NSG 240 Supplemental Syllabus T2 2021

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Stratford University

School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
The Syllabus Supplement contains additional information to the E-Syllabus for this course. The contents of the
Syllabus Supplement are an extension of the E-Syllabus for the course, and therefore, are viewed as part of the
official contract and requirements for the course. Students are responsible for all information in the E-syllabus
the Syllabus Supplement, and all guides, rubrics, assignment directions, and so forth posted on the Moodle

NSG 240 Name of course: Adult Health Nursing I Term 2, 2021

School of Nursing Standard Course Information
1. Understand and follow all of the Stratford University and School of Nursing policies and procedures as
identified in the Stratford Catalog and the School of Nursing Student Handbook.

2. The student is expected to do his/her own work on exams, quizzes, and individual assignments. When
an assignment or homework is completed within a group process it will be clearly indicated by the

3. All assignments have a due date and time posted, and it is the student’s responsibility to know when the
assignment is due.

4. All assignments/homework must be submitted via Moodle, NOT via email, by the due date to receive
full credit. If there is an extenuating circumstance not related to a technology issue and the student is
not able to submit the work by the due date, the student must contact the instructor PRIOR to the due
date to make arrangements.

5. Unless otherwise identified by the course faculty, all assignments submitted shall be submitted as a
“final” copy. Do not submit assignments as a draft.

6. The School of Nursing requires written work to comply with the most current APA standards and
formatting and comply with the Academic Integrity standards of Stratford University. References and
citations are expected when material submitted is not the student’s original work (i.e. definitions,
evidence-based practices, interventions, lists, descriptions, etc.). Students are encouraged to use
plagiarism websites to review for plagiarism as needed. Turnitin is provided by the university. A good
resource for APA formatting is https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/

7. Students must achieve a minimum grade of 80% (B-) to pass a Nursing course. When a course has a
clinical or lab component (pass/fail), the student must pass that component in order to pass the course.
Students passing the theory but failing the clinical/lab will earn an overall grade of not more than C+.

8. Course assignments and homework are identified in the table below along with the topic outline.
Detailed directions and rubrics for assignments and homework are found in the Important Documents
area of the Moodle site for the course. Students are responsible for following the directions and meeting
the requirements of the assignments, homework, and rubric(s).

9. Read your Stratford email daily. All official course communication will be done via Stratford email
and/or the course Moodle site. If problems are experienced through moodle, contact the service desk
and copy the instructor.

10. Some Nursing courses require completion of practice and/or proctored assessments via a product called
ATI. Specific requirements for each course are identified in a separate document. The student is
responsible for completing all ATI requirements for the course.

Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
11. Some courses include a simulation learning activity. Guidelines and learning outcomes for each
simulation are provided to the student.

12. Tests/exams and quizzes are given on the date and at the time listed for the course.

a. Every week you will have a timed quiz that will be sequential (moving forward, no going back
to questions) in nature. You will have 25 minutes to complete the quiz.
b. You will have two exams that will be given through out the course that will be accumulative &
sequential in nature. The Mid-term and Final, which will be given on campus.
i. Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to begin class at the appointed time.
ii. Exams will be the first item of class business and will start no later than 5 minutes after
the published class start time.
iii. All students will bring personal items to the front of the classroom. Cell phones will be
turned off and students may be required to place the phone on the front table during all
iv. Students who arrive to class after the exam has been distributed and the instructor has
announced that the exam has begun may not be allowed into the classroom as this
disrupts other students.
v. Students may be allowed to take the test elsewhere provided there is a room and a
proctor available and will be expected to return to class at the time appointed to resume
class after the exam is completed.
vi. Students who arrive more than 30 minutes late for class will have the option of taking
the test but within a shortened time frame as they will be expected to return to class at
the time appointed for resuming class after the exam is completed.
vii. In the event a student is cognizant of a situation that will prohibit the student from
attending class (i.e. hospitalization, emergency, etc.) the student is responsible to and
must contact the instructor prior the missed class day.
c. Missed exams:
i. Students are allowed one make up exam per term. The exam must be done in person on
ii. The make-up must be completed within 5 workdays from the absence including the day
of absence.
iii. Students who miss an exam due to an approved absence or documented emergency may
be required to submit evidence supporting these claims.
1. If the claims are verified the students will be allowed to make up the exam
without a point penalty.
iv. Students who miss an exam due to an unexcused absence, undocumented emergency or
tardiness may receive point penalties for each day the exam is not taken, including the
day of the exam.
d. Missed class assignments due for a grade will follow the same requirements as missed exams

General School of Nursing Classroom Policies

1. Cell phones are a disruption to learning even on the ‘vibrate’ mode. Cell phones must be turned off
during class.
2. Laptops may be used for note taking and desktop PowerPoint use. Wandering from the appropriate
Moodle site or ‘surfing the web’ will adversely affect the policy on use of laptops. Students wandering
from appropriate sites will be required to close and not reopen laptops for the remainder of the course.
3. Eating is prohibited in the classrooms. Beverages are permitted in non-laboratory classrooms.
4. Attendance is required by the University. Late arrival and early departures will directly affect both
understanding of the material and therefore potentially the final grade earned.
Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
5. Students arriving late for class or from breaks may be asked to remain outside the room until the next

Course Outline/Topics/Homework/Learning Activities

Week Topics Covered Homework and Readings

1 Foundations for Medical Surgical Nursing Reading:

Introduction to Medical-Surgical Nursing Chapters: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, & 12
Assessment and Care of Patients with Chapter: 6, 8, & 12
Genetic and Genomic Concepts for M-S Homework:
Evidence Based Practice in M-S Nursing
ATI Dynamic Quiz 100 Question
Integrity form

2 Management of Patients with Fluid, Readings:

Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Imbalances Chapter: 16
Infusion Therapy
Quiz 1
Case Study

3 Concept: Protection Inflammation & Readings:

Immunity Hypersensitivity and Allergy Chapters: 11 & 13
Autoimmune Disorders
Infectious Diseases in General Homework:
Quiz 2
ATI: Immune

4 Concept: Protection Assessment of the Readings:

Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
Skin, Hair, and Nails Chapters: 22 & 23
Care of Patients with Skin Problems
Quiz #3
Math week 4
LA 4
ATI Learning Dermatological

5 Concept: Metabolism Mid Term Exam: On Campus

Care of the Patients with Diabetes
Mellitus Readings:
CH 44, 45, & 48
Assessment of the Renal/Urinary
System Homework:
Infectious and Non-infectious Urinary ATI System Urinary
Disorders LA 5
ATI Practice in class
6 Concept: Metabolism Readings:
Nursing Assessment of the GI System CH 41 & 42
Upper and Lower GI Disorders Homework:
Quiz week 5
Math week 6

7 Concept : Oxygenation Readings:

Patients Requiring Oxygen Therapy Chapters: 25, 27, & 28

Assessment of the Respiratory System Homework:

Patients With Noninfectious Upper Quiz week 6
Respiratory Problems ATI: Respiratory

8 Concept: Oxygenation Assessment of Proctored Fundamental Exam

Hematologic System
Care of Patients with Hematologic
Chapter: 29 & 30
ATI Proctored Fundamental
Exam resultws

9 Assessment of Cardiovascular System Readings:

Chapter: 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, &
Care of Patients with Cardiac Problems
Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
Care of Patients with Vascular Problems 37

Quiz week 7
ATI Focus Review for the
Proctored Exam
ATI: Cardia
10 Final Exam Final exam: On Campus

Although this class is primarily taught through lecture, you will have the most success if you prepare
for class every week and are ready to discuss the material and ask questions for better
understanding. Therefore, I recommend you:
• Complete the reading assignments before class.
• Look up words and concepts you do not understand and come prepared to class to discuss
the topics to be covered.

• Textbook readings are listed in the syllabus supplement and on the moodle pages and are
considered “homework”
• Every week you will have learning activities, ATI assignments, or case studies to be completed
before class the following week. These will include open book quizzes that include multiple
choice, matching, true/false, short answer, and essay questions—these generally help you to
become more familiar with the material being covered and are “knowledge-type” questions
o Other assignments will be case studies and scenarios for applying the concepts
learned, and discussion forums—these are focused more on applying what you are
o Expect at least two learning activities per week
o ATI Chapters that cover the same material will be included for your use. You
will also be assigned ATI practice exams throughout the course. These are required
▪ You will achieve the score you receive on the ATI assignment
o Proper citation and references must be used in written assignments. This means
including in-text citations and full references in discussion board, papers, and in
questions that require more than a one or two word answer (explain this, describe,
compare and contrast). Plagiarism is not acceptable. If you need assistance in the
use of proper citations, please see the information posted on the moodle page, speak
with your instructor, or ask for assistance from the librarian. Failure to cite/give a
reference will result in a zero for the assignment and an action plan may be
completed at instructor discretion.
• All assignments are one attempt only and are sequential in nature.

ATI Proctored grading

Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
Level 3 = 100%
Level 2 = 75%
Level 1 = 25%
Below Level 1 = 0%

All Assignments and Homework are individual work unless otherwise stated.
Stratford University Policy
It is the expectation that students, in order to experience optimum academic success, must complete all
assignments, by the assigned due date. As assignments are not always turned in on time, Stratford University
needs a University-wide policy on the acceptance of late assignments.
Stratford University has two different types of assignments: 1) threaded discussion board posts and 2)
assignments (other than discussion board posts).
Threaded discussion board posts are not accepted after the due date. It is critical that students submit
threaded discussion board posts (original and post response) on time, as other students’ grade and attendance
rest on everyone participating.
Assignments (other than discussion board posts) are accepted late with a penalty. The penalty increases with
the number of it is days late. All outstanding assignments must be submitted no later than the last day of class.
No assignments are accepted after the last day of class.

Grading Layout

ATI Homework assignment 5%

Learning Assignment/cases study/Integrity form 20%
Math assignment 5%
Timed quizzes 10%
ATI Proctored Exam 2.5%
ATI Focus review 2.5%
Mid-term exam 20%
Final Exam 35%

Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement
Student's Personal Integrity Statement

I, __________________________ (print your name here), am provided a hard copy (or e-copy for online courses) of
the Syllabus and Syllabus Supplement in NSG240. I am aware of:
 all due dates, including exams, assignments, and penalties associated with late work/exams,
 attendance policies and student's responsibilities related to attendance and student nurse dress code,
 policies related to classroom and clinical behavior.

I recognize that personal integrity and truth telling is essential to the professional practice of Nursing as
discussed in the School of Nursing Handbook. I have read the syllabus and agree that:
 I alone am responsible for my personal behavior and academic conduct.
 Any academic misconduct or dishonesty are grounds for course failure and may result in probation,
suspension or dismissal from the Nursing Program and Stratford University. These include but are not
limited to:
o cheating on exams,
o using papers written by anyone other than myself, my team or from a concurrent class
o using papers turned in for grade during previous or current terms
o copying work from the internet or books or articles and not giving full credit to the authors of
that work; no more than 2 sentences may be quoted or paraphrased with in-text citation per 6
o falsifying documents, records or presentations,
o claiming to have done required course work (theory or clinical) that in fact I did not do
o providing my work (papers, exams, presentations) to another student
 I am expected to arrive at class on time, stay for the entire time allotted course
 I am expected to follow class rules outlined in the Syllabus/Syllabus Supplement. Example: No food in
 I am expected to treat my professor and my classmates with respect even when we disagree.

I accept all policies as written and agree to follow the Syllabus/Syllabus Supplement as outlined.


Student Signature / Date

____Sandra Gallegos /March 15, 2021

Faculty Signature / Date

[student keeps one copy/faculty files signed copy in students nursing file]

Stratford University
School of Nursing
Syllabus Supplement

Student's Personal Integrity Statement

I, __________________________ (print your name here), am provided a hard copy (or e-copy for online courses) of
the Syllabus and Syllabus Supplement in NSG240. I am aware of:
 all due dates, including exams, assignments, and penalties associated with late work/exams,
 attendance policies and student's responsibilities related to attendance and student nurse dress code,
 policies related to classroom and clinical behavior.

I recognize that personal integrity and truth telling is essential to the professional practice of Nursing as
discussed in the School of Nursing Handbook. I have read the syllabus and agree that:
 I alone am responsible for my personal behavior and academic conduct.
 Any academic misconduct or dishonesty are grounds for course failure and may result in probation,
suspension or dismissal from the Nursing Program and Stratford University. These include but are not
limited to:
o cheating on exams,
o using papers written by anyone other than myself, my team or from a concurrent class
o using papers turned in for grade during previous or current terms
o copying work from the internet or books or articles and not giving full credit to the authors of
that work; no more than 2 sentences may be quoted or paraphrased with in-text citation per 6
o falsifying documents, records or presentations,
o claiming to have done required course work (theory or clinical) that in fact I did not do
o providing my work (papers, exams, presentations) to another student
 I am expected to arrive at class on time, stay for the entire time allotted course
 I am expected to follow class rules outlined in the Syllabus/Syllabus Supplement. Example: No food in
 I am expected to treat my professor and my classmates with respect even when we disagree.

I accept all policies as written and agree to follow the Syllabus/Syllabus Supplement as outlined.


Student Signature / Date

______Sandra Gallegos/March 15, 2021

Faculty Signature / Date

[student keeps one copy/faculty files signed copy in students nursing file]

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