A Yokogawa Company: PVT Modelling and Flow Assurance Software
A Yokogawa Company: PVT Modelling and Flow Assurance Software
A Yokogawa Company: PVT Modelling and Flow Assurance Software
Assurance Software
Multiflash is a comprehensive PVT and physical properties
package that allows modelling and solving the phase
behaviour of complex mixtures and pure substances.
Quality of results, speed and robustness make Multiflash the only PVT package
embedded either in applications for simulations and design, or on-line and real time
software solutions, flow monitoring and management; a common and consistent solution,
to a common and cross-operational problem.
Physical Properties
Multiflash implements a unique range of thermodynamic models to accurately evaluate
physical and transport properties of complex mixtures and pure substances. Applications
range from upstream flow assurance and production, to midstream gas plants, through
to downstream petrochemical products and polymer blends, chemicals and refrigerants.
Market leading oil operators, oilfield service providers, equipment manufacturers,
Simulation of
engineering contractors and chemical companies daily access the unique capabilities
complex phase
of Multiflash to provide phase behaviour and physical and transport properties data for
equilibria in flow
design, R&D and operations.
Equipped with a thoroughly tested proprietary database of more than 300 pure
components, optional access to the DIPPR database of more than 2,200 compounds
and the possibility of defining and including components based on supplementary data,
Multiflash can accurately represent any mixture and any combination of solid, gas or
liquid phases. The models available in Multiflash include the most advanced evolutions
of fluid equations of states, to accurately represent oil, condensates, natural gas, Carbon
Dioxide (CO2), water, steam, glycols, refrigerants and other chemicals and polymers,
as well as the widest and most up-to-date range of models, to evaluate physical and
transport properties such as viscosity, thermal conductivity and surface tension.
The models’ accuracy and robustness made Multiflash the standard PVT engine in
embedded simulation solutions throughout the oil and gas industry and beyond. Its
unique connectivity allows engineers to design their own workflow whilst relying on a
common, coherent and accurate description of the fluids throughout each design step.
Multiflash is the only PVT and physical properties package able to extend its
range of applications across and beyond the whole oil and gas value chain. Not
only is Multiflash the standard PVT engine in flow assurance and production
modelling, but also it provides accurate and reliable modelling solutions in
chemical and petrochemical applications. Multiflash empowers engineers with
a unique set of tools to rapidly assess the possibility of insurgence of flow
assurance or production problems with great accuracy and flexibility, allowing a
more efficient and effective design process and a great increase in operations
confidence. Multiflash is the standard and most reliable choice to evaluate the
phase behaviour and physical and transport properties of any complex and simple
fluids, from reservoir to refinery and beyond.
™ Multiflash is a trademark of KBC Advanced Technologies Limited and it is registered in various territories.