Guidelines (Principle) For Making A Good Flow Chart 1. The Use of Appropriate Symbols
Guidelines (Principle) For Making A Good Flow Chart 1. The Use of Appropriate Symbols
Guidelines (Principle) For Making A Good Flow Chart 1. The Use of Appropriate Symbols
The two most widely accepted flow directions are top to bottom or
left to right. Having said that these two types of directions should
not be mixed into the same flowchart. Consistency really does
More often than not we choose to ignore this crucial point. To make
your flowchart more professional you should maintain even spacing
around symbols. The one exception to this rule would be Decision
symbols, which require extra space to accommodate branch labels.
7. Remember to scale
One of the most basic facts that are overlooked is scaling. Too often
a detailed flowchart is re-sized to fit just one page. This is never a
good thing. It is better to have a flowchart span multiple pages than
to be crammed into a small space, where all the details are
unreadable. If you really aren’t happy to span your flowchart over
several pages you might like to create a high-level flowchart which
incorporates several process steps in to one. Alternatively you can
also group processes together and then collapse them to reduce the
visual clutter of your flowchart.
8. Extended flowcharts
If your flowchart is connected to another flowchart, then instead of
putting it in just one page, it is best that you connect it via a
circular node to the flowchart on a different page.