(I )
Bench height
@) Free face .,
(3) Burden '
(4) Spacing
(5) Powder column
(6) Stemming
(7) Subdrilling
(8) Working floor of cut
(9) Cdlar
FIGURE 1. Blasting Round
in. ) and are best suited for light concrete without reinforcing rods. Diamond-
core abrasive bits are more expensive than percussion drills but bit life is
longer. When cutting through reinforcing rod, abrasive drilling is slower and
diamond loss is common.
Various types of explosives are available for use in demolition applica-
tions. The selection of the best type of explosive requires an evaluation of
the properties of the explosive and of the concrete itself. A blasting expert
is qualified to select the best explosive for the purpose. The major types of
explosives include PETN 85% high velocity gelatin dynamite, cast TNT, 1 iquid
explosives, water gel explosives and high strength ammonia dynamite (Ref. 1, 2).
When blasting massive concrete sections with multiple charges, delayed
detonation is used to direct the muckpi le (rubble) and improve fragmentation.
The first row of charges directs the burden perpendicular to the borehole
plane. Subsequent burden plane charges would direct movement towards the verti -
cal unless delayed sufficiently to allow forward movement of preceding burdens.
A delay period of approximately one millisecond-per-foot of burden provides
sufficient time for free face movement, and allows subsequent burdens to frag-
ment perpendicular to the boreholes.
3.1.2 Applications
Control led blasting is the concrete demol ition method recommended for a1 1
concrete greater than 2 feet in thickness provided noise and shock in adjacent
occupied areas are not limiting. The process is well suited to heavily-rein-
forced concrete demol i tion because with proper selection of the blast param-
eters a high degree of fragmentation may be achieved. The exposed reinforcing
bar may then be cut with an oxyacetylene torch or bolt cutter.
The Elk River Reactor dismantling program used controlled blasting to
demolish the 8 foot thick steel-reinforced radioactive biological shield. A
blasting mat (composed of automobi le tire sidewall s tied together) was placed
over the blast area. Continuous fog sprays of water were used before, during
and after the blast to hold down dust. Alternatively, a spray mixture of water
and 5%-by-weight sodium si 1 icate (water glass) may be used for dust control.
3.1.3 Performance and Cost Factors
Typical concrete removal rates and approximate costs in 1979 dollars are
shown in Table 2. The removal rates include ,drilling, loading, shooting, rebar I
cutting and loading the muckpile into hauling equipment. The unit cost includes
crew cost, materials (explosives and dust control measures) and subcontractor
overhead and profit. Shipping and disposal are not included. A typical blast-
ing crew consists of the blasting expert, six laborers, one iron worker and one
equipment operator.
TABLE 2. Concrete Removal Rates and Costs Using Control led Blasting
Removal Removal
Concrete Type Rate yd -
/day Cost, $/yd3
1. Massive Reinforced Standard
Concrete ( Non-Radi oact ive)
2. Massive Non-reinforced
Standard Concrete
3. Massive Reinforced
Standard Concrete
4. Lightly Reinforced Standard
Concrete (Non-radioact ive)
5. Non-reinforced High Density
Concrete (Radioactive)
6. Lightly Reinforced Standard
Concrete (Radioactive)
* Actual removal rates including inefficiency due to personnel and area con-
tamination control and radiation work area control.
** Higher removal rate possible if adequate space is available to use large
capacity loading and hauling equipment.
3.2.2 Applications
Typical concrete removal rates with a wrecking ball are shown in Table 3,
exclusive of loading or disposal. The unit cost includes crew cost, equipment P
rental and subcontractor overhead and profit. The range in costs reflect the
accessibility to move large equipment to the muckpile for loading and hauling.
Shipping and disposal are not included in these costs. A typical wrecking ball
crew consists of the crane operator, one crane oiler, two laborers and a fore-'
Backhoe mounted rams are used for concrete structures less than 2 feet thick
with light reinforcement. The method is ideally suited for low noise, low
vibration demolition and for interior demolition in confined areas. The equip-
ment consists of an air- or hydraulic-operated impact ram with a moil or chisel I:
point mounted on a backhoe arm. The ram starts impacting as soon as there is
resistance to the point and stops when breakthrough occurs or when the ram head e
is lifted. With the ram head mounted on a backhoe, the operator has approxi-
mately a 20 to 25 foot reach, and the ability to position the ram in limited
access structures.
3.3.2 Applications
The ram is recomnended for applications with limited access for heavy
equipment such as a wrecking ball, and where blasting is not permitted. The air
rams need to be modified to direct air exhaust away from the work area to
prevent the spread of dust (nuisance and radioactive dust). The hydraulic ram
recycles the hydraulic fluid, so no modification is necessary. Dust and
contamination control is maintained with water fog sprays before and during
breaking activities.
The air ram was successfully used for light concrete demolition at the
Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) in Santa Suzanna, Cal iforni a (Ref. 8). However,
at Elk River a hydraulic ram proved to be too slow in demonstration tests for
use on the massive, heavily reinforced biological shield. The ram was replaced
with the more favorable controlled explosive demolition.
3.4.2 Applications
3.5.2 Applications
The 10% foot thermic lance will burn for at least 6 minutes, and can burn a 2
inch diameter hole through reinforced concrete to a depth of 1% to 3% feet. The
lance holder costs approximately $50.00, and the 10% foot lance is $7.00 each.
Oxygen supply cost about $6.00 per 100 ft5 at STP.
3.6.2 Applications
3.7.2 Applications
Wall and floor sawing is generally used when disturbance of the surrounding
material must be kept to a minimum. A diamond or carbide wheel is used to
abrasively cut a kerf through the concrete. The blades can cut through rein
forcing rods although the rods tend to break off the blade diamonds. The blade
is rotated by an air or hydraulic motor. For most applications the saw will be
mounted on a guide which also supports the saw's weight. The operator manually
advances the blade into the work. The dust produced by the abrasive cutting is
controlled using a water spray. The abrasive blade produces no vibration,
shock, smoke, sparks, or slag and is relatively quiet.
3.8.2 Applications
Thicknesses up to 3 feet have been cut with concrete saws. The maximum
thickness of cut is approximately equal to one-third of the blade diameter.
The saw cuts approximately 150 in2 per minute of cut surface, regardless of
thickness. Cutting can be done either manually or remotely.
The approximate cost of floor sawing concrete is $8.00/ft 2 of cutting
surface for non-radioactive, non-reinforced concrete. Reinforced concrete cut-
ting costs are higher because of the additional replacement diamond saw blades
necessary, and the increased time to cut through heavy rebar. The approximate
cost of wall sawing is $22.00/ft 2 of cutting surface for reinforced concrete up
to a 7/8 inch-diameter reinforcing rod. The saw is operated by one operator
with no helper.
holes). When a line of holes has been drilled along the breaking plane, the
remaining concrete between the holes may be sheared by a hydraulic wedge, or by
dropping a wrecking ball onto the piece to be removed.
3.9.2 Applications
Concrete drills can cut a 4 inch diameter hole through 4 feet of concrete
in 60 minutes. The pitch between holes is recommended to be no greater than %
inch for 4 inch diameter drills. Accordingly, this process is very slow and
costly for large volumes of massive concrete removal.
The core drilling costs range from $17.00/ft for 1% inch diameter holes, to
$550.00/ft for 24 inch diameter holes. Drilling depths greater than 3 ft can
increase these costs by a factor of 3 (Ref. 11). These costs include labor,
drill bits, and drill motor costs.
3.10.2 Applications
Explosive cutting is normally used either when the geometry of the object
being cut is too complex to employ other methods, or when several cuts must be
made simultaneously (e.g. removal of a large prestressed beam where it is
impractical to shore up the ends for temporary support).
Explosive cutters are used for precision cutting rather than massive heav-
ing or demolishing. Cutters have been used on concrete for removing buildings,
salvaging bridges, and felling smokestacks.
Typical prices of lead sheathed RDX explosive cutters range from $14.00/ft for
300 grains/ft to $64.00/ft for 2200 grains/ft (Ref. 12). These prices may be
used as input for cost estimating purposes, but actual demolition should be
estimated and directed by a demolition expert.
Paving breakers and chipping hamners remove concrete (and asphalt) by me-
chanically f r a c t u r i n g localized sections of the surface. Fracturing i s caused
by the impact of a hardened tool s t e e l b i t of e i t h e r a chisel or moil point
shape. The b i t i s driven i n a reciprocating motion by e i t h e r a compressed a i r
or hydraulic f l u i d pressure source.
Paving breakers ( a l s o called "jackharmer" and "pneumatic d r i 11") weigh ap-
proximately 35 t o 100 pounds and are intended f o r use on f l o o r s . The chipping
harmer i s similar in concept t o the paving breaker b u t i s l i g h t enough (15-35
Ibs.) t o be hand-held f o r use on walls or ceilings.
The drill and spall technique was developed for the removal of contaminated
surfaces of concrete without demolishing the entire structure. The technique
consists of drilling 1 to 1%inch diameter holes approximately 3 inches deep
into which is inserted a hydraulically operated spalling tool. The spalling
tool is similar in to the rack splitter, but uses shorter feathers. The holes
are drilled on approximately 12 inch centers such that the spalled area from
each hole overlaps the next.
3.12.2 Applications
The drill and spall technique is recomnended for removing surface contam-
ination that penetrates one to two inches into the surface. Removal of the
surface radioactivity in this manner eliminates the need to dispose of large
quantities of non-radioactive concrete as with other volume removal techniques.
Contamination control while drilling is accomplished with a filtered vacuum
system. Fog sprays may be used to wet the surface and reduce contamination and
dust levels.
The average removal rate is approximately 7.5 yd 2 /hr for standard con-
crete. No detailed cost information is available yet on removal costs since the
tool is still in the developmental stage. The equipment cost, exclusive of the
positioning equipment, is estimated to be about $10,000. A typical drill and
spa11 crew would probably consist of one operator, one platform positioner
operator, two laborers and a front-end loader operator.
The scarifier technique is best suited for the removal of thin layers (up
to one inch in thickness) of contaminated concrete. The tool, marketed under
the trade name of "Scabbier" by the MacDonald Air Tool Company, New Jersey,
U. S.A., consists of pneumatically operated piston heads which strike the sur-
face to chip off the concrete. The piston heads are available in either 5-point
or 9-point tungsten carbide bit sizes depending on the degree of surface rough-
ness allowable. The 5-point bit has 1/4 inch high points and the 9-point bit
has 1/8 inch high points.
The pistons are mounted in a wheeled-floor chasis which is available in 5,
7 and 9 piston sizes. The chasis is pushed along the floor to remove the surface
layer. The chasis can be modified to include a HEPA filtered vacuum exhaust
system to capture contaminated dust. Other tool models include a 3-piston wall
scabbler which may be spring counter-balanced to relieve the tool weight. Smal-
ler hand-held units are available but are not intended for large surface area
The scabbler tool is recomnended for applications where the concrete sur-
face is to be reused after decontamination. The scarified surface is generally
level with coarse finish (k to 4 inch peak-to-valley height) resulting from the
9-point bit. The coarse surface is suitable for bonding to a concrete finish
cap, and the smoother surface suitable for epoxy, polymer and similar finishes.
A 7-piston floor model scabbler was used at the SRE decommissioning program
to scarify slightly contaminated floors. An HEPA filtered vacuum exhaust system
was fitted to the floor scabbler to control the release of contaminated dust.
3.13.3 Performance and Cost Factors .
The concrete surface removal rate is 5 square yards per hour per bit (Ref.
13) for the floor scabbler, which represents 35 square yards per hour for a 7-
piston unit. The three-piston wall scabbler will remove 8-12 square yards of
surface per hour.
The approximate unit cost in 1979 dollars for floor and wall scarifying is
$1.40/yd 2 for the 7-piston floor model, and $6.25/ft 2 for the 3-piston wall
model. The unit cost includes operator cost, air consumption cost, dust and
chip removal, subcontractor overhead, and profit. A typical crew consists of
the tool operator and one laborer for chip removal.
Two types of high-pressure jet spalling devices have been developed under
the comnon name of water cannon (Ref. 14): Type (I), the Glycerine Gun, fires
solidified glycerine capsules in a modified 458 magnum rifle through a nozzle.
Type (2), the Water Cannon, uses compressed gas to drive a piston which forces
water through a small diameter nozzle.
(1) Glycerine Gun: The glycerine gun uses a 458 magnum rifle with a short
smooth bore barrel. A nozzle is threaded onto the end of the barrel to reduce
the diameter from 0.45 inches to 0.17 inches. A 9-inch diameter funnel-shaped
shield is placed around the nozzle to protect the operator and collect chips and
dust through a vacuum exhaust system. Rubble pieces are 0.5 inches to 0.75
inches in diameter, and are covered with glycerine which contains the dust. The
shield extends one inch beyond the nozzle to provide the necessary standoff from
the workspace. Figure 3 shows the glycerine gun.
The glycerine gun fires solidified glycerine capsules 2 inches long by a
0.45 inch diameter. The capsules are propelled by gun powder loaded into conven-
tional cartridge cases. The glycerine is accelerated by the propellant, and is
extruded through the nozzle at very high velocity. Wax is placed in the
cartridge case to hold in the powder, and to create a moving seal around the
glycerine to prevent combustion gases from bypassing the glycerine.
(2) Water Cannon: The water cannon uses compressed gas to drive a piston
and force a small quantity of water through a nozzle. Figure 4 shows a schema
tic of the water cannon components. A funnel-shaped shield is placed over the
nozzle to protect the operators and collect debris through a vacuum system. The
gas which ljropels the piston is compressed by a hydraulic impactor. Firing
rates of up to 5 shots per second are possible. Water is injected into the
chamber in front of the piston after each shot.
The unit is usually mounted on a back hoe or excavator and may be articu-
lated to spa11 concrete walls, floors or ceilings.
The grinding process includes a large number of similar tools for the
removal of thin layers of surface contamination from concrete. In many cases
the contamination is limited to the paint coating or concrete sealer finish.
The technique consists of abrading the surface using coarse-grained abrasives
in the form of water-cooled diamond grinding wheels or multiple tungsten-
carbide surfacing discs. Machines to power these abrasives are of the circular
floor grinding type where the grinding head rotates parallel to the floor.
Water required for cooling is injected into the center of the grinding head
eliminating any possibility of dust. Supplementary contamination control can e
3.15.2 Applications
Typical diamond grinding removal rates with disc type rotary floor grind-
ers are capable of removing several thousand square feet (per day) of surface
approximately % inch deep, and lesser areas to as much as 1 inch deep. The
machine may be operated by one operator.
The approximate unit cost in 1979 dollars for concrete floor grinding is
$36.00/~d~(Ref. 11). The approximate unit cost includes operator cost, grind-
ing wheels and discs, electricity, dust removal and packaging, and subcontract-
or overhead and profit.
A typical crew consists of the machine operator and one laborer for dust
removal and packaging.