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A Yokogawa Company: PVT Modelling and Flow Assurance Software

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PVT Modelling and Flow

Assurance Software
Multiflash is a comprehensive PVT and physical properties
package that allows modelling and solving the phase
behaviour of complex mixtures and pure substances.

A Yokogawa Company Designed to model virtually any coexisting phases and

mixtures, Multiflash is the standard PVT and physical
properties package in upstream flow assurance, production
and process simulation in the oil and gas industry. Multiflash’s
unique set of tools, models and equations of state empowers
engineers and managers with quantitative indications and
assessment capabilities to assist them throughout the entire
design and operational phases of a project.
Phase Behaviour
Reservoir Fluid Modelling Hydrates Formation
Fluid Characterisation
Sample PVT Experiments
Predict Wax Separation
Asphaltene Flocculation
Multiflash is the only PVT and physical properties package providing reliable
Compositional Data Physical and Transport
solutions to process and flow assurance engineers from the reservoir to the refinery. Black Oil Analysis Properties

Software Solutions Sample QC Flow Assurance Strategies

Mud Cleaning Process Engineering
PVT Modelling Validate Model Tuning Simulate On Line Flow Metering
Physical and Transport Embedded Solutions
Engineers and operators can rapidly and accurately represent the correct phase
Properties From Reservoir
behaviour of oil samples with Multiflash PVT Lab: Multiflash’s advanced set of tools to Refinery
for PVT modelling and EOS tuning. In a user-friendly and immediately accessible
environment, Multiflash allows: The accuracy of the implemented models, together with the robustness, reliability and computational
speed, have made Multiflash the leading PVT package in Flow Assurance and Production applications.
• Characterisation of a fluid from compositional or black oil data
Natively embedded in leading oil and gas software simulators, Multiflash already provides Flow Assurance
• Simulation and fitting of the model to data from the most common
predictions throughout the value chain, from the wellbore to the process facilities. Fluid description,
PVT experiments (CME, CVD, DLE, Multi-stage separator test) and
assessment of phase behaviour, flow assurance studies, production optimisation and full plant process
viscosity measurements
simulation can all be performed based on a coherent and common PVT model, greatly simplifying the
• QC of the PVT data and underpinning of errors and inconsistencies
• Elimination of mud contamination and generation of a representation
of the decontaminated sample

The tuning capabilities of Multiflash PVT Lab make it possible to generate a

thermodynamically consistent representation of the fluid sample, allowing for the
adjustment of the main parameters of our advanced EOS (Equation of State), to match
experimental data. Multiflash PVT Lab provides the perfect match of experimental
data, whilst maintaining intact the physical meaning and thermodynamic coherence of
pure components and oil fractions data.

The Best in Flow Assurance

Multiflash superior equations of states and models allow fast and reliable on-line
monitoring and rapid assessment of options and potential risks for the facilities.
Multiflash can model any phases, including Hydrates, Waxes, Asphaltenes and Halide
Scales, as well as track the partitioning of potentially damaging substances such
as Mercury (Hg) and Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S). Inhibition or mitigation strategies of
potential flow assurance issues can easily be compared in terms of effectiveness
and compatibility with the plant’s operating point or with costs. Through the several
interfaces available in Multiflash (Excel, Cape-Open, VB, API), the user can easily set
up a model to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a solution, size equipment, simulate
processes, perform what-if analyses etc. With the help of Multiflash, users can
elaborate simple solutions to complex problems. Regression of PVT experiments to model reservoir fluids
design process, reducing potential sources of errors and achieving better performance
and more reliable results.

Quality of results, speed and robustness make Multiflash the only PVT package
embedded either in applications for simulations and design, or on-line and real time
software solutions, flow monitoring and management; a common and consistent solution,
to a common and cross-operational problem.

Physical Properties
Multiflash implements a unique range of thermodynamic models to accurately evaluate
physical and transport properties of complex mixtures and pure substances. Applications
range from upstream flow assurance and production, to midstream gas plants, through
to downstream petrochemical products and polymer blends, chemicals and refrigerants.
Market leading oil operators, oilfield service providers, equipment manufacturers,
Simulation of
engineering contractors and chemical companies daily access the unique capabilities
complex phase
of Multiflash to provide phase behaviour and physical and transport properties data for
equilibria in flow
design, R&D and operations.
Equipped with a thoroughly tested proprietary database of more than 300 pure
components, optional access to the DIPPR database of more than 2,200 compounds
and the possibility of defining and including components based on supplementary data,
Multiflash can accurately represent any mixture and any combination of solid, gas or
liquid phases. The models available in Multiflash include the most advanced evolutions
of fluid equations of states, to accurately represent oil, condensates, natural gas, Carbon
Dioxide (CO2), water, steam, glycols, refrigerants and other chemicals and polymers,
as well as the widest and most up-to-date range of models, to evaluate physical and
transport properties such as viscosity, thermal conductivity and surface tension.

The models’ accuracy and robustness made Multiflash the standard PVT engine in
embedded simulation solutions throughout the oil and gas industry and beyond. Its
unique connectivity allows engineers to design their own workflow whilst relying on a
common, coherent and accurate description of the fluids throughout each design step.

From the Reservoir to the Refinery

With its wide range of accurate and reliable models and pure component data, Multiflash
is the only PVT package used throughout the entire oil and gas value chain, with
notable applications also in the chemical and petrochemical industries. KBC – Infochem
continuously delivers innovation by pushing models to the limit and developing new
solutions to the ever-greater technical and economic challenges faced by industry. Unit operations
The value delivered to users is substantial, in terms of a coherent and realistic fluid simulation
description and a customisable workflow that results in a more efficient and effective through Excel
design and modelling process and in more accurate results.
With its wide range of applications, Multiflash is now the most commonly
PVT engine in upstream process simulation and flow assurance. Integrated KBC has a unique focus on:
software and hardware solutions rely on Multiflash to provide phase behaviour
and transport properties for flow modelling and on-line monitoring. Multiflash Quality. Innovation. Support. Value.
models are regarded as the most accurate and most reliable across and
beyond the hydrocarbons industry. Chosen as their standard PVT package by All of these areas of focus are backed up by our industry-leading consulting
leading operating, technology and consultancy firms, Multiflash has been field- capabilities to help provide answers for our clients. In addition, world class
tested to become the standard PVT package from the reservoir to the refinery. technical support is available to all customers under a software maintenance

Multiflash is the only PVT and physical properties package able to extend its
range of applications across and beyond the whole oil and gas value chain. Not
only is Multiflash the standard PVT engine in flow assurance and production
modelling, but also it provides accurate and reliable modelling solutions in
chemical and petrochemical applications. Multiflash empowers engineers with
a unique set of tools to rapidly assess the possibility of insurgence of flow
assurance or production problems with great accuracy and flexibility, allowing a
more efficient and effective design process and a great increase in operations
confidence. Multiflash is the standard and most reliable choice to evaluate the
phase behaviour and physical and transport properties of any complex and simple
fluids, from reservoir to refinery and beyond.

Process and production simulation powered by

Multiflash, Maximus and Petro-SIM
A Yokogawa Company

42-50 Hersham Road

Walton on Thames
Surrey KT12 1RZ
Online T +44 (0)1932 242424
F +44 (0)1932 224214
Registered in England and Wales
Registered number 01357958

™ Multiflash is a trademark of KBC Advanced Technologies Limited and it is registered in various territories.

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