feast heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- C –For our community and each
of Unleavened Bread, when of us: May we find in the Eucha-
they sacrificed the Passover gin Mary, and became man.*
For our sake he was crucified rist our source of unity and our
lamb, Jesus’ disciples said to inspiration for a life of service.
him, “Where do you want us under Pontius Pilate, he suf-
fered death and was buried, and Let us pray! R.
to go and prepare for you to eat
the Passover?” He sent two of rose again on the third day in C – Let us pray in silence for our
his disciples and said to them, accordance with the Scriptures. personal intentions. (Pause)
“Go into the city and a man He ascended into heaven and is Let us pray! R.
will meet you, carrying a jar of seated at the right hand of the P –Lord Jesus, may our par-
water. Follow him. Wherever Father. He will come again in ticipation in this Eucharistic
he enters, say to the master of glory to judge the living and the Sacrifice strengthen our deter-
the house, ‘The Teacher says, dead and his kingdom will have mination to be faithful to our
“Where is my guest room where no end. Covenant with you, till we reach
I may eat the Passover with my I believe in the Holy Spirit, the eternal Banquet you have
disciples?” ’ Then he will show the Lord, the giver of life, who prepared for us, you who live and
you a large upper room fur- proceeds from the Father and care for ever and ever.
nished and ready. Make the the Son, who with the Father All – Amen!
preparations for us there.” and the Son is adored and glori-
The disciples then went fied, who has spoken through
off, entered the city, and found the prophets.
it just as he had told them; and I believe in one, holy, cath-
they prepared the Passover. olic and apostolic Church. I
While they were eating, confess one Baptism for the Preparation of the Gifts
Jesus took bread, said the forgiveness of sins and I look
forward to the resurrection of P –Pray, brethren . . .
blessing, broke it, gave it to All – May the Lord accept the
them, and said, “Take it; this the dead and the life of the world
to come. Amen! sacrifice at your hands, for the
is my body.” Then he took a praise and glory of his name,
cup, gave thanks, and gave it for our good and the good of all
to them, and they all drank Prayer of the Faithful
his holy Church.
from it. He said to them, “This P –With gratitude for the won-
is my blood of the covenant, derful gift of the Eucharist, and
which will be shed for many. full of confidence in the infinite Prayer over the Offerings
Amen, I say to you, I shall mercy of our Divine Savior, let P –Grant your Church, O Lord,
not drink again the fruit of us address our petitions to him, we pray, the gifts of unity and
the vine until the day when I saying: peace, whose signs are to be seen
drink it new in the Kingdom All – Jesus, Bread of Life, in mystery in the offerings we
of God.” hear our prayer! here present.
Then, after singing a Through Christ our Lord.
hymn, they went out to the C –For the Church, the Mysti- All – Amen!
Mount of Olives. cal Body of Christ: May she
The Gospel of the Lord! constantly find in the Eucharist
the source of her growth and Preface of the
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus Holy Eucharist I
Christ! unity. Let us pray! R.
C –For the Holy Father, the P –It is truly right and just,
Homily bishops, priests, and lay minis- our duty and our salvation, al-
ters of the Eucharist: May their ways and everywhere to give
Profession of Faith you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) lives be a convincing witness to
the holiness of this Sacrament almighty and eternal God,
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- and to the commitment to service through Christ our Lord.
ther almighty, maker of heaven it entails. Let us pray! R. For he is the true and eter-
and earth, of all things visible nal Priest, who instituted the
and invisible. C –For the victims of the COV- pattern of an everlasting sac-
I believe in one Lord Jesus ID-19 and our frontliners: May rifice and was the first to offer
Christ, the Only Begotten Son they find in the Eucharistic sac- himself as the saving Victim,
of God, born of the Father be- rifice a sure source of hope and commanding us to make this
fore all ages. God from God, salvation. Let us pray! R. offering as his memorial. As we

Solemnity of the Body & Blood of Christ (B)

eat his flesh that was sacrificed Prayer after Communion the Covenant sealed in the
for us, we are made strong, P –Grant, O Lord, we pray, that blood of Christ.
and, as we drink his Blood that we may delight for all eternity All – Amen!
was poured out for us, we are in that share in your divine life, P –May He give you all the
washed clean. which is foreshadowed in the moral strength that you
And so, with Angels and present age by our reception of need to transform your lives
Archangels, with Thrones and your precious Body and Blood. into a constant Eucharist.
Dominions, and with all the Who live and reign for ever All – Amen!
hosts and Powers of heaven, we and ever.
sing the hymn of your glory, as P –May He protect you from
All – Amen! all dangers and lead you
without end we acclaim:
All – Holy, holy, holy . . . into the way of peace.
All – Amen!
Memorial Acclamation P –May almighty God bless
P –The mystery of faith! you: the Father, and the
P –The Lord be with you. Son, and the Holy Spirit.
All –When we eat this Bread All –And with your spirit! All – Amen!
and drink this Cup, we pro-
claim your Death, O Lord, P –Bow your heads and pray P –Go in the peace of Christ
until you come again! for God’s blessing. (Pause) and bring the Eucharist into
– May God, the Father of your lives.
mercy, keep you faithful to All – Thanks be to God!


P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All –For the kingdom, the
power, and the glory are
yours, now and for ever.
N owadays, important commitments and contracts are signed
by the people concerned, in the presence of witnesses, and
then they are notarized. This is what gives the commitment/con-
tract/agreement its legal binding force.
Earlier in history, however, important agreements and com-
Sign of Peace mitments were signed or sealed not with ink but with blood. The
use of blood drawn from each of the contracting parties gave the
Breaking of the Bread promise/commitment a “sacredness” and a binding power that
All – Lamb of God . . . are far superior to any form of written agreement signed with ink.
This concept of sacredness coming from the letting of blood
has its roots in very ancient civilizations and cultures, including
Communion that of the Hebrews who had several “covenants/agreements”
P –Behold the Lamb of God, with God Himself, the most important of which was the so-called
behold him who takes away the “Sinai Covenant,” which was sealed through the blood of victims
offered to God in sacrifice. (See Ex 24:1-8.) But for all its impor-
sins of the world. Blessed are tance, that covenant had only a provisional nature. It remained
those called to the Supper of the in force, in spite of the many shortcomings of the Israelites, until
Lamb. the Lord fulfilled His promise to send the Messiah “in the fullness
All –Lord, I am not worthy of time.” It was in him – Jesus Christ, the “new Moses,” and the
that you should enter under Mediator par excellence – that a new and everlasting Covenant
my roof, but only say the word between God and the whole of mankind was sealed.
and my soul shall be healed. That Covenant was extraordinary in more than one way. It was
extraordinary especially because of the nature of the Victim and
Communion Antiphon because, though ratified and sealed once and for all in the blood
(To be recited only when of Christ, that Covenant is renewed every time the Christian com-
munity celebrates the Eucharist, in accordance with the mandate
no Communion Hymn is sung.)
of Christ. (See Lk 22:19-20 and 1 Cor 11:23-26.)
Whoever eats my flesh and This is, indeed, a wonderful, divine “invention” of the Lord
drinks my blood remains in me Jesus to enable all generations and peoples to feel that they are
and I in him, says the Lord. “active partners” in the ratification of the saving Covenant with
God, and thereby participate in its fruits in the same way in which
the apostles and the other believers of the first generation did.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, A. Vergara, J. Domingo, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
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