Generator Circuit-Breakers Type HGI: Data and Dimensions

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Generator Circuit-Breakers Type HGI

Data and Dimensions

Contents Standards

Application 3 The circuit-breakers type HGI meet the decisive stan-

Main characteristics 3 dards, i.e. IEEE (ANSI) Std C37.013 and IEC 60694,
Frame size 3 IEC 60358, IEC 61166, IEC 60529.
Standards 3
Design and method of operation 3
Design and method of operation
Terminal configurations 4
Operating mechanism, control and supervision 4 The 3 circuit-breaker poles together with hydraulic
Technical data 7 spring operating mechanism, supervisory and control
Dimensions 8 elements are mounted on a common frame.
The circuit-breaker type HGI, with SF6 as arc extin-
guishing medium, functions by the self-pressurizing
principle: the arc energy itself is used to heat the SF6
in the interrupting chamber (heating space), thus
The circuit-breakers type HGI can be used as genera- creating the necessary pressure difference for the gas
tor circuit-breaker in all types of power plants with flow, which cools and interrupts the arc. As a result,
unit sizes between 60 - 180 MVA and nominal voltages the self-pressurizing principle reduces the energy of
up to 21 kV. If used as feeder breakers in industry the operating mechanism necessary during the trip-
plants, the nominal voltage can be up to 24 kV. The ping operation.
breakers are also suited for retrofit or replacement in A built-in small puffer secures the interruption of small
existing powerplants, when these are modernised, currents (transformer no-load currents).
extended or automated.
The small amount of SF6-decomposition products,
produced by the arc during the interruption in the SF6
Main characteristics gas, is bound by an adsorber and does not influence
the circuit-breaker operation (Fig. 1).
• 3-pole, open breaker with operating mechanism and
supervisory and control elements, fully assembled 1
on a common frame 2
• for indoor installation
• the phase distance can be selected to suit the phase 7
distance of the connected busbar 1
• no additional auxiliary equipment necessary
• horizontal or vertical operating mechanism
• easy erection and putting into service due to the
fact, that the circuit-breaker is delivered as a fully
assembled and tested unit
• maintenance necessary only after 15 years or 10’000
mechanical close-open operations. However, this 9
also depends on the interrupted current.

Frame size

The circuit-breaker type HGI is manufactured in two Open position Closed position
frame sizes. Both sizes HGI 2 and HGI 3 are designed Fig. 1: Circuit-breaker type HGI with self-pressurizing principle
for the voltage range 17.5 kV/21 kV and 24 kV, res-
1 Terminals 6 Puffer
pectively. The nominal current (6300 A resp. 8000 A)
and the interrupting current (50 kA resp. 63 kA) define 2 Fixed main contact 7 Heating volume
the size. 3 Moving main contact 8 Crankcase
4 Fixed arcing contact 9 Adsorber
5 Moving arcing contact

The contacts carrying the service current (main con- Operating mechanism, control and supervision
tacts) are separated from the interrupting (arcing con-
tact). This results in low steady state electical loss of The circuit breakers are actuated by a hydraulic spring
the service current and little contact wear. operating mechanism type HMB-1 for the HGI 2 resp.
HMB-4 for the HGI 3 breaker size.
This operating mechanism combines the advantages of
mechanical energy storage and hydraulic power trans-
mission. Energy storage is accomplished with the aid
of a disc spring column, with the advantages of high
long-term stability, reliability and negligible tempera-
ture changes. Tripping of the operating mechanism
and energy output are based on proven design ele-
ments of the hydraulic operating technique, such as
control valves and hydraulic cylinders. Pressure vessel
standards are not applicable to this operating mecha-

Operation description (Fig. 4):

A pump delivers oil from the low pressure volume
to the high pressure volume, thus charging the disc
spring column. The charging state of the disc spring
column is supervised by a steering link, which actu-
ates switching elements to start the pump motor and
Fig. 2: Interrupting chamber with main- and arcing contact immediately to replace oil eventually used.
A non-return valve between pump and high-pres-
A hydraulic spring operating mechanism actuates the sure oil volume prevents from loss of pressure during
three interrupting chambers via a common drive shaft. pump standstill.
Remark: A surge capacitor has to be connected to the The steering link also actuates a bypass valve, so that
busbar at the transformer side. This applies for size an overcharging of the disc spring column is prevent-
HGI 3 only. ed and too high, not permissible system pressure in
case of non stopping of the pump will not occur.
Terminal configurations Tripping of the operating mechanism is done by actu-
ating a change-over valve at the HMB-1, and a pilot
For both frame sizes the terminal configurations as valve at the HMB-4 operating mechanism.
shown in Fig. 3, can be selected:
With horizontal operating mechanism Var. S, Z and U,
with vertical operating mechanism Var. S, Z and C. 1 1


Var. S Var. Z Var. U, C
Fig. 3: Terminal configurations
2 2

High pressure 1 Breaker operating rod

Low pressure 2 Energy storage device
Fig. 4: Hydraulic spring operating mechanism

Both hydraulic spring operating mechanisms HMB-1
and HMB-4 fulfil requirements as:
• high reliability
• long service life
• no maintenance and minimum wear
• easy checking and inspection
• self-contained operation
• stored switching sequence CO - CO
• compact design
• low noise level
• mechanically operated position indication
• the operating mechanism actuates via a shaft all
three breaker poles.
The operating mechanism housing contains in addi-
tion to the operating mechanism further devices as
mechanical position indicator, auxiliary switch and SF6
pressure gauge (Fig.5). For both circuit-breaker sizes
with vertical operating mechanism, the SF6 pressure
Fig. 6: Type HGI 2 Density monitor
gauge is placed in the breaker frame (Fig. 7 and 8).

The internal wiring is connected to Harting sockets

with accessory plugs. The power plant’s control and
supervision cables have to be connected to the plugs
(Fig. 7).

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Fig. 5: Type HGI 2 - horizontal operating mechanism

1 SF6-connection 5 Hydraulic-pump motor

2 Access for manual spring 6 Spring travel switch
loading 7 Monitoring- and control
3 Pressure gauge (SF6) module
4 Mechanical position indi- 8 Drive module
cator 9 Disc spring column

The density monitor operates according to the refer-

ence-volume-density principle, and is mounted on the 2 6 1 4 5 3
crankcase of the middle pole (Fig. 6). It is connected Fig. 7: Type HGI 2 - vertical operating mechanism, front view
to the gas spaces of the two other poles via SF6 gas
1 Operating mechanism frame 4 SF6-connection
line and thus monitors the SF6 gas of all 3 breaker
2 Circuit-breaker frame 5 Pressure gauge (SF6)
poles. When the density drops below the specified
3 Supports 6 Plug connection
value, the density monitor signals the loss of SF6 gas in
several steps (warning, alarm and blocking).
For both frame sizes HGI 2 and HGI 3, a separate con-
trol cublicle can be delivered as an option.

Pressure gauge (SF6)

Fig. 8: Type HGI 3 - with vertical operating mechanism,

front view

Plug connection
Fig. 9: Type HGI 3 - back side

Technical data

Generator circuit-breaker type HGI 2 HGI 3

Rated maximum voltage kV rms 17.5* 21*
Rated frequency Hz 50/60 50/60
Rated continuous current A 6300 8000
Rated insulation level
Rated power frequency, 1 min
to earth and across circuit-breaker contacts kV eff 50 60
Impulse , 1.2/50 µs wave
to earth and across circuit-breaker contacts kV peak 110 125
Rated short-circuit breaking current kA rms 50 63
Rated short-time withstand current kA rms / 3 s 50 63
Rated short-circuit making current kA peak 138 190
Rated peak withstand current kA peak 138 190
System-source interrupting capability
symmetrical kA rms 50 63
degree of asymmetry % 75 75
Generator-source interrupting capability
symmetrical kA rms 30 50
degree of asymmetry % 130 130

Rated duty cycles

short-circuit currents CO-30min-CO
load currents CO-3min-CO
mechanical CO-30s-CO
Control voltage VDC 110/220 or 125/250
filling pressure at 20 °C kPa (abs) 620
leakage rate % / year ≤1
Seismic acceleration withstand, IEC 61166 Class AF5 (0.5 g)
Degree of protection
control cubicle and operating mechanism, IEC 60529 IP54

Opening time (till contact separation) ms ≤ 32 ≤ 25

Closing time (till contact touch) ms 56 48
Interrupting time (till arc extinction) ms 55 48
Service capability/maintenance
short-circuit current interruptions, 50 kA / 63 kA CO 5 5
rated current interruptions, 6300 A / 8000 A CO 1500 1250
mechanical and currents up to 1000 A CO 10000 10000
elapsed time years 15 15
at transformer side only nF n.a. 100

*) up to 24 kV can be used as feeder and distribution breaker

The above data are not limiting values. Additional data on request. We reserve the right to alter data and technical details without notice.


Dimensions HGI 2, with horizontal operating mechanism

1 51 1


16 30 29


7 7 23 17 5

21 21
24 24

24 5 61 24 7

29 V



1 Interrupting chamber *) Minimal space required for operation and maintenance

5 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism P = phase distance 450 - 1200 mm
7 Circuit-breaker frame
16 Pressure gauge (SF6) Dynamic forces during switching
17 SF6-connection / DILO M26 x 1.5 V = vertical : 4 x ± 6600 N
21 Earthing plates L = longitudinal : 4 x ± 6400 N
22 Lifting holes Ø 48 (4 x) T = transversal : 4 x ± 3900 N
23 Emergency spring drive - loading
24 Fixing holes Ø 18 (4 x) K = Max. permissible attractive force per pole
29 Covering cap of operating mechanism (in the event of a short-circuit) : 2500 N

30 Mechanical position indicator

51 Circuit-breaker terminals (silver plated)
61 Plug connection

Dimensions HGI 2, with vertical operating mechanism

1 51

16 22


78 23 111



7 21 21 23



1 Interrupting chamber *) Minimal space required for operation and maintenance

5 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism P = phase distance 450 - 1200 mm
7 Circuit-breaker frame
16 Pressure gauge (SF6) Dynamic forces during switching
17 SF6-connection / DILO M26 x 1.5 V = vertical : 4 x ± 10000 N
21 Earthing plates L = longitudinal : 4 x ± 1000 N
22 Lifting holes Ø 48 (4 x) T = transversal : 4 x ± 1000 N
23 Supports
24 Fixing holes Ø 18 (4 x) K = Max. permissible attractive force per pole
30 Mechanical position indicator (in the event of a short-circuit) : 2500 N

49 Plug connection
51 Circuit-breaker terminals (silver plated)
78 Emergency spring drive - loading
111 Covering cap of operating mechanism

Dimensions HGI 3, with horizontal operating mechanism

1 51

7 5 22

23 22

24 24 24

21 21

62 30




1 Interrupting chamber *) Minimal space required for operation and maintenance

5 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism P = phase distance 550 - 1200 mm
7 Circuit-breaker frame
16 Pressure gauge (SF6) Dynamic forces during switching
17 SF6-connection / DILO M26 x 1.5 V = vertical : 4 x ± 20000 N
21 Earthing plates L = longitudinal : 4 x ± 5100 N
22 Lifting holes Ø 48 (3 x) T = transversal : 4 x ± 4600 N
23 Supports
24 Fixing holes Ø 18 (6 x) K = Max. permissible attractive force per pole
30 Mechanical position indicator (in the event of a short-circuit) : 5000 N

51 Circuit-breaker terminals (silver plated)

62 Plug connection

10 ABB
Dimensions HGI 3, with vertical operating mechanism

1 51

7 22

16 62

17 30

23 24 5


21 V
62 23



1 Interrupting chamber *) Minimal space required for operation and maintenance

5 Circuit-breaker operating mechanism P = phase distance 550 - 1200 mm
7 Circuit-breaker frame
16 Pressure gauge (SF6) Dynamic forces during switching
17 SF6-connection / DILO M26 x 1.5 V = vertical : 4 x ± 28000 N
21 Earthing plates L = longitudinal : 4 x ± 4500 N
22 Lifting holes Ø 48 (4 x) T = transversal : 4 x ± 3000 N
23 Supports
24 Fixing holes Ø 18 (4 x) K = Max. permissible attractive force per pole
30 Mechanical position indicator (in the event of a short-circuit) : 5000 N

51 Circuit-breaker terminals (silver plated)

62 Plug connection

ABB 11
ABB Switzerland Ltd
1HC0015509 E11 / AA06

High Voltage Products

Brown Boveri Strasse 5
CH-8050 Zurich / Switzerland
Phone: +41 58 58 83424
Fax: +41 58 58 81644

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