Applied Hydraulic Engineering: A Course Material On
Applied Hydraulic Engineering: A Course Material On
Applied Hydraulic Engineering: A Course Material On
A Course Material on
Applied Hydraulic Engineering
Mr. K.ChandraBose
Name: K.ChandraBose
Signature of HD
Name: N.SathishKumar
Impact of Jet on vanes - Turbines - Classification - Reaction turbines - Francis turbine, Radial flow
turbines, draft tube and cavitation - Propeller and Kaplan turbines - Impulse turbine - Performance
of turbine - Specific speed - Runaway speed - Similarity laws.
Centrifugal pumps - Minimum speed to start the pump - NPSH - Cavitations in pumps - Operating
characteristics - Multistage pumps - Reciprocating pumps - Negative slip - Flow separation
conditions - Air vessels, indicator diagrams and its variations - Savings in work done - Rotary
pumps: Gear pump.
1.1 Introduction 1
1.4 Propertiesofopenchannels 3
1.5 Fundamentalequations 5
1.7.1 TheChezyequation 10
1.7.2 TheManningequation 11
1.8 BestHydraulicCross-Section 12
2.5.1 Thedirectstepmethod 32
3.1 The Application of the Energy equation for Rapidly Varied Flow 37
4.1 Introduction 44
5.3.1 Comparison 62
5.3.2 Description And Working
The flow of water in a conduit may be either open channel flow or pipe flow . The two
kinds of flow are similar in many ways but differ in one important respect.
1.1 Introduction
Open-channel flow must have a free surface , whereas pipe flow has none. A free surface
is subject to atmospheric pressure. In Pipe flow there exist no direct atmospheric flow but
hydraulic pressure only.
The two kinds of flow are compared in the figure above. On the left is pipe flow. Two
piezometers are placed in the pipe at sections 1 and 2. The water levels in the pipes are
maintained by the pressure in the pipe at elevations represented by the hydraulics grade line or
hydraulic gradient .
The pressure exerted by the water in each section of the pipe is shown in the tube by the
height y of a column of water above the centre line of the pipe.
The total energy of the flow of the section (with reference to a datum) is the sum of the
elevation z of the pipe centre line, the piezometric head y and the velocity head V /2g , where
V is the mean velocity. The energy is represented in the figure by what is known as the energy
grade line or the energy gradient .
The loss of energy that results when water flows from section 1 to section 2 is represented
by hf.
A similar diagram for open channel flow is shown to the right. This is simplified by
assuming parallel flow with a uniform velocity distribution and that the slope of the channel is
small. In this case the hydraulic gradient is the water surface as the depth of water corresponds
to the piezometric height.
Despite the similarity between the two kinds of flow, it is much more difficult to solve
problems of flow in open channels than in pipes. Flow conditions in open channels are
complicated by the position of the free surface which will change with time and space. And also
by the fact that depth of flow, the discharge, and the slopes of the channel bottom and of the free
surface are all inter dependent.
Physical conditions in open-channels vary much more than in pipes – the cross-section of
pipes is usually round – but for open channel it can be any shape.
Treatment of roughness also poses a greater problem in open channels than in pipes. Although
there may be a great range of roughness in a pipe from polished metal to highly corroded iron, open
channels may be of polished metal to natural channels with long grass and roughness that may also
depend on depth of flow.
Open channel flows are found in large and small scale. For example the flow depth can vary
between a few cm in water treatment plants and over 10m in large rivers. The mean velocity of flow
may range from less than 0.01 m/s in tranquil waters to above 50 m/s in high-head spillways. The range
of total discharges may extend from 0.001 l/s in chemical plants to greater than 10000 m 3 /s in large
rivers or spillways.
In each case the flow situation is characterised by the fact that there is a free surface whose
position is NOT known beforehand – it is determined by applying momentum and continuity principles.
Open channel flow is driven by gravity rather than by pressure work as in pipes.
The following classifications are made according to change in flow depth withrespect to
time and space.
Flow is said to be steady if the depth of flow at a particular point does not change or can
be Considered constant for the time interval under consideration. The flow is unsteady if
depth changes with time.
Open Channel flow is said to be uniform if the depth and velocity of flow are the same at
every section of the channel. Hence it follows that uniform flow can only occur in prismatic
For steady uniform flow, depth and velocity is constant with both time and distance. This
constitutes the fundamental type of flow in an open channel. It occurs when gravity forces are in
equilibrium with resistance forces.
Depth varies with distance but not with time. This type of flow may be either (a)
gradually varied or (b) rapidly varied. Type (a) requires the application of the energy and
frictional resistance equations while type (b) requires the energy and momentum equations.
Unsteady flow
The depth varies with both time and space. This is the most common type of flow and
requires the solution of the energy momentum and friction equations with time. In many practical
cases the flow is sufficiently close to steady flow therefore it can be analysed as gradually varied
steady flow.
Artificial channels
These are channels made by man. They include irrigation canals, navigation canals,
spillways, sewers, culverts and drainage ditches. They are usually constructed in a regular
cross-section shape throughout – and are thus prismatic channels (they don’t widen or get
narrower along the channel.
In the field they are commonly constructed of concrete, steel or earth and have the
surface roughness’ reasonably well defined (although this may change with age –
particularly grass lined channels.) Analysis of flow in such well defined channels will
give reasonably accurate results.
Natural channels
Natural channels can be very different. They are not regular nor prismatic and their
materials of construction can vary widely (although they are mainly of earth this can possess
many different properties.) The surface roughness will often change with time distance and
even elevation.
For analysis various geometric properties of the channel cross-sections are required. For
artificial channels these can usually be defined using simple algebraic equations given y the depth
of flow. The commonly needed geometric properties are shown in the figure below and defined
Depth(y)–the vertical distance from the lowest point of the channel section to the free surface.
Stage (z) – the vertical distance from the free surface to an arbitrary datum
Area (A) – the cross-sectional area of flow, normal to the direction of flow
Wetted perimeter (P) – the length of the wetted surface measured normal to the direction of flow.
Surface width (B) – width of the channel section at the free surface
Hydraulic mean depth (Dm) – the ratio of area to surface width ( A/B )
The equations which describe the flow of fluid are derived from three fundamental
laws of physics:
Although first developed for solid bodies they are equally applicable to fluids. Brief
descriptions of the concepts are given below.
Conservation of matter
This says that matter can not be created nor destroyed, but it may be converted
(e.g. by a chemical process.) In fluid mechanics we do not consider chemical activity so the law
reduces to one of conservation of mass.
Conservation of energy
This says that energy can not be created nor destroyed, but may be converted form one
type to another (e.g. potential may be converted to kinetic energy). When engineers talk about
energy "losses" they are referring to energy converted from mechanical (potential or kinetic)
to some other form such as heat. A friction loss, for example, is a conversion of mechanical
energy to heat. The basic equations can be obtained from the First Law of
Thermodynamics but a simplified derivation will be given below.
Conservation of momentum
The law of conservation of momentum says that a moving body cannot gain or lose
momentum unless acted upon by an external force. This is a statement of Newton's Second Law
of Motion: Force = rate of change of momentum
In solid mechanics these laws may be applied to an object which is has a fixed shape
and is clearly defined. In fluid mechanics the object is not clearly defined and as it may change
shape constantly. To get over this we use the idea of control volumes. These are
imaginary volumes of fluid within the body of the fluid. To derive the basic equation the above
conservation laws are applied by considering the forces applied to the edges of a control volume
within the fluid.
For any control volume during the small time interval δt the principle of conservation
of mass implies that the mass of flow entering the control volume minus the mass of flow
leaving the control volume equals the change of mass within the control volume.If the flow is
steady and the fluid incompressible the mass entering is equal to the mass leaving, so there is
no change of mass within the control volume.
So for the time interval δt : Mass flow entering = mass flow leaving
Considering the control volume above which is a short length of open channel of arbitrary
cross- Section then, if ρ is the fluid density and Q is the volume flow rate then section then, if
mass flow rate is ρ Q and the continuity equation for steady incompressible flow can be written
As, Q, the volume flow rate is the product of the area and the mean velocity then at the
upstream face (face 1) where the mean velocity is u and the cross-sectional area is A1 then:
Similarly at the downstream face, face 2, where mean velocity is u2 and the cross-
sectional area is A2 then:
Consider the forms of energy available for the above control volume. If the fluid moves
from the upstream face 1, to the downstream face 2 in time d t over the length L.
The work done in moving the fluid through face 1 during this time is
If z1 is the height of the centroid of face 1, then the potential energy of the fluid
entering the control volume is :
The total energy entering the control volume is the sum of the work done, the potential
and the kinetic energy:
We can write this in terms of energy per unit weight. As the weight of water entering
the control volume is ρ1 A1 L g then just divide by this to get the total energy per unit
If no energy is supplied to the control volume from between the inlet and the outlet
then energy leaving = energy entering and if the fluid is incompressible
1. In the derivation of the Bernoulli equation it was assumed that no energy is lost in the
control volume - i.e. the fluid is frictionless. To apply to non frictionless situations some
energy loss term must be included.
2. The dimensions of each term in equation 1.2 has the dimensions of length ( units of
meters). For this reason each term is often regarded as a "head" and given the names
3. Although above we derived the Bernoulli equation between two sections it should strictly
speaking be applied along a stream line as the velocity will differ from the top to the bottom
of the section. However in engineering practise it is possible to apply the Bernoulli equation
with out reference to the particular streamline
It is more convenient to write the force on a control volume in each of the three,
x, y and z direction e.g. in the x-direction
This is the momentum equation for steady flow for a region of uniform velocity.
In deriving the above momentum and energy (Bernoulli) equations it was noted that the
velocity must be constant (equal to V) over the whole cross-section or constant along a
Clearly this will not occur in practice. Fortunately both these equation may still be used
even for situations of quite non-uniform velocity distribution over a section. This is
possible by the introduction of coefficients of energy and momentum, a and ß respectively.
And the Bernoulli equation can be rewritten in terms of this mean velocity:
The values of α and ß must be derived from the velocity distributions across a cross-
section. They will always be greater than 1, but only by a small amount consequently they can
often be confidently omitted – but not always and their existence should always be remembered.
For turbulent flow in regular channel a does not usually go above 1.15 and ß will
normally be below 1.05. We will see an example below where their inclusion is necessary to
obtain accurate results.
The measured velocity in an open channel will always vary across the channel section
because of friction along the boundary. Neither is this velocity distribution usually
axisymmetric (as it is in pipe flow) due to the existence of the free surface. It might be
expected to find the maximum velocity at the free surface where the shear force is zero but this
is not the case. The maximum velocity is usually found just below the surface.
The explanation for this is the presence of secondary currents which are circulating
from the boundaries towards the section centre and resistance at the air/water interface. These
have been found in both laboratory measurements and 3d numerical simulation of turbulence.
The figure below shows some typical velocity distributions across some channel cross
sections. The number indicates percentage of maximum velocity.
To determine the values of a and ß the velocity distribution must have been measured
(or be known in some way). In irregular channels where the flow may be divided into distinct
regions a may exceed 2 and should be included in the Bernoulli equation.
The figure below is a typical example of this situation. The channel may be of this
shape when a river is in flood – this is known as a compound channel .
If the channel is divided as shown into three regions and making the assumption that α =
1 for each then
When uniform flow occurs gravitational forces exactly balance the frictional resistance
forces which apply as a shear force along the boundary (channel bed and walls).
Considering the above diagram, the gravity force resolved in the direction of flow is
Considering a channel of small slope, (as channel slopes for unifor and gradually varied
flow seldom exceed about 1 in 50) then
If we assume the state of rough turbulent flow then we can also make the assumption the
shear force is proportional to the flow velocity squared i.e.
Because the K is not constant the C is not constant but depends on Reynolds
number and boundary roughness (see discussion in previous section).
The relationship between C and is easily seen be substituting equation 1.9 into
the Darcy- Wiesbach equation written for open channels and is
A very many studies have been made of the evaluation of C for different natural and
manmade channels. These have resulted in today most practising engineers use some form of this
relationship to give C:
Or in terms of discharge
Several other names have been associated with the derivation of this formula – or
ones similar and consequently in some countries the same equation is named after one of these
people. Some of these names are; Strickler, Gauckler, Kutter, Gauguillet and Hagen.
The Manning equation has the great benefits that it is simple, accurate and now due to
it long extensive practical use, there exists a wealth of publicly available values of n for a
very wide range of channels.
Use of conveyance may be made when calculating discharge and stage in compound
channels and also calculating the energy and momentum coefficients in this situation.
We often want to know the the minimum area A for a given flow Q, slope S0 and
roughness coef- ficient n.
Rearranged we get
Thus best hydraulic cross- section for a rectangular channel occurs when the depth is one-
half the width of the channel
(Roberson, Table 4- 3)
Assuming a trapezoidal channel, maximum side slopes depend on material (Roberson,Table 4-2)
Firm Soil 1:1
Problem: For an unlined trapezoidal irrigation canal in firm loam soil, slope is 0.0006 and flow is
100 cfs, what dimensions?
To find Rh
So if
A = by + 1.5y and P = b + 3.61y
Critical Slope
Holding n and Q constant, changing slope slope will change depth and velocity
Where velocity and depth give a Froude number =1, this is defined as the critical slope Sc
and crit- ical depth yc
We can use Manning's formula for discharge to calculate steady uniform flow. Two
calculations are usually performed to solve uniform flow problems.
As we have already mentioned, and by definition, uniform flow can only occur in channels
of constant cross-section (prismatic channels) so natural channel can be excluded. However we will
need to use Manning's equation for gradually varied flow in natural channels - so application to
natural/irregular channels will often be required.
A concrete lined trapezoidal channel with uniform flow has a normal depth is 2m. The base
width is 5m and the side slopes are equal at 1:2
The simplest way to calculate the mean velocity is to use the continuity equation:
This is very large - i.e. well into the turbulent zone - the application of the Manning's equation
was therefore valid.
What solution would we have obtained if we had used the Colebrook-White equation?
Probably very similar as we are well into the rough-turbulent zone where both equations are truly
To experiment an equivalent k s value can be calculated for the discharge calculated from n =
0.015 and y = 2m [ ks = 2.225mm ] (Use the Colebrook-White equation and the Darcy-
Wiesbach equation of open channels - both given earlier). Then a range of depths can be chosen
and the discharges calculated for these n and ks values. Comparing these discharge calculations
will give some idea of the relative differences - they will be very similar.
Using the same channel as above, if the discharge is know to be 30m3 /s in uniform flow, what is
the normal depth?
Even for this quite simple geometry the equation we need to solve for normal depth is complex. One
simple strategy to solve this is to select some appropriate values of y and calculate the right hand
side of this equation and compare it to Q (=30) in the left. When it equals Q we have the correct
Even though there will be several solutions to this equation, this strategy generally works because
we have a good idea of what the depth should be (e.g. it will always be positive and often in the
range of 0.5-10 m). In this case from the previous example we know that at Q = 45 m3 /s, y = 2m .
So at Q = 30 m3 /s then y < 2.0m.
If the channel in the above example were to be designed for flooding it may have a section like this:
When the flow goes over the top of the trapezoidal channel it moves to the "flood plains" so the
section allows for a lot more discharge to be carried.
If the flood channels are 10m wide and have side slopes of 1:3, and the Manning n on these
banks is0.035, what are a) the discharge for a flood level of 4m b) the enery coefficient a.
This is a very high value of a and a clear case of where a velocity coefficient should be used.
Not that this method doe not give completely accurate relationship between stage and discharge
because some of the assumptions are not accurate. E.g. the arbitrarily splitting in to regions of
fixed Manning n is probably not what is occurring in the actual channel. However it will give an
acceptable estimate as long as care is taken in choosing these regions.
It is defined as energy per unit weight of the liquid with respect to the bottom of the channel. The
extra information needed to solve the above problem can be provided by the specific energy
equation. Specific energy, Es, is defined as the energy of the flow with reference to the
channel bed as the datum:
This is a cubic in y. It has three solutions but only two will be positive (so discard the other).
Critical Velocity
Flow properties, such as depth of flow area of cross section and velocity of flow vary
with respect to distance is called Non-uniform flow.
It is, otherwise, called as varied flow. The varied flow is broadly classified into two
If the depth of flow changes quickly over a small length of the channel, the flow is said
to be gradually varied flow (GVF). Example: Back water in a dam.
The following assumptions are made for analyzing the gradually varied flow:
1. The flow is steady
2. The pressure distribution over the channel section is hydrostatic, i.e., streamlines are
practically straight and parallel.
3. The head loss is same as for uniform flow.
4. The channel slope is small, so that the depth measured vertically is the same as depth
measured normal to the channel bottom.
5. A channel is prismatic.
6. Kinetic energy correction factor is very close to unity.
7. Roughness coefficient is constant along the channel length
8. The formulae, such as Chezy’s formula, Manning’s formula which are applicable, to the
uniform flow are also applicable for the gradually varied flow for determining slope of
energy line.
In the previous section of rapidly varied flow little mention was made of losses due to
friction or the influence of the bed slope. It was assumed that frictional losses were
insignificant – this is reasonable because rapidly varied flow occurs over a very short
distance. However when it comes to long distances they become very important, and as
gradually varied flow occurs over long distances we will consider friction losses here.
In the section on specific energy it was noted that there are two depth possible in
steady flow for a given discharge at any point in the channel. (One is super-critical the other
depth sub-critical.) The solution of the Manning equation results in only one depth – the
normal depth.
It is the inclusion of the channel slope and friction that allow us to decide which
of the two depths is correct. i.e. the channel slope and friction determine whether the
uniform flow in the channel is sub or super-critical.
The procedure is
The normal depth may be greater, less than or equal to the critical depth.
For a given channel and roughness there is only one slope that will give the normal
depth equal to the critical depth. This slope is known as the critical slope ( Sc ).
If the slope is less than Sc the normal depth will be greater than critical depth
and the flow will be sub-critical flow. The slope is termed mild .
If the slope is greater than Sc the normal depth will be less than critical depth and the
flow will be super-critical flow. The slope is termed steep .
We have Equation that gives normal depth and equation that given critical depth
Rearranging these in terms of Q and equating gives
For the simple case of a wide rectangular channel, width B = b, A = by and P b. And
the above equation becomes
If sub critical flow exists in a channel of a mild slope and this channel meets with a
steep channel in which the normal depth is super-critical there must be some change of
surface level between the two. In this situation the surface changes gradually between the
two. The flow in the joining region is known as gradually varied flow.
This situation can be clearly seen in the figure on the left below. Note how at the point
of joining of the two channels the depth passes through the critical depth.
If the situation is reversed and the upstream slope is steep, super critical flow, and the
down stream mild, sub-critical, then there must occur a hydraulic jump to join the two.
There may occur a short length of gradually varied flow between the channel junction and
the jump. The figure above right shows this situation:
Analysis of gradually varied flow can identify the type of profile for the transition as
well as the position hydraulic jumps. The equations of gradually varied flow. The basic
assumption in the derivation of this equation is that the change in energy with distance is equal
to the friction loses.
where S o is the bed slope. We saw earlier how specific energy change with depth
This is the basic equation of gradually varied flow. It describes how the depth, y ,
changes with distance x , in terms of the bed slope S o , friction S f and the discharge,
Q , and channels shape (encompassed in Fr and S f ).
Equations 1.25 and 1.26 are differential equations equating relating depth to distance.
There is no explicit solution (except for a few special cases in prismatic channels).
Numerical integration is the only practical method of solution. This is normally done on
computers, however it is not too cumbersome to be done by hand.
Before attempting to solve the gradually varied flow equation a great deal of insight
into the type of solutions and profiles possible can be gained by taking some time to examine
the equation.
Time spent over this is almost compulsory if you are to understand steady flow in open
channels. For a given discharge, S f and Fr2 are functions of depth.
A quick examination of these two expressions shows that they both increase with A, i.e.
increase with y .We also know that when we have uniform flow
From these inequalities we can see how the sign of dy/dx i.e. the surface slope
changes for different slopes and Froude numbers.
The normal and critical depths are shown (as it is mild normal depth is greater
than critical depth). Treating the flow as to be in three zones:
ii. zone 2, between normal and critical depth iii. zone 3, below critical depth
The condition at the boundary of the gradually varied flow may also be determined in
a similar manner:
zone 1
Hence the water surface is asymptotic to the line y = y n i.e. uniform flow.
zone 2
This is physically impossible but may be explained by the pointing out that in this
region the gradually varied flow equation is not applicable because at this point the fluid is in
the rapidly varied flow regime.
zone 3
As for zone 2 a problem occurs when y approaches the critical depth: As yy c then
Fr 1 and dy/dx 8
Again we have the same physical impossibility with the same explanation. And again
in reality a very steep surface will occur.
The gradually varied flow equation is not valid here but it is clear what occurs.
In general, normal depth is approached asymptotically and critical depth at right angles
to the channel bed.
The possible surface profiles within each zone can be drawn from the above
considerations. These are shown for the mild sloped channel below.
All the possible surface profiles for all possible slopes of channel (there are 15
possibilities) are shown in the figure.
Before one of the profiles discussed above can be decided upon two things must be
determined for the channel and flow:
a) Whether the slope is mild, critical or steep. The normal and critical depths must be
calculated for the design discharge
b) The positions of any control points must be established. Control points are points
of known depth or relationship between depth and discharge. Example are weirs, flumes,
gates or points where it is known critical flow occurs like at free outfalls, or that the flow
is normal depth at some far distance down stream.
Once these control points and depth position has been established the surface profiles
can be drawn to join the control points with the insertion of hydraulic jumps where it is
necessary to join sub and super critical flows that don’t meet at a critical depth.
This shows the control point just upstream of a broad crested weir in a channel of mild
slope. The resulting curve is an M1.
This shows how a bridge may act as a control – particularly under flood conditions.
Upstream there is an M1 curve then flow through the bridge is rapidly varied and the depth
drops below critical depth so on exit is super critical so a short M3 curve occurs before a
hydraulic jump takes the depth back to a sub-critical level. Method of solution of the gradually
varied flow equation.
In the past direct and graphical solution methods have been used to solve these,
however these method have been superseded by numerical methods which are now be the only
method used.
All (15) of the gradually varied flow profiles shown above may be quickly solved
by simple numerical techniques. One computer program can be written to solve most
This method will calculate (by integrating the gradually varied flow equation) a
distance for a given change in surface height.
5. Calculate ∆ x
This method will calculate (by integrating the gradually varied flow equation) a depth
at a given distance up or downstream.
The steps in solution are similar to the direct step method shown above but for each
x there is the following iterative step:
1. Assume a value of depth y (the control depth or the last solution depth)
3. Calculate S f
5. Calculate E s(x+ ∆x ) s = E + ∆ E
This method will again calculate a depth at a given distance up or downstream but this
time the equation used is 1.26, which written in finite difference form is
The strategy is the same as the first standard step method, with the same necessity to iterate
for each step.
2.5.3 Graphical Integration Method
This is a simple and straight forward method and is applicable to both prismatic and
non prismatic channels of any shape and slope.
The above equation can be graphically integrated for a given channel and its
discharge by plotting the value of dx/dy on x -axis for various values of y plotted on x-axis.
By measuring the area formed by the curve, (the x-axis and the ordinates of dx/dy at
y=y1 and y=y2 ) L can be determined. The area can also be determined by computing
theordinates dx/dy for different values of y and then, calculating the area between the
adjacent ordinates. Summing these areas, one can obtain the desired length L.
Problem: A river 100 m wide and 3m deep has an average bed slope of 0.0005. Estimate
the length of the GVF profile produced by a low weir which raises the water surface just
upstream of it by 1.5 m. Assume N = 0.035. Use direct step method with three steps. To
estimate the length of the GVF profile
3.1 The Application of the Energy equation for Rapidly Varied Flow
Rapid changes in stage and velocity occur whenever there is a sudden change in
cross-section, a very steep bed-slope or some obstruction in the channel. This type of flow is
termed rapidly varied flow .
Typical example are flow over sharp-crested weirs and flow through regions of
greatly changing cross-section (Venturi flumes and broad-crested weirs). Rapid change can
also occur when there is a change from super-critical to sub-critical flow (see later) in a
channel reach at a hydraulic jump.
In these regions the surface is highly curved and the assumptions of hydro
static pressure distribution and parallel streamlines do not apply. However it is possibly to get
good approximate solutions to these situations yet still use the energy and momentum
concepts outlined earlier. The solutions will usually be sufficiently accurate for engineering
The figure below shows a length of channel inclined at a slope of and flowing with
uniform flow.
And assuming a hydrostatic pressure distribution we can write the pressure at a point
on a streamline, A say, in terms of the depth d (the depth measured from the water surface
in a direction normal to the bed) and the channel slope.
As channel slope in open channel are very small (1:100 = 0.57 and = 0.9999) so unless
the channel is unusually steep cos 2
The specific energy change with depth was plotted above for a constant discharge Q,
it is also possible to plot a graph with the specific energy fixed and see how Q changes with
depth. These two forms are plotted side by side below.
From these graphs we can identify several important features of rapidly varied flow.
2. For all other values of E s there are two possible depths. These are called
alternate depths. For
2. For all other discharges there are two possible depths of flow for a particular Es
i.e. There is a sub-critical depth and a super-critical depth with the same Es
An equation for critical depth can be obtained by setting the differential of E to zero:
For a rectangular channel Q = qb, B = b and A = by , and taking a = 1 this equation becomes
The hydraulic jump is an important feature in open channel flow and is an example of
rapidly varied flow. A hydraulic jump occurs when a super-critical flow and a sub-critical
flow meet. The jump is the mechanism for the to surface to join. They join in an extremely
turbulent manner which causes large energy losses.
Because of the large energy losses the energy or specific energy equation cannot
be use in analysis, the momentum equation is used instead.
Figure of forces applied to the control volume containing the hydraulic jump
Momentum change = M2 – M1
So knowing the discharge and either one of the depths on the upstream or downstream
side of the jump the other – or conjugate depth – may be easily computed.
More manipulation with Equation and the specific energy give the energy loss in the jump as
These are useful results and which can be used in gradually varied flow calculations to
determine water surface profiles.
In summary, a hydraulic jump will only occur if the upstream flow is super-critical.
The higher the upstream Froude number the higher the jump and the greater the loss of energy
in the jump.
The kinetic energy of flow after the hydraulic jump is greatly reduced, which may
prevent erosion of the channel boundaries of downstream side.
3.4.4 Classification of Hydraulic Jumps
Based on Froude number (F), hydraulic jump can be classified into 5 types.
a. Undulation jump: The Froude number F ranges from 1 to1.7 and the liquid surface does
not rise shortly but having undulations of radically decreasing size.
b. Weak jump: The Froude number F ranges from1.7 to 2.5 and the liquid surface remains
c. Oscillating jump: The Froude number F ranges from 2.5 to 4.5 and there is an oscillating
jet which enters the jump bottom and oscillating to the surface.
d. Steady jump: The Froude number F ranges from 4.5 to9 and energy loss due to steady
jump in between 45 and 70%.
e. Strong jump: The Froude number greater than 9 and the downstream water surface is
rough. Energy loss due to strong jump may be up to 85%.
4.1 Introduction
Most of the electrical generators are powered by turbines. Turbines are the primemovers of
civilisation. Steam and Gas turbines share in the electrical power generation is about 75%. About 20% of
power is generated by hydraulic turbines and hence thier importance. Rest of 5% only is by other means of
Hydraulic power depends on renewable source and hence is ever lasting. It is also non polluting in
terms of non generation of carbon dioxide.
4.2 Breaking Jet
When the nozzle is completely closed, the amount of water striking the runner reduces to
zero but the runner due to inertia goes on revolving for a long time to stop the runner in a short time a
small nozzle is provided which direct the jet of water on the back of vanes .This jet of water is called
breaking jet.
4.3 Classification of Turbines
The main classification depends upon the type of action of the water on the turbine. These are
(i) Impulse turbine (ii) Reaction Turbine.
(i) In the case of impulse turbine all the potential energy is converted to kinetic energy in
the nozzles. The impulse provided by the jets is used to turn the turbine wheel. The pressure inside the
turbine is atmospheric.
This type is found suitable when the available potential energy is high and the flow available
is comparatively low. Some people call this type as tangential flow units. Later discussion will show
under what conditions this type is chosen for operation.
(ii) In reaction turbines the available potential energy is progressively converted in the turbines
rotors and the reaction of the accelerating water causes the turning of the wheel.
These are again divided into radial flow, mixed flow and axial flow machines. Radial flow
machines are found suitable for moderate levels of potential energy and medium quantities of flow. The
axial machines are suitable for low levels of potential energy and large flow rates. The potential
energy available is generally denoted as “head available”. With this terminology plants are designated as
“high head”, “medium head” and “low head” plants.
Turbines work in two different ways described as impulse and reaction terms that are often very
confusingly described (and sometimes completely muddled up) when people try to explain them. So what's
the difference?
4.4 Impulse turbines
In an impulse turbine, a fast-moving fluid is fired through a narrow nozzle at the turbine blades to
make them spin around. The blades of an impulse turbine are usually buck et-shaped so they catch the fluid
and direct it off at an angle or sometimes even back the way it came (because that gives the most efficient
transfer of energy from the fluid to the turbine). In an impulse turbine, the fluid is forced to hit the turbine at
high speed. Imagine trying to make a wheel like this turn around by kicking soccer balls into its paddles.
You'd need the balls to hit hard and bounce back well to get the wheel spinning—and those constant energy
impulses are the key to how it works.
impulse turbine
reaction turbine
Broadly speaking, we divide turbines into four kinds according to the type of fluid that drives them:
water, wind, steam, and gas. Although all four types work in essentially the same way— spinning around as
the fluid moves against them—they are subtly different and have to be engineered in very different ways.
Steam turbines, for example, turn incredibly quickly because steam is produced under high-pressure.
Wind turbines that make electricity turn relatively slowly (mainly for safety reasons), so they need to be
huge to capture decent amounts of energy. Gas turbines need to be made from specially resilient alloys
because they work at such high temperatures. Water turbines are often very big because they have to extract
energy from an entire river, dammed and diverted to flow past them.
4.7 Kaplan turbine
The Kaplan turbine is a propeller-type water turbine which has adjustable blades. It was developed
in 1913 by the Austrian professor Viktor Kaplan, who combined automatically - adjusted propeller
blades with automatically-adjusted wicket gates to achieve efficiency over a wide range of flow and water
The Kaplan turbine was an evolution of the Francis turbine. Its invention allowed efficient power
production in low- head applications that was not possible with Francis turbines.
Kaplan turbines are now widely used throughout the world in high-flow, low-head power production.
The Kaplan turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine, which means that the working fluid changes pressure
as it moves through the turbine and gives up its energy. The design combines radial and axial features.
The inlet is a scroll-shaped tube that wraps around the turbine's wicket gate. Water is directed
tangentially through the wicket gate and spirals on to a propeller shaped runner, causing it to The outlet is a
specially shaped draft tube that helps decelerate the water and recover kinetic energy.
The turbine does not need to be at the lowest point of water flow as long as the draft tube remains full
of water. A higher turbine location, however, increases the suction that is imparted on the turbine blades by
the draft tube. The resulting pressure drop may lead to cavitation.
Variable geometry of the wicket gate and turbine blades allow efficient operation for a range of flow
conditions. Kaplan turbine efficiencies are typically over 90%, but may be lower in very low head
Current areas of research include CFD driven efficiency improvements and new designs
that raise survival rates of fish passing through.
Kaplan turbines are widely used throughout the world for electrical power production. They cover
the lowest head hydro sites and are especially suited for high flow conditions. Inexpensive micro turbines are
manufactured for individual power production with as little as two feet of head.Kaplan turbine is low head
turbine. Large Kaplan turbines are individually designed for each site to operate at the highest possible
efficiency, typically over 90%. They are very expensive to design, manufacture and install, but operate for
Problem: A Kaplan turbine works under a head of 26.5 m, the flow rate of water being 170 m3/s. The overall
efficiency is 90%. Determine the power and specific speed. The turbine speed is 150 rpm.
Problem : A Kaplan turbine plant develops 3000 kW under a head of 10 m. While running at 62.5 rpm. The
discharge is 350 m3/s. The tip diameter of the runner is 7.5 m and the hub to tip ratio is 0.43. Calculate the
specific speed, turbine efficiency, the speed ratio and flow ratio.
Speed ratio is based on tip speed. Hub diameter = 0.43 × 7.5 = 3.225 m Turbine efficiency = P / ρ Q H g
4.7.2 Variations
The Kaplan turbine is the most widely used of the propeller-type turbines, but several other variations
exist: Propeller Turbines
Propeller Turbines have non-adjustable propeller vanes. They are used in where the range ofhead is
not large. Commercial products exist for producing several hundred watts from only a few feet of head.
Larger propeller turbines produce more than 100 MW. Bulb or Tubular turbines
Bulb or Tubular turbines are designed into the water delivery tube. A large bulb is centered inthe
water pipe which holds the generator, wicket gate and runner. Tubular turbines are a fully axial design,
whereas Kaplan turbines have a radial wicket gate. Pit turbines
Pit turbines are bulb turbines with a gear box. This allows for a smaller generator and bulb. Straflo
turbines are axial turbines with the generator outside of the water channel, con nected tothe periphery of the
runner. S- turbines
S- turbines eliminate the need for a bulb housing by placing the generator outside of the
waterchannel. This is accomplished with a jog in the water channel and a shaft connecting the runner and
The Francis turbine is a type of water turbine that was developed by James B.
Francis in Lowell, MA. It is an inward-flow reaction turbine that combines radial and axial
flow concepts.
Francis turbines are the most common water turbine in use today. They operate in a head
range of ten meters to several hundred meters and are primarily used for electrical power
. The inlet is spiral shaped. Guide vanes direct the water tangentially to the turbine
wheel, known as a runner. This radial flow acts on the runner's vanes, causing the runner to
spi n. The guide vanes (or wicket gate) may be adjustable to allow efficient turbine operation
for a range of water flow conditions.
As the water moves through the runner, its spinning radius decreases, further acting on
the runner. For an analogy, imagine swinging a ball on a string around in a circle; if the string
is pulled short, the ball spins faster due to the conservation of angular momentum. This
property, in addition to the water's pressure, helps Francis and other inward-flow turbines
harness water energy efficiently. Water wheels have been used historically to power mills of all
types, but they are inefficient.
and graphical calculation methods improved turbine design and engineering. His analytical
methods allowed confident design of high efficiency turbines to exactly match a site's flow
The Francis turbine is a reaction turbine, which means that the working fluid changes
pressure as it moves through the turbine, giving up its energy. A casement is needed to contain
the water flow. The turbine is located between the high-pressure water source and the low-
pressure water exit, usually at the base of a dam.
The inlet is spiral shaped. Guide vanes direct the water tangentially to the turbine
wheel, known as a runner. This radial flow acts on the runner's vanes, causing the runner to
spin. The guide vanes (or wicket gate) may be adjustable to allow efficient turbine operation
for a range of water flow conditions.
As the water moves through the runner, its spinning radius decreases, further acting on
the runner. For an analogy, imagine swinging a ball on a string around in a circle; if the string
is pulled short, the ball spins faster due to the conservation of angular momentum. This
property, in addition to the water's pressure, helps Francis and other inward-flow turbines
harness water energy efficiently.
Problem:The outer diameter of a Francis runner is 1.4 m. The flow velocity at inlet is 9.5
m/s. The absolute velocity at the exit is 7 m/s. The speed of operation is 430 rpm. The power
developed is 12.25 MW, with a flow rate of 12 m3/s. Total head is 115 m. For shockless entry
determine the angle of the inlet guide vane. Also find the absolute velocity at entrance, the
runner blade angle at inlet and the loss of head in the unit. Assume zero whirl at exit. Also
fluid the specific speed.
Problem: A Francis turbine developing 16120 kW under an a head of 260 m runs at 600 rpm.
The runner outside diameter is 1500 mm and the width is 135 mm. The flow rate is 7 m 3/s.
The exit velocity at the draft tube outlet is 16 m/s. assuming zero whirl velocity at exit and
neglecting blade thickness determine the overall and hydraulic efficiency and rotor blade
angle at inlet. Also find the guide vane outlet angle:
The shape of the velocity triangle is as given. β is the angle taken with the direction of blade
The specific speed ns of a turbine dictates the turbine's shape in a way that is not related to
its size. This allows a new turbine design to be scaled from an existing design of known
performance. The specific speed is also the main criterion for matching a specific hydro -electric
site with the correct turbine type.
The formula suggests that the Pelton turbine is most suitable for applications with
relatively high hydraulic head, due to the 5/4 exponent being greater than unity, and given the
characteristically low specific speed of the Pelton.
5.1 Centrifugal Pumps
These are so called because energy is imparted to the fluid by centrifugal action of
moving blades from the inner radius to the outer radius. The main components of
centrifugal pumps are (1) the impeller, (2) the casing and (3) the drive shaft with gland and
Additionally suction pipe with one way valve (foot valve) and delivery pipe with
delivery valve completes the system.
The liquid enters the eye of the impeller axially due to the suction created by the
impeller motion. The impeller blades guide the fluid and impart momentum to the fluid,
which increases the total head (or pressure) of the fluid, causing the fluid to flow out.
The fluid comes out at a high velocity which is not directly usable. The casing can
be of simple volute type or a diffuser can be used as desired. The volute is a spiral casing
of gradually increasing cross section. A part of the kinetic energy in the fluid is converted
to pressure in the casing.
Figure shows a sectional view of the centrifugal pump.
Diffuser pump.
5.1.2 Impeller
The impeller consists of a disc with blades mounted perpendicularly on its surface.
The blades may of three different orientations.
These are (i) Radial, (ii) Backward curved, and (iii) Forward curved.
Backward and forward refers to the direction of motion of the disc periphery. Of
these the most popular one is the backward curved type, due to its desirable
characteristics, which reference to the static head developed and power variation
with flow rate.
A simple disc with blades mounted perpendicularly on it is called open
impeller. If another disc is used to cover the blades, this type is called shrouded
impeller. This is more popular with water pumps. Open impellers are well adopted for
use with dirty or water containing solids. The third type is just the blades spreading out
from the shaft.
These are used to pump slurries. Impellers may be of cast iron or bronzes or steel
or special alloys as required by the application. In order to maintain constant radial
velocity, the width of the impeller will be wider at entrance and narrower at the exit. The
blades are generally cast integral with the disc. Recently even plastic material is used for
the impeller. To start delivery of the fluid the casing and impeller should be filled with
the fluid without any air pockets. This is called priming.
If air is present the there will be only compression and no delivery of fluid. In
order to release any air entrained an air valve is generally provided
The one way foot value keeps the suction line and the pump casing filled with water.
5.1.3 Classification
As already mentioned, centrifugal pumps may be classified in several ways.
On the basis of speed as low speed, medium speed and high speed pumps.
On the basis of direction of flow of fluid, the classification is radial flow, mixed
flow and radial flow. On the basis of head pumps may be classified as low head (10 m
and below), medium head (10-50 m) and high head pumps.
Single entry type and double entry type is another classification. Double entry
pumps have blades on both sides of the impeller disc. This leads to reduction in
axial thrust and increase in flow for the same speed and diameter.
When the head required is high and which cannot be developed by a single
impeller, multi staging is used. In deep well submersible pumps the diameter is
limited by the diameter of the bore well casing. In this case multi stage pump becomes a
must. In multi stage pumps several impellers are mounted on the same shaft and the
outlet flow of one impeller is led to the inlet of the next impeller and so on. The total
head developed equals the sum of heads developed by all the stages.
dimensionless parameters have been derived in the case of hydraulic machines. The same
is also repeated in example.
The expression for the dimensionless specific speed is given in equation
Applying Bernoulli’s equation between the water level and pump suction,
Similarly applying Bernoulli’s theorem between the pump delivery and the
delivery at the tank
where Zs is the height of suction gauge from datum. The total energy at the
delivery of the pump
Z2 is the height of delivery gauge from datum. The difference in total energy is
defined as Hm
The velocity diagrams at inlet and outlet of a backward curved vaned impeller is
shown in figure The inlet whirl is generally zero. There are no guide vanes at inlet to
impart whirl. So the inlet triangle is right angled.
Manometric efficiency is defined as the ratio of manometric head and ideal head.
There are always some leakages of fluid after being imparted energy by the
For a given pump, D, A, β2 and N are fixed . So at constant speed we can write
Hence at constant speed this leads to a drooping linear characteristics for backward
curved blading. This is shown by curve 1 in Figure 15.4.1. The slip causes drop in
the head, which can be written as σ Vu2 u2/g. As flow increases this loss also
Curve 2 shown the head after slip. The flow will enter without shock only at the design
flow rate. At other flow rates, the water will enter with shock causing losses.
This lose can be expressed as hshock = k3 (Qth – Q)2
The reduced head after shock losses is shown in curve 5. The shock losses with
flow rate is shown by curve 3. The mechanical losses can be represented by hf = k4 Q2.
The variation is shown by curve 4. With variation of speed the head characteristic is
shifted near paralley with the curve 5 shown in Figure.
Pumps are chosen for particular requirement. The requirements are not constant as per
example the pressure required for flow through a piping system. As flow increases, the
pressure required increases. In the case of the pump as flow increases, the head decreases. The
operating condition will be the meeting point of the two curves representing the variation of
head required by the system and the variation of head of the pump. This is shown in Figure.
The operating condition decides about the capacity of the pump or selection of the
pump. If in a certain setup, there is a need for increased load; either a completely new
pump may be chosen. This may be costlier as well as complete revamping of the setup. An
additional pump can be the alternate choice. If the head requirement increases the old pump
and the new pump can operate in series.
In case more flow is required the old pump and the new pump will operate in parallel.
There are also additional advantages in two pump operation. When the Pump-load
characteristics load is low one of the pump can operate with a higher efficiency when the load
increases then the second pump can be switched on thus improving part load efficiency. The
characteristics of parallel operation is depicted in Figure
The original requirement was Q1 at H1. Pump 1 could satisfy the same and operating
point is at when the flow requirement and the system characteristic is changed such that Q2
is required at head H1, then two pumps of similar characteristics can satisfy the requirement.
Providing a flow volume of Q2 as head H1. It is not necessary that similar pumps
should be used. Suitable control system for switching on the second pump should be used
in such a case. When the head requirement is changed with flow volume being the same,
then the pumps should work in series. The characteristics are shown in Figure.
The flow requirement is Q. Originally head requirement was H1 met by the first
pump alone. The new requirement is flow rate Q and head H2. This can be met by adding in
series the pump2, which meets this requirement. It is also possible to meet changes in both
head and flow requirements by the use of two pumps. Suitable control system should be
installed for such purposes.
Problem 1:The following details refer to a centrifugal pump. Outer diameter : 30 cm. Eye
diameter : 15 cm. Blade angle at inlet : 30°. Blade angle at outlet : 25°. Speed 1450 rpm. The
flow velocity remains constant. The whirl at inlet is zero. Determine the work done per kg. If
the manometric efficiency is 82%, determine the working head. If width at outlet is 2cm,
determine the power o = 76%.
If centrifugal pump consists of two or more impellers the pump is called Multistage
pump. To produce a high head impellers are connected in series .To produce high discharge
impellers are connected in parallel.
There are two main types of pumps namely the dynamic and positive displacement
pumps. Dynamic pumps consist of centrifugal, axial and mixed flow pumps. In these cases
pressure is developed by the dynamic action of the impeller on the fluid.
Momentum is imparted to the fluid by dynamic action. This type was discussed in the
previous chapter. Positive displacement pumps consist of reciprocating and rotary types.
These types of pumps are discussed in this chapter. In these types a certain volume of fluid
is taken in an enclosed volume and then it is forced out against pressure to the required
5.3.1 Comparison
Dynamic pumps
1. Simple in construction.
2. Can operate at high speed and hence compact.
3. Suitable for large volumes of discharge at moderate pressures in a single stage.
4. Lower maintenance requirements.
5. Delivery is smooth and continuous.
Positive displacement pumps
1. More complex, consists of several moving parts.
2. Speed is limited by the higher inertia of the moving parts and the fluid.
3. Suitable for fairly low volumes of flow at high pressures.
4. Higher maintenance cost.
5. Fluctuating flow.
5.3.2 Description And Working
7. Air vessels to reduce flow fluctuation and reduction of acceleration head and friction
Theoretical flow rate per second for single acting pump is given by,
Compared to the piston area, the piston rod area is very small and neglecting this will
lead to an error less than 1%.
5.3.4 Slip
There can be leakage along the valves, piston rings, gland and packing which will
reduce the discharge to some extent. This is accounted for by the term slip.
Where Qth is the theoretical discharge given by equation and Qac is the measured discharge.
If actual discharge is greater than theoretical discharge negative value is found
this negative value is called negative slip.
It has been found in some cases that Qac > Qth, due to operating conditions. In this
case the slip is called negative slip. When the delivery pipe is short or the delivery head is
small and the accelerating head in the suction side is high, the delivery valve is found to open
before the end of suction stroke and the water passes directly into the delivery pipe. Such a
situation leads to negative slip.
Theoretical power = mg(hs + hd ) W
where m is given by Q × δ.
Problem.1 A single acting reciprocating pump has a bore of 200 mm and a stroke of 350 mm
and runs at 45 rpm. The suction head is 8 m and the delivery head is 20 m. Determine the
theoretical discharge of water and power required. If slip is 10%, what is the actual flow rate ?
The piston in the reciprocating pump has to move from rest when it starts the suction
stroke. Hence it has to accelerate. The water in the suction pipe which is also not flowing at
this point has to be accelerated. Such acceleration results in a force which when divided by
area results as pressure.
When the piston passes the mid point, the velocity gets reduced and so there is
retardation of the piston together with the water in the cylinder and the pipe. This again results
in a pressure. These pressures are called acceleration pressure and is denoted as head of fluid
(h = P/ρg) for convenience.
Referring to the figure shown below the following equations are written.
This is the acceleration in the cylinder of area A. The acceleration in the pipe of area a
is=A/a w2rcosot.This head is imposed on the piston in addition to the static head at that
condition.This results in the modification of the indicator diagram as shown in figure.
This head is imposed on the piston in addition to the static head at that condition. This results
in the modification of the indicator diagram as shown in figure.
No change in the work done. pressure at 1′is around 2.5 m of head of water
(absolute). Which is directly related to speed, the speed of operation of reciprocating pumps
is limited. Later it will be shown than the installation of an air vessel alleviates this
problem to some extent.
Where hfs, hfd =loss of head due to acceleration in the suction and delivery Pipe.
Air vessel is a strong closed vessel as shown in figure. The top half contains
compressed air and the lower portion contains water or the fluid being pumped. Air and
water are separated by a flexible diaphragm which can move up or down depending on
the difference in pressure between the fluids. The air charged at near total delivery
pressure/suction pressure from the top and sealed. The air vessel is connected to the pipe
lines very near the pump, at nearly the pump level. On the delivery side, when at the
beginning and up to the middle of the delivery stroke the head equals hs + hf + ha , higher
than the static and friction heads. At this time part of the water from pump will flow into the
air vessel and the remaining will flow through the delivery pipe. This will increase the
compressed air pressure. At the middle stroke position the head will be sufficient to just
cause flow. The whole of the flow from pump will flow to the delivery pipe. At the second
half of the stroke the head will be equal to hs + hf – ha. At the position the head will be not
sufficient to cause flow. The compressed air pressure will act on the water and water charged
earlier into the air vessel will now flow out. Similar situation prevails on the suction side.
At the start and up to the middle of the suction stroke the head at the pump is higher than
static suction head by the amount of acceleration head. The flow will be more and part will
flow into the air vessel. The second half of the stroke water will flow out of the air vessel.
In this process the velocity of water in the delivery pipe beyond the air vessel is
uniform, and lower than the maximum velocity if air vessel is not fitted. Similar
situation prevails in the suction side also. The effect is not only to give uniform flow but
reduce the friction head to a considerable extent saving work. Without air vessel the
friction head increases, reaches a maximum value at the mid stroke and then decreases to
zero. With air vessel the friction head is lower and is constant throughout the stroke. This is
due to the constant velocity in the pipe.
5.1.1.Rotary Pumps
In Rotary pumps, movement of liquid is achieved by mechanical displacement of
liquid produced by rotation of a sealed arrangement of intermeshing rotating parts within
the pump casing.
5.1.2.The gear pump
Construction and Operation:
In this pump, intermeshing gears or rotors rotate in opposite directions, just like
the gears in a vehicle or a watch mechanism. The pump rotors are housed in the casing or
stator with a very small clearance between them and the casing. (The fluid being pumped
will lubricate this s mall clearance and help prevent friction and therefore wear of the
rotors and casing).
In this type of pump, only one of the rotors is driven. The intermeshing gears
rotate the other rotor. As the rotors rotate, the liquid or gas, (this type of machine can also
be used as a compressor), enters from the suction line and fills the spaces between the
teeth of the gears and becomes trapped forming small 'Slugs' of fluid between the teeth.
The slugs are then carried round by the rotation of the teeth to the discharge side
of the pump.
At this point, the gears mesh together and, as they do so, the fluid is displaced
from each cavity by the intermeshing teeth.
Since the fluid cannot pass the points of near contact of the intermeshed teeth nor
between the teeth and casing, it can only pass into the discharge line.
As the rotation continues, the teeth at the suction end are opened up again and the
same amount of fluid will fill the spaces and the process repeated. The liquid at the
discharge end is constantly being displaced (moved forward).
Thus gear pumps compel or force a fixed volume of fluid to be displaced for
each revolution of the rotors giving the 'Positive Displacement' action of the pump.
Gear pumps are generally operated at high speed and thus give a fairly
pulse-free discharge flow and pressure. Where these pumps are operated at slower speeds,
as in pumping viscous liquids, the output tends to pulsate due to the meshing of the tee th.
Any gas or air drawn into the pump with the liquid, will be carried through with the liquid
and will not cause cavitation. This action of the pump means that it's a 'Self Priming'
pump. The discharge pressure may however, fluctuate.
The output from this type of pump is directly proportional to the speed of ope
ration. If the speed is doubled, the output will be doubled and the pressure will have very
little effect. (At higher pressures, due to the fine clearances between the teeth and
between the casing and the rotors, a small leakage back to the suction side will occur
resulting in a very small drop in actual flow rate. The higher the discharge pressure, the
more likely that internal leakage will occur).
Rotary pumps are widely used for viscous liquids and are self -lubricating by the
fluid being pumped. This means that an external source of lubrication cannot be used as it
would contaminate the fluid being pumped. However, if a rotary pump is used for dirty
liquids or slurries, solid particles can get between the small clearances and cause wear of
the teeth and casing. This will result in loss of efficiency and expensive repair or
replacement of the pump.
6. What are the possible types of flow in open channel with respect to space and time?
A,steady and unsteady flow
B,uniform and nonuniform flow
7.what do you know about uniform and non uniform flow?
Uniform flow: If the given length of the channel ,depth ,velocity ,the rate of flow, cross
section are constant.
Non Uniform flow: If the given length of the channel ,depth ,velocity ,the rate of flow,
cross section are not constant.
8.Define specific energy:
It is defined as energy per unit weight of the liquid with respect to the bottom of the
9.What is meant by wetted perimeter?
The wetted perimeter (p) is the length of the line of intersection of the channel wetted
surface with the cross section plan normal to the direction of flow.
22.Define Hydraulic Efficiency:
It is defined as the ratio of power delivered to the runner to the power supplied at
the inlet.
23.Define mechanical efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of power at the shaft of the turbine to the power delivered by
the water to runner.
24.Define volumetric efficiency
It is defined as the ratio of volume of water actually striking the runner to the Volume
of water supplied to the runner.
If the water flows from outwards to inwards radially the turbine is called iward radial
flow turbine.
52.Write down the conditions of most economical circular channel with maximum velocity?
53.What do you mean by open channel flow?
1.Open channel flow has a free surface which is subjected to atmospheric pressure.
2.In open channel flow the cross section is irregular.
3. casing
4. breaking jet
64.What are the main mechanism of Radial flow reaction turbine?
1.casing mechanism
4.draft tube
65.Define Multistage pump:
If centrifugal pump consists of two or more impellers the pump is called multistage
pump. To produce a high head impellers are connected
in series .To produce high discharge impellers are connected in parallel.
66.Define Manometric head:
Manometric head is the head against which a centrifugal pump has to work.
Hm = Hs +hd +Hfs +Hfd + (vd /2g)
Where Hm – manometric head
Hs - suction head
Hd – delivery head
Hfs – friction head loss in suction pipe
Hfd – friction head loss in delivery pipe
67.What is Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) ?
NPSH is defined as the total head required to make liquid flow through suction pipe
to pipe impeller.
68.Define slip of a reciprocating pump and negative slip:
Slip is defined as the difference between theoretical discharge and actual discharge.
If actual discharge is greater than theoretical discharge negative value is
found this negative value is called negative slip.
75.What the two cases where distance of the normal depth of flow does not exit?
(a)When the channel bed is horizontal
(b) When the channel bed has a adverse slope.
76.What are the methods used for finding gradually varying flow profile?
1.Direct integration method
2.Numerical method
3.Graphical representation method.
77.What are the classification of hydraulic turbine according to the type of energy at inlet ?
(a)Impulse turbine and
(b Reaction turbine
78.What are the types of turbine according to direction of flow through runner?
(a)Tangential flow turbine
(b) Radial flow turbine
(c)Axial flow turbine
(d) Mixed flow turbine
79.What are the types of turbine according to the head at the inlet of the turbine?
(a)high head turbine
(b) medium head turbine
(c)low head turbine
80.What are the types of turbine according to the specific speed of the turbine?
(a)Low specific speed turbine
(b) Medium specific speed turbine
(c)High specific speed turbine.
81.Write down the expression for energy loss due to hydraulic jump?
HL = (d2-d1) / (4d1d2)
HL – energy loss due to hydraulic jump
D2 - depth of flow after the jump
D1 -- depth of flow before the jump
82.What do you mean by length of hydraulic jump?
This is defined as the length between the two sections where one section is taken before the
hydraulic jump and the second section is taken immediately after the jump.
83.What are the classification of flow in channels?
1.steady flow and un steady flow.
2.uniform flow and non uniform flow.
3.Laminar flow and turbulent flow and
4.sub critical , critical and super critical flow.
84.What are the types of Non uniform flow?
(i) Rapidly Varied Flow (R.V.F)
(ii) Gradually Varied Flow (G.V.F)
2 2
N=(120 ηmanVw2 D)/(π(D2 -D1 ) Where
ηman – manometric efficiency
Vw2 _- Whirl at out let of the turbine
D2 - diameter of impeller at out let
.90. Write down the use of centrifugal pump?
1.Used in deep sump and basement
2.The high discharge capacity
3.It is driven by electric motors
91.Define open channel flow?
The term open channel flow denotes the gravity-driven flow of a liquid with a free
Nu = N/√H
Nu –unit speed
N –number of rotations
H- head of the turbine
1. Turbines
2. Pumps or compressors..
104.What is the purpose of an air vessel fitted in the pump?
1.To obtain a continuous supply of liquid at a uniform rate.
2.To save a considerable amount of work in overcoming the frictional resistance
in the suction and delivery pipes, and
3.To run the pump at a high speed with out separation.
105. What is the work saved by fitting a air vessel in a single acting
,double acting pump?
Work saved by fitting air vessels in a single acting pump is 84.87%,
In a double acting pump the work saved is 39.2%.
106.What is Discharge through a Reciprocating Pump in Per sec ?
For Single acting
Discharge (Q)=ALN/60
A=Area of the Cylinder in m
L=Length of Stroke in m. N=Speed
of Crank in RPM
For Double acting
108. What is the Pressure head due to acceleration in the Suction & Delivery Pipe ?
hf=4fl(A/a*ωr sinθ) /2gd
2 2
f=Co-efficient of friction. A = Area of piston in m . a = Area of pipe in m .
ω = Angular speed r = Radius of crank
109. What is the relation between Work done of a Pump and Area of Indicator Diagram ?
Work done by the pump is Proportional to the area of the Indicator diagram.
110.. What is the Work done by the Pump per sec due to acceleration and friction in the
suction and delivery Pipes ?
For single acting
W= ρgALN(hs+hd+0.67hfs+0.67hfd)/60
For Double acting
Where hfs, hfd =loss of head due to acceleration in the suction and delivery Pipe.
v=Aω r/3.14a
ω =Angular velocity in rad/sec r =Radius
of the crank in m
A and a =Area of cylinder and Pipe in m